1p! North Italy // Yandere Headcanons

      Italy is a cheerful and energetic man. And quite innocent seeming too!

      However, in fact, Italy isn't that innocent. Italy is a closeted pervert and you know it's true. He can be more dangerous than he lets on (even if he was referred to as the "Soft Underbelly of Europe" once). This sweetheart does indeed have the potential to be a very tricky yandere once you drive him to be one.

      As a yandere, Italy will be all cheery and happy on the outside and if anyone, even you, begins to suspect him, they'll be thrown off by his natural disposition of innocence. He just looks too (and I quote from Veneziano himself) "pretty" and "cute" to be a toxic yandere!

How It All Started
* You were one of those passing cute faces on the street that Italy wanted to flirt with. Simply too attractive to pass up!

* As a response, you may blush and thank him as it was in your shy nature to do so. And of course, you're all smiling and happy! He was an adorable man and his energy instantly rubbed off of you.

* After your encounter, Italy found himself still thinking about you! But of course that's normal. He just doesn't forget about someone immediately after. However, there was just something about your kind of shyness that... stayed with him.

* However, if you happen to be a little more bold, you'll laugh and compliment him back! It's a response he's not necessarily used to, so you would stand out more. It's understandable that Italy's still thinking about you.

* But strangely enough, Italy would find himself thinking about you every. Single. Day. The only thing on his mind would be that attractive stranger he's hopelessly attached to.

* And what's worst: he didn't even get your name!

* Eventually, this gets painful for Italy to bear and he ever so slowly becomes lovesick! Everyone that he constantly interacts with will start to notice.

* He even became less discreet whenever he climbs into his friend, Germany's, bed. How so? As soon as he gets in it's to talk about "the pretty ragazza" he met the other day.

* Germany naturally got annoyed and kicked the nuisance out. Leaving Italy to cry, "Amore mio! Where are youuuuuuuuuuu?!!" and throw mini tantrums like a little boy in his own bed with anime tears running down his closed eyes. Poor guy...

* He'll always go to the place he found you before, or roam the streets looking for you. Italy always hopes that you'll come back and he'll finally see you again. And he will have to act before you slip away from him!

* Finally, his prayers are answered when you visit the place again. He wastes no time in approaching you, low key following you around the place, then even getting your information by the end of it all! Your name which he now admires so much, regular details like hobbies and even your number!

* Italy will of course, want to know where he can meet you again. Maybe even take you around some more someday! (*cough* he's low-key asking you out *cough*)

* Much to his dismay, you aren't able to make it with him. But you promised that you two will stay in touch through telephone. At that, Italy wouldn't mind that much, even just hearing your voice will fill him with joy!

* On your part, you wouldn't trust some random "stranger" enough to follow you around or to have your contact information. But Italy was just too charming! How can you say no to that adorable face?

* Strangely enough, Italy found that he couldn't let you go just like that. He had to make sure he knew where you were living.

* How did he know? Simple. He followed you around, taking mental notes of the places you went and making sure to be very stealthy. He is idiotic, but can be very smart when he needs to be.

* This became a habit of his. He would watch when you leave your house, follow you when you go out and watch when you come back. And even if you happen to stay inside one day, he'll find a way to watch you from a window in a nearby building.

* To Italy, this isn't creepy at all. He simply couldn't go on without knowing what you were doing at what time. Therefore, he just observes you.

* You've even encountered him a few times. Unfortunately, you brushed it off as a mere coincidence and not creepy stalking. You even found yourself enjoying the times you two would "bump" into each other.

Yandere Actions (What You Notice and Don't)
* Italy didn't really realize what he was doing at the time, but what he knew was that he was in love with you. Perhaps he should "bump" into you again and ask you out? Yes. He should to do that. What could go wrong?

* He finally makes up his mind, phones you up for a meeting and even bought you a bouquet of flowers he thought you'd like.

* However, when he made it to your designated location, he found you waiting... with another guy.

* Italy hadn't seen this man before, but he sure did not like the way he looked at you and the way he talked to you. He was surely flirting and it reminded him of the same way Italy had met you.

* Italy was not going to have any of it! He couldn't lose you! Especially not when he had fallen in love with you! Even if the man was perhaps a "passing flirter", what if it turned into something more?

* He waited until the man had left to approach you. He pretended to be happy, when inside he was just so so jealous. When he gave you the flowers, you thanked him.

* Italy could've been fine with just that, but then you said, "If you treat your friends like this, then girl you get with is going to be so lucky!" and Italy froze up inside.

* You... you thought of him as a friend. Italy wasn't sure if he had heard you right. He questioned this at first , but by the way you were acting towards him, it became certain.

* And it was true that you had thought of him as a friend, even if you were wooed at his flirting attempts at first. During the time you spent talking to this goof ball through the phone and through coincidental meetings the only love that you had developed for him was purely platonic.

* Let me just say, all yanderes have a "breaking point". And this here, this was Italy's breaking point. It was final. He didn't want to let you go. He'll have to get you to love him as a partner and not as a friend.

* Italy has the potential to become a monster for you. Although he already crossed a line with the stalking, he's fairly mild as he can be (and as far as a yandere can be).

* It started out when you noticed a package had been left outside your house. It was a small one wrapped in red packaging. Understandably, you were shocked when you opened the box and found a red letter with pink hearts pasted around it.

* It was a love letter, a very sentimental and heartfelt one. However, it had no name. This was strange. Reason one: It was weird. Reason two: You didn't know anyone that would give this to you!

* Well, there was Italy had flirted with you at first. But then, he was just being Italian. Plus, Italy wasn't the weird stalker type to you. And on top of it all, you guys didn't really make much contact (two sided contact at least), nor did he know your address yet (yeah, right).

* It couldn't be Italy. But how wrong you were.

* Italy figured that if he could lower your morale, then when the time comes... he would probably have a chance. A chance to swoop in and comfort you. And then, maybe you'll fall in love with him. It was very strange. Italy wouldn't normally think these thoughts... but he could lose you.

* Thus, the letters would arrive at your doorstep as often as possible. At first, they were kind of sweet.

* But then, you would begin to receive threats. Usually aimed towards your contact with anyone that the letter made to have a suggestive nature in it. For you, these weren't suggestive at all.

* Italy found that he didn't like any sort of contact between you and anybody of any gender. What if you were bisexual and left him for a girl? He couldn't allow that.

* During this, you still phone Italy but this time, you speak to him about your problems with this hostile admirer. He acts concerned for you over the phone, but physically he has a wide smile on his face. During it all, his eyes are opened and staring at his phone, lewdly admiring the part your lovely voice comes from. (A/N: Frick. I got chills writing that.)

Your Relationship
* Sometime after this, you finally invite him over to your house (giving directions, although Italy didn't need them). His elation sky rockets and he happily skips over to you the next day. He brings over his signature meal for you, which is obviously pasta. And he's sure you would love it! (A/N: No "additional ingredients" yet. This is the sfw part, children ;))

* Of course, you're so happy to receive him. He's been your good, loyal phone friend through all this craziness.

* He's happy to talk about you with it and his cheerful attitude made you feel happy yourself. Italy listens to you. He is kind and always open to talk but inside—he grins gleefully. It's the next step in the process of getting you to fall for him!

* Your relationship, as you can imagine, is going great right now. Italy is still probably in the friend zone, and he doesn't like it. Not one bit. But for now... Italy's happy with being close to you. Being in the presence of his "senpai" is good enough for him.

* And he makes sure he's with you all of the time. As much as possible. And now that you know he knows your house he can pop up as often as he can!

* Occasionally, he wouldn't refrain from showing affection to you. Examples include hugging, glomping and kisses on the cheek. It's all platonic to you. But believe me, it is not platonic at all. Italy loves you to death and he's not willing to let you go.

* At times, Italy would innocently tell you that you two should be married now that you're such good friends. You, believing Italy's just being Italy, will just coo and pinch his cheeks, gushing at how adorable he's being.

"Yeah! I'm'a so cute!" But inside, he's thinking: No Y/n. I do want you to marry me!

Your Future
* As you know, he currently loathes being in the friend zone and he's sure he will be a great lover to you! It's just a matter of time until you see that.

* Does Italy kill? Will he kill? He will definitely kill someone threatening your relationship. But only when he's completely certain that they are. He's still a bit sweet on the inside.

* He going to show to his victims what he's willing to do for your love. He might not necessarily kill, but he will definitely scare them as good as he can with a sort of creepy, subtle hint.

* As further scare factor, Italy will even open his eyes and give them a rare, scary look. And often times, it works! (Because honestly, when anime characters like him open their eyes, they look like psychopaths).

* If he does kill, it'll be over someone who will directly try to become your new boyfriend.

* Italy isn't above kidnapping you. He might kidnap you because he got sick of your subtle friend-zoning. It's a highly possible outcome if there is a case where he decides to confess his feelings for you and you simply brush it off.

* You would understandably be confused and shocked when you find out that it was Italy that kidnapped you. However, Veneziano will take the opportunity to giddily rant about how long he had wanted you. How he had developed feelings for you that he had haboured away for ages.

* He will confess to doing whatever he did to get close to you, the stalking, the letters and what he did to his victims.

* You're left dumbfounded to learn this. How can you miss all of this! Why? It's because Italy had you fooled all this time. You were too influenced by his kind and childish personality to realize his yandere actions.

* But only then do you realise all the signs had been there. And regret not paying them heed.

* Will Italy ever let you out? Perhaps. If you promise to shut up about it and play along with loving him. Will you ever love him? If not, do pretend. Your lack of loving him is what got you into this situation.

      Good grief. This took me too long to write, simply because I was procrastinating. I'll have to practice better time management 😣.

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