Rejection (Austria) // Yandere Reactions (REQUEST)

YOU GUYS SO MUCH! 😭😭😫😩😽💞💞💞💞💞💞

But I finally updated and I hope you like it! I legit edited it SO much times, that it HAS to be nothing less than perfect. But still point out mistakes I made😅

Oh gosh, I missed you b#@*&$.

Requested by: DanielaCruz918

But don't worry DanielaCruz918 , I'm gonna do all your requests! Like a few per chapter. That cool?

(Btw, requests are posted by the order they are asked for. That means dubidubioo is next! And of course others shall have their chance.)

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Request: "Can you do what if you reject their love confession?"
Characters requested: Austria, Prussia, and eight more to come!

1. Austria
🇦🇹 Austria had wanted to confess in a simple and more traditional way. Poor Austria had spent weeks in inconclusive pondering; all to find a way to properly confess, and he figured an evening together would be the right setting to do it. Plus, the cake he had for you was really good! The idea was to first invite you over and spend time with you over pastries (doing what wasn't a problem. He has a way of always finding something to talk about with you, no matter what it was.) Some point during conversation, he would steer your talk another way and finally tell you his feelings.

🇦🇹 Hopefully, you'd at least give him a chance.

🇦🇹 But that had backfired when his nervousness got the best of him. It wasn't like he didn't love you enough (he "loved" you a bit too much). Austria was panicky when it came to discussing things like this, much more than the men smooth with romance and not afraid of their feelings. He was never one to make first moves.

🇦🇹 In the middle of it, when he was just about to let go, his emotions boiled over. Instead, Austria made an impulsive decision to retreat to the room he kept his piano.

🇦🇹 This left you confused, puzzled and perplexed, then you heard the tune starting up thirty seconds after he left. You had eventually trailed into where you knew his piano room was.

🇦🇹 Playing the stress away was good for Austria, and his nerves began to leave him the longer the music floated and drifted through the air.

🇦🇹 But you had began to suspect what his hidden intentions were. You had always felt that Austria had romantic feelings for you and it was obvious what he was nervous about. Anybody with common sense would know he was in the process of a confession. Unfortunately, you didn't feel the same way.

🇦🇹 And the anxiety for the impending sadness that he will feel was beginning to sprout in you as the tune progressed and built up. Then he suddenly stopped. And now, your "nerves" started to act up.


Austria rose from the piano stool and looked over his shoulder, which caused him to become startled from seeing you so suddenly. Once he settled down, his eyes became soft and apologetic, "I'm so sorry for leaving you in my living room like that. It was a very inhospitable zhing to do." the display of amiability was a breath of fresh air to your growing angst. Nevertheless, it was still there to an extent.

You meekly smiled, "It... It's alright!" it was the nerves that caused you to peep that phrase out, but you calmed a bit when you said, "Really."

Austria smiled contently, "Oh, lovely." he brushed off little-to-none dust particles from the front of his outfit and straightened it out a bit. Surely it was another nervous habit, "And also. . . I brought you here to tell something very significant to both of our futures." the note of his voice grew rushed as his panic-widened eyes met yours, "But-but! Don't overreact when I tell you!" He became silent and turned away, "Do you understand?"

"Yes?" your voice was uncertain. What were you going to do? It was certain that he was going to confess now! Good heavens! He was walking towards you! His strides long and confident, but he kept his eyes glued to the floor.

Your body tensed slightly when Austria gently clasped your hands in his, the warmth enveloping them as butterflies frolicked in your chest. You looked up to him with widened eyes in a hope to meet Austria's violet ones. But being the coward he was, he sheepishly kept them glued to the side. You could feel that he was shaking the tiniest bit.

'His composure is going to crack again!' you thought.

"_________. . ." he paused after your name. He looked meekly into your eyes, as if he was searching them for a sign of discouragement. Another annoying habit of his. Austria would always do this when he was about to mention something about his feelings! Then he would end up saying nothing of the sort-he'd always change the topic! It was partially the reason you suspected he was hiding this type of affection towards you.

Today was going to be the last time, so Austria more sternly and quickly said, "I love you." and his eyes shifted from your gaze once again.

You didn't reply, and the warmth of his hand were suddenly being noticed by you. Your eyes still looked up at him from your chair but he was still stubborn. Both of you were frozen and unwilling to make the next move. The hand that told the seconds on the only clock in the room, was also the only movement in the area. As this silence continued, Austria was getting. . . worried. Very worried. This could only mean you were surprised. . . Or more realistically, about to give him an answer he did not want.

About a whole, long minute had passed until quite heavily, you gave up and finally moved your line of vision to the floor, near Austria's well-polished shoes (he had made such a good effort to look more presentable than he always was for you). You sighed.

"Austria. . . I'm so sorry."


🇦🇹 With those words, your true feelings were officially known. Though he had already anticipated something like what you replied, it still hurt. Really badly. Austria was heartbroken and he was angry. And the feelings were so overwhelming that Austria had almost lost control of his body. That fact became evident by the sudden pressure he was putting on your hand as he squeezed it slightly. It was not enough to hurt, and not enough for you to suspect any of his anger, but he felt as if he could just. . . Rip your fingers off.

🇦🇹 There was no need to start up now. Austria had said to calm himself. No need. He just need to get. . . This thing. The thought of it caused Austria to suddenly let go of your hand, startling you. He had then began to walk towards the exit of the room. This abruptness made had you call after him, declaring that you didn't mean to upset him.

🇦🇹 Now, you certainly did not blame yourself for his upstart, but felt slightly guilty. He wasn't supposed to act like this over a polite "rejection"! Especially since you hadn't said anything more than, "Austria. . . I'm sorry. . .".


Austria looked back at you, his hands were caught in the doorframe as if to keep himself from walking further. His expression was nearly blameless and his eyes were as wide as an innocent child. It was almost as if he didn't realize that he was behaving inappropriately! "Oh? No! It's nozhing of zhat matter! I'm just getting us both some more tea. I'll be back in a moment so don't go anywhere, now.

I tend to take rejection easily."

That was a lie.

So with that, he headed out the door.


🇦🇹 About twenty minuets later, Austria did come back with the tea. Was it the normal, non-drugged type of tea, you ask? Sure! His drink was untouched (save for being heated up a bit). Yours, on the other hand, definitely had an extra ingredient added to it. A certain sleeping drug-meant to last for at least two hours with the correct dosage.

🇦🇹 It seems like overkill, nut it was just enough time for his last-minute plan. That he knew would turn the tables to suit his favour.


"So? Do you like it? Not too sweet or anyzhing, I hope." Austria queried as he gave his cup a blank, half-lidded glower. He wouldn't have drunk anymore tea because of his mood, but took a sip of the steaming liquid. For the sake of encouraging you to drink yours. People do tend to mimic behaviour after all.

Of course, the stress of the situation had induced you to down nearly the entire cup, "Hm? Yes! I like it!" Austria didn't say a word in reply. You ignored the attitude and took another small sip of your nearly finished tea (less than a quarter of it was left now).

"And. . . Look. I'm sorry for such a plain and. . . The rejection-"

Austria had hid his tenseness at the word like one battling a strong, ardent urge to strike a rival that had insulted them. The only sign of it was the barely noticeable, but tighter grip he had around handle of the cup.

"You're wonderful! And attractive!" no use in denying it "And Austria! Any girl would be lucky to have you!"

And so what exactly is your excuse? Austria sneered in his mind.

"But we. . . We aren't compatible! There has to be someone else you're interested in, right? Like Hungary! You two are pretty close!" Now it may seem that you were just grasping at straws, but the two of them are close!

Austin huffed, what if what you said were an intentional provocation, "Oh, please! Stop trying to pair me up with people I interact with." Austria looked at you with a brief glare, an aggressive clutch on his cup and a raised brow. He turned away in a snappish manner, "We're just pretty close and zhat's all zhere is to it! Hungary's just a good friend and I am certainly not interested." And there was the condensing and crabby attitude Austria nearly always had! This surely meant you were succeeding at lightening the atmosphere!

Plus! He had just said he took rejections easily, didn't he? You had this in the bag!

This thought caused you to relax for a moment. Austria had began to talk again, something about his former marriage, politics and whatnot. But suddenly, you find that you couldn't pay attention to what was being said. A instant wave of drowsiness was setting upon you. It made your eyes heavy and the grip on you had on the cup was. . . loosening. . . Austria's words were growing faint.

You didn't think about what was happening.

"-so you can forget it this instant! When you are a country, politics call you to do so much! So right now, Hungary and I are-"

Austria stopped the rant when he heard the clinking shatter of a teacup hitting the floor. He looked up to see you passed out on the couch-your eyes gently closed, while your head bent to an uncomfortable position onto the back of the loveseat.

Austria set the cup and saucer down and rose from the chair. He allowed a rare smirk grow on his face. How nice! The drug finally kicked in!


🇦🇹 As soon as he had made sure you were out cold, Austria took you to a secluded room. With much difficulty too, have I told you about how unfit this guy is? He's going to have trouble lifting you up no matter how light you are-so expect that he dragged you to the room.

🇦🇹 Once you were secured to the bed, Austria was ready to deal with the outcome of his actions once you woke up.

🇦🇹 He says his favourite way to settle a problem is through marriage. So he, Austria, was going to marry you. You might need convincing, but as soon as you woke up, you were expected to put your signature on the papers.

🇦🇹 And wouldn't have any freedom unless you did.

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Prussia's next!~

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