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chapter fourteen

freaky, lesbian pillow fights


        JORDANNA WAS TURNING 19 in a week.

        Meaning it was that time of the year when she started having dreams of her fatherโ€”not so much as dreams, but more reliving memories, in a sense. 

        Howard Adams was a dick, everyone knew thatโ€”she had met many pricks in her lifetime but he was at the top of the list. I mean, if there was a competition on who the biggest dickhead in the world was, he'd surely win.

        So no matter how much she tried to push him to the back of her mindโ€”what he did, to the back of her mind, she couldn'tโ€”not when it neared her birthday. She never knew what it was about her birthday that seemed to dig up old traumasโ€”maybe it was the fact that she was grateful that she lived through all the attempts Howard had gone through to end her life.

        It confused her, but nonetheless, every year a different memory surfacedโ€”sometimes it'd be the day she witnessed him kill her mother, or when she killed him.

        But this time, this time, she had been reunited with the memory of him taking her magic. She hadn't thought about it in a long time, she was 17, just before Stefan and his brother brought all the supernatural drama to the sweet town that is Mystic Falls. 

        Jordanna couldn't deal without her magicโ€”she used it for literally everything: to open her locker (cause them damn locks never wanted to open for her), to cheat on tests that she hadn't studied for, free food (there was nothing wrong with making the bartender slightly infatuated with herself so she'd get free food. I mean, you'd do it if you could) and of course there was the whole surviving thing.

        Jordanna didn't just wake up a fighter, she never used to be able to fight โ€” but she had her magic. When that got taken away, she learnt that she couldn't always depend on thatโ€”after all, she still had enemies, and a lot of them at that.

        Her years of run-ins with her father taught her a lot, that's how she learntโ€”the push of survival. It was her or him. Kill or be killed. 

        And when it came down to her and her father...

        She'd pick herself every. damn. time.

jordanna's house, mystic falls โ€” 2009

        Jordanna was bored. 

        It was summer break and she had nothing to do, Caroline was out doing fuck knows what. Bonnie was spending time with her Grams and Elena was most likely spending time with Jeremy and Jenna.

        She was bored, home alone and most importantly, bored.

        And of course, the first thing that popped into her mind to cure that boredness wasโ€”get drunk.

        The cure to all of her life problems.

        Without moving, from her place on the couch, she lifted a manicured finger before her palm openedโ€”a bottle of some expensive wine she had stolen from the Lockwood's (during one of their many Charity Events) flew into her hand. 

       With one look the cork popped off, she sighed deeply she brought the bottle to her glossy lips. The bitter taste didn't phase her, she merely continued drinking as she stared into the lit fireplace. 

        After a few minutes she rose to her feet, pushing back her wavy hair from her face she made her way to the front door. Coming to a crouch just before the door she pulled open her bagโ€”which was carelessly thrown on the floor. She pulled out a packet of cigarettes and placed one between her lips. Ruffling through her bag she sighed in annoyanceโ€”she leant her lighter to Vicki, and of course she hadn't gotten it back.

        The witch made her way into the kitchen, pulling the cigarette from her lips she muttered. "Incendia." The end of the cigarette lit up before she placed it between her lips again, taking a slow, long drag as she rummaged through her cupboards.

        She didn't know why she bothered lookingโ€”she didn't have any food, she never went shopping after allโ€”the only time she would actually have food in the house was when Sheila would barge in with bags full of food, (of course the Bennett had a key), and scold her about not going to the shop and her health yada yada...

        Other than that, she was always out or she'd just order foodโ€”so I guess it's the latter, again.

        She made her way to her phone, which sat on the island next to a sea of dirty dishesโ€”she'd do them tomorrowโ€”she grabbed her phone and started dialling a pizza place when she heard ruffling from outside, the usual horror film stick snapping tease.


        She lifted her eyes to the large patio doors, eyes scanning the dark, starry garden, only finding nothing there. 

        It was probably just a dog or something. 

        She ignored it and began telling the pizza guy on the other end of the phone what she wantedโ€”but now that she had ordered she didn't want pizza anymore. For fuck's sake.

         She gently threw the phone back onto the island before she made her way back into the living room, her feet padded against the cold floors. She took a drag of her cigarette before sitting down onto the couchโ€”feeling a sudden rush of cold.

        Her fire was out.

        Muttering that one little word again the flames lit up, sending a golden, orange tone around the roomโ€”just when she noticed that the front door was inched open. What the fuck?

        She plucked the cigarette from her lips as she pushed her body up in caution. Her eyes scanned the living room and hallway as she sighed quietly. Can't she just have one night?

        A loud, manic yell caused her eyes to grow wide as she turned her head, finding the one and only Howard Adams charging at her.

        "Oh my fuckingโ€”what the fuck!" She cried out in surprise, jumping up from her seat when the man came running at her, her cigarette flew from her fingers in shockโ€”hitting him in the shoulder. 

     This is not how she wanted her Saturday night to go. 

       "Jordanna, dear, did you miss me?" Howard smiled as he placed his hands on the back of the couch she was just seated onโ€”his daughter facing him with a perplexed look on her face.

        "No. What do you want?" She snapped.

        Howard's smile widened. "You know what I want, Jords. Your magic."

        "Oh," Jordanna placed a fake smile on her face. "You could've fucking knocked and asked nicely, and maybe, just maybe I'd give it to you."

        "Well, I thought about it, I did," he told her, matching her tone. "But I assumed you would slam the door in my face like the bitch you are."

        "Wow!" She gave him a sarcastic look. "At least you got that right. Go away, I'm too tired to fight you right now, come back Monday or something."

        Howard laughed. "Always the joker, aren't you? I'm afraid not, see, after my last attempt, I've decided that I need to up my game, as you would say-" She gave him an unimpressed look. "-So I spelled the dagger." He reached into his jacket and pulled out the stupid, piece of crap, dagger that she hated so much. "I must say, it's so much stronger now, as am I."

        Jordanna nodded wordlessly. "See, that's great and all but I don't really care."

        "You will," Howard told her with a smile as he shoved the couch out of his way. He ran at his daughter again, suddenly coming to a stop. He groaned as she raised her palm, his hands flew up to his head in agony as pained grunts left his lips whilst she made a bee-line for the kitchen. 

        The man grunted as he dragged himself into the kitchenโ€”only to be greeted with a knife flying in his direction, he raised his hand and it turnedโ€”facing Jordanna before it headed towards her. The witch ducked as the knife flew at her, going passed her head and straight through the window. For fuck's sake, Sheila's going to kill me! She pursed her lips in annoyance as the glass from the window shattered. Great, now she had to pay for that!

         Howard gritted his teeth in annoyance, lifting his head, his eyes widened as he was greeted with the sight of every single knife from her kitchen floating in the air before they sped towards him. The man muttered, "Shit," under his breath before he ran out of the kitchen, watching as all the knives hit the wall behind him. 

        Turning back to look in the kitchen, Jordanna was nowhere to be seen. 

        He let out a sigh of annoyance, his grip on the dagger tightened immensely, his hand went white with pressure when all of a sudden he was struck on the back of the headโ€”a lamp in Jordanna's grip. Howard groaned as he hit the floor, the pained noise mixed with a chuckle that sounded from the back of his throat caused a disturbingly creepy noise to spill from his lips. 

        "Your mother tried that remember?" Howard grinned, blood trickled down from his head, and onto his mouth. "She failed, just like you."

        And he drove the dagger into her stomach.

        She didn't understandโ€”she just stood over his body, as her mother did, and didn't move. She couldn't move. But she didn't understand why. She had only just turned 17, and for that young age she had killed more people than she'd like to admit, but she didn't get why she stood frozen.

        Maybe because she couldn't run from it forever.

       Maybe because she simply couldn't fight him anymore.

       Maybe she was just too tired.

        She didn't know, but she certainly knew that if she was going to die, it'd not be by his hands.

        She used the little strength she could muster up and with a look she sent him flying into the wall behind him, a loud crack echoed through the house as he grunted, the witch cursed under her breath as she tightened her fistโ€”a booming yell spilled from his throat as blood trickled down his ears. Where was Barry when she needed him? 

        The Adams man lunged forward, hand grasping Jordanna's ankle, sending her flying to the floor. A pained noise left her mouth at the impactโ€”lifting her leg slightly she threw it back, kicking him smack in the head. "Fucking bitch," Howard cursed repeatedly with a grimace, as she attempted to scurry off.

        He gripped her ankle tightly, after catching it in his hold and drove the knife into her back. He took stabbing her in the back, wayy too literal.   

        Jordanna tried pushing him away, attempting to use her magic but it was no use she was growing too weak, eliciting in him only driving the dagger further into her flesh. He muttered those three words, them three damned words which sent a glow down her body, travelling through the knife and into her father.

        The bastard had finally done it, he had taken her magic.

         Howard grinned as he felt the magic flow through his body, he patted his daughter's head patronizingly. "Thank you, Jordanna."

        "Go fuck yourself," she muttered as he roughly pulled the knife from her back before making a bee-line for the patio doors, he turned to her once again as she slowly, but painfully, pushed her body against the wall, hand covering the blood that was pouring out of her torso.

         "This has been fun. Always a pleasure, Danny," he smirked before disappearing off into the night.

        Jordanna laid there for God knows how long, her eyes slowly began to flutter shut as she motionlessly stared at her phone that was sat atop of the island.

        She couldn't fucking move.

        She couldn't reach it.

        And just as her eyes finally closed, a staggered gasp left her lips as her guardian angel, Katherine Pierce, showed upโ€”saving the Jones teen from her demise.

        "If you don't wake up Jords, I'll eat the pizza boy and your pizza."

(flashback over)


        "Thank you all for coming," Father Kieran began. "It means more than I can tell you. We gather today for the first public service of our newly reopened church. St. Anne's can finally, once again, be the heart of our community, where we can congregate as people united. Here, this hour, we come together to praise God and give thanks. The events that took place at our church were tragic."

        Jordanna and Marcel shared a look. It was kind of ironic how Kieran was talking about looking to God when the three of them sat there... but whatever. 

        Klaus arched a brow as Marcel let out a huff of annoyance. "Problem?" Klaus asked at a whisper, his hand that rested on Jordanna's knee shifting slightly as he turned to look at the Gerard. 

        "No," Marcel shook his headโ€”seeming to be somewhere else.

        "Then pay attention. We're meant to seem like devoted parishioners," Klaus mocked lightly, voice hushed as he spoke to the two sitting next to them. 

        Jordanna's lips curved up into an amused smile as Father Kieran's voice echoed through church walls. "...And it is that hope in our hearts, and with the help of many benefactors, that allows us to be here today. So, we gather with renewed spirit, made stronger, committed to ideals of peace and love. Amen."

        "Amen." Everyone in the church mumbled back before taking a stand, moving to leave as Father Kieran moved to stand by the doors, thanking everyone in passing.

        "Lovely sermon this morning, Father," Klaus smirked as the trio made their way outsideโ€”standing in front of St. Anne's. "Quite inspirational."

         Kieran looked between the three with an arched brow, seemingly quite shocked at the fact they were there, "I wasn't expecting you to join us."

        Klaus' smirk widened as he wrapped an arm around Jordanna's shoulder. "Oh, we were hoping for some word from your human sources on the recent Haitian invasion," Klaus replied sarcastically, earning a small eyeroll from Kieran.

        "My guys have their ears on the ground and no one has seen or heard any sign of whatever his name is," Father Kieran responded.

        "His name's Papa Tunde," Jordanna told the man, a small smile on her lips.

       "And right now he's wandering in the Quarter with the power he absorbed from every soul I had buried in the garden, so you might wanna put your ear a little closer to the ground," Marcel retorted.

         "Or I could steer clear of whatever war is brewing between your kind and his, before I find myselfโ€”" Father Kieran began, before he was abruptly cut off by Camille who came to a stand in the middle of Jordanna and Marcelโ€”Jordanna tilted her head, as she stared up at Klaus, the two sharing a look.

         The blonde shook her uncle's hand wordlessly, seeming to ignore the other three. Klaus merely huffed in amusement at the blonde's pettiness, pulling Jordanna closer. 

        "I wanted to congratulate you on getting the church up and running. I can see this is a bad time." The O'Connell stated monotonously. "Nice to see you, Marcel," she greeted the Gerard as she turned to face him with a tight smile before walking away.

        "Have a nice day, Camille," Jordanna called out with a grin as she watched Cami's retreating figure. 

        "Cami!" Father Kieran yelled out after her but the bartender kept walking, ignoring her uncle. Kieran sighed deeply, looking toward the three with a pointed lookโ€”especially Jordanna.

        The witch rose her hands defensively. "Don't look at me, I didn't do anything." 

        The priest's eyes drifted to Marcelโ€”the Gerard copied the witch's actions, raising his hands.

        Klaus rolled his eyes at their antics as Kieran's eyes finally fell on him. "Well, don't look at me. I tried to send her away."

         Just after those words spilled his lips the hybrid's phone began ringing, the original held up his finger in a one moment motion and took a step away as he answered the callโ€”leaving Jordanna and Marcel as Kieran continued to bid everyone from the church goodbye.

         "Yes, Diego, what do you have for me?" Klaus questioned the vampire as soon as he answered the phone, watching as Jordanna and Marcel chatted amongst themselves, an eyeroll formed as he watched Marcel laugh at something the witch said to him. 

        "Uh, we got a special delivery."

        "Would you care to elaborate?" Klaus rose a brow.

         "Either our witch problems are over, or they're just getting started."

         Klaus sighed before hanging up, he shoved his phone in his back pocket before calling out to Jordanna and Marcel. 

         The two made their way over to the original, Klaus clenched his jaw as complaints of Jordanna's Jimmy Choo heels spilled from her lips, and the vampire besides her joked about carrying her as he placed a hand on her back.

        "We haven't got all day," Klaus called out in irritation.

        "Calm your tits," Jordanna huffed as she came to a stand besides him before he grabbed her hand and sped off with her, Marcel following in pursuit.


        "Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass, a pipe, perhaps?" Klaus mocked, clasping his hands behind his backโ€”earning a snort from Jordanna as Elijah crouched by the body of Papa Tunde, who laid dead inside some sort of witchy circle.

         "You have a theory you'd like to share with us, Niklaus?" Elijah asked with a sigh, glancing over to his brother. 

        "Back in the day, when the witches wanted to send a threat, they'd just killed a chicken and leave it on your doorstep," Marcel commented, looking down at the body. 

        Jordanna arched a brow, "thanks for the idea. I'll be sure to do that next time."

        "It's rather a large and ominous chicken, wouldn't you say?" Elijah asked in distain, rising from his crouched place. Jordanna's lips pulled up into a smirk at the Mikaelson's remark.

         "Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease, almost got the two of us as well. If he was supposed to be the prize fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard?" Klaus turned to the others, a curious frown etched onto his face.

         As he spoke, Rebekah slipped into the roomโ€”a wide smirk on her lips as she stared at the four as their heads snapped in her direction.

         "What?" Jordanna questioned, arching a brow as she crossed her arms over her chestโ€”looking towards the original sceptically.

        Rebekah sent her friend a toothy smile, coming to a stand beside her. "Nothing. Don't you all look cheery?" She gave them all a look, receiving eyerolls, the blonde huffed at the response before speaking again. "Listen to this, a girl literally exploded from a grave today as Sabine was giving a tour of The City Of The Dead. It was Monique Deveraux.

         Jordanna's eyes widened, before her face fell. Like she said, too many fucking times, who stays dead nowadays?


        "The tourists thought it was part of the show, but the witches are celebrating like it's some bloody miracle," Rebekah continued just as Jordanna and Marcel's eyes met, the two shared a look.

        "Maybe it is," Marcel spoke up.

        "You're telling me, if we kill the witch who took Davina's place, we could get her back?" Jordanna asked, a hopeful feeling fluttered in her stomach.

        "I have a theory about who one of them could be," Hayley said from atop the stairs, holding Davina's drawings of Celeste. "Celeste. I mean, it's got to be. Davina was trying to tell us, she was drawing pictures of Celeste. She was warning us that a greater evil is coming." The hybrid told them as she began to make her way down the stairs, into the courtyard, joining the others.

        Klaus huffed from behind Jordanna, rubbing his hand over his stubble in annoyance. "First, Papa Tunde returns to settle old scores." He turned his gaze to his brother. "Now, your murdered lover is back. This isn't witches attacking vampires. They're declaring war on us."

        Jordanna sighed deeply, leaning back until her back was pressed against Klaus' chest, a huff escaped her lips.

        One drama free dayโ€”that's all she wanted.

        She wanted to go shopping, buy another pair of Jimmy Choo's, Louboutin's maybeโ€”but, no. Life doesn't work like that, she had to be smack bang in the middle of a fucking war.


         Jordanna sighed as her heels hit the ground as she got out of the drivers seat, she followed after Rebekah and Hayley as they walked up the path of the Plantation. 

        "I thought I was gonna have to drag you two to the Plantation kicking and screaming," Rebekah said, a large smile on her face as she turned around to the two behind her.

       Jordanna shrugged as she gave the original a sheepish smile. "I'm not bothered, Bex. As long as it keeps me away from their dick measuring contests."

        Rebekah smirked at the girl, putting an arm around her shoulder as she turned around to look at the brooding hybrid trailing after themโ€”Rebekah looked down at her best friend, arching a brow at the look on Hayley's face.

        "And what is wrong with you?" The original questioned as Jordanna stared down at the black and pink chipped nail varnish on her nails. They needed doing, like now

       "Tonight's a full moon, Rebekah," Hayley revealed with a sigh. 

       Jordanna rose her brows. "Okayy? What does that have to with us?"

        Hayley gave her a look to which resulted in Jordanna raising her hands mockingly in surrender. 

        "So what? You're a hybrid now, you don't have to turn," Rebekah stated, staring at the hybrid dumbfounded.

       Hayley nodded. "Yes, but I wanted to invite a few people over."

        "Ermโ€”You mean your dog friends?" Jordanna pulled a face. "Why?"

       "Every red-blooded American werewolf will be a bundle of fur and sharp teeth tonight, whilst your cursed crescent clan will be-"

        "Human," Jordanna spoke up with a frown, her eyes dragging up and down Hayley's figure.

        The Marshall nodded again. "Only for a few hours, and won't be again until the next full moon, so... I asked Josh to get a message out to Eve in the Bayou."

        Jordanna leaned into Rebekah's shoulder, a crease forming between her brows, as she whispered up to her. "Who's Eve?"

        Rebekah opened her mouth for a second only for it to clamp shut again. "Uhโ€”Oh! I believe she's apart of Hayley's long lost family."

        "Right..." Jordanna nodded along, a perplexed look on her face. 

        Rebekah sent Hayley a look before a frown etched onto her features. "Wait, Josh isn't dead yet? Well good on him. I love a nice survival story."

        Jordanna snorted at the original's words before her gaze fell upon the front door as it pushed openโ€”revealing a short, stubby man pushing a dolly out of the house. Jordanna and Rebekah shared yet another look, the two turned to face Hayley expectantly. 

         "Who the bloody Hell is that?" 

        Hayley coughed awkwardly, avoiding the questioning glances from the two, her eyes fell onto the man as he wheeled the dolly out of the house. "Kegs out back, right?"


         "Right. It appears you wasn't gonna wait for me to grant you permission to throw a kegger," Rebekah arched a brow, an amused tone treading in her voice.

          Jordanna sighed, looking from the hybrid, who held a pleading look on her face and back to the original. "You know what? I haven't been to a good party in a long time... besides, we only came to this stupid city in the first place to find your family so..."

        A wide grin spread across the brunette's face as she looked at the witch in thanks. "God, I love you," Hayley breathed out. 

        "Understandable," Jordanna muttered, tipping her chin in agreement.

        "What do you say Rebekah?" Hayley asked, turning to the blonde. "You wanna help us throw one hell of a party?"

       Rebekah sighed, "why not?"


        Jordanna ran a hand through her hair as she made her way over to the bedside table in hers and Klaus' old room. Her freshly painted nailsโ€”curtesy of Rebekahโ€”picked up her buzzing phone as Klaus' name flashed across the screen.

        "Hey," Jordanna spoke as she placed the phone on speaker, she moved back to the mirror as she pulled the top of her lip gloss off, before lathering it on her lips.

        "Hello, love," Klaus breathed out from the other end of the phone, a smile curved at his lips upon hearing her voice.

        "What's wrong with you?" Jordanna asked with a frown as she pulled the lip gloss away from her mouth, turning around she faced the phone before she strode over to it, picking it up in her grasp. 

        "As much as I hate to ask, Father Kieran has been hexed by the witches, I was just wondering if you could-"

        "I'll see if there's a spell I could do," Jordanna sighed, Klaus grimaced. He hated asking her to use her magic whenever he needed something, he usually threatened another witch or the Jones offered to help, he never asked her, he didn't like to.

       "Are you sure? I could try-"

        Jordanna rolled her eyes lightly. "Shut up, Nik. I'll do it, I can't let a priest die, my mother would kill me."

        "Thank you, sweetheart," Klaus sighed down the phone. "Justโ€”be careful, alright?"

        Jordanna scoffed playfully, "I'm always careful." 

        Klaus hummed disbelievingly down the phone, as the witch ruffled through a set of drawers. She pulled out one of her grimoires and some candles along with a beaded necklace, a cross hanging off of it.

        "Kill anyone yet?" Jordanna asked as she set the candles down onto the floor. 

        Klaus tutted, "have a little faith, sweetheart. No, I have not."

        "Yet," Jordanna corrected as she stared at the candles, watching as they lit up. She pulled open the grimoire, eyes skimming up and down the pages. Her left hand gripped at the beads as her right hand ran up and down the pageโ€”palm flat.

        "And you?" Klaus asked as Jordanna's eyes fluttered shut. "What is that you, my sister and Hayley have been up to?"

        "Oh you know, singing kumbaya around a fire," she muttered before shushing him. "Now shut up and let me concentrate."

        A noise of amusement bubbled from the back of Klaus' throat, "my apologise, love."

        Her hands gripped at the beads tighter, the flame of the candles began flickeringโ€”growing taller as the seconds went on. A deep breath escaped her lips as her head tipped up towards the ceiling, her eyes shooting open as she felt a rush of energy. She felt something tickle her eyes before she blinked and she was fine no more than a second later. Weird. Her chanting became lower as the words slipped past her lips, the soft breeze that had drifted in from the slightly, cracked open windows picked up, sheets of loose paper flew around the room, her hair blowing freely in the wind before a sharp pain erupted in her abdomen.

        "Ah!" Jordanna choked out, feeling multiple harsh kicks. The baby. "Oh my fucking god," she groaned out in pain. "Will you stopโ€”Jesus! Fucking kid."

         "Jordanna? What's the matter, are you hurt?" Klaus' voice rushed out from the other end of the phone, the witch took a deep breath as the pain subsided, reaching out she grabbed the phone in her hands.

        "This fucking kid has some legs on it," she mumbled, leaning her back against the bed. "I tried Nik, I'm sorry-"

        "I don't care about that right now, are you okay?

        Jordanna's lips upturned, a small smirk pulled at her mouth. "Aw, Nik. You're going soft on me."

        Though he was not here, she just knew that he rolled his eyes.

       "Seriously, I'm fine," she dismissed, wiping away the blood that dripped from her nose with a grimace. Seems like the baby didn't like the magic very much. "Perfectly fine."


        "Oh! Would you look at the time?" Jordanna feigned surprise. "I gotta go, freaky, lesbian pillow fights to get toโ€”you know the drill."


        "I love you!" And she hung up.

        As the witch rose to her feet, she heard the front door pull open before Rebekah's voice bellowed through the house. "Who the bloody Hell are you?" 

        A crease formed in Jordanna's face as she shrugged off the hoodie from her shoulders, and threw it onto the bed before she slipped out of the roomโ€”finally, making her way downstairs. 

        Her heels clicked against the stairs as she watched Rebekah talk to someone on the other side of the door. The frown on her face lifted as she heard the mysterious person speak up. "Seriously? Did you just call me a dog?"

        A small smile tugged on her lips as she came to Rebekah's side, the blonde looked down at her friend. "Do you know this insane woman?"

        Jordanna nodded, "Rebekah meet Naomi."

        Rebekah's eyes narrowed as she stared at the woman in front of her who was known to be Marcel's best friend. 

        Naomi's perfectly shaped brows rose, "you're the illusive Rebekah? I must say, you are a lot hotter than Marcel played you out to be."

         The hostile look on Rebekah's face fell before a flustered one took over, "ohโ€”uh. Thank you, I suppose."

        Naomi and Jordanna shared an amused look before the Jones witch spoke up, "I invited her here, figured Hales would be busy with her long lost reunion, and you'd be busy getting on some werewolf dickโ€”"

        "I get it," Rebekah raised a hand with a grimace.

        "Great," Jordanna flashed her teeth before turning to the vampire in front of herself and the original. "Naomi, would you like to come in?"

        "I would love to." The Tate woman teased, before stepping past the threshold. 

        "Now come on," Jordanna ushered. "We have a party to be getting to."

        "You're pregnant, Jords, careful."

        "Calm your tits, I'm not gonna do anything."


        Jordanna strolled around the garden of the Plantation, a can of soda held in her hands as she watched Hayley's long lost family dance around the gardenโ€”joyous grins on their faces.

        Rebekah was dancing with some blonde werewolfโ€”eliciting in an enthusiastic thumbs up from Jordanna as the blonde caught her eye. Hayley was God knows where and Naomi had gone off to get the witch another drink.

        The witch turned only to be faced with a manโ€”a werewolf no doubtโ€”with longish dark, curly hair standing in front of her, a sheepish smile on his face.

        "Holy crap," a gasp left her lips as she jumped in surprise, hand flying to her chest. "You are creepy as shit."

       A chuckle slipped from his lips, an apologetic look on his face, "I'm sorry. I'm Jackson."

        The witch nodded along. "Rightt. I'm Jordanna, I'm sorry did you need something?"

        "Yeah, I was wondering if you know where Hayley is..."

        Jordanna shook her head faintly. "No, sorry. Try inside."

       "Thanks," Jackson nodded before he turned away, making his way inside just as Naomi sauntered back over to the witch, shooting Jackson a curious look.

        "Who was that?" The vampire questioned as she handed the witch a drink. 

        "Jackson," Jordanna hummed. "Must be one of Hayley's werewolf friends."


       Jordanna shot the vampire a look at the disinterested tone in her voice. "What's up with you?"

        "I'm bored, this is supposed to be a party," Naomi grumbled.

        "Hm. Come on," Jordanna held her hand out.

        Naomi arched a brow before a sly look pulled at her lips as she placed her hand in Jordanna's. The witch turned her gaze to the speaker that stood in the middle of the gardenโ€”the music turned up, now blaring through the property.

        Cheers erupted from the crowd of werewolves as they danced around. Naomi and Jordanna twirling each other around, laughter spilling from their lips. Hands trailing down to waists as they moved their hips to the rhythm, toothy grins sitting on their faces.  


        Jordanna and Naomi's laughter echoed through the walls of the Plantation as they walked down the hallways, arm in arm. Their chuckles came to an abrupt stopโ€”an awkward clearing of their throats as they realised they stumbled in on a conversation between Hayley and the werewolf Jordanna had just metโ€”Jackson.

        "Sorry," Naomi slurred at a whisper before a giggle escaped her lips, Jordanna shushed her with a grin on her face. Hayley and Naomi had been acquainted a little while after her arrival.

        "It's fine," Hayley dismissed with a sigh, rubbing her temples in disdain before her eyes shot up to the raven-haired witch. "Jords? Did you tell anybody that you were gonna set them free?" The Marshall asked her friend.

       Jordanna frowned. "What the Hell are you talking about?"

         "Jackson, he said-"

         "A witch told Eve that she was coming here to set us free, I just figured it was you seeing as you're the only witch here." The Kenner werewolf spoke up.

        "Uh, no..." Jordanna said, a crease forming between her brows. Naomi stood up straighter at this revelation before she excused herself to get some waterโ€”now, was not the time to be drunk. 

     Hayley's face contorted a mixture of confusion and worry. "Then what witch friend?"

        "Fuck's sake," Jordanna cursed as she pulled her phone from her back pocket, she dialled Klaus' numberโ€”the call going straight to voicemail. 

        Dread dropped down into the pit of her stomachโ€”something was wrong, very wrong. She could feel it.

         "Has anyone seen Bex?" Jordanna called out to the two behind her as she began dialling the oldest Mikaelson's number. 

        "Not since earlier," Hayley shouted back in panic.

        "Shit," Jordanna mumbled just as the original answered. "Elijah, something dodgy is going on with the witches, and Nik's not answering-"

        Elijah cut off the witch's rambling as he pushed himself up from the ground. "Listen to me, Jordanna. Hayley was right. Celeste is back. Niklaus, Rebekahโ€”you're all in danger."

         Just as those words left his lips, the front doors slammed shut by a sudden gust of wind. "What's going on?" Jackson questioned as he watched Jordanna toss her phone to the Marshall hybrid, Hayley put the phone to her ear as she began talking to the original on the other side.

        "It's a trap," Jordanna told him as she sauntered passed him, she began to make her way out of the room. "We didn't make a deal with a witch."

        Just as the young witch turned to go upstairs, the stairway caught on fire. "Holy fuck," Jordanna jumped back, face blinded by heat. She waved her hand, and the fire died down before the cabinets next to her lit on fire. 

        Hayley sped to the girl and pulled her away, as Jackson picked up a piano stool, throwing it at the windowโ€”but it only resulted in the wooden stool breaking. Jordanna sucked on her teeth in annoyance as she watched the curtains drown in the fire, the carpet slowly following along. 

        Jordanna started at small chants, her voice slowly growing louder as she watched the curtains slowly die down before a harsh kick felt through her abdomen. The witch doubled over slightlyโ€”grabbing onto the hybrid's armโ€”the sudden distraction allowed the curtains to erupt in flames once again, causing her to break out into a coughing fit. 

        She fell to her knees, Hayley crouched down beside her and grabbed a vase, she poured water onto a table cloth that had been carelessly placed on the table. 

         "Here, Jords. Breathe into this," Hayley told her friend, passing the cloth to the young witch.

        Suddenly Naomi sped back into the room, arm over her mouth as she spluttered, her hand gripped around Jordanna's forearm before she tugged her up and sped right into the window. 

        Jordanna gasped as she dropped to the floor, breathing in the fresh air only to be met with a concerned Elijah as he leant downโ€”hand on her shoulder, his eyes drifted from the pregnant teen to Naomi. "Hayley. Where's Hayley?โ€”"

        Naomi huffed out some fresh air, simply raising her finger in a one moment movement before she sped off, back inside. 

        "Where's Rebekah?" Elijah asked urgently as Jordanna leaned against him.

        "I don't know..." Jordanna muttered just as Naomi came speeding back out with Hayley and Jackson in hand. 

        Jordanna looked up to the house in distainโ€”she had about 5 pair of shoes in that house, some Jimmy Choo, some Louboutin and some grimoires and now they were fucking ashes. Klaus had bought her all those shoesโ€”well compelled, Klaus compelled herโ€”Nik! Oh my Christ.

        "Where's Nik?" Jordanna rushed out as she looked up to the Mikaelson. 


        "Marcel!" Elijah's voice boomed through the courtyard as he and Jordanna sauntered in, toward Marcel and his group of vampires. "Where is my brother?"

        "I got guys out looking for him right now," Marcel told them, only further angering Elijahโ€”the witch watched as the Mikaelson began carelessly grabbing the vampires and throwing them into the walls. 

        "Elijah!" Hayley snapped from atop the balcony.

        "Marcel," Jordanna's chest heaved up and down in worry and annoyance as she neared the Gerard. "What the fuck happened to him?"

        Marcel sighed, rubbing his jaw with his hand as he looked down at Jordanna, "Klaus threw one of his classic temper tantrums, snapped my neck, tried to take on a coven of witches by himself. He got dropped. I don't know where to find him."

        Jordanna and Elijah shared a look. "They also have Rebekah. Every one of you will help us to find them," Elijah ordered, looking around the room. "I'm gonna kill them all."

        Jordanna heard a faint scoff amongst the crowd and her eyes narrowed as they fell upon a vampire. "Do you have you'd like to add or what?"

        "Why the hell should we help you? You're witch, you're just as bad as them-"

        Jordanna's hand curled into a fist, Marcel pinched his brow as he watched the vampire gasp for air. "Oh! I'm sorry," Jordanna snapped, running her tongue across her teeth. "Not the answer I was looking for. This is not a fucking debate, you're helping whether you like it or not!"


sorry it took a little longer than usual i've got fucking writers block or whatever ox

do yous want flashbacks of when jj and hayley met cosss jj was a little err idk different? more on the wildside idk lmao and hayley just wanted a drink in a bar but jj was busy...  ;) 

im gonna do a few more like flash backs in chaps, so lmk if yous like them or not

changed the name lmao cos i thought it suited jords more xo


(edited 04/04/22)

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