Chapter 56

They continued with fighting Shigaraki, who had avoided another of Endeavor's attacks.

"You know if your eyes are on me..." began Shigaraki looking toward Aizawa. "Then you should assume I can see you as well." He landed on the ground; then took off. "Eraser head, you're standing in my way."

"You won't touch him!" said Rock Lock charging Shigaraki.

Aizawa reached into his pocket leaning forward. "You're the one who's standing in the way." Gran Torino charged in from the side, Rock Lock from the front; Eva was coming from the back with her bug catcher ready. Everything seemed to be moving slowly; when Izuku entered the fight, he slammed his head into Shigaraki.

"Deku!" gasped Eva; she had known Izuku and Katsuki entered the area a bit back; their energies and scents were always something she could pick up easily.

"Kid, no!" protested Gran Torino.

"If Shigaraki can't use his powers, then let us join the fight against him!" urged Izuku; he focused on Shigaraki. "The worse thing would be losing Mr. Aizawa! He's protected his students this whole time! We can't lose him after everything he's done! Or what are we even doing?"

"Midoriya, I..." grunted Aizawa in surprise. 

Katsuki suddenly appeared from above. "It's our turn!" Explosions were starting to go off. "To return the favor!" Izuku jumped over; using Black Whip to hold Shigaraki. "How's this for rational, Teach? A.P. Machine Gun!" He let off multiple explosions.

Shigaraki emerged from the smoke untouched. "Heh! Aren't those fireworks adorable?" Blackwhip prevented him from moving any further for a moment; Izuku let out a yelp. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're just not interesting to me anymore." Endeavor appeared in between throwing Shigaraki back with fire. 

"Endeavor, sir!" said Izuku.

"Where is Shoto?" demanded Endeavor.

"Outside the zone," answered Izuku.

"That is false," denied Eva; they looked over. "He should be here in a few minutes or so." She pointed her head in a direction. She could feel his energy approaching steadily. Katsuki focused on Eva for a minute; she was torn up heavily; bleeding from her head, and one of her shoes was gone with that foot injured; the missing finger was easy to see. He wanted to remove her from the battlefield and get her far away from the danger. But he knew Gran Torino was right, they needed her.

"I need you to protect him for me," Gran Torino instructed Manual and Rock Lock.

"Yeah, we got it!" assured Rock Lock. "He's not getting hurt on our watch, don't worry."

"His power and endurance are comparable to All Might's now," informed Endeavor.

"Really?" asked Izuku. "But how?"

"As long as I don't blink that physical strength is his only advantage," informed Aizawa. "I'll keep my eyes open as long as I can."

"Deku, Bakugo," grunted Endeavor. "There's nothing we can do about you two being here. I won't ask why you came." Shigaraki charged; so did Endeavor. "But we need to support Eraser! Bakugo, you cover Deku!" Eva gasped to see a wound appear through Shigaraki's eye.

"Dear little brother," said Shigaraki making him and Deku gasp.

"Hell Spider!" said Endeavor; the opponent dodged the attack; then started to smile. Gran Torino slammed his legs into Shigaraki's arm.

"One blow can be fatal," acknowledged Gran Torino. "But I excel at dodging! I trained a guy with crazy strength. By comparison, this'll be a breeze." He grabbed hold of Shigaraki. "You coward. I won't let you keep disgracing Shimura's memory."

"And who is that?" asked Shigaraki.

Gran Torino raised his fist. "Your very existence hurts Toshnori! You're the disease that's destroying this world!"

"You can think whatever you want," said Shigaraki; as Endeavor came forward with his flames Shigaraki kicked Gran Torino; and Endeavor; his eyes focused on Izuku. "Try what you will. One For All will be mine." 

Eva appeared a bit down below; aiming her wings at Shigaraki. "Slicing Tornado." Shigaraki got trapped in the attack; his body was torn a bit, and Eva noticed he wasn't recovering as fast as he was before.

Katsuki was ready to attack from above. "Can't you see he's just the bait, ya moron?" He let out a huge blast from his gauntlet; Eva was quick to move to not get caught in the attack. The huge blast added to the intensity of the tornado; creating a slicing fire tornado with Shigaraki inside.

Izuku jumped up spinning a bit. "SMASH!" He kicked Shigaraki through the flames toward Endeavor; his flames had taken the form of phoenix wings. He entered with raging fire; clenching a fist.

"VANISHING FIST!" Endeavor slammed his fist into Shigaraki; adding more heat to the fire; the attack created a shock wave. Shigaraki was on the ground; smoking a bit.

"You're kidding," grunted Katsuki. "That bastard is still alive."

Endeavor approached the man. "It's over, Tomura Shigaraki. No matter how powerful you get, we will not allow you to continue with this pointless destruction."

Shigaraki shakily looked up. "You heroes...In order to save strangers you don't know, you hurt those who love you. That's what my father said. Pointless...I have a mission...I've always have."

"Stay sharp," grunted Gran Torino. "Watch him."

"We need to find some shelter somewhere," urged Rock Lock. "Right, Manual you just keep him hydrated."

Shigaraki shakily got to his feet. "Self-described heroes. You pretend to embody all that is good."

Rock Lock wasn't pleased. "Uh, he's on his feet again."

"Quickly; the finishing blow," urged Aizawa.

"Your kind is always the same," said Shigaraki now fully up. "Every generation, you pretend to see those who you can't protect then cover up the pain you've caused, always thinking of yourselves as righteous. How dare you align yourselves with them fairy; when some heroes out there are fairy hunters; the very ones that have abducted you on repeat. The ones that destroyed Melispus forest, killing your people, your family, including your dear mother. It was villains that saved you not these so-called righteous heroes. Heroes can't save you when they are busy trying to kill you, isn't that right Eva Yuki of Melipus forest." 

'How does he know about that?' said Eva lowering herself to the ground. 'I was very careful about twisting my words around to make sure no one knew the truth about that, especially not Izuku and Katsuki.' She could feel their eyes on her, but she didn't dare look at either of them. 

"This world has grown rotten it's infested with maggots," said Shigaraki. "It happened little by little, but your mistakes added up. The coddled trash got used to being protected. Ones you took advantage of these so-called victims for your own profit. Everything I've ever known. Everything in this world you built rejected me. But not now, I'm the one who's rejecting you, that is why I destroy. That is why I keep gaining power." He laughed. "It's simple, isn't it? And yet, you just don't understand. The fact you don't get it is why we have heroes and villains!"

Endeavor shot out flames. "Thanks for the break; I need a little breather. You're knocking at death's door, aren't you?" Shigaraki shot out of the flames; a pure killer look on his face. Gran Torino slammed him into the ground; Shigaraki swung his arm back; and grabbed hold of Gran Torino slamming him into the ground; heroes and students shot forward.

"GRAN TORINO!" cried Izuku as he got slammed into the ground; Shigaraki then critically injured the old man.

"DEKU NO!" shouted Endeavor as the boy took the lead. Shigaraki reached into his pocket; and then shot toward the Aizawa; Eva fell back a little as the enemy flew past Izuku and Katsuki. Eva then shot forward; slamming her hand into Shigaraki; it went into his body; breaking a few ribs; and she used the edge of her wings to slice at the sides of his body.

Katsuki and Izuku. 'Brutal.' 

"Get off of me!" Shigaraki ordered as he began to shove her back with his arm; Eva used the air blast on the other side of all her wings; pushing Shigaraki back; he swung his arms changing to course back forward; Eva felt herself get slammed into a hand; she looked back to see Ryukyu had caught the two; but Shigaraki shoved his other hand through her.

"RYUKYU!" shouted Aizawa; Ryukyu held Shigaraki's other hand; Eva continued to shove back.

Izuku had his hand around Shigaraki's neck; Black whip wrapping around his body. "SHIGARAKI! You're the one person, I can't forgive!"

"And I'll grant no forgiveness to anybody," said Shigaraki elbowing Izuku; but the hero didn't release his hold.

"Keep him bound; Blackwhip!" ordered Izuku; Black whip was careful to not wrap around Eva.

"Yes, that's it," said Endeavor approaching. "Hold! Hold!"

"He has a Quirk deleter!" announced Ryukyu. Izuku released a 100% smash onto Shigaraki who bit down on this arm; the quirk deleted got released hitting Aizawa in the leg.

"ERASER!" cried Izuku. Aizawa took out his weapon; cutting his leg clean off.

'Well damn,' said Eva. Shigaraki used an air cannon; to get freed of the three who had a hold on him; shooting for Aizawa.

"THIS GAME IS COMING TO AN END!" declared Shigaraki digging his nails into Aizawa's face; Blackwhip grabbed a hold of him; a huge slab of ice shoved Shigaraki away from Aizawa.

"IS HE OKAY?" demanded Shoto. Shigaraki used decay on the ice; then Izuku punched him; there was a major shock wave; Eva flew out of it with a hold of Aizawa.

"Eraser," trembled Izuku, who was next to them; he had hold of Rock Lock and Manual. "Stay Alive!" Izuku noticed that there was a huge leaf wrapped around Eraser's leg; it had a teal glow around it; he watched as steam popped out the top of the leaf bandage; going around his body before laying on the eye that was damaged; he then glanced at Eva. 'There's so much I have to ask you, but it's going to have to wait. I have no doubt Kacchan has questions as well.' Shoto went to Ryukyu before Endeavor. Katsuki was over by Gran Torino who was wrapped up in a glowing teal leaf cocoon with only his face showing. 

"What's your plan to stop me now?" asked Shigaraki. "Fight as you want, you're just delaying the inevitable." 

"Elevate his leg," Manual instructed as Eva put him on the ground; he struggled with the scarf. "If I can just untangle this thing! Dang it! Where's the end?" Eva had a stump pop up from the ground to do as Manual instructed.

"Deku," said Rock Lock; he gasped when he saw the emotions that had taken over the kid. "Run!"

"Not a chance!" growled Izuku. 

"That's better," smiled Shigaraki. "Now, die." He placed his hand on the ground; the top part of his body ruptured. Shigaraki was in shock; stepping back. "Hold on, what is today's date?"

"His body isn't healing," said Izuku with tears of anger streaming down his face.

"No," said Eva. "It seems he's reaching a limit."

"Whatever," grunted Shigaraki. "So, I'm not regenerating instantly; I'll just rely on decay!" In a shock wave; Eva felt a piece of honey get shoved into her mouth as well as herself get lifted off the ground; as clouds disappeared Eva saw that Izuku was floating with Blackwhip he had grabbed everyone off the ground including Shigaraki.

'The 7th users quirk,' said Eva. 'I thought he didn't master that yet.'

Gran Torino opened his eyes. "I know this power." He smiled a little. "It's Shimura's."

Izuku got closer to Shigaraki. "I'll put a stop to you right here, in the air! Using every ability I've got in my arsenal! I won't let you escape from here!" He then put everyone back on the ground. "Please take care of the others!"

"Shoto, you help out with treatment," instructed Endeavor.

"I'm on it," said Shoto.

Endeavor looked at Izuku and Shigaraki. "This is pathetic. The number one hero should be fighting him, not this kid."

"You moron!" shouted Katsuki. "You should be getting far away from the guy while you can! We can't make on Eraser anymore!"

"Who else is still able to face off him in the air?" asked Izuku.

"I can!" offered Eva.

"You stay down there and tend the others!" instructed Izuku. "Take some time to recover!"

"You like it up here so much?" asked Shigaraki. "Then after I steal One For All, I'll send you ass all the way up to heaven, and the rest of your little friends will be right behind!"

Izuku charged forward. "You won't lay a finger on my friends! Forget giving up!"

In the gym; All Might was having Tsu, Urakaka, and Sero help Izuku with his training. Katsuki and Eva were also there.

"You want us to help you with your training?" asked Sero. "That's awesome."

Urakaka tilted her head. "Awesome!"

Tsu tilted her head as well. "What should we do?"

"I know you're busy so thank you for assisting," said All Might.

"I need your advice on how to control this new power I've manifested," explained Izuku.

"You mean Blackwhip?" asked Sero. "You're getting the hang of it. Also, what's with the hair?"

"About that," said Izuku. "Kacchans been amazing; been letting me chase after him in a form of training; which I have not done very well at. I thought you might have some guidance for me. My ultimate goal is to be able to capture super-fast targets; which is why Eva is also here."

"But why did he explode you?" asked Urakaka. "Jeez, Bakugo! Can't you be nice for a change?"

"Deku's the one who wanted it to be like a real battle," explained Katsuki; fighting Tsu.

"That is him being nice," said Eva. 

"Well, you can count on me to help," said Urakaka. "Although, I'm pretty new at using my wires."

"Isn't Mr. Aizawa the master of capture techniques?" asked Sero.

All Might put his hand together. "Well, Young Urakaka, I'd like you to teach him how to control his body when he breaks in midair."

"But he doesn't stop. He's always jumping around," pointed out Urakaka.

"Yeah," agreed Tsu. "He's a hopper for sure."

"Well, as his power increases he's gonna be able to stay in the air longer," explained All Might. "He needs to be able to move around more freely when his feet are not on the ground." He looked at Sero. "And as for your homeroom teacher, I'm afraid he's busy at the moment. Since you've been getting capture practice with Young Yuki..."

"Not at her top speed," admitted Sero. "Still need practice on that." He and the other two approached Izuku.

"I've been studying the moves you and Mister Aizawa use," said Izuku looking at his notebook. "Pretty sure I have them memorized." Katsuko nudged Eva's foot, she went over to the wall with him. "But what would really help if you'd tell me how they'd make your body feel." The training started; Eva watched Urakaka and Izuku take the sky. 

"Well, he's getting it," said Katsuki as All Might walked over. 

"Float is a power that allows him to stop in midair," said All Might. "It's basically like zero gravity. If he can train for my master's quirk in advance, maybe it won't act randomly. He can unlock it when it's necessary, no surprises." He took a seat on the other side of the Bakugo.

"Hey," said Katsuki.

"What's up?' asked All Might.

"I don't think you'll be able to hide the truth much longer," said Katsuki. "This is totally different when he just had super strength. People will ask questions."

"Which is why we won't let them see any new quirks from now on," said All Might. "The trick will be making sure he doesn't go out of control with blackwhip. The night we spoke, you seemed to understand the situation; both of you. Before we share this with others, we have to think about it carefully. One of the ramifications would be putting others at risk. The villains of this world aren't the only ones who seek power."

"I think you are not fully understanding how Izuku operates," said Eva.

"Deku, has complete faith in you," said Katsuki. "But I still have some questions, why didn't you tell him more about the 4th user? We know how members 5-7 died, but you avoided him, why? Before when I asked you the same question; something kept you from being honest with us. So talk! Did you realize something you wanted to hide?"

"The truth always finds a way out; no matter how much effort one puts into hiding it," said Eva.

"Is One For All--" began Katsuki.

"I can't," interrupted All Might. "I'm not certain yet, I won't tell him something I don't know for sure. Frankly, I'm concerned about Young Midoriya. Just like you are, the both of you are."

"The thing is he doesn't think about himself. He never has. Even now with everything he can do, that still hasn't changed," said Katsuki. "It always freaked me out, that's why I pushed him away. But as a kid, I didn't recognize my own weakness, so I bullied him."

"Which is the reason you're always so quick to help him train," gathered All Might. "To make up for your actions in the past like a penance. I don't think he feels like you have anything to atone for though. Before when I said you were like Endeavor, I meant that you both changed. He only has high sight, my weakened state was his Catullus. I'm sure you'll have a chance to talk things over with Young Midoriya. Though not a great role model in that department."

***Flashback forward***

Back on the battlefield; Izuku was using smash repetitively on Shigaraki.

"Seriously, just a student?" asked Manual.

"Yeah, but if the idiot keeps this up he's dead," answered Katsuki. "He's using his legs in airforce to maneuver around, controlling multiple quirks at the same time. Every skill he's ever learned is in play here. He's hellbent on keeping Shigaraki from touching the ground again. But his power attacks didn't stop the bastard. So now, it's an issue of who can hold out the longest. Deku's body is busted, he wouldn't be able to outlast somebody who can regenerate, soon his Quirk will be stolen from him and it'll be nothing but dust." He looked back. "Eva, Todoroki, you two done with the first aide?"

"Yes," Shoto answered. "What do you need?"

"Shut up and grab a hold of me," instructed Katsuki. "Endeavor save your strength and let Eva and me get the four of us into the air." He looked at Shoto. "You! Keep your old man cool, we're gonna need him to pull this off."

Endeavor got his feet. "You want me to use maximum firepower; to end this fight with a single blast? I can do that." Endeavor grabbed hold of Katsuki from behind; Shoto put a hand on his dad; as Eva had hold of Shoto.

"Hey, they are just children!" protested Rock Lock.

"Please, take care of things down here," requested Eva.

"You got it!" said Rock Lock. "Leave it to me!" Katsuki set off an explosion; as Eva lifted off the ground; keen to make sure Shoto kept his dad cool.

"Strike when blackwhip is fully stretched out," instructed Endeavor. "Once I'm in range, you three beat it quickly. The blast is deadly!"

"NOW!" ordered Katsuki; he threw Endeavor he latched on to Shigaraki.

"What?" Izuku asked.

"DEKU!" shouted Endeavor.

"You," grunted Shigaraki.

"PLUS ULTRA!" shouted Endeavor letting out a deadly fire attack. "PROMIENCE BURN!" Shigaraki let out screams as he burned. Suddenly riveting lines shot through Endeavor.

"Dad!" shouted Shoto.

"Endeavor!" shouted Katsuki and Eva.

"Why won't you die?" asked Endeavor falling back; Shigaraki was a smoking corpse. 

"Little brother!" said Shigaraki pointing at Izuku; the riveting lines shot out; it happened too fast for Eva to respond. A different explosion shot out of Katsuki; slamming Izuku out of the way; and taking Shigaraki's attack.

"KATSUKI!" shouted Eva in horror; he spat out lots of blood.

"N-no," trembled Izuku.

"Stop trying to win this...." said Katsuki weakly; letting out a painful gasp. "By yourself." The riveting lines ripped from Katsuki's body he fell back.

"KACCHAN!" cried Izuku.

Shoto caught Katsuki by the ankle while also having hold of Endeavor. 

"It's my body," said Shigaraki; but not to the people on the battlefield. "You fought and fought today. Spilling so much blood for no reason." Eva flew over grabbing hold of Katsuki; tears were rolling down her cheeks. 

"No reason," repeated Izuku in disbelief. 

"This last boy who interfered now suffers," said Shigaraki. "Because he misunderstood foolishness for bravery." That snapped something in Izuku; eyes glowed completely green; he fought rapidly against the riveting lines; even biting getting close to Shigaraki; too close.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" growled Izuku; Shigaraki put a hand on his face.

"MIDORIYA!" cried Shoto.

"You're finally mine," said Shigaraki; beginning to suck out the power; Izuku jerked his head back. "Come to me...One For All." A new feeling came over Eva; a new horror was approaching; and it was big...stamping toward this area.

There was a big flash of light; Shigaraki was falling to the ground as Izuku remained floating in the air; Izuku then started to fall; with his ice and power Shoto was sure to catch him; he slid once landing; Eva met up at that spot.

"Bakugo, Midoriya, Endeavor," said Shoto looking at all of them.

"It's Kacchan," said Izuku weakly.

"He's still alive," said Eva. "Stay calm, we'll patch you up." Steams popped out of the ground; wrapping around Endeavor's arm, Izuku's arm, and Katsuki's torso; treatment began as Shoto started to get ice. They both heard a sound; they looked up to see riveting lines coming out of Shigaraki.

"Shut up!" growled Shigaraki looking at them. "I don't take orders from you. Dammit!" Spiraling energy waves hit him; Shigaraki crashed into the ground. 

"Found them!" announced Nejire.

Iida appeared in front of them. "A gigantic villain is heading this way! We've already informed the heroes fighting Nomu nearby!"

"His energy wasn't hard to miss," said Eva. 

"You're here too, Iida?" asked Manual.

"Get Midoriya and the others to safety," instructed Shoto.

"This is why you guys never returned," said Iida.

Izuku started to try to get to his feet. "I need....t-to stay here. I can't leave. Shigaraki wants my quirk, he'll follow me if I run off. You can Iida, take Kacchan and Endeavor."

"He's not healing nearly as fast as he was," said Shoto. "He must be weakening." His fireside lit up. "Hado, help me! Let's put pressure on him."

"Got it!" said Hado.

Shigaraki used the riveting lines to get back up. "More maggots keep wiggling to the surface." He looked up with a frightening smile. Shoto; and Hado began to take on Shigaraki when the giant villain broke through mountain ice. 

"MASTER!" Machia cried.

"100% Nejire Flood!" said Hado.

"Firefist: JET KINDLING!" said Shoto.

Shigaraki got sandwiched between the two attacks; he screamed in pain.

"INCOMING!" shouted Endeavor; Machia appeared as a giant mole resemblance, attacking and grabbing hold of Shigaraki; the two students flew back; Shoto landed in a small holly bush breaking his tumble; Eva waved her hand; a giant tree trunk; stake pointed end rose out of the ground shot through the giant's front; then went back into the ground.

"Oh no, Nejire, Shoto!" said Iida holding up Katsuki.

"Put me down you four-eyed robot," ordered Katsuki

"You're awake?" asked Iida.

Katsuki looked at him in annoyance, growling. "Put. Me. Down."

"Can't!" denied Iida. "Your organs were punctured."

"I need...a complete victory," said Katsuki.

"But---" began Eva; she stopped talking when he looked at her. Katsuki weakly raised a hand wiping a tear away. "Just a few more seconds till the bleeding is stopped."

"Anything else I should know?" Katsuki asked.

"Everyone but Toga and Twice from the league is here," answered Eva as she wiggled her nose. "There's a new scent."

Machia's body returned to its normal state. "Master, I'm here. What is your next order? I'll do as you command."

Endeavor landed by them Izuku. "Shoto. You good?"

"Yeah," panted Shoto.

"Hey, there you are," said Dabi as he shook a can. "From all the way up here, everybody looks like tiny little ants! Shotos with you! Perfect!"

"Dabi," growled Endeavor; Dabi poured the can over his head.

"Hey now, don't be rude," said Dabi. "You're acting like we've never met." His hair turned white; the ends became grey. Dabi smiled a little. "Call me Toya. After all, it's the name you and Mom gave me."

"What a twist," said Eva looking back.

"What is it?" asked Iida.

"Toya Todoroki isn't dead," answered Eva; both boys glanced back at where Endeavor and Shoto were. "That explains I didn't see or sense his ghost back at the Todoroki home." Iida and Katsuki gave her a strange look. 

"Yeah, I know, my face is disgusting now," acknowledged Toya. "But it's still surprising my own family didn't recognize me. It's honestly kind of crappy, or maybe it's just depressing, you know?" Izuku looked up. "I didn't forget our family, I've been watching you from the shadows this entire time. You know out of everybody in the world, you should be beyond reapproached number 1; and so a pre-recorded video of my life story is currently streaming on every device in the country." He raised his hand. "All man." He raised both hands; began to dance around, and clapped a bit. "Didn't expect this, I'm starting to have fun. I wonder how I could make you suffer, how I could ruin your life? Ever since I've burnt up, it's all I thought about! As a kid, I didn't know why I existed, I clinged to Natsu balling my eyes out. But you didn't know that did you, at first..." He put his back to them. "When I realized your little puppet Shoto was complete, I figured I'd kill him." He put his arms out. "But then you'd unexpectedly became the number one, hero! Who would guessed, huh? I was suddenly so invested in your happiness. Can you believe in Kyushu I was actually afraid you were going to die?" He leaned forward; only showing one eye. "I led Starservant and Ending to your doorstep, did they make you feel like a big shot?" His back was to Endeavor again. "Must've been a heavy burden to achieve your dream after so long. But you were soothed by public admiration, weren't you? Is that why you decided to try to finally bond with your children? Just looking toward the future, so you could be a better man? What? Nothing to say!? Well, allow me!" Everyone was looking at him. "The past never dies." He turned to them putting his hands on his chest. "YOU WILL REAP EVERYTHING YOU'VE SEWN, ENJI TODOROKI! LET'S FALL TOGETHER! COME AND DANCE WITH ME IN HELL WON'T YOU? WELL? SPEAK UP, DAD!" Endeavor was trembling. 

"My son is dead," said Endeavor after some silence. "These are disgusting lies."

"Oh, I'm very much alive," confirmed Toya. "You're just a broken man, who refused to accept the truth. How could you not recognize your child? Is it because fire quirks are so common, that there's nothing special about someone who has one?"

'Hey, Spinner,' said Eva inside his head.

'What the hell?' demanded Spinner. 'Who the hell is this?'

'Violet Gust,' said Eva. 'Aspiring Hero, the one with wings.'

Spinner's voice became angry and annoyed. 'What the hell do you want you damn maggot?'

'Did you know this about Dabi?' asked Eva.

'No, he hid it from us too,' answered Spinner. 'How the hell are you contacting me?'

'Fairy magic,' answered Eva; there was a shriek, but she cut the line.

"If you doubt me, I'll happily give you some blood or a chunk of skin," offered Toya. "You could do a DNA test, obviously I've already done one and released the results to the public." There was some silence. "Endeavor! Allow me to give you a gift! I did some digging on that bastard spy of yours!" He cuffed his hands around his ears. "Thank you for living long enough to see this day!" He jumped off Machia. "ENDEAVOR!"

"Dammit!" grunted Shoto making a fire fist. "You ready, Dad?" Endeavor was losing it. "Protect Midoriya and Bakugo! Hado and I will hold them off! Snap out of it! Protect them! Please!" Shoto had tears rolling down his face. "We'll deal with this later!"

"FLASHFIRE FIST!" Toya shouted surrounding himself in blue flames. "PROMINENCE!" The flames got brighter and hotter. His attack got put to an end by threads wrapping around him and the rest of the newly arrived villains. "What the---" They all looked to see Best Jeanist entering the fight.

"Sorry, I'm late!" apologized Best Jeanist as he fixed his hair. "As of this moment, Best Jeanist is back!" The threads wrapped around Machia pulled him to the ground; blood spilled from the injury that Eva caused with the tree trunk. "Industrial Strength Fiber Cables spin." He landed on a fiber, fixing his hair. "The threads of hope. Apologies it was my intention to arrive far earlier."

"Best Jeanist," said Izuku. "Where'd he come from?"

"I thought he was missing," said Eva as Katsuki coughed out more blood.

"Bakugo!" exclaimed Iida.

"They said he was missing, shows what they know," said Katsuki spitting out more blood with a smile. 

"There's no way," said Toya. "You're supposed to be dead! The corpse I saw was real! So how the hell are you alive?

"Greed has caused your plans to fall apart," said Best Jeanist striking a pose. "Like cheap denim."

Toya grunted. "Okay fine, you're not dead." Blue flames lit up. "That doesn't make my past any less real. Right! You saw it yourself, Shoto!" Shoto was right above Dabi; red and blue flames collided. Machia started to try to get up; trying to break the thread.

"Violet Gust, may I request your assistance?" asked Best Jeanist throwing her off.

"Oh," breathed Eva. "Of course, sir." She waved her hand again, four giant tree trunks shot out of the ground; going over Machia and forcing him into the ground; the trunks then slammed into the ground on the other side of the giant.

"I truly am ashamed to call myself a magician in front of a fairy," said Mr. Compress.

"THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO ADMIRE HER!" shouted Spinner. Katsuki on the other hand was studying her with a side eye, she wasn't glowing as brightly as when he first saw her from a distance. He wanted her to tell him the full truth about the past; more importantly, he wanted off the battlefield and somewhere safe.  Spinner was trying to wake up Shigaraki as Nejire came in to attack.

"Output level 100," said Nejire. "Nejire Flood!" Before she could attack she got engulfed in blue flames; she let out a scream.

"HADO, HOLD ON!" shouted Shoto as the girl fell.

Toya laughed madly. "UH OH ENDEAVOR YOU LET SOMEBODY GET BURNED AGAIN! ANOTHER KID WITH A BRIGHT FUTURE, RUINED AGAIN BECAUSE OF YOU!" Iida was quick to catch her. Toya cackled madly as the threads burned up, freeing him.

"DAMMIT, STOP!" cried Shoto.

Best Jeanist wrapped more threads around Dabi; choking on his blood a bit. Machia got up roaring; breaking through the tree trunks and threads of fabric. Eva shot up; landing on top of Machia's head; she activated her quirk pushing strong wind out of all of her wings; forcing Machia's head into the ground. 

"WATCH OUT BEST JEANIST!" cried Izuku; Eva glanced to see Nomu flying their way; Best Jeanist wrapped thread around Machia's neck. Iida was getting Hado away from the fight; Shoto taking on Dabi, Endeavor was still in shock, Katsuki was still too weak to move, and Eva holding down Machia's head. She had grown massive veins, to help keep Machia's head down. Best Jeanist was trying his best to remain focused as giant Nomu approached from behind. 


Mirio had joined the battle, quirk restored; he slammed into Nomu.

"LET'S HEAR IT AGAIN!" said Mirio. "POWER!"

"Lemillion," said Izuku. "Right when we needed you, but how did you know?"

"The pros at the villa gave us a heads up," answered Mirio. "So I rushed over using permeation. "The Nighteye agency was scouting out a villain nearby, dang he's a big one, huh?" He sank into the ground; he re-emerged facing the Nomu approaching him; the attacks went right through him. "Woah, not cool, I wanted to end this fight fast, but it's going to take way more than one punch. HEY UH, SOMEBODY!" He turned to the others. "HELP!" There was a pretty sparkle explosion; from Katsuki shooting himself into the air; he used his explosions to take out Nomu approaching Best Jeanist and the others. Iida shot up in the air, kicking a Nomu away from Bakugo.

"I can't keep my eyes off you for a second," said Iida. "Ground yourself, you shouldn't be fighting!" Nejire rejoined the fight.

"Output at 100%!" said Nejire releasing her quirk.

"Woah, Nejire, are you sure you are alright?" asked Mirio.

"I'm peachy now that you're here," said Nejire. "Weird, huh?" She stuck out her tongue a bit.

"Were you able to look beyond yourself Bakugo?" asked Best Jeanist.

"I chose a hero name!" announced Katsuki. "I wanted you to hear it in person first! From now on, call me: Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamite, got it!"

"Child," said Best Jeanist.

"So long," said Iida.

"Big yikes," said Nejire.

"How rude," said Mr. Compress.

"Lame," said Spinner.

"It's fitting and unforgettable," said Eva. 

Mirio laughed. "It's an awesome hero name! It's super funny!"

"You take that back, you moron!" ordered Bakugo slamming into the ground.

Mirio landed as well. "Without joy and laughter to balance the sorrow, this world can't hope for a bright future. That's my motto, be careful not to wear it out."

'Are you hearing this sir?' asked Eva. 'Mirio is carrying on your motto.'

Mirio got back in the air. "It looks like the big bad is on the ropes." People shot up toward the Nomu including Eva. "If we can handle the rest of these creeps, then we'll be golden!" Eva used razor wind on the edge of her wings; shooting from Nomu to Nomu; slicing at their limbs; jabbing her foot into them; the others were attacking as well. All trying to make sure Nomu doesn't reach Best Jeanist. Katsuki was on the ground fighting no longer able to get himself in the air. Eva focused on Dabi yelling for a second.


"Uh, guys?" asked

"He's breaking free!" said Best Jeanist. Everyone prepared to attack when Endeavor in the form of a comet shot up slamming Machia in the jaw.

"ENDEAVOR NO!" shouted Izuku.

"Please, Dad!" shouted Shoto.

Endeavor spat out blood blacking out; Machia looked down at Endeavor; and then stumbled over a bit.

"What happened to my strength?" asked Machia; his face planted completely passed out.

"MACHIA!" cried Spinner.

"We got a report from the heroes in the field," recalled Mirio. "They said that their plan had failed, but the sedative worked!" They all continued fighting; the flying Nomu headed straight for Katsuki; he was way past his limit. Eva spun around fast in her quirk; shooting herself forward and up through the Nomu; right as she got out of its body: Iida slammed his leg into it.

"Get back Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamite!" ordered Iida as Eva changed course to that particular Nomu. "You are not in the condition to fight!"

'Whatever it takes,' said Eva slamming her feet into the Nomu; she swished her hand; tree trunks wrapped around Machia again; putting him in a headlock this time. Best Jeanist strengthened his hold on Spinner, Mr. Compress, and Shigaraki. Everyone watched as Mr. Compress went into action; freeing the others from the restraints.

"Don't think you the only ones risking your lives for a cause!" said Mr. Compress moving around. "Now keep your eyes peeled, this will be the performance of a lifetime!"

"I can't believe he used his quirk to carve out his own body," said Best Jeanist. "What fortitude. Still, that wound looks fatal! You will not escape!"

"Clever!" said Mr. Compress. "You're imprisoning me with my own clothes! I'm in the perfect position for a little side of hand magic!" He carved out his shoulder. "Goodbye costume!" As he tore away his clothes, he also tore at his body." He grabbed hold of all the league including the tech guy. "I Oji Harima's great-great grandson, the blood of the bandit king pumps through my veins!" Mirio and Fabric shot toward him. "You've barely noticed me, right? That was part of my grand deception! My role was saved! When it really matter?" He took off his mask revealing his face, he had curly brown hair and brown eyes. "One must always keep an ace up his sleeve."

"I won't let you get away with anything else!" said Mirio.

"Last center stage!" said Mr. Compress throwing a marble as he bowed. "It's time for Mr. Compress's spectacular once-in-a-lifetime escape route." Spinner reappeared with Shigaraki. "Admission is free!" He launched forward. "Relax, and---" He got punched harshly by Mirio. He fell back; being wrapped up in prickly vines; he looked up to see Eva looking at him.

'You should've just stolen from pros in it for the money,' said Eva. 'That's something I can turn a blind eye to.' Compress gave her a strange look. 

Eva felt herself get pushed back by strong radio waves; she slammed harshly one of the formations on Machia's back as Mirio and a couple of others got thrown back. Once it died down; Eva slid down on her back; she glanced over to see Shigaraki on his feet.

"I must say, Shigaraki has some admirable friends."

'That's not crusty man's voice,' said Eva.

"Power is drawn from the heart," said Shigaraki. "The more he embraces the pain born from his past trauma, the stronger my will becomes within his body. Long live the King, Tomura." He stretched out his hand. "This is why radio waves are so crucial, they can be used to send long-distance signal to the Nomu. But it's difficult for Tomura since he's a mere hatchling."

"You're mine!" said Best Jeanist; multiple Nomu headed for Shigaraki.

"Boss, how do you want to attack them?" asked Spinner.

"We're withdrawing," answered Shigaraki.

"You want to run?" asked Spinner in surprise. "We can't do that! Compress is just bad! Machia's not going anywhere! Toga is supposed to be heading this way too!" He put a hand on him. "You're going to abandon your comrades?

"Hold your tongue, Iguchi," Shigaraki ordered.

"Did you say Iguchi?" Spinner asked in surprise. "Hold on, who are you?"

"Tomura already lost this fight," answered the voice. "To One For All and Endeavor. He woke before body modifications can be completed. Unfortunately, this meant his regeneration abilities were lacking and no match for the assembled heroes. That's why I came to lend my aid, the poor boy's body is in dire need of rest."

"I don't know what you're going on about, but you can't run away and leave your teammates behind!" argued Spinner as Eva's eyes closed; blacking out. 

"Yes, I can," said Shigaraki. "It's only fair that Tomura pays for his failures, remember this is all for my sake." 

"Don't let them escape!" ordered Best Jeanist. 

"Permenation Quirk, huh?" asked Shigaraki raising a hand. "I have no patience for attacks I can't predict." He turned to Eva. "The fairy...grab her." Spinner did as instructed; putting Eva over his shoulder.

"SHIGARAKI!" roared Shoto using his fire to soar through the air. "GIVE HER BACK!" Shigaraki put up a forcefield; forcing both Iida and Shoto back. Nomu broke free from Best Jeanist's hold; running up to Shigaraki.

"Now, time to go," instructed Shigaraki. The charging Nomu grabbed hold of Shigaraki and Spinner who made sure to not lose his grip on Eva; following them was Izuku who was using blackwhip from his mouth. "You haven't given up, yet? I'd say this child's tenacity is comparable to All Might's." Riveting lines shot out of Shigaraki's fingers; Izuku dodged getting closed. "Useless Izuku Midoriya, let's meet again when this body is complete."

"You better keep your mouth shot All For One!" ordered Izuku. "Give me back my sister! You bastard, give her back!"

Shigaraki raised his hand. "Don't fret, I won't kill her if she behaves. I'll see you soon." A powerful forcefield was released; throwing Izuku back.

"EVA!" Izuku cried out as the villains went further into the distance.

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