"Being judged by your own family is one of the worst kind of pain"


Flachback starts...

November 10th 2064


Five and I was sitting next to each other "Do you remember that, uh, little mansion just outside the city limits. Where we--" he asked as he gave me a cup of water in a silver goblet.

I nodded my head in respons as I took the drink "Yeah, I remember" I said and he let out a chuckled "Yeah, well, it turns out the wine cellar was untouched" he said "Was it?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah" he said "That sound good, we can take a glass tonight" I said "Are you sure is a good idea?" Five asked "I am" I said "I just don't know if you--" "I will be fine Five. I promise. I'm okay now" I said "It's just--" he said but he stopped himself when we heard something.

"I heard it too" I said and Five grabbed his rifle while I grabbed my gun before we turned towards the sound to see a woman with white hair, she was wearing a black dress, a gold bracelet, a little black hat, she had sunglasses on and was holding a black briefcase.

We pointed our weapons at her as she waved at us with a smile.

Who the fuck is she?

Flashback ends...


I woke up to see Luther sitting in front of me on a chair "Good you are awake" he said and I turned my body around to look at Y/n who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

While staring at her with loving eyes, I lifted my hand before I removed a piece of her Y/h/c hair away from her face, I then leaned down before I lay a kiss on her cheek.

I pulled away before I stroke my hand up and down on her shoulder.

I didn't know what I will do if I ever lost her, she mean too much to me. I will lose my mind if she died.

We kept each other going in the apocalypse, we kept each other's humanity alive and kept each other from going insane.

We both need each other and we could feel it.

"You really love her" Luther said and I nodded "More than anything. She is my wife, my other half, my world, my happiness, my everything, I will do anything to protect her. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost her. She has being by my side for 45 years" I said before I let out a chuckled but then I noticed that her headphones was not around her neck meaning that her walkman was gone.

"Where is it?" I asked as I looked around "What?" Luther asked "Her walkman that is connected to some headphones?" I asked.

"Ah" Luther said before he pulled something up from his pocket "Is this it?" he asked as he stretched the walkman towards me "Yeah. Thank God" I said "She was close in dropping it when we picked you guys up at the library" Luther said as he handed me the walkman.

I took the walkman before I looked at it, my eyes scanning every inch of the walkman, making sure that it wasn't broken.

"I don't think is broken" Luther said "Good" I said before I put the walkman next to me.

"She would be crushed if something happen to it" I said "Why?" Luther asked "It was a gift from her parents at her 12-year-old birthday. They bought it for her to help her" I replied "In what? What is her problem?" he asked "Nothing. She just have anger issue, PTSD, panic attacks, seizures and anxiety. And her heart is not healthy" I said.

"What?" Luther asked "She can lose her temper and patience easy and it will only get wore if she is stress. Sometimes she even get panic attacks. She gets those panic attacks and seizures if she is really angry, nervous, stress or scared. And if she don't calm down and they get worst and she don't get control over them. Her puls will started raising and then her heart will start pounding like crazy and her heart can't take it if it pound faster than normal, it will end up stopping, meaning she will have a heart attack and die" I explain and Luther's eyes widened a bit.

"So she have a weak heart?" Luther asked "If you mean weak like that then yeah" I said as I let out a sigh.

"The only thing that can calm her down now. It's me and that walkman" I said "How did you two meet?" Luther asked "We met in the apocalypse and the first meeting didn't go that well. But we still deiced to stay together, but that was not easy either. She tried to kill me" I said "She didn't try to kill you" Luther said.

"Well she threated in doing it and she was very closed the first years in the apocalypse, I still have the scar from that time she stab me in the chest with a fork and that almost invisible scar I have above my left eyebrow is from our first meeting where she punched me in the face with a brick, two times. I mean we both threated to kill each other but we never did it and we never wanted to kill each other" I said "And still you married her" Luther said "Love can be a strange thing, Luther, very strange and it can also be very weird, sometimes a person you never even thought about, would end being the person you can't live without, and an enemy today can be the person you love the most the next" I said with a smile.

"Even so if we haven't met in the apocalypse, I still believe that we would have found each other and I would still have married her. Cause she is the one. I'm just glad that we met when we were young cause then I had the joy in knowing and loving her longer" I said.

Then Y/n let out a yawn as she slowly woke up "Good morning Love" I said "Good morning, honey" she said and I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.


"How did you sleep?" Five asked me "Okay" I answered "Well, you did kicked me and elbow me in your sleep" he said "Sorry" I said "It's okay. I'm use to it by now and I also found a way for you to stop doing it" he said "I had a nightmare" I said "Which explain the kicking" he said.

"How do you make me stop doing it?" I asked "I just put an arm around you, pulling you closer to him and your body relax again" he said and I smiled "So you find another secret weapon to stop my issues and seizures?" I asked "I have many methods and secret weapons for each of them" he said and I smiled "I knew I married you for a reason" I said and he smiled.

But then I froze when I felt that my walkman was gone "Where is it?" I asked, a little bit freaking out "Easy Love. It's right here" Five said as he lifted up the walkman "You were about to drop it at the library. So Luther kept it safe for you" he said "Thanks" I mumbled as I put the headphones around my neck and my walkman down in my pocket.

"When is it supposed to happen. This...apocalypse?" Luther asked "We can't give you the exact hour, but...from what we could gather, we have four days left" Five answered "Why didn't you say something sooner?" Luther asked "It wouldn't have mattered" I said before I moved over to sit next to Five.

"Of course it would. We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing" Luther said "For the record, you already tried" Five said "What do you mean?" Luther asked and Five looked down for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"I found all of you" he said quietly before he looked back up at him "Your bodies" he said "We die?" Luther asked "Horribly" Five answered and I knew that he thought back to that moment where he found their bodies under the rubbles.

I remember how much he cried that day.

"You were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world" Five said with the sound of sadness in his voice and I grabbed his hand before I lace our fingers together.

"Wait, how do you know that?" Luther asked and Five pulled out a cloth from his blazer pocket before he unravel it, taking out the eye "This was clutched in your dead hand when we found you" he said as he was holding the eye up before throwing it to Luther who caught it before he started looking at it.

"Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down" Five said "Whose head?" Luther asked "Like Five said, we don't know" I said and Luther turned the eye around, looking at the back of it "Well, there's a serial number on the back. Think maybe you could try---" "No, that's a dead end" I said, cutting him off.

Five let out a chuckled  "We tried, but the lab exploded" I said "It's just another hunk of glass" Five said and Luther leaned forward, handing the eye to him who nodded before taking the eye.

I let out a sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair "You okay Love?" Five asked "Yeah, just a little dizzy and headache" I said "Well, you haven't drank like that for years" Five said.


Then the door opened and Diego walked in "Piece of shit" he said, storming in before stomping down the stairs and walked towards me "Do you have any idea what you two did?" he asked as he walked towards me and I quickly hold my arm in front of Y/n in cause Diego would do anything to her.

But before Diego could reach me, Luther grabbed Diego, pushing him back while keeping a hold on him causing Diego to start grunting and moving around, trying to get away from Luther as he held him in the air "Nope, let me---Get your ape hands off me!" Diego shouted but Luther just picked Diego more up before he squeeze him slightly "I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down" he said "Diego, I will do my best in stopping you if you lay one finger on my husband" Y/n threated but Diego didn't listen.

"Stop this. Trauma in a toxic household can lead to fractures that runs deep. It can pit family members against one another, leaving them unable to see the real cause of their pain. Your father conditioned all of you to be soldiers for his cause, not a fanily for each other. And now you're doing exactly what he wanted, fighting among yourself instead of standing together" Y/n said.

Both Luther and Diego stared at her, stunned into silence. Her met their gaze with a stady, unwavering look.

"Fine" Diego said as he calmed down, panting and Luther placed him down on the floor again.

"Now, wanna tell us what you're taking about?" Luther asked "Our brother and his wife have been pretty busy since he got back. They were in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's and then at Gimble Brothers, after the guys in masks attacked the Academy, looking for them" Diego said angry as he pointed on Y/n and I.


"None of which is any of your concern" Five said "It is now" Diego said before started panting "They just killed my friend" he said and I could hear the pain in his voice.

It sounded on his voice that the person was more than just a friend.

I looked at Five, I didn't knew what I would do if I ever lost him.

"I'm sorry Diego" I said with a soft voice as I looked at Diego while Luther turned to us "Who are they?" he asked.

"They work for our former employer" I started "A woman called The Handler. She sent them...to stop us. Then, soon as Diego's friend got in their way, well, fair game" Five said "And now they're my fair game. And I'm gonna see to it they pay" Diego said before he walked towards the door "That would be a mistake, Diego. They've killed people far more dangerous than you" Five said "Yeah, we'll see about that" Diego said as he walked out the door before slamming it behind him.

"Former employer?" Luther asked as he turned to us "What's this really about? And don't give me any of this 'It's none of your business' crap, all right?" Luther said "Well, it's a long story" Five said and Luther sat down ready to hear the story.

Five and I took a deep breath before we started telling the story of how we got recruited by The Handler.

I hated The Handler and I was really glad that we were away from her. I can't wait for her to die one day.

Flashback start...

Five and I lowered our weapon as we were looking at the woman.

"Who the hell are you?" Five asked "I'm here to help" the woman said and stepped closer "Tell me why I shouldn't put a bullet through your head right now!" Five said "Because...if you did, you wouldn't hear the offer I'm about to make you two" the woman said before she put down the briefcase and took off her sunglasses.

"Which would be rather tragic, given your...current circumstances" she said and sat down on a brick.

"I work for an organization called the Commission. We are tasked with the preservation of the time continuum through manipulation and removals" the woman said "I don't understand" Five said.

"Sometimes, people...make choice that alter time. Free will, don't get me started. When that happens, we dispatch one of our agents to...eliminate the threat" the woman said and Five pointed the rifle at her while I lifted my gun.

"No, no, no, no. You misunderstand me. You two are not a target. You're recruits" the woman said and the two of you lowered your weapons "I've come to offer you a job, Number Five and Y/n Russell. We've had our eye on you two for quite some time. And we think you have a lot of potential. Your survival skills have made you quite a celebrities back at headquarters. That and your ability to jump through time, Number Five" she said before she looked at me "And your survival skills" she said.

"You saying that we...we actually leave here. Go...Go back?" Five asked "Is this really true, we can go back?" I asked "In return for five years of service. Once your contract is done, you can retire to the time and place of your choosing with a pension plan to boot" the woman said and I stepped up from behind Five.

"If you can alter time why not just stop all of this from ever happening" Five said "That's quite impossible, I'm afraid. You see...all of this, it was supposed to happen" she said "That's insane. The end of everything?" I asked "Not everything. Just the end of...something. So..." the woman said and stretched her arm towards us "Do we have an agreement?" she asked and we looked at each other.

"If you two don't make a choice, Y/n will be dead soon" she said and we looked back at her "What?" we asked.

"We know about your disease Y/n. About your heart and we are really impress that your heart can mangaged to hold on for such a long time and then in a situation like this. But that wouldn't last for long" she said "What are you talking about?" Five asked "Your heart is getting weaker Y/n. And from our calculation, you only have a month left before your heart simple give up" she said and our eyes widened.

"But if you come with us, we will give you treatment and after that give you some special pills that will help your heart with staying alive" she said.

"So you are saying that you can heal me?" I asked "Well, not heal, but it can make it better, stronger and healthier than it is now" she said.

Five and I looked at each other.

This could be good, Five and I could get back, get a chance on living a normal life together, that wasn't in the apocalypse. We can meet each other's family, we could both get back home and we might have chance of stopping the apocalypse. Plus I could be healthy. I could feel that I was getting weaker by the day and I couldn't leave Five.

Even so a part of me just wanted to die so I could be with my family and my sons again. But the other part of me, the strong part, didn't wanted to give up and just wanted to fight for as much as it can for as long as it can.

Five and I accepted the offer and as soon as we enter the Commission, I was put through some treatments that healed my heart a bit. Five refused to leave my side until I was done.

After the treatments, I was put on some pills that help my heart to stay better, of course I wasn't healed and I could still have a heart attack if my panic attack and seizures got worse, but they made it stronger than it was before.

Flashback ends...

"They turned us into the prefect instrument for rehabilitation of the time continuum" I started "Or 'corrections' as they called them. We wasn't the only one. There are others like us. Beings out of time, fractured. Extracted from the lives that they knew. We don't know how they got there. But we do know that none of them was never as good as me and Y/n" I said "The Commission takes helpless vulnerable people and then turn them into slaves for a corrupt system" Y/n said.

"They didn't realize it but we were biding our time trying to figure out the right equation so we could get back. If we could just get back, we knew we could stop the apocalypse. Save the world" Five said "So we broke our contract" I finished.

"So..." Luther said before he gave a plate of food and a cup of water to Five "You were a hitman?" Luther asked before he looked at me "And you were a hitwoman?" he asked and I nodded "Yes" we replied.

"Uh...I mean, you two had a code, right? You didn't just kill anyone. Did you?" Luther asked as he sat back down on the chair "No code" I said "We took out anyone who messed with the timeline" Five said "What about innocent people?" Luther asked "It was the only way we could get back here, and the only way to protect each other" Five said "But that's murder" Luther said "I know that" I said with a sigh.

"Jesus, Luther, grow up. We're not kids anymore. There's no such things as good guys or bad guys. There's just people, going about their lives" Five said "But when the world ends all those people die, good, bad, innocent, guilty. All of them, including our family" I said and let out a sigh "Time changes everything" Five and I finished.



After that the three of us got into a car that Y/n and I had hot wire.

When we entered the Academy, Luther went his separate way while Y/n and I grabbed each other hand's before walking towards my bedroom.

"Hey honey?" Y/n asked "Yeah" I said "What did you mean with when you ask me if I would still love you even if you have kept a secret from me for some time?" she asked and my eyes widened before I stopped.


"Did I say that?" I asked and she nodded "You did" she said before she looked at me "So what is it for a secret that you have kept from me for some time now?" she asked.

'I really need to stop drinking'

"Nothing" I said "Fivey, is there something you haven't told me?" she asked "No. There is no secret between us and you know it" I said and she raised a brow.

"Listen" I said as I put my hands on her cheek "It was just a drunk talk okay. There is nothing I'm keeping from telling you okay" I said "You promise?" she asked and I hesitated for a few seconds.

"I promise" I said "Okay" she said.

It hurt on me that I have to lie to Y/n, but I think I rather wait till after we have stopped the apocalypse to tell her everything and then I hope she will not get too mad.

Then we heard Klaus inside his room "Oh, boy..." he said.

The two of us looked down to see bloody footsteps leading to Klaus' room. Our eyes followed the red stains of blood on the floor to see that they started in the bathroom before going to Klaus' room.

I put my hands in my pockets before we walked over to the door and I knocked on the door "Hey, you okay?" I asked and Klaus turned around to see Y/n and I in the door way.

"Hey. I'm fine" Klaus said "No, you are not Klaus, I see that there is something wrong" Y/n said.

"Yeah, I just...Long night" he said and let out a chuckled but I knew something was wrong, my brother was not himself.

"More than one, from the looks of it" I said "Yeah" Klaus said as he put on a shirt "Don't remember the dog tags" I said, looking at the dog tags around Klaus' neck and Klaus let out a grunt.

"Yeah, they belonged to a friend" he said as you could hear the dog tags jingle a bit and I leaned my right shoulder against the door frame while we kept our eyes on Klaus.

"How about that new tattoo?" I asked as I spotted the tattoo on Klaus' left shoulder "You know, I don't totally remember even getting it. Like I said, it was a long night" he answered "You did it, didn't you?" Y/n asked "What are you talking about?" Klaus asked "You know, we can recognize the symptoms, Klaus" I said as we entered the room.

"Symptoms of what?" Klaus asked as he sat down on the bed "The jet lag. Full body itch. Headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain. You gonna tell me about it?" I asked "Your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you two, they took me hostage instead" Klaus said "And in return, you stole their brieface" I said "Yeah" Klaus said and I let out a chuckled "I thought there was money in it, or I could pawn it, you know, whatever" Klaus said before he let out a sigh "And then I opened it" he said "And the next thing you knew, you were...where?" Y/n asked "Or should we say when?" I asked.

"What difference does it make?" Klaus asked "What diff---Uh--- Okay, how long were you gone?" I asked "Almost a year" Klaus said "A year? Do you know what this means?" I asked "Yeah, I'm ten months older now" Klaus said "No, this isn't any sort of joke, Klaus" Y/n said "Hazel and Cha-Cha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase. Where is it now?" I asked as Y/n and I looked around the room, trying to spot it.

"Gone. I destroyed it. Poof" Klaus said and we looked back at him as he made a explosion with his hand "What the hell were you thinking?" I asked aggressive "What do you care?" Klaus asked "What do I care? We needed it, you moron, so we could get back" I said "We could start over" Y/n said "Just...Just..." Klaus said as he got up before he walked over to the door "Where are you going?" I asked "Interrogation's over, just...leave" Klaus said before leaving the room.

"So what is the plan now?" Y/n asked "We need to find out how to save the world. Find out whose death could save the world" I replied "And going back to The Commission is the best idea" Y/n said and he nodded "Now we need to make a probability map to see whose death could save the world" I said and Y/n grabbed a piece of paper before she started writing something down.

"What are you writing?" I asked "A message for Hazel and Cha-Cha. Saying we have their brieface and tell them the time and place we want them to meet us, if they ever want it back" Y/n said and I nodded "I think I know what you're plan is" I said "Two bodies. One thought" Y/n said and I smiled before we both walked out of the room and into my room before we began writing down equations on the walls.



The sound of chalk tapping was heard as both Five and I have writing down so many equations, that they almost filled all the walls.

"Are you sure that you shouldn't take a nap?" Five asked me "I'm fine Five" I said "I wouldn't mind, you need rest and I got it from here" he said "You have switched two numbers and you forgot to put point three in it" I said "Where?" he asked as he looked at the equations "There" I said as I pointed on one of the equations on the wall "You need to switch five and nine. So nine is first and then put a point three after five and then divide it" I said "Thanks Love" he said as he did what I said.

"I think you need sleep" I said "I will sleep when this is done. Beside you need sleep more than me" he said "Has this to do with the whole me sometimes suffering from insomnia?" I asked.

Yeah, I also suffered from insomnia, and I have done every since I landed in the apocalypse and after everything I have being through, losing Adam and Milo, killing all those people, it had becomes worse.

I used to cry myself to sleep every night.

"You need sleep. Take a nap, I will wake you when I'm done" he said "Yeah not gonna happen. I will help you with this. Two heads is better than one" I said "You can be so stubborn" he said "That's what you love about me" I said and he smiled as he turned around.

"Exactly" he said before he put his hands on my waist, turned me around before he pulled me closer "We are both so stubborn people" I said "Which is one of the reasons we fit so perfect together" he said with a smile.

"I love you, forever and a day" I said "I love you too, forever and a day" he said before he pressed his lips against mine.

God I love that man, I'm so glad that I met him and I have him in my life. I don't know what I would do without him. He have saved me so many times. I would have being dead if it wasn't for him.

I might have a weak and not so complete healthy heart, but when Five is with me, I feel like it's healthy and strong again. He is keeping it healthy and strong.

I think I would have being dead a long time ago, if I haven't met him. He is the medication I need to keep my heart healthy and alive.

I could feel how Five sunk deeper into the kiss so I pulled away "As you know how hard it is for me to resist you and as much I would love to take this further, we have a world to save" I said "Yeah, you are right. We can do a lot of that after we have saved the world" he said "Exactly" I said before I gave him a quick kiss and we pulled away before we continued writing the equations.

Both Five and I was multilingual. We educated ourself in the apocalypse. We lived in a library in the apocalypse. I was never good in math and equations. So Five taught himself and me mathematical and experimental scientific things in regards to time and understanding how his powers work.

I was actually glad that Five was so patient with me when he taught me about math and equations, cause I was really bad at it.

It took me a year to actually be really good at it as Five was.



"No Fivey, that needs to be 0.23 not 2.3" Y/n said "That actually makes sense, thanks Honey" I said before we both could hear Luther entered the room.

"What is all this?" he asked as he was looking around at all the equations that was writing all over the walls.

"It's a probability map" I answered as Y/n and I was still looking at the equations "Probability of what?" Luther asked as he walked farther into the room.

"Of whose death could save the world" Y/n replied as she glanced at Luther before looking back at the equations "We've narrowed it down to four" I said as I was tapping a circled with the chalk "Are you two saying one of these four people causes the apocalypse?" Luther asked "No, we're saying that their death might prevent it" I said "Listen better Luther" Y/n said "Oh" Luther said confused.

Y/n and I continued to write on the walls causing the chalk to start tapping on the blackboard.

Luther then leaned closer "I'm not following" he whispered and Y/n rolled her eyes "I think all that time on the moon has slow down his brain" she said before I turned to face Luther.

"Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum" I started "The butterfly effect. So all we have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the time line, wherever they may be, and kill them" Y/n said and I jumped down from the bed before I grabbed a notebook and a pen, writing down the equations while Luther nodded but in a way like he wasn't sure if he understand it or not.

My siblings doesn't understand a thing.

"It actually really simple, space boy, you just have to pick it up" Y/n said and Luther walked closer to the wall to see a name "Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?" he asked as I was listing down the names on his little notepad.

"We believe he is a gardener" I said and Luther snapped his head at me "You can't be serious" he said "We are" Y/n said "Wait, this is madness, Five and Y/n. You---" but Luther stopped himself when he saw me grabbing a gun caser from under his bed before putting it on the bed "Wh---Where'd you get that?" Luther asked "In Dad's room. I think he used it so shoot a rhinoceros" I said as as I unzip the case before opening it.

"It's similar to the model we used at work" Y/n said as I took the rifle out of the case "Yeah. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable" I said before I cocked the gun.

I knew that Y/n hate killing, therefore, if she don't want to, she can wait in the car while I take care of it.

"But you can't--This guy Milton is just an innocent man" Luther said in disbelief.

"It's basic math. His death could potentially save the lives of billions" Y/n said "If we do nothing he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse won't spare anyone" I said "Get that through your thick skull and into your tiny brain" Y/n said.

"We don't do this kind of thing" Luther said "We are not doing anything. Y/n and I are" I said.

I was not gonna let anyone stop us.

"I can't let you go and kill innocent people. No matter how many lives you'll save" Luther said "No one is really innocent Luther" Y/n said.

I knew that right here, Y/n had to act all tough and like a person that don't mind killing, but she could never trick me, I knew that she was soft, kind, sweet, nice, kind hearted and fragile on the inside.

As for someone as broken and fragile as Y/b, she is actually really strong which I'm proud of.

"I can't let you two do this" Luther said "Well, good luck stopping us" I said and turned around before I began walking towards the door "You're not going anywhere" Luther said and as Y/n was about to go after me, Luther grabbed her by the throat "You idiot, let me go" she said before Luther hold her out the window.

As soon as Luther grabbed Y/n and hold her out the window, I immediately turned around, aiming the gun at him while looking through the scope.

Nobody hurt my wife.

You could see the murder in my eyes, I would anything to keep Y/n safe.

"Put...her...down" I said threated "Put the gun down. You're not killing anyone. I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this" Luther said "Luther, put me the fuck down or I will punch you" Y/n said "It's not like this drop is gonna kill you" he said.

Luther was right, it wouldn't kill Y/n , it was not very high, probably the second or third floor, but she could get badly hurt if he did drop her I wouldn't reach to catch her in time.

"It's either her or the gun. You decide" Luther said and I glanced at my wife with my eyes full of worry.

I hesitated 'cause I knew that Luther would never drop Y/n, not his own sister-in-law, right?


Luther was holding his brother's wife and companion of 45 years by the throat out of a window. It's not like he doesn't know the connection Five has with Y/n.

Luther fully acknowledges Y/n's and Five's bond and he uses it to manipulate Five. Luther forces Five to choose between going and killing Milton or Y/n's safety.

Y/n's and Five has seen shit and you were important to each other. They were life partners, they were everything to each other.

They have being together since day one and have being together every since, for 45 years.

Five would do anything for Y/n, he is perfectly fine killing for her, just like she would do anything for him, even kill for him.

Luther is forcing Five to make an active decision. That if he doesn't blink to save her, she will many broken bones. It's not like 'Is there a less murder way to stop the apocalypse?' He just forces Five's hand, with no remorse.


"Alright then" Luther said and let go of Y/n "Shit" she said.


I immediately dropped the rifle before I blinked with a whoosh over to Luther's spot and I reach to catch Y/n's wrist, stopping her from falling "Got you Love" I said.


I pulled my wife into the room again and she let out a sigh as we sat down on the bed. I didn't say anything to her, but you could see that I was asking with my eyes if she was okay and she nodded.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think he would do it" I said "It's okay" she said "I would never let him hurt you again" I whispered and we looked at each other.

That looks we sent each other, it contains 45 years together. We kept each other sane for 45 years. Have being through so much together and Luther is just willing to toss her out the window, like he didn't care at all about her.

He really is an asshole. The only reason I'm not killing right now, it's because he is my brother.

Y/n has been my closest friend and confidant. We have only had each other in the apocalypse.

Until we returns to the present, we were each other's only family. We have being married for 28 years and Luther is ready to rip it apart to get me to fall in line.

I'm so close in breaking his leg.

How could he even think about doing something like that?

"I can keep doing this all day" Luther said as he was now standing in my spot, picking up the rifle and I just glanced at him with an angry look before I looked back at Y/n.

"Are you fucking crazy? We are trying to save you and the whole world, you ungrateful stupid fucking idiot" Y/n said, almost shouting at Luther.

"I know you're still a good person, Five, you too, Y/n" Luther said before taking a few steps towards my bed "Otherwise, both of you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But you're not on your own anymore" Luther said "There is one way. But it's just about impossible" I said "More impossible than what brought you back here?" Luther asked and I looked at him.

Y/n then grabbed a book before she threw it at Luther, hitting him in the head "Ouch" he said "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR HANGING ME OUT OF A FUCKING WINDOW!" she shouted before she grabbed another book and threw it at his head again "AND THAT WAS FOR DROPPING ME!" she shouted at him.

"Are you just gonna let her throw things at me?" Luther asked me "Tell her to calm down or try to calm her down is like pouring some gasoline over some fire to put it out" I said as I put my arm on cross in front of my chest "Beside you deserve it" I said.

Y/n was about to grab another book, but I stopped her "Easy Love, that is enough. Let's get this over with" I said and she nodded.

"How did you get her to marry you?" Luther asked "She was the last person alive" I replied which cause Y/n to give me a look "Other than me, he was the only person left alive" she replied and I looked at her "I'm not lying, you had no competition and don't say anything about me being the last person alive too" she said and I was about to open my mouth but she cut me off "Punched you so many times, bit you, kicked you, hit you with a brick two times in the face, stab you with a fork and you still followed me around like a little lost puppy" she said and I rolled my eyes "Yeah, I still have a scar from that time you stab me with a fork and hit me in the face with a brick" I said "Which healed" she said "Not completely. Beside I followed you, because it was safer that we stayed together and you agreed" I said and she rolled her eyes "Let's just get this over with" she said.

The three of us quickly found a briefcase that looks like the time travel ones, before we put metal stuff in it, so Cha-Cha and Hazel would think it was real.

We then got into the car before driving to the place where we were gonna meet with Hazel and Cha-Cha.

"Never hurt that person whose only intention was to see you happy"

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