π‘ŒπΈπ΄π‘… πΉπ‘‚π‘ˆπ‘… β˜† 14

At the surface, Rosalie and Cedric had appeared seconds before Krum and Hermione. They all got rushed to the side and bombarded with towels. Fleur, as well, was there, because she had had to pull back and retire from the task. She embraced her younger sister tightly, Rosalie almost begging to be let go, eyeing the water with fear.

"You okay, girl?" The blonde girl asked Hermione after she was released from her sister's grip.

"Yeah," Hermione said. "But..."

She didn't need to finish her sentence. They were both thinking the same thing.


Under the water, Rosalyn wasn't doing well under the strain of taking two treasures back to the surface with her. She also noticed that her gills were starting to disappear. An hour must have been up.

She was suddenly suffocated, unable to breathe as the last traces of gillyweed were swiped from her body. She was struggling to breathe now.

But she had to get them both to the surface. Harry for herself and her friends, and Gabrielle for Rosalie and Fleur.

Suddenly, a grindylow got hold of her leg and started to drag her back down to the bottom of the lake. She kicked it off, but more joined the fight, and she was surrounded.

In desperation, she let go of Harry and Gabrielle and let them float to the surface. Assuming they made it, she allowed herself to focus on the swarm of grindylows now attacking her. They swum in all directions, trapping her. In more desperation, she got her wand out and thought Immobulus, Immobulus!

I worked. It actually worked. The grindylows were frozen in the water for a second, and when they unfroze, they lost interest in her, and swum away.

Ron and the blonde girl had reached the surface, and got pulled in, everyone asking the same question. Where's Rosalyn?

Rosalyn, it seemed, was floating a few metres below the surface, not enough strength to get up. She pointed her wand upwards and yelled. "Ascendio!"

She burst out the water and to the surface, landing right on the platform at everyone's feet.

"Rosalyn!" Dumbledore yelled as said girl enjoyed being able to breathe again.

She was vaguely aware of Seamus wrapping a towel around her shoulders but she was so cold she didn't know what to think.

"I want all the judges over her now!" She heard Dumbledore's shout.

Fleur suddenly knelt in front of her. "You! You saved her eeven through she was not yours to save! My little sister!"

Why do the French kiss everybody? Rosalyn thought as Fleur kissed her cheek. Then she went to Harry. "And you! You helped!"

"Well- yeah- a bit," Harry said awkwardly as he received a kiss too.

"Alright, alright, Fleur, let them get a word in!" Came the laid back voice of Rosalie.

"You okay?" She asked Rosalyn, leaning down to face her. Her hair was wet and her face pale, but she was the same old Rosalie.

"Yeah," Rosalyn said, rather shaken.

"Blimey, Rosie!" Ron said, coming closer to Rosalyn. "How the bloody hell-"

"Rosie!" Hermione was here, and she cut across Ron.

"Hermione, ow!" Rosalyn said as she wrapped another towel around her.

"Are you alright? You must be freezing!" Hermione wrapped her own towel around Rosalyn and said. "Personally I think you behaved admirably."

"I finished last, Hermione," Rosalyn pointed out.

"Yeah, but that's because you're a heroic idiot," smiled Rosalie. "You were amazing."

"And you weren't last, you were next to last," said Hermione as she hugged her best friend. She put on a French accent as she spoke. "Fleur never got past ze grindylows."

Rosalie laughed slightly as well at that. "She was probably just scared that both her sisters were down there."

"She cares about you a lot," pointed out Rosalyn.

Rosalie smiled. "Thanks, Rosie."

Soon there was another diversion, and Rosalyn smiled as someone else greeted her. "Rosie!" Neville shouted, hugging her as well. "That was so brave, well done."

Despite the amount of redness it took to say this, he did it. "Thanks Neville," Rosalyn said, grinning.

"Attention!" Dumbledore yelled, and everyone fell silent. "The winner is... Mr Diggory!"

There was a huge cry of joy and some boos as Cedric posed for the camera. For the sake of Rosalie, Rosalyn clapped, but she couldn't help but feel a slight bit of resent inside her. If only that had been her.

"-With an excellent use of the bubble head charm." Dumbledore finished. "However, seeing as Miss Potter would've finished first if it was not for her stubbornness and determination to rescue not just her brother, but all the hostages, we've agreed to award her... second place!"

Everyone clapped and Hermione said to Rosalyn in disbelief. "Second place!"

"-For outstanding moral fibre!" Dumbledore finished. He went on. "Mr Krum is third, rescuing Miss Granger before the hour was up. The only thing that dropped marks for him was his transfiguration, as his magic underwater wasn't quite as clean as he thought."

People clapped but Rosalyn saw Karkaroff looking slightly angry and irritated. Perhaps it was because she was before Krum in the runnings.

"And in fourth, Miss Delacour," Dumbledore's voice was sombre. "She, too, used the bubble head charm, but was forced to retire after a nasty bunch of grindylows stopped her in her path."

The Beauxbatons lot cheered for Fleur, and Rosalyn noticed Tristan in there. She avoided eye contact with him, though. She didn't want to talk to him.

She did clap, however, again, for the sake of Rosalie.

Soon, everyone got on boats back to the pier and Fred and George teased Rosalyn about her recent achievement.

"All that moral fibre, eh Rosie?" Fred asked. Rosalyn rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, all that fibre!" Harry joked with them.

"I just-" Rosalyn started.

"Well done, moral fibre," George patted her shoulder just as someone else came slipped into the conversation.

"Congratulations, Miss Potter," Barty Crouch said to her. Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Rosalie and Hermione walked past her as they decided he only wanted her and her alone.

"See ya at Hagrid's, Rosie!" Ron yelled behind him.

"Your story is one I've heard so many times," Crouch said as they journeyed along the path between trees at the edge of the lake. "Quite remarkable... but, tragic, of course. To lose one's family - never whole again are we?"

Rosalyn looked at him. "I- I mean-"

"Still, life goes on," Crouch continued. "And here we stand. And I'm sure your parents would be very proud of you today, Potter-"

"Bartemius!" Moody yelled, and Rosalyn jumped to face him. "Not trying to lure Potter into one of the Ministry's summer internships are you? Last boy that went into the department of mysteries never came out!"

It was a very strange thing to say. Rosalyn looked at Crouch, who didn't seem to know what this meant either, but then he did. He walked towards Moody, looking at him for a few seconds before walking past him. Moody looked at him before yelling. "And they say I'm mad!"

Rosalyn sighed and walked past Moody, saying nothing. She walked to Hagrid's alone and she, Hagrid, Ron, Harry and Hermione had tea, talked and then went for a walk in the forest.

"Now I remember when I first met you four!" Hagrid laughed. "Biggest bunch o' misfits I ever layed eyes on! O' course, reminded me a bit o' meself at that. But here we all are, four years later!"

"We're still a bunch of misfits!" Ron laughed.

"Well maybe," Hagrid said. "But Rosie-" he started to yell "-soon to be, the youngest Triwizard champion there's ever been!"

Hagrid, Harry, Ron and Hermione started to sing the school song, but Rosalyn kept her eyes on the ground. Something was troubling her, but she didn't know what.

She came to a tree and saw an all to familiar bowler hat. She walked round the tree and saw something heart stopping. A body. Mr Crouch.

"Crouch?" Rosalyn asked unsurely. "Mr Crouch?"

He didn't answer, he was dead, obviously.

"Hagrid!" Rosalyn yelled.

The next few moments were all a blur. Hagrid came over, saw Crouch, he told Harry, Ron and Hermione to go back to Gryffindor tower and Rosalyn to go up to the castle and wait for him. Hagrid went to see Dumbledore, but the headmaster had asked for Rosalyn. And that's where she was now. Outside his office, listening.

"...But who could've done it? Is there anyone in the castle?" Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic, spoke.

"I do not suspect that anyone in this castle is capable of that, Cornelius," Dumbledore said calmly.

"Really, Dumbledore? Really?" The snarling voice of Mad-Eye Moody said. "With two former death eaters in this castle-"

"Neither Severus nor Igor would do this, Alastor," Dumbledore said, referring to Moody by his first name.

Moody went to reply but then he said. "Minister, Headmaster, it might interest you to know that this conversation is no longer private anymore," he used a spell to open the door, revealing Rosalyn.

Fudge fumbled around rather awkwardly. "Well, should we do a search of the grounds, Dumbledore?"

"Yes," Dumbledore, Moody and Fudge went to leave, and Dumbledore said as he left. "Wait for me here Rosalyn. By the way, feel free to look around in my absence, but these little things can be quite sharp."

He pointed to a bowl of little black things with pointy ends. Then he, Moody and Fudge left, leaving Rosalyn on her own.

She looked at the office, and saw the 'little things' in a bowl on his desk. She took six or seven out and saw that they looked like two ended unicorn horns. She thought they were pretty cool. Until one of them flew out her hand and bit her.

She yelled and dropped all the things in her hand. She ran against a cabinet and batted them away, she tried to stamp on them but it didn't work, until she lost all interest in them.

The cabinet she was leaning against opened. It revealed a stone basin, it's contents glowing. Rosalyn moved closer and leaned over it, the cold stone making contact with her hands.

Next thing she knew, she was falling into it. She yelled, completely aware that no one could hear her, and fell into a seat right beside Dumbledore.

Except this Dumbledore was different, younger. His beard and hair were grey, not silver and his face was not wrinkly and comforting, like the one she knew so well. In fact, he looked expectant, like he hadn't acknowledged Rosalyn's presence at all.

Despite all this, she tried. "Professor- I'm sorry- in your office- I- I-"

"Professor," another wizard, one she didn't recognise, shook hands with Dumbledore, through Rosalyn's stomach. She looked down and saw the hand through the stomach, and then she realised that no one could see or hear her. She also realised where she was. In a memory. She had been in a similar situation before.

She turned her attention to what everyone was looking at. A big cage in the centre of the room with spikes on the inside of it.

There was no denying it, this cage was made for a prisoner.

And so a prisoner rose from it. Rosalyn could tell by his clothes, his hair and his terrified face that he had come from Azkaban. But that didn't prepare her for who it was. Karkaroff.

Yet another familiar face spoke. Barty Crouch was obviously the judge. "Igor Karkaroff, you have been brought from Azkaban at your own request, to present evidence to this council. If your evidence proves consequenal, then the council may be prepared to order your immediate release. Till such time you will remain, in the eyes of Ministry, as a convicted death eater. Do you accept these terms?"

"I do, Sir," Karkaroff's voice was more mellowed, and with a tone of fear.

"And what do you wish to present?"

"Names, Sir, there was a- Rosier, Evan Rosier!"

Someone looked through a stack of papers then handed one to Crouch. "Rosier is dead!" He announced.

"Yeah but he took a bit of me with him, though," Mad-Eye Moody. He was sitting behind Dumbledore and Rosalyn and pointed to his eye as he spoke. Rosalyn had always wondered how he lost that. She looked round and then saw another person she knew, Rita Skeeter was reporting the trial.

"If that is all the witness has to offer-" Crouch began.

"No! No! No!" Karkaroff yelled, desperate now. "There was- Rockwood! He was a spy!"

"Augustus Rockwood?" Crouch asked, interested now. "Of the department of mysteries?"

"The very same! He passed You-Know-Who information from inside the Ministry itself!"

He smiled, as if he had said something groundbreaking and everyone was going to gasp, but no one reacted in any way.

"Very well," Crouch said, obviously bored. "The council will deliberate and in the mean time you will be returned to Azkaban-"

"NO! No please! No! What about Snape? Severus Snape?"

Rosalyn was surprised to see Dumbledore stand up to answer this one. "As the council is very much aware I have already given evidence on this matter. Severus Snape was indeed a death eater, but prior to Lord Voldemort's downfall he switched sides and became spy for us, at great personal risk-"

"That's a lie!" Karkaroff shook the bars of the cage.

"-Today he's no more of a death eater than I am!" Dumbledore finished and sat down.

Karkaroff continued to shout but he was quietened by Crouch banging his hammer and shouting above the din. "Silence! Unless the witness can produce anymore genuine names this session is now concluded!"

"Oh no no no," Karkaroff looked positively mad. "I've heard about one more."

"What's that?" Crouch asked.

"I know for a fact this person took part in the capture, and by means of the cruciatus curse, torture of the auror Frank Longbottom and his wife!"

"The name! Give me the wretched name!" Crouch yelled.

"Barty Crouch!" Yelled Karkaroff, and everyone gasped, Rosalyn noticed a young man behind her stand up. Then Karkaroff added more on. "Junior."

The man that had stood up lunged forward at that point, trying to escape. Moody, however, had other ideas, and stunned him from where he sat, making him fall onto a tall stack of papers between the cage and the jury. Security men pulled him upright, however, and he looked wild, but defenceless.

Mr Crouch stayed sitting whilst everyone stood, whispering about the newest scandal. Security dragged the criminal round to his father, and he was yelling all the way.

"Hello, father," he said, his eyes wide and flashing.

"You're no son of mine," Mr Crouch moved nothing but his lips.

The last thing Rosalyn heard was a strangled yell before she was yanked up and fell out of the stone basin at the other end.

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