Chapter 5

After Izuku finished up at the Recovery Girl's office, they started to head home.

" I'm so tired," Izuku groaned. " Can you just fly us home today?" A hand landed on both of their shoulders.  They turned to see the boy with glasses and gasped. " Hey, there, Iida!" Both quickly got out of his grip.

" How's the broken finger doing?" Iida asked.

" O-oh. It's doin' fine, thanks to Recovery Girl," Izuku answered as he held up the finger. They started walking.

" I was a bit concerned by Mr. Aizawa's approach to class," Iida admitted. " But I trust the school's judgment. UA is the top program. Even so, lying is downright immoral."

"Lying is not always immoral," said Eva. "Just depends on the reason for it." Ida gave her a strange look.

" I thought he was scary, but that's not it," Izuku admitted.

" What is it then?" Eva asked.

"He's just really serious about school," Izuku answered.

" Hey! Wait up, you three!" Urakaka called out. They stopped to see her running towards them. " Are you going to the station? I'll join you guys!"

" Oh, you're the infinity girl," Iida noted as she got caught up to them.

" I'm Ochaco Urakaka," the girl introduced herself. " Let's see. You are Tenya Iida, your Eva Yuki. And your name is...Deku, right? Midoriya?"

" Deku?" Izuku exclaimed.

" Uh, yeah, isn't that what Bakugo called you?" Urakaka recalled. " During the fitness test, he said..." They all recalled him. " Right?"

 " Uh, well. My name's actually Izuku," He corrected nervously. " Deku's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me."

" That's unsportsmanlike," Iida grumbled.

" Oh, I didn't realize that! I'm sorry," Urakaka apologized. " But you know what? I like Deku. It could make a great hero name! Plus, I think it sounds kinda cute."

 " Deku it is!" Izuku blushed heavily.

" Just like that?" Eva giggled putting a hand over her mouth.

" Weren't you saying that it was an insult?" Iida asked in frustration.

" Paradigm shift!" Izuku exclaimed as he turned to hide his face. " My whole world is upside down!"

" Wait, what?" Urakaka asked. The four then all headed down to the station together. After the station, Eva and Izuku continued their walk home.

"Seriously, Eva can you just fly us home? Izuku asked as his head drooped. "Recovery Girl healed me, and she says the body gets tired during the healing part."

"Sure," Eva gave in as she picked him. When they got home, Eva went into her apartment to find Gino stitching pants together.

"How your first day?" asked Kozu taking her backpack. "Learn a lot?" Eva explained the day to them as she helped prepare dinner.

"So, he is a bit of trickster, this Aizawa," gathered Dad as he set down plates. "Which mean he's the best teacher for you." Eva nodded in agreement. 

"Speaking of teachers, Lady Magda wants to know what subjects you are considering to explore more," said Dios. "You still have not chosen." Eva sat at the table. "Arthimancy, more potions, astronomy, music, alchemy, combat?"

"She just started high school," said Dad as they all sat at the table. "Let her figure out her footing before proceeding, she may not have all the time."

"Lady Magda wants an answer in two weeks," said Dios. "So, does Grandpa Yuno."

"I am considering more potions," said Eva. "But like dad said, I want to figure my footing first before proceeding." Dios raised her eyebrows. "I will have an answer in two weeks." Dios nodded

The next day, the students came to realize, that it was like other schools in the learning department. UA's Hero Course curriculum. There are normal course classes, like English. They meet in the mornings. Their English class was taught by Present Mic, Eva sat in front of Mineta, behind Izuku, and next to Fumikage Tokoyami.

"Now. Which of these four sentences contains a mistake?" Present Mic asked. Everyone looked extremely bored. " Hey, everybody, look alive! Grammar rules!" Momo raised her hand. " Yaoyorozu lay it on us!"

They ate lunch in the main cafeteria, where they can buy pretty tasty stuff on the cheap." Eva sat at a table with Izuku, Iida, and Urakaka. She sat next to Izuku and across from Iida and Urakaka.

"White rice is the perfect comfort food, isn't it?" Lunch rush asked he stood at the table, giving a thumbs up. Izuku whimpered, Tenya gasped while the other two just nodded.

"This is super good," Urakaka smiled.

Then in the afternoon, it's finally time, for Hero Basic Training.

"I am here!" All Might declared as he stood in the door Izuku gasped. "Coming through the door like a hero!" All the other students gasped as well.

" I can't believe it's really All Might!" Kaminari gasped.

" So he is a teacher!" Kirishima exclaimed. "This year is gonna be totally awesome!"

"Hey, look. Is he wearing his Silver Age costume?" Tsu asked.

" I'm getting goosebumps," Ojirio said. "It's so retro!"

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High," All Might welcomed them. " Think of it as Hero-in 101. Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches!" He pulled out a card that said battle.

"Fight training!" Bakugo smiled evilly.

"Real combat!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Already?" Eva asked as her wings drooped lower to the ground.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is..." All Might began. " Looking good!" He pointed at the wall, shelves popped out containing numbers. "These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started." All the students gasped and cheered.

" Costumes!" Izuku smiled.

"Get yourselves suited up!" All Might instructed. "And then meet me at Training Ground Beta!"

"Yes, sir!" they all responded. They all quickly went and suited up. Eva remembered designing her hero costume.


Eva sat at the kitchen table sketching out a design as her dad came in from work. He had a cactus in his hands.

"Daddy, what do you think?" Eva asked as she held up the design.

"Hmm," He breathed as he leaned forward. "Maybe you should make a section of your back more open."

"Open?" Eva asked.

"That way you won't have so much trouble getting your wings through," He answered. 

"Thank you for your suggestion!" Eva exclaimed as she went back to designing.

"If you want, you can have Granpa Yuno look at it too if you are still uncertain," suggested Dad putting the plant on the table. "Or how about Aunt Reina, Elder Pa Akito, or Great Pa Pa Takio."

Eva nodded. "I will ask them the next time we go to the Otherworld. It is wise to turn to them for advice." Dad simply put his hand on her head, ruffling her hair. Gino poked his head in.

"You should incorporate your earth colors," said Gino taking the pencil and paper. "Give it more of a fae feel then a human one." Eva nodded. "Change the style a bit too."

***Flashback over***

Eva walked out onto the training field along with the others. Her hero suit started with the top part being a black halter top, her upper back was open so her wings had all the room to move and to be shown. Her top had green and blue swirls dancing around each other majorly around each other, and trickling down the top like falling leaves in action, she had long black leggings, and a dark blue and dark green skirt over it. The skirt looked like leaves, they layered on top of each other nicely, going down to her knees, on her waist, she wore an ivy belt that had little pouches to carry items. For shoes, she wore her normal fairy shoes. She wore her hair down, with some of it in a little side ponytail, with the ponytail looking like a yellow pansy. She had a twig like circlet around her head, with a red gem in the middle, a piece she brought from home. She wore leaf-style armbands around her biceps and green fae armor from her elbow to wrist. The hero costume was really easy to get in, especially with the fact, she didn't have to fight around her wings at all.

"They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are proof!" All Might said as they stood to wait for them. "Take this to heart. From now on you are all...heroes in training!" From the looks of it, everyone put a ton of thought into their costumes. Iida was covered from head to toe, not a single piece of skin showing, while Momo was more open. " This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now, shall we get started, you buncha newbies?" They heard footsteps from the entrance. They looked to see that Izuku had finally arrived. " Now, that you're ready. It's time for your combat training."

"Sir!" Iida exclaimed as he raised his hand. "This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean we'll be conducting urban battles again?"

"Not quite," All Might denied. "I'm going to move you two steps ahead?"

"Two steps ahead?" Eva asked.

"Yes," All Might nodded. " Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking run-ins with the dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it. Backroom deals, home invasions, secret lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two-on-two or three-on-two indoor battles."

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsu asked.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield," All Might answered. "But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now."

" Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?" Momo asked.

"How much can we hurt the other team?" Bakugo asked.

" Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?" Urakaka asked.

"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" Iida asked.

"What is the situation we are using for training?" Eva asked.

" Isn't this cape trA's chick?" Aoyama asked as he showed it off.

" I wasn't finished talking," All Might growled. " Listen up!" He opened a script. "The situation is this...The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes."

"Sounds like a classic action movie setup," Izuku said.

"Time's limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!" All Might announced as he held up a yellow box.

"Isn't there a better way?" Iida asked.

"Think about it," Izuku began. " Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here."

"Yes, I see," Iida agreed. "Life is a random series of events." He bowed. " Excuse my rudeness."

"No sweat. Let's draw!" All Might declared. Eva pulled a card, revealing the letter D. She was on the same team as Bakugo and Iida. 

All Might then stuck his hand in two separate boxes, one labeled villain and the other hero.

" I declare that the first teams to fight will be...these guys!" All Might exclaimed holding up balls labeled D and A. "Team A will be the heroes. Team D will be the villains. Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!"

"Yes, sir!" the students responded. Their classmates walked off the monitor room as the people going first stayed on the grounds. Bakugo was shooting murder glares at Izuku. 

"Eva," Izuku said, she looked over at him. "Don't go on easy on me because we are close."

"Of course she won't," Bakugo stated. "Don't you dare underestimate her!"

"Uh, thanks?" Eva thanked him, and she turned to Izuku and Urakaka. "Just put up a good fight." 

" Bad guys, you can go in and set up," All Might instructed. "In five minutes, the good guys will be let loose and the battle will start!"

"Yes, sir!" everyone, but Bakugo responded. The villain team started to head in.

"Young Iida. Young Bakugo. Young Yuki," All Might called them. They looked at him. "The key to being successful in this challenge is to embody villainy. Think from the perspective of an evildoer."

"Got it," Iida responded.

"If things go too far, I'll step in," All Might stated.

"Understood," Eva nodded, Bakugo growled. They went into the room, to the room where the item they were protecting was located. 

"Even though it's training, it pains me to be aligned with criminal behavior," Iida admitted. "So this is the weapon we must protect." He knocked on the item. "Fake of course."

"With that being confirmed, we need to come up with a plan," Eva informed. "I can--"

"Hey," Bakugo greeted, and they looked over at him. "Do you really think Deku has a Quirk?"

"Why are you so hung up on it?" Eva asked. 

"You saw how he threw that ball," Iida added. "Though I think his power hurts his body. Yuki brings up a point. Why is it that you seem to be especially angry when it comes to Midoriya?"

"Was he seriously just tricking me all these years?" Bakugo asked. "Eva as well?"

"Katsuki, we need to get started on our plan," Eva instructed.

"Here's the plan, I get to beat those damn weaklings, Eva, use your quirk to send wind throughout the building." She nodded her head. "Power engines! Guard the weapon!"

"All rights!" All Might shouted through the speakers. "Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D, your time starts now!" Bakugo stormed out of the room. Eva flew out of the room, she stopped at the end of every hall, sending multiple wind blasts, over in the monitor room, the students could see that Urakaka and Izuku were having a hard time getting through the wind. Eva made sure to send uneven blasts, one more powerful than the first. As she did this, she could not help but worry about the fight between Bakugo and Izuku. She hates to admit it, but possibly Katsuki was right. Was Izuku really hiding their quirk from them all this time? They are neighbors, best friends. Why hasn't he told her? She soon started to hear the sounds of blasts signally Bakugo found their opponents.  

"Bakugo, Yuki. Come in!" Ida asked through their earpieces. "Give me a status report, where are you?

"Shut up and defend the weapon!" Bakugo shouted through the earpiece. " I've got more important things to worry about."

"Are you forgetting what our mission is?" Ida asked. "Hello? He hung up on me! Yuki? This isn't the time for radio silence. We are supposed to be partners. Argh!"

"I'm sending wind blasts down a hall, do you need me over by you?" Eva asked. 

"Keep doing what you are doing, but come closer to me," Ida instructed. 

"Right," Eva responded back. As she flew back to the room, she saw Izuku sitting on a wall, with no sign of Urakaka. "Ida, Urakaka is heading towards you alone, keep your guard up."

"Roger," Ida immediately responded back. Izuku looked to see that she had spotted him, and he got to his feet.

"Sorry about this," Eva apologized, she shot wind towards Izuku; he went flying; he grabbed onto the wall.

"So strong!" Izuku said as he tightened his grip. 

"Stop hiding!" they heard Bakugo shout, Izuku, and Eva remained staring at each other. 

"Good luck!" Eva wished him, flying over to the opening of the hallway, she sent him a wind blast sending him flying back into a wall. She then took off to the weapon room. Not too long after that, All Might came through the speakers. 

"Young Bakugo!" All Might shouted. "Don't do it! You'll kill him!" The building started to shake rapidly.

"You are taking it too far, Katsuki," Eva commented in the earpiece. 

"We are villains remember!" Bakugo shouted in her earpiece. 

"As a training exercise," Eva commented back as she flew out of the building. 

"Come in! Come in! Young Midoriya!" All Might urged.

"Kat--" Eva began as she flew up to the fifth floor.

"Not dead yet," Bakugo answered; he was even angrier.  

"Bakugo! Answer me!" Ida shouted angrily. "What is going on down there? Did you cause that blast? Yuki! Where are you?" Eva got to the window to see Urakaka running towards the weapon.  Ida ran towards her.  "Not so fast, Hero!" Urakaka touched her hands, she floated up above Ida. "Since when can she make herself float?"

"Release!" Urakaka shouted putting her hands together.

"Not so fast!" Eva shouted, flying into the room, she sent a wind blast, sending Urakaka flying. As Ida picked up the weapon, moving it away from Urakaka's line of the move, she slammed into the wall. Her helmet fell off, and she then slid down.

"Admirable attempt," Eva complimented. 

"But your Quirk's no threat if you can't touch anything," Ida added in an evil voice. "I can easily keep this weapon out of your reach until time runs out." He started laughing. 

'He's really into this,' Eva thought to herself. 'Cute.' Urakaka looked back at them with determination. Eva sent wind blasts over to Urakaka, but she wasn't sure how much longer she could keep it up.  Urakaka went over to a window.

"Bakugo," All Might stated. "Use that stored-up power again and I'll stop this fight. Your team will lose. To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That's a poor strategy, whether you're a hero or a villain. The penalty would be a massive loss of points." 

"Right!" Urakaka shouted grabbing onto the wall. Air shot up through the middle of the floor, going through the ceiling.

"YUKI!" Ida shouted as she flew up with the wind. 

Eva was holding on to rubble on a higher floor.  "What's happening!?"

"This is it," Urakaka stated as she picked up a broken pillar. "Sorry, Ida! Improvised special move: the Comet Home Run!" She hit a ton of rubble toward Ida.

"In the name of villainy, I demand that you stop this!" Ida ordered. 

He ducked to make sure he didn't get hit. As Eva flew back into the room, she saw Urakaka grabbing the weapon. "I got it!"

"No! The weapon!" Ida shouted. 

"Well done," Eva complimented as she landed on the ground, she flew for a long time. She looked over the edge to see Izuku beginning to fall over. She flew down instantly catching him. She saw that Bakugo was in complete shock.

"The hero team..." All Might began. "Wins! Your indoor combat training is over." All Might came down to the battlegrounds, with a robot to get Izuku to the nurse's office. 

"To the nurse's office," Transpo-Bot A stated. 

"I know," Transpo-Bot B responded.

"Is Izuku going to be alright?" Eva asked as she stood next to All Might. She would be fluttering, but all that power she used earlier completely wared her out. 

"You have nothing to worry about," All Might flashed her a smile. They looked over at Bakugo to still see him in shock, hyperventilating. 

"Young Bakugo," All Might said grabbing his shoulder. "Cool your jets. Let's go review your work. Whether you win or lose, you can always take something away from an experience like this. As long as you are open to learning."

"Katsuki," Eva began, she tripped immediately. 

Bakugo caught her. "Not used to being on the ground, are ya?" He put her on his back, All Might was watching. "Come on." They went to join their classmates in the monitoring room.

"Well, despite the results, the MVP of this exercise is Young Ida!" All Might announced. Everyone gasped. 

"That's weird," someone commented.

"Shouldn't it be one of the heroes instead, since they're the winners?" Tsu asked. 

"Mm! Valid question," All Might admitted.  "Why didn't I choose one of those two? Who has a guess?"

"Sir! I can tell you why!" Momo volunteered, raising her hand. "Iida embraced this challenge. He was the only one who truly adapted to his assigned role." Everyone was silent. "I'll explain. Bakugo's judgment was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya. As you pointed out earlier, launching a large-scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly, Midoriya's plan was also poorly thought out, considering the amount of damage he received. He rendered himself helpless. Not smart. As for Urakaka, she let her guard down mid-battle, and her final attack was too reckless given the hypothetical stakes. If she'd treated the fake weapon as though it were real, she never would've risked using such an imprecise move. As for Yuki, she had a soft spot for Midoryia letting her guard down around him. When she could have easily blasted him out of the building. She too was a bit too reckless, using her quirk to the point she could barely stand. Iida was fully prepared for his opponent's arrival. He had a strategy and never lost sight of his mission to protect the dummy weapon, even if he was foiled in the end." Iida blushed heavily. "Technically, the hero team won, yes, but they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They didn't respect the spirit of the trial."

"Yes..." All Might slightly tremble. "Well, you overlooked a few things. Young Iida could've relaxed a little bit in the exercise, but...otherwise, you nailed it!" He gave a thumbs up.

"One should always start with the basics and devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning," Momo preached. "That's the only real way to become a top hero."

"Now then. Let's blow this joint. Let's move on to the next match!" All Might ordered.  "Think about everything we saw and discussed as you tackle this training yourself."

"Yes, sir!" the students responded. The next set of students went down, they were now in building B.

"Match two! Team B will be our heroes!" All Might announced. Which consisted of Todoroki and Shoji. "And Team I will be the villains!" That team consisted of Ojiro and Hagakure. "Look, alive kids! Show us the embodiment of good or evil! Let's go!" The time started, Eva was now able to flutter how she normally does, her eyes glued to the screen like everyone else. They watched Todoroki slowly walk into the building as Shoji listened for anything with his numerous arms. Todoroki put his hand on the wall, ice started to spread everywhere from his hand and foot. Shoji stepped out as Todoroki froze the whole building. Their team won, and everyone was freezing.

"He's capacitated them without compromising the weapon or his teammate," All Might commented. "Take close note of his technique, students." 

"Woah, he's so strong," Kirishima commented. 

"The hero team wins!" All Might announced. Todoroki then unfroze everything, making everything extremely hot. 

"Holy crap," Sato breathed.

"That guy's kind of intimidating" Denki admitted. 

"He got in on a recommendation," Tsu recalled. "So he must be good. 

"Moving on!" All Might announced. "Time to gather 'round for a review of the second match. After that, we'll jet on over to our next battle!"

"Yes, sir!" the students responded. The next battle was between Sero and Kirishima, versus Tokoyami and Tsu. The hero team won. The next team was Yaoyorozu and Mineta versus Kaminari and Jiro. Finally, Aoyama and Ashido versus Sato and Koda. Soon all the battles were over, they stood outside of the building.

"That's a wrap! Super work!" All Might complimented. "You really stepped up to the plate! And, we didn't have any major injuries, except for Midoriya. You should be proud! Excellent first day of training, all around!

"It's nice to hear some encouraging words about our homeroom class," Asui stated. "Mr. Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill."

"I'm happy to bring such staggering positivity to my alma mater!" All Might cheered. "That's all for now, folks. I should go and check in on young Midoriya's progress. Now, watch how a pro exits. Like he's got somewhere to be!" he then sped off, and the students gasped.

"Okay, you guys, that is a hero!" Kaminari gushed. 

"Aw, I'll never be able to run that fast," Ojiro frowned. 

"Super awesome!" Mineta gushed. 

"Yuki!" Ashido exclaimed. "Can you fly that fast?"

"At the moment no," Eva denied. They went to the rest of their afternoon classes, and Eva made sure to grab extra work for Izuku. So it was late afternoon. However, in one class, Bakugo disappeared. The door opened, and they looked up to see Izuku.

"Hey, it's Midoriya!" Kirishima greeted. "Good to see you back, super!" Everyone went over to him. "Ha! Man, I don't know what you were saying during that match. But you were all fired up, huh?"

"I can't believe you held your own against Bakugo--" Sero added. "He's super strong!"

"You did a great job dodging!" Ashido complimented. 

"You guys really turned up in the first match, so none of us held back in our rounds, either!" Sato added. 

"You were far from elegant, but I supposed," Aoyama added. 

"And his dodging was like woo!" Ashido cut him off. 

"Hey, I'm Eijiro Kirishima," red spikey hair greeted him. "We've been goin' over our training results while you were in recovery."

"Hi, I'm Hanto Sero."

"More importantly, I'm Yuga Ao--"

"I'm Mina Ashido!" She cut him off. "And I just gotta say, your dodging was awesome!"

"Tsuyu Asui. But please call me Tsu."

"Hey, Sato."

"Um, hey guys," Izuku greeted nervously. 

"And my name's Mineta!"

"Where the heck did you pop out of?" Kirishima asked. 

"UA's star here."

"You might sparkle, but you sucked it up in training." 

"So noisy," Tokoyami commented. 

"Tokoyami! Stop using that desk as a chair!" Iida ordered marching over. "Get off of it this instant!"

"Dude, you need to chill," Jiro ordered.

"You're carrying a lot of tension," Ojiro added. 

"No one understands," Ida lowered his head. "I cannot condone actions that disrespect these desks. Not when great men and women, our upperclassmen, once used them!"

"Also noisy," Tokoyami sighed. 

"I liked working with you Ida," Eva stated, this brought the tense man out of balance. "I hope we get to work together again on future assignments." Iida's cheeks grew pink, and the class quietly snickered as the door opened.

"So, anyway, wanna grab a bite sometime?" Kaminari asked walking in. He was looking at Urakaka. "Kind of stuff you like?"

"Anything sweet," Urakaka answered. "Hey, Deku!" She ran over to him. "Why didn't she heal your injuries?"

"Oh, uh...Well, it has to do with how much stamina I'm using," Izuku answered.

"Stamina?" Urakaka asked. 

"Um, Eva, Where's Kacchan?" Izuku asked.

"Not sure," Eva answered. "I left the class for a second and when I came back, he was gone." The class looked at each other and gave in.

"We tried to stop him from leaving," Urakaka explained. "But he wouldn't listen. You both just missed him." Izuku looked at Eva in a panic, she nodded getting to her feet, grabbed him, and then flew down the halls as fast as she could trying to find Kacchan.

"She really shouldn't be using her quirk so much after today's fight," Momo stated. "Completely reckless."

"Midoriya is one lucky dude," Mineta gushed. 


Soon Izuku and Eva found Bakugo walking toward the exit with his bag. 

"Kacchan!" Izuku shouted as Eva flew the two over to him. "Wait up!"

"Katsuki!" Eva called out, he looked back at them.

"What?" He demanded. Eva put Izuku on the ground, then fluttered over to the angry man. 

"I have to tell you something. The both of you. Maybe then you'll both understand what's been going on. I wasn't hiding my quirk from either of you. It was given to me by someone else. Recently." Katsuki grunted. "But I can't tell you who I got it from, so don't ask! Sounds crazy, I know. It's like something out of a comic book. Only it's real. The thing is, I don't really have any control over this power yet." As Izuku spoke, Eva could see that Katsuki was getting angrier and angrier." I haven't figured out how to make it my own, but I'm trying. That's why...I didn't wanna use it against you in the exercise. But in the end, it was the only chance I had of winning. I've still got a lot to learn. I know that. That's why I'm here. You'll see. I'll work until I have full control of this borrowed quirk. And I'll finally defeat you with my own power!"

"How dumb do you think I am?" Bakugo demanded. "Borrowed power? Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. You already made a fool outta me in that damn training exercise. So? Did you come here to rub it in? I lost. And to make matters worse, it was to you. I came in first in the exam, but that's not enough. When I was watching that ice guy, I realized I couldn't beat him in a head-to-head fight. Crap! I even agreed with what that girl said. My attack was so stupid! If that fight was real, there's no way I would have been able to protect Eva like I'm supposed to be doing! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Enjoy that win, Deku. You won't get another! I'm just getting started! Got that?! I'm gonna end up the number-one hero, no matter what!?" There were tears in his eyes. He turned to go. "You'll never beat me again, you bastard." He wiped his tears. "Don't even try!"

"Katsuki!" Eva exclaimed flying in front of him. 

"Get out of the way!" He ordered. "Or--" Eva then dropped to the ground, dropping her wings. "Eva--."

"There you are!" a voice boomed. Eva looked around to see All Might speeding towards him. "Bakugo! I found you!" Eva started to flutter again, backing up a bit. All Might grabbed hold of Bakugo. "Just so you know, pride is an important attribute to have. But while you certainly have the abilities to become a pro hero, there's still plenty you have to learn!"

"Let go of me, All Might," Katsuki ordered. "Right now."


"Save your speeches," Bakugo ordered looking back at the number one hero. "I'll be more famous than you and I'll do it without your help. 

"Uh--" All Might backed away. "Uh---Right." Backugo walked around Eva.

"Katsuki," Eva breathed. 

"Let's go home," Katsuki ordered. "Deku can obviously walk home alone by himself." She shot a glance at Izuku before following Katsuki.

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