1p! Romania // Yandere Headcanons
Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Romania!~ I was so much later than I said I would be with this one. . . Sowwy :(
I practically had to write this over for it to be perfect! But it was worth it, 'cause it's like, way longer than Italy's and Belarus's headcanons. -__-
But hopefully I'll get Ukraine's headcanons out much much faster!
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Romania is another one of those cheerful and friendly guys no one would ever expect to go crazy over some girl. And just to be clear, I'm not talking about crazy as in crazy-in-love. I'm leaning more towards the crazy as in literally insane! So naturally, anyone would have a difficult time convincing people that Romania was an abnormally obsessed man.
But like all normal people, strong desires can drive them to do crazy things. And Romania would not be an exception.
Despite his disposition, Romania is a hard worker. Therefore, by any means, Romania will do what he has to do-what he needs to do-in order to have you love him.
How it All Started
* No matter how silly it sounds, Romania had developed a huge crush on you the first time he saw you. It wasn't really a love-at-first-sight crush, but a she's-so-so-soooooooo-cute-I-think-I'm-in-love! crush.
* However, for Romania, it was everything like love at first sight. And thus, as how most crushes go- his grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger! All until Romania was simply overcome by his sweet and innocent infatuation.
* It didn't help that your two countries had nothing to do with each other. Neither of your states were tied together by trade, a treaty, an alliance, common history nor anything of the sort.
* On the other hand, you never really paid the poor country much attention. Both of you would talk, but only on a casual and brief level.
Progression to Obsession
* You, personally, had only seen Romania as friendly acquaintance. He wanted to be much more than that!
* But unfortunately, he couldn't just go up to you and declare love just like that! Why? Romania doesn't really know. However, he fully blames the political relationship between you two. If only your love wasn't separated by such barriers! So back then, Romania could have only hinted at a distance.
* As most people with unrequited crushes act, Romania would have never missed an opportunity to catch glances of you. He'd stare at you longer than what was socially accepted, always admiring your beauty. (This is what people with crushes do, right?)
* When Romania did so, he would be the very embodiment of his own silly love: head propped up by his hands, cheeks dusted as pink as cotton candy, a shining sparkle in his eyes and a cute, little smile plastered across his face.
* A few times, you had caught Romania staring at you, and he would enthusiastically wave every time you did. Meanwhile, you would wave back with less enthusiasm and give him a small, but warm smile (nevertheless, he would still gush endlessly at it).
* Bulgaria would catch Romania staring at you, and when he does, his usual reaction would be a "gentle" slap to the back of his head and scolding him for being a creep. At times, Bulgaria would even playfully tease Romania about his crush on you (though, Romania would always insist that it was not a crush, but true love~)
* Romania would also daydream. He is especially fond of envisioning scenarios of you being a fairytale princess and him- your prince, your knight, your mere servant in love, etc. It's no secret that he's a romantic when it comes to fairytale princesses.
* He will particularly compare you to the likes of Ileana Cosânzeana, a Romanian fairytale princess who was viewed as the very embodiment of beauty. She certainly was not! For to Romania, whoever made that sort of claim had obviously never seen you! You were a gorgeous angel from the heavens. You were Romania's gorgeous angel from the heavens.
* In his fantasies, Romania will seek you out for months, after falling in love just after a first encounter; Romania will readily save you from any evil witch, warlock or dragon that intends to keep you to themselves for their own purposes; he would always be willing to place a gentle kiss on your lips to break any curse set upon you; and most of all-he will never hesitate to declare you as his only beloved to the entire world to save your life.
* It's the perfect kind of fairytale bliss Romania's always up for with you. But living as a happy couple would still be absolutely wonderful! But what was his only obstacle? You probably guessed it-your political relationship.
* Despite having one of his strong points as magic, Romania didn't want to put a fix to anything with it (A/N: yet). It simply wouldn't be fair to do so!
* All Romania had was his fantasies and subtle hints to you in the form of fond staring, but one day, it seemed as if good luck had come around to him-and without the use of good luck charms or magic of any sort. You, his longtime crush, had come to him. However, it wasn't for any romantic purposes (as Romania would have secretly hoped), you were strictly on business.
* You were doing a project pertaining to certain aspects of the cultures in countries across the world. By chance, your thoughts stumbled upon your very friendly acquaintance, Romania. And with his very. . . unique folklores and stories (especially with his popular vampires and demons), it was an excellent concept for you to document!
* Sure, it was all freaky. But you could do freaky. You needed the freaky. And Romania was more than happy to talk to you about it!
* In fact, he was ten times more than happy to talk to you about his culture! His history! His folktales! It was like a personal attempt of you wanting to learn more about him! And you agreed to do it over at his house! So technically, it was practically courtship!
* The country hung onto every word you said, every question you asked, like a drowning man clutching onto a straw. He answered your inquiries with much enthusiasm and wasted no time in happily ranting off to you as many of his wonderful (and quite disturbing) stories as he pleased. You encouraged him to do that.
* But little did you know, that bit of extra contact-that bit of extra attention to Romania-would spark something horrible within him.
Being a Yandere
* Right after you had left, Romania was in a love-fueled frenzy. He sat in the chair you occupied during the interview, laid in it, patted it, rubbed his body onto it (A/N: not in a sexual way, dirty minded reader) and just worshiped it in general! You. His crush- NO! His LOVE! Sat down in it! You touched it!
* And and, the front door! You came through the front door! You knocked on it! Walked into the house! You just- you just- touched the things in his house!
* It was a victory! A victory! Romania was one step closer to you! And with his mind swirling with one hundred thoughts a minute, it wasn't a second longer before Romania flew down to his basement-where he kept all his magical supplies-and started searching.
* He needed a love potion. And not just any kind of flimsy one! He needed a very strong love potion! One that will make you love him unconditionally! One that will have you in his arms forever!
* In that blind bout of energy from his infatuation, Romania had flipped through the pages of a certain tome with a big, happy smile on his face. He needed to select carefully! How was a potion for love at first sight? Nah-that sounded far too weak! An elixir that guaranteed full attraction for thirty minutes? No way! The time was far too short! A potion for a full night of intense desire? That sounded way too much like a potion for a one-night stand. Romania didn't want that.
* And then-he found the perfect one. A philter for everlasting love. Now that was perfect! At the thought of such a thing, Romania's heart leapt and spun higher than an Olympic vaulter, swelling with pure joy! He needed you so so sooooooo much! If you took only a single dosage- you'll be his! Forever!
* And of course he'll love you back, he always will! It would only be a matter of preparing you something~ slipping the potion in~ having you drink it~ and it'll be happily ever after for him!~
* Then all of a sudden, Romania had caught his senses. What the hell am I thinking? This isn't a very good idea. . .
* Even if he didn't seem the type to come to his senses over these things, Romania knew that that was a bit too far.
* Romania held off on the potion. Why resort to such fake measures to gain your love? He had promised himself that he wouldn't use magic.
* So he should do it gradually. Now that you had unlocked a door to him by visiting for the interview, he was going to swing it wide open! But Romania knew one thing-it was that he absolutely loved you to the greatest of extents. And he had to act upon it.
* And eventually, Romania started to become closer to you. Much closer. He needed to do that if he wanted your love. But unfortunately, it lead him to do. . . some questionable things.
* After meetings, when you would leave, Romania would wonder. . . What does the love of his life do after meetings? After you weren't in his presence?
* Therefore, after you leave the building, Romania would want to know which door you'd exit. Which stairs you'd take. Which route you'd take with your car (he knew you had one, even down to its type, color and license plate).
* This constant need to see you and know what you were doing would lead to him following you home. Breaking into your house and exploring it when you're gone, just to have a look around and indulge in your. . . essence. It would be the next step in invading your privacy.
* Romania cannot help himself to his urges, love makes you do crazy things and he was crazy in love with you. Like those moments when he's oblivious to the effects that his disturbing folklores has on others, Romania most likely does not realize what he's doing is an actual bad thing.
* There might be a voice at the back of Romania's head saying, "Hey, Romania! This isn't really a cool thing to do." But Romania doesn't pay attention, and he doesn't pay attention to it until that annoying voice just goes away.
* You might not catch Romania. But if you do, you may see it as pleasant coincidences that you're at the same places at the same time. Romania doesn't see it as a big deal if you realize that he's there. As long as you didn't suspect him of actually stalking you or see him following you places you shouldn't be (an example being: your home).
* Being obsessive, Romania sees all the beauty in you. So if anyone ever dared to suggest otherwise while in his presence, they'd have to expect an entire week (or possibly an even longer time) of rotten, curse-like spells and bad luck. And it has happened once.
* When Romania sees you interacting with another person, almost exclusively with males, his jealousy spikes up dangerously.
* When you're not with the person, Romania will confront them about how they feel about you. They would often be quite confused, but would tell Romania their answer (and he often easily gets them to tell him, since he is a friendly person). If they didn't have many romantic feelings for you, Romania would be very pleased.
* However, if they did happen to admit that they had feelings for you. . . Romania will get super super mad. He would then tell them "calmly" (or rather, passive aggressively) to back off because you were his love. Understandably, they would be quite put off by his rather possessive behaviour.
* There might even be someone who tells you about the way Romania was acting. However, you'd always find it weird and question them if he really did do that. That was certainly not like the friendly, sweet and playful Romania that you knew of.
* To strangers and people who you aren't very close to, Romania wouldn't be so kind. When he catches them speaking to you, he'll burn their faces into his memory and if he catches them with you again. . . oh boy, Romania will go straight up to them in a fit of jealousy (after you've gone, of course), get them somewhere out of the eye of the public and demand that they never speak to you again. Ever.
* But when you're speaking to others in his presence, Romania will have his hands folded in visible irritation towards the other person and make mocking gestures of them behind their back. You would laugh at the country's antics, but afterwards you'd tell him that he's being silly.
* He'd usually reply that he likes you too much to have you "mingling with other people". Though Romania would be serious about his claim, he nearly always finds a way to get the message across to you in a joking manner, so as to not make you scared.
Your Relationship
* You and Romania, although you had nothing to do with each other before (aside from Romania's closeted obsession with you), you two are quite good friends. You see each other on occasion (even if some of it came about because of him stalking you), you'd visit each other's countries when there are no meetings, you two would phone each other, etcetera etcetera.
* Even if most of the contact was initiated by Romania, that didn't mean you are ever not enthusiastic about hanging out with him. You find his silly interactions with you charming in its own way. However, you have never been charmed to the point of falling for him (though, I cannot imagine how you haven't yet. He's super cute and you know it).
* Now, Romania will make it almost explicit that he is interested in you. He's always with the hugging, the touching, the constant visiting, the cheery attitude (he's always cheerful, but he somehow makes his cheeriness seem romantic when it comes to you) and the flirting!
* Ya, Romania would always flirt with you. He'll be subtle, just the right kind of subtle. However, you, being smart, always pick them up and immediately ask him if he was flirting. Romania never gives you a clear answer, he always replies: "Maybe~" with an adorable wink. You'd always get annoyed and lightly punch him for teasing you.
* Romania would even give you gifts to show his affection. Every time you'd visit or come to him, he always has little gifts of love ready.
* These gifts usually come with compliments ranging from "Hey, (Y/n)! Here's a rabbit's foot! Adding to the rumor that they're supposed to bring luck, I've also charmed it!" to "(Y/n)~! Here's a pretty magic bracelet-" which may or may not be charmed for the purpose of keeping guys away from you "-for the most beautiful girl in the world!~"
* You get the idea.
* You may (or may not, if you're pretty dense *knock* *knock*) take these factors as hints that he likes you.
* Sadly for Romania, you kinda liked him just giving you these hints. You valued the friendship you had had with him, so asking him if he liked you would be awkward. Especially considering you didn't really have any feelings for him.
The Inevitable Future
* And about the fact that you did not reciprocate Romania's affections. . . You would have to be careful about him finding out. If he did find out-he would first feel that everything was a waste. One. Sad. Waste. All the hints, all his doting on you, your friendship, all the work he had to do to get rivals away from you. . . it was just sad.
* When Romania finds out, it would either be through accidentally hearing it from you or someone else (perhaps a close friend like Bulgaria) making it clear to him. Romania would pretend that everything was alright for a while, but gradually, he will be overcome by heartbroken rage.
* He would be ten times more likely to hurt-and even kill-who he considers rivals out of the fury and jealousy. It's mostly because he will completely blame them for you brushing his feelings aside.
* If he reaches that point, Romania would kidnap you in one of the strangest ways. He'd most likely walk up to you for "a talk" and utilize his very own magic (which he was refraining to do for far too long). He will have you submit to his wishes. To make you "willingly" follow him to his home.
* You would be utterly confused once you break out of your enchantment. You would demand to know what was going on. Why on Earth were you being restrained like this?!
* At these questions, Romania would do what he never thought he could do to you out of all people. He would lash out at you in pure fury. And it would be about everything. How hard he tried to have you love him after so long, and only to have you not share even an ounce of affection towards him!
* Once all of his feelings would be split out, he may actually start crying and run out of the room he will keep you in. All the hopes of a perfect life with you were just. . . Ruined! It would break him all over again once he realizes the extent of the situation.
* Romania might even look to his philtre-the love potion that he didn't want to use-to fix the problem for good. He has to do it. And he will do it eventually. If magic got him this far. . . Why not go all the way?
* He'll keep you in there, locked up all the time and make sure you don't escape. He will apologize for kidnapping you, but he will never release you.
* So the question is. . . Will you agree to be his lover? Because that potion for strong and everlasting love gets more and more attractive to Romania everyday. Either option, you're in quite a big mess.
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And finished! Do you notice any "out of character" behaviour from Romania? If you do, please tell poor old me :(
Also! How about any changes in the headcanons? I have a sinking feeling I've drastically changed somehow from the first two headcanons. If you'd did or did not, is there anything you'd change?? Or are you happy with it?
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