𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝟐𝟐: 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧- 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐕𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐥 𝐃𝐮𝐫𝐤
Cara stood in the kitchen leaning against the kitchen counter while everyone else partied outside. This was the first time in some years that her family decided to do something nice for her dad. After her mother's funeral they voiced that they would be there for emotional support but never showed up when it was time.
She could feel the fake sympathy and forced smiles everyone gave her while she was there. She hated it all.
"Hey, you coming out or naw? I think your grandma is asking for you" Ari came in from the backyard with a plate of food.
Cara shook her head and looked out the small window at the people who now were full of alcohol and dancing around.
Ari extended the plate in her hand towards her bestfriend. "Here. Atleast eat something Cara" Being that Ari has always been in her life she almost attended all family functions with Cara especially since she knew how mean her family could be.
Cara grabbed the plate and sat it on the counter. "I'll eat when I get home. I'm ready to go" she stood up straight and headed to the back yard to say her goodbyes. She purposely walked past her aunt's who were the main problems and went to hug her grandmother. "Im about to go granny. I love you though and thanks for doing this for my dad"
Her grandmother's smile dropped once she heard she was leaving. "Why it just started like two hours ago" She looked around and leaned up some from her sitting position. "Please don't go yet, we want you here"
Mirah, one of Cara's cousins over heard them and couldn't help but insert herself into the conversation. "Granny I don't know why you over there kissing her butt she can leave if she want to" she rolled her eyes and turned to her sister. "She always making everything about her" she mumbled.
Cara and Ari's facial expressions were mirrored as they both wondered why she all of a sudden had so much to say. Maybe it was the courage of having everyone around that made her feel like she could speak up.
" you said something?" Ari spoke up before Cara could.
Mirah chuckled and furrowed her brows at Ari. "Why are you even here? You're like a little side kick or something. This was a family only event"
"Mirah! Cut it out" Her grandmother warned.
Mirah stood up and grabbed her food. "Yall always making excuses for this girl and her attitude. It's not our fault her mom died and now she's weird" She made her way back in the house as some of their other cousins followed like they always did.
Ari looked down at Cara's hands which were now balled into fists."Yeah let's go girl before somebody get hurt"
Cara skipped saying goodbye to anyone else and walked right past her dad who was entering the back yard.
He turned his confusion over to the family. "What wrong? What did yall say to her" He knew it usually took the smallest things to trigger his daughter's anger.
Mirah's mom shook her head and sipped on her drink. "I don't know she just being moody like always"
Everyone in the backyard heard commotion coming from the inside of the house. The yelling soon turned into screaming. Charles was the first person to run back into the house hoping that his daughter wasn't holding a knife to her cousin's throat.
When he entered in he ran over to the two girls that were fighting. Cara, who was on top of Mirah, had her hands in the tightest grip around Mirah's throat. Mirah's lighter skin was slowly turning red as she tried her best to get her younger cousin off of her.
Ari stood there daring one of her other cousins to jump in so she could have a reason to fight too.
"Oh my god" Mirah's mom rushed aside Charles while the both of them pulled Cara off.
Most of the family was now rushing into the house immediately seeing Mirah gasp for air. "I told you she was crazy just like her mom" she managed to get out."
Those words only made Cara angrier as she tried her hardest to get out of Charles's hold on her. Knowing how bad it could get he wouldn't let her go until they were outside. By that time Cara had tears running down her face. "I hate them. I hate every single last one of them. They never gave a fuck about us"
Unable to do anything else Charles only felt it was right to hug his daughter as he felt the same emotions as her. "You're right. Which is why I promise we will never have to see them ever again"
Present Day
With it being the end of the tour Dee was relieved because it's been difficult to maneuver around giving his full attention to his performances when the only thing on his mind was Cara 24/7. He was grateful than ever that she was there but knew that once they got back home they would go back to regular schedules and she wouldn't be around all day.
Deion sat back in the chair as he smoked.
Bari looked at the full portrait tattoo that Dee got done yesterday. Shaking his head in disbelief he chuckled "I can't believe you got shorty whole face tatted on you"
Dee looked down at the tattoo and smiled. "I should've got her whole body huh?"
"What you gone do if she ever break up with you?" Bari raised the most important question a the moment.
Dee shrugged. "Ain't no breaking up fuck you mean?" he raised a eyebrow with all seriousness.
Ari barged right in the room and cleared her throat. "Are you still going with me or no? I don't have all day" she eyed Bari, who promised to show her a spot in the city that he knew about.
He looked down at the time that displayed across his home screen and kissed his teeth. "I told you they not even open yet. That's why yo back big now"
Ari stuck up both of her middle fingers as she rolled her eyes. "Whatever come get me when you ready" she walked out of the room before he called out for her to come back.
Popping her head in this time she looked him up and down as she waited on him to ask something. "What?!"
"You gone tattoo my name on you?" he asked with a smirk.
Ari scrunched up her face and scoffed. "I rather let a eighteen wheeler run over me...Twice!"
"Damn" Dee chuckled and pointed at Bari.
Ari made her way back upstairs, this time she went to Cara and Dee's room to wake up her friend. She noticed the bed was empty but the bathroom door was closed but the sink was running so she took it upon herself to get comfortable and wait for Cara to come out. She plopped a ice cube in her mouth and pulled up her messages. "Cara girl guess who in my DMs. I don't even know why people embarrass them-"
Ari cut her sentence short as her eyes fell upon her friend who was evidently sick.
Cara didn't even acknowledge her best friend. Instead she returned back to her spot in the bed and pulled the comforter up over her head. She quickly grew irritated when she felt the comforter being yanked from her body. "Ari..I love you but you really pushing it"
"Girl I don't care you need to get up. You been sleep damn near the whole time we been out here" She placed the cup full of ice on the dresser next to the bed.
Cara stayed in the same position and closed her eyes, attempting to get comfortable this time without a cover over her. "I thought taking a shower and getting ready for the day would wake me up but im still tired so just give me like one hour"
"Nope. You sleeping like you the one performing every night" She got up from the bed so she could finish getting ready as well. Tonight was the last show before the they would all go back home.
Cara just hummed and waited until she didn't hear Ari's footsteps anymore. "Finally" she pulled the covers back up on her body, only for them to be snatched off of her again. This time it was by Dee. "Everybody must want me to smack them today" she huffed in annoyance as she sat up in the bed.
It was visible to her that he had just finished smoking. Without saying anything laid back down and opened her arms. Dee carefully laid on top of her body, this for some reason was very comforting to him. This had become a routine between the two of them. For him, it helped him relax before his shows and satisfied that clingy attachment he had with her.
For her, it brought her some peace and genuinely warmed her heart.
"You like LA?" He spoke into the crook of her neck.
Cara shrugged "It's alright, I guess" It just seemed like any other over crowded city with a bonus of hot weather.
"You would move out here?" He moved his hands to the side of her thighs and slowly rubbed circles on them.
"Hmm..I don't know about that"
He waited a few minutes before responding to her. "Let's move out here. Get a house in the hills some shit far away from everybody else"
Cara stayed quiet.
Dee sat up a little so he could see her face "you heard me?"
Cara nodded "Yeah. I just don't think I'm ready to move away from my people and be alone"
"You won't be alone you would be with me what you mean?" Dee was unintentionally taking offense to Cara's choice of words.
Cara really didn't want to have this conversation so she just pushed his head back down. "You know what I meant Dee. Let's just take time to love towards that we still have alot to work on first"
The both of them laying in silence, both of their heart beats beating almost at the same beat. Cara hadn't even realized she drifted back off to sleep until she woke up to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. She sat up some in the bed and reached over to grab her phone. In the midst of doing so she caught a glimpse of the pill bottle inside of Dee's bag.
She squinted her eyes at it and then proceeded to grab the bottle. The bottle being full made her shift her eyes to the bathroom door. Why isn't he taking his medicine?
Cara flipped the covers back off of her body and made her way to the bathroom door. Before she could place her hand on the doorknob she leaned in slowly to listen to what he was saying. It was inaudible because the shower drowned out the words. Looking back at the night stand she noticed that both her personal and work phones were there so he was definitely talking to himself.
Seconds later the door opened as they were face to face. He looked down at the pill bottle in her hand and then back up to her eyes. "You cool?"
Cara held the bottle up "Why haven't you been taking your pills Dee? I thought you sai-"
He cut her off. "I'm good and ion need em."
She kissed her teeth "That's what you say but you don't know when you'll snap so take them" she held the bottle out for him to grab which he did.
Instead of opening the bottle he walked past her and put them back in his bag. "If I needed somebody to tell me what to do I would call Danielle. I know what I'm doing Cara"
Although she wanted to go back and forth with him she opted out of it. "Whatever" she went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it.
She looked in the mirror as she tried to control her breathing. She hoped this would help her control the sudden feeling of saliva that started to fill her mouth. It wasn't long before she hovered over the toilet emptying out the food she ate earlier.
Cicicarolina • 2hrs ago
"Who's idea was it to come straight home after the last booking" Ari rubbed her eyes as she grabbed her tote bag and throw cover.
Dee wanted to come straight home after his hosting in Miami because for some reason he never liked the city and since Cara kept mentioning how happy she was to go home he made it happen.
"Stop complaining and hurry up" Booka mushed the back of her head as she walked past him. The sun was now coming up and the only thing on everyone's mind was a fresh shower and straight to bed.
Cara walked behind everyone else as they headed to their cars. She scrolled through the text message thread multiple times as she kept reading over her and Katie's recent messages.
When Dee noticed she wasn't near him he stopped walking to wait on her to catch up. She still had her head down in her phone and when she looked up she has a weird nervous look he hadn't seen before. She locked her phone and slickly slid it in her back pocket. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Dee wrapped one of his arms around her shoulder. "What you hiding? You know ima find out so just let me know"
Cara laughed it off. "I'm not hiding nothing I was talking to Katie" she looked away from her and furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Booka and Ari get in the same car. "When did they become cool?"
"Ion know you think they fuckin' around?"
After narrowing her eyes at them again she turned back to him and shook her head "Nah my girl got some class"
"Yeah a class act" He chuckled.
Cara smacked her lips "You all of a sudden became a comedian over the last week huh. It's been nothing but non stop jokes with you" She placed her index finger in the middle of his forehead "Who are you and what did you do with my man?"
Dee pushed her hand away from his head and went to open the door for her. "Get in and we going to the doctor since you keep saying you in pain"
Cara crossed her arms over her chest. "Im fine Dee. You wanna be my parent so bad" She looked down at his hands as he basically pushed her into the seat.
"You heard what I said Cara c'mon" he closed the door once she was completely in.
Once he came around to the driver's side he chuckled seeing that Cara still had attitude. She insisted that she didn't need a doctor but she hasn't felt good lately and the last twenty four hours have been the worst. She couldn't keep any food down without feeling sick.
A few hours later the two of them were sitting in the room waiting for her doctor to come back. Cara was felt like it was neccesary she just wanted to get home to Leo and get a nap in.
Dee sat on the small rolling chair inside of the doctor's office. His attention went from the many posters on the wall and then back to Cara who was staring at him. "You a creep Cara"
"Damn I can't look at you?" She laughed before placing her hand on her stomach again the slight pain she felt wasn't enough to be too concerned about.
It seems as if they picked the busiest day to come here because they were in the room for quite some time now. "I should've just stayed home and prayed"
Dee stood up and started to look at the papers on the small desk area. "Pray? Since when do you pray? You don't do anything but torture the world"
"Twinsss" she sung out.
Deion, who was obviously bored picked up the clipboard the nurse left in the room and started looking at some of the questions. "Do you smoke or drink?" he looked up at her.
Cara shook her head. "No sir"
"Fucking liar" he mumbled and looked at the next question. "Are you sexually active?"
She shook her head again. "No sir" this time she chuckled.
He looked down at the paper again and mumbled. "Lies, freaky ass woman you a 69 god. Anyways, Do you love this shit? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous? Are you single?" He stopped rapping the lyrics and side eyed her.
Cara tried her best not to laugh at his antics. "You are something else. Stop touching their stuff" she popped his arm. He put the clipboard back and dug in his pocket to pull out his phone that was ringing.
The doctor finally came back in the room and Dee excused himself to go outside so he could talk. Cara felt relieved to know that she was only suffering some a stomach virus mainly known as gastroenteritis, this explained her symptoms of throwing up, feeling nauseous and the few cramps she felt.
After listening to the home remedies that the doctor suggested she made a decision to not go in the office tomorrow but to instead go pick up her work and do it from home. She grabbed her purse and searched for her phone to call Deion.
He declined the call and sent her a text to take his car he would meet up with her later something "Important" came up. She still had his keys which was fine but for him to just up and leave pissed her off.
"Talking about something important like I'm not the only important person in your life, the fuck" She mumbled to herself as she walked to the car.
Pressing the unlock button on the key fob she stopped before she opened the driver's side door. Her instinct was telling her to look around the parking lot first. Since the doctors office shared a parking lot with a few other stores she found it hard to actually locate what or who she was looking for.
After getting a good glance around the lot she got in and immediately locked the doors. "Get it together Cara. Nobody's coming to get you" she spoke to herself before reaching over for her seatbelt.
Charles, sat at his desk. Listening to one of his office complain about the partner he was assigned to, something most rookies did.
He sat back in his chair with nodding as if he was really listening. Two knocks at the door interrupting their conversation. "Come in" he quickly said with complete disregard of the person in front of him.
"So sorry Mr. Almanzar I just really felt like you needed to see this" The officer slid the paper in front of Charles. He leaned up to get a good look, It was a missing person's report for Michael.
Right before the officer could leave the room he stopped them. "Wait who came in to report this?"
The office recollected the moment she had with the woman a hour ago. "The woman that reported it was his sister, Umm Karin Harris. That's her contact information on the flyer"
Charles's facial expression was unreadable. He quickly tried to put something together in his head from that name. Karin Harris, Karin Harris..Keisha's bestifriend. He looked up at the person he was previously talking to and sat the flyer down. "Jordan I need to make a call can you give me a minute. I promise I'll workout assigning you with another partner later"
The young male nodded and left out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Charles pulled out his personal phone and called his daughter. Her phone went to voicemail the first time but he called back a second time, this time when she answered he could hear music in the background indicating that she was in the studio.
"Hold on" Her voice came through the other line. A few seconds later the music died down and then it came to complete silence. "Hey, what's up?"
"How long have you been back from LA? Why haven't I heard from you?"
Cara pursed her lips "Hmm two days now. I'm sorry i was sick I thought I sent you a text. Why whats wrong?"
"You came back by yourself?" He knew the answer but wanted to see if his daughter would lie to him.
Cara took a few seconds before responding. "Umm no I came back with everyone" she didn't want to specify or say any names just in case this call was something he was going to refer to in the future.
"I need to talk to you Cara"
She sighed because her schedule was already busy but she always made time for her dad. "Okay I'll come see you tomorrow after work"
Charles quickly shut that down. "No! Today actually right now and come by yourself"
authors note: I missed you all ❤️I'm glad to be back and if y'all was wondering where I was... I been out hustling 😭 excuse any errors
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