Prologue: There's a 13th Universe?!

Guess who's finally back after a mini-hiatus? Yes, yes that question is extremely rhetorical and it most certainly won't take you three guesses to figure out, yet I'm happy to announce I'm back for the time being from the world of void, endless homework, and annoyance known as real life for this weekend only tp provide you guys with three updates, said updates being for With Creation, Comes Destruction, Fusion Reborn, and Warped Reality, with a 100% guarantee of the 1st and 3rd being updated over the course of the weekend, but now let us finally delve into the wonderous setting known as Universe 13. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. If you're wondering this story takes place chronologically after the Universe 6 Tournament, meaning Goku has just tapped into the dangerous yet limitless power of Super Saiyan Blue times Kaio-Ken and both of the Saiyan's know about different universes and how powerful their fighters can be. 

Goku POV, Location: Beerus' Planet 

Vegeta: *yells with his aura charging up to a bright blue which matches his eyes and hair, while preparing a Big Bang Attack from above* It's over Kakarot! You might as well admit defeat, otherwise you'll only continue to make an absolute buffoon of yourself! 

Goku: *flies from the plume of smoke from an earlier barrage of Ki blasts from Vegeta, his own aura a bright blue alongside his eyes and hair, yet his body was also plunged in a bright red outline* You know me better than that Vegeta!  Even during sparring I'm going to give it my all! 

Vegeta: *scowls at Kakarot's response* Tch. Then eat this Kakarot! Big Bang Attack! *a bright blue orb of Ki energy shot out from Vegeta's extended right hand and launched itself towards Goku who stopped flying towards Vegeta and instead looked on with a smirk and got into a very familiar pose, causing Vegeta's eyes to widen.* 

Goku: Kame! *the orb of Ki energy was nearing Kakarot* Hame! *the orb was mere inches from Goku's location, causing a blue shadow to appear behind Goku's own silhouette which was already basked in a blue and red glow* Ha! 

*The bright blue beam of Ki energy shot out from Goku's hands and collided against Vegeta's Big Bang Attack which caused the entire arena to be basked in a blue glow as the two powerful attacks struggled against one another with Goku's shouting getting louder and louder as he was pumping more power into the beam, yet the orb wasn't dissipating or imploding which was a testament to how powerful Vegeta had gotten with his attacks as usually any other move would of been cut through like paper when Goku was pumping this much energy into his Kamehameha, yet finally with one final shout Goku's blast broke through the orb and shot out towards space completely imploding the Big Bang Attack and causing the entire area to be covered by a bright blue and white hue before slowly fading back to its normal color as Goku was left huffing and puffing from the exchange and his arm were almost limp from pouring so much energy into a singular attack, it also didn't help that he and Vegeta was sparring for nearly 3 hours at this point, with neither Goku or Vegeta giving the other an inch during the battle.* 

Goku: *panting* That was......That was sure something Vegeta! *yet there was no response and Vegeta wasn't where Goku last saw him, yet the eerie silence was cut through like a hot knife through butter when a loud shout filled the area.*

Vegeta: *yells* Final Flash! *Vegeta, who was bidding his time back on the ground after he went there when the entire area was bathed in a bright blue and white light, it took him a few minutes but that struggle was all he needed to build up enough energy for his ultimate attack, it would consume most of his energy but it would be more than worth it seeing Kakarot defeated and seeing himself, the Prince of Saiyan's standing tall.* You're finished Kakarot! Victory is mine! 

*A bright yellow beam of energy burst out from Vegeta's outstretched hands causing the entire arena to be showered in a golden glow of light with the beam hitting Kakarot dead-on as he could neither predict nor react to the attack in time causing him to yell out in pain as he was caught dead in the middle of Vegeta's powerful attack and the Prince of all Saiyan's made sure this would be the end of their spar as he poured most of his energy into this one attack, much like Kakarot did earlier when he imploded his Big Bang Attack, yet this was different as there was no chance Kakarot had been able to dodge the attack.*

Vegeta: *chuckles* Ha Kakarot! It seems I've won this spar! You're either rusty or you've gone easy on me......And if its the latter then I don't need your pity! 

Goku: *chuckles, yet it didn't come from the center of the blast and the chuckle itself sounded pained* You've caught me red-handed Vegeta, it's about time I turned up my own output even more! *he yells bursting forth his blue and red aura even more, causing the Kaio-Ken red to lash out wildly.*

Vegeta: Huh! *he looks to a mountain structure close to him and growls seeing Kakarot standing on top of it with a smile on his face, which causes Vegeta to growl in rage as he was able to use that damned Instant Transmission to avoid most of the damage, yet Vegeta took some satisfaction that his gi had been burned in several places and several bruises adorned his body.* Damn you Kakarot! Using that Instant Transmission to dodge most of my attack altogether! *thinks* Maybe I should go to Yardrat and learn that move for myself......No! I won't copycat Kakarot! I rather crave my own path to power then copy Kakarot's anymore! *yells aloud* You may of dodged that attack Kakarot but there's no chance of you stopping this! This battle is over! 

*Vegeta yells out as the bright blue from Super Saiyan Blue got brighter and brighter before it seemed like the Prince was simply a bright blue figure of pure light and energy, almost like he wasn't even a person but a construction of energy before he unleashed he got into a familiar position himself and roared as he let out a giant blast of purple Ki energy with a clear blue outline evident causing Kakarot to give a smile at how powerful Vegeta had become over the years, truly the Prince of all Saiyan's was the biggest example of the benefit of keeping your enemies alive and allowing them to grow stronger. Goku let his mind wander for a few seconds wondering what would of happened if either he or Krillin had killed Vegeta instead of letting him retreat....If that happened then Goku would of certainly lost to Frieza or maybe even the Ginyu Force, that Captain Ginyu truly was a tough cookie at the time and possibly could of beaten Goku if Vegeta wasn't in the picture.......Goku lightly drooled thinking about cookies as food was always on his mind yet he mentally shook his head and returned to the battle as the blast from the Galick Gun was nearing his position on top of the mountain and knowing he didn't have time for anything fancy such as the Spirit Bomb, Goku opted to go for something nostaglic.* 

Goku: *smirks* Been awhile since we've done this dance Vegeta! Kamehameha! 

Vegeta: *smirks back* And this time you won't win our battle of wills! I've become much stronger than our original brawl all those decades ago! 

*The beams of purple and blue energy struggle against one another and causing shockwaves, earthquakes, and loud booms to fill throughout the area with a certain angel frantically trying to keep his lord asleep from the raging ongoing battle. The battle was perfectly mirroring there fight all those decades ago back in the wasteland....Back before Super Saiyan, back before Super Saiyan Blue, back before they knew of Beerus the destroyer, and back before they were rivals helping one another grow stronger. Back then it was a battle of morals and ideals, Vegeta's own ego and elite status battle against Goku's will to protect his planet, protect his friends, and protect his family from destruction. Back then Goku had barely won due to tapping into the unlimited potential of Kaio-Ken, but now the odds were different and the power were closer than ever, not even Frieza in his newfound gaudy golden form could best either of them when he was looking for his own foolish revenge. Yet the beams struggling was too much and after another roar from both Vegeta and Goku the beams collapsed in on themselves and imploded, nearly destroying the entire area and making both Saiyan's fall down onto the ground disorientated and dizzy......This sparring match had shown both Saiyan's how close they were in terms of power and even Goku in his Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken times 20 state didn't widen the gap between himself and the proud prince by any considerable margin, but that could be chalked down to Vegeta wanting himself not to be outmatched by Goku and went off to train before this sparring match in order to make sure the Blue Kaio-Ken form didn't immediately pulverize him. And those fruits of personal training in the gravity chamber was showing off in full force as the prince was matching Goku almost blow for blow and attack for attack with hardly any diffculty.* 

Goku: *stands up on shaky feet after the glow had died down and lends his hand out to Vegeta, offering to help him up* That was great Vegeta! If we do more sparring such as that no one in the entire multiverse will be able to take us down during that "Tournament of Power" Zeni promised us back during our tournament against the 6th Universe. 

Vegeta: *grins cockily before slapping Kakarot's hand away and getting up with his own power* For once, I actively agree with you Kakarot. *he looks down and balls his hand into a fist* More training like this and no one will be able to match us in the Tournament. And from there I'll best you and become the most powerful Saiyan in all of the multiverse! 

Goku: *looks around seeing some of the scorched field and shattered mountains they have left behind and a drop of sweat falls down his face in a worried manner* I hope Lord Beerus doesn't get bad about us destroying some of his planet. He's frightening when he gets into a bad mood, remember what happened with the pudding cups and Buu. 

Vegeta: Tch. I'm sure Beerus won't mind us destroying some of his planet in order to get stronger. As long as we bribe him and his attendant with food, we'll practically be able to do anything we want. And that means neither you nor that fat bubblegum pink blob can eat the food! 

Goku: *thinks before breaking out into another smile* That is true, Beerus and Whis do love food.....Possibly even more than me or Buu heh-heh.  

*An elegant cough breaks the tension and causes both Saiyan's to look wildly at the source before spotting Beerus' personal attendant and teacher walking up to them, this was the angel of Universe 7 known as Whis, and possibly the strongest person in all of the universe bar none. He looked around and shook his head at the destruction but didn't chew either Saiyan out for the destruction and instead had a bemused look plastered upon his face.*

Whis: *laughs* Oh-hoh-hoh it seems you two certainly have had some fun during your sparring match. You had so much fun you caused the entire planet to shake several times and almost woke Lord Beerus. If your battle went on for even a second longer, you would have dealt with the sheer angry force of a sleep deprived God of Destruction, even with my personal efforts to try and keep him asleep. 

Goku: *sheepishly scratches the back of his head* We might have gotten a little carried away. I'm sorry if we caused any permeant damage Whis. *looks at Vegeta with a smile on his face* Didn't we buddy?

Vegeta: *scowls* I'm not your "buddy" Kakarot. 

Whis: Oh no worries at all Goku, I'm just glad to see you and Vegeta have been training almost non-stop for this "Tournament of Power" Grand Zeno is creating. *shakes his head* I'll never understand why you opened your mouth at that moment Goku but no point moaning about it now. In the inevitable future we'll have to deal with 12 different universes at the same time, and each of those universes had spawned powerful, dangerous, and cunning warriors of their own, warriors that'll certainly give both of you a run for your Zeni. Some of them are stronger than either of you are currently.  

Goku: *yells in excitement* I can't wait! This'll be awesome! The strongest in all of the multiverse gathering in one place! 

Vegeta: *narrows his eyes* Wait a minute. Did you just say "12" different universes? I thought you mentioned there being only "11" different universes besides our own back when that fat God of Destruction from Universe 6 and his attendant had arrived to challenge Beerus.  

Goku: *scratches his head* Yeah, that is confusing Whis. Is there something you're not telling us?  

Whis: *a lone bead of sweat falls down Whis' face completely shocking Goku and Vegeta, yet he waves them with a nervous laugh* Oh hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh nothing to worry about Saiyan's, just a simple slip of the tongue on my part. Keep training and getting stronger, after all the people living in those other universes might indeed be stronger than either of you, even in your current strongest Super Saiyan Blue forms. 

Vegeta: Cut the crap Whis, we know someone of your nature wouldn't dare make a slip of the tongue regularly. 

Whis: *darts his eyes back and forth between Vegeta and Goku before letting out a gasp* Oh would you look at the time! I must go wake up Lord Beerus in order for dinner! I would love to continue this chat with you, but both of you know how Lord Beerus acts like when hungry, especially after waking up from a nap. 

Goku: *scratches the back of his head* But didn't you just say you were trying to keep Beerus asleep and that we nearly woke him up from our sparring match? 

Whis: *another bead of sweat falls down his face and yells* Oh! Lord Beerus is that you! I'm coming right now my lord! *Whis zooms off towards the castle at speeds unseen from either Vegeta or Goku unless it involved a buffet table with foods the angel hadn't tried before, and this certainly left both Saiyan's in a state of confusion and curiousness as Whis certainly wasn't known for slip-ups, let alone two in a row.....and if the angel was hiding an entire universe from either of them, perhaps hiding the strongest universe in all of the newfound 13 universes then it would drastically lower their changes in the Tournament of Power.* 

Vegeta: *scowls* I don't know about you Kakarot but I'm getting answers out of him, one way or another. I don't like the idea of an entire universe being completely unknown to us, a universe with potentially the strongest fighters throughout the entire multiverse! 

Goku: *has a puzzled look on his face* Well maybe Whis did it to ensure we wouldn't be frightened of their power? Or perhaps it was because we need hurdles and once we became more powerful than the supposed "most powerful, cunning, and dangerous in the multiverse" than we would have to overcome the true most powerful universe! Or even more likely it was to keep a surprise in order for us to break our limits during the actual Tournament, instead of breaking them before it and completely dominating everyone! 

Vegeta: Tch. Sounds way too contrived for Whis.......Even though that seems to be his style. But if you noticed his eyes Kakarot, he darted his eyes between both you and me. 

Goku: *raises his eyebrow* And that means?

Vegeta: *sighs in frustration* That means Kakarot it doesn't have anything to do with the Tournament what so ever. Which means, even though it's a long shot, that this has something to do with you and me specifically Kakarot. But that now leaves the question, why? He's obviously hiding something from us and I won't stop until I figure out what it is! I refuse to be "protected" by some inherent boogeyman! 

Goku: *smiles* I'm right behind you Vegeta! But, is this more about your own curiosity about learning more about this 13th Universe or something about your pride again and that this hidden universe might shatter it in some way?

Vegeta: *yells* Shut it Kakarot! You can't possibly understand anything about the importance of pride!   

Goku: *puts his hands up* Yeesh, sorry Vegeta! I didn't mean to cause any further harm to your pride or ability as a fighter! 

Vegeta: *growls* Let's just go and get some answers either out of Whis or Beerus. One or both of them has to know something about this 13th Universe and why we're just learning about its existence right now! 

*Both Saiyan's begin walking towards Beerus' Castle in order to get answers from either the short-tempered God of Destruction or his mysterious angel attendant. Neither mattered who gave them the information they now desperately seeked. Well Vegeta sought the answer to his newfound mystery, Goku was just along for the ride as he didn't care about the mysterious 13th Universe, as the Saiyan raised on Earth simply wished for a good fight and strong opponents. Meaning if Whis had gone this far to hide the 13th Universe from either Saiyan's knowledge then Goku imagined they must have powerful fights of their own and this fact made Goku positively squeal with excitement! This upcoming Tournament of Power would be awesome!*    

Beerus POV, Location: Beerus' Castle 

Beerus: *yawns, while sitting down at his table* Ah, that was a wonderful nap Whis but why did you wake me up so early? I actively said wait another few months before waking me up again! After dealing with my brother it practically took all of the energy out of me and I just had to take a small nap to regain my bearings.  

Whis: *sighs while cutting a piece of what humans called "steak" for his lord to eat* Oh siblings, whatever will you do with them my lord? We all have siblings and sometimes we hate them or simply dislike them but they're still family are they not? 

Beerus: *smirks* I'm sure that's wonderful advice Whis, but that doesn't forgive you for prematurely interrupting my nap! And it doesn't help those annoying Saiyan's constantly causing shockwaves, earthquakes, and loud noises every five seconds! *looks around the table with a smile evident on his face as he saw plenty of earth's delicacies laid out* Yet, I can't stay bad at them for long due to the wonderful food they always bring with them! If wasn't for their delicious food I would of destroyed them and their planet months ago! *licks his lips* Now Whis what should I eat first? The Spaghetti? The Milkshake? The Salmon? The Shrimp? Or maybe the Cheeseburger?! 

Whis: *smirks* I recommend you eat the steak first my lord before gorging yourself on anything else.

Beerus: *frowns* Always coming up with the smart remarks eh Whis? 

Whis: *chuckles, finally cutting the slab of seasoned meat into several pieces and put it on a plate for his lord* Someone's got to keep you in line my lord, lest you go wild like when you tried that Wasabi and destroyed several planets in a haze of heat and rage.   

Beerus: *growls* Don't remind me of that demonic green topping! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil! 

Whis: *places the steak down in front of Beerus and the G.O.D. hungrily licks his lips seeing the new delicacy from Earth* Dig in my lord! I hope you enjoyed it as I heard Bulma prepared and seasoned it herself!  

Beerus: *stabs the steak several times with a fork before swallowing a piece down his throat and his eyes immediately bug out* Whis! What is this incredible confection called! The texture! The so-called seasoning! It's wonderful! 

Whis: *chuckles* Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh my lord I believe humans call this confection "steak".  It comes in a variety of forms and a variety of ways to prepare and consume it, including different grilling methods, different seasonings, and different meats altogether. 

Beerus: *swallows several more pieces down his mouth* Mmmmmmmmmmm. Whis get in *bites down on another piece* contact with that Bulma woman this moment! I must have *consumes the piece he was munching on entirely* all the variations of steak she can possibly make! And I won't take a singular excuse she can throw my way, lest I destroy her entire planet for not making me more of this delicious steak! 

Whis: I'll let her know right away my lord. *an awkward silence fills the air for a few seconds as Beerus keeps scarfing down his food without a single care in the world, until Whis coughs getting the god's attention.* 

Beerus: *narrows his eyes* You know Whis, interrupting a God during his meal could only lead towards a road of rage and destruction, so I hope your personal interruption comes with a good reason. Not to mention you've been off the entire of this meal, your unusually quiet and reserved....At least more so than usual. Something's got you frightened and I want to know what it is right now! 

Whis: *looks down at the floor in worry before meeting Beerus' suspicious gaze* Well my lord......I don't know how exactly to put this without causing you to worry or cower in fear or even break out into a fit of uncontrollable rage. So I guess I'll come out and say it, both Goku and Vegeta know of the 13th Universe's existence.

Beerus: *laughs* HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Ah, Whis that's a good one! There's no chance someone with your resolve and calmness could let slip the knowledge of the 13th Universe! That's quite a funny joke but now if you'll let me, I want to get back to devouring this delicious steak! 

Vegeta: *bursts into the dining room alongside Goku* Ah-ha! So there is a 13th Universe! I knew that simple "slip of the tongue" was anything but that! We want answers about this "Universe 13" especially with this Tournament of Power right around the corner! 

Goku: Yeah! We should know about all of the universe's so we know what to expect for the Tournament......*scratches the back of his head* even though that removes some of the unknown and tension from the Tournament.  

Vegeta: *turns around and yells at Goku* Now's not the time to double guess Kakarot! We both want answers and we're going to get them straight from a reliable source! *looks back at Whis and Beerus, with the latter having dropped his piece of steak back onto the table* Now, both of us want to know more about this "Universe 13", as obviously there was a reason for keeping me and Kakarot in the dark about its existence. 

Beerus: *yells at Whis* You actually told them about Universe 13?! I thought we swore not to mention Universe 13 in anything more than a hushed tone or a whisper!? Now you're going around and babbling to everyone about the 13th Universe's existence!? *some beads of sweat fall down his face* I can't believe you managed to let your guard slip Whis?! Even if was for a mere moment!    

Whis: *chuckles nervously, desperately trying to defuse the conversation* I apologize my lord, but their training was extremely fierce and it simply managed to slip out without me even thinking of the consequences. *smiles* But, at least on the bright side both Goku and Vegeta have increased tenfold since the Universal tournament with your brother and they'll only continue to grow stronger till this "Tournament of Power" commences.

Beerus: *his eyes bug out* You're still wishing for that stupid tournament to happen?! I thought we both agreed, we would talk the Saiyan out of that idiotic tournament idea! 

Whis: Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh, yes we did but I simply forgot during the hustle and bustle. 

Beerus: What hustle and bustle?!?!?! You've hardly done anything since we've gotten back except train the Saiyan's! 

Goku: Now I would love for this conversation to continue, but can we learn more about Universe 13 now? It's just drilling into the back of my head like an itch I just can't scratch! 

Beerus: *sighs in defeat, a rarity for the Saiyan's or Whis to see* Fine. You know about Universe 13's existence so you might as know why we tried keeping it a secret from you, so take a seat. *he sees the Saiyan's still the standing and he yells* Well what are you two waiting for! Sit down  already, otherwise I won't tell you anymore about Universe 13! *both Goku and Vegeta quickly sit down and Goku shakily goes for some food* And don't you dare touch my food Goku!     

Goku: *lets out a fearful squeak before immediately retreating his hand* S-Sorry Lord Beerus, I'm just really hungry and the giant buffet you have going on looks so enticing.

Whis: Don't worry I'll get some food for both you and Vegeta. Because, knowing Lord Beerus he's much more likely to erase you from existence rather than sharing food with you. 

Beerus: *smirks* Damn right! *coughs* Anyway, let my tell you and Vegeta about  Universe 13 and why we, yes even the other Gods of Destruction, Angels, and Supreme Kai's decided to keep it secret from any other mortal inhabitant in all of our collective universe's. 

Vegeta: *thinking* Finally! We get answers straight from the source! I hope this for a good damn reason! Yet, seeing the worried reactions on both Beerus and Whis' faces proves this is something both are equally concerned about, perhaps even worried. 

Beerus: Long ago, the Grand Zeno destroyed five universe's in a fit of rage after a God of Destruction fell asleep during a game of multiversal hide and seek. 

Whis: If I remember correctly my lord, it was in fact you that fell asleep during the game and nearly caused Grand Zeno to destroy the entire multiverse. Luckily he only managed to destroy 5 before finally being quelled. 

Beerus: *glares at Whis* Yes, yes Whis thank you for interrupting our conversation once more. *he turns back to Goku and Vegeta, but not before shoving another piece of steak down his throat* Now, Grand Zeno was planning to swiftly destroy a 6th universe.....Yet he didn't. No one truly knows why but if we other God of Destructions had to guess it was because of Universe 13's destroyer, a complete anomaly in space and time due to his location. 

Goku: Woah! Who's the destroyer of Universe 13? I bet he's really powerful if even Zeni had to second-guess himself and not destroy that entire universe!

Beerus: *his eye twitches in rage and he yells* Shut it Saiyan! I was planning to tell you right now before you so rudely interrupted me! Jeez, what is with everyone's habit of interrupting me on this specific today! Is today "Annoy Beerus Day"? 

Whis: *chuckles* Perhaps my lord. 

Beerus: *sighs before continuing* Anyway, this certain God of Destruction is feared by all other destroyers and purely hated by some of them. This specific destroyer was spared from Grand Zeno's wrath due the pure power he possesses. *he takes a break to let this information sink in before finishing* This specific destroyer that all other Gods fear is Lord Arukoru........The Saiyan God of Destruction from Universe 13 and by far the most powerful destroyer in the entire multiverse, even beyond myself and Champa.  

Goku: *yells out-load as Whis puts some food in front of him and Vegeta* What!? No way?! There's another Saiyan out there in the multiverse besides those other one's from Universe 6?! And a God of Destruction no less?! 

Vegeta: *his eyes widen* Impossible! Yet another Saiyan besides myself, Kakarot, those weaker Universe 6 Saiyan's, and our children!? *thinks* Damnit! Another more powerful Saiyan besides Kakarot! Why does this also happen to me?! 

Beerus: *smirks* I'll take your reactions as completely unexpected and in shock. That's exactly what we other Gods of Destruction thought once we heard a Saiyan would become Universe 13's destroyer god. Lord Arukoru was the first Saiyan in recorded history to achieve transformations ranging from the legendary Super Saiyan.......And from our last meeting he had achieved Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue. Yet, back then I thought nothing of his newfound transformation and simply thought of it as another outrageous use of his powers. 

Vegeta: S-S-So you're saying Lord Arukoru is the single strongest entity in the entire multiverse except for Zeno? 

Whis: *laughs* Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh. Not exactly Vegeta, while his potential is limitless and puts him in the top 3% of the multiverse's strongest beings it would be disingenuous to forget about myself and the other Angel's. Our powerful still exceeds Lord Arukoru by a sizable margin, yet without a doubt Lord Arukoru is the most powerful destroyer in the entire Multiverse and is leagues stronger than either of you two.   

Beerus: Yes, and that's why Grand Zeno spared his universe from complete erasure. Even Grand Zeno respects the unlimited potential of Lord Arukoru, as due to his Saiyan nature and the destroyer Ki coursing through his veins, Lord Arukoru gets stronger after every encounter due to your blasted race's annoying habit of getting "Zenkai Boosts" after every single encounter you nearly die during yet walk away from due to healing or some other source. Lord Arukoru in his base form could effortlessly beat the lower tier Gods of Destruction without so much as breaking a single sweat. Meaning.....BY NO MEANS NECESSARY SHOULD EITHER OF YOU GO ACTIVELY FIGHTING HIM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? IF YOU EVER ENCOUNTER LORD ARUKORU YOU BETTER SHOW PROPER RESPECT LESS HE ERASES YOU FROM THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  

Whis: That warning is mainly aimed at you Goku, we all know of your passion for fighting stronger and stronger opponents....Plus your unassuming nature has gotten you into hot water before, such as what happened with Grand Zeno during the end of my lord and his brother's inter-universal squabble. 

Goku: *says with a mouth full of food* Wow, this guys sounds powerful. I can't wait to meet him during the Tournament of Power! 

Vegeta: Of course he sounds powerful Kakarot! He's a destroyer god mixed with a Saiyan! He's probably the most powerful Saiyan to ever exist......Even more than me or even you Kakarot! 

Beerus: Exactly. Lord Arukoru is by far stronger than either of you, he wouldn't even need to blink before both of you would be knocked unconscious. His power completely dwarfs both of yours at least hundred times over and he's the 2nd strongest person I've ever battled in my lifetime, only Whis has managed to surpass him.....And I fear soon enough that won't be the cause for much longer. 

Whis: *shakes his head* Aren't we all afraid of that day my lord? Soon enough Lord Arukoru will become more powerful than any angel....Including the Grand Priest and that fact frightens me in some regards. 

Goku: *thinks, while shoving a dumpling down into his mouth* Wow I've never seen Lord Beerus or Whis this frightened.....of anything! It's so surreal seeing them this scared! 

Vegeta: *thinks, with a few beads of sweat dropping down his forehead* I can't believe it.....The great and mighty Lord Beerus is frightened by another being in the entire multiverse that isn't Zeno. This is so bizarre seeing the fear-inducing Beerus the destroyer being scared by another entity.....Almost like a Multiversal boogeyman that strikes fear and paranoia into any deity. I certainly wouldn't want to piss off this Lord Arukoru if and when we meet during the Tournament of Power. Kami knows if he can scare Lord Beerus of all people without even being in the same room, let alone the same universe he can scare almost anyone and everyone. 

Arukoru POV, Location: Universe 13/Arukoru's Planet  

Arukoru: *yawns loudly as several clocks went off and soon enough a female Angel walks into the bedroom with a cart full of food, causing him to sniff the air and immediately sits straight up* What is that delicious smell Eru? *yawns once more* It certainly is one hell of a way to wake up after a few weeks of sleep, I hope nothing has been thrown off balance due to my miniature amount of "me time". Zeno knows what would happen if the perfect equilibrium of creation and destruction was thrown off by even a tiny amount. 

Eru: *giggles* Oh do not fret my lord, during your so-called "me time" Chronoa has kept watchful eye and has reported no balance shifts have occurred. So even told me personally that if a shift were to occur she would have informed me immediately! And here's your morning brew my lord! *Eru hands a dark purple liquid to Arukoru who accepts it graciously*    

Arukoru: *sniffs the drink and takes a big gulp of the strange liquid and he lets out a sigh of pleasure* Ah Eru you know how to make the best drinks, not even the kin on my home world were able to brew this perfectly! And that's great hearing Chronoa was keeping such a diligent watch, Zeno knows what would happen if I got saddled with an unprepared and squeamish Supreme Kai, it would be complete and utter chaos! 

Eru: *chuckles* Yes we both know how dedicated Chronoa is to her job and upholding the balance of the universe, just like you my lord. *smiles sweetly* And that intoxicating aroma you smell is what humans on Earth call "pancakes". They're so delicious as I had to try a few for myself before feeding these to you....As we both know what happened what last time you tried something new. 

Arukoru: *his tone gets serious* Don't remind me Eru.......Never again will I try Chronoa's cooking.  

Eru: *smiles* Duly noted my lord. Now eat up before it gets cold!   

Arukoru: *cuts a piece of pancake off after Eru covered it in what the humans called "maple syrup" as it was said it enhanced the flavor and immediately his eyes widened as his tastebuds exploded from the flavor and his eyes lightly watered* This. Is. Delicious!!!!! We must make travel for this "Earth" sometime in the future as its meals are better than almost anywhere else in the universe!  

Eru: Glad to hear that my lord. Should I intend for our location to be Earth? 

Arukoru: *scarfs down the remaining pancakes and lets out a burp* Excuse me. Anyway, no my dear Eru we'll save that journey for later. Right now. *smirks* I have the intentions of meeting an old friend from the 7th Universe and seeing how he's been. Make way for Beerus' Planet! I hope the grumpy cat has gotten more powerful than the last time I encountered him! I can just feel my blood boiling for a rematch with Beerus! 

Eru: *smirks* I'll get the ship ready this instant my lord. *she walks out of the room, clearly sashaying her bountiful ass back and forth for her lord's pleasure....she was always a tease like that and it was even more pleasurable seeing it bounce with every step she took.*

Arukoru: *shakes his head* Such a little minx Eru. But you're MY little minx, so you're allowed to get away with such things. *thinks* Yet, I hope you're ready for a surprise meeting Beerus.....It has been quite awhile after all and news is from the grapevine you're training your own Saiyan's as well, your brother has extremely loose lips and practically yelled at all of us about your two "personally trained monkeys"   

*The screen fades to black as Lord Arukoru, God of Destruction for the 13th Universe got up out of bed and let out a giant yawn as he went off to take a shower and get refreshed after his little nap. But he was positively excited as finally he would get to re-connect with an old acquaintance(literally Beerus was one of the very few G.O.D's he could tolerate) and he would meet two of his own race....Or well a race from an alternative universe but two members of his Saiyan race nonetheless. Yet little did he or the other universes not named the 7th or 6th about an upcoming tournament that would cause such fear, paranoia, and dread to overtake their very godhood and put their very existence at stake. And little did Lord Arukoru know that his universe personally was about to be attacked by both the light and the darkness....A terrifying yin and yang at permeant war with one another with his universe caught in the firing line.* 

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed the Prologue chapter to With Creation, Comes Destruction and don't fret the lemon chapter with Pyrrha for Warped Reality will be coming soon, hopefully this weekend if I'm able to complete enough of my homework and other "real life" tasks/goals. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 2.5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to the next milestone of 5K. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      

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