Chapter 2: Pappiliodya.

Chapter 2: Pappiliodya.


A new day in the life of this magician. The morning was beautiful, and the sun did its job of illuminating and filling the earth with warmth.

Y/N is currently sleeping. Y/N's dream could be described as: "I want to sleep forever." It had been a long time since he had been able to obtain such ecstasy. Lying down and dreaming peacefully was high on her wish list.

When the time of 10pm arrived, Y/N immediately lay down on her bed and fell asleep. But the pleasure was destroyed by Akko's morning voice.

Akko: Move! I said... Move!

Slowly, Y/N opened her eyes and raised her head looking at the source of the noise with a still sleepy look.

Y/N: What are you supposed to do?

Lotte: Oh... Y/N, you're awake.

The boy scratched his eyes while he said:

Y/N: How can I not wake up when it's so loud in the morning?

He then stretched and looked at Akko who was pointing the glowing stick at whatever it was while she exclaimed things.

Y/N: By the way, Akko, what are you doing?

Sucy: He's trying to use the cane. As you can see, she can't.

Sucy answered, while she was doing some experiments from the desk.

Y/N: Why?

Akko: I don't know! But that's strange... It was working yesterday.

Lotte: You better start dressing. We'll be late for class.

At that said, Akko's eyes shone with excitement.

Akko: Let's go!



In the hallways of the beautiful witch academy... and, now, a wizard, two teachers who taught there were walking.

The first was the strictest teacher of all: teacher Anne Finnelan, who asked:

Professor Finnelan: Now, explain yourself, Professor Ursula. What prompted you to mentor that new student, Atsuko Kagari?

The other teacher who accompanied her, carrying a pile of books, was Ursula Callistis, the youngest teacher there.

Ursula: I simply want to teach her fundamental magic during my free time and help her feel at home here.

Ursula answered.

Ursula: You must feel quite lost as a Japanese student from a non-magical lineage.

Professor Finnelan: What's wrong with the boy?

Ursula: To be honest, I didn't find any information about this guy. Not even his birth information.

Professor Finnelan: What? That's impossible. Have you tried to find out anything about him using magic?

Ursula: Uh... no. But today I'll try it!

Meanwhile, as the boy walked with his team, the other students looked at him strangely and whispered about him.

Y/N: They all look at me.

The boy said, a little uncomfortable.

Lotte: Just ignore them. When enough time has passed, they will stop doing it.

Y/N: I have a question for that: How long will it take? And Akko, why are you so happy?

Akko: Why shouldn't I be?! I can't wait to see what the magic lessons are like! It’s so thrilling and exciting!



But it was not like that.

Magic lessons were almost no different from lessons in ordinary schools. All the students simply sat at the table and absorbed the information the teacher gave them.

In this case, it was magical linguistics class. Class taught by Professor Anne Finnelan.

Professor Finnelan: In summary, the Luna Nova alphabet is a traditional writing system used by ancient witches. It constitutes a form of phonemic spelling.

The teacher made many symbols appear with her wand as she explained. She paused and asked:

Professor Finnelan: Is there anyone in the class who can read the letters on the board?

The red team remained silent. Akko seemed to not believe what he saw. Y/N was simply bored as he leaned on his hand which was on the table. The room was like that until a girl with platinum blonde hair raised her hand.

Professor Finnelan: Proceed, Miss Cavendish.

The student named “Cavendish” stood up and read what she said on the board.

Cavendish: Bless the one, who leaves this stone untouched. Woe betides the one who moves it.

The female students made a shocked sound.

Professor Finnelan: Very impressive. In all my years of teaching, you're the only student who figures it out.

Y/N's thoughts: ("The only student"?)



Time skip…

The next lesson was about potions. The teacher this time was a stereotypical looking witch. Which... You didn't like it that much.

Y/N's mind: (So... many... flashbacks...)

The teacher, named Lukić, poured ingredients into a cauldron while explaining the process.

Professor: The more you stir, the more the color changes. Then add an animated frog into the cauldron. The frog should be removed directly from the water to avoid secretions. Newt entrails, crushed bat nails. Carefully add them to the they smell that?

She asked.

Professor: Doesn't it have a wonderful smell?

Akko sneezed at the smell of the potion as Sucy enjoyed it. And Y/N...he was used to strange smells.



After the poison lesson...

Professor Badcock: As I have explained. Pythagoras is believed to have laid the foundations of sorcery and divination. Now, the phase moves to line 102 on page 923 of his textbook.

Now it was time for magical numerology class. Class taught by Professor Badcock.

Professor Badcock: From a numerological perspective, the numbers one to five can be used to present the Universe.

Suddenly, that Cavendish girl stood up again and raised her hand.

Cavendish: Professor Badcock, I think you need one to four, not one to five.

The teacher read the book she had well and adjusted her glasses.

Professor Badcock: What? W-how clumsy. You are right.

Y/N looked at this girl. This time she analyzed something.

Y/N's mind: (So... If I answer the questions correctly, will I be able to attract someone else's attention?)

That was what he was wondering, because that worried him.



In the cafeteria…

Y/N sat at a table and came up with a strategy to hide her abilities to get good grades without attracting absolutely anyone's attention.

Y/N's mind: (I must give wrong answers sometimes... If my plan doesn't work, then I can say goodbye to "normal life." Akko, Lotte and Sucy are the only ones I have to communicate with, otherwise I may arouse suspicion. Other students may think I'm a "closed guy", but it's still better than-…)

But Akko interrupted the boy's thoughts, abruptly placing his tray of food on the table.

Akko: What's going on here?!

Akko exclaimed.

Akko: Why are magic lessons so boring?

The wizard looked at her.

Y/N: What?

Akko: I mean... Isn't magic supposed to be flashy and all about dreams and miracles?!

Y/N: Akko, calm down. You will learn magic. Be patient.

Akko: Urrrrgh... Okay!

Akko put her fork with food in her mouth.

Akko: But this is nothing like what I imagined. I can barely believe this is the same school where Shiny Chariot learned magic.

But the girl from before came and stood behind her upon hearing the scandal.

Cavendish: You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who respects Shiny Chariot's magic. Certainly not at this academy. Your name is Kagari, correct?

Akko tried to respond, but her mouth was full of food. She chewed it and swallowed.

Akko: Just call me Akko. Uh, you were the one who stood out.

Cavendish: My name is Diana Cavendish.

Her roommates appeared out of nowhere. Y/N was able to remember her names: Hannah England and Barbara Parker.

Hannah: You don't know Diana?

She questioned, mockingly.

Hannah: Have you been living under a rock or something?

Barbara: She is said to be the best witch in the history of Luna Nova.

Diana: No one respects Chariot, so stop thinking of her as a role model. She is a mockery to more witches.

Akko: That's not true at all! Shiny Chariot has many fans all over the world. Their magic show is super popular!

Diana: I admit, your show was incredibly popular for a time, but in reality, your show is a series of cheap parlor tricks that were inevitably doomed to fail.

When Diana stopped talking, she turned to Y/N.

Diana: And you...

Y/N: ._. *tries to hide behind her hand*

Diana: If I were the director, I wouldn't let someone like you enter our academy.

Akko: Hey! What is your problem with him?

Diana: I'm just making sure he doesn't try anything “fun.”

Y/N's mind: (What?!)

Hannah: Look at your team. It's so pathetic that there is a child in it.

Barbara: Maybe you at least know who Diana Cavendish is?

Y/N looked at the ceiling and thought.

Y/N: Ummm… -_- No.

Hannah: What?! Where in the world were you born to not know about it?! Were you born on the moon?

Y/N: 'Does falling from the moon count?'

Y/N whispered.

Hannah/Barbara: What did you say?!

Y/N: Nothing! Listen, Briana...

Hannah/Barbara: Her name is Diana!

Y/N: I'm sorry! Diana! I don't want to have any problems with you. So... Can you just ignore my existence? Please...

Diana looked at the wizard, analyzing his words and his behavior. He didn't look like anyone in particular, but it seems to her that he understood that he was superfluous in this place.

Diana sighed.

Diana: Okay, but don't try to do anything weird. Understood?

Y/N: Very clear...

As soon as she tried to turn around and leave, Akko stopped her from speaking.

Akko: Hey! We're not done talking! Chariot helped show me what I want to be! That's why I have to find her so I can return the Shiny Rod to her!

Diana: The Shiny Rod?

Y/N: Oh no...



A large number of students came out into the courtyard to see what was happening. Akko was warming up while Diana took another look at her staff.

Diana: An obvious imitation.

Akko: It's not an imitation! This is the real deal!!

Barbara: Did you bring this toy for show and tell?

Hannah: Did you spend your allowance on that?

Akko: Don't you believe me? I'll show you!

Akko walked over and stood in front of the statue with a serious expression on her face.

Akko: Pay attention!

Lotte: Are you sure?

Lotte asked, worried about her friend.

Akko: Yes, I am! Do you believe me or not?

Y/N: You know... I've been thinking... Have you ever heard of the disposable magic staff? Or maybe the Shiny Rod has run out of battery.

Akko: What are you talking about?! If you can't support me, then don't interfere.

The boy shook his head knowing it wouldn't end well. Suddenly, that woman outside the window caught his attention. She seemed excited as she watched this scene.

Y/N: Professor Ursula? What is she doing there?

He asked himself.

Akko: Please, Shiny Rod, perform a miracle like you did the other day. Move, stone statue!

But nothing happened.

Akko: Stone statue, move! C'mon Please! I beg! Please!

The more she tried, the more Diana's two lackeys made fun of her.

Lotte: Poor Akko. Huh?

Y/N walked up to her and put her hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Akko, stop. Let's talk about it later.

Akko: But... I don't understand! It worked yesterday! You've seen it with your own eyes!

Y/N: Yes, Akko… Yes. But…

Diana: Ansolew Airo!

Cavendish waved his wand and the statue came to life. Taking a creepy look at the brunette, he held out his hand to her. Y/N noticed it and got into a fighting stance. But his hand simply removed the bud from his head and moved to his current position.

Y/N: ._. *blinks*

Everyone froze in admiration for the blonde.

Barbara: That was an advanced spell that brings statues to life!

Hannah: Diana is miraculous!

The boy sat in front of Akko, who showed no signs of life.

Diana: True magic comes from tradition and constant study. It's not something anyone intrigued by a quirk can expect to leave.

Barbara: The Cavendish family is well known for their rich history in magic.

Hannah: Diana is so much better than a dumb wizard.

They walked away, leaving Akko and her team. Y/N stood up and looked at Diana as she walked away.

Y/N's mind: (… "It comes from tradition and constant study," you say?)

That didn't seem entirely right to Y/N, because after what he experienced, his magic became more and more powerful without having anything to do with tradition or constant study.

Y/N: Well...

He started Y/N, letting her hands fall to his sides.

Y/N: At least she's soft.

Akko pouted and screamed as soon as she heard these words.

Akko: Y/N, how can you praise her after that?!

Y/N: But she is…

Akko: Grrr… Whatever!




Y/N and her team recovered in the area by the river. He was sitting hugging his legs and looking at his reflection in the water.

Y/N: Listen Akko…

But the magician stopped when he looked at the cards that Akko arranged on the grass.

Y/N: Woah. Are these your letters?

Akko: Yes. I started collecting them since I was a child.

Akko explained.

Y/N: Can I take a look?

She handed him her card and his gaze froze on Shiny Chariot.

Y/N's mind: (Wait. She reminds me of someone...)

Akko: And you, Y/N? What did you collect?

Y/N: Aaaaah...



Retrospective scene…

A monster 12 stories in size: I will leave you so many scars that you will have to pick them up!




Y/N: -_- I never planned to collect something. Hey, Akko. Do you want to play cards?

Akko: Oh, sure!

Y/N: Okay! I'm going to beat you at your own game!

• • •

• • •

• • •

Y/N: How did I lose?! Let's play again!

Suddenly, large roots began to grow out of the ground.

Y/N: What the hell is that?!

Lotte: Look at that!

The roots led directly to the greenhouse. The red team looked at each other and nodded.



In the greenhouse...

After entering the greenhouse, a root blocked Akko's path.

Diana: Get out of here!

Akko: Diana! Do you know why this is happening?!

Lotte: Look!

The roots came out again, but this time with something on top.

Akko: What are these things?

Diana: So these parasites are what caused the tree to get so sick. All my spells did was give these vermin more energy. In that case, they must be destroyed! Murowa!

She began to destroy them one by one. Akko looked at one of them and realized something. She ran and covered one of the "parasites."

Akko: Stop! These might not be parasites!

Diana: Get out of my way!

Akko: Make me!

Diana began to create another spell, but this time the spell seemed much more powerful and dangerous.

Diana: Last chance! Get out of my way!

Akko: No!

Diana threw it directly at the brunette, hoping she would get out of the way. But she stayed there, not moving an inch.

Y/N: Akko!

The boy ran and pushed her, taking all the damage himself.

Lotte: Y/N!

Akko: Y/N?... Oh my God! Y/N!

For the first time in a long time, Diana was thrown into panic...

Diana: I-I didn't mean to... I just...

When the smoke cleared, everyone in the greenhouse opened their eyes at what they saw. The magician stood in front of them as if nothing had happened. No abrasions, no blood, even his expression was calm.

Y/N: My robe…

He said it while looking at his shaped fabric. But the boy realized that the girls saw how he was hit. The boy quickly got into character.

Y/N: *drops to the ground* Oh! Aaahh! What a pain! Someone call an ambulance, please! Although better not! I can see the light now!

And, quickly, the wizard left this place.



The sun was already setting on the horizon while Y/N was sitting behind a tree near the academy and hiding. There was 100 percent of the fact that they might suspect something about him, and he didn't want that and made excuses for the meantime.

???: Why are you so sad?

Y/N jolted after hearing a familiar and unpleasant voice behind him. Turning his head, he met the gaze of a witch he knew perfectly well. She was the reason you were here. Baba Yaga was right that his youth had returned. She has become more beautiful as her skin has become paler.

Y/N: You! What do you need from me?!

Furui: Ah. Don't get angry. I just want to talk with you. What happened?

Y/N: What difference does it make to you?! If it wasn't for you, I would be sitting at home and enjoying my life!

Furui: Calm down... Oh. Well. If you don't want to talk to me, that's fine... But I will take over the world, no matter what the cost.

The young wizard threw a fireball at him, no longer willing to tolerate his presence. Baba Yaga easily dodged the attack and pulled her wand away from him.

Furui: Perdere eam!

The wizard jumped to the side and the explosion of the spell was great. After looking at the explosion site, he turned his attention to the enemy.

Y/N: You've gotten stronger...

Furui: Did you think she was joking?

The witch questioned. Afterwards, she took the broom from her.

Furui: I'll tell you one more time: Don't you dare underestimate me. This is no longer a battle. This is a war between us.

The magician stayed there and watched her fly until she was out of sight.



In the bedrooms...

After opening the door, the boy said calmly:

Y/N: Hello girls.

Lotte was surprised to see him.

Lotte: Y/N, where have you been?! We were so worried about you!

Sucy: Yes... she was so worried that I looked for you for two minutes.

Y/N: Well... I went to the infirmary and got cured there, and after that, I walked around the city. I'm sorry.

The orange-haired girl smiled:

Lotte: It's okay, Y/N. Just let us know next time.

He nodded and was already glad that they didn't ask him anything about what happened... Until Akko intervened in the conversation...

Akko: Hey! How did you survive that blow?

Y/N was ready to swear that with this girl she would begin a “fun” life at the academy.

Y/N: I'm resilient...

At the response, Akko blinked.

Akko: Are you?

The wizard nodded.

Y/N: Yes. Since I was a child, I have noticed that I am more resilient than my peers. So... I can handle more than that.

Akko glared at you a little, but it was enough to make you sweat.

Y/N's mind: (Please believe it! Believe it!!)

Akko: Wow, Y/N! That's so amazing!

You mentally gave praise to God.

Y/N: Thanks... I guess.

Akko: Can you tell me why...?

Lotte: Ahem, ahem... Sorry to interrupt, but it's time to sleep. We have to get up early tomorrow.

Akko: Damn... But Y/N, can you answer my questions tomorrow?

Y/N: Sure, Akko.

Y/N laid down on her bed.

Y/N: Good night, girls!

Lotte/Akko: Good night, Y/N.

Sucy: ... Good night...

And the witches, like Y/N, closed their eyes to slowly enter the world of dreams.

Y/N's mind: (Bedtime).

Brain: Aren't you forgetting something?

Y/N's mind: (No).

Brain: …

Y/N's mind: (...)

Brain: What about Diana?

Y/N's mind: (Fuck! I forgot about Diana!).

End of chapter.

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