1p! Ukraine // Yandere Headcanons

Enjoy! (And sorry for any writing mistakes, haha)

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      To many who meet her, Ukraine is simply a warm-hearted person with motherly tendencies. Also very prone to tears at the smallest of inconveniences. She would even be the perfect fit for the victim of the person's obsession rather than the obsessed individual themselves.

      However, the yanderes are nearly always the innocent-seeming ones. Those that nobody would even dare to think a negative thought against-all because they are simply too nice.

      Even the most caring of people, sweet on the outside, can be crazy on the inside.

How it All Began
* Once upon a beautiful day, you found yourself strolling along a wheat field in a Ukrainian countryside. You weren't a farmer or anything of the sort-but you were on a break and you were bored. Besides, you needed to go outside for a change and possibly do some exploring out of your comfort zone. After all, you had been inside for "far too long".

      * It was in that same wheat field where you had met Ukraine. While you were taking some time to catch any Vitamin D the afternoon sun had to offer, Ukraine was taking a break from working on her farm. Quite funny it was, coming to a farming area to take a break from farm-work. But what else could she have done to pass the time? She was poor!

      * Noteworthily, you had heard Ukraine before you even saw her-and I'm talking about the bizarre bouncing sounds that her boobs  made. She, on the other hand, hadn't even noticed you as yet! (Honestly, you were confused when you deduced that the sounds were coming from her boobs. Nevertheless, you simply ignored the fact.)

      * Nevertheless, once Ukraine had finally spotted you on the path ahead of her, she was elated in every way! Someone else was hanging out amongst the wheat! And girl at that!

      * You also looked rather approachable! So Ukraine introduced herself to you-at first, by shouting out a greeting then requesting for you to be her friend-the next thing you know, you and her are walking together in animated conversation. And quickly, you two became close.

Progression to Obsession 
* During your first conversation, Ukraine had asked that you visit her anytime you'd like. And after only one visit, you began seeing her as often as possible. What? You could've done anything you wanted with your break! Plus, staying on a farm wasn't half bad!

      * Rearing chickens, looking after ducks (A/N: Autocorrect put dicks there...), grooming horses and caring for food-growing gardens don't sound fun at and it all was relatively hard work. But with Ukraine there, the times you'd spend on her far were pleasant experiences for the both of you.

      * You loved Ukraine. She was just so cute! Cute, polite, big-hearted-but a bit of a crybaby. You don't mind. Every time you'd see her worry over the smallest of things, abruptly burst into tears at the tiniest inconveniences and apologize over-lavishly for things that were not even her fault-you'd always be near to give Ukraine a pat on her back and a comforting word.

      * It was all endearing to you (not in a creepy way).

      * Ukraine was quite the motherly figure to you. Every time you'd come over, she'd prepare food for you, take over jobs you found difficult and just fret endlessly over your wellbeing. It all helped you to grow attached to Ukraine, the two of you becoming very close friends.

      * Often-though she did have friends-nobody would visit poor Ukraine on the farm. So she'd get somewhat lonely working by herself. Therefore, to have you there was the highlight of her days.

      * Furthermore, whenever she would make mistakes, forget to do a job or experience something that would cause her to weep out of sadness-nobody would be there to console her! Though Ukraine had always been accustomed to caring and not being cared for, she greatly valued what you do for her.

      * Ukraine also found you really pretty (but it wasn't technically a crush, if that's what you're thinking). It could've been how pretty your eyes looked as it shone in the sun; how gorgeous and healthy your hair looked and how wonderfully it completed your features; or how cute your smile was when you showed it to her. It could have even been your overall appearance that Ukraine admired!

      * Unfortunately, your beautiful relationship went downhill because of a single accident.

      * You had once asked Ukraine for permission to do some hand-ploughing in a small plot of land. Ukraine took a moment to examine the unploughed, bumpy area-dusted with many beds and uneven surfaces. It was a small part that she was saving to grow new greens.

      * Ukraine was definitely uncertain about letting you go there. To plough out of all things! You could easily get yourself hurt! And what if a snake or another dangerous animal happened to be there!

      * Despite her opposition, you managed to egg her into letting you do it, promising that you would be careful. Very unfortunately, your assurance didn't prevent you from losing your footing to a hole in the ground while you were busy trying to work the hard dirt with a faulty shovel.

      * Then-when you had felt a sudden, searing pain in your ankle-Ukraine was alerted by your pained cry and dropped everything to run to your assistance (being careful of the suspicious bumps in the plot as well). Once you were taken to a couch and given first aid, Ukraine realized that you had twisted a joint in your ankle because of the fall.

      * A twisted joint. Oh darn it! Ukraine was so damned angry for letting you get hurt! And it was all because of that trashy shovel! Oh why didn't she let you use a new one?!

      * But before the tears were set loose, Ukraine's mind landed on the cause of your injury-the shovel.

      * So as you had laid on the couch, assessing how much your current situation sucked, Ukraine had marched out of the house and tramped into the half-ploughed field, fueled on dark rage. When the perceived weight of your accidental injury had hit her, it flipped a certain switch in Ukraine's mind. It swung her demeanor from that of a mothering caretaker to that of a ferocious protector.

      * Ukraine had came across the shovel you were using to plough the area, and with more than a million irritating thoughts swimming through her mind, she snatched the old thing from the ground. Then in an outburst of fury, she had hurled it into a nearby shed-causing it to snap in half from the impact.

      * Ukraine didn't even feel shocked from the aftermath. That shovel was the cause of you getting hurt and Ukraine found that she suddenly fricking hated anything that will hurt you with a horrible passion. She needed to keep you safe from harm. She had to.

      * Sadly for the both of you, the injury kept you from visiting as you liked. When you would have been able to go four days a week, you could have only managed once a week if you were lucky. Additionally, your designated break was ending-so you had the affairs of your country to manage.

      * It was during this time that Ukraine felt most dejection. Whenever you came to visit her, she would cling onto you like a small child that hasn't seen their parent in weeks as she found herself missing you dearly. Ukraine would even cry at times, every time she remembered that you were gone from her presence. Ukraine craved your company.

      * They say "absence makes the heart grow fonder", but your absence made Ukraine's heart grow an extremely unhealthy infatuation.

Your Relationship
* Luckily, once you had healed and were less constricted with work, you would come to see Ukraine as often as you could! You were very happy with that, but you could never have been any more happy than Ukraine!

      * But woah there, you. Do you really think after the ploughing episode, that she's ever going to let you work in the farm anymore?? No way in hell! Even if you attempt to convince Ukraine into letting you help out, she'll give you a gentle-but strong-no. You wouldn't get her mind to change one bit!

      * Ukraine's doting over you will be increased tenfold. After the occurrence, she would make sure that you were protected at all times.

      * So, I hope you enjoy trips around the beautiful countryside. Either strolling around the wheat, corn and foxglove fields or having picnics near a slow-running river (Ukraine will make sure that you stay far far away from the body of water. She will not stand for any harm to be done to you).

      * Ukraine would have always made things for you from scratch. In fact, whenever you two picnic, all of your ingredients are made from scratch-and all the love Ukraine has to give! Milk? Taken straight from the cow, filtered, pasteurized, cooled, etc. Butter and cheese? She would've made that too. Ukraine would even take fruits straight from her farm's orchard. So you can bet everything's fresh.

      * Cute pet names are a must, especially in Ukrainian. Ukraine is a sweet woman, and you're precious to her-so her pet names are usually "sweetie", "dear" or "honey" in either English or Ukrainian. You don't really find it weird.

      * Eventually, Ukraine got the golden opportunity to visit you in your own country. Isn't that great? She doesn't have to wait for you to come over-she can visit you whenever she wants!

      * At your house, you would often watch movies with Ukraine (she'd always make something for you to enjoy when she comes over). Ukraine would let you watch your favourite genre and new releases, no problem. However, Ukraine's favourite are horror.

      * If you don't mind a good horror movie, then Ukraine's one of the best people to watch them with you. If you get frightened at the scary parts and tend to hide behind people (A/N: I know I do), Ukraine will happily welcome you into her arms.

      * You may or may not be squeezed against her boobs, but if you could spare a crumb of attention to the field in which Ukraine grows her damns, thou shall observe that she hath none to give. In other words, she doesn't mind inappropriate touching with you.

      * As a matter of fact, Ukraine feels warm and happy whenever you do it. However, you don't give much thought to it.

Being a Yandere
* Sure, your relationship great on the outside-but let us lay down the downsides of being with your yandere.

      * Ukraine would definitely be one to shower you in affection and provide an endless amount of protection-but these sides paired with her unhinged obsession will spiral into her being overly protective of you. Also, quite overbearing in the sense of constantly feeling the need to monitor your actions in the name of your safety and comfort.

      * Ukraine cannot do much stalking outside the farm, the sound her boobs make may always give away her location. So sadly, she can't watch you in secret to scope out your personal life to single out those she deems "untrustworthy".

      * She isn't much of a stalker anyway, but she does like to keep stuff that belong to you-often without your consent. Ukraine has a drawer full of things that belong to you. It is located in her room, safe under lock and key.

      * These things include clothes and small items that you may have left at her house. Even items that you hadn't left would be taken from your house when she visits-usually pens, pencils, shoes and a blouse or two. Ukraine might even steal more daring items.

* You know. . . Personal items such as bras, some questionable CDs you might own and possibly, other interesting objects~ you might have. You may never suspect Ukraine because of how innocent she seems. Additionally, you will be too embarrassed to discuss them, encouraging the belief that you must have lost it somewhere in your house.

      * Often, Ukraine would go through these items with high levels of euphoria frolicking around her system. She would practically worship them! And if anyone would accidentally walk into her room, they would find Ukraine holding any of your belongings close to her chest. With a gentle, loving and dazed expression on her face, she would trace them adoringly with her fingers.

      * Back to the stalking business. Ukraine's definition of "untrustworthy" would be anyone who tries to get with you in a romantic way-or even in a close crelationship that may be utterly platonic. She just doesn't like it when anyone tries to get close to you. They could just come and take you from her!

      * So Ukraine's kind of "stalking" would be observing you whilst you are talking with strangers. When you would speak to the person, she will drop everything to watch the both of you closely-even if she's very far away (though, she hardly is ever far from you).

      * If they only dare to make a move on you, then Ukraine will usually cut into your conversation and take you away, in a similar fashion to a mother taking her child away from a play date to eat their lunch. She'd often apologize profusely to the person, and come up with some sort of excuse for you to get away.

      * The excuses usually range from "something that she wants you to check out" to "we need to go for something". Ukraine isn't really creative with excuses, but you go with it anyway.

      * Afterwards, maybe even days later, she would kindly ask you not to interact with them again. And when you'd always inquire her reason, her explanation would always be around the lines of "Y-you just can't."

      * She would say in a genuinely sweet voice, "I don't really trust them and I don't want you to get hurt! But. . ." Then those tears-genuine or crocodile, you would never know-would spring forth, "I suck for being like that! I-I should let you have space-I'm SORRY!" Ukraine would break down in tears.

      * You'd always run to comfort her every time she did-and Ukraine loved it. You'd always feel that she's genuinely hurt. She may be wounded to some extent-but it's all just a manipulative motive to "protect" you from falling to the affections of someone else. You just don't see it because to you, Ukraine was just too pure.

      * But no need to worry, berserk Ukraine is still buried inside her. Ukraine is a yandere that doesn't mind killing to keep you to herself. Ukraine doesn't seem the type to hurt a fly; but once she deviates from her normal, kind-hearted temperament there will seldom be a warning before she strikes.

      * Ukraine will observe how they act with you; to see if they were a threat to your relationship with her. And quite carefully too. And when she finds that her previous attempts to keep them at bay are unsuccessful, you can expect them to be dead a week later.

      * So kindly refrain from telling Ukraine about anybody who you are interested in or about those who are interested in you.

Kidnapping, the Finality (A/N: I seem to change my mind every update. . . But killing looks better up in the "Being a Yandere" section, nein?)
* Ukraine isn't a yandere to kidnap you the traditional snatch-you-up-in-the-dead-of-night way. She would invite you over for a long visit; perhaps somewhere further in the countryside, completely isolated from the nearest house. At first, her intentions would not be to actually kidnap poor little you.

      * In the early stages of your stay, you are quite happy. But as you stay longer and longer. . . You would begin to question her as to when you'd get back. Ukraine would always tell you soon. But as your stay became longer and longer, you'd always ask. Inquiring every morning! Every night!

      * At all the constant questioning, Ukraine will get started up. Did that mean you didn't want to be with her?!

      * She would most likely breakdown. She wouldn't be able to take all the festering thoughts of you disliking her. In her crying fit, she would tearfully sob about how much she cares about you, how she just doesn't want you to go off and get hurt, etc.

      * At first, you'd think that she was just being an overprotective friend-as she'd always been doing. But you'd have to take a second more to assess the context of her words and actually ask her if she liked you in a romantic way. She'd cry out a "yes".

      * You would be quite surprised. You had thought all this time that Ukraine was just being one hell of a friend-you never realized that she actually love loved you. Nevertheless, if you reject Ukraine's feelings-she would lose it entirely.

      * The next thing you know, you'll reawake tied securely to the bed in your assigned room after feeling the pain of a metal hoe's handle slammed onto the back of your head. (Trust me, it hurt Ukraine emotionally and mentally more than it hurt you physically)

      * Ukraine would take care if you, no problem. Tears would run down her eyes every time she has to see you in your tied up state. She's absolutely saddened by what she had to do.

      * But what's more troubling is that you'd actually start to feel sorry for Ukraine. That's how good she did in manipulating your feelings towards her-whether she actually intended or not. Her innocence, her sweetness. . . And then her obvious sadness to having you go through this. You'll find yourself looking past the wrongs and foolishly rationalizing that she was just your sweet friend that simply panicked because if the pain of unrequited love.

      * And do hurry, because if you decide to give Ukraine a chance (and absolutely mean it)-she'll rejoice and readily give you your freedom.

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      As someone who takes Agricultural Science and has grandparents who own a farm, the farming parts of this chapter were super fun because farming is my thing.

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