World Heroes' Mission

A huge international mission was about to unfold. Prior to it, both Izuku and Katsuki came to her for language study help. Due to being a fairy; Eva was able to translate everything and speak as if she was native to the tongue with ease. Eva finds knowing every language to be an advantage until she can't remember a word for something. At the moment Eva, Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto were all at the airport in their school uniforms. She couldn't tell what she was more nervous about getting on the plane or the mission itself. She was sitting next to Katsuki in their designated waiting area, she could feel how nervous he was, he kept tapping his foot.

Izuku was currently swiping across his palm. "We're going to another country! I'm nervous!" 

"If you can speak English, you'll be fine," Shoto assured; he held up his hand. "Also, writing 'person' in kanji on your palm can calm you down. But it won't work if you don't swallow it."

"Thank you, Todoroki," Izuku sweated; he put his hand over his mouth and swallowed the word. They looked over when Katsuki did the same thing; then put his hand over his mouth; letting off an explosion.

Izuku got to his feet in surprise. "Huh?! Kacchan, you get nervous too?

"If you can speak English, you'll be fine," Shoto assured. "You can always ask Eva for help as well."

"Shut up, idiots!" Katsuki ordered as he continued to calm his nerves. "We're going on an international mission! It's completely different place than Japan! I want to be in my best performance that's why I'm concentrating!"

"Is adding explosions to it necessary?" Eva asked as she waved her hand; trying to disparate the smoke. 

"100%!" Katsuki answered as he continued. 

"Well, looks like everyone has their own way of dealing with pressure," a voice said; they looked over to see Hawks and Tokoyami. Eva went over with Izuku and Shoto. "Some get nervous, some get excited. And it seems like Bakugo's the latter." Eva looked to see Katsuki leaning back with his eyes closed and smoking. 

"Hawks and Tokoyami!" Eva greeted.

"Where are you heading, Tokoyami?" Shoto asked. 

"America," Tokoyami answered. "The place is wide, so Hawks' speed can be useful."

"You're non-stop, Hawks!" Izuku said with stars in his eyes. There were many gasps throughout the airport from fans. Many people started to run over to them.

"Hey, hey," Hawks greeted as he stepped up with a smile. "My little chicks. We're at an airport."

'Litte chicks?' Eva repeated as she looked at him.

Hawks threw up a peace sign. "We shouldn't make a commotion here!" The fans carried him and Tokoyami off. "They won't stop."

"Why am I involved?" Tokoyami asked.

Izuku put a hand over his mouth shaking. "This is my fault! I'm sorry!"

"Tokoyami!" Eva exclaimed as she held out a hand.

"I trust you to do well on your mission," Tokoyami said as they disappeared into the distance. 

"He's weak," Endeavor said with his arms crossed as he showed up to the students. 

"Endeavor!" Izuku gasped; the people at the airport didn't give him the same reaction. 

"It's almost time to board," Endeavor informed. "Let's go." He gave them their tickets; Eva saw she was going to be sitting with Izuku and Katuski; behind them were Shoto and Endeavor.

"Yes, sir!" They started to follow him through the airport.

"Father," Shoto said as he stepped ahead of him. 

Endeavor stopped; looking back. "What is it, Shoto?

Todoroki held up the tickets. "Why do I have to sit next to you? Is this some kind of joke? I want to sit next to Midoriya, Bakugo, and Eva."

"But there are only three seats," Eva pointed out.

"I'll make it work," Shoto said with determination.

"T-Todoroki..." Midoriya stuttered. 

Bakugo wasn't having it. "You still think we're friends?" He finally got to his feet. Todoroki walked up to his father. "Hey!"

"Change my seat," Shoto ordered. 

"C-Come on, it's not gonna kill you," Endeavor said. 

"He's saying something cute with a scary face!" Izuku whispered to Eva.

Shoto returned the same energy to Endeavor. "I said I want to sit next to my friends."

Izuku whispered to Eva. "You can obviously tell he's the youngest sibling!"

"Hm," Eva nodded. 

"I told you, we're not friends!" Katsuki raged. "Do you want to be strapped on the tailplane?"

"Kacchan!" Izuku gasped.

"Katsuki!" Eva gasped at the same time. 

"Give me the ticket!" Shoto demanded as he marched up to his father.

"No! Stop!" Endeavor shouted as he turned around.

"Do all of us really need to ride the plane?" Eva asked.

"Eva!" Izuku gasped. 

"Hey, don't ignore me!" Katsuki ordered as he marched up.

"Bakugo, switch places with me," Shoto requested.

Katsuki grabbed Shoto by the tie. "Stop acting nice! No way in hell I'm letting you sit near, Eva!"

"What are you doing to Shoto?!" Endeavor demanded. 

"I can just meet you all there," Eva said as she tried to pull Katsuki back by his blazer. Izuku was swallowing his nerves as the four continued with making the commotion. Suddenly; red feathers flooded them; then returned to the Number Two hero.

Hawks held up the five tickets. "Sit in this order." Everyone looked at their tickets. 

Back Row from the Window seat to the aisle

Midoriya, Todoroki, Eva

Front Row from the Window seat to the aisle

Bakugo, Endeavor 

"My gosh, you're not elementary students, come on," Hawks pointed out.

"Yes, sir."



"Got it."


'Still on the plane,'  Eva sighed.

"Our plane's leaving soon, so we're saying goodbye now," Hawks said; Eva flew up to Tokoyami. 

"Good luck in America, Tokoyami," Eva wished him.

"And that same luck to you on your travels," Tokoyami nodded. "Will you be alright on the plane?"

"I don't think it matters at this point," said Eva tilting her head. 

"You guys relax and get ready for the World Heroes' Mission," Hawks advised as he turned to the others. 

"Yes, sir!" Izuku, Katuski, and Shoto said. Suddenly; Eva felt someone grab the back of her blazer and yank her back as people rushed past her.

Hawks got carried off again by his fans; Tokoyami did as well.

"Don't run away from us, Hawks!"

"See you next time!" Hawks called out.

"Tokoyami!" Eva exclaimed as she stretched out her hand; she glanced back to see that Katsuki was the one who grabbed her. "Much appreciated, Katsuki." Soon they were all on the plane heading to Otheon. Eva held on to Shoto's arm right when they started to take off; she passed out five minutes into the ride. Like before; Shoto gave her some ice to hold on to. He was more than happy to have her hold onto him, while Izuku stared out the window.


When they first arrived in Otheon; Eva did a lot of translating for Endeavor if he needed the help; she also helped out with others that needed the help. Endeavor and Shoto asked for help as most would, Izuku would tug on Eva's sleeve, and Katsuki would just stare at her burning holes into her until she noticed and came to help.

 A new day had come; it was night as they rode in aircraft to the base of Humanrise to carry out a mission. Eva was dressed like the other work-study members. They were given special advanced health costumes; her costume was based on her regular hero costume. She had green and blue highlights. The World Heroes Association was now speaking to them.

"The group claiming responsibility for the recent attack is known as Humarise." They were shown a picture of their leader. "This radical sect was founded by Flect Turn and seeks to save humanity from the so-called Quirk Doomsday Theory. The attack used a Quirk-activating substance known as a Ideotrigger that was spread through the streets via devices we're dubbing Trigger bombs. The mission of the Hero team we've gathered is to search the 25 known Humarse complexes so that these bombs can be destroyed. Intelligence suggests there's one device at each location. Arrest any Humarise members present and neutralize the payload. Be advised you should expect heavy resistance. They may detonate the bombs once they realize we're moving. As such, we're not asking local law enforcement to assist. This is the most urgent mission many of you have ever faced. All Might"

All Might's voice came in. "Heroes, the success or failure of this task rests on your shoulders. Let's give smiles back to citizens who're frightened by terrorism!" Everyone got to their feet; Eva watched as the floor opened for them to jump; she pulled up her hood. 

"This is it heroes," WHA director announced. "Start your missions!" Everyone jumped down.

"Team A! No matter what happens collect the Trigger Bomb before it can be set off," Endeavor instructed. 

"Roger that," Heroes responded. 

"There," Eva said as she spotted buildings below. "Humarise Otheron Headquarters."

"While they handle the weapon, we're to take the facility and capture their, leader," Flect," Shoto said. "Don't let your guard down, Team B."

"What, you think we'd forget all that?" Katsuki asked as he began to explode. "SHUT UP!" He took off toward the ground. Everyone followed; guards started to hold them off.

"Stay back!"

"We won't let you past us!"

"This what resistance gets you!" Endeavor announced as they entered the building. "Clair. Track down the device."

"On it," Clair said as she activated her quirk. "Voyance!"

"They're violating our sanctuary!" a humanrise member cried as more ran out to fight. They felt themselves get pushed back a bit by the incoming wind; before getting frozen to the ground.

"Bakugo, most their members are Quirkless!" Shoto announced. "Don't be too rough!"

"Yeah, I know," Katsuki grunted as he readied an attack. "Stun Grenade!" They continued to run; taking out enemies. In the end, even though they raided the Humarise buildings around the world, they couldn't find a single Trigger Bomb.


The work-study students were now walking the streets of Otheon with groceries in their arms.

"Whoa," Izuku gasped as he looked around. "The streets are so busy."

"Yeah, well, I guess it is the biggest city in Otheon," Shoto pointed out.

Bakugo was frustrated. "Being told to wait on standby is one thing. But since when do I get treated like an errand boy."

"It's because we're the lowest ranking in our group," Shoto said.

"HUH?!" Bakugo raged at him.

"We are still students," Eva reminded him.

"The only reason we got called up in the first place is because we're doing our work studies at Endeavor's Agency," Shoto explained. "We're basically freebies that were thrown in."

"Still," Izuku breathed. "We have a huge responsibility here. Our job is to protect the world from Humarise."

"And we will find them," Shoto assured. "We'll make sure of it."

"The stupid organization is full of obsessed idiots," Katsuki said. "Why do they believe the Quirk Doomsday Theory?"

"It feels like they are trying to keep that separate line of human and supernatural," Eva said. "It's as if they are trying to cleanse the world of 'evil.'"

 "They're taking a totally hypothetical idea and using it to justify their crimes," Katsuki said as he glanced back at her; their heads whipped in the direction of a loud explosion. The robbers ran from a store with a suitcase; the shop owner ran out.

"Those thieves robbed my jewelry shop! Somebody stop them!" All the work-study students ran or flew past him.

"Aw, hell. Heroes!"

"Catch up with you at the spot."

"I'll leave the case to you!"

Both robbers activated their quirks. 

"You chase the other one!" Katsuki as he and Eva went one way.

"Got it!" Izuku shouted. 

Eva flew up, then dropped down at the top of a staircase as the purple-haired villain ran up. He had just sent purple puffs at Katuski making them explode.

"That'll teach ya," the villain laughed.

"Those were kind of lame," Eva said as she dropped in front of him, he became startled, turning to look at her.

"What a pathetic blast!" Katsuki said. "Send him my way!"

"Huh?" the man asked as he looked between the two. Eva positioned her wing; then sent out a wind blast; the man flew high.

"I'll show you what a real one looks like!" Katsuki offered as he readied his hand as the villains screamed. The villain screamed as he went over the edge; landing in clothes on a line. 

"He didn't put up much of a fight," Eva said as they looked over the edge.

"Heh," Katsuki grunted with a smile. "He's nothing but a damn pathetic weakling."

"Violet Gust!" Izuku shouted; his voice echoed.

"Go help the damn nerd," Katsuki said. "I'll handle this pathetic villain."

"Alright," Eva nodded. "See you in a bit." Katsuki hopped over the edge as Eva flew up. She spotted Izuku chasing a boy with spiky brown hair that was tied back; he wore a red bandana and sunglasses on his head. A little pink bird was close by the guy. There was another rumbling; smoke rose in the distance due to a car crash on the bridge; then Eva took off catching up to Izuku.

"Uh, Deku," Eva greeted as she followed him down the subway. "So, what's the deal with the third guy?"

"He's been tricky to catch," Izuku answered. "With how he moves, I'm guessing he's grown up here."

"Home turfs are an advantage," Eva said, it seemed the train had already gone. Without hesitation, Eva grabbed Izuku going after the train.

"On my call I want you to throw me," Izuku requested.

"At the train?" Eva asked in alarm as they got closer.

"Yes," Izuku nodded with complete seriousness. Eva saw that the third guy was on the train already as well and the train employee was getting freaked out by them. "Now!" Eva tossed him; he then took the opportunity to stick the train window. The train guy; the boy and the pink bird all screamed at Izuku. Minutes later, they reached the next train station; all four stopped there. The boy leaned against the railing and Izuku walked up to them.

"Why exactly did you chase me down?" the boy asked looking away. 

"Why were you running from?" Izuku asked getting in his eyesight.

The boy looked the other way. "I have work to do, so I was in a hurry."

"What kind of work?" Eva asked as she set her feet on the ground as Izuku went to the other side.

"I move money," the boy answered as Eva walked up. "Know what I mean? I may not look it, but I'm a skilled negotiator." He held up the suitcase in pride. "So, will you two please let me get along with my business?" He started to walk away. "Okay, kids, thanks."

"Who are you calling kids, kid?" Eva asked as she appeared in front of him. 

"Show me what's in the case, and then you're free to go," Izuku requested. 

The boy looked back. "How much are you offering me?

"Huh?" Izuku asked.

"He's not going to show you for free," Eva explained. 

"She gets it," the boy smiled. "Y'ask for somethin', it's only natural you should pay for it."

"I just wanna make sure it's not stolen goods," Izuku said as he walked over. 

"Say, you two are not heroes from this country, are you?" the boy asked. Izuku froze. "Is it really okay for you to do hero work in a foreign land if you don't have permission?"

"Well...The thing is..." Izuku began.

"You two got no authority in this city, so maybe rethink your tone, my friend," the boy advised as he walked up to Izuku. "Shall I tell the police that I was chased down and harassed by two power-hungry heroes who had no legal right to detain me?" the boy suggested. "How do you think that's gonna go over, buddy?" He put a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "I'm so glad we could come to this understanding. If you wanna do pro work, I suggest you stay in your own country from now. Later."

"Wait," Izuku said as he grabbed the boy's arm. 

"What's your problem?" the boy asked. 

"I told you," Izuku began. "I wanna see what's in the case."

The boy looked at him. "If you want to see, then flash some cash."

"Show me and maybe I will," Izuku said. 

The boy grunted. "Show me 100,000 eurus."

"You're out of your mind," Izuku huffed.

'Humans are so strange with money,' Eva thought as she crossed her arms. As the two boys fought over the case; the pink bird slammed into Izuku; there was a release. The case landed in Eva's arms; she turned it around and opened it. There were a ton of papers, folders, and a few books. 

"You can't look in there!" the boy shouted as he ran over fighting with Izuku.

"I'm confused," Eva said as she looked at him; she showed them the case. 

In seconds, Izuku was on his hands and knees apologizing to the boy. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me, I beg of you!"

The boy looked around a little. "Well, I'm jsut glad you don't think I'm a criminal anymore. We're good here." He took the case from Eva. "I guess even heroes make mistakes and chase after innocent people on occasion." Eva watched him turn around; panic rose over him.

"Are you okay?" Eva asked as the boy shook.

"I'm fine," the boy trembled as he turned back to them. "Like I said, super busy."

"You're really sweaty," Eva said as the boy started to walk away. "Are you sure you feel okay?" Izuku and Eva looked at each other as the boy continued to walk away, and then followed. 

"'Scuse me?" Izuku asked once they got to the city square. "Are you positive nothing's wrong with you?"

"Huh?" The boy asked as he pulled down he fixed his sunglasses. "Oh, I'm peachy thanks."

"Okay, then," Izuku said as sirens started to go off. Numerous cop cars came out from all directions; surrounding Eva, Izuku, and Rody. Many police officers came out with shields and handguns at ready.

"Hands up and kneel on the ground!"

Rody fell on his butt. "Um. Hey, guys!"

"Please just hold on!" Izuku pleaded as he got in front of Rody. "It's not him." Eva landed behind Rody; the officer's feelings didn't seem directed at the boy.

"Truth!" Rody shouted as he got up to run; he stopped before he could collide with Eva. "Didn't steal anything!" He went around her.

"Stop there! We have permission to shoot!"


Eva grabbed Izuku, and Rody in an instant and took off as the officers fired at them. 

"Hang on and try not to flail," Izuku instructed as he grabbed hold of Rody. "Eva, I need you to trust me."

"Hm?" Eva asked; Izuku shot out black whip which surprised her; Rody began screaming as they zipped through the city.

"Do you see that train?" Izuku asked as they went over a cliff.

"Yeah," Eva answered as she got back in control; she landed on the top in an instant.

"Why would they be using lethal force on you?" Izuku asked. 

Rody looked up; sort of like he was going to be sick. "I thought that I was gonna die."

"Deku," Eva said. "Those bullets weren't directed at him."

"What are you talking about?" Izuku asked.

"Even when he started to run," Eva said as she gestured to Rody. "Their weapons remained locked on us."

"Why would they be firing at us?" Izuku asked.

"You know as much as I do," Eva answered as she grabbed Rody; Izuku used an Air bullet to get an arrow off course from hitting them.

'Someone's after us?' Izuku asked; they looked to see a woman in the distance.

'Let's go,' Eva said; the two took off again; Rody let off a scream as arrows followed them. 

'We can't put bystanders in danger,' Izuku said as he used Black whip to get around. 

'Back above we go,' Eva said as she grabbed him; then went up the bridge.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Rody demanded. 

"Take him," Eva said as she handed the boy to Izuku. "I can handle our issue."

"Just be careful," Izuku said as he secured his grip on Rody.

"Of course," Eva said as she tilted back and then shot down; she used wind scythes to cut off the quirk energy from the arrows; then grabbed two of them and pulled out her bug catcher. "She's a terrible shot." Learning how to use a bow and arrows was essential in the Otherworld. They didn't have to learn but it was highly insisted that they did. Kozu had her work on it religiously. Eva pulled the arrow back on the string of her bug catcher, and then released it; it shot through the air; piercing into the girl's leg.

"No!" Izuku shouted; Eva looked back to see Rody was falling; she shot through the poles of the bridge grabbing him and Izuku as the police were now hot on their tail. 

"What happened to him?" Eva asked as she saw that Rody had passed out.

"The shock got to him," Izuku answered. "Did you just shoot our attacker?"

"Just in the leg," Eva answered. "Nothing vital was hit."

'We have to get somewhere safe,' Izuku said. 'Hold tight.' He grabbed a hold of both of them; then with enough force, they dove into the water. Soon they resurfaced; Eva was fanning her wings as fast as possible; standing next to Izuku as he made a call to Shoto. They left Rody on the ground to recover.

"Midoriya, is Eva with you?," Shoto greeted. "Do you have the suspect?" 

"Police just attacked us out of nowhere!" Izuku answered. 

Shoto gasped. "What? Why, what did you two do to them?"

"I don't know," Eva answered. "They barely said anything at all before they started firing at us! Is Katsuki with you?"

"And when we tried to run away, we were attacked again by someone who looked like a villain," Izuku added.

"Calm down!" Shoto urged. "Bakugo's right next to me." Eva heard a familiar grunt. "Tell me everything that happened. Start from the beginning."

"Okay, so, I chased the guy who ran away with the case and eventually with Eva's help caught him," Izuku started to explain. "But there wasn't any jewelry inside when Eva opened it up." There was a door click on the other side.

"Endeavor," Clair said. "Emergency. It's about Deku and Violet Gust." Eva took the phone putting it closer to her ear as she heard rushed footsteps going into another room. A report was being made.

"Once again according to recent police reports, the suspects who are thought to have killed 12 people is at large and considered by authorities to be highly dangerous. They are Japanese heroes. Uh, first one called Deku. Real name, Izuku Midoriya. Second one called Violet Gust. Real name, Eva Yuki." There was a collective gasp. "The entire nation is on the lookout. There are also reports that they have an accomplice..."

"Hello?" Eva asked. "Hello? Shoto?"

"Eva...Midoriya...What did you two really do out there?" Shoto asked.

"Huh?" Izuku asked as he took the phone back. "What do you mean? Nothing!"

"The news," Shoto said. "They're saying you two are wanted as suspects for mass murder."

"That's bizarre," Eva said. 

"That makes no sense," Izuku whispered. "What's going on?"

"We'll look into it on our end," Shoto said. "You two stay off the grid for now."

"Shoto, can you put Katsuki on the phone?" Eva requested softly. 

"No," Shoto said. "The longer you are on the worse. They'll track you with GPS. Once you turn off your phones, don't forget to take out the battery."

"Ugh!" Izuku jumped; they looked to see the other boy back on his feet. "Don't do that!" He had ended the call.

"So, you were able to get in touch with your friends?" Rody asked. Izuku began to take out the battery as Eva took out hers to do the same. "Wait, what are you two doing to your phones? Did they say when they're gonna pick us up?"

"About that," Izuku said as he took out his phone battery; he looked at Eva who was a bit down. "Well, get in touch with Kacchan again."

"I just wish I got to speak to him before we had to get off the grid," Eva said.

"What do you mean by off the grid?" the boy asked. They started to move diligently keeping eyes on passing patrol cars and explaining everything to the boy. "Tell me that I'm still unconscious! You two are stone-cold murderers, and they think I'm your accomplice?"

"That sums it up," Eva nodded.

"I thought you two were supposed to be some kind of hero!" Rody said as he approached the two. "Explain yourselves!"

"I don't know how we ended up like this," Izuku admitted. "I can't wrap my head around all of it."

"Oh, great, it's all over," Rody groaned. He stumbled back; dropping to the ground. "Bye, bye life. And here I thought I was already living at rock bottom. What happens if I fall even lower? Is it even possible?" He looked at the two angrily. "This all your fault! You two dragged me into this mess!" A pink bird appeared with the same emotion. "So fix it! That's what heroes do, right?" The bird flew over to them.

"The police fired on us without asking any questions, and then we were attacked by a villain," Izuku said as he tried to piece things together. "That tells me that whoever's behind this doesn't care if we're dead or alive."

"It's safe to suspect they're not really after us," Eva said.

Rody picked up the suitcase. "Ah! They must want this!" They emptied the suitcase, but nothing seemed all that important. 

"I don't get it," Izuku said. "There's nothing in here that looks incriminating, is there?"

"What are you doing?" Eva asked as the boy quickly put everything back in. 

"You figure they're after the dumb case, right?" Rody asked as he stood up. "That's perfect. We'll hand it over and this'll all be put to bed. It's as simple as that. Life will just go back to normal."

"It's not as simple as you hope it to be," Eva said; Rody began to sweat. "No way, it's going to be that easy."

"If what's in here is so important, then they'd probably wanna silence us even if we did turn it in to them," Izuku explained. 

Rody began to panic; waving his hand. "Hey, don't say that! We're never gonna get anywhere if we're only thinking negative thoughts, buddy. So new plan, let's destroy the case. Then we can just say whoops, it burned up."

"That's a terrible plan," Eva said. "That'll only make our problems worse not fixed."

Rody groaned. "Uh.New-new plan. What if we contact the police?"

"The guys that were shooting as us?" Eva reminded him. 

"What would we say?" Izuku asked.

"If you want the case, then give us 1,000,000 euros, pronto!" Rody declared as he raised the case. Eva smacked him with her wing; making him fall on his butt. "Hey!"

"That would make us real criminals!" Izuku pointed out. "We need to calm down." 

Rody lowered his head. "Are you sure we can't ditch it somewhere? They won't really kill us, right? You two are overthinking things."

"This is a higher-level villain involved," Eva said as she crouched down to his level. "We have to keep our possibilities open." Rody whimpered.

"If this case is related to some sort of crime, we can't give it to the bad guys," Izuku said. "We might accidentally be helping out real villains."

Rody got to his feet. "Don't get me involved with your hero sense of justice!"

"I'm afraid we're already in this together," Izuku admitted, Rody gasped. "They wanted to kill us. If we don't know the reason why, then it's dangerous to act rashly. Otherwise, we'll end up full of arrows. Or worse."

"Okay, then what do you suggest instead?" Rody asked. 

"We run for it," Izuku answered. 

"Huh? Rody asked.

"It's the only option we have right now," Eva said. "We are being off the grid in the first place."

"No matter what the situation may be, we can't fight against the police," Izuku said. "The people chasing us are Otheon officers. If we cross the border into the neighboring country of Klayd, then they shouldn't be able to follow us. Let's hurry and get out of here before we end up trapped." They started to make their way toward town.

"What about the arrow person?" Rody asked. "A border's not gonna stop a villain."

"If that happens, then I promise you that we'll protect you from them," Izuku said. 

"Huh?" Rody asked.

"Getting out of here is our best course of action," Izuku said. 

"Okay fine, I guess that plan makes much sense as anything," Rody gave in. "I'll go to Klad or to whatever you think is best." They went into town; Rody went and grabbed clothes as Izuku and Eva hid in the alley with the suitcase; they all quickly changed. Rody put on a white hoodie, and Izuku had a bucket hat, yellow shirt, and brown overalls. Eva had a mint green button-up dress with pockets and a floppy sunhat; and stuffed her hair inside. 

"Right," Rody said as they were now by a bus stop. "That bus'll get us to the border. And it'll be free if we hop on top."

Izuku shoved his head down. "Absolutely not! We have to pay if we ride."

"We're wanted bad guys, remember?" Rody pointed out. "It'll be over if somebody recognizes us." Eva and Rody were the first to hop on; the Izuku followed as the bus moved. "See? A freebie's not so bad. The delinquent life grows on you. You'll see, heroes."

"I'm fine with it," Eva said as Izuku hung over the edge a bit. "Him not so much?"

Izuku sat back up; holding up three fingers. "I just paid for three seats!"

"And yet, I get the feeling we're staying on the roof," Rody said.

"Well, yeah," Izuku confirmed. 

"Izuku," Eva said; he looked at her. "Send a message to Shoto, with some luck maybe they'll be able to meet us in Klayd."

"Will do," Izuku nodded as assembled his phone back together; it didn't take him long to send the coded message. By the time they reached the border, the sun was setting.

"Looks deserted," Eva noted as they hid behind a building. "No police around."

"Hey, uh..." Rody began. "Do you mind if I run and make a call real quick?"

"Oh, sure," Izuku said. "They didn't have anything about you on TV, so you should be okay to show your face. Try to make it short, though."

"Got it," Rody said as he went across the street to the phone booth.

"What did you want to talk to Kacchan about?" Izuku asked.

"Nothing really," Eva admitted. "Just wanted to hear his voice before we went off the grid."

"I don't blame you for feeling scared," Izuku said. "Even when we were younger you always seemed to turn to him when you were scared, I remember when you hid behind him when the one squirrel costume guy came to our classroom."

"Not much has changed," Eva sighed. "Inspiring to be a hero; and I still turn to him, kind of pathetic."

"I don't think so," Izuku denied. "He's just one of the people you feel safest with." 

"You both are safety zones for me," Eva said; this made Izuku smile. "Strange and comforting that the two safety zones are now talking somewhat normally with each other."

"Yeah," Izuku nodded. "I didn't ever think I'd get to talk normally with Kacchan." The two smiled at each other. "Let's go check on him." Eva nodded; they went over to find the boy slamming the phone down. "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Heh," Rody sounded; he turned around. "Oh, yeah, life couldn't get any better." His mood did not match his smile. Soon night came, and they found camp in an abandoned building.

"That's not great," Izuku said as looked through a booklet. "Doesn't look like anything crossing the border from here. We'll have to borrow a vehicle of some sort tomorrow. Otherwise, we'll be stuck walking"

"Walking?" Rody repeated as he turned over. "You're crazy. Did you forget how heavy this thing is?"

"If you get tired, I can just carry you on my back," Izuku offered. "After all, that's what strength is for, right?"

"I can take the case for a bit," Eva sighed. "Ease up the load on you."

"Helping people out whenever they're in trouble," Izuku said as he raised his arm a bit.

"Heh," Rody smiled a little. "Maybe fix our situation rather than treating me like a backpack or weak." He turned to lay down again. 

"Oh, we will, I promise," Izuku said as he turned back to the booklet. Eva laid back; she stared up at the sky through the hole in the roof. The moonlight felt euphoric on her; soon she fell asleep.


Back when they were 10; Eva had agreed to go on a hiking trip with Katsuki. It honestly didn't take much to convince Eva to go; anything outdoors was a quick yes. They stopped mid-way up a mountain to step up camp for the night. They were in the tent with the flaps open to let the moonlight in.

"Show it to me again, " Katuski requested; they were sitting across from each other; Eva was showing him something she learned in the Otherworld.

"Alright," Eva answered as they looked at the tooth in her hand. She closed her hand; then opened it revealing a coin.

"Awesome!" Katsuki said as he picked it up. "My best friend is a tooth fairy."

"No," Eva shook her head; he looked at her oddly. "I failed the test twice." She looked at her hands; turning them over. "Sort of feels like I'm running out of options on what kind of fairy I am to be."

"Whatever," Katsuki grunted as he looked back at the coin. "This was so worth pulling my tooth out for." She looked at him. "No matter what, no one's best friend will ever be cooler than mine."


Eva found herself getting shaken awake by Izuku and Pino, the little bird.

"He's gone," Izuku said as Eva sat up. "So is the case."

Eva gasped. "Do you think he?" Pino chirped by an opening; all of them left the building instantly; they arrived just as a guy with two spiked bats was about to attack Rody. Izuku attacked the villain with an air force attack as Eva swooped down grabbing Rody. 

"I'm sorry!" Rody cried as he held onto the briefcase tightly as Izuku smashed the villain into the helicopter. Right as Eva landed on the ground; it happened in an instant; Izuku had taken the arrow that was meant to hit Rody.

"Her again," Eva said as she saw the huntress in front of them; her wings pinned together creating a ball of wind. 'Cannonball.' The big ball of wind slammed into the Beroes; slamming her back into the helicopter

"Why did you do that?" Rody asked Izuku.

"I need you to hold on to me tightly," Izuku said instructed as he grabbed Rody. "Let's go, Eva." She grabbed them both; they took off before the smoke could clear. Once on the other side of a wall; Eva removed the arrow from Izuku's body.

"Wait here, okay?" Rody said. "I'll find a doctor or somebody quick."

"No, it's not that deep," Izuku said. "Plus, we have Eva with us. I'll be fine, don't worry." There was a clink; they saw a broken device. "It destroyed my phone, though."

"Can you go into his bag?" Eva asked Rody. "I can stop the bleeding, but the first aid kit items can clean the area to prevent an infection."

"Oh, yeah," Rody said as he did as requested.

"That archer is a tough one for sure," Izuku said as Eva picked up the arrow. "Once I'm patched up, we're gonna need to find another place to hide

"How are you going to treat him?" Rody asked as he took out the kit. "From what I've seen your Quirk is a wind type."

"I'm a fairy," Eva answered as she showed one hand glowing teal. "With a little magic; the wound will be closed." Rody's eyes bugged out when he looked at her; after treating and patching up Izuku; the three found a cave to hide in; they lit a fire to keep them warm. Eva was sticking the arrow into the fire; as Izuku looked back at the booklet.

"Why did you take the arrow back there?" Rody asked.

"Huh?" Izuku asked looking at him. "What are you asking?"

Rody got up; walking toward the edge of the cave. "I betrayed you. You know that. I stole the case while you two slept. Instead of worrying about me, you could have grabbed it and run away."

"Uh...why would I do something like that?" Izuku asked as he closed the booklet.

"I was carrying the jewelry the villains stole this afternoon," Rody reminded him. "I'm one of those bad guys you heroes hate and wanna throw in jail!"

"Well, I can't ignore when someone's in trouble," Izuku answered; Rody looked back. "It's kind of my life's dream to help people."

"Why would a criminal like me be worth getting hurt over?" Rody asked as he fully turned to them.

"It's just jewelry," Eva said.

"Eva!" Izuku exclaimed; he turned to Rody with a smile. "It's always worth it if I'm able to help someone, no matter who it is."

"I do not get you," Rody admitted as he sat on a rock.

"That's why I admire heroes," Izuku said. "I want to be someone who can save people, with a smile on my face the whole time. I want to be like All Might."

"You're talking about the blonde one, yeah?" Rody asked. "He's pretty famous."

"Uh-huh!" Izuku confirmed. "He's our teacher."

"Seriously?" Rody asked; he started to smile. "So you wanted to become just like All Might, and you chased that dream until it became a reality for you. Heh. You and me couldn't be any more different." He looked at the stars. "My future's pretty set in stone already. I don't have the luxury of saying nonsense like 'I wanna be a pilot.' It's all I can do to provide for my younger siblings."

"Well, maybe--" Izuku began as he got up.

"Don't say a word!" Rody cut him off, looking back. "I don't want your pity!"

Eva looked at him. "Just because life seems set in stone doesn't mean you can give up on dreaming. Our futures are set in clouds; for they are always changing."

Rody looked at her and then at the ground. "Stupid heroes. I've always thought they were people looking for attention, who wanted to make money under the guise of helping others. You see, pros never come to the place where I live. They wouldn't make any cash there. But...I guess there are heroes like you two around, too. The more you two help me and the more I get to know you both, the more I wonder about what I'm doing with my own life." He looked away from them, closing his eyes a bit. "Truth is, I'm pretty lame."

"I would say the same about myself," Izuku said as he looked at his hand. "I've wanted to be a pro hero forever since I was just a little kid. But I was too weak. People kept telling me my goals were impossible. I couldn't use my Quirk properly at first, and I was at the bottom of my class. Even now, I'm always being helped out by my classmates. I'm still weak. That's why I wanted so bad to improve." He closed his fist. "To become a hero who saves people. And always with a smile. Eva here wants to bring hope to people who lost their faith in heroes. She knows what it's like to not have pros come to her rescue; so she's working to make sure the same doesn't happen to others." The pink bird plopped down on Izuku's head.

"Oh. Yeah. That's Pino," Rody informed.

"Hi, Pino," Izuku greeted as Pino flew over to Eva; landing in her hands. Rody walked over to them.

"Oh, and by the way. The name's Rody Soul," the boy introduced himself. "We sorta skipped intros."

Izuku got to his feet. "And my name's Izuku Midoriya, but call me by my hero name, Deku. That's Eva Yuki; her hero's name is Violet Gust."

"Deku and Violet Gust are easy to remember," Rody said. 

"Yeah," Izuku smiled. "It's grown on me." Pino chirped happily. "Let's get some sleep, Rody."

"Yeah, good idea, Deku," Rody agreed. They all settled down for the night; putting the fire out. Eva fell asleep against Izuku who had his head on his knees. She woke up at the sound of a car approaching.

"A villain?" Izuku asked as he lifted his head. He got to his feet; clutched his wound; he grabbed the suitcase bag.

Eva focused on the scent approaching. "It's Rody approaching the cave." The two got up and looked to see Rody getting out of an old pickup truck. "Rody?"

He looked over at them. "Sorry, did I wake ya two?"

"Where'd you get a truck?" Izuku asked as they two walked over. 

"I kinda borrowed it," Rody answered. "Just figured we were done walking. I don't want to make Violet Gust do all the work. Even wrote an IOU in the name of the World Hero Association. They'll understand. Wish they'd had a Cessna, we could've flown straight into Klyad that way, no problem."

"What's a Cessna?" Eva asked as Rody got in the truck.

"I think an airplane," Izuku answered. "You can really fly something like that?"

"Only in my dreams, friend," Rody answered as he closed the door. "Get in." Rody started driving once everyone was settled,  Izuku got in the passenger seat and Eva got in the trunk. She sat with her back to the window watching the road behind them. "Question."

"Yeah?" Izuku asked.

"Once we figure out the case's secret, I can go home right?" Rody asked.

"Absolutely," Eva answered. 

"Oh. I bet your younger brother's waiting for you at home, huh?" Izuku asked. 

"Yeah, with my sister," Rody confirmed. 

"What about your parents?" Izuku asked. 

"My mom died right after she had my sister, so it was up to my dad to take care of us," Rody answered. "He did a pretty good job there for a while, raising us while juggling work, then he suddenly up and disappeared one day. "

"Disappeared?" Izuku repeated. 

"Do you know about the group called Humarise?" Rody asked. Izuku and Eva looked at each other.

"The terrorist organization," Eva said. 

"Yeah," Rody said focused back on the road. "After people in town found out that Dad left to become a member, things got bad for my family. Our friends started ignoring us, we were kicked out of our school and out of our house, and I couldn't find anyone would hire me for honest work."

"I'm sorry, that's awful," Izuku said. 

Rody looked over. "I obviously resented my dad at first." Then back at the road. "But not so much anymore. I don't have time to think twice about him. Now, my little brother and sister are the most important things to me. I just want to create a decent future for those kiddos." Eva looked as Rody pulled out a locket.

"Aw!" Eva smiled. "They're so cute." Izuku took the locket to look at it.

"My little brother's stupid smart!" Rody smiled more. "And my sister's totally adorable." Izuku became worried as Rody was leaning over with his eyes completely off the road. "First person to break her heart gets KO-d!"

"WHOA!" Izuku yelped as they started to swerve. "Keep your eyes up, Rody!" Sitting in the open air of the truck; made Eva not feel so motion sick. They all took the beauty of the sunrise over the mountains. They all chatted happily as their road trip went on.

"Can I get out of the truck for a bit?" Eva asked as they passed fields of flowers.

"Huh?" Rody asked as he glanced back. 

"Sure," Izuku smiled. "Just don't lose sight of us."  Rody watched as Eva got out of the truck in an instant; she flew low along the flower fields. The creases of her hand glowed green; the many flowers danced around her as she landed. 

"That's something you don't see every day," Rody said as he stopped the truck. 

"I never take it for granted," Izuku said as they watched Eva come back to the car; she had many flower petals dancing around her; with a little twirl of her hand; the flowers all went into the back of a truck. Once it was filled; Eva laid down on it. "Making yourself at home, Eva?" She looked to see him sticking his head out the middle window.

"Should've asked," Eva said as she focused on the clouds. Soon they were crossing a river; Izuku was trying to help Rody guide the track across it; but he ended up falling in. Eva grabbed Izuku; putting him in the back of the truck; then picked up the truck itself, getting it to the other side. Once on the other side; Izuku had to strip down and have his clothes in back hung up in the back to dry. Soon they came to a gas station; Rody went to pay and grab a few other things as Izuku filled the tank.

"You were enjoying yourself earlier," Izuku said as he looked up at Eva; she was peering over the edge. 

"I can't help but worry about the others," Eva answered. "There's a good chance that some of the police are Humarise."

"They'll handle it on their end," Izuku assured. "They have Kacchan and Todoroki with them."

"I doubt it," Eva smiled. "I'm sure they are on their way to Klayd."

"Right," Izuku smiled in agreement. Soon they were back on the road; Eva had a blanket over her as a thunderstorm started. She watched as the lightning zapped across the sky. In the pouring rain; Izuku used black whip to pull the car up a cliff as Eva pushed from behind. Soon they were back on the road with the sun out; Eva laid on the roof of the truck; staring at the double rainbow. They had stopped to regroup for a minute as the sun started to set. They stopped behind a wall to rest for the night.

"Dang I can't get over how useful your Quirks and magic are," Rody said. He and Eva were tending to Izuku's wounds.

"What about you?" Izuku asked as he looked back. "I mean, do you have a Quirk?"

"I'm curious too," Eva said as she looked at him.

Rody became slightly embarrassed. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Oh. Sorry," Izuku apologized as he looked forward.

"You won't laugh, will you?" Rody asked.

"I promise!" Izuku and Eva said together.

"Really?" Rody asked. 

"No! I swear it!" Izuku and Eva said together again.

Rody grew more embarrassed. "Okay. It's kinda weird. You may think I'm joking...It's Pino." The little bird was dancing around. "Ya, see. Her actions show my true intentions"

"Really?" Izuku asked. 

"No matter how good I'm at lying, Pino always gives away how I truly feel," Rody explained. "Honestly, it's not much of a Quirk"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Izuku said as Eva held out her hands cupping them. "Not being able to lie? I think it's pretty amazing."

"In a way, your soul is outside of your body," Eva said as Pino plopped into her hands. "I've always wondered what a soul looked like."

"Hm?" Rody asked as he tilted his head.

"Violet Gust doesn't have a soul," Izuku informed.

"Cute," Eva complimented.

"Cute?" Rody repeated in embarrassment.


A new day had come; they were now appearing around a mountain to look at the train below.

"Status report," Izuku said as he nudged Eva.

"The path is heavily guarded," Eva answered. "We're not gonna be able to go this route without fighting our way through.

"Our only choice is to scale these ridges," Izuku said. "Get on my back. Hurry."

"Deku. Violet Gust. Take this," Rody said as he held out the suitcase. 

"What's the deal?" Izuku asked. 

"It'll be difficult for you to carry me with that injury," Rody answered. "This is where I say goodbye."

"Hold on," Eva said. "The truck's out of gas. We can't leave you alone in a place like this."

"Come on. Deku knows how fast I can run in a pinch," Rody said. "I'll scrounge up some food. Then wait for you both." He held up the case. "You go figure out what's up with this case. That's what we're here for."

"But, Rody," Izuku breathed. 

"I'm counting on you, heroes," Rody said. Izuku went to grab the case when they heard a helicopter whirring.

"It seems the villains have found us," Eva said as they looked up. Izuku grabbed Rody; then they took off as Beros started to shoot at them. Eva pulled out her bug catcher; and the arrow she took that she mended.

"Careful," Izuku advised as they continued to dodge attacks.

"I know," Eva said as she pulled back the arrow. "She really needs to practice her aim." She released the arrow; it soared through the air; it hit another arrow head-on, sending it off course. 

"Woah, Eva!" Izuku gasped. "When did you learn to--"

"Kozu," Eva said as clicked a button on her bug catcher; it was now a paddle. 

"Right," Izuku nodded as they dodged an iron ball that came their way.

"Ah, damn it," Rody cried. "They're gonna flatten us!"

"Just don't get crushed," Eva said as she hit an iron back toward the helicopter.

"You should take your own advice more," Izuku said. "If that thing touches you, you're dead."

"I'm aware," Eva said as they continued to dodge and Eva hit some of the things thrown at them. Izuku used blackwhip on the helicopter to get himself high. Eva used a high-speed tunnel wind scythe at the iron balls being thrown at them from below.

"Delaware Smash..." Izuku readied his attack. "Air Force kick!" The air made the helicopter start to spin around. Eva went up to the edge; where the other two boys landed. 

"Rody!" Izuku called. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Rody said as he appeared out of a dust cloud. "Maybe. The case!" Rody started to run over. 

"Watch out!" Eva exclaimed as she flew down; she got in front of Rody. '6 Crescent Moons. Wind Slice.' Out of six of her winds; wind scythe tornados shot out; tearing through the giant iron balls; Eva swung hard as she made contact with another once; one landed making Rody lose his feet; he jumped to catch the case.

"Rody!" Eva exclaimed as she grabbed his hand to prevent him from falling to his death. Eva looked back to see that her foot was trapped under a bunch of rubble from the attack. She tried to fly out and up, but her foot wasn't getting free. The iron villain appeared on the cliff above; with a giant iron ball to throw at them.

"Deku, catch it!" Rody shouted; he threw the case.

"I'm coming!" Izuku shouted as he ran to the case; it landed on the upper cliff. He was dodging the arrows being thrown at them.

"For the salvation of humanity!" Iron said he got ready to throw. Eva raised her wings; at him and the rubble. 

'Wind bullet,' Eva said. "Hold on, Rody!" She released her attack at the rubble and shot out. Rody screamed as Eva put him over her shoulder; he screamed more as she dropped down on some ice; the ice overcame the iron bullet users; then brought Eva and Rody over to Izuku.

"Wait, is this Todoroki?" Izuku asked.

"You learned nothing from Hosu," Shoto said. "Your codes are still hard to decipher." He dodged as the Beros tried to attack him. She readied herself for someone coming from another direction.

"Oh, don't even try it," Katsuki warned as he began to attack.

"Wait," Iron said. "Free me, I'll do whatever you want."

"Tell me everything you know and maybe I'll consider it," Shoto said.

"Fine, you go it!" Iron said; there was an explosion from an arrow attack; the helicopter flew over to them.

"Die, you traitor!" Beros ordered as she readied an arrow.

"Damn it," Shoto said. "Bakugo, take her down."

Bakugo blasted over him. "Don't give me orders!" He dodged arrows that were chasing him; Beroes gasped to learn she was out of arrows.

"Stand down and come quietly," Katsuki ordered as he held onto the side of the helicopter. He gasped when the girl dropped her longbow.

"For humanity's salvation," Beros said; they watched her drop out of the helicopter as it crashed in the ridges blowing up.

"Eva!?" Izuku asked as he ran over to them. "Are you alright?" She was badly bleeding from her ankle, she nodded her head. "Rody?" 

"Yeah, but only thanks to Violet Gust," Rody answered; he then gasped. "Where is it?"

"Midoriya, I grabbed this," Shoto said as he walked over with the suitcase. As he walked closer; Eva glanced at him; she noticed that his lip was slightly busted.

"Thanks, Todoroki," Izuku said. 

"But, how did you find us?" Eva asked.

"All thanks to their flashy attacks," Shoto answered as he looked toward the crash sight. "I spotted you from the train." Shoto looked at Rody. "Is he the one you were talking about on the phone?"

"Yeah, that's right," Izuku nodded. "He's been pegged as a criminal, like us. His name is Rody Soul."

"Hey, thanks for the assist," Rody said as Pino appeared. 

"More importantly..."Katsuki said as he suddenly appeared. Eva lit up; seeing that he was okay. "The damn case. It's somehow connected to Humarise."

"What?" Eva asked. "Are you certain about that?" Katsuki looked down at her; he squatted down taking out a cloth; wrapping it around her injury.

"Yes," Shoto confirmed. "Our goal was to save both it and you. We thought it'd be possible we'd be able to get useful intelligence." Izuku suddenly stood up grabbing the suitcase. "What's the matter, Midoriya?"

"A compartment," Izuku answered. 

"Let's get out of here first before the police come," Katsuki said as he picked up Eva. They began to distance themselves very far from a scene. They hid behind a boulder; Katuski tended to Eva's foot he tapped his foot impatiently, as they listened to the others, figure out the device.

"What is this?" Izuku groaned in frustration. "How does it work?"

"Try pressing it right here?" Shoto said.

"That'll just make it go back to how it was," Izuku said. 

"Hm," Shoto said. "This is hard."

"Still not working," Izuku said.

"Ugh," Katsuki groaned as he stood up. "Hand it over! I'll blow it up!"

"What?" Izuku asked. "No. You can't do that, Kacchan."

"Deku, can I see that for a second?" Rody asked as he took the device. 

"You know how to solve it?" Eva asked as she saw that Katsuki was crouched down angrily on a boulder.

"I did a puzzle like this before when I was a kid," Rody answered as he played with the device. "Let's see. This. This. Aw, yeah. I think I got it." He opened the device; Izuku was quick to catch pieces that fell out.

"I'm not sure what this is," Izuku said as he held up a hard drive thing.

"We need to figure out what's stored on this card," Shoto said as he held up the SD card.

"There's a town at the foot of the mountain," Eva recalled as she got back to her feet. "Let's investigate there." Bakugo jumped off the boulder; they all started to head toward the town; she glanced at one of them. "Shoto." He slowed down his speed; getting next to her. "How did you bust your lip?"

Shoto focused on the ground. "Bakugo...he wasn't pleased I didn't let you talk to him."

"I'm sorry," apologized Eva looking away. "Probably my fault it happened."

"You don't need to apologize for his overprotectiveness," said Shoto. 

Eva came to a stop and Shoto did too. "Still." They faced each other; he put his hands on her shoulders; pushing down till she was on the ground as she touched his face putting her thumb on the bruise to heal it. Shoto glanced to see the others weren't too far ahead; he looked back at Eva; it was like magic before Shoto could even lead down; Bakugo appeared in the middle of the two with an explosion.

"Watch your ass, icy-hot!" shouted Bakugo grabbing Eva by the wrist and dragging her away from Todoroki.

In minutes they were in the Seaside Hotel using the computer.

"So many folders," Izuku said as the screen filled up. "Where do we even start?"

Katsuki shoved him out of the way. " Move it. Where's the most recent timestamp? It's this video file." They all crowded around the computer to listen,

"Hello. My name is Alan Kay," a man began. "Along with several other scientists, I was kidnapped by Humarise."

"Kidnapped?" Izuku repeated. 

"In order to enact their plans, Humarise took our families hostage and forced us to manufacture Quirk Factor Triggering Bombs against our wills," Alan said. "The first terrorist attack using one of these devices was merely a ploy, to gather the world's top heroes, in places where Humrise branches are located." The work-study students gasped. "The group is planning to use these horrible bombs to eradicate those pros. In an instant, the hero population will be decimated." They gasped again. "After losing its top heroes, society would collapse. Using the vacuum of chaos afterward, Humarise will wipe out anyone with powers and build a world where only the Quirkless are allowed. That is the true goal of Flect Turn, the leader of Humarise. A madman. I hope my voice will reach the heroes in time. Eddie Soul, another scientist here, lost his life helping me." Eva glanced at Rody. "He made the key I've included that will disarm the bombs at their base. Please. Save the world." Eva picked up the key. Suddenly there was screaming and people in a panic; everyone looked over at the news report on the television. 

"I repeat, Humarise, the organization advocating for the salvation of humanity, has placed bombs around the world. The weapons are set to explode in one hour and 52 minutes, unless the heroes are able to find and disarm them, worldwide. As you might expect, panic has gripped the areas where the devices are said to be located. Heroes have been working to evacuate people to safety, and subvert this attack." A map was shown of where the bombs were located. "Areas in danger of being affected by the bombs are as follows." Rody ran up to the screen.

"No, it can't be," Rody said in a panic. "That circle's in Otheon! My house is inside of it!"

"Oh, no," Izuku said.

Todoroki hurried over to the computer. "We should send this to HQ and have them order the hero teams to retreat before it's too late."

"We can't do that," Katsuki denied.

"The heroes are out there looking for the Trigger Bombs," Izuku said. "Even if they are the actual targets of the terrorist attack. Even if they know this is a trap. As long as there are people who need help, the pros will never leave them and run away. That's what makes them heroes." He clenched his fist. "Humarise counted on this when they came up with their plan."

"Then we use that disarming key," Eva said breaking the seconds of silence. "It's up to us to stop those Bombs."

Izuku took the key from her. "But how do we do that?"

Katsuki shoved Shoto out of the way to get to the computer. "On it! The answer has to be in here somewhere. You're an idiot if you make a key without telling people where the lock is!" Maps shuffled around. "We look for the place that wasn't part of their announcement." A square showed up pinpointing a spot. "This is where their base is!"

"Kacchan, can you find where the bombs are located?" Izuku asked. 

"Let me work, ya damn nerd," Katsuki grunted as they watched the screen.

"The furthest area underground," Izuku said.

"So we know where it is, but it's more than 400 kilometers away from where we are," Shoto points out.

"We can make it," Rody said; they looked to see him at the other computer. "I think I know how to get us there." In minutes; they borrowed a plane with Rody as the pilot. As Rody flew them; everyone changed into their hero suits.

'We'll destroy any obstacle that prevents us from succeeding,' Eva thought as she fixed her arm cuff.

"Almost there," Rody said he through the mountains and rain. Eva pulled out a container; Katsuki ran over and immediately began to help. It was a water-resistance ointment; didn't affect the use of her quirk at all. "That's it! The base!" He glanced back at the others. "Going in for a landing. Brace yourselves."

"No," Izuku denied as he stood at the gate. "Rody, you turn back."

"What?" Rody asked.

"Extras like you should stay out of the way," Katsuki said as he walked over to the door.

"Don't call him an extra," Eva said as she walked over.

"He has a point," Shoto said as he joined them. They all left the plane.

"This is a job for heroes!" Shoto, Katuski, and Izuku said. Guards at the bottom immediately began shooting up at them.

"They didn't waste any time," Eva said as she sent out a strong wind current; shoving guards back

"I don't have time for you idiots!" Katsuki roared as he fired back with explosions. Some of the Humarise members had quirks.

'Hypocrites,' Eva thought to herself as the fight continued. Eva zipped over; getting Katsuki out of the sound wave he got trapped in.

"Kacchan!" Izuku called as he took out that member.

"Yeah, yeah, I know!" Katsuki said as they got closer to the entrance. Eva shot down; slamming her foot into somebody; using a wind blast slammed members into each other harshly.

"I've got you," Todoroki said as he caught Izuku; Eva shot ahead of them, taking out members by the door. "Bakugo, we'll leave these guys to you!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo raged as he fought more.

"See you in a bit," Eva said as they entered the building.

"This won't be a repeat from last time!" Katsuki said. Eva stayed back to take on the humarise members trying to take out Shoto and Midoriya.

"We'll be just down the hall on the right," Izuku called out to her.

"I'll catch up when I can," Eva said as she lodged her foot into someone's rib and then flipped another. In the distance toward the entrance, she could hear Katsuki having a battle and the other way; Shoto having one of his own. 

"You are so inflicted," a woman said; she was the only one left standing. "So unpure." She removed her hood; she had silvery blue hair tired back; and dark blue eyes. 

"Ah!" Evas sounded as she got hit. 'So fast.' She looked back to see the woman having numerous balls of light around her. "Such a hypocrite."

"No, no," the woman said as she readied another attack. "I'm what they called...worthy." Eva dodged her attack; hitting the woman with a cyclone; she slammed into the wall. The balls of light slammed into Eva; slamming her against the wall. "My quirk is the worthiest of them all!"

"So annoying," Eva said as she got toward the woman; the woman blocked Eva's kick. Eva flipped around; flipped her wings up; activated her quirk slamming the woman into the ground. Eva got thrown off; bouncing a bit. They continued their attacks on each other; Eva managed to use her wind scythes to cut along the woman's sides and legs; and the moon made her beam attacks shoot through Eva.

"So weak," the woman said as Eva zipped through the numerous attacks; while delivering some of her own. "You haven't even figured out my Quirk yet."

"Sure, I have," Eva smiled closing one eye. "Moonlight." She started to spin around; trapping the woman inside a cyclone; letting her attacks get sucked up. Eva spun around faster engulfing herself in a cyclone; while beginning to form four out of her wings; her clothes started to tear a bit from the wind. ' 4 Tornadic pinpoint.' Eva then slammed into the woman; shoving her further into the ground; and tearing up the area around them. Once the wind died down; Eva had the woman pinned to the ground; they were both bleeding.

"You brat!" The woman cried as tried to get. "You inflicted human! Just wait; we'll purge all those inflicted with this sickness!" 

"It seems you are the one inflicted most with what you are trying to cure," Eva said as the creases of her hands and veins started to glow green. "I think it's time I show you the difference between Quirk and Magic." The woman's eyes widened; as Eva placed her hand on the ground. "Now, just stay still." Numerous little vines popped out of the ground. "Stay very still." In seconds, the woman's limbs began to get bound together when the ceiling started to shake; pieces started to crumble. The woman started to scream; Eva simply waved her other hand; giant trees shot up along the walls; curving around; preventing the ceiling from falling even more. By the time Eva put her hand down; it was as if they were in a heavily dense tunnel of trees. Eva then took the giant leaves from the trees and basically trapped the woman in a cocoon with only her face sticking out.

"M-m-monster," the woman trembled as Eva's veins and creases went back to normal.

"We are both monsters in each other's eyes," Eva said letting her eyes glow red. "In terms of books I was born one; you on the other became one." The woman stared up at her. "Being granted powers isn't a's what we fairies call" Eva stepped away. "You are lucky...not many get to see my magic to this extent." Eva began to walk away. "Don't think about moving; I was kind enough to let poison ivy not touch your skin." She then continued down the hall. 'Using up that much magic and quirk combined really drained me.' Eva walked to find the entrance buried; from the sounds of it; Katsuki's fight was way over. Eva put her wings together; with another use of her quirk, she created a tunnel to walk out of. When Eva got to the other end; she looked to see that it was raining ash; then down to see two people crushed under a boulder. 'Katsuki's opponents.' She looked forward to finding Katsuki himself passed out. 'Katsuki!" She flew over quickly. 'Not much flight left.' She landed by him to find him bleeding badly; his eye was injured; his suit was torn, completely gone from the waist up. She held out her hands. 'I'll use the rest of my energy on him.'  Her hands and veins glowed teal; she placed her hands on him. She closed all the deep and shallow cuts.

"Eva," Katsuki grunted after thirty minutes of being treated. Eva looked to see that his eyes were starting to open up. She happily put her forehead to his.

"Katsuki," Eva smiled as tears welled up in her eyes. She pulled away from him.

His eyes focused on her. "Did we win?"

"I'm going to be optimistic and say yes," Eva answered as she stopped treating him; then laid down next to him on her back. "I believe it's safe to say our world mission was a success."

"Good," Katsuki grunted with a smile. "Really gave those crazy cult bastards an ass whooping from hell."

"Yeah," Eva agreed. The two then told each other about each other's fights. "Bunch of hypocrites."

"Annoying bastards," Katsuki added.

"That Howitzer Impact was way more powerful than previous ones," Eva recalled. " The whole building shook."

"Heh," Katsuki smiled. "I have a couple of new moves I've been working on." They talked a bit more.

"Oh good," Izuku's voice sounded; they both looked to see Izuku approaching with Rody in his arms. "Thanks to Rody; we won."

"What the hell is he doing here?" Katsuki said as he sat up sharply; he grunted in pain grabbing his side. 

"How the hell did he get so injured?" Eva asked at the same time; she grunted in pain grabbing her side. "And what about you?" Izuku stared at them and then started to laugh.

About 30 minutes later; heroes and ambulances came; they all got transported to the hospital to be treated. Eva was happy to see that Rody and his siblings got reunited; Katsuki became flustered again when Recovery Girl treated him.

In the end, Humarise members were taken into custody, including from unexpected places. The case was resolved without a single new Trigger Bomb exploding. Eva had learned the person who saved everybody was Rody.

Departure day came, and Eva was not all that thrilled about getting back on a plane. She was walking with Izuku when they heard Pino chirp.

"Rody," Eva greeted spinning around.

"Rody!" Izuku greeted him at the same time. He was walking over to them with a crutch in his arm; Pino flapping happily next to him. "Didn't think you'd be out so soon! Heh!"

"Ah, they said I was good to head back home," Rody informed.

"Well, we're glad to hear it," Eva said.

"Although, if I had died stopping those bombs, I would've become a total legend," Rody said.

"That's a morbid thing to say!" Izuku said as Eva laughed. "Don't encourage it, Eva!"

"HAH!" Katsuki grunted.

"So, hey come up with any big plans for the future?" Izuku asked.

"Just going back to my normal life for now," Rody answered. "Though, I suppose with all I've been through, who knows what's in store for me?" Pino jumped up happily; putting her hands on her hips. "Just as you said Violet Gust; the future is like clouds, always changing."

"Right," Eva and Izuku smiled.

The PA sounded. "We will now begin boarding for flight NNY224."

"We gotta run and catch our flight," Izuku informed.

"Do me a solid and stick to Japan, 'kay?" Rody suggested as he looked out the window. "Nothing good happens when you two are around." Pino was crying. "Probably best for everyone if you stay in your lane." Izuku put his stuff down and hugged Rody as Eva held out her hand for Pino to jump into.

"We'll come back and visit for sure," Izuku assured. "Your sister has a loose tooth doesn't she?"

"I don't have my licenses to do that sort of stuff," Eva reminded Izuku.

"Yeah, like I care," Rody said as he hugged back. Soon they got on the plane; this time between the window and Katuski.

"You really used that magic for an attack?" Katsuki asked.

"Surprised me too," Eva admitted. "I normally just use it for spring." Spring is a very busy time for fairies, with lots of things coming back to life and blooming. 

"Having magic would be so cool," Katsuki said as he held out his palms. 

"Not as cool as you think it is," Eva said looking at him.

"Strong damn words from someone who uses it," Katsuki said looking at her. "Ms. Living Magic." Eva rolled her eyes. "Don't you roll your eyes at me!"

"You're the one with a soul," Eva said. "And can touch iron." The two began to argue; the others around them; just looked over.

"If you two don't quit I'll turn the plane around myself," Endeavor warned as he looked over at the two; he was sitting in the same row as them.

"Shut up," the two said as they turned away from each other.

"Kacchan! Eva!" Izuku squeaked from behind. They suddenly hit some turbulence and Eva found herself feeling motion sick fast; putting a hand over her mouth. "Eva?"

"I'm never getting on a plane again," Eva said as she held onto Katsuki's arm tightly. She felt Katsuki press the pressure point on her wrist; she looked to see he was doing it while angrily looking away. At some point, the two fell asleep; and leaned up against each other.

When they got back to their dorms; Aoyama, Koda, Iida, Ashido, and Hagakure ran to all their classmates. They all mingled among each other; Eva had a nice long talk with the girls over some tea while getting ready for bed; she was only on the phone with Shiozaki for a while as well. She was on the hammock; using her wings to rock a little; she was talking to Komori on the phone when the door opened.

"Have a good night. Komori," Eva said.

"You as well, shroom," Komori said as Katsuki got in the hammock; pushing her over a bit.

"Tell me," Katsuki ordered as Eva slipped her phone into the hammock pocket. "What is the difference between Quirks and Magic?"

"You've never asked before," Eva said.

Katuski grunted. "What's the difference?"

"Quirks are a biological thing," Eva answered. "Magic is an ancient practice, it's spiritual, rooted with rituals. Anyone could practice it, like Quirks it could be passed down and have limits."

"When's the last time a human's practiced it?" Katsuki asked.

"From what I've been told...about 60 years after Quirks came about," Eva answered. "Though there is that person Mr. Aizawa, now that I think of it."

"What is magic to you?" Katsuki asked. 

"My life force," Eva answered bluntly. "Without it..."

"Life without you would be the absolute pits," Katsuki interrupted; Eva looked at him. "Worse than the pits." He looked at her. "Why do you want a soul?"

"To grow old with everyone," Eva answered. "Life without you would be the pits." Katuski kissed her cheek; putting a hand on top of her head. 

"How does the Black Cauldron story go again?" Katsuki asked. Neither the listener nor the storyteller made it through the whole story without falling asleep.

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