Brutus had to pretty much beg Hunter to let him leave the territory to see Darrell, Hunter only agreed as long as he went with him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.
"Uncle Brutus!" Jasmine and Blythe almost shrieked when Brutus came rushing in and wrapped both of them in a tight hug.
"Hey Brutus..." Darrell's voice was still pretty weak as he gave his best friend the best smile he could manage.
"Oh my God Darrell!" Brutus ran over to the bed wrapping his best friend in a hug being as gentle as he possibly could...In the meantime...
"Hunter, please just tell me I'm not going to have any trouble with him." Olivia sighed as she rubbed her temple.
"Relax Liv, I've kept him out of it for this long, I'll make sure he doesn't give you any trouble."
As an alpha Hunter made sure to only get important information on only his pack's mates both human and non-human, but other than that stayed out of their personal lives out of respect.
" Sigh , tell me again how he found out in the first place."
"We were hanging out together with our 'friend group' (aka pack) and well Brutus mentioned that had planned on visiting Darrell that night but... chuckle , when he called to see if it was cool for him to come on over, Darrell had to make up some excuse because Brutus' boyfriend had planned a surprise dinner for them that night and had asked Darrell to help plan it since he knew Brutus better than anyone. Anyway Brutus went there the next day to thank Darrell and the girls for helping Aden out...only to find the door covered with police tape. Needless to say it didn't take him too long to figure out something bad happened. So he called Darrell only for Jasmine to tell him what hospital they were at..."
...Hours Later
"Please Alpha!" Brutus whispered a shout
"Allow me to stay the night! I promise I'll stay put in the room I won't even leave the building!"
After some encouragement from Brutus, Darrell had finally given the names of the men who attacked them. That was the main reason why Hunter didn't want Brutus here by himself. Now that he knows the names of the men who hurt his friends. Hunter remembered the last time someone had hurt one of the girls...and it resulted in Brutus accidentally revealing himself to all three of them.
If he were to do it again I'm not sure I'll be able to get him out of it this time.
"Please Alpha! I need to be with them! Please!"
Hunter was silent as he thought about it for a moment...he glanced inside at the Wilsons then back to Brutus...
" Sigh ...Brutus...I'm trusting you here. Please, please don't make me regret it."
"Thank you Alpha! Thank you!" Brutus bowed in respect before running back to the room to be with his friend and nieces.
...hours later...
"What?! Please tell me you're joking right now!"
"I'm sorry sir but his results show clear as day." The doctor had just explained to Brutus Darrell's situation.
"And I thought that since you are such a close friend to the patient he might take it easier if you were in the room with him."
Brutus felt tears run down his cheeks, No! Nonono! This can't be happening! This is going to affect him for the rest of his life!
Brutus, Jasmine and Blythe hugged Darrell while he was in tears, he had just gotten the news from the doctor. Darrell's spine was severely damaged meaning he was going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
"I promise Darrell I'll do everything I can to help you get through this! If you need anything don't hesitate to call me!" Brutus's kind words brought warmth to Darrell's heart.
"Thank you Brutus, I don't know where we'd be without you." Darrell patted his friend's hand
"Yeah thank you uncle Brutus for always being there for us!" Jasmine hugged him
"Yeah daddy's lucky to have found a friend like you."
"Yeah...friend..." Brutus felt a lump in his throat as he heard the word 'friend'.
In case you're wondering, Brutus used to have a huge crush on Darrell when they first met as teenagers and still feels a bit embarrassed for being put in the friend zone. As he did not know Darrell was straight given he rarely dated anyone at that time and thought he might have a chance. Brutus still has yet to realize that Darrell had caught on to his feelings long ago but never said anything as he didn't want to ruin their friendship at that time. When Darrell met Nichole it was also the same time Brutus met Aden. And Darrell pretty much did everything he could to get the two together...and he succeeded. Though Aden worries that Brutus's feelings are still lingering.
Brutus was fast asleep on the couch with Blythe sleeping soundly on his lap. Jasmine was sleeping next to her father, using the chair as a sort of a makeshift bed with her upper body resting on the side of Darrell's bed. So far so good everything seemed peaceful...until Brutus caught a whiff of something! A scent unfamiliar to him...
This scent? It doesn't belong to any of the doctors or nurses that have been coming in and out of here?...wait is that?!
There was another scent...
I smell gunpowder!!!
Brutus snarled slightly as he gently scooted out from under Blythe and set a pillow under her head, careful not to wake her before sneaking over to the door and peeking out the blinds. Three Asian men were heading their way.
Brutus took a deep breath and thought about it, he could easily lock the door and contact his Alpha's mate...
But these cowards would just book it before anyone can get here...
Then he stole a glance back at Darrell and the girls and his fists clenched, eyes turning yellow for a moment.
I'm sorry Alpha...But I can't let them get away with this!
He then turned opened the door and walked out as the three immediately stopped and turned to face each other 'pretending' that they had been in the middle of a deep conversation and not on their way to murder his friends! Brutus stayed calm and pulled out his phone pretending to text someone as he headed towards the three. Once he was close enough for all three to hear, put his phone up to his ear and whispered to the three.
"I know why you're here, backdoor, alleyway now. And if you even think of taking a step towards that door I won't hesitate to beat all three of your asses right here and now. And I don't give a damn who's watching, I know you bastards aren't stupid enough to use those guns in front of all these witnesses...So what will it be?"
One of them smirked as he replied
" Pft! Didn't think someone could be so smart, yet so stupid at the same time." He turned slowly to grin evilly at Brutus.
"Fine by me, that just means extra cash for us. Heh Lead the way."
And Brutus did, he headed towards the back exit as the obvious leader's two minions stared at him in confusion.
"What the Fuck man! That's not our job! We're here to off that snitch and his two bitches!" One of them whispered a shout as the leader slowly turned his friends towards the back door.
"Relax guys, old man can't walk anymore, and it's not like his oh so loving daughters are going to leave him to die alone, besides...I have a feeling this'll be fun."
They now stood just outside the door as he continued,
"We can knock this guy off his high horse and have a bit of fun before shooting him. Then we'll off the other we can charge the guy extra for this one, I'm thinking $500,000 each.
The others chuckled darkly,
"'re a genius." And they stepped out into the dark alley...
"Alright big guy, let's make this quick, we've got a job to do."
"Oh I wouldn't worry about that if I were you." Brutus stepped out of the shadows in his mid form. Yellow eyes, fangs, fur covered arms, long sharp claws, pointed ears, and his tail wagging slightly behind him. His appearance gave him the desired results.
"What The Fuck?!" All three men jumped back and wiped out their guns pointing them at Brutus who simply laughed.
"So sorry boys, but unless your bullets are made of silver, I'm afraid that those guns won't work on me." Brutus flicked his claw as he turned to glare at all three men, rage and fury filled his dark yellow eyes. He took a step forward and one guy fired.
"Stay back!"
Only to have Brutus lift up an arm wince slightly as he was hit, the men froze in fear as Brutus merely glanced at his arm as the bullet slowly popped out as the wound healed to where it was completely gone, no scar no sign that he was ever shot in the first place.
"Like I said..." Brutus spoke with a slightly unamused look, flicking his sharp nails once more
"Unless they're made of silver you can't hurt me...Now my friends on the other hand..."
Before he could finish the three men turned on their heels and ran...unfortunately for them Brutus was faster and blocked the entrance to the alley way before they could get away. All three pulled out their guns and just started firing until their guns were empty...only to shrink in horror as Brutus had brought up both arms blocking most of the shots, watching as the bullets hit the ground and wounds heal up so quickly as if they were never there.
"Now as I was saying..." Too frightened to even move just starred as Brutus flicked small bits of broken bullets off his fur.
"I wasn't too happy after hearing about what you and your friends did to Darrell and his girls. You know Darrell and I have been friends since we were kids. I see him as a brother to me and I treat Jasmine and Blythe as if they were my own nieces." Brutus clenched and unclenched his fist taking a step forward driving the men far back into the end of the alley.
"You really shouldn't have come here."
"Please! We promise we'll leave your friends alone!"
"We'll tell the boss to back off!"
"You'll never see us again! We promise we'll stay away!"
All three pleaded with Brutus as he stared down at them before baring his fangs.
"How many?"
"How many innocent people have you raped and murdered?" Brutus snarled as the three cowered in fear.
"H-Hey! Come on man, we were just doing our jobs!"
"Yeah! We're just trying to make money like everyone else!"
"It's not our fault people can't pay up on time!"
Then a thought came to Sicong's head: Maybe we can get this thing to work for us. Not only will we live but the boss just might promote us and pay us wildly if we can get something like this to work for him!
"You know whatever you do to us won't change anything, the boss will just send more men to kill them and you'll just be added to the list! You won't get away with this freak! If you want any chance at living then I suggest you take your monster ass the hell out of here!"
"Or better yet, why don't you come work for us. You'll be paid greatly and the boss will even keep your little secret."
"And if you agree as a favor the boss will let your friend off the hook. He and his girls can live and you'll be loaded with more money than you know what to do with...And, he might even gift you with your own little pet."
Wrong. Answer.
Brutus chuckled darkly. I thought giving them a little scare would be enough! But these bastards still think they're in the right! And now they're even trying to bribe me to work for this sick boss of theirs...Oh well I gave them a chance...
"You know..." He began walking towards them
"You should really be careful with who you mess with..."
The three men shrunk realizing their plan had failed...and they were about to die.
"Because you never know who their friends might be!"
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