AEW: Fight Of The Fallen!
Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston, Sami Callihan & Michelle Shaw were sitting outside by the bonfire with the dogs.
Eddie-''What's up, guys & gals?''
Jon-''Welcome to All Elite Whiskey!''
Sami-''We have a great special guest joining us tonight.''
Michelle-''He is a veteran in this company, a former world champion, a great friend of ours and a future AEW Champion....Christian Cage!''
Everyone stood up as Christian Cage stepped outside.
Christian-''Mick, that introduction totally reeked of awesomeness!''
Michelle & Christian hugged.
Christian-''So good to see you again, Mick. It's been a while.''
Michelle-''I know. It's great to see you too.''
Christian bumped fists with the guys and everyone sat down.
Sami-''How have you been, Christian?''
Christian-''I've been doing great, man. I'm over the moon the last several months because I'm wrestling again, wrestling in front of crowds again....I'm loving every minute of getting a second chance at living my dream.''
Michelle-''I'm sure that's made your friendship with Edge that much more meaningful because both of you are in the same boat as far as what has happened in your careers.''
Christian-''That's true. We came into the business together, were forced to retire and we were both able to came back to live our dream again.''
Everyone smiled.
Christian-''It has made our bond closer, even though I thought we were as close as two brothers could be already.''
Christian-''But yeah, this experience has been crazy and I'm grateful for every second.''
Jon-''That's awesome.''
Everyone smiled.
Christian-''So, are we drinking whiskey or what?''
Jon-''There's the Christian we know and love!''
Jon poured the first round.
Jon-''To Christian Cage for joining us on the show!''
Everyone raised their glasses.
They drank their whiskey.
Eddie-''Ok, let's break it down for all of you about what happened on AEW: Fight Of The Fallen!''
Sami-''Fight of the Fallen kicked off in a big way with The Dark Order and Adam Page vs The Elite!''
Christian-''That was an excellent elimination tag team match.''
Michelle-''It really was, Cage. But unfortunately, Adam Page and Dark Order won't be getting their championship matches because The Elite won.''
Sami-''But Page vs Omega has to happen. The fans wanna see it, we all wanna see it, Adam Page wants it and I'm convinced that the match will happen.''
Eddie-''I agree with you, brother.''
Michelle poured the next round.
Jon-''Cage, what do you think about Malakia Black being in AEW?''
Christian-''I think it's pretty cool to have him in AEW. He's a very mysterious guy, which makes the fans interested, but I can't wait to see what he has planned for AEW.''
They drank their whiskey.
Jon-''Ricky's FTW Championship celebration was interrupted by Brian Cage.''
Sami-''Brian came out there and took out the band that was playing at ringside.''
Eddie-''Christian Cage, is Brian Cage family of yours?''
Christian-''He's a distant cousin. Twice removed.''
Everyone burst out laughing!
Sami poured the next round.
Eddie-''What is your view on The Inner Circle's rivalry with The Pineapple, Cage?''
They drank their whiskey.
Christian-''I love a good rivalry and this is one of them for sure.''
Everyone nodded.
Christian-''The Inner Circle & Pineapple have been tearing each other apart in matches, backstage brawls, fighting in the streets and Lord knows where else.''
Everyone chuckled.
Christian-''It's been a hell of a war and I can't wait to see where it goes from here between both teams. Whether it be in groups, tag teams or singles competition.''
Eddie poured the next round.
Sami-''The IWGP US Championship was on the line once again this past week where Lance Archer beat Hikuleo.''
Christian-''Mox, sorry about losing the title last week, man. You had a hell of a reign though.''
Jon-''Thanks, bro. I will have my opportunity to get it back someday and when I do, I will get it back.''
Everyone smiled and drank their whiskey.
Michelle-''Time for smores, guys!''
Christian-''Yeah, I love smores! Ah, hell....who doesn't?!''
Sami-''Damn right!''
Everyone laughed.
They all put marshmallows on chop sticks and held them over the fire.
Christian-''This actually reminds me of a camping trip I took with Edge and our parents back when we were teenagers.''
Everyone smiled.
Christian-''We were all sitting around the campfire and started to make smores while my Dad was telling us a ghost story.''
Christian smiled.
Christian-''Now, I can't recall what the ghost story was about, but I do recall that I was scared by what he was telling us.''
Everyone chuckled.
Christian-''I was so scared that I wasn't paying attention to my marshmallows that were completely engulfed in flames!''
Everyone laughed.
Christian-''Once my Mom pointed out that my marshmallows were on fire, I tried putting it out by shaking it on the stick violently!''
Everyone laughed.
Christian-''The next thing I know, the marshmallows go flying off the stick and onto Edge's shirt!''
Jon-''Oh, damn!''
Christian-''And because the marshmallows were melted, they stuck to his shirt and was on fire at the same time!''
Michelle-''Oh, my. Then what?''
Christian-''Everyone was freaking out because now Edge is on fire!''
Christian-''The closest water we had was the lake. Edge ran onto the dock and dove into the water to put the fire out!''
Everyone laughed!
Christian-''Man, those were good times!''
Everyone laughed uncontrollably.
Eddie-''Was Edge mad at you?''
Christian-''No! We were laughing our asses off after he pulled me into the lake!''
Everyone laughed. They made their smores and started eating.
Christian-''Our parents were pretty mad though.''
Everyone chuckled.
Michelle-''That was a great story.''
Jon poured the next round.
Sami-''Cage, it must've felt good to beat Matt Hardy at Fyter Fest.''
Christian-''It did feel good. Felt great to beat Hardy Family Office alongside Jurassic Express this past week too.''
Eddie-''Cool. But The Blade knocking you out with brass knuckles couldn't have felt good at all.''
Christian-''It didn't. But I will do more than knock his ass out next week.''
They finished their smores and drank their whiskey.
Jon-''The main event was The Painmaker Chris Jericho vs Nick Gage in a No Rules Match!''
Sami-''That fight was insane!''
Eddie-''Right up our alley, brothers!''
Jon, Sami & Eddie smiled.
Jon-''It was classic Nick Gage with the pizza cutter.''
Sami-''And the large glass.''
Eddie-''Hell, everything that happened in that match was classic Nick Gage.''
Michelle-''But despite everything that Gage threw at Jericho, he beat Gage.''
Christian-''Yeah. It was a bloody fight.''
Michelle poured the next round.
Jon-''Well, that's everything that happened at Fight of the Fallen.''
They drank their whiskey.
Christian-''Hey, Mick....did you ever tell these guys about that time that you, me, Edge & your two brothers ended up in a haunted house?''
Eddie-''Say what now?''
Sami-''Haunted house?''
Christian-''Mox, you know this story, right?''
Jon-''I do. But I never told Sami & Eddie about it yet.''
Christian-''You wanna help me tell them and all the fans out there what happened, Mick?''
Michelle-''Oh, man. I need some more whiskey for this.''
Everyone chuckled.
Jon-''Coming right up, babygirl.''
Jon poured the next round and they drank their whiskey.
Michelle-''Ok. Chris Johnson and Norman Reedus are gonna love this story.''
Everyone smiled.
Jon-''You know they're watching, baby.''
Everyone chuckled.
Michelle-''Ok, it was myself, Edge & Christian. Along with my eldest brother, Scott, and my younger brother, Diego.''
Jon poured the next round.
Michelle-''All 5 of us were on a road trip to go to a rock concert in the next town. So, we're driving in the middle of nowhere during the night.''
Eddie-''That's how every horror movie starts.''
Everyone laughed.
Sami-''What year was this?''
Sami-''Ok. Continue.''
Michelle-''So, we were driving and the car broke down for some odd reason. Luckily, my Dad started teaching me everything about cars since before I could even talk.''
Everyone smiled.
Michelle-''So, I get out and check under the hood....''
Michelle was checking under the hood as Edge held the torch for her to see what the problem was while Christian, Scott & Diego were standing in the road looking out for any other cars that might be passing by.
Michelle-''Son of a bitch.''
Edge-''What's wrong?''
Michelle-''The battery is flat.''
Scott-''How is that possible? We got that battery only a few months ago.''
Michelle-''It'll happen whether the battery is new or old. All it needs is a jump start.''
Diego-''But that requires another car.''
Edge-''Well, do we wait for someone to drive by or is there a gas station nearby?''
Scott-''I'll get the map in the car.''
Scott got the map and opened it up on the hood of the car.
Edge-''Damn. The closest gas station is 5 miles from here.''
Christian-''Well, a couple of us can walk there and ask for help while the rest stay here and hope for a car to pass by.''
Diego-''Really think splitting up is a good idea?''
Michelle-''In the middle of the night? No. We should just wait til morning.''
Scott-''Hey, guys? Look over there.''
Scott pointed with the torch and they could see lights in the distance between the trees of the wooded area.
Edge-''A house?''
Scott-''Lights mean people.''
Christian-''In the middle of nowhere, lights mean crazy people.''
Michelle-''Crazy or not. If they have a car, it could help us.''
Edge-''They can give us a jump start.''
Christian-''The only jump they'll give when they jump on us before stabbing us to death!''
They chuckled at him.
Christian-''I'm serious!''
Diego-''You watch way too many horror movies.''
Scott-''So, are we going over there?''
Christian-''You guys aren't serious?''
Michelle-''Hey, there's 5 of us. 3 of us are wrestlers. I'm pretty sure if we come across any crazy people, we can take 'em. Also we stick together at all times.''
Edge-''Sounds like a plan.''
Christian-''We are so dead.''
Edge & Michelle laughed.
Michelle-''Hold up.''
Michelle walked over and opened the trunk of the car. She opened a duffle bag as the men walked over to her.
Edge-''What's with the weapons, Mick?''
Michelle-''Gotta stay safe, boys. Pick your poison and let's go see what's out there.''
Michelle, Scott & Diego had their baseball bats. Edge had an axe and Christian had a shotgun.
They all walked into the woods until they found a house with it's lights on.
Christian-''This doesn't feel right.''
Edge-''Remember, we stick together.''
They walked up to the house. They walked up the porch steps and Scott knocked on the door.
Diego-''I hope we're not waking anyone up.''
Then the door opened slowly making a creaking noise, but no one was there.
Christian-''Ok, I'm done.''
Christian was going to walk away, but Edge grabbed his arm.
Edge-''We gotta stick together.''
Michelle walked into the house.
Christian-''And she walks inside?''
Michelle-''Come on.''
Michelle looked at them as they were standing on the porch. Then the door suddenly slammed shut!
Men-''*Girly screams* AAHH!!''
Michelle opened the door and gave them the 'really' look.
Michelle-''Seriously, guys?''
Edge-''The door closed by itself!''
Michelle-''The wind blew it closed because all the windows are open.''
Michelle turned and walked further into the house as the men slowly walked in.
Michelle-''Seems quiet.''
Scott-''Too quiet.''
Then they heard footsteps coming from upstairs.
Diego-''Someone's here.''
Christian-''And they're not gonna be thrilled about us walking into their house in the middle of the night.''
Michelle-''Excuse me?! *looks up the staircase* Uh, our car broke down and we were wondering if we could use your help?!''
They heard footsteps again and a door close upstairs.
Michelle-''Whoever it is....they could be scared.''
Michelle-''Come on.''
Diego-''You wanna go upstairs?''
Michelle-''We gotta stick together.''
They slowly went upstairs. Then all the doors that were closed slowly opened.
Christian-''*Loud whisper* We should go now!''
Unknown-''What do you want?''
They all froze after hearing a voice come from the room in front of them.
Michelle-''Uh, w-we don't want any trouble. We just need help with our car.''
They stepped into the doorway. They saw a woman in a black dress with long black hair standing in the room with her back towards them.
Michelle-''Hi, there. Can you-''
They all ran towards the stairs. But as they ran down the long staircase, a large piano was right behind them!
They all ran and jumped out of the way and the piano crashed into the wall!
They all stood up and then they saw this come down the stairs!
Christian-''THIS WAY!!''
Edge-''Nice jump.''
Everyone jumped out the window! They all ran out into the woods and back into the road again.
They stopped at the car and breathed heavily as they were all in shock.
Edge-''What did we walk into?!''
Christian-''I told you it didn't feel right!''
Scott-''Hey! There's a car coming!''
Diego-''Thank God.''
They flagged the car down and got help from the people to jump start their car. Then everyone drove off.
Everyone was laughing at the story as well as being shocked by it too.
Eddie-''How did y'all survive that?!''
Christian-''Lord alone only knows.''
They smiled as Jon poured the next round.
Sami-''That's awesome.''
Jon-''I was as shocked as you two are when I heard the story for the first time.''
Michelle-''You thought myself, Edge & Christian were making it up until my brothers confirmed it.''
Jon-''Can you blame me? That stuff only happens in horror movies!''
Everyone laughed and drank their whiskey.
Sami-''Christian, I love how you just jumped out the window!''
Christian-''Highlight of my life!''
Everyone laughed!
Jon-''Well, that's the end of the scary show, people!''
Jon poured the next round.
Michelle-''Christian, thanks for joining us on the show and sharing your campfire story.''
Christian-''No problem. I'd love to come back and tell more horror stories with you, Mick.''
Jon-''That wasn't the only time?''
Michelle-''Uuhhhhh.....*smiles* Not really.''
Jon-''Babygirl, what else have you been through?!''
Christian-''We should tell him after the show.''
Christian-''Don't worry, people. We'll tell you the story next time I'm on the show!''
Everyone smiled.
Michelle-''Take care!''
Christian-''Stay away from creepy houses!''
Sami-''See ya!''
Eddie-''Bye, guys & gals!''
Jon-''Later, bitches!''
They drank their whiskey and put their glasses down.
Me-''A big THANK YOU to all of you who are reading this because this book has reached 1K views!!''
Me-''Thanks for reading about these awesome people getting drunk, doing crazy stuff like Fear Factor, talking about wrestling and having awesome guests every week!''
Jon-''A toast to the readers!''
Moxley pours a round.
Sami-''You are all awesomesause!''
Eddie-''Y'all are the best!''
Michelle-''Thank you!''
They raised their glasses.
They drank their whiskey!
Jon-''Thanks, bitches!''
Everyone laughed!
❤❤Thank You All So Much❤❤
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