"A Fated Encounter Or More"
Thanks Hambo_Again for the name of the chapter!
And I hope you Guys enjoy this book!
There was a silence between the four adults, this kid sitting on a floating yellow cloud with his hand out. The four adults stared at the Young man with a weariness and with a cough Ironwood approach the boy while trying to appear intimating.
Ironwood: "Greetings Mr Majuub, my name is James Ironwood. But you may call me General Ironwood."
Y/n: "Yes Sir!"
He shakes the teens hand and they both smile. Next was Glynda who didn't shake his hand but nodded and introduces herself.
Glynda: "Glynda Goodwitch and it's nice to meet you too Young man. I wouldn't expect that the dragon would give us a child?"
Y/n: "It's a bit weird but I'm actually fourteen, which is still makes me a child so I guess it is weird?"
Glynda nods and Qrow was next. Stumbling towards the kid, he looks at him up and down and smiles.
Qrow: "Nice hairdo kid."
Y/n: "You smell funny?"
Qrow laughs lightly and finally it was Ozpin's turn. Walking over to the kid, he shakes his hand and introduces himself like all the rest.
Ozpin: "My name is Ozpin, I hope the trip here wasn't nauseating?"
You waved your hand dismissively, not bothered by getting summoned to the place you were supposed to go.
Y/n: "So why did you guys summoned me? Because I am willing to help if there's a problem."
They all look at one another and then back to the mohawk haired boy and Ozpin answered him.
Ozpin: "There is a few problems, but for now why don't we go somewhere else? I am to think you could use something to eat?"
A audible growl echoes from the depths of your stomach and you sheepishly pat it. Looking away with a sheepish laugh you gave a thumbs up.
You were currently eating your tenth bowel of Miso soup and quickly grab a couple of breadsticks (Four) and dipped them in the soup and toss them in your gob.
Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow and James could only watch as the boy went through the ten foods he ordered and are thankful they have alot of lein.
Ozpin only order a cup of coffee.
James ordered a steak with some sparkling water.
Glynda ordered an English breakfast.
Qrow ordered a simple salad.
With a burp and wiping your mouth with your forearm and you pat your belly while letting out a satisfying sigh of content.
Ironwood: "I have never seen anyone, eat that much in my life."
Ozpin: "Glynda make sure the Cook's stock up and make twice the amount this year and more."
Glynda pushes her glasses up and nods, she pulls out a scroll and inputs a few messages and sends them to the staff that are stationed at the cafeteria.
Y/n: "So what's this problem you guys are dealing with?"
Buu: "I'm actually kinda curious as well?"
Ozpin nods and interlocks his hands together and the lens of his glasses glimmers for a moment.
Ozpin: "Where should I start?"
Y/n: "Let's start with the location I am in? Oh and what should I expect in this world."
Ozpin nods and gives you some lore about the kingdoms of Remnant and what creatures lurk in this world.
Y/n: "Grimm? They sound scary and strong! Oh I wonder what they look like!"
Buu: "They do sound strong and they are only attracted towards negativity. I honestly think that sounds neat."
Ozpin: "Is there anything else you want to know?"
You look up towards Ozpin and thought for any questions you wanted to ask, you quickly got one and ask.
Y/n: "What about the Dragonballs? How did you get them here."
Ironwood: "That is classified information, you'll know when the opportunity strikes."
Buu: "Seriously? That sounds cliche and where have I heard THAT before?"
Y/n: "Well if it's classified then alright. But what should I do? You summon me for a task, then I need to know why I'm here."
Ozpin: "There is a group of individuals, who attacked a friend of ours and stole a half of their Powers. We don't know who or what they are and they could be a serious threat."
Y/n: "You want me to hunt them down and beat them up?"
Ironwood: "Leave the hunting to me and when we find them you deal with them quickly as possible."
Qrow: "But first! I wanna know how you fight."
Looking towards Qrow, he looks to see what you're capable of and to test how strong you can fair against other's.
Y/n: "Oh like a spar? I wouldn't mind that!"
He nods and stands up and waits for you to follow him outside.
The waiter appears and hands them the bill, Glynda deadpans, Ozpin chokes back a gasp and Ironwood slowly look towards Qrow.
The drunk crow ordered a fucking expensive salad!
Ozpin: "Split?"
Glynda: "Unbelievable! Fine whatever."
Ironwood: "When I get my hands on him, I'm going to kick his ass!"
That they can agree upon.
You stood a few feet away from qrow while the man shakes his Empty flask, sighing softly tells that he was bit disappointed he couldn't drink before the fight. Grabbing harbinger and shifting it into a sword he gets into a stance.
Meanwhile you did a couple stretches and started doing a quick hop before jumping into a fighting stance of your own.
Y/n: "Ready!"
Qrow: "Come at me!"
You grinned and run towards him, Qrow quickly went on the defence and blocked a punch towards his lower torso and countered with a leg sweeping your leg.
Y/n: "Woah!"
Quickly twisting your body to put a hands on the ground, you quickly use the small window timing to use the ground as a spring board and push yourself away from Qrow slamming his sword downwards.
Qrow: "He's fast.....That's good."
Landing in a Crouch, you launch yourself towards Qrow with a fist reeled back.
Y/n: "Take this!"
Qrow leans to the side and grabs your thrown fist and tossed you to the ground.
Y/n: "How is he doing this, It's like there's something giving me bad luck!"
Buu: "Yea there is kid, I mean he hasn't even charge towards us, instead he's just countering your Attacks."
Buu explains and you grab the blade of Harbinger with both of yours hands, you kick your feet at his leg to knock him off balance and delivered a swift kick to his side to knock him away and quickly jump up and get back into a stance.
Y/n: "I have to think of a way.....THAT'S IT!"
Standing straight you held yours out and yellow lights appear in the palms of your hands.
Qrow: "What's this now? Is that his semblance?"
Y/n: "FLASH-
Y/n: "CHASER!"
Firing four blast of Ki Energy Qrow dodges them and cocks a smirk, which you did the same confusing him.
Y/n: "Take this!"
Pulling your arms in a X-shape formation the Energy blast took a hard turn and shot towards Qrow and the Huntsman only had time to dodge three of them, while the fourth one shot above him and slam into him from above.
Y/n: "Hope he wasn't injured, I made sure I only put enough power to daze a deer."
The smoke disappeared and Qrow stands there with his blade held above him, his clothes were singed a bit and smoke slowly rises from his blade.
Qrow: "I think that's enough. That was pretty good kid and what's up with that semblance? You able to use your Aura offensively?"
Y/n: "Uuuuh-"
Buu: "Say yes!"
Y/n: "H-Huh? Oh! Yea I can manipulate my aura somehow."
Qrow nods and shifts Harbinger into compact mode. Whole dusting some soot off his clothes he walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder and smiles.
Qrow: "If I had to grade you on how you perform? I say you're at least a seven out of ten."
Y/n: "Seriously? Are you sure."
Qrow: "Positive! Besides the only person who scored higher than you is my niece, who scored a eight point nine out of ten. Impressive I know!"
Y/n: "His niece? Maybe if we ever meet we can have a spar! I bet she's super strong!"
You felt Qrow tighten the grip on your shoulder and the dusty old crow gave off a murderous aura.
Qrow: "Don't. Think. About it."
Y/n: "Uuuuh- What?"
With so many questions on what he meant, he smacks your back and laughs joyfully and starts to guide you back.
This is so weird.
Outside a shop, a suited man and a black and red haired girl crash through the window. The other men look outside as the gets up and unfolds a compact weapon into its scythe form.
Roman: "What the!?"
The Ginger scowls, but the girl smiles back at them before twirling the weapon around, striking it into the ground and turning off her headphones.
Roman: "Okayyy.....Get her!"
The henchmen head out of the shop and run at the girl, who spins around on top of her scythe and kicks the first approaching criminal in the face. She gets her gets her scythe out of the ground and fires it off to hit another one with the butt of her weapon, sending him flying. She fires again and brings the side down on one attacker and dodges the next's gunfire with her rifle's speed, getting close enough to knock him into the air and follow him upwards so she can beat him away to Roman's feet.
Roman: "These bitches can't even hit a little girl!"
He sighs and massages his head as a forming headache begins to appear. He twirls his cane and take out his cigar.
Roman: "You were worth every cent. Truly, you were."
He drops his cigar and crushing it with his cane as approaching police sirens are heard.
Roman: "Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around...I'm afraid this is where we part ways."
Roman unleashes a red blast at Ruby, who fires at the ground and leaps over it. When she lands and looks up, Roman isn't there, and is climbing up a ladder on a nearby building.
Ruby: "How in the heck?!"
She shakes her head and looks at the shopkeeper.
Ruby: "You okay if I go after him?"
The shopkeeper gives a short "Uh huh", and Ruby sets off.
Roman makes it to the roof, with Ruby high-flying again and landing right behind him.
Ruby: "Stop!"
Roman: "Tch, Persistent!"
Ruby readies to fight him, but a getaway Bullhead rises up and opens the hatch to allow Roman inside.
Roman turns around and holds up a red Dust gem. He smiles evily and speaks.
Roman: "End of the line, Red."
He throws it out at her feet and fires at her. Which caused a large explosion.
Roman: "Whoa-ho-ho-ho!"
Y/n: "You know....I don't think you have a licence for that awful fedora!"
Roman looks shocked to see Ruby saved by a dark skinned boy with a black Mohawk, creating some sort of energy field around them.
Roman: "What the fuc-"
Y/n: "Glydna!"
Upon the name being called Glynda appears in front of Ruby and Y/n. She quickly pulls out her riding crop.
Ruby: "Woah! I don't think I have a card of her in my card hunter collection!"
Ruby looks on, Glynda Goodwitch waves her weapon and summons several streaks of purple at the craft.
Roman: "Woah! You kidding me!"
Roman is thrown around in the back until he goes to the cockpit. Where a woman in red, her face unseen, is struggling with the controls.
Roman: "We got a Huntress!"
Roman then looks at Y/n and back towards the unseen woman.
Roman: "Oh and some kid with the exaggerated swagger of a dead meme."
Unseen Woman: "What does that even mean?"
The woman gets up and heads toward the back as Roman takes the controls.
Glynda glows purple for a moment and aims another blast above the craft, resulting in a dark storm-cloud right over the jet.
Roman: "The hell...?"
Y/n undos the shield and he starts firing Energy blasts, Glynda's makeshift storm starts dropping large jagged hail that pummels the jet and even breaks through the window, narrowly missing Roman's head.
Roman: "What the fuck!? Are these people trying to kill me!"
The woman reaches the back and her arms and chest light up like fire, aiming a burst of energy at Glynda.
Y/n: "Look out!"
The Warrior blocks it, but the flame splatters behind him and glows hot with the enemy's raised hand. Glynda back-flips out of the explosion.
Glynda: "Are you okay!"
Part of the roof is destroyed and magically gathers the shards to create a large arrow.
Y/n: "I'm good! Just my clothes a bit singed but I'm fine!"
Raising his hands he throws the shards at the craft. The fiery woman shatters the shards with several heat blasts, but one of them is deflected and hits the side of the jet due to Roman's quick aerial lean.
Roman: "We're going to crash!"
Unseen Woman: "What!?""
Y/n puts his hand together and puts them to his side and shouts.
Y/n: "KA-ME-HA-ME-"
Y/n: "HAAAA!"
And unleashing a blue energy wave towards the aerial vehicle, but the woman summons several glowing rings around herself that expand and stops the energy wave from hitting the vehicle.
Y/n: "H-Huh!? How did she-"
You were quickly cut off by Buu speaking in your head.
Buu: "That's not normal, you put at least a solid ten percent of your power in that attack, and she just stops it with a few rings."
Y/n: "I could use some assistance!"
Ruby, finally acting, reverts her scythe into its rifle form to fire at the woman, who blocks each shot and creates several blazing circles around her three opponents.
Y/n: "Glynda! Quickly!"
Glynda nods and telekinetically pushes Ruby and rolls herself out of the explosion's radius and you step-vanishing to the side.
Y/n: "they got away didn't they?"
Buu: "Yep!"
Sighing you dust yourself off and heard the sound of fast footsteps approaching, and quickly turning around to see Ruby behind you with stars in her eyes.
Ruby: "That was the coolest! How did you do that?"
Y/n: "Uuuuh-"
You stood outside the interrogation room, with your arms folded and casually just vibing by your lonesome.
Faunus: "So you're the famous Y/n Majuub?"
Hearing your name, you look at a dark skinned police detective with a odd Reptilian tail. He wore a black turtleneck sweater and baggy pants, and had Oval-shaped glasses on. Finally his hairstyle was straightened out to be a much spikier Mohawk.
Y/n: "Yea? I guess I am and you are?"
Noir: "Oh sorry the names Detective Noir and I just thought I wanted to check if the rumours of you being here are true."
You stare at the Faunus and point at his tail.
Y/n: "What kind of Faunus are you?"
He looks at his tail and watches it sway to it's lonesome and looks back at Y/n.
Noir: "I'm a Theropod type Faunus."
And without even furthering to elaborate he walks off and enters a different interrogation room.
Buu: "What the heck is a Theropod?"
Y/n: "I think it's some sort of dinosaur? Not too sure."
Hearing the door open, Ruby walks out and appears to be greatly overjoyed. She looks at Y/n and announces-
Ruby: "I'm going to beacon!"
And then runs off towards where her family might be picking her up, and you stood there confused.
Y/n: "Alrighty then.....congrats I guess?"
Honestly tonight was weird to say the least. You have been here for exactly four months stopped white fang attacks and searching for any of the Dragon Balls, but none have been found.
Ozpin: "I think that checks out, now then shall we head off?"
Glynda: "Do whatever you want."
Glynda replied with annoyance present on her face and you looked at Ozpin with questions.
Ozpin: "It's nothing important and how's your scroll?"
Y/n: "I don't know how it operates."
You said pulling your own scroll, which you have zero clue how to work it. You have read the Manuel over and over again but it was so confusing.
Ozpin: "You'll get the hang of it."
You frown upon Ozpin's words and put the scroll back in your pocket.
Ozpin: "Eventually, now come along! You need to get ready for what's to come tomorrow!"
Well tomorrow is the day you head off to beacon academy to be assigned your first Mission.....Kinda.
Buu: "I still don't trust him."
Y/n: "I don't sense any evil energy within him, so maybe he's just super secretive towards some stuff."
Buu: "Whatever."
Today was surely weird, but that's fine since that must be normal here. You just hoped that there will be less of that.....Hopefully.
Whoo! Now that was exhausting and it took me 2934 words to finish!
I also made a cameo appearance of my other book Black Beauty Rose! Go check it out.
I'll be seeing ya!
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