Chapter 8
Everyone stared up at that the new task that had been displayed for the students.
Calvary battle
"Calvary battle?" Kaminari asked. "I'm terrible at those."
"I always have a blast," Nami said as she punched her hand.
"Huh? It's not an individual event," Tsu pointed out.
"Oh, yes!" Mineta cheered.
"I wonder how they'll split us up," Tsu said.
"Allow me to explain," Midnight said as she turned to the screen. The screen showed Thirteen and Present Mic holding up All Might. "The participants will form teams of two-to-five people as they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference." She looked back at the students. "Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course."
"I get it a point-based system like the entrance exams," Sato said. "That seems pretty simple."
"So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it," Urakaka gathered.
"Uh-huh!" Ashido chimed as she made finger guns.
Midnight snapped at them. "Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you!" She changed back to a more cheery tone. "Now, then the point assignments go up by increments of five starting at the bottom. For example, 43rd place is worth five points, and 41st is worth ten. And the point value for first place contestant is...ten million!" Everyone looked at Midroriya with intense motives.
"Ten million?" Midoriya sweated.
'Really,' Shinso said.
'In other words, if you take down his team,' Hatsume thought.
'You'll win the Calvary Game,' all the students thought.
"That's right," Midnight confirmed. "It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top! Those of you at the top will suffer the most. Of course, that's something you'll hear over and over again at UA. Show us what 'Plus Ultra' means. Izuku Midoriya placed first in the qualifier. He'll be worth ten million!" Nami herself was worth 200 points; due to the pact her team was already worth 405 points with Bakugo being worth 205 points. "First years! These are the rules that you'll abide by: The game itself will last 15 minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. And another thing--Even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until time's up."
"It's anyone's game, then," Yaoyorozu said.
"And since there are 43 contestants, there'll be 10 or 12 teams fighting on the field," Sato suspected the entire time."
"Sounds hard," Aoyama said.
"So, if you lose your headband at the beginning, you have more time to make up a plan," Ashido said.
"I dunno, Mina," Tsu said. "Maybe we should wait and see how the teams turn out before we start strategizing."
"This is going to be rough," Midnight said. "You may use your Quirks as much as you like. But there are still rules! Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card. You'll be disqualified!"
'That takes the fun of it,' Nami thought to herself as she crossed her arms.
"Now, you've 15 minutes to build your teams," Midnight announced. "I recommend you get started." Nami and Bakugo immediately found each other.
"We are going to destroy those losers, Star Girl!" Bakugo smirked as the two clasped palms.
"It seems this pack was worth making after, Gremlin," Nami answered with a smile, closing one eye. "Now, who else?" Nami let go of him; she turned to the people approaching them from all around. In seconds they were surrounded by Sato, Sero, Aoyama, Shoji, Hagakure, and Ashido.
"You two should team with me!" Sato urged.
"No, you definitely want me by your sides!" Ashido requested.
"I don't want to bed, but please," Aoyama trembled.
"Ashido join us!" Nami accepted.
"Yay!" Ashido chimed.
"All of you have admiral Quirks," Nami said as she looked around the group. 'I hate leaving people out, but it's for the sake of the game. Shoji, Sato, and Sero could all be extremely valuable...Aoyama's good; but I don't want to worry about his tummy rumbling in the midst of our Calvary battle. Hagakure...the headband will be too noticeable...sorry girl.' She glanced back. "Se--"
"I'm not letting your bobblehead make all the damn decisions!" Bakugo said; he push Nami's head down putting a hand over her mouth.
'Didn't expect him to smell like caramel,' Nami thought to herself.
"Remind me what your Quirks are again," Bakugo requested. "And your names."
"You're kidding!" Ashido groaned. "We're your classmates!" Nami removed Bakugo's hand; standing back up fully.
"Can you really be that self-centered?" Sato asked.
"Okay," Nami began as she gestured to their classmates. "Sato his Quirk is Sugar Rush; sugar turns into strength." Bakugo glanced at her. "Ashido her Quirk is Acid. Aoyama's Quirk is Navel laser. Shoji's Quirk is Dupli-arms, Hagakure's quirk is invisibility and finally, Sero who's Quirk is tape."
"Bakugo!" Kirishima shouted. "Takeda! I was gonna try Todoroki, but he already picked a group." He shoved through his classmates. "Hey! We should team up!"
"Hey, dumb hair," Bakugo greeted.
"My name is Kirishima!" he exclaimed as he got closer. "And my hair's not that different than yours."
"His quirk is hardening," Nami informed.
"Come on," Kirishima began. "Bakugo, you wanna be the rider, right? So you're gonna need a strong front horse who won't be hurt by your blasts. That'd be me." He hardened his arm; Bakugo still wasn't sold.
"We need someone with guts," Bakugo said.
"My Quirk was made for this!" Kirishima assured. "I got you both covered! Let's got charging into battle together."
"Ah--" Bakugo sounded.
"Ten million," Kirishima said. "Bring it!" Bakugo growled a wicked smile. Seconds later they formed their team. Bakugo, Nami, Kirishima, Ashido, and Sero.
Nami looked over to see that Shinso had picked his team as well, Ojiro, Aoyama, and Shoda. 'I feel bad for not teaming up with Shinso, but on the way, he said he didn't want to team up if that was an option. As his friend, I am to respect his wishes.'
"Takeda," Ashido said putting a hand on her. "You still with us?"
"Yeah," Nami confirmed facing the group.
"You were checking out that guy," Ashido said.
"Shinso," Nami nodded. "He's a childhood friend, grew up together."
"What's his Quirk?" Sero asked.
"Brainwashing," Nami answered. "All it takes is for you to respond to him and you're under. You'll be aware of your state, but won't be able to talk or move your body of your own free will."
"You have some pretty strong childhood friends," Kirishima said. "First, Todoroki, and now that guy that declared war on our class."
'I wouldn't exactly call Shoto and I childhood friends,' Nami thought to herself as she looked at Shoto. He had teamed up with Yayorozu, Iida, and Kaminari. 'Even with us being in the same class now, I wouldn't exactly extend the word close friend to him.'
"We are going to destroy both," Bakugo said as the buzzer went off.
Midnight was in the midst of stretching. "Oh, goody. It's time to get this party started. "
"Hey, hey, look alive!" Present Mic said. "After 15 minutes to pick teammates and talk to strategy, 12 calvary teams are preparing to go head-to-head!"
"I see some unexpected student combinations," Aizawa noted.
"Come on, everyone, get your hands in the air!" Present Mic urged. "It's time for an arena-thumping UA battle royale! Let me hear ya scream!" Everyone got into positions; Nami was placed at the front with Kirishima; she had to link arms with him; while extending her other one back to Sero. Using her Quirk as a shield around herself; she'd be able to handle Bakugo's blast without a problem; she also extended her quirk to around Bakugo's head where the headband hung. "Okay, players! I hope you're happy with your chosen teams! Let's get this party started! One final countdown, before the game starts! Three!"
"Get 'im," Bakugo said as he cracked his knuckles.
"Two!" Present Mic counted. "One!" Nami activated her quirk; manipulating it to how Bakugo instructed.
"Begin!" Midnight shouted; everyone immediately charged onto the field; all heading for the Midoriya team who were Hatsuma, Urakaka, Tokoyami, and Dark Shadow.
"We're running away!" Midoriya declared before they could, Honenuki activated his quirk making them sink; that team suddenly blasted into the air, flying over everyone. Midoriya's team was doing great at avoiding people, Dark Shadow was keen on watching over the team's blind spots.
"Wow!" Present Mic shouted. "Barely two minutes have passed since we started, and it's already a total free for all! Yeah! Watch for those headbands! You can even ignore the ten million points and go after the other chart toppers!" Hatsume screamed in terror when her team went into the air again; Mineta's ball got stuck to one of her babies making it break. Bakugo wasted no time blasting up toward that team; pairing from his group.
"Gremlin!" Nami exclaimed.
"Kacchan!" Izuku gasped.
"Don't think for a second that you're safe," Bakugo warned as he got closer with another blast; he was now close to grabbing range. "I'VE GOT YOU!"
"Tokoyami!" Izuku shouted. Dark Shadow rose to attack Bakugo; he let out a blast protecting himself.
"WHOA!" Present Mic cried as the crow cheered. "What the hell's that?"
"Bakugo has been separate from his horses!" Present Mic said as Sero yanked Bakugo back to the group with his tape.
"Woah, nice catch!" Kirishima complimented as Bakugo fell into the hold of his group; Nami focused her stellar energy to create a barrier for Bakugo to land on if Sero dropped him. Thankfully, Sero showed no signs of stumbling with the catch. They all looked at Bakugo as he repositioned himself.
"Is that even allowed?" Present Mic asked.
"He never touched the ground so technically it's okay," Midnight answered
"As expected everyone's after the first-place team, giving them no time to catch their breath!" Present Mic said. "What a show this is! Now, who wants to take a look at each team's points so far? It's been seven minutes, so let's get those rankings thrown up on the screen." Everyone gasped. "Hold on here. This is an unexpected turn."
"Ah!" Nami sounded someone slammed their hand into her stomach; everything was spinning super fast; it made her stellar barrier break.
"Woah, Takeda!" Kirishima gasped as the team's headband got taken. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Nami assured; she looked to see that Kaibara was smiling at her wickedly; he had used his quirk to plow through hers."
"Other than Midoriya, Class 1-A not doin' so hot!" Present Mic said. "Even Bakugo is losing!"
"Your class is too small-minded," Monoma said as he was his team's rider. "Think bigger."
"He got us!" Ashido gasped.
"Sorry, guys," Nami apologized, she glanced down to see that the bottom half of her shirt and track jacket had been shredded leaving her stomach open.
Monoma's team stopped moving. "Midnight said the obstacle course was just the first game, and we figured they wouldn't cut that many of us right off the bat. Would they?" Monoma looked back at them.
"Huh?" Bakugo asked; he glanced at Nami and then back at Monoma.
"Assuming, they'd keep at least 40 contestants for the next event, all we had to do was make sure we stayed within that group as we ran," Monoma explained. "From our spots in the middle rank, we could dully observe the Quirks our rivals had and judge their capabilities. Only a fool would obsess over winning the preliminary rounds, wouldn't you agree?"
"You planned this as a class?" Bakugo asked.
"It wasn't totally anonymous," Monoma said as he put the headband around his neck. "But I'd say it's playing out well. It's better than chasing after a temporary frontrunner like a horse with a carrot waving in his face. Oh, while I have your attention. You're kinda famous, aren't you? For being attacked by that sludge villain. You'll have to tell me about it sometime." Nami glanced at Bakugo to find rage devouring him completely. " It must be strange always finding yourself in the role of the victim."
"Kirishima...Star Girl...we have a change of plans," Bakugo growled. Kirishima looked back; hasped in a little fear at his classmate's state. Ashido, Kirishima, and Sero all whimpered as Nami focused her sights back on the team in front of them. "Before we take down Deku, we're gonna kill every last one of these B-list idiots!"
"Grab the other ones around his neck while you're murdering them," Nami suggested; he tapped her head, Nami's quirk flooded the ground like a supernova; sweeping under Monoma's team.
"And now we've reached the halfway point of the game!" Present Mic announced. "As the Calvary battle enters its second half, it's anyone's game! Class 1-B has made an unexpected showing, but who will wear the ten million points in the end? That's the real question, sports fans!" Nami's stellar energy rose up washing over other teams; then returned taking some headbands with them. "WOAH! Talk about going interstellar!"
"Guard these," Nami said as she held up hand bands she gathered; Bakugo took them. The pins and needles feelings started to increase Nami had to manipulate someone of her stellar into her hands to help keep Bakugo up; Aries was completely lit up.
"He's stopped all those teams cold in their tracks!" Present Mic said, Nami glanced to see that Todoroki had frozen a ton of other teams.
"But only after Kaminari had immobilized the students using his electricity," Aizawa added. "In the obstacle course, he was surprised by how many people avoided his attack. He's adapting his strategy."
"Nice commentary!" Present Mic complimented. "Team Midoriya has nowhere left to run!"
"Monoma, don't provoke him, man," Kaibara advised. "It's the kind of thing he'd do."
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Monoma agreed. "It's not very heroic of me. Besides, you know how these things work. Heroes are always being hounded by moronic villains desperate for some kind of revenge."
"Calm, down, Bakugo," Kirishima advised as he glanced back. "You've gotta keep a level head or we'll never get those points back!"
Bakugo growled; he punched his hands letting out an explosion. "Shut up! I've never been calmer. Can't you tell? Now get after them, Kirishima, Star Girl!"
"Please don't make us regret this!" Kirishima urged as they started to take off.
"Whatever you have in mind do it fast!" Nami urged. "My arms are starting to go!" Kirishima glanced to see that her hand was in fact completely gone from sight; he could feel her wrist missing. Sero looked to see if that was the case for him too.
"You think you're tough?" Bakugo demanded. "DIE!" He let out an explosion as he went to attack; Monoma moved his hand; when Bakugo looked back, Monoma let off a blast in his face.
"Huh," Monoma smiled. "Wow. I can see why you like this Quirk!"
"My power," Bakugo said as his team regained themselves from the blast.
"Whoa, weird!" Kirishima gasped. "That guy has your Quirk!"
Bakugo growled; he went to attack again. "DAMN IT!"
"You both have impressive powers," Monoma complimented; when the smoke disappeared the rival was hardened like Kirishima. "But I think you'll agree mine's better."
"Huh?" Nami asked.
"What?" Kirishima asked. "Mine, too?"
"Bastard," Bakugo grunted. "His Quirk. He can copy other powers. "
"Very good," Monoma said as he deactivated Kirishima's quirk. "So even an idiot could figure it out." Bakugo started to growl again. They went forward; but got stopped by lots of glue; they looked to see another team. "Nice one. Thanks for the backup, Bondo."
"Monoma," Kaibara said. "If we keep those headbands, we're good. As long as no one gets near us, we'll make our class proud."
"Stop 'em!" Bakugo ordered.
"We got an issue!" Nami informed as she found her shoes stuck to the ground from Bondo's glue.
"It's too sticky!" Kirishima said. "Crap! We can't move!" Bakugo looked down to see both Kirishima and Nami were stuck.
"No prob!" Ashido said. "I'll melt through this gunk with my Quirk!"
"Well hurry!" Sero pleaded. "We are sitting low on points!"
"Just free Kirishima!" Nami advised. "Don't worry about me when we get ready to move again!"
"But you're stuck too!" Sero exclaimed as he looked at her.
"Technically no," Nami said as she lifted her leg out; she was using stellar energy for her feet. "My feet are gone!"
"FREAKY!" Kirishima and Sero shouted.
Monoma looked back at Bakugo's team. "Oh, no hard feelings, right?" He let off an expulsion. "After all, you provoked us. What was it you said in your little speech before the game? Uh...Oh, right. Oof!"
"Only one minute left!" Present Mic announced over the cheers from the crowd. "Todoroki has cornered the ten-million-point team and is poised to seize the ultimate prize! At least that's what I predicted five minutes ago!" He laughed. "Unbelievably, Team Midoriya's been able to keep away from the ice master for the last half of the game! WA-HO-HO! What just happened? That was one big blur! Holy smokes, fire! Why didn't he show that super speed in the preliminaries? Insanity! The entire game was just turned completely on its hands! Todoroki's team has the ten million points and Midoroiya's team is suddenly left with nothing at all! With time almost up! Team Todoroki is in first place with four headbands. Despite their best efforts, Team Midoriya has fallen to the bottom! Will these be the top four teams that move on to the next round?" Team Monoma, Second place!" Soon Bakugo's team was freed from the gunk; Nami was using the stellar energy as shoes practically to keep going, but her shoes got left behind.
"LOSERS!" Bakugo yelled. "Get back here!"
"Doesn't he ever give up?" Monoma asked in annoyance. "Knowing you've been bested is an important part of being a hero."
"HEY!" Kirishima shouted as Bakugo blasted over to Monoma's team. "Don't just fly off on your own!"
"Not again!" Nami groaned.
"Tsuburaba! Stop him!" Monoma ordered. Tsuburaba trapped Bakugo in a ball of solid air. Bakugo began punching the wall repeatedly.
"You look pretty stupid fighting with air," Tsuburaba teased. Bakugo let out a big yell with his final; punch, he grabbed the headbands from Monoma's neck.
"Crap, he snatched some of them!" Monoma panicked as Sero pulled Bakugo back to them.
"Team Bakugo nabs two headbands and moves into third place!" Present Mic announced. "The final moments of the game have been full of shakeups. Oh, to be young again!"
"I told you to warn us before you jumped!" Sero shouted as they got Bakugo back to their group.
"Did you get all the headbands?" Nami asked.
"Whatever, this means we're advancing," Kirishima said as they continued running.
"We're not done!" Bakugo denied as he grabbed Nami's head and pounded Kirishima's head. "We're gonna be indisputable champions of the game!
"Now, look at this," Aizawa said. "Class 1-B's strategy was a reasonable one, but there's one thing they forgot to consider."
"I couldn't brace myself earlier when I jumped," Bakugo admitted. "Get closer!" He clenched his fist. "We'll get our points from this idiot, then go for the big one!"
"Heh," Kirishima smirked; everyone had a similar feeling.
"Do it!" Sero shouted.
"Elbow guy, Tape 'im!" Bakugo ordered as he lifted his leg.
"My name's Sero!" Sero said as he shot out tape passing Monoma's tea,
"You missed," Monoma said.
"Raccoon eyes!" Bakugo said. "Lay down some acid in the direction we're going." He lifted his leg.
"It's Mina Ashido!" Mina shouted as she did as she was told.
"Star Girl!" Bakugo shouted. "Give me an extra comet boost!" He readied his hands behind him.
"You got it, Gremlin!" Nami said as she moved her arms; stellar energy pushed the team to go fast as he let out two explosions.
"Class 1-B didn't take into account Bakugo's overwhelming tenacity," Aizawa said. Bakugo let out a yell and an explosion as they zoomed past Monoma; snatching back the last headband around his neck.
"Bakugo is a merciless force!" Present Mic announced. "What a point hog! That was a shield break heard 'round the area, and I can't wait to watch the replay!"
"Now!" Bakugo grunted. "We're going after Deku and Todoroki. STAR GIRL!"
"Aye!" Nami responded as she went to move her arm; they were gone at the middle of her elbow a stellar hammer formed it began to hit the ice on repeat.
"With just 11 seconds left, Team Midoriya is back in the game!" Present Mic announced. "Oh, no! Team Midoriya didn't get the ten million points after all! The game is almost over! Time for a breakdown!" Nami's hammer disappeared, she didn't even know which zodiac had appeared on her at this point. The time buzzer enters the last ten seconds.
"DEKU!" Bakugo yelled as he blasted through the last bits of the ice.
"Bakugo!" Kirishima shouted.
"Who's got the points?" Bakugo asked looking between Midoriya and Todoroki's team.
"Todoroki!" Nami answered.
"DAMNIT ICEY HOT!" Bakugo roared as he changed direction with his explosions; everything was getting more intense.
"TIME's UP!" Present Mic sounded; Bakugo fell forward and so did Nami as she stop her Quirk. "And with that, the second round is officially over!"
"Bakugo!" Sero shouted as he ran over with others; with Nami on his back; he was holding her up with his tape.
"Are you okay, man?" Kirishima asked.
"How does the dirt taste?" Nami asked. Bakugo growled as he pounded at the ground.
"Now, let's take a look at who our top four teams are!" Present Mic announced. "In first place, Team Todoroki!"
"We ended in first place, but it was too close for comfort," Yayorozu said as she held her stomach.
"I'm sorry, I let everyone down, didn't I?" Iida asked.
"That's not true," Yaoyorozu denied. "You're the reason we won. Thank goodness for that special move of yours. "
"In second place, Team Bakugo!" Present Mic announced.
"Ugh, we were so close to first place," Ashido said.
"Uh, sure," Sero said. "But we're movin' on, so it's all good."
"I don't think our leader will agree with you," Kirishima groaned; they all looked at Bakugo who was punching the ground. "Like at all." Bakugo let out a scream.
"I'm just glad it's over," Nami said as she put her face against Sero's back. "Did anyone grab my shoes?"
"We can look for them in a bit," Sero assured; Bakugo looked back at Nami; from up her arm sleeve; he could see half of Gemini glowing.
"In third place, is Tetsute--Wait, what?" Present Mic asked. "It's Team Shinso? When did they come back from the dead?" Nami looked over to see everyone but Shinso in a state of confusion.
"Thanks for all your help," Shinso said as he walked away from his team.
"And in fourth place is Team Midoriya!" Present Mic announced. At the sound of loud crying, Nami looked over to see powerful jet works coming out of Midoriya's eyes sinking him into the ground. "These four valiant teams will advance on to the final round!"
"Now, let's take an hour lunch break before we start the afternoon festivities!" Present Mic announced. "See ya soon! Hey, Eraser Head. Let's grab some food."
"I'm taking a nap," Aizawa said.
Nami let up. "That will give me more than enough time for my limbs to return!"
"I'll help you find your shoes," Sero offered as the groups all disbanded.
'Well, you are the one holding me up,' Nami thought to herself as they searched the ground.
Sero looked back at her. "So, what's it like to have them gone in the first place?"
"Phantom pain, " Nami answered. "Pins and needles with phantom pain."
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