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DANIEL WAS BACK WITH THE STUDENTS OF Miyagi-Do teaching the class. "I know its been awhile since our last class. After the fight at the school, I wasn't sure Miyagi-Do should stay open. But things have gotten worse since we shut down. That's why we're back. The only way to stop Cobra Kai is if we all work together. But always remember, the reason we learn karate isโ"
"To show the world that you're not a bunch of pansy-ass nerds! We're gonna show 'em that you're tough! Because Eagles don't get shit on. They're the ones that do the shitting. Just don't forget, being a badass doesn't mean being an asshole. The goal isn't to hurt other kids. The goal is toโ" Johnny lectures his class of Eagle Fang Karate.
"Win at all costs. Those we thought to be our allies have turned against us. Now our enemies are attacking us from all sides. There is no turning back. Now is the time to show themโ" Kreese spoke firmly to his class of Cobra Kai's.
"Fogiveness. Compassion. Mr. Miyagi used to say if you're looking for revenge, you could start by digging two graves." Daniel spoke calmly, as his students practice their breathing exercises. "If you have hate in your heart, than you've already lost. I know it's not easy, but you have to do whatever you canโ"
"To beat the living crap out of 'em. Don't let them push you around." Johnny continues as his students practice their jab punches. "You gotta swoop down like an eagle, grab 'em with your claws, and sink you fangs into 'em. But I don't ever want you to start the fight. I just want you toโ"
"Finish it. For good. Do I make myself clear?" Kreese questions his class.
"Yes, sensei!"
AT EAGLE FANG, Johnny was holding a frisbee and each of the students had to kick it. "Good, Bert. Remind me not to piss you off. Assface, your next." Johnny states. "Does my nickname have to carry over from the previous dojo?" The boy questions, walking over to the sensei. "You wanna be Penis Breath?" Johnny questions.
"Assface is fine." He shakes his head, before preforming a spinning jump kick. "Good, Penis Breath! All right, Diaz, you're up." Johnny holds up the frisbee as Miguel walks up. "Imagine this is the guy I stole this frisbee from, all right? Just picture his stupid white dreads." Miguel tries to kick it but it ends up being very weak. "All right, good hustle. Who's next?"
Miguel argues that he can do it, much to Johnny disapproval. He goes to kick it but loses his balance and falls to the ground. The class surrounds the boy, but he snaps at them. "All right, everybody. Take five, go get some water. But not from the fountain, I saw some meth head wipe his ass in it." Johnny dismisses.
"You gotta be shitting me!" Mitch exclaims, everybody looking at him in question. "What? What happened?" Miguel questions.
"They cancelled the All Valley."
ย ย JUNE WAS CURRENTLY sitting in the Valleys probation office, impatiently waiting for her officer to call her in. Her foot tapped on the floor in a seemingly anxious manner. The officers door opened, a tall woman with long dark hair stepped out of the room. She looked up from her clipboard looking out into the mostly empty waiting room. "June." The girl looks up in question, the two women making brief eye contact. "Come on in." The woman says, a smile playing at her lips.
ย ย June stands up from the hard seat and walks in the small office. "Hello, June. I'm Sharon, I'm going to be for probation officer for the time being." The raven haired woman said, closing the door behind her and siting down at her desk. "Have a seat."
ย ย The teen warily sits down, her leg bouncing up and down. "So, to start I'd like for you to tell me a little bit about yourself." Sharon spoke softly, elbows resting ok the dark wooden desk. June's brows furrowed, "Don't you already know everything about me?"
ย ย "Maybe, but thisโ" She gently lays her hand over the manila folder full of papers all on June. "It just glosses over the details, gives me the basic, and most recentย information. I like to hear the story from the perspective of the defendant." Sharon explains, calmly.
ย ย ย "Let's start with how did you end up in juvenile detention? What event caused this?"
ย ย June sighs, looking down at her lap. "They say I instigated the fight at the school." Sharon nods, "And what do you say?"
ย ย ย "I taught someone a lesson." June states, looking back up the woman who was making intent eye contact.
ย ย "By fighting them?" The woman questions, "Yeah," The girl shrugs, "What else would I do? You reap what you sow, right?"
ย ย ย "If that's what you want to believe." Sharon said, flipping through the stack of papers in front of her. "Let's move on, what's your family life like?" Junes jaw clenched, "It's normal." She lied. Obviously it wasn't normal, you wouldn't think that a teenager would be working two jobs to help provide for her family. "Is that so?" She questioned the girl glancing up from the paper she was now writing on, June nodded, "Yeah."
ย ย "Who do you live with?"
ย ย "My brother, and grandmother." June states, blankly. "And they are both in good health, correct?" She asks, June simply humming in response. "Alright. Everything seems good. So, what you have to do is just stay out of trouble. No illegal activities, run in's with the police, no drinking, smoking, not even a driving ticket. If you do any of these things it's a possibility of jail time." She stands up and walks over to the door, as June stands up as well.
ย ย "I'll see you next month, June." Sharon smiles, opening the door for the girl.
ย ย Once she walks back into waiting room, June looks up to see Robby there as well. The boy jumps up suddenly to stand in front of her. "Calm down, tiger. You wanna go back to juvie?" June teases, she notices his fists unclenching. "Thought so. Look we're in the same boat, buddy. I suggest you not be a stuck up asshole."
ย ย Robby scoffs, "Thanks for starting the fight."
ย ย ย "And you for finishing it." June pauses, "It's not fair. They all went back to normal but we're here eating shit while your girlfriend and her sisterโ"
ย ย "Don't talk about them."
ย ย "She cheated." June states, obviously talking about Sawyer. "She made a mistake. Their good people." Robby defends.
ย ย "Yeah. They sure act like it. Just wait, Sam will turn on you." June explains, "You don't know what your talking about." Robby shakes his head.
ย ย "Then why are we both here? We didn't do anything wrong, right? They just like to blame everything on the bad kids. Don't act all high and mighty." June sighs, becoming annoyed and a bit angry of the whole situation. "I thought I wanted to fix things, but I realized you can't change other peoples feeling." June remarks, as he looks down. She starts to walk away, but stopped before quickly turning back around. "On the section about home life, just check off 'stable'. They don't care. They never come to check." She advised before leaving the building.
ย ย AT THE COUNCIL MEETING, Wyatt and June had gotten there just in time for them to announce the tournament. The woman bangs her gavel on the stand, "Okay, next we will hear appeals for the cancellation of the All Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament. Who would like to speak first?" Johnny, Daniel, and Kreese all stood up to go speak, Kreese beating them to the podium.
ย ย "Oh, shit." June mutters, brows raised seeing the three rivaling sensei's standingย up, as Wyatt snickers.
ย ย "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm retired Army Captain John Kreese." He says, calmly. "Didn't know sensei served." Wyatt said only for his sister to hear, both very confused.
ย ย "Thank you for your service." The council woman states. "It was an honor to serve. And I continue to serve right here in our community, by teaching our children strength and discipline through karate. I was devastated to hear about the cancellation of the tournament because of the fight at the high school." Kreese explains, June slightly covering her face in embarrassment. "Why are my students being penalized because of the violence perpetrated by... dojos like Miyagi-Do?" Kreese says, looking over to Daniel, but stealing a glance over to the twins standing by one of the exits.
ย ย "If I remember correctly, it was your student who started the fight." Daniel tries to defend, but is stopped by the councilwoman. "Mr. LaRusso, please. It's not your turn to speak."
ย ย "I apologize, Councilwoman Roberts. But this manโ" Daniel starts, before being cut off.
ย ย ย "Councilperson Roberts." Kreese corrects, sending a smile to the woman.
ย ย ย "Thank you, Captain Kreese." Councilperson Roberts spoke softly, "Please, continue."
He nods, "I think my colleagues here would agree that all we want is the best for our students and our community. Cobra Kai's goal is to prepare the Valley's youth for the unfortunate realities of the real world. It's hard out there. I'm simply just preparing them to defend themselves."
"Councilperson Roberts, I'm sorry but this guy is selling you a bad bill of goods. Just a few weeks ago, my students were injured by a bunch of his Cobra Kai's in an abandoned recreation facility." Daniel explains, both June and Wyatt furrow their brows.
ย ย "You know about this?" June whispers to her brother. He shakes his head, "No, this is new."
Kreese jumps in, "And who started that fight? If memory serves, your out-of-control daughter." June snickers, at his statement.
"Hey! You leave my daughter out of this, you piece of shit!" Amanda points to Kreese.
ย ย "์ด๋ฐ ์ ์ฅ." (holy shit) Wyatt and June laugh, trying to keep themselves quiet.
"Ma'am, please restrain yourself." Councilperson Roberts warns the woman.
ย ย ย "It's funny that you say that, because... I've had to file a restraining order against her for physically assaulting me." Kreese tells the council. June and Wyatt were now covering their mouths while laughing hysterically.
"Assault? Are you kidding me?" Amanda says in disbelief, from her spot in the stands.
ย ย ย "Maybe I should make a call to the authorities?" Kreese asks the council.
ย ย "That won't be necessary." She says, waving over a security guard to escort Amanda out.
"Councilperson Roberts, I assure you that I am a positive influence to my students, and the hundreds before them." Kreese explains before being interrupted by Johnny Lawerence.
ย ย ย "Horseshit! Your Honor, John Lawerence, Eagle Fang Karate." He says walking over to stand in front of the room. "This man has poisoned the minds of his students. And I should know, I was one of them."
Kreese looks over to the blonde, "We're we competitive? Sure. But it was all for good sport." Johnny points to his old sensei, "This man is a thief and a liar!"
"And he put a live cobra in my dealership!" Daniel exclaims, June scoffs,
ย ย "Oh, calm down, LaRusso. You deserved it." She mutters, Wyatt snickering next to her.
Councilperson Roberts bangs the gavel again, "Enough! Sit down. All of you." She demands, as the three sensei's all sit in the closest seats. "It is clear this karate tournament is causing division and rivalry in our community. You gentlemen, have made and excellent case today as to why this tournament should not continue."
June and Wyatt look at each other in disbelief, the All Valley couldn't be canceled. They we're about to go protest but stop halfway, being interrupted by Miguel. "Wait!" He said from the top of the stairs. "My name is Miguel Diaz. I was in the school fight. I was the one that got kicked off the second floor." The boy said, once he reached the podium.
"You know, uh I thought I was going to be paralyzed. I relearned how to stand. I relearned how to walk. And I want the tournament to continue." Miguel continued.
ย ย ย "We are very happy for your recovery, young man. But I'm afraid you don't understandโ" Councilperson Roberts starts.
ย ย ย "Yes, he does. We're the ones getting hurt. We're the ones fighting. Our voices should matter the most. And we want a place where we can compete, fairly and safely." Sam protests, walking down from her seat to stand next to Miguel.
June and Wyatt looked down to Kreese, who turned his head back to make eye contact with the twins, he nods knowing they got his message. June sighs, before announcing her and Wyatt's presence, "They're right!" She exclaims, the twins walking to stand next to the other teens, while giving them a quick glance. "For once." June says, rolling her eyes.
"We were bullied. I realized there's no escaping it." Wyatt gestures between him and June. "There'll always be a kid that wants to steal you lunch money, to beat you up, or give you a swirlie."
"A swirlie?"
Johnny stands up from behind Miguel, "When you dunk someone's head in the toilet and flush it. Pretty funny, actually."
ย ย ย June and Wyatt mentally face palm at their former sensei. June sighs, "Instead of burying your heads in the sand, and pretending that bullying doesn't exist, or you could just get rid of it with a stupid school program. What you need to do is teach kids how to defend themselves."
ย ย ย Sam really doesn't want to agree with the girl but knows June is right. "Physically and mentally. Because sometimes the scars you can't see are the ones that hurt the most." She says, glancing over at June, her breath slightly shakey.
Miguel speaks up again, "Karate is about discipline. It's about inner strength. It's about confidence. Lessons that you could use for the rest of your life. Look, I don't know where I would be today, or who I would be today, if it wasn't for my sensei." He states, glancing back at the sensei behind him. "We don't need this tournament to do cool kicks or to sell tickets, we need it to show the bullies of the world that we're not afraid. It's called the 'All Valley' because it's for everyone, to give everyone the chance to show what they can do, to fight, to become a champion. And we deserve that chance."
The council all nods to each other in agreement. "To be honest, I don't get the Valley's fascination with karate. But... if it means that much to all of you, and you're willing to sign waivers starting that the city is not liable, then... the All Valley Under-18 Tournament is officially back on." Councilperson Roberts states, before banging the gavel. Everybody cheers and applauds, June and Wyatt embracing each other with big smiles on their faces.
"I guess we all got what we wanted. But be careful what you wish for." Kreese tells the two other sensei's, before turning to his students there, patting them on the back as the three walked up the stairs. June glanced over to a surprisingly quiet Sawyer in one of the rows, she winks at the girl before continuing up the stairs. "How about we go celebrate. I have some drinks at the dojo." Kreese offers, the twins looking over at each other and nodding.
Kreese was hanging up the new All Valley poster, when the front door opens. They all look over to see Robby standing in the doorway, "Sensei Kreese?"
she speaks
let's hope 2023 is better than 2022 in lots of ways! wish y'all the best
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