Chapter 6
In the morning, the first thing you did was check your computer for any new messages from Eridan. Sadly, there were none. You sighed, sincerely hoping that he was just going to go watch terrible chick-flicks with Kar or apologize to Fef instead of starting a fight with the so called "shitty mustardblood" he wanted as a rival.
You closed out of Pesterchum with a click of your mouse and went downstairs, muttering a greeting to your parents before making a bowl of cereal and sitting down at the table.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Your mom asked you, her voice dripping with concern.
You shrugged and brought a spoon full of cereal to your lips, not wanting your mom to worry about you or know about your alien boyfriend that was stupidly getting into a fight with another alien. You don't know that for sure. Stop thinking it. You chided yourself, taking another bite of your slightly soggy breakfast.
Your mom stayed quiet, but you could tell she was still worried. Your dad even looked a little uncertain.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." You finally replied, forcing a smile.
They nodded, seemingly accepting the answer, before going back to their own meals.
You sighed and got up. "I'm going to the lake." You told them before exiting through the front door.
It was sunny outside with barely a cloud in the sky. There was a slight breeze, but it wasn't too cold out with the warm rays from the sun shining from above. All in all, it was a perfect day and as soon as you stepped out, you felt infinitely better than you had before.
You made your way to the lake and, when you got there, you plopped down in your spot. Taking out your phone, you checked the Pesterchum app again. Nothing.
With a sigh, you put the device back in your pocket and rested your head on your arm, watching the middle of the lake. There was nothing. Just like you knew there would be, but it was still pleasant and it gave you time to clear your head.
Eventually, you got bored and went back home. Your parents were surprised that you were back so early, especially since you'd been out until sunset the rest of the week, but they didn't pry and you were thankful of that. You went on your laptop and scrolled through your Tumblr dash for a while, read a few fanfictions, that sort of thing, until you realized it was getting a bit late and you decided to get some sleep.
Your sleep was restless and full of nightmares of purple, yellow, green, and pink splatter, the roaring of a chainsaw, and bright white light. You woke up with a single name on your mind. Eridan. And immediately checked Pesterchum. Still nothing. Whatever that dream was though, it scared you and it had something to do with Eridan. You shivered before curling back in your F/C blankets and closing your eyes.
You didn't go back to sleep that night.
The next day, as soon as you woke up, you got dressed, grabbed a packet of pop tarts, and walked to the lake. Checking your phone clock, you realized it was still 8:30, but you decided to wait for him anyways. You had to know that he was alright as soon as possible.
It was a few hours before the bright light came. You stared on with wide eyes as the familiar purple cloaked figure materialized. As soon as the light faded away and his yellow eyes locked with yours, you got up and ran as fast as you could towards him, ignoring the splashing of the water and your soaked jeans and tackling him with a hug. Surprised, he fell over with a, "WWHAT THE FUCK!?" and you on top of him and you were both completely covered in the lake water.
He was blushing bright purple and his eyes were wide with confusion as you embraced him. Awkwardly, he patted your back, not sure what else to do. "Uh... Y/N, wwhat's goin on?" The troll questioned.
You shrugged, not letting go of him. "I had a bad dream, that's all."
"Oh..." He replied softly, almost as if he knew what you were feeling, and wrapped his arms around you as well.
Eventually, you got up, tucking strands of your H/C hair behind your ears and blushing. "Sorry about that."
"Don't be." He responded with a smile, getting up too.
You smiled back. And then it disappeared when you noticed that his cape was slightly charred and there was a faint bruise around his eye.
Noticing where you were staring, Eridan covered his eye with a hand and laughed nervously. "Um...I...may havve gotten in a fight on the Land of Brains and Fire..."
Deciding not to ask about the ridiculous name for the planet, you shoved him lightly, glaring. "It was with Sol, right?"
"Y/N, come on! It was just a small duel! Neither of us wwon anywways! Fef split us up and...look, I'm sorry!"
You sighed as you looked at the clearly sorrowful expression in his eyes. You couldn't stay mad at him... "Fine, I forgive you. Just...don't do it again, alright?"
He grinned and nodded. "Of course not."
You didn't trust him on that, but you nodded anyways. "Good. So, other than that, how did your visit with Fef go?"
"She clearly doesn't get the fact that I'm over her. I feel like she still thinks I'm tryin to get her back in a quadrant or somethin. Anywways, Sol and her are actually matesprits noww. I havve no idea wwhat she sees in him, but wwhatevver. Uh...good other than all that I suppose. It wwas a bit awwkwward though and I think she hates me." He explained.
You felt a bit bad for him. Getting rejected by a crush must suck. Especially if that crush is on one of your closest friends. Luckily, you were in his life now. And you would make sure he was never alone. In fact...
"Hey, Eridan?"
"Hm?" He said, looking up.
"Well...I was thinking... could stay here on Earth? I know it would be weird with the different cultures and if you went out in public we'd need to get you a disguise, but we'd be able to be together and... I don't know, it was kinda a stupid idea..."
"Y/N..." Eridan started. You looked up at him. "I wwould lovve to."
You grinned, hugging him again. He laughed and hugged you back, kissing you on the forehead.
"I'll have to finish up the game first though." Eridan explained. "They still need my help, but after wwe get the prize, I can sneak awway back here. I promise. I'll come back to you."
You nodded, a bit disappointed, but you could wait for a while. They were his friends after all. You kissed him again and, as you two giggled and talked in the lake, with the blazing sun smiling down at you, all was right with the world.
A/N: Awww cute ending for this chapter. Hope you guys liked it since there will be lots of feels later! Lots and lots of feels. owo Please leave a comment or a vote if you like this story so far! Thanks!
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