Chapter 9
Everyone waited outside a door with three green lights, coming up with a battle plan. One light disappeared; another disappeared.
"Begin!" Midnight shouted as soon as the doors opened, Eva fluttered up and then soared through the hall in an instant. She felt some grab onto her; dragging her closer to the wall, she looked back to see the entrance frozen, and her classmates froze to the ground.
"Apologies," Todoroki apologized to her and their classmates. She looked down to see him holding onto her shirt as she flew.
"Ow! No fair!" a ton of students shouted. "So cold!" Aoyama shot up around everyone, along with Bakugo and Yaoyorozu.
"Here I come!" Kirishima shouted as he got over as well.
"Nice trick, Todoroki!" Yaoyorozu growled.
"I won't let you two get away so easily!" Bakugo shouted angrily. "You ICY-HOT BASTARD! Eva!"
"Why doesn't he insult you!?" Todoroki demanded.
"Let go of me!!" Eva shouted as she tried to pry his hand off of her. "Jerk!"
"Try again, Eva!" Bakugo shouted. "Really insult him! BASTARD!"
"You froze me to the ground once, it won't happen again," Ojiro said, he wasn't frozen either. Tokoyami flew past others. Izuku, Mineta, Urakaka, and a couple of others were having some trouble.
"Gotta wait for the right time to show off my Quirk!" Urakaka exclaimed.
"So, they are good at using their powers," Shinso said as he looked up.
"I didn't expect so many people to dodge that," Todoroki admitted, as he looked back. "Especially those from other classes." Eva got lower to the ground, and Todoroki noticed. He threw her back and started running, leaving the ice behind him. Eva was able to shake off the throw and able to turn her direction back forward.
"You think you're so cool, but I've outsmarted you both!" Mineta shouted as he bounced off his purple balls. "Ha! How pathetic, Todoroki! Yuki!" They both looked back to see Mineta was right behind them, ready to throw a ball. "Eat this! My special attack!" As he got ready to throw, he got whacked by a machine.
"Are you okay!?" Izuku asked as Mineta went flying to the side. Everyone stopped for a second, to see the same giant robots from the entrance exam.
"Targets acquired, "a robot stated looking down at them. "Terminate them."
"It's those robots from the entrance exam!" Izuku exclaimed.
"Are those the zero-point villains from the practical test?" Kaminari asked.
"This is what they meant by obstacles?"
"So this what the other students faced in their exams," Todoroki said as the robots got closer.
"Where's the school even get the funding for these things," Yaoyorozu asked.
"They obviously went through a lot of trouble, but I wished they prepared a little more difficult," Todoroki said as he froze the ground around them. " Especially since my dear old dad is watching."
'Amazing,' Eva breathed as she looked at Todoroki as he froze the robots.
"Dude, he stopped the robots!" a student shouted.
"Look between their legs!"
"We can get through!"
"Careful now," Todoroki advised. "I froze them while they were off balance. On purpose." The robots broke falling, over. More robots came out of the dust caused by Todoroki.
"Hey!" a student shouted. "There's someone trapped under that robot!"
"Do you think we should try and help 'em?"
"Are people seriously gonna die here?"
"I'm alive!" Kirishima shouted breaking through, Eva flew over and pulled him out of the robot. "Todoroki, I can't believe you pulled something like that. Jeez." He looked back at the other classmates as he was being set down. "Anyone but me woulda been killed!" His body was hardened.
"Class 1-A is really full a'jerks!" Tetsutetsu shouted as he broke through. "I'll smash that guy when I get my hands on him!" His body was all steel. "Ya, know anyone other than me, would've been killed." Eva flew over to him, grabbed him, and then directed him back toward the ground. "Huh?" He looked up at her.
"Our quirks are basically the same!" Kirishima cried. "How am I supposed to stand out now?"
"You damn copycat!" Tetsutesu shouted looking at him, then back at Eva. "This a contest."
"We are aspiring to be heroes," Eva reminded him as she let go of him. "I hope helping can get me some points." She scratched the back of her head, smiling lightly.
"Those lucky jerks," Mineta teared up. "They didn't even appreciate--"
"Don't think about Eva like that!" Bakugo shouted as he kicked him, Mineta let out a scream along with Izuku.
"My apologies," Eva said turning to the others. They looked at her, she sent out a few wind blasts, and they all screamed as they were blown back, she turned to the robots. With one wing, she sent a wind scythe cutting off the legs of a robot, making it fall backward. Eva then flew right through the robots, the other robots looked at each other in confusion.
"Man, they're so lucky," Kaminari said referring to the Kirishima and Tetsutesu.
"We may be racing each other, but we can team up for now," Rin suggested as he made his arm scaly.
"She caught the robots off guard!" Urakaka squealed.
"Thinking about this morning is making my stomach sick," Izuku groaned as he put a hand over his mouth.
"EVA!" Bakugo shouted as she heard the explosions.
"Todoroki!" Eva shouted as she picked up speed, he looked back at her; he looked back forward, picking up speed.
"I figured you'd just try to blast your way through these things with your Quirk, I'm impressed, Sero commented as he swung around using his tape.
"I'll hitch a ride on my shadow," Tokoyami said as Dark Shadow got them over the robots. "Let's land!"
"Aye, aye!" Dark Shadow responded. Eva looked up they were soon getting to the second obstacle, for her, it would be easy. Her classmates were going to have to get creative. She glanced back to see Bakugo was right behind them.
"You suck!" Bakugo shouted angrily. She looked forward to seeing Todoroki stopping at the next obstacle, it was Danger Mines. Eva flew right over him, she turned back, and she saw him carefully making his way through. She sent a wind blast onto one of the dots, making it explode.
"Get down here and fight me for real!" Todoroki shouted as their classmates kept stepping on mines behind them, pink smoke was going everywhere. They heard another explosion, they looked back to see Bakugo advancing from everyone else.
"Ha, ha, ha! It's over," Bakugo laughed evilly. He shot over Eva and used his foot to push her back and down toward the ground, shooting ahead of Todoroki. "Bastard! Your declaration of war was to the wrong person!" Bakugo took the lead; Eva caught right up to the three of them. They all started to fight each other. Todoroki jumped up grabbing onto Eva, freezing her shirt, Bakugo kept up with them, taking the fight slightly in the air. Todoroki used one hand to fight off Bakugo, freezing parts of him with his one foot. Bakugo fought them both with both hands. Eva would hit Bakugo in the front with a wing, pushing him back each time, he was careful not to explode her wing. They heard a big explosion, it was powerful they looked back to see Izuku flying over their heads on a broken piece from the robots.
"Izuku!" Eva shouted as she shot forward with Todoroki still hanging on to her. "Do you mind!?" She looked down at him.
"Is this really how you can Midoriya get to school every day?" Todoroki asked as he looked down.
"Let go!" Eva said as she pulled his hand off of her, and threw him back. "Focus on the obstacle!" He immediately used ice to his advantage as he hit the ground.
"DEKU!" Bakugo shouted as he shot forward. "What the hell do you think you're doing, huh?" Three of them were neck to neck, and Izuku was falling in front of them.
"Nothing personal!" Izuku shouted as he spun forward stepping onto Todoroki and Bakugo, he had a hold of the metal part. Eva backed up as he slammed the metal part onto the ground. There was an explosion, sending the three a bit of course, as Izuku took the lead. Eva shot through the smoke, quickly recovering with Bakugo and Todoroki.
Once again Todoroki grabbed onto Eva, pulling her closer to the ground, one hand pushing him with ice, Bakugo using his explosions to push him forward. She couldn't exactly slow down, Todoroki would easily let go and get ahead. She then shot more air, then flipped forward, which didn't go as well as either of them wanted. Todoroki was caught off guard, he slammed into her, and they both went in a circle through the air. It was going to be a hard hit on the ground, and Todoroki showed no sign of letting go of her.
"The first to make it back into the stadium is the first-place winner! Izuku Midoriya is our champion!" Present Mic shouted the crowd went wild. Then Todoroki and Eva hit the ground, tumbling over each other into view. Bakugo followed right behind them. Eva landed on her back, Todoroki slammed down on top of her, and his lips hit her lips...for someone so cold...he definitely makes sure to apply chapstick. They slip a couple of feet, before coming to a stop. Todoroki slowly pushed himself off of her, his face was as red as his scar. He was making a Pikachu face, both of their faces were red. Eva and Todoroki stared at each other panting. Icy-hot looked over at Izuku. "The contestants are pouring in one after another. Let's hear some applause from all our competitors as we prepare the results! Then we can really see what went down between Shoto Todoroki and Eva Yuki!" The crowd went wild.
"Get off of me," Eva groaned.
"Right," Todoroki collected himself, and he held out a hand. "Is your wing okay?"
"I'm fine," Eva answered as she got up on her own with the use of her wings. "You put up a good fight." She then went over to Izuku.
"Deku!" Urakaka yelled running over to him. She was panting. "That was amazing!"
"Oh, thank you!" Izuku responded.
"I can't believe you got first place, I'm jealous!" Urakaka chimed.
"Uh, it was nothing!" Izuku blushed.
"You did amazing," Eva complimented.
"You did too!" Izuku said looking right at her. "What happened between you and Todoroki?"
"Uh, just some friendly competition," Eva said putting a hand over her mouth, her face turned red. They heard panting, they looked over to see Yaoyorozu coming in.
"How could this happen?" Yaoyorozu panted.
Mineta was attached to her from behind, laughing. "Two birds with one stone. I'm a genius!"
"You are the worst," Yaoyorozu hissed at him.
"The first game for the first years is finally over, what a game!" Midnight said. "Now, let's take a quick look at the standings, and replay shall we?" She was smirking, her eyes locked with Eva's eyes. Eva started to panic.
"Eva?!" Izuku exclaimed as he put a hand on her shoulder. "It's just standings and a replay!"
"No reason to panic!" Iida assured her. "I'm sure you did fine! You flew so fast!"
"I race a lot with my siblings," said Eva.
"Take me flying one day," Urakaka suggested. "It'll be fun." She patted her back.
"First place we have Izuku Midoriya. Tied for second Shoto Todoroki and Eva Yuki."
"A tie?" everyone repeated. "How the hell did that happen?" A screen showed up, they were shown a replay, of the moment Eva decided to try to flip to push Todoroki back. They saw it didn't go as well as planned, they went through the line at the same time, and they saw the aftermath... an accidental kiss. Both of them turned completely red.
"WHAT THE HELL ICY-HOT!?" Bakugo exploded. "YOU'RE DEAD!"
"Oh, wow Eva!" Urakaka exclaimed. "You gotta tell me all about it!"
"What happened to just friendly competition!?" Izuku demanded as he trembled at the approaching Bakugo.
"It was simple miscalculations" Eva groaned. 'My dad and brothers are going to kill me.'
"For a miscalculation, you did well," Iida said as he turned red; looking at the screen. "Bravo!" Eva flew in front of Bakugo, putting a wing, but he didn't proceed to go any further.
"I'm going to blast his ass," Bakugo growled.
"It was an accident! My fault at most!" Eva sweated as she waved her hands frantically. "Please, just forget about it!" He growled even more. "At least save it for the next round!" He grunted in agreeance. Midnight went on to continue the places.
3.Bakugo 4.Shiozaki 5. Honenuki 6. Iida 7. Tokoyami. 8. Sero. 9. Kirishima. 10. Tesutetsu. 11. Ojiro. 12. Awase. 13. Tsu. 14. Shoji. 15. Sato. 16. Urakaka. 17. Yaoyorozu 18. Mineta. 19. Ashido. 20. Koda. 21. Jiro. 22. Kaibara. 23. Tsuburaba. 24. Kaminari. 25. Bondo. 26. Yanagi. 27. Shinso....Aoyama ended coming in 43rd place.
"Only the top 43 will advance to the next round," Midnight announced. "But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine." She licked her lips. "Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves, into the limelight! Give it your best!" She held up her whip thing. The board went through more options for round two. "Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will your wildest life come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture?" She put her glasses on. "Prepare yourselves...for this!" The screen stopped.
"Calvary battle?" Kaminari read. "I'm terrible at those."
"Huh, it's not an individual event," Tsu recalled.
"Oh, yes," Mineta blushed creepily.
"I wonder how they'll split us up," Tsu continued.
"Allow me to explain," Midnight smiled. They watched the screen show examples. "The participants will form teams of two to four people as they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course."
"I get it, a point-based system like the entrance exams," Sato said. "That seems pretty symbol."
"So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it," Urakaka gathered.
"The points will probably be based on who finished in the obstacle."
"Uh-huh!" Ashido confirmed the two
"Maybe if you shut up and let me explain things to you!" Midnight exploded at them. "Now, then. The point assignments go up by increments of five, starting with the bottom. For example, 42nd place is worth five points, and 41st is worth ten. And the point value assigned to the first-place contestant is...ten million!"
"Ten million?" Izuku sweated in complete fear as his classmates looked at him with pure intent to take him down.
"Really," Shinso breathed.
"In other words, if you take down his team," Hatsume said.
"You'll win the Cavalry Game and take the lead for yourself," Everyone gathered.
"That's right," Midnight smiled. "It's survival for the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!"
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