Chapter 2: Question mark?

                     (Your P.O.V)
  I was in my room stuffing clothes into my hiking Backpack.
I can't believe I get stuck with freaking Hoodie, HE HATES ME....if he could kill me I bet he would I do bet he would.....god dawg it....Toby can help me though...he'll help me get through this...I know he will.
  Right then a knock was at my door and I looked up to see a famialr face making a smile pop out.
   "Hiya Toby!" I squeaked before going back to packing my backpack.
   "Hey (y/n)," he strolled in casually with a soft tick.
"What's up?" I asked looking up at him every 10 seconds.
"Nothing really, just I lost one my favorite hatchets, Jeffery is hating Ben now..Jane is probably leaving, and Masky is dying....other than that...Everything's great."
I sighed and just stared at my backpack, "I'm sorry Toby..."
"Don't be, life happens and so does death, we can't escape the second just keep trucking until is happens."
"Ew, you're using Slenderman's lines now?" I chuckled continuing to pack.
"I am aren't I...anyway I just wanted to see how you were doing...Hoodie doesn't seem to happy that you're going with us."
"Well you know what, Hoodie can go suck a pineapple and marry it for all I care! Masky is my friend! I'm not going to let him and his pubescent attitudes get in my way of saving him! Even if that means ditching his ass and finding the damn tree on my own!" I zipped up and back pack and placed it on the side of my bed so I could get to it in the morning. I could literally feel myself boiling with anger.
"Calm down (y/n)....I think you're just over reacting..."
I scoffed, "over reacting? Toby...Hoodie hates me..dearly! Remember that time on my birthday he had a bucket of "water" above on my door and it almost killed me?"
"That wasn't water..."
" was damn cement." I scoffed again sitting on my bed staring out my window.
"Well...I can't promise you much...but I do know one thing...Hoodie loves Masky and so do you...I bet this adventure will bring you two closer together than anything."
"If you say so Toby....I'm just glad your going with us...I don't want us killing eachother before we save Masky..."
"Welp what else am I here for? I'm the glue in this family!" Toby chuckled before making a dash out of my room to the call of his name from slendermans office.
   I chuckled before sighing and snaking  my hand through my hair.
   Maybe Toby is right...maybe I need to just give this a chance.
  I got up off my bed and walked Into hall way looking to the right but turning to the left I bumped into Jeff and went falling ontop of him.
   "Oh geez, I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I blushed  madly scrambling to get up but Jeff scooted form under me quicker than i could say Idaho and pulled My feet.
  "It's alright (y/n)....accidents happen..just keeps those pretty eyes on what's in front of you and not what's behind you." He smiled before walking off.
   "" I watched him walk away blushing darker than I thought I could.
   Did he say pretty eyes? He thinks my eyes are pretty? Whaaaaaaat.
   I giggled to myself on the inside but stood dumbfounded on the outside.
   I looked back to the left to see Ben he was leaning on the wall before I spotted him but he got up and walked off.
  Oh geez....did he see that? DONT TELL SLENDERMAN PLEASE!!
  I wanted to shout it out..but why would Ben care...I know Slenderman and Jeff have a rough relationship but he wouldn't tell him...would he? Freaking Ben better not I'll drown him again...:
Later that night I was about to go to bed when I spotted Hoodie leaning against my door frame.
  "Oh look who it is...Mr.Hates me So much."I chuckled.
   "Ha.Ha very funny..."I could feel his eyes narrowing at me.
   "What do you want?" I snapped looking  up at him feeling a little annoyed.
   "Nothing just came to ask if your ready to leave tomorrow..." He walked into my room and stood next to me looking at my backpack.
  "Yeah actually..are you?"
"Yeah I am...I'm always ready unlike rarely ever prepared."
  I rolled my eyes and decided to talk the important stuff.
   "Yeah sure whatever, anyway before we you know where The Kutana is located? I don't want to get lost in Canada...."

  "Yea, but I won't be able to get there with out Toby, he knows the short cuts and all the hazards I don't..."
He admitted.
   " wonder why you guys are close, you guys are like peanut butter and Jelly...besides you and Masky." I chuckled uneasily.
  "Yeah like you and Jeffery.." I heard him mutter under his breath making me raise an eyebrow.
"Nothing." He quickly stated before walking back to the door.
   "Just get some rest...I don't need a rookie slowing us down.." He growled
"Gee goodnight to you too.."I frowned hiding what was puzzling me under neath.
Hoodie  walked off and I sat I my bed staring at the floor as if searching for an answer. he...Jealous? Pfft way he hates me...Yeah keep it real (y/n) he hates you.

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