Chapter 6: Your in my prison!
It's night time at the city as police sirens ran out as a group of officers were chasing after a group of criminals that just robbed a store.
Robber 1: Come on this way!
They turn to an alleyway as the officers stop their police car and step out. They gone into the alleyway while the robbers kept running until they come across a dead end.
Robber 2: Crap we're trapped!
Robber 1: Damn it!
The officers arrive and draw their weapons at the robbers. They turn and rasied their hands as the officers were about to arrest them when suddenly a jail bar appeared in front of the officers.
Police officer 1: What the?! Where did com-
They turn back only to see another bar behind him and realise they are trapped inside of a small box like prison. Surprised by this luck the robbers runs pass and runs away.
When the other officers arrive they are stunned to see their fellow officers locked up in a prison as they wonder how can this be possible but more importantly who done it?
(Next day)
At the Academy we see Y/n, Fuji, Ren and Minato at the cafeteria having their meal when Kanade came over with a cheerful tone as she calls out.
Kanade: (smile) Hey guys? What are you all doing?
Fuji: Having our food.
Ren: You seem to be in a happy mood today?
Kanade: (smile) It isn't wrong to have a happy day right?
Y/n: (smile) That's so true.
Minato: So how is Tsubasa doing?
Kanade: She's doing well. I also told her I'm Kyoryu Pink.
Minato: Why?
Kanade: Just to show her I'm doing fine and we can still work together in battle.
Minato: And She's alright with it?
Kanade: Yeah. We are best friends, she won't tell anyone......Well maybe my old boss.
Y/n: Who?
Tsubasa: You five.
Then Tsubasa came over to them then she tells them.
Tsubasa: You five should come with me. He wants to see you.
Fuji: Oh really now? What if we refuse?
Ren: Bad idea dude.
Fuji: (smirk) Please. She can't make me go with her.
(Short while later)
Fuji and the rest are in the elevator with Fuji a bit annoyed as the elevator descent down deeper and deeper to the Academy. Then a massive veiw of large circular like walls appear through the window as the guys look at in amazement.
Minato: (surprised) Wow incredible!
Ren: (surprised) It looks like ancient writing. How long has this been here?
Kanade: A very long time.
Ren: Interesting.
Soon the elevator stop and the door opens and then they step in and they are greeted by a muscular like man as he approaches them with a welcoming smile.
Genjuro: (smile) Ah so your the Kyorygers. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Genuro, I run this place.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you man. Names Y/n. This is Ren, Minato and Fuji.
Fuji: So this is where Kanade used to work. Quite a large place.
Genjuro: (smile) Indeed it is. We have been watching you for sometime now and will the help of both Kanade and Tsubasa, I figure it is time that we meet up and get to know each other.
Y/n: (smile) Well we need to speak with Torin about this.
Torin: No need.
They all jump and turn to see Torin behind them which Fuji ask.
Fuji: Where in the world did you come from?!
Genjuro: (surprised) Interesting. I'm guessing your their mentor.
Torin: Indeed I am and I know about your organisation as well. You recruit Symphogears unders in order battle against the Noises and protect the planet.
Genjuro: (smile) That's right but we also see each other as family here.
Torin: At least there is another force of good protection the planet.
Genjuro: (smile) Same to you.
Y/n: (smile) I'm already excited to get to know about the place. Give us the tour!
Torin: Unfortunately there is a ciris at the city. There have been reports of crime rates across some parts of the city and the police are locked up.
Kanade: As in they are in prison?
Torin: Indeed. You five do what you do best.
They node and they rushes back to the elevator and once the elevator closes Genjuro then ask Torin.
Genjuro: Want some tea?
Torin: (snap his fingers) Of course.
The team arrive to see crime all around with robbers breaking into stores ans stealing things while the police are trapped in cages.
Fuji: Man this is like the end of the world.
Mimato: Agree.
Then one robber walks up to Kanade and threating her with a knife. She smirk then kicks the guy away which he slammed into the wall.
Kanade: I'm guessing we might be dealing with a monster rather a noise.
???: You are correct!
They look ahead of them to see a Dedo approach him while hitting his baton with his hand as he is followed by his Zorima.
Royaroya: The names Royaroya and you five are under arrest for getting in my way.
Y/n: You can't imprison our bravery!
Royaroya: This city is mine and no one shall not stop me!
Y/n: Let's proof him wrong!
They then pull out their Zyudenchi then insert them into their Gaburivolver then call out.
Y/n, Minato, Ren, Fuji and Kanade: Kyoryu Change!
They spine the wheel and after they did their dance they fired and transform into Kyorygers.
Kyoryu Red: The Fanged Brave, Kyoryu Red!
Kyoryu Black: The Bullet Brave, Kyoryu Black!
Kyoryu Blue: The Armored Brave, Kyoryu Blue!
Kyoryu Green: The Slashing Brave, Kyoryu Green!
Kyoryu Pink: The Strongest Brave, Kyoryu Pink!
Kyorygers: The Strongest and Bravest in history!
Kyoryu red: Zyuden Sentai-!
Kyorygers: Kyorygers!
Royaroya: I'm authorised lethal force! Destroy them!
The Zorima charge towards them so the Kyorygers charges forward and negins to battle the Zorimas. The robbers stop what they were doing and turn to the battle.
They watch as the Kyorygers battle the Zorima. They continue to battle them while Royaroya sees Kyoryu Black and shoots abeam at him.
Immediately he rolls out of the way and fire a few shots at Royaroya which he gets shot.
Royaroya: I'm charging you for assault!
He keep shooting beams at the rest of the team while they avoid the shots and battle the Zorimas as best they can. That was until Kyoryu Blue stumble then Royaroya lines up his shot and fires.
He then gets hit and he's soon trapped in a cage.
Kyoryu Red: Kyoryu Blue!
Kyoryu Blue: I'm okay but it looks like I'm trapped.
Kyoryu Green: Hang on!
He slash his way towards Kyoryu Blue then with a singal slash he slices off the bars and Kyoryu Blue steps out.
Kyoryu Blue: Thanks man.
Kyoryu Green: Any time.
Royaroya: I'm gonna make sure you're locked up for good!
Kyoryu Green: We'll see about that!
Kyoryu Green dashes towards Royaroya while quickly avoiding his shots then once close he begins landing slashes at Royaroya.
Kyoryu Black: Hey let me join in!
Kyoryu Black rushes towards the two then Kyoryu Green kneel down which Kyoryu Black step on his back and Kyoryu Green boosted him up in the air.
Kyoryu Black fires at Royaroya while goes over him then lands on his feet. Royaroya stumble back then Kyoryu Blue charges in and rams in with his shield.
Royaroya slams into the wall while the Kyorygers gather ans surrounded him.
Kyoryu Red: Ready to give up?
Royaroya: No! This city will be my prison! All of this is mine!
Suddenly a beam is shot down from the sky and Royaroya begin to grew and then became a gaint.
Kyoryu Blue: That's not good. He can put the entire city in a cage.
Kyoryu Pink: Your right.
Kyoryu Red: Let's call in Kyoryuzin!
Kyoryu Black: Good idea. Hey since Kyoryu Pink and Kyoryu Blue have their go, time for me and Kyoryu Green have a go.
Kyoryu Red: Seems fair! Let's call them!
Kyoryu Red, Green and Black pull out their Zyudenchi and throws them which summons the Gabutrya along with Zakutor and Parasagun.
Kyoryu Red: Bitting Combination!
The three begin to combine while the Kyorygers leaps inside as soon as the combination is complete.
Kyorygers: Kyoryuzin Western!
Royaroya: You'll put you all in prison!
He summons cages and flies then towards Kyoryuzin but Kyoryuzin begins cutting them down with his arm blade then lifted up his arm gun and fire at Royaroya which he gets shot.
Kyoryu Black: Let's see we can do some tricks!
Royaroya then begins to fire at them but they immediately move Kyoryuzin as it avoids the incoming shots then leaps across while he fire a few more shots at Royaroya, landing some shots.
Kyoryuzin rolls then lands on his feet as they then charges towards Royaroya and then lands a powerful slash at him which weakens him which they turn around.
Kyoryu Red: Time to finish this!
Kyoryuzin lifted up its arm gun and begins charging up. Once finish they fire a powerful blast follow by swinging its arm blade, launching a wave slash that combine the beam and both combine attacks hits Royaroya.
Royaroya begins sparks out as he then collapse backwards then blows up while Kyoryuzin turns away from the explosion.
Kyoryu Red: Now that's Brave!
The robbers are stunned by this, so stunned in fact they immediately put everything back then while the cages around the police disappeared.
The robbers immediately turn themselves in which surprises the officers as they just cuff them and take them away to jail.
The team arrive back with another successful battle as they laugh while cheering. They walk through the door and Y/n walls in front and tells them.
Y/n: (smile) Great job guys. The city is safe once again thanks the bravery of this team! The Kyorygers!
???: YOUR THE KYORYGERS????!!!!!
Y/n turn to see Hibiki with Genjuro and Tsubasa as Tsubasa sighs while Hibiki is completely stunned all awhile the team turn to Y/n, waiting for a reply.
Y/n: Um.......surprise?
To be continued....................................................
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