ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ💜
Dedicated To Every Reader Of
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Ghost readers, we have few more chapters to go😂
Will you keep up as a ghost readers till the end?
Do you hate this book that much 😂
Ashley who had been trying so hard to act like everything was normal, stares at Nathan with lots of questions in his eyes. He was sort of enraged, especially with everything that had gone down today.
It was so hideous.
He hadn't gotten the moment to speak to Nathan regarding what had been going around. Even though, deep down he knew Nathan was capable of committing such. Not after the incident with Cherish.
If he and Xavier hadn't walked in when they did. He didn't want to think about the possibilities.
Xavier stood at a corner, while Dashlin sat on a stool, as they gawked on the nurse clean up, in a sort of creepy way, though they didn't mean any harm.
The look on Nathan's face did indicate he was in so much agony.
"Just take a nap." The nurse turns to Xavier. "You boys will have to leave pretty soon."
Neither of the boys utters a word, till she was out of the door.
"Did you do it?" Ashley blurts out, without a second thought. He needed to hear the truth. Not from anyone but Nathan.
Nathan doesn't respond, instead he stares into the space cautiously.
"Nathan!" Ashley calls out, his heart beating expeditiously.
"Ash, let him rest! He is in a lot of pain." Xavier says, giving Ashley his full attention. "You don't need anyone to tell you whatever he is going through right now is excruciating..., "
"Did he rape Jewel or not? I need an explanation. Stop trying to shush me up." Ashley groans, like he was losing it. He looked extremely pissed.
"Ash, can you just back off, for a minute?" Nathan suddenly says, with a grave look on his face.
"How could you?" Ashley asks. Nathan's reaction was sufficient, he could see through that reaction.
"Did you have to force yourself on her to prove you can get what you want? Tf, we all had forgotten that ridiculous bet, long ago." Ashley says furious.
"Ash! Chill." Dashlin says suddenly throwing his hand around his neck, it was very apparent, he wanted him calm.
"Why should I chill? He is a freaking rapist." Ashley suddenly says full of regrets.
"Ash," Nathan calls out in a demanding tone. "Stop it." He instructs.
"Stop what? Can you hear yourself? We are..., "
"That bitch deserved everything she got," Nathan says slowly.
"Nathan, that bitch is my cousin," Ashley says in quotes. He couldn't believe Nathan was so calm about this.
"To think, I thought you had an explanation to give. This was the same way you acted when you almost did the same thing to Cherish." Ashley swallows the huge lump in his throat, while he got various reactions from his friends.
"You did everything possible to make it go away, and I helped you, thinking it was a mistake..., "
"Ash, can we just chill out a bit. We are gees for life. We shouldn't fight over the little issue." Nathan says calmly.
"Are you sane at all?" Ashley half yells. "What little issue? You call a rape that?" Ashley yells.
"Shhh!" Xavier says pulling Ashley to his corner.
"What's with the noise?" The same nurse who attended to Nathan suddenly barged in, with lots of questions and concerns.
With the look of things, she wasn't there to buy craps.
"Can you boys please leave. He needs to rest." This statement alone made Ashley feeble.
___________________ 🖊️
Jason couldn't contain the anger he felt within. Immediately he sights Jewel alongside Jayden. He tried his absolute best to contain the anger which engulfed him like a magnet.
He wasn't satisfied with the beating they gave Nathan, he wanted the chance to bury him alive, if possible.
He never believed his sister could be the victim of such a circumstance. If only wishes were horses or he could turn the hand of time, he would never have attended that party, there was no way Jewel would have attended too.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Jason asks immediately they got to where he stood. Meanwhile, Jayden pulls Jason along with him, still holding Jewel.
The three of them get to a place that was a little bit secluded.
"Jewel? Tell us everything that happened, is this true?" Jayden asks calmly.
Jason couldn't believe Jayden still had doubts, even after what went down.
"He rap..., " Jason swallows the huge lump in his throat. He seemed like he couldn't utter the next word. "He forced himself on her, not just her he almost did the same to Geraldine. Truth are always locked up in a dairy." Jason says, to a shocked Jayden.
"Gidi?" Jayden calls out with an apprehensive look. "What dairy?" Jayden asks.
Jewel suddenly burst into uncontrollable tears. She looked petrified.
"Jewel," Jayden calls out, very troubled. You could see the pain in his face.
"Stop it," Jason says slowly, pulling a sobbing Jewel into his arm. She sheds tears uncontrollably while he soothes her back calmly.
Meanwhile, Jayden leans closer to the wall, with a dreadful look on his face.
"Don't worry, I will kill him," Jason says scaring Jayden.
Whenever Jason got like this, he got scared. He was very disastrous and dangerous in situations like this. Nathan was certainly not to first-person Jason had fought so intense with.
"Jewel, stop crying! We will be fine. He won't go free. Although we might get into some problems," Jayden says pulling her slowly away from Jason, to his arms. The last statement was intended for Jason.
"Why didn't you tell us? Why did you keep quiet about it?" Jason asks slowly.
"You warned me about him," Jewel says amidst sobs. This was the first time she was speaking up since they got together. "Everyone knows now." She sobs hard.
"Jewel, you did nothing wrong." Jayden suddenly says.
Meanwhile, Jewel burst into tears.
"I deserve it." She says amidst sobs.
"Will you stop that? No one deserves this shit." Jason says furiously.
___________________ 🖊️
Geraldine gazes at the principal, like her life depended on him. She was still shaky from the Jason, Jayden and Nathan's drama.
She had never seen Jason that angry.
He was so hurt. Why wouldn't he? Jewel was his sister. Anyone would have reacted the way he did.
She has also been avoiding running to Jayden especially.
Where was she to start explaining from?
To think the principal was still present in his office by this time of the day.
"I'm here sir!"
Geraldine recognised the Vice principal's voice.
She was a chubby little woman in her early fifties. She hurried in, adjusting her glasses.
"Jewel Adenuga?" The principal calls out slowly, while he adjust his glasses, taking an adequate look at them.
Geraldine didn't know what she was feeling at the point. It felt like her head was exploding, her pupils seemed dilated.
"Senior prefect and Deputy senior prefect girl." He acknowledged.
Geraldine tried to keep a straight face, alongside Jewel and Ekanem.
"Sir!" Ekanem utters. Although neither Geraldine nor Jewel said a word.
"Your parents have being invited, we should be expecting them here by tomorrow..., "
"My parents?" Ekanem suddenly asks with a worried look on her face.
"I'm sure you three know why you were called in here. Whatever we heard wasn't pleasant to the ear, the management hopes it's a misunderstanding, because this case isn't something to joke around with..., "
"Rape is a delicate matter." The vice-principal intrudes. "To think this has something to do with the Senior Perfect girl, deputy senior prefect boy and girl and hostel prefect. People who are the leaders of this school. This is so appalling." She says, meanwhile Geraldine pays attention. It wasn't surprising she knew their various posts.
"Jewel Adenuga, is that report true, your brother's attacked a fellow student, not after giving him a huge cut of his face. We are lucky he isn't in a critical state." He pauses and takes a deep breath. "When asked what the problem was, we were told by your brothers that Nathan Otedola raped you? And attempted to force himself on Geraldine Johnson's too. After so many interactions, we confirmed that Ekanem Edet was an eyewitness. How true is this?" He asked.
From the look of things, it was obvious the principal knew the answer to his questions and only wanted their point of view.
"Why wasn't this matter tabled before us? Even though this wasn't committed in any school social gatherings. We don't condone such immoral acts here." He says looking grim.
For the first time in Geraldine's life, she paid attention, without her attention-getting diverted.
"It's all true." Ekanem blurts out. Meanwhile, Geraldine and Jewel both threw glances at her.
"Jewel Adenuga, " He calls out, with a look on his face, like he was expecting an answer.
"Yes," Jewel says in a little whisper.
"Adenuga." He mentions for the second time.
"Yes sir." You could hear her voice break vividly.
"Oh my God." That was the vice principal's voice. The disappointment in her voice was striking.
"Geraldine Johnsons."
The way her name sounded in her ears. She wasn't scared but disturbed. Deep down, she didn't want all these sandals, although she wanted Nathan to pay for what he did. She didn't want to be the talk in town, in this way. She didn't want this much drama in her life. It felt like everything had transformed. A minute everyone was okay, and boom a scary mess was created.
"Johnsons!" He repeats.
"It's true." She responds slowly.
The disappointment on both the principal and vice-principals faces was evident.
"Why wasn't this reported in the first place, such delicate matter. You all are to repeat everything you have just said in front of your parents, okay?" The vice-principal asks.
___________________ 🖊️
"Aunty, get on your knees." Senior Ukeme orders, meanwhile Cherish who had no idea of what she had done wrong to go on her knees.
Not breaking any eye contact with Senior Eno, who gave her a look of disgust.
Senior Eno, who had gotten into the list of seniors who detested her. To think she didn't know why she always got into their bad book.
Now, the question was, what did she do now, to deserve punishment.
"Look at how her eyes are shining, as small as she is." Senior Eno says and hisses.
"What's her crime?" Their new friend senior Ivy says to Senior Ukeme directly.
"Look at how tiny she is, fooling around with a senior. You think because the SP boy is fucking you, you will go scout free."
Cherish scrunched her nose involuntarily. The term Senior Ukeme used wasn't appeasing to her ear.
The way senior Ivy was looking at her now, wasn't funny at all.
"To think she looks so innocent..., "
"It's her type that acts like they don't know what they are doing, can't you see the way her eyes is shining?" Ukeme asks, cutting Eno short.
"To think Ss1 and Ss2 boys aren't enough."
"Our boys are the ones fucking up. That's why they have got no respect for them." Ivy suddenly says, looking grim, meanwhile Eno lets out a hiss, with an upset look on her face.
___________________ 🖊️
Immediately Geraldine walks into the principal office, she takes note of every face that was present.
The principal, vice-principal, their form master, Her parents, Jewel's parents, Nathan's mum whom she recognized, she guessed persons, were Ekanem's parents. Because neither of them looked like Mr Otedola Nathan's Dad. She had seen him once or twice, during graduations in the school.
He was the PTA chairman, so she would recognise him if she saw him.
She observed Nathan at a corner, then Jayden and Jason who stood together. Nathan appeared decent enough than the other day. It meant progress in his injury. There was a plaster on his face, as well as the previous bandage on his head, which looked new.
The cutest boy in class was left with different stitches.
The door is slightly open, Geraldine catches a glimpse of Ekanem who peeps.
"Edet!" The principal calls out. He had obviously seen her similarly.
Mr and Mrs Edet, turn to the direction on the door, at the same time.
While Ekanem forces herself in, probably forgetting she could as well open the door widely. Jewel walks in behind her.
Geraldine didn't miss the fright on Jewel's face. It was so obvious.
She could relate, she dreaded this moment too. Especially with her parents around, she openly lied to her Mum, not to exclude her boyfriend.
He knew, what would he think of her now?
His impression mattered a lot.
"Good day once again. We are all present. So we can proceed now." The principal says. Meanwhile, Geraldine makes an eye contact with her mother, who breaks it almost in time.
She wondered what she might have been told while fidgeting her fingers.
"Mr and Mrs Adenuga, Mr and Mrs Edet, Miss Wachijem, Mr and Mrs Johnsons you all are welcome." The principal acknowledges. "I know you all must have lots of questions right now. Trust me, so do we."
"A rape case..., " He paused.
After taking a good look at everyone one of the students, he returns the gaze to their parents.
"This is the first time we are dealing with such in the history of this school. And even though it didn't happen here in school, it concerns our students. Everyone involved in this scandal is our student, and we have to deal with this calmly..., "
"With all due respect sir, I just want to know the son of a bitch who dared used his filthy hands to touch my girl inappropriately, that's all I want, because when I'm done with him..., "
"Watch your tongue Madam!" Miss Wachijem cuts Geraldine's Mum off before she could complete her statement.
Deep down Geraldine knew her mother was going to wreck havoc. Typical of mother. She wasn't going to take this matter lying. She just hoped no one let her get close to Nathan, all she might tear him apart.
"Language Mrs Johnson. Miss Wachijem please, we are here for a peaceful meeting, let's just hear the kids out." The principal says.
"Peaceful?" Wendy calls out, with a mock laughter. "I doubt so."
Geraldine noticed her Dad whisper something into her ears, then she keeps quiet.
"Please. Mrs Johnson, let's hear the principal out." The Vc suddenly chips in.
"Yesterday, Jason Adenuga used a broken bottle to stab Nathan Otedola in class. They both began fighting, and when Jayden Adenuga got to the fight scene, instead of separating they joined the fight. Two against one, we don't condone fighting in this school, but that's by the way, the main..., "
"What is by the way? Mr Madume can you take a good look at my son's face." Mrs Wachijem says getting up and pointing at Nathan. "This two rascals attacked him, and you see saying that's by the way?" She asks in anger.
"He didn't mean it that way madam. He meant we have a bigger issue at hand." The Vc chips in trying to make peace.
"So this is the nincompoop?" Wendy suddenly asks pointing at Nathan.
Meanwhile, Geraldine folds her hand, watching the drama. Every other parent hadn't actually said anything.
"Sir, can we please get to the reason we are all here." Mr Adenuga, Jewel's Dad suddenly says extremely calm.
"I'm sorry if you are seeing this the wrong way, Mr Wachijem. The truth is the matter is that your son Nathan was accused of rape." The atmosphere becomes toxic.
"He was said to have allegedly raped this young girl Jewel Adenuga and also try to force himself on Geraldine Johnson's when she tried to stop him." The principal says calmly.
That moment Geraldine and Jayden makes an eye contact.
"Jesus!" Mrs Adenuga, April's Mum exclaims. She couldn't hide the shock, making Geraldine wonder if she wasn't told before the meeting.
"I didn't rape Jewel nor force myself on Geraldine sir. This is a set-up." Nathan denies it immediately.
"I know it isn't true." His Mum backs him up. "Don't worry." She says, giving Jewel a look, which sort of felt creepy to Geraldine, before she makes eye contact with Geraldine.
"Edet, repeat the statement you gave." The principal suddenly says directing his gaze to Ekanem who takes a deep breath.
"He raped Jewel when he was about to do the same to Geraldine, that was when I walked him. I panicked and hit a vase on his head and he passed out..., "
"What's this lie about. Mum, they are using the gang issue against me. You know what happened to me at that party." Nathan cuts Ekanem off, meanwhile his Mum gives him an assuring look.
"How will I force myself my ex?"
Everyone's facial expression changes. Meanwhile, Geraldine couldn't help but wonder about the kind of game he wanted to play.
"Ekanem even you too, why will you tell a lie? I broke up with Jewel because I find out she was sleeping with me and my brother Leo." Nathan data calmly.
Geraldine couldn't believe her ears. At that moment, Jewel felt like disappearing from the earth.
Even the principal looked confused.
"Jewel Adenuga, is he saying the truth?"
"Sir, she is going to tell a lie..."
"My friend, let the girl talk," Wendy yells at Nathan.
"Please, don't raise your voice on my son." Nathan's Mum attacks her. "Let him talk.
"I don't know why she is telling lies. Jewel is it because I dumped you? I didn't even want to tell anybody why, couldn't you just let it be, why come up with a lie and frame me. Why would I rape you, we have had sex tons of times, tell me why I would rape someone as disgusting as you are, thank God I dumped you."
Geraldine couldn't believe her ears. Was Nathan talking about sex in front of their parents?
"Mind what you say," Jason says pushing Nathan who punches him in return.
"Are you both daft? Don't you have respects?" The form master yells.
"Jewel Adenuga." The principal calls out.
"You know, I knew you were familiar." Miss Wachijem says directly to Jewel. "You are shameless huh. Why lie about such trivial things. To think you are the same shameless girl I saw naked on Leo's bed." Mrs Wachijem says looking at Jewel with disgust. Meanwhile, Jewel let the tears drop.
Geraldine's heart broke for her at that moment. She didn't deserve the insults she was getting. This was a sensitive issue.
"Madam, tone your voice down. You are mistaken here. It can't be my daughter. I have been watching you misbehave for so long quietly. Watch your tone on my little girl." Jordan suddenly says in fury.
Geraldine couldn't believe it was the very calm man, she saw a few minutes ago.
"You'll should train your daughters properly. They shouldn't throw themselves on boys. Look at a girl of this age. I'm disappointed." Nathan's Mum says.
"What about your disgusting son? Or he isn't to be blamed here? My daughter would never lie to me, when she came back from that party, she told me a boy tried to force himself on her. But refused to give me full details, now I know why she lied about not knowing the guy's face. Look my daughter, would never lie to me about such a delicate issue." Wendy says looking grim.
"Why not give your daughter a proper home training."
"It's your son that lacks home training, not my daughter"
"Stop ranting like a madwoman."
"Trust me, I won't only just rant, but design your painted face, old hag! I will deal with that bastard of a son of your, or my name isn't...,"
"Oh, shut up! Wendy." Nathan's mum exclaims.
To Geraldine, it felt both women were familiar with each other.
"Look at the fool that has home training. That goes around sleeping with one producer to another. Stealing people's husbands. That's why her's was also stolen. Old hag, that thinks she is still a baby." Wendy says eyeing Nathan's mother.
Geraldine knew she was right, they probably knew each other from somewhere.
"Madam, it hasn't gotten to this." The Vc suddenly says.
"It has gotten to everything Ma, it has. If you don't want me to scatter this school, you should better do your job and keep shut." Wendy barks.
"Baby." Mr Johnson says, pulling her back to her chair, meanwhile she pulls away from him roughly.
"As for you, " Now she was pointing at Ekanem's mother, which made Geraldine wonder what wrong she had done. Because she hadn't uttered a word ever since.
"You are lucky your daughter wasn't touched inappropriately, I wonder if your mouth would have been this shut because the bitch is a friend," Wendy says rolling her eyes, making Geraldine wonder if her mum had problems with everybody.
"Jewel, did he rape you." Came Jewel's Dad calm voice. "Is it true?"
Even though her voice was extremely low. Immediately she said this, her father's expression changed.
"How old is your son?" Jordan says directing the question at Nathan's Mum.
"He will be nineteen by..., "
"Do you know my little girl is a minor, she is just sixteen?" Jordan asks calmly.
"As small as she is. Whoring around at such age." Miss Wachijem says with a disgusted look.
"Your son will be dealt with for sure. Meet me in cult." Jordan gets up and walks out of the office immediately.
"Sir, please we should investigate prop..., "
"I swear to God, you will hate me if you complete that statement," Wendy says glaring at the Vc.
Meanwhile, Jewel's mum gets up and walks out, you could see the painful look on her face.
"Yes, we will all meet in court. Do you know who his father is, do you think you can threaten us. We aren't scared of you. Justice will always prevail." Miss Wachijem yells, obviously for Jordan to hear.
"The only reason, you didn't hear my voice is because he didn't, I repeat. He didn't get his filthy self on my child. I swear to God. We wouldn't be here. Tame that child of yours." Geraldine's Dad says for the first time. "With all due respect sir. We will be taking our leave. I can't stand being in the same room with this woman anymore." He says directly to the principal.
"I have all the time in the world for her, please," Wendy yells.
"Please stop barking." Miss Wachijem says. "We are not afraid of meeting you all in court either. Also, these boys will be sued for attempted murder."
Geraldine couldn't believe her ears, was Miss Wachijem serious.
Attempted murder she said.
"One of those rascals almost stabbed my son to death."
___________________ 🖊️
She would never forget the disappointment on her parent's faces when Leo's Mum outed her. She preferred referring to her with that.
She didn't have the strength to talk, denying it wasn't even in her agenda.
She still couldn't believe Nathan could say all those things about her. Nathan, who she viewed as a god of some sort.
Someone she was crazy about. Right now she wondered if she ever loved him. Because the only thing she felt now was anger, resentment and pain.
Her Mum didn't say much to her, then she was going for a test in the hospital. The goosebumps she felt was out of the world. Not because she was scared of whatever she might be told in the hospital, it was being alone with her mother, she dreaded.
She did regret the day she agreed to be his girlfriend. She had never been this hurt in her life.
He raped her.
He freaking raped her.
She told herself it was a big dream. She wanted to believe so badly that he didn't know what he was doing, that everything could just go away. But it kept getting worse.
To think everyone in school knew. She loved being the centre of attention, but not this way. Especially when people were having side talks about her, with their opinions.
She hated pity. That was the way some people were looking at her.
"Happy birthday Gidi."
Jewel is brought back to reality when she sights Jason and Geraldine chuckling.
With everything that had been happening, she forgot it was Geraldine's birth month.
Back then, she always made sure to wish her before anyone. She would always wait till midnight and wake Geraldine up.
Those days. How things changed in a blink of an eye.
___________________ 🖊️
To think he didn't know today was her birthday, literally made him the worst boyfriend on earth.
He wouldn't say it was because of a lot of things that had been going on in their lives.
The truth remained he didn't know it was her birth month.
The shock he got when told Nathan also tried to force himself on her. The anger he felt within him, it took him a lot of discipline, to hold himself back from punching Nathan on the face.
First his sister, then his girlfriend.
Why was he so pissed up now?
It didn't take him anything, to realize it was Jason and Geraldine together, smiling like a couple.
The way he wished her a happy birthday, in front of everyone, she smiled and threw herself on him for a hug.
If she wasn't his babe, he would have mistaken her from Jason's.
Just look at the way she is shining her teeth.
He was still in a pretty bad mood, seeing them all cosy made him burn.
A feeling he always had whenever Jason and Geraldine were together, he didn't like it at all.
Especially with how cosy they always were. The way they laughed at each other's jokes, hug casually.
It brought him thinking.
How many times has Geraldine been so free-spirited or laughed this hard when they were together.
Jayden suddenly gets out and starts his journey to the door. He had seen enough for one day. He was on his way to the hostel. He needed to lay down.
🎶Happy birthday to you 🎶
That was Jason's voice,
Jayden hurries out of the classroom.
___________________ 🖊️
🎶Happy birthday, happy birthday 🎶
🎶 Happy birthday to you🎶
Jason and some classmates concludes.
"Happy birthday Gidi." Ashley wishes from the back seat.
Reminding Jewel, someone like him still existed.
"Happy birthday." Someone wishes from behind, Jewel didn't bother trying to know who it was. She was avoiding making eye contact with people around.
Being in class after everything was awkward enough.
She watches Geraldine acknowledge everyone who wished her, before making a walk to their sits.
"Happy Birthday, Gidi." Jewel wishes almost in a whisper, meanwhile Geraldine turns to her, surprisingly throws herself on her.
They both hug for some seconds, suddenly feeling awkward, and some eyes on them, they pull away from each other.
"I never thought you will wish me this year," Geraldine says she looked honest.
"I was going to wish you nevertheless, " Jewel says slowly
"How are you feeling?" Geraldine asks calmly.
"I feel..., "
"Gidi, please adjust."
The sound of Munachi's voice, makes Jewel move to the other side of the seats.
It then dawned on her. Leo had been absent for a while. She was sitting in his position.
"We should celebrate. You me and Ney ngi."
Jewel heard Munachi say.
___________________ 🖊️
Seeing Jason and Geradine together for the second time today made Jayden cringe inwardly.
He tries avoiding eye contact with them, while he walked out of the cafeteria.
He recognised the voice that instance. The unusual side of him ignores the call. He had proven to himself times without number that he was a snub. It wasn't a new thing anymore.
Jewel grabs him by the hand. He knew the voice was very familiar.
"Jewel." He calls out while she held unto him, as they both presided to know where in particular.
"Did you talk to mommy?" She asks calmly. If there was something he noticed it was that bubbly side of Jewel was nowhere to be seen. She sounded reserved.
"She only told me, about going to run some test," Jewel says even before Jayden could respond.
"Jewel, Mum isn't mad at you," Jayden says. He didn't know why he felt like she needed the assurance.
There is a brief silence between them.
"No one blames you for anything," Jayden says slowly and keeps quiet.
"Not said, but I could see it on Mum's face. Daddy was disappointed in me." Jewel complains bitterly.
"Why were you going out with Leo while dating Nathan?" Jayden felt the need to ask. Because that was the only true statement Nathan made, and what his Mum said justified it too
He was aware of Leo.
There is a little silence between them.
"Nathan meant something to me, and I felt something for Leo too, I...not..., " She stutters, confused at her own words.
"J..., "
"I made a mistake, I didn't mean to hurt anyone... It just happened with Leo, he was always sweet to me, and understanding..., "
Jayden couldn't believe how awkward it felt hearing his sister talk that way about his friend.
"Nathan said I was just a bet." She sniffs.
"Jewel." Jayden suddenly stops walking, which brings her to a halt too.
"He forced himself on me. He was lying about everything he said. The only truth there was Leo, I didn't even have sex with both of them at a time..., "
This was more awkward.
"Nathan forced himself on me, when he found out about Leo, saying he must have his share." Jewel's voice sounded low.
Jayden takes a deep breath. Nathan was a damn bastard.
"And Leo? Does he know anything about this?" Jayden asks slowly.
"I don't know." She says calmly.
___________________ 🖊️
Having the principal in the classroom wasn't something they saw every day. This meant serious business.
Especially with the fact the VC academics and admin were both present.
"Good morning students. Firstly you all know the covid-19 pandemic has messed up with our school calendar.
Also the WAEC and NECO too. Well, internal exams will begin for junior students, and we are still contemplating if you all will be in school till then, because immediately after the Easter holidays, you all are expected back in school for the WAEC, which will begin immediately." The principal stops a while, like he had something more important to say to them.
"I also know that you all are informed about the rumours going on, which we are still investigating. Such an act will not be condoned in this school. We see seriously looking into it. Till then, you all should concentrate on your studies."
___________________ 🖊️
"Happy birthday," Jayden says immediately she walked into the empty classroom. He wasn't expecting her to come, though they planned to always hang out here, before all the dramas.
"Thanks." She smiled. Meanwhile, he stared back at her, without uttering another word. It wasn't like he didn't want to say anything. He was short of words.
"I'm older, call me aunty Gidi now." She says and chuckles. Reminding him she was actually older by a month or so.
"Just a month." He smirks. "Sorry I didn't get you a gift, but I will get you something. You didnt tell me..., "
"I thought we talked about it. I know your birth date." She smiles.
Jayden doesn't respond. He was sure they hadn't spoken about birthdays, she might gave gotten it from Jason. He intentionally ruled out the possibility of it being from Jewel, due to his jealousy.
"Maybe, it was you and Jason." He says casually. Expecting Geraldine to react.
Surprisingly she doesn't give him the kind of reaction he expected.
"I'm not comfortable with you being friends with Jason, cut it off." He said bluntly.
Now he got the expression. Geraldine stared at him like he had lost his senses or something. It was obvious she wasn't expecting such utterance from him.
"Your brother?" She asks, still looking like someone was being attacked or something.
"Yes," Jayden responds coldly.
"Jayden, I love you no doubt, but..., " She stopped and stared at him shocked. She obviously couldn't believe she used the L-word.
"I'm not comfortable with your closeness with him." He blurts out, without acknowledging her previous statement, or acting like he heard her say the L word at all. "It's either him or me."
"You are asking me to choose between you are Jason?" She asks not believing her ears. Meanwhile, he stares back at her, his eyes void of any emotions.
"I.. I.., "
"And you say you love me? If you really do prove it." He doesn't break eye contact, making her wonder if someone else was speaking through him. Now he was clear he heard her loud and clear when she used the L-word.
"Jason is my friend." She protest. "I can't just..., "
"He doesn't think of you the same way, " He pauses. "Who knows? You..., "
"I can't choose between you two. You both are important." She says, making him smirk.
She stares at him, wondering what was going on in his mind.
"He has always been the favourite of everyone, won't be surprised if you choose him over me." He says with a weak smile. "You are either with me or with him."
Her heart broke that moment.
"Jayden!" She calls out in disbelieve.
"I won't fight with my brother over a girl. It's your choice. And I gave you the chance to make your decision. Dee, you either with Jason or Jayden." He concludes by referring to himself with the third person pov.
___________________ 🖊️
Cherish knew for sure, this was probably going to be her last term here.
Apart from her wanting it and the other part really wanted to always see Ashley.
She was tired of Senior Ekanem and co troubling her for no reason, but also knew they were going to leave soon. The same way Ashley was to leave soon too. So it was the same.
She was already accustomed to Hilton College. It was always hard trying to fit in, in a new environment or school.
___________________ 🖊️
"Hey, Jewel," Ekanem calls out, trying to catch up with Jewel, who noticed and stops walking.
"Ekanem." Jewel calls out calmly.
"How are you doing?" Ekanem asks staring into her eyes.
"Fine, I guess," Jewel says trying to keep a straight face.
"Matron sent for you. Your Mum is here." Jewel almost disappeared that moment.
"Are you okay?" Ekanem who noticed how pale she suddenly looked asks.
"Dont worry, dont worry." She repeats. "I'm fine."
___________________ 🖊️
"You both know why you are here right?" The principal ask, making both girls nod their heads, indicating they knew, although Geraldine silently wondered why he called just her and Ekamen back for interrogation.
"I would like you both to know how grave this issue is and how many lives could get affected. Hope you know that? Also, this issue isnt to be talking likely. We have another source, which we dont plan on disclosing now. But it corresponds to your stories." The principal says, meanwhile Geraldine takes a deep breath.
"I want you both to talk to me know if there is anything more to disclose. Because this case is getting out of our hands. We dont want that, but it's the right thing that the guilty person or people must be punished. And you girls might appear in the court too, as witnesses, so if you have something to take back or add, it will be immensely of help to everyone." The principal concludes.
"Sir everything I said, is the truth. I'm only guilty of his head injury." Ekanem admits.
There is a deep silence.
"Sir, I said the truth," Geraldine says slowly.
"I hope you both know, whatever came out of your mouths did affect lives?"
"Yes sir," Ekanem says while Geraldine murmurs.
"You both can retire to your class." He says calmly.
___________________ 🖊️
"Although I and Jewel cant tolerate each other, I won't wish something that awful for her." Munachi suddenly brings up the topic, meanwhile Geraldine finally gives her attention.
Her mind had been on what Jayden said to her, the previous night. To think he had also ignored her, all through the day. Everything felt surreal.
"I heard someone saying, Nathan dumped her, and this is just a payback to him. Since you are involved, I thought to myself you can't be part of such deceit, unless you are being deceived too...,"
"Munachi, no one is deceiving anyone." Geraldine blurts out in anger snd frustration. "Sorry." She apologized when she noticed she was yelling.
"It's okay. I just felt there was something more because the rumour of Nathan dumping Jewel because she was sleeping with Leo seemed true to me. Something was definitely going on with Jewel and that bastard." Munachi emphasizes.
"Bastard?" Geraldine calls out quite confused.
"I thought Leo was a decent guy until he asked us to be just friends with benefits. Yeah, I liked him and all. But imagine a guy you are expecting to ask you out, after all the attention he ruined on you, asking you to be just FWB after you both have your first sex." Munachi says. She looked extremely upset. Geraldine had foreseen the fact Munachi liked Leo.
"I'm sorry about that." She was honest.
"I thought he was one of the little good guys we have left. He just wanted me for a good fuck. Telling me, he doesn't do relationships. Like can you imagine that? I won't be shocked if he hooked up with Jewel too. Trust me, those brothers are pigs. Can you imagine Nathan asking me for a hookup, he is willing to pay, I slapped that stupid face of hiss. I'm poor, but I have some dignity." She rants in anger. You could hear the hatred in her voice.
"He has a tattoo with Jewel's name on his arm or back. Something of that sort. Trust me, it's this Jewel, dont argue that. Only God knows what was going on between them. I'm done with the so-called good boys and dating for feelings." Munachi says in anger.
"Boys are idiots." Geraldine suddenly says. "Do you, dont let any idiot try to control you. Cowards." She says.
Meanwhile, Munachi gives her a look, it was obvious she was talking about something else.
"Jayden told me to choose between him and Jason, can you imagine?"
"Huh? Are you cheating on Jason with Jayden?" Munachi asks quite confused.
"What! No." Geraldine exclaims. "Jayden is my boyfriend, not Jason."
"Jayden?" Munachi calls out with a look of disbelief. "Always thought you were dating the jovial one, not the creepy one," Munachi says.
"He isnt creepy." Geraldine agrees.
"Trust me, that dude Jayden is creepy. I'm scared of him. Especially those scary eyes of his. I feel like, he could even see my soul from my eyes." Munachi says slowly.
___________________ 🖊️
"We have contributed immensely to the growth of this school. This is an insult to chief." Nathan's mother says, frowning at the principal, when the VC admin, suggested suspension.
"I can't believe that you are depriving my son of his rights, just because of some baseless claims." She says in anger.
"Baseless claims?" April asks anger vividly on her face.
"Baseless claims you say?" Jordan repeats." "I have nothing more to say down, see you in court. When I'm done, your son will be rotting in jail." He says, anger vivid on his face.
"We will also be meeting you in court, do you think we are scared of you? Haven't you heard of THE OTEDOLA'S, We will be suing for defamation of character, and assaults, for what your sons, did to mine." She says looking grim.
"Miss Wachijem. This isnt baseless. One of his friends close friends, came out to testify against him. Opening a brand new case." The principal says.
"And Nathan claims, that friend of his is the cousin of those girls. Why not call on his other friends. Let's know who is being biased." Miss Wachijem says in anger.
"Ma, your son, will have to be suspended."
"Here you are talking about suspensions. That boy should be expelled." April says to the principal.
"If you dont want this school to be dragged, trust me I have the energy in the whole world to do so. You will expel that brat." Wendy Johnsons says while she walks into the office. It was obvious she heard the last statement.
"Mrs Johnsons, please it hasn't gotten to that." The principal suddenly says.
"Sir, it has gotten to everything. That boy must be dealt with. He almost ruined a child of Wendy. No one touches any of my kids and goes scout free. Not Gidi, I went through a lot for that child. And no one will kill her for me." Wendy says looking grim.
"As for you." She says pointing at Nathan's mum. "You can see I came prepared, I'm putting on trousers, if you want it physically, I am ready to give it to you," Wendy says demonstrating.
"Always a madwoman. Who do you think you want to muscle. You think I'm Eden?" Miss Wachukwu asks.
"I'm always ready to showcase my talent. I'm a madwoman, I agree. Did I deny it? You think I dont know you are the one supplying that stupid news to bloggers. Those fools you have paid to tarnish these innocent girls names, the mistake you made is my child is part of it. Look when I'm done with you...,"
"Madams, please let's calm down." The principal intervene.
___________________ 🖊️
"Jason!" Geraldine calls out immediately she sights him. They make an eye contact. Even at that, he starts walking away, which confused her.
"Jason." She calls out again, chasing after him. He doesn't stop.
"Jason." She calls out when she takes him by the hand, and he pulls away.
"Jason." She is calm.
"I dont want us to talk anymore, It's causing problems." He says calmly.
"What?" She asks not believing her ears. "Jaso,n what's wrong?"
"Firstly, you lied about not having a boyfriend, but you have been dating Jayden for a while now." He paused, throwing Geraldine off balance. "Look, I like you a lot, more than a friend, its creating confusion and problems in my life, it's better we stop hanging out." Geraldine couldn't believe her ears, it seemed like a dream.
She was losing another friend.
"Jayden is a bastard." She blurts out loudly, now walking away. Jason wasn't her problem right now, she was on her way to go put Jayden in his place.
Tf, did he think he was?
She was going to roast him alive.
She was just extremely angry at Jayden.
Could he stoop lower than this?
___________________ 🖊️
"Nathan Otedola has been expelled. From now henceforth, we are going to be keeping a close eye on his cliques too." The principal announces. Shocking every student.
There is silence in the air.
"To think that dating in this school was probibited. But all this had to happen. The school has made a new rule, if you are caught dating a follow student, you will no longer be a student of this school."
There is sudden noise made.
"Ss2 students. The prefectship, will be shifted to your hands sooner tham expected."
7343 Words🌹
Those of us who have are complaing about Cherish and Ashley's future. Check on my profile. There is a new book called "THE BROOKE'S ACADEMY"
Cherish isnt just part of that book. But an important character.
Those of us who are intrested in reading my previous work Kehinde, i just brougt it back on Wattpad. Check my account.
What do you think about this chapter.
If you havnt read Frenemies: Betrayal 1.
Trust me, thats just a little display from Wendy, Gidi's mum. That lady is mad.
You could see there were little frictions between Gidi's mum and Ekanem's mum, which we will find out in "Ekanem"
Question of the day.
Did you think Jayden told Jason to stay away from Geraldine? Give your reasons. The persons with the correct ans, gets a dedication.
Do you think Ashlsy destroyed bro code by testifying against Nathan to the principal.
Do you think this drama is over, or it just began.
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