Yandere! God! Hetalia (part 2) // Yandere Overview
Ivan (Russia)
Ivan is the god of winter. Also, he has dominion over ice and snow.
Ivan is in control of the winter. It is his season and his power. And as the god of snow and ice, his domain is the frozen wastelands and places that have winter all year round. He has all this in his dominion, from the mildest of winters in the temperate zones to the coldest places in Russia and even reaching the icy, sub-zero temperature areas of the Arctic. He may not seem to be as powerful as gods like Alfred and Arthur, but that's because he keeps his power under wraps. He isn't too fond of others suffering because of winter and the cold. Ivan knows how deadly it could be, for he has seen many die from it.
This is why he tends to leave the places close to the equator hot and sunny, without a season of winter. Ivan does indeed have the power to bring the world into a plight of a dangerous, eternal cold. You just need to push him far enough and he will be merciless.
The god often keeps to himself, locked up in an icy fortress of a castle. He does indeed get lonely there, since the other gods don't like to hang around him (all except for his closest sisters. One of which he's very uncomfortable having around, but her presence is still nice). Nobody likes the unwelcoming, "chilly" and scary aura he emits, although he is a sweetheart deep down that just wants a friend around.
Ivan will often spend time roaming the vast emptiness of his domain. He wouldn't often find humans there, but one day, he did find one. He found you. Passed out in the snow and slowly giving into hyperthermia. Ivan found you quite pretty, he himself had not seen as many human females as much as certain gods in the course of his isolated life, but you were still a beauty. It was a horrible shame- you were going to die in such a distateful way. But Ivan didn't let that happen, the moment he saw you, he felt compelled to save you.
And save you he did. Ivan picked you up and took your unconscious form somewhere warmer. Somewhere you would be found by other humans. However, after your reintegration into your small society, Ivan felt regret taking you to them. You could've been somewhere else. You could've been with him, instead. So one night, his heart had overflown with all the love, desire and a dangerous obsession for you. He needed you with him. The mortal he saved from death.
He brought winter early to your town that night in the form of a large snowstorm. And in the midst of of it, Ivan took advantage of your unconscious state once more and whisked you away to live with him.
You'll be grateful for it! You got saved from death twice, even if the second time was brought on by Ivan himself. And you were going to be made immortal! All in exchange for being his wife.
You're the cure for his loneliness and he's not willing to let his newfound lover go.
Yao (China)
Yao is the god of wisdom and knowledge, along with the strategic side of war.
Yao is still powerful, for his power comes from human wisdoms and knowledge that keeps growing everyday. He's a wise god, and prefers to keep to himself in regards to the affairs of the other gods. The loneliness and isolation sucks, Yao himself admits that. However, he doesn't mind it. Being the god of wisdom, he would much rather be reading, writing and watching human affairs with a critical eye. He is much like Arthur in that sense, finding much amusement in watching the human world.
Whenever he would observe humans, he would pay attention to schools, universities and the like. They were all places where knowledge were passed on, so it made sense for him to focus there. He would find great pleasure in criticizing certain school systems across the world. When Yao stumbled upon you, you were a crying student. Well, you weren't really crying. You were complaining about a certain, stupid project.
He was going to let it slip at first, all students complained bitterly about work. But then you called out his name. It went something like, "I need someone like those gods of wisdom I've been reading about for this garbage. Athena maybe? Or! Maybe a god like Yao. Yeah... Yao!" And at that, he did indeed help you. Yao opened up your mind with his divine power.
He had only entertained you for a while before taking away his expansive access to wisdom, but you still did well after he had derived you of the extra boost. You were an interesting human. But soon, you would go from simply interesting to absolutely adorable. Yao greatly admired your zeal to go on in the pursuit of higher knowledge in your field of study. The dedication you were putting into it was commendable! But this factor was only a plus for him, he found that he had taken a liking to you, yourself. He felt drawn to you romantically.
You were just what he would want in a partner if could get one. You were smart and dedicated. Adding to that, you were also caring and submissive enough for him. Why not make you a minor goddess? The goddess of the pursuit of knowledge... It sounded like a great title. A great title for the wife of the god of wisdom. And then maybe your children could take after the basics of human knowledge! Basics such as Mathematics, Literature, the Sciences...
Oh! Silly him! Delving into his deep thoughts like that. He needs to take you away first! And eventually, that's what he did. You did cause quite a ruckus when you found that you were kidnapped and expected to live as Yao's wife for the rest of eternity. But he expected that. You'll warm up to him soon. Very soon.
He has his ways as the god of wisdom.
Matthew (Canada)
Matthew is a god of nature, but his dominion is limited to the wild.
Although nature seems to decline everyday due to human activity, he still remains a powerful god. Nature is still preserved well and untouched in the vast expanse of the wilderness. Though Matthew is mostly peaceful, he despises humans and other beings that disrespect nature. Especially his most valued and virgin wilderness that are sacred to him. These are the times you would see that despite his meekness, this god was no pushover.
Matthew is a quiet and mostly antisocial god, and he, much like Yao, does not mind his isolation. Deep in the deepest depths of his wilderness is where Matthew feels most comfortable. However, the god isn't beyond the idea of journeying to the edges of his forests and woods. He enjoys checking on what was happening down there- and to see if there were any unsavory humans that needed to be dealt with.
He happened to be in one if the forests you were roaming. He found you lost in a large expanse of forest on one of his trips further from his place of comfort deep in the wilderness. You were lost. Scared and panicked, you had prayed for even the tiniest amount of luck surviving in the wild. Matthew had heard your prayer, and even if it wasn't directed towards him specifically, he still helped you. He didn't know why he needed to help you, but he knew that your heart was pure. You had loved nature, you were concerned for its preservation. You weren't like those who would willingly exploit nature with no regard,
The god lead you to fresh water, the nonpoisonous and useful plants and even dropped off the occasional wild animal for you to have your needed proteins. He also kept dangerous creatures away from you. Matthew did it all. All throughout the plight of your survival, Matthew had grown to be fond of you. He had lead you out of the wilderness, back to society where you would be comfortable.
Occasionally, you would visit again, but never stray far. You didn't want to get lost again. But the god will always be there to guide you throughout. You were too precious to him. Slowly, after all of the silent watching, he was sure he had fallen in love with you. After so much time just observing you, Matthew grew attached to you.
So one day, Matthew would do the unthinkable and lead you astray. He'd distract you. Drive you deeper into the wilderness and to his place of residence. You were... shocked to find his home when you did. And even more shocked when you abruptly realized you were very very far away from civilization. Once again, you were lost.
But to Matthew, you weren't. You were right where you needed to be. He made himself known to you immediately. He related that he had led you to where you were, and revealed what his intentions were. Matthew wanted to keep you. To keep you as his forever.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Okay, so this is where I stopped for my short spark of inspiration on writing Yandere! God! Hetalia.
You like it? Because I enjoyed writing it!
And if you did, would you guys like more? Should I make a book dedicated to this?? I think I should~
(Oh, and Romania and Ukraine are neeeeeext~ Gimme like, a couple of days ^_^)
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