Chapter 63
A new day had come, Eva woke up on the balcony, next to Katsuki he was wide awake staring at the clouds.
"Did you sleep okay?" asked Katsuki as Eva sat up. "Haven't slept that well since you disappeared."
"I'm sorry," said Eva looking forward.
Katsuki put a hand on her head. "Don't apologize for something that's not your fault." He ruffled her hair. "You are my best friend it is my sole duty to worry about you." She looked at him, he was already looking at her. "Are you sure you want to fight?"
"Positive," answered Eva looking at the clouds, she then looked at him, tears welling up in her eyes. "I've missed you so much." She hugged him tightly.
"Not as much as I missed you," said Katsuki hugging her tighter. "And don't even think about arguing with me on it." Minutes later he left to get ready for the day. Eva was sitting on her bed, staring at her warmer hero suit, her other one was probably torn and burned up. There was a knock at the door, it opened before she could even have a chance to respond.
"Yuki," greeted Ashido as she closed the door. "Good thing that suit is still intact."
"The thought of putting it on makes me feel like a fraud," said Eva as Ashido sat next to her.
"I don't think that," said Ashido as she took the suit. "None of us do." Eva looked at her. "It was shocking to hear and tots a lot to process. You were just doing what you thought best in the situation."
Eva shook her head. "I should have been more responsible, no matter my situation." She looked back at her suit. "I was thought with my heart."
"There is no crime in that," said Ashido.
"I supposed not," said Eva looking at her. "Though...still."
"I think you are a bigger person than me," said Ashido. "If I was in your position, I would have done everything to get out of that place or keep my distance. Instead, you choose to try to understand them, get to know them, treat them as people instead of just villains." Eva looked at her. "You always seem to do that; with everyone we've come across."
"I think that is just being curious about humans," said Eva smiling a little. "Hero, villains, anyone."
"In terms of villains, I think suppose that comes from your past, treating people how you wished to be treated," said Ashido taking Eva's hand.
"That is true," admitted Eva looking forward. "The same issue happens with heroes, people tend to forget that they are people, not gods."
"Urakaka said something similar the day we brought Izuku back," said Ashido. "Yet, I feel nothing but anger at who killed Ms. Midnight." She clenched her fist.
"That is perfectly normal," said Eva. "I am angry towards that person as well. There's a chance the killer will be at the final fight."
"I figured that much," said Ashido. "I'm not sure what I'll do if I see them." Eva put her hand on top of Ashido's hand, the two girls looked at each other.
"I trust you'll do what you see best," said Eva, this caused Ashido to smile at her.
"Time to go down," said Ashido. "Everyone is waiting." Eva made a face. "You cleared out the dirty laundry, it will get better." Eva nodded.
"Ashido," began Eva, she then pulled her into a hug, and Ashido happily hugged back with a squeal. "I love you."
"I love you too!" squealed Ashido as she hugged tighter. Soon the two girls joined everyone down for breakfast, and once again Eva noticed Aoyama was off.
"Eva!" greeted Urakaka looking over. "You must be wanting some milk."
"Not really," denied Eva as she waved her hands. "It's all I drank in the cave besides water." She tilted her head. "Well, a honey and milk combo." Katsuki held out a cup of mango juice.
"Use this short time to recover," said Katsuki putting a hand on her head as Eva took the drink. "You are already as strong as there is."
"Thank you for the juice," said Eva.
"Yeah," nodded Kirishima. "You are a strong variable." Eva smiled a little. "I'm sure you've heard that a lot."
"From the villains too," said Eva as she sat at a table.
"No surprise there," said Ashido. "So, Tokoyami told us you contacted him through a mirror and dream."
"Yeah," said Eva scratching the back of her head. "I figured he would freak out the least."
"No surprise there," said Ashido. "Did anything good come out of the cave?"
"I am better on my feet," answered Eva looking at her. "My wings were bound about the entire time until I had Taiko possessed Toya to undo it."
"Taiko?" asked Tsu. "Another villain." Eva shook her head. "Another prisoner?"
"Used to be," answered Eva. "I indirectly killed him."
"They fed your energy to him," gathered Tokoyami.
"That is not your fault," said Katsuki putting a hand on her head, ruffling her hair
"So was Taiko a ghost?" asked Koda. Eva nodded; this alarmed Shoto a bit.
"That is a bit freaky," said Yaoyorozu putting her hands together. "I am glad they decided to help."
"Ghosts didn't need a quirk or anything to do that?" asked Sato.
"Of course not," denied Eva looking at them. "They had to go to the oldest ghost in the cave and learn how to possess someone, otherwise they would have never been able to pass under the horseshoes."
"Clever," said Jiro. "Asking for help from a ghost would have never been my first thought, but it's wicked." Deku then came down, they all looked at him and smiled. Soon, they were all putting their last touches on for the hero suit before heading out to do some training right outside their dorm building.
"Izuku," said Eva in a low voice walking over to him, he looked at her. "Is Aoyama alright?"
"I noticed too," said Izuku.
Over at the police department, they were being updated about Stars and Stripes by the American force.
"Cassie," breathed All Might squeezing his fists. "I should've been there."
"Star left more than just bravery behind," said Ethan holding up a hard drive. "The X-66s arrived in recorded every bit of info we could gather during the fight with Tomura Shigaraki. That includes data on his biological responses and analysis of each Quirk he exhibited. It's all yours. I have no doubt that this'll help take that monster down. Surely your people are researching him. Maybe this'll answer some questions." All Might looked at Tsukauchi, and they nodded. There was a knock at the door, everyone looked over. "Are you expecting someone?"
They all looked at each other as the door opened revealing a tall muscular man with shoulder-length orange hair and a stubby beard. He wore a dark orange shawl with a cross-chest belt underneath and long dark brown pants that got tucked into boots, he had markings similar to Adella and Sora. Next to him stood a woman with purple hair similar to Eva Yuki's and dark purple eyes, two horns on her head pointing upwards. She wore a dark green shirt underneath a bronze chest plate, and dark brown pants underneath a dark green skirt that went to her knees.
"Pardon us," said the man holding up a smile. "We are friends, not foes." He looked around the room. "We are Eva Yuki's family members; my daughter Addie and Great Pa Yakumi told us—"
"The fairy's family," said Ethan. "Welcome, we have been expecting you." They both nodded.
"Can you tell us who you are first?" asked Tsukauchi.
"I'm Eva's Grandpa Duckie, and this is her Aunt Reina, also Sora's sister," answered Grandpa Duckie. "Great Pa Go will be here shortly."
"Please let us be the use of outside help," said Reina eyeing the men. "We have a few others from the village that wish to help if that is all right."
"In times like this, we need help," assured All Might. Reina looked back and nodded, she got pushed to the side revealing a woman with silver hair pulled back in a bow and blue eyes that had markings underneath and pale wings. She had long dark brown pants and a dark blue leafy crop top, next to her appeared another face. A young man with dark orange hair gold eyes, and red rings. He was shirtless making sure all his markings showed and now shoes. He wore loose pants where the top was a light brown and the bottom was a dark brown, with bark lining. He wore a sash around his waist. All the people looked at with smiles of hope due to the fae showing up to help.
Eva was sitting at one of the tables wrapping up her legs when All Might came to tell them that they had more time. She was shown a video of the fight between Shigaraki and the Stars and Stripes, she grew concerned for everyone else and Shigaraki, it was clear he was not sure who he was a majority of the time. She noted that the suit he wore was one she picked out.
In the cave, Shigaraki pulled on a pair of dress pants, he helped up in his arms in front of Eva and spun slowly as directed.
"They look too tight," said Eva, she was sitting on one of the giant rocks.
"They feel too tight," said Shigaraki looking down, he bent down. "Can't move well---"
"Wear underwear," instructed Eva. "Protect the jewels."
"Yes ma'am," said Shigaraki with a smile looking at her. He then took off the pants, and moved to a size up, adding underwear with it, he spun again as Eva walked over, she stuck two fingers in between his undies and skin. She looked down. "What?"
"Your ankles are showing," said Eva.
"These will do, they will get torn anyways," said Shigaraki, Eva looked back at him as he grabbed a white button-up shirt.
"Let me do it!" insisted Eva as he put the shirt on. Shigaraki let his hands on as Eva took over buttoning up the shirt. "Your pants are getting tighter."
"I'm aware," breathed Shigaraki as he felt his face getting hot, she stopped buttoning the shirt. "It's not done."
"It's too small," said Eva. "You don't have a twink body anymore."
"What did you call it?" asked Shigaraki taken back.
"You gained muscle," explained Eva looking at him with a smile, Shigaraki rolled his eyes planting a kiss. They moved a shirt up, Eva got it buttoned up, and after five seconds, a button popped, shooting across the room. Eva pulled on her hospital gown to cool down. Shigaraki went to open his mouth while peeking down her gown. "Size up." He smirked and did as told, this time it fit with no problems. Now, Eva putting the tie on him.
"Eva," said Shigaraki putting a finger under her chin.
"Let's complete this first," said Eva giving him a quick kiss. "Looks like you're getting ready for a business meeting or a real fancy date."
Shigaraki blushed. "I like the last part more." Soon, the blazer was tried on, they had no problems with it. Eva took a step back observing him. "Well?"
"Looks nice," said Eva. "The cape will be fine with it."
Shigaraki nodded, not bothering to reach the cape. Eva put a hand on his tie. "What?"
"You know what," said Eva pulling on his tie. Shigaraki smiled putting his hands on her hips as Eva undid the blazer. Their lips crashed together, as Eva started to undo the zipper on the pants.
****Flashback over****
"An extension?" asked Katsuki.
"The American pilots were able to extract some very enlightening data during their battle," explained All Might. "We've confirmed that Shigaraki's body was expected to be at 100 percent tomorrow. But thanks to Stars and Stripe, he won't be on his feet for a least a week." He glanced at Eva who was simply listening like everyone else, she had slight concern in her eyes due to the news, there was also slight anger, and he could tell that it was directed toward All For One. All Might he looked back at everyone else. "This is her parting gift to us. A strategic delay."
"Her sacrifice bought us more time to plan," said Izuku.
"When Shigaraki stole New Order, it burned through his body like poison, just as bad as fairy blood," explained All Might. "We don't know how many Quirks he had stockpiled. But we believe a good number of them were destroyed by Star's attack."
"Which means we should go after him," said Jiro. "Yuki has incredible sensory abilities, she can feel other people's energy, and with her help, we can find them quickly."
"It's likely the best chance we'll ever get," said Yaoyorozu.
"I agree," said All Might. "We have to make the most of this unexpected delay. Shigaraki and All For One must be defeated. We still have teams working on civilian evacuation, but every hero not on search and rescue is looking for Shigaraki and the league. I hate to ask this of you Young Yuki, but do you know where the hideout is."
"Not exactly," denied Eva shaking her head. "I know there was a waterfall nearby. I'm sorry I should have taken better note of my surroundings when I left."
"Don't be too hard on yourself about it," said Katsuki. "You already gave us a lot of information about them."
"This extension will give you more time to recover and get stronger," added Izuku looking at her.
Eva looked at All Might. "It is as Jiro said, I can pick up their energy and scents in terms of helping to look."
All Might nodded. "This set All For One back, but there's no telling what his next move will be. His response can be brutal. Whether we find them or they show themselves, this will lead to an all-out war. Consider our foes. There's Shigaraki. Injured, but still capable of mass destruction. All For One, who plots from the shadows. Dabi, the resentful madman whose flames rival Endeavor's. Himiko Toga, a girl who loves to toy with us. At least six Near High Ends, and some remaining Nomu. The members of the Liberation Front who evaded capture. The escape convicts who continue to sow seeds of chaos at All For One's request."
"And likely, enemies we don't know about," said Shoji.
"Yes," confirmed All Might. "There will be more. Meanwhile, our odds look bleak. The numbers of heroes we have ready to deploy has been cut in half. I know that Star just died in the line of duty. But in order for you to protect yourselves and those you want to protect throughout the world, you need to use this extension to become as strong as you possible can."
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE'VE BEEN DOING?" exploded Katsuki, All Might grunted.
"You may not've noticed since you and Deku were off campus so much," began Urakaka.
"And even when you were here, your visits were brief," pointed out Iida.
"This goes for you too, Yuki," said Tokoyami looking over at her.
Ojiro finished putting on his costume. "Ever since we fought in Gunga and Jaku, we've been training intensively." Mineta stuck the yellow stick in the front of his hair. "Just like the Pussycats have taught us too. As much as we can in the dorms, anyway."
"We intend to stand side-by-side with Midoriya," declared Tokoyami. "We'll keep fighting until Shigaraki and the others are defeated."
"No mercy," pouted Ashido with her arms crossed.
"When we're done here, Kacchan and the others said they'd spar with me," said Izuku with a slight smile, Kacchan became ticked. "With their help, I'll complete One for All---"
"WHAT!?" roared Katsuki as he got in front of Izuku making him scream. "I didn't say that, ya damn nerd! Did those jailbreakers pop your eardrums?"
"Not this again!" pleaded Sato, Eva simply smiled.
Katsuki looked at his hand. "Well. I guess I do wanna see how my new Cluster move works on you."
"He's definitely more himself with Yuki back," said Ojiro as he sweated a bit.
Katsuki clenched his fist looking at All Might, as Izuku was knocked out of it. "If it can take on One For All, I'll be that much closer to obliterating Shigaraki and All For One."
"We'll keep training," said Shoto as he looked at his hand.
"Anyone wanna beat me up?" asked Kirishima. "I'm so down!"
"Aren't you getting tired of being everybody's punching bag?" asked Sero.
"How else am I supposed to make sure I'm getting harder?" asked Kirishima.
"We must carry on Star's legacy," urged Iida.
"Losing that hottie is so sad," gloomed Mineta.
"Have some respect," pleaded Ojiro.
"Mhmm," added Eva, they all talked with each other as All Might watched with pure admiration. He was proud of Class 1-A and knew All For One had made a mistake when underestimating them.
"I do have some more good news," said All Might, they all looked at him. "Some of Young Yuki's family and members from her village will be lending a hand to help in a fight." Everyone looked at each other happily as Eva was unsure.
"You don't seem excited Eva," said Izuku touching her shoulder.
"I'm curious who," admitted Eva looking at him. "They can be a bit...tense."
"I remember," said Izuku with a smile. "You act like I have never met Kozu, Dios, or Gino." Eva smiled at him.
"We were given the pleasure of meeting your problems while you were gone," said Hagakure.
"When do we get to meet the others?" asked Urakaka.
"Are they friendly?" asked Tsu.
Eva nodded. "For the most part."
"Some were wondering if they could come in after I talked to you all," said All Might putting a hand behind his head.
Eva smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry if they were in any trouble." All Might shook his head in disagreement, he then went and opened the door and nodded. In flew in a total of 3 people, it was two cousins from her mom's side, and a friend her age.
Starting with the oldest Yuri at 25 from her mom's side. Yuri was about the same size as Izuku, had dark tan skin, short black hair that spiked upward, and narrow golden eyes with a red sclera. He wore dark brown pants and a dark brown pelerine cape that covered his chest, which was held with straps that made an 'X' across his chest, on his back was a trident, and on his back was another staff with a giant ring on the end. Most of his markings were visible, along the limbs, stomach, and back. All fairies had a particular natural element they were designated to upon birth, it came from within the family or at random, depending on the ceremony, which happened three months after a fae was born, Yuri's element is lightning, he had four other brothers and was considered one of the strongest among the family, in terms of cousins.
Next Cousin Izumi at the age of 17, also from her mom's side. He had flat black hair and black eyes, he wore a black jumpsuit. The top half split open in a 'V' shape down to a green leafy belt around the middle. They could barely see the markings that appeared on his torso, he had a couple of scars and wore black sandals. He had two elements, which were not rare among the fae: earth and darkness. He has two other brothers and one sister.
Then there was a dark orange-haired guy who was talking with the detective and Stars and Stripes group, Monty, the same age as Eva. His sole element was fire. If Monty was fighting then that meant two others from her village were joining as well Corpse and Didi.
Eva's cousins looked over at them and lit up seeing Eva, they started to make their way over.
Yuri put out his staff in front of the others. "Remember no running in the—" He looks back at All Might.
"Halls," said All Might with a smile, Yuri looked back at the others.
"No running in the halls."
Izumi looked over at Izuku and went over to him first. " It's been a long time Zuku. You've grown a bit."
"A whole lot!" corrected Izuku as he made two fists. "Does your brother not want to come?"
"He loves fighting," recalled Katsuki as he eyed Monty.
"They lost in rounds of rock paper scissors," answered Yuri.
"Other members of our village will help to look after the evacuees and possibly with your fight," informed Yuri, as he walked up to Iida. "You must be Ingenium, the class representative." Iida gasped and glanced at Eva. "My cousin speaks highly of all of you in great detail, that I am certain who is who." The whole class beamed.
"She calls you all by your hero names with us," informed Izumi as he went over to Eva. "So, we will be calling you by that."
"How about you introduce yourselves?" asked Iida. "Then we get on with training with each other."
"Tea afterward," urged Yaoyorozu as she put her hands together. "It will give us a wonderful opportunity to bond." The other two looked at Yuri who was putting his staff back in its place.
"Perhaps we will be more friendly with each other tomorrow," agreed Yuri closing his eyes. "Today is just a greeting call. "My name is Yuri, I am Eva's oldest cousin out of our generation, back home I manage storm clouds and a general for when we have conflicts."
"Wow," breathed Kirishima. "I never thought of conflicts Yuki may have going on in her home." He looked at her. "Are there any right now?"
"It's the same here as it is there," answered Eva. "Though it is more kingdoms vs kingdoms rather than versus individuals."
"Revelry in the dark," commented Tokoyami as Dark Shadow came out, this made Izumi go over automatically. Scratching Dark Shadow underneath his chin and petting the top.
"Me next," said Izumi raising his hand. "My name is Izumi, I am also Eva's cousin and I am a night watcher. I make sure things that happen at night go smoothly." He looked over at the rest of Eva's class. "For example, ensuring all lighting bugs bulbs are working, stuff like that."
"You're not scared at all?" asked Tokoyami.
"Is there a reason I should be?" asked Izumi looking over at him. "I enjoy the nightlife." Tokoyami nodded with respect.
"I'm Monty," greeted the last one, he was getting close to Koda, who was shy as usual. "I am from the village, the same age as Eva, a friend of hers, we did school together back home. Back home I am a dragon keeper."
"Dragon Keeper!" yelped Kaminari. "Not Ryukyu?"
"The hero, correct?" asked Izumi looking at Urakaka and Tsu. "Cousin tells me you ladies are students under her." Both girls nodded rapidly as Monty went over to Eva, he touched her antenna and poked her cheek. Katsuki was amused to see she was a bit annoyed but happy to see her friend.
"What sort of dragons to do you keeper?" asked Sero.
Monty smiled. "I help protect them, but also watch over their growth."
"I did not realize how much goes on," admitted Iida. "I am truly intrigued with all that goes on." He looked at Eva. "We were about to go out to do training, are you sure you do not want to join?"
"We have ordeals to sort back home, we will stop by tomorrow," said Yuri as he turned to him. "Then, we become familiar with each other's dance steps." He held out a hand toward Iida, and the class rep shook it. "Thank you for letting us meet all of you."
"It is our pleasure," said Yaoyorozu as the class all bowed respectfully. As soon as they left, Class 1-A set out to do some training.
"Fly my birds!" ordered Koda, many pigeons did as he commanded.
"You're too slow!" shouted Sero as he whipped out some tape.
"Black Abyss!" shouted Tokoyami as he dodged the tape with Dark Shadow.
"Go harder!" shouted Kirishima activating his quirk. Sato growled after eating some ice cubes.
"Octoblow!" exclaimed Shoji.
"Twirling Tail Dance!" shouted Ojiro as he spun. He, Shoji, and Sato all struck Kirishima repeatedly.
"Ready, Chargebolt?" asked Yaoyorozu as she stood up.
"This one's gonna sting!" declared Kaminari holding up wires, he started to electrify. "Yuki!"
"Oi!" Eva responded as she activated her quirk, it came out of four wings spinning into one tornado, just going above Kaminari and catching some of his shock, creating a giant tornado of electric shock.
"Balls, balls, balls, balls, balls, ball, balls!" shouted Mineta as he threw his purple balls. Every single one of them got coated in acid from Ashido.
"Let's take it from the top!" instructed Ashido with a smile, Jiro stood next to her ready for the next round of Mineta's attacks
"Quick, Froppy!" cried Urakaka who was floating along with the rocks she touched.
"Uravity!" yelled Tsu as she whipped out her tongue.
"Meteor..." began Urakaka as she put her hands together.
"Fafrotskies!" finished Tsu as they dropped rocks in an assorted line, which Iida was out running. Izuku on the other hand was training with Katsuki who just dodged blackwhip.
"C'mon!" shouted Katsuki after shooting a few small blasts, Deku jumped up to continue the fight. "YOU'RE DEAD!" he blasted back as Izuku got caught in the attack.
"That was amazing, Katsuki!" exclaimed Eva as she flew over to him.
Katsuki was now on the ground covered in sweat, he looked at her with a tired smile. He was still getting used to seeing her again, he knew she was his weak spot and he was proud of it. "I stored up my power and then fired. Endeavor taught me that. And I'm not talking a single detonation. My improved Cluster attack comes from me flinging around beads of sweat, then exploding them together. That upgrade's just the beginning. I'm leveling up all my moves, which means I've gotta start sweating a lot more."
Izuku sat up, his hair was puffed from the explosion. "Oh. That's why you're wearing your winter suit."
"Overheating eats up my stamina, though," admitted Katsuki as he looked at his hands. "It's one or the other." Izuku looked back at the others.
"Everyone is improving," said Izuku, he looked at Todoroki. "There's definitely something different about Todoroki." Eva looked over to see him standing with hands and feet together, he was using both sides at the same time.
"I think I'm starting to get the hang of this," said Shoto without losing focus. He then let out a cough, which ended the training. "My fire and ice, working in harmony."
They then all took a short break, Kaminari was on a park bench drinking water, and Mineta sat next to him pulling out purple balls.
"I know All Might said this'd be a total war or whatever, but—" began Kaminari.
"Huh?" asked Mineta looking at him.
"The way I see it, the two big bads are, like, super vulnerable now," said Kaminari. "Especially since Gigantomachia's taking a long prison nap."
"That's only because he responds to the big bad's voices," said Eva as she plopped in front of them. "He will be awakened once the two big bad make a move."
"Still, I bet we can take All For One and the League down easy when we find them," said Kaminari looking at her.
"You forgot three things, idiot," said Katsuki as he walked over.
"What? Wait, three?" asked Kaminari as they looked at Katsuki. "Really?"
Katsuki held up one finger. "First, we probably won't be able to find them. Think about it. We located the Nomu hangar, Shigaraki's hideout, and the research lab, sure. But since All Might defeated All For One, we haven't been able to track down the boss-man himself." He put a hand on Eva's shoulder. "They'll probably use some cheap trick to throw her senses off from finding it. He's the best there is at going underground. Damn nut-sack face."
"Cursed mental image," commented Jiro.
"But it's accurate," said Eva as she crossed her arms.
"Our second problem," said Yaoyorozu as she held up two fingers. "We faced an incomplete Shigaraki last time, so his true power is unknown quantity."
"We don't know how much Stars and Stripe was able to destroy," said Eva. "I don't even think Shigaraki himself knows what he has."
"That's a problem right there," said Katsuki with a nod.
"And don't forget, we've lost half our numbers since then," added Yaoyorozu. "At this point, we may be no match for him."
"Cousin Yuri always says that it is not always about the amount of the numbers one has, but the strength in unity," said Eva.
"Third thing," said Katsuki. "They're the ones who get to decide when and where we face each other. All For one stole Ragdoll's 'Search' ability. So, he can spot Quirks from basically anywhere. With any luck, New Order ate that power up but we're still at a disadvantage." Izuku joined the group. "Now do you get why we're tapping every possible hero and resource?" This made Kaminari whine a bit.
"This is why our next move is vital," said Izuku. "I have to force Shigaraki out in the open, and fast. To do that, I need to hurry—" He got cut off by Iida chopping down on his hair.
"You do mean, 'we', don't you?" asked Iida, this made Izuku gasp and look back
"Seriously, Midoriya!" chimed Kirishima. Izuku looked at all of class 1-A, and Eva's cousins, and he noticed that Hagakure and Aoyama were missing.
"Of course," said Izuku as he fixed his hair a bit. "By the way, I wanted to get your opinion." He looked around at all of them. "I know stepped out with Eva for a bit yesterday, but is it cool for me to walk around?"
"That should be fine for now," confirmed Iida, they both looked at Urakaka and Tsu. "With Urakaka's speech fresh on everyone's minds. The hero course students and evacuees are getting along fairly well." Tsu looked at Urakaka who turned away blushing a bit.
Kaminari stared at the water bottle in his hands. "It's just isn't fair. Seems like every time we think we've got All For One on the ropes, he gets the last laugh." Everyone went back to some training as Izuku took a step out. Eva was using her quirk continuously to keep herself off the ground rather than use her wings to fly.
"Guys!" shouted Hagakure in a trembling voice. They all looked at each other, and soon enough all of them but Eva's cousins stood in a classroom, all learning that Aoyama was the traitor at the school.
'If he doesn't get expelled, I'm definitely not getting expelled,' Eva thought to herself, she closed her eyes. 'Not the time to be thinking like that.' She opened her eyes placing them back on Aoyama who sat in the middle of his parents, all three tied to a chair. 'That must explain why he has been off.' Eva then thought back to her information being leaked, about being sensitive to silver, all of that.
"Let's get this straight," began Tsukauchi. "He must have received the Quirk from All For One about ten years ago. Since that point, he and his family have been forced to act as pawns against their will. Physically, he seems fine. At least, he wasn't rigged to self-destruct. In the same way, Nagant was."
"I never thought it would be a student," said Present Mic in a low voice.
Principal Nezu looked back at the rest of Class A. "I'm sorry, but I must ask you kids to give us the room."
"I'm sorry, we will decline your request," said Eva as she stood next to Katsuki. A bit over, Ashido clung to Jiro in tears.
"Like we'd walk away from this," added Todoroki.
"It doesn't make any sense," said Kaminari.
"If Hagakure hadn't stumbled on you today, what would you have done next for him?" asked Ojiro as Hagakure held on to him.
"I don't believe it," said Yaoyorozu in a trembling voice.
"Yeah, man!" exclaimed Kirishima. "Say it isn't true!"
"Did he brainwash you or something?" asked Mineta. "You must not've known what you were doing."
"Two heroes course students born Quirk less," stated Katsuki. "Who'd have thought?"
"We're still trying to restore a state of order, so it's imperative you start talking," instructed Tsukauchi. "Tell us what you've learned about All For One. Don't leave out a single detail out."
"We don't know anything useful," answered Mr. Aoyama. "That's the truth, I swear. We did whatever we were told. If we didn't, he would kill us. If we lied to him, he would kill us. Our choice was life or death."
"He threatened you?" asked Tsukauchi.
"It wasn't just a threat," denied Mr. Aoyama. "He showed us what happened to those who didn't follow his wishes. Anybody who ran to the police who was murdered soon after betraying him. He was behind the Mespilus Massacre cause someone turned to the fair kind. Fae named Pip and Jun in particular." Jun...that was one of Eva's dad's brothers. "In return, he killed them with the help of heroes and villains and attempted to wipe out that entire group of fae; a lot were from were affiliated with the Moonbloom and Yuki clans. There were about 275 in that forest due to a blood moon happening, a tradition that they have with it, and miraculously, 75 of them survived. We had no idea our son would be in the same class as one of the survivors from that night." The class glanced at Eva, and then back at the Aoyama family. Katsuki put a hand on her shoulder. " During that, he succeeded in the need to create a greater distrust between the fae and heroes." Eva gasped as her eyes widened. "There wasn't a way out. No matter where you go, he will find you. You will die. It is an inevitable fact. Our son never knew the particulars of what he planned to do. All For One only told him to lay low and avoid suspicion. We're to blame, not Yuga."
"My classmates," breathed Aoyama, Iida gasped a bit. "All of you could have died because of me. And yet, I smiled and laughed like we were friends. Because I wanted us to be. When I found out Midoriya used to be Quirk less like me, and then he knew he'd have to stand against All For heart ached at how miserable my life was. I was disgusted with myself...but wallowed in my own misery instead of worrying about him. I'm rotten to the core. There's no denying it. If you want to know the truth, it's that I'm a villain through and through."
"I don't believe you!" shouted Izuku as he looked at the ground. "Why did you try to save Kacchan, Eva, and Tokoyami at the training camp, huh?" Aoyama gasped. "What about the message for me? Is that something All For One told you to do, too? Of course not! That night was a desperate cry for help. And it totally went over my head. I mean...look at you." Aoyama was sobbing. "You're bawling right now, crying all over yourself. But it's obviously not because you failed to do what All For One wanted. I know a hero who didn't give him everything, either. He used her, but she stayed true to herself. To her heart. The problem was, he'd crushed her spirit. "
"Young Midoriya," breathed All Might.
"Making mistakes or committing a crime doesn't mean you have to be a villain forever." He held out his free hand. "So, I want you to take my hand. Right now." Izuku was staring right at Aoyama, tears in his eyes. "Because I promise you, you can still be a hero!"
"Not so fast, Midoriya," denied Tsukauchi. "Sansa, gag the kid. We're taking him in. Save the hand-holding for later. It's a tough situation. But it doesn't erase the fact that he helped All For One. Besides, we're only assuming he's safe because he hasn't exploded. We can't say for sure that what happened to Nagant won't happen to him. We shouldn't let him speak another word until we can get him checked out and cleared at Central Hospital." Aoyama now had something over his mouth, Izuku looked away from the detective in more tears. "Mr. and Mrs. Aoyama. One last thing. Why didn't you tell All For One we planned to attack Camino?"
"We have no way of reaching out to him ourselves," answered Aoyama. "He is in control of that, too. We have to wait for him to get in touch with us. And each time, the contact information is different."
"So, if you were ever caught, you'd be useless to us," said Tsukauchi. Of course."
"Detective," breathed Izuku, they all looked at him. "We still have no idea where All For One is. But think. The board has changed."
Kaminari gasped, recalling the conversation from earlier. "Wait, hold up. Do we now have a way of forcing them to fight on our terms?" Everyone gasped.
"He's right!" exclaimed Mineta.
"It's genius," stated Eva.
"When you look at it that way, he's given us the upper hand!" added Yaoyorozu. "It's possible that Aoyama is the only person in the world with the power to trick All For One!" Izuku nodded at his classmates with tears in his eyes, then looked at the others.
"Aoyama," breathed Izuku. "I'll say it one more time. I promise you. You too, can be a hero"
"We should look at this as a new advantage," said Yaoyorozu. "Given the state of affairs. Aoyama's the only person we know who can trick All For One!"
"He will be vital for what is to come," added Eva backing up Yaoyorozu.
Aoyama gasped looking up at his class, tears filled his eyes.
"Hey, guys," said Present Mic putting his arms up. "Maybe you should hit pause for a second and think this through." He looked back at Aoyama. "A crime is a crime. I hate to point this out, but you know, you're the ones who were hurt most by his actions. Do you really want to trust an admitted traitor?"
"Completely," said Eva as Iida walked forward.
"We can put his actions in the past. Besides, none of us noticed how tortured he was, so we have to take some responsibility, too.," said Iida.
"We failed him as classmates," said Eva.
"And he's sitting in front of us weeping like the epitome of despair," said Iida. "That's why we're holding out a hand to him. Because we're friends. We care. And we want to redeem him." Izuku wiped his eyes. "If he wants us to be equals again, he'll have to accept our help and stand with us."
"I'm not forgetting what I went through after the training camp," growled Katsuki, Eva smiled slightly and put a hand on his shoulder. Katsuki had his palm up, it was sparking a lot. "I think five Howitzer blasts'll make up for that, though."
"Don't you think that's an extreme response?" asked Sero in a concern.
"A light one in terms of Katsuki," said Eva looking at him.
"Iida's right," said Kirishima clutching a fist with tears in his eyes. "Aoyama only went along with All For One's orders because there was no way he could beat him. Now we have a shot. Plus, he told his parents he wanted to stop, didn't he?" He looked back at Aoyama. "And, Aoyama, you gotta remember. No one cared that Midoriya was born Quirkless. We didn't turn on him, even though he was hiding his tears from us just like you. You were there when we went after him. We told him we'd help him and we'd share his responsibilities. We said, from now on, he wouldn't have to face anything alone. Aoyama! Meddling when you don't have to is the essence of being a hero! You're still one of us!" All the other students started to chirp.
"Everybody calm down!" urged Tsukauchi. "There are still protocols we have to follow. And right now we need these three to fully cooperate with our investigation. They've said All For One won't fall for any lies. As you heard earlier, any dishonesty will be met with violence. I understand how you must be feeling. But we can't be rash."
The screen changed, and Aizawa joined the chat. "Midoriya. You suggested we could lure out All For One." The screen changed so they could see him. "I don't suppose that you have an actual plan."
"Not yet. Nothing solid."
"Right," breathed Aizawa. "That's what I expected. Detective? As Class A's homeroom teacher, I also bear the blame for what's happened. And I feel the same way as my students do."
"You're kidding!" exclaimed Present Mic, Eva looked at him, she had never heard his voice so calm before.
"Aoyama," said Aizawa. "You can rest assured." Aoyama stared at the screen. "I have no intention of expelling you from UA." Aoyama gasped as he sat up. "I know my students well, and I see a way forward."
"You have a plan?" asked Izuku.
"Before I start, can you make absolutely sure that the Aoyamas won't be able to hear what I have to say?" requested Aizawa.
"Sure," nodded Tsukauchi. "You've got it."
"Another thing, I want another fae in the room," said Aizawa mainly looking at Eva and she nodded. They took the time to get the Aoyama's eyes completely covered and Eva grabbed her village leader. It was great to be able to step into the Otherworld again, she started to feel more herself. Of course, due to rules, Eva had to change into fae clothes, she wore a dress made out of bluebell flower petals, covered her chest, and had loose short sleeves that went to her biceps. The top was divided from the skirt with a brown belt, the skirt fell to her knees, and her normal shoes. Eva quickly searched for the person she was looking for, the person was walking with an elk with an incredible rack and a man with long blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a long bronze cloak and had a floral crown on his head. The man she was looking for had long dark brown hair with part the top part tied into a knot, amber-gold eyes, and silver wings. He had a dark brown vest with light yellow embroidering that covered his chest, his arms and face had markings, he had dark brown pants that went down to his ankles, and feet wear that left his heel and toes open.
"Eva," greeted the man looking over. "I am glad to see you are doing well."
"Greetings Lord Corpse," greeted Eva bowing her head a bit, her eyes shifted to the other. "I apologize I don't know who you are."
"This is Xavious," informed Lord Corpse as Eva walked over to them. "He is the prince from our sister village."
"Nice to meet you," greeted Xavious. Eva nodded.
"Lord Corpse may I borrow your time," asked Eva. "It's about something with Monty." Lord Corpse and Prince Xavious nodded and parted. Eva then brought him back to the classroom.
"Good," said Tsukauchi acknowledging they had come back. "Has he been caught up to speed?" Eva nodded. "And he is?" Eva's classmates eyed her, always amazed by her fae clothes, they knew the rules for when she went home.
"Lord Corpse," answered Eva. "He is my village leader."
Aizawa then began to tell them the plan. "Here's what I propose we do." They all listened to what he had to say, and soon Eva and her class saw Aoyama being taken away as the adults stayed back in the room to talk with Aizawa more.
"I understand," said Principal Nezu. We'll need to examine each location thoroughly. But if the elements fall into place, this could work"
"I can get my people to help with that," said Lord Corpse.
"That would be greatly appreciated," nodded Principal Nezu.
"Yes," nodded All Might with his hand on his chin. "Success will depend on him, though."
"We only have a week if we want to use our advantage," said Aizawa. "We can't just sit on our hands."
Tsukauchi put a hand to his mouth. "It's a plan worth considering." He looked at the others. "I'll take this back to hq and start hashing out the particulars. Obviously the only people at UA who should know anything about this are those in the room with us."
Out in the hall, Izuku stepped forward.
"This will be okay!" assured Izuku. Aoyama glanced back for a second before he continued to walk with his head down. After that, they all went back to the dorm, Eva was sitting at one of the tables, and Katsuki walking through with a bag of trash.
"We should make sure we're prepped," said Kirishima.
"Agreed," said Shoji.
"I need to do something about my costume," said Iida. "It's basically unwearable at this point."
"Yeah mine, too," said Izuku.
"This isn't the time to stop training," said Yaoyrozu. "We can still improve our Quirks."
" Def," agreed Jiro.
"Guys," breathed Hagakure, they looked at her. "Let's make sure we beat them!"
"Yeah!" everyone agreed. Eva ended up going down to the support course with Izuku and Iida, she lost all her support items. Izuku reached for the door and it blasted open, Eva just grabbed onto Iida's arm who seemed to be having a déjà vu moment.
"Ugh!" groaned Hatsume. "Ouchies!" The door fell over as the smoke began to clear. "That hurt." She looked down to see Izuku who wasn't pleased, her breasts were on his face, Eva had flashbacks to the cave with Shigaraki and Toya and grew red.
"Oh, wow, it's been a minute, Midoriya!" greeted Hatsume cheerfully. "How's it going?" Eva put her hand over Iida's eyes who were gasping a lot.
"Sorry about the door," said Hastume once she got off Izuku. She brushed the dust off her skirt. "Did you three need something? Always happy to hear your equipment requests." Izuku was standing off, hiding behind his hand as his face was dark red and steaming.
"Please maintain your composure!" Iida ordered Izuku as he lowered Eva's hand. "Anyway, hello again, Hatsume. We stopped by because we're hoping you have spare time to work on our costumes."
Hatsume tilted her head in confusion. "Hm? Why not ask the item agency, since they usually handle those kinda repairs?"
Iida tilted his head in the same manner. "Well...You see, the agency is basically defunct." He used his hand like a robot, Eva smiled a bit, she really missed his robotic movements. "Much like every other business." He fixed his glasses. "The support course is our only real option."
"Oh!" breathed Hatsume. "Not cool! That sounds like a major pain."
"Uh!" jumped Iida.
"Ah?" responded Hatsume, she blinked a bit.
Power loader started coughing, signaling he was approaching the door. "Hatsume! Can't we get through one day without the lab exploding?" He pointed at the three. "You three are here to get costumes repaired, is that right?"
"A tool rebuilt?" answered Eva in a questioning tone.
"Come on in," said Power Loader. They entered the lab to find it in a state of disaster.
"You've changed the look of the place," noted Iida as Eva carefully took in the sight of everything.
"We had to given what the principals asked of us," explained Power Loader. "I'm in charge of keeping the UA Barrier up and running along with research and development. The entire support course is helping out."
"Oh wow," breathed Eva, as she tripped on her foot, Iida held out an arm for her to grab onto.
"This is incredible." Added Izuku. He held out his red gauntlet from Melissa Shield and Hatsume began to inspect.
"Whoa," breathed Hatsume with a smile. "Fancy Mid-Gauntlets. They utilize the latest in compression technology."
"They are prototypes from the US, so I can't just buy new ones," explained Izuku as it shrunk. "You think you'd be able to fix them?"
Hatsume took the band to get a better look. "Hm...Would you need 'em soon?"
"Oh, yeah," confirmed Izuku.
"Well, you're out of luck then," Hatsume broke it to him with a smile. "Sorry!" Izuku, Iida, and Eva gasped. Hatsume began to walk away on a bizarre angle. "Those are completely trashed. I'd have to make you new ones from scratch! Sadly, I've got no condominium on hand right now. No babies for you. What a shame!"
"Okay, but why are you running away while saying that?" asked Izuku.
"And my armor?" asked Iida. "Could you fix that for me?"
"A new staff?" asked Eva.
"Nope!" denied Hatsume as she ran faster. "I'd need blueprints!"
"Denied!" yelped Iida.
"Don't you worry." They looked to see two people. "We can make you new gear."
"We're Hatsume's classmates," said the girl with light green hair.
"That's extremely kind of you," said Iida bowing a bit, Eva copied his movement. "I'm in your debt."
"Nah, don't worry about it said the guy holding up a hand. They looked back at Hastume.
"I'm surprised," said Eva as they watched Hatsume's fingers fly.
"A tech prodigy like her would normally jump at the chance to take on difficult projects like these," said Iida as Izuku walked over.
"Hatsume, what are you working on right now?" asked Izuku. She pressed a button and then pointed to a screen showing insane blueprints.
" A flying shelter!" yelped Izuku, he was given a thumbs-up
Eva narrowed her eyebrows thinking of the plan. 'Probably where they plan to fight Shigaraki.'
Power Loader walked over. "Hatsume's been vital as we look at ways to reinforce the UA Barrier. Specifically, she keeps coming up with new mechanisms that'll help with evacuations. I've said this before, but no one has unique ideas or enthusiasm on par with hers."
"Even if an idea's an A+ right now, it could drop to an A- minus if I don't nurture it," said Hastume. "Like what I always say, when I dream up a new baby, I've gotta raise it right!"
"That's amazing," breathed Izuku. "This is why she doesn't know what's happening outside of the school. She's completely focused on designing new inventions. We're lucky to have somebody like her working behind the scenes."
"Don't be so close-minded, Midoriya," advised Hatsume. "You sound as dense as polyethylene."
"Sorry. I don't follow," apologized Izuku.
"Polyethylene," repeated Eva.
"It's not like I've got blinders on," said Hatsume. "I know the messed-up situation you heroes are in. We're not fighters down here. That's why we're pouring so many hours into our innovations. We're trying to protect people, too! With our skills." The others in the class nodded. "At heart, we've got the same goals." She looked back at them. "These inventions are how the support course does our own hero work!"
Izuku smiled stepping forward. "Heh. You are a her—" He got cut off by a gauntlet slamming into his face, caving it in a bit.
"I couldn't make the exact same gauntlets," admitted Hatsume. "These are inferior to your last ones." Izuku pulled them out of his face. "But if you can live with that, please put those babies to good use."
"They've even got built-in gloves?" said Izuku in a muffled voice. "Did you make those with your left hand just now?" Suddenly, Iida received the same treatment as Izuku with armor to his face.
"And Iida this isn't a one-to-one replica of the armor you destroyed, but make the most of it," advised Hatsume."
"I'm so grateful!" muffled out Iida, Eva was quick to catch the staff thrown at her.
"Yuki! I forgot what the one looked like, so go wild this one," said Hatsume. "And welcome back!"
"Thank you, Hatsume," said Eva looking at the staff. It was a bark brown, with swirls in, there were little nubs that were probably buttons.
"We just found our measuring tape," said the one guy from earlier.
"I guess we'll work on something else," said the girl.
"Will you pass on a message to the rest of the hero course?" asked Hatsume. "Let's win this war!"
"Of course!" nodded the three. Soon, they went to join their class at the front of the school, as part of the plan Eva wasn't going with them, though she wanted to see them off.
"Hey!" called out Sero. "I figured it would take you longer. We were just getting ready to---" He and Sero gasped at the state of Izuku and Iida. "What did you do to them, Yuki?"
"Oh, your usual trip to see Hastume," answered Eva with a smile. "I'm glad that didn't change."
"Excellent!" chimed Iida. "We made it in time."
"Faces aren't supposed to implode like that!" exclaimed Sero in doom.
"We're here as well," said Yuri as he came in the opposite direction. He had Monty, Didi, Izumi, Zeno, and Dios with him. Didi was a girl with long light brunette hair that she wore in a ponytail, she had light pink wings and grey eyes. Didi wore a light green top that stopped at her midsection and light green pants that stopped a little after her knees with a dark green skirt on top of it. Didi is a strong fighter, she works close the Lord Corpse and his family. Zeno was a boy with long maroon hair tied back in a ponytail, pale wings, and dark red eyes. He was dressed in the same manner as Great Pa Go. He directed sunbeams as well as a fighter in the village. Both Didi and Zeno were the same age as Eva.
Soon, they all stood facing Mt. Lady.
"I heard about the tragedy involving your classmate," said Mt. Lady. "But I'm afraid you can't afford to lose time processing what's happened. Our best plan is track down the Paranormal Liberation Front and the League of Villains, then take them out in one calculated swoop. That's the quickest path to victory in a messy conflict like the one we're in. If we hesitate or freeze in fear, they'll get the upper hand."
"I wonder. Will Aoyama come around?" asked Ashido, they glanced at her.
"I believe in him," said Izuku as his face came back. "He'll definitely return and we'll fight this fight together."
"Hopefully that doesn't backfire on us," said Katsuki as he looked among the group.
"I think it'll be fine," said Todorok as he walked up. "More than anyone else, he's looked inside." He put a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "And figured out exactly who he wants to be."
"We must put our faith in him," said Eva. "We won't be able to move forward if we don't."
"That's enough yapping for now," ordered Mt. Lady. "Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki. Listen up! Each of you will form a separate team and spread out. UA High School Hero Course Class 1-A and other fae, it's time you joined the search!"
Bakugo looked at Eva who was stumped she was not allowed to join.
"Train hard while we are gone," advised Katsuki putting a hand on her head, she looked at him." Pay Eri a visit too." Eva nodded. The groups got sorted and they took off for the search. Dios and Zeno went with Todoroki. Izumi and Yuri went with Katsuki while Didi and Monty went with Izuku.
Eva took Katsuki's advice and visited Eri first.
"Fairy Godmother!" cried Eri running over once she stepped into the teacher's dorm. "You're back!"
"I am sorry I was gone for so long," said Eva scooping the girl in the hug. "I heard my dad and brothers looked after you." Eri's eyes lit up and she smiled at the people Eva mentioned. Eva stayed with the girl for two hours before going to train. She got to the training spot for her class to find Kozu, Great Pa Go, Aunt Reina, and Lord Corpse waiting for her, and with that, she did more training.
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