Chapter 49

The Endeavor Agency had many living quarters; for them to stay in along with the famous Flamin' sidekicks. After the quick meeting Eva had with Endeavor; she lay in her room wide awake with the curtains wide open. Even after such an exhausting day; she could not fall asleep. Eva didn't look over when the door to her room quickly opened and closed; footsteps dragged over to the bed.

"Why are you still up?" Eva asked as Katsuki pushed her over.

"Because of your dumbass," Katsuki answered as he got in the bed; Eva looked over at him it was clear he was half-asleep. "Knew you'd be awake still." He turned on his side, and Eva looked at the ceiling. "If you're not going to go to sleep then tell me what's on your mind."

"Stubborn as always," Eva commented; she felt him roll toward her Eva told him about the meeting she had with Endeavor.

"He is partially right," Katsuki said. "You are wasting your potential if you don't aim for the top."

"But I don't want to be at the top of the pros," Eva reminded him.

"That shouldn't stop you from striving to give it your all," Katsuki answered. "Your hero work will most likely count as responsibilities to Earth." Eva looked at him. "Humans are a part of Earth too." Eva finally rolled to face him. "You are aiming to be a respectable hero; someone that shows up for people that lost hope. A goal like that needs just as much work as my goal of surpassing the current number-one hero." He then rolled over. "Now go to sleep so I can get some sleep."

"Love you," Eva said as she rolled over; putting her back to his back.

Katsuki smiled. "Love you too." Eva rolled toward him. "What else is bother you?"

"In his office is a picture of my mother," said Eva, this made Katsuki turned toward instantly in surprise. "No, I didn't ask."

"Could explain why he knew a few things about your people," said Katsuki.  "Your Great Pa Go mentioned that your mother go portrayed, but a hero...this could be the one."

"Then me being here betraying her," said Eva making a voice.

Katsuki smiled putting a hand on her head. "See it as revenge." He ruffled her hair. "Sleep." They put their backs to each other again. 

As soon as Eva fully fell asleep; she found herself dreamwalking. Eva found herself in the middle of a garden; all around her was a traditional Japanese house there were many walkways to the building in front of her. Sitting on one of the walkways was Endeavor; he seemed to be meditating. 

Eva left the garden slowly walking up to the man. "Endeavor, sir?"

He opened his eyes. "Do you intrude on people's dreams often?"

"I'm still trying to get the hang of it," Eva admitted. "I thought about what you said; you are right I am wasting my talent."

"Good," Endeavor said. 

"Katsuki reminded me that humans are a part of the Earth," Eva said. "I want to protect them, even if they won't do the same for me." She tilted her head. " What do you mean by the work-study being insurance?" Endeavor gasped. "Why is the work studies mandatory this time around?"

"What else do you know?" Endeavor asked.

"I suspect there is a storm coming," Eva answered. "Hawks pushing the Destro book; insisting on certain highlighted passages to be read; you changing your mind on training all your work-study students instead of just your son."

Endeavor sighed. "The world is changing faster than any of us can comprehend. Heroes are not all they seem to be."

"I'm well aware," Eva said. "Heroes are no different now than they were back when all they relied on was their sword and shield." Endeavor looked at his hands. "Heroes have constantly been going over to a more villainous side, and villains have the same potential to change over to a more heroic one as well." Eva looked back at the garden.

Endeavor got to his feet. "These next four months will be crucial to our fight up ahead; forge all the experience you'll gain from this into your whole being. I want you to work on perfecting your quirk as well as your magic."

"You sound like Mr. Aizawa," Eva said. "He's advised the same thing."

"You remind me of Shoto in some ways," Endeavor admitted. "He's rejected a power inside of him in a similar sense of you ignoring what's always been inside of you." There was a silence. "You mostly remind me of Eumelia.

Eva gasped. "So, you did know my mom?"

Endeavor nodded. "I met Lia when were 8; annoying but look like her." Even though he called her annoying, Eva could see that their was sadness in Endeavor's energy when he mentioned Eumelia. 

"Is that why her picture is in your office?" asked Eva. "In the very corner." His expression fell.


Eva then woke up on her stomach; she felt someone's body completely on top of her; a hand a few inches from her face. Katsuki was on his back sprawled out completely; laying across her just like when they were young; the snoring definitely hadn't changed.

"Take that ya slimy bastard," Katsuki mumbled; his hands sparked up; Eva slowly reached out grabbing the hand close to her; in an instant, it closed. 


A few days have gone by since the work-study at Endeavor's Agency began. 

The current robber they were after had dashed into the labyrinth of alleyways, with help from the smoke quirk on the bottom of his body.

"Kacchan! Todorki! You two circle around, Eva from above; we'll hit from four sides!" said Izuku.

"Don't order me around!" snapped Katsuki.

"Got it," said Todoroki.

"Okay," Eva said.

Everyone did as Izuku instructed; they got to the rendezvous point; Eva was in front of the guy ready to plunge her foot in his chest; but then a scorching whip-shaped plume of fire shot down from above and lassoed the man. 

"Too slow," Endeavor spat, ever since that dream there was a small line of understanding between Eva and the top hero. He had no choice but to respect the fact that Eva prefers teamwork then doing everything herself, in return, Eva was making an effort to make calls herself. Katsuki didn't seem to get angry with her as he would with the other two if they gave instructions...Endeavor was quick to figure that Eva was a weak point for Bakugo. "If you're already wiped out, then take a break."

"I ain't wiped out!" Katsuki screamed in frustration. For the past few days; the four students had been on long patrols, with an early start that morning.

Izuku and Eva looked at each other.

'We were so close though,' Eva thought. She had done as many in the past had instructed her to do including Night Eye; Eva was perfecting her magic and Izuku was happy to normally be on the other side of it.

'Endeavor does have the home-turf advantage,' Izuku reminded her. 'He lured the villain into the alley in hope of preventing property damage, then swung ahead to make the capture...Pro heroes never fail to impress!'

'You always find the learning curve in our failures,' Eva said. Every villain they had encountered has been brought down by number one.

"Dammit!" Shoto hissed under his breath. 

After handing the smoke villain to the Flamin' Sidekicks; Endeavor's phone rang. "What is it? Mm-hm. Got it." He hung up the phone. "Change of plans. Deku, Bakugo, and Yuki--you three take a breather. Shoto--you're with me."

"Why just me?" asked Shoto.

"Gotta do an interview," Endeavor answered. "Should be over quick enough. This is part of the job too, y'know."


As those two went off the Flamin' Sidekickers recommended some places for the other three to get some food.

"Where should we go eat?" said Izuku.

"Hm," Eva thought about it.

"Like I care!" said Katsuki. "Find your own grub!" He grabbed Eva by her arm, dragging her with him. Eva shot an apologetic look at Izuku as he disappeared into the crowd. Soon they were inside a convenience store; Eva was looking at the fruit bowls as Katsuki was squatting down and studying the sandwiches. "Eva?"

"Hm?" Eva asked.

"I need your advice about Izuku," Katsuki answered; Eva's head snapped toward him. "You heard me say his name; don't break your neck off."

"W-what sort of advice are you looking for?" Eva asked as she picked up a fruit cup.

"Apologizing," Katsuki answered as he stood up. 

"With the history between you two, think back to the beginning," Eva advised. "Why did you bully him?"

"He was quirkless far behind, but he always felt miles ahead of me," Katsuki answered. "You even seemed to lean on him more than me; I don't know how to go on apologizing to him for how I treated him all these years."

"Apologies like that need to come straight from the heart, every single word is meant," Eva answered. "Though just because you apologize doesn't mean he'll accept it."

"I don't care if he accepts it," Katsuki said as they made their way to the register. "I just need him to hear." They talked a bit more till they reached a park bench that Izuku sat on by a Shinto shrine.

"You ever gonna quit stalking me? asked Katsuki.

"Katsuki!" Eva scolded as she looked at him, crossing her arms.

He looked at her. "It's not going to be right away."

"Just a coincidence, I swear!" said Midoriya; they both looked at him.

"Then why'd you keep popping up wherever I go?!" roared Bakugo. 

"Keep it down!" Eva pleaded.

"Kacchan, let these good people celebrate New Year's in peace," said Izuku.

"S'not me! It's them causing a scene!" Bakugo said.

"Huh? Them?" Izuku asked.

"The two little boys by the shrine," Eva answered as Bakugo pointed a finger. The three approached the source.

"You're just a big traitor, Macchan! Can't trust you as far as I can kick you!"

"It's as far as I can toss you', Takkun! Not kick!"

"W-whatever! That's just atlantcis!"

"You mean semantics?" 

Takkun was red from anger and embarrassment and Macchan was on the verge of tears.

Izuku stepped forward. "Take it easy, you two. Want to tell me what's going on?"

"Buzz off, brocco-head!" said Takkun.

"Geez, Takkun!" said Macchan. 

Takkun dashed; he bumped into a grinning Bakugo. "Going somewhere?"

"Eek!" squeaked Takkun; he tried to get away but Bakugo grabbed his collar.

"Not even a sorry? Were you raised by wolves?" asked Bakugo.

"Sh-Shut up! Villain face!" The insult made Bakugo drop the kid; he quickly disappeared.

"Takkun..." lamented Macchan. "Now what'm I gonna do about the hero Karuta tournament tomorrow?" He started crying.

"Let the crybaby deal with his own problems," said Bakugo as Eva guided the boy over to the benches away from the plaza. He cried the whole time as Bakugo and Eva nibbled on their food. 

"Mom says not to accept stuff from strangers," said Macchan as Izuku offered him a drink.

"Sorry, of course! Well, I'm Deku, that's Violet Gust...and this here is Kacchan."

"Nobody introduces me but me!" snapped Bakugo.

"Do you know Endeavor's hero agency? We're doing a work-study over there as trainees," explained Izuku. 

"Trainees?" said Macchan. " So, you're gonna be heroes someday?"

"You can trust us," Eva assured. 

"I'm sure all that crying dried you out, so drink this," Izuku urged.

"Okay, thanks," Macchan said as he took the drink. 

"Why were you and your friend fighting?" asked Eva.

Macchan became hesitant again. "Um, well...I'm gonna transfer to another school soon." He told them how the two have been friends for years, and didn't tell Takkun about moving until today.

"I'm sure he's taking the news hard," Eva assured. 

Bakugo disagreed. "Hah. That whole tantrum, over that? Your pal's got some growing up to do."

"Hang on..." said Izuku. "Did you mention a hero Karuta tournament before?"

"Yeah, it's happening tomorrow, right here. Takkun and I were gonna enter together," said Macchan, gesturing to a nearby poster.

"Hero Karuta...Now that brings me back!" chimed Izuku.

"Wait, you've played before?" asked Macchan.

"Not in a tournament, or anything," denied Izuku. "Just at home with Violet Gust, while my mom read out the phrases."

"Oh, okay," slumped Macchan. "I can't believe Takkun's just gonna skip the tournament after we practiced so hard...Maybe I'll never even see him again." Lunch ended soon and the three returned to patrol.

After a long day; the four students returned to the agency. After reporting the day's events, they bumped into Burnin.

"Hard day's work? How'd it go?" she asked. "I hope you're managing to keep up with the boss!"

"Stuff it," said Bakugo with a glare. The other three nodded at her. 

"Huh-uh, we don't let our people starve around here! Go get yourselves some katsu curry! It's the daily special!" encouraged Burnin as she walked away. Without a word, to each other, the four found an empty table and ordered their food. Jumbo katsu curry for Izuku, a jumbo spicy katsu curry for Bakugo, vegetarian curry for Eva, and katsu curry with a side of soba for Todoroki. The seating arrangement went to Izuku, Todoroki, a space, Eva, and Katsuki. 

Todoroki was going to try to be next to Eva, but Katsuki pulled the chair away; to use it on the other side of her.

"Did you three try that book?" Todoroki asked as they were halfway through the meal.

"You mean the Meta Liberation War?" said Izuku. "Yeah, but I haven't finished yet, since I always fall asleep so quickly every night."

"I've read it," Eva answered. 

"Why the hell would I read anything by some extremist, whack job?" said Bakugo. "And also, shut up--I'm trying to eat over here."

"Have you gotten through it, Shoto?" Eva asked. 

"No, I always nod off, too," said Todoroki. 

"Mm-hm, once my head hits that pillow, it's game over," said Izuku. "What you think of the book, Eva?"

"Well, Destro tried to compare using Quirks freely to how people used magic freely," Eva answered. "If Quirks were to be controlled by the government then magic should be as well."

"What would you do if there's a magic ban?" Shoto asked.

"I'd have no choice but to return to the Otherworld due to the banishment," Eva answered. "My time with all of you would come to an end."

"Unrelated, but have you figured out that thing about condensing your power to a point?" asked Izuku.

"Not yet," Shoto answered. " I feel like I'm getting close, though...What about you, Bakugo?"

"Course I've got the gist. And would you cram it, already?"

"Sorry," said Todoroki, he went back to his food.

"You really love soba, don't you," said Izuku.

"Yes. There's nothing more delicious," said Shoto.

"Good thing you can add a soba side order to just about anything on the menu here, huh," said Izuku. This comment made Kido and Onima become alert to the conversation.

"Heh, you noticed? There's actually a reason they offer soba with everything here!" said Kido.

"After Shoto did his internship with us, the boss insisted on that change to the menu," explained Onima. This made Shoto irritated. 

"Not the Soba's fault, I guess," Todoroki said; he focused on his food as Bakugo reached for more hot sauce. "And he's actually pretty amazing, as a hero."

"Ooh! The boss could die happy after hearing that!" said Onima said.

"We'll have to pass that compliment later!" said Kido. 

"Don't. Please don't," said Shoto. Soon Kido and Onima left after finishing their meals

"It's crazy how quickly Endeavor senses when there's trouble afoot, though. It's like he's got a built-in radar for these things," said Izuku.

"Mm-hm. No matter how close we are to the perp, he always beats us to the punch," said Shoto. 

"He has that device thing in his ears," Eva answered pointing to her ears. "It beeps whenever there's an incident."

Izuku dove into an analysis. "I used to have this image of him as a hero who would take down criminals through sheer force, but actually there's much more subtlety to his moves. Maybe those instincts come from years of hero work? But it's not just that! His eye for detail extends to an impressive knack for crisis management, which I think we have to thank for the low crime stats here, within his jurisdictions. His big finisher moves might look flashy and haphazard but a closer look has shown me how precise he is when he unleashes them. Audaciously delicate, you might say? I was also shocked at how spot-on his advice for us was. Being able to put pointers into words like that comes not just from instinct, but from hard work and experience, I think...Ah, not that I've got anything against learning by intuition, or..."

"SHUT UP!" Bakugo roared. "CAN'T A GUY EAT IN SILENCE!"

"Oops, sorry, Kacchan!" Izuku apologized; though he kept going. "Actually, since forever ago, I've noticed how you prefer silence when you're eating spicy food. And then, that one-time elementary school, you were like, 'Curry's not s'posed to be this sweet, dammit!' and the teacher got really mad."

"What did I just say? Maybe you'll pipe down with that Katu stuffed down your throat!" said Bakugo, reaching for Izuku's plate.

"Whoa! Cut it out, Kacchan!" said Izuku as Eva pushed Bakugo's hand away. 

"You brought it on yourself!"

"Aren't you two childhood friends? Why do you fight so much?" asked Todoroki as he observed the three. 



"You've known each other for years, right?" asked Todoroki. "I thought childhood friends were supposed to...act like actual friends." Izuku seemed stuck; Bakugo twitched.

"What? As if you're s'posed to get along just cuz you've known someone a while...? Then how d'you explain you and dear daddy, huh?"

"Katsuki!" Eva scolded as she turned to him.

"No, he's right," Shoto said; they all looked at him. "After all, Midoriya, Yuki, and I are friends."

"Aw, Todoroki," Izuku said with joy. 

"That buddy-buddy crap makes me wanna hurl, so leave me the hell outta it!" howled Bakugo.

Eva looked at him; tilting her head. "But you said I was your best girl."

He turned to his food. "That's different."

After dinner, they all moved to the shared bathing area; Eva was very happy there was a girls' side not wanting to repeat events from the Underground dungeon with other classmates. Plus, Eva enjoyed her time away from those three boys; as much as she loves them; she enjoys the peace away from them. Her thoughts were mainly on her using magic and her quirk at the same time; as her flight issues. She was thinking of different ways to use her quirk as well as trying to remember things her mom told her. After a good scrub; Eva made her way to bed, once again she was staring at the ceiling. It happened like previous nights the sound of sluggish footsteps after the door opened.

"Just go to sleep," Bakugo ordered as he got in the bed; pushing her over.

"That shouldn't stop you from doing so," Eva said as Bakugo put a pillow on top of her.

"What's on your mind this time?" Katsuki asked as he put his head on the pillow; Eva remained quiet...she didn't talk about her mom a lot with anyone besides the people in the Otherworld. "Eva?" He looked to see that her eyes were closed; he sighed closing his eyes as well.

***Eva's memory***

It was before Eva's old home had been burned down; she was in the Otherworld with her mother. The woman then pushed Eva off the branch they were standing on.

Eva kept falling and falling until her mom came and caught her. Eva remembered feeling down she couldn't achieve the lesson as her mom held her in her arms. The woman spun around in a circle, kissing Eva's cheek, Eva looked at her mom sitting up straight. She gently put her hands in her mom's face, then putting her forehead to hers, making her mom smile widely as they both closed their eyes.

***Memory over***

Eva opened her eyes; they were brimming with tears; she quickly wiped them away. She sat up a little; and forgot that Katsuki was there, he was fast asleep; flipped so his face would mostly be on the pillow. Eva carefully wiggled out before stepping out of the room to go to the beverage corner.


She looked over to see that Izuku was there as well; he was sipping on some water

"Izuku," Eva greeted as she grabbed water.  "What are you doing up still?"

"Something that Todoroki said struck me," Izuku answered as Eva sat next to him. "How do I expect Takkun and Macchan to get along if I can't even get along with Kacchan? I have no experience to back it up."

"In cases like this, I don't think it's about the experience," Eva said. "With this; you sort of see your younger selves in Macchan and Takkun."

"I suppose," Izuku nodded.

"You just don't want them to fall apart as you and Katsuki did," Eva said. "Have them keep what failed in your own life."

"You're right," Izuku smiled as he looked at his water. "I do hope they patch things up somehow." He then looked back at you. "What are you doing up?"

"I've been stuck on the flight thing," Eva answered.

"I've been meaning to ask," Izuku began. "What did you mean by what kind of fae, what is complicated?"

"Some fae can extend their flight gift without fluttering their wings all the time," Eva explained. "It comes naturally to some, my mom was able to do it."

Izuku lit up. "Did she pass that lesson on to you?"

Eva's face fell a bit. "I've been trying to remember anything my mom told me."

"Why has it been giving you trouble?" Izuku asked. "I'm sure she had a ton of advice."

"I'm sure she did too," Eva said as she looked away. "In all honesty, I can't remember my mom's voice all that much. I can hear phrases she always says; and little bits here and there; that's mainly it." Tears welled in her eyes. "Whenever I try to picture my mom's voice I'm more likely to hear your mom's voice...which there is nothing wrong with that...I just don't want mine to end up lost forever." Izuku put a hand on her head; she looked at him; he pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged back; her tears started to slip out of her eyes. 

Nothing was said after that, Izuku felt bad he didn't say anything, but Eva felt like the hugs were enough; some words are better expressed. Eva got back to her room to find Katsuki spread out completely; snoring louder than earlier. She took one of the pillows; putting it on top of him before putting her head down for the night too. 


While out on patrol, the students were barely keeping up with Endeavor, as usual.

"Deku!" shouted Endeavor. "Get your head outta the clouds! You're here to work, right?"

"Sorry, sir!"

They continued with patrol until Endeavor got a phone call.

"What?" asked Endeavor. "An emergency call from Miriko? Fine, patch her through."

"What's up Endeavor?" Miriko greeted loud enough for all to hear. "Mind lending me a hand or two? I'm dealing with a villain who doesn't know when to quit!" She was facing a villain weak to fire quirks. "Great! And make it snappy!"

Endeavor angrily hung his phone up. "Where does she get off..." He turned to the students. "I would tell you four 'Keep up' but in an emergency like this, you'd only slow me down. Until I get back, keep patrolling with sidekicks."  Endeavor took off.

"Lemme come too!" protested Bakugo, but the number-one hero was already too far. There were no incidents for the rest of the morning, they were all granted a lunch break; Shoto went back to the agency; Eva took the moment to step into Otherworld; she promised Bakugo that she'd be back before lunch break was over.

At the moment; Eva now sat on top of a mushroom with a friend of hers; a girl with light pink hair and dark pink eyes; she was wearing zinnia flower petals as a two-piece dress.

"I find it strange you are the one coming to me about flight, Evalina," the girl said.

"Have you achieved flying without your wings, Rasia?" Eva asked.

"You've forgotten?" Rasia asked as she tilted her head. "How strange since you were the one to achieve it before me."

" My mom was quite hell-bent on it with me," Eva recalled. "So, do you recall anything, if I learn it again; it'll be a great help in my hero journey."

"Normally; fae is not one to take the hero part in the tales," Raisa answered. 

"Well, I want to be a hero in this tale," Eva said. Raisa tilted her head. "Us fae do not have souls for us to begin a new life; I wish to live my life like this."

Raisa smiled. "I'm glad." Eva tilted her head this time. "For years, you've decided to reach toward the goal of a hero due to the wishes of those human friends of yours...but now it's something you truly wish to've grown a lot since the last time we talked." Eva nodded. "On top of that, you started to use magic again and not just as your life force."

"It was wrong for me to neglect it," Eva answered. 

Raisa shook her head. "As for your flight problem...all you need to do is produce an aura of magic energy around you and your heart, once the two become shall never be broken unless..."

"A wing is broken," Eva finished. 

"Yes and no," Raisa answered. "Your wing can always grow back, but you need more spiritual work. You are letting the pain of the past keep you from moving forward or relearning an old trick." Eva gasped. "Never forget what it taught you, but don't let it hold you back from becoming everything you can be and wish to be." She grabbed Eva's hands; the two girls stood up. "You should come talk to me more."

"I will try to do so more often," Eva answered. "It was good to see you, dearest friend."

"As it was to see you," Raisa smiled; the two girls touched noses before going separate ways. Eva stepped back into the human world; to see Bakugo, Izuku, and Todoroki waiting by a tree in front of her. 

"How did you know?" Eva asked.

"Your clothes," Bakugo answered as held up her hero suit; Eva glanced down at her Otherworld clothes; bark being treated as a corset with pink tulips as a skirt; and as spaghetti traps.  Todoroki was bewildered by how Eva was basically just stepping out of the tree; in the same manner that Kuiorio could melt into the darkness. At that moment; Izuku's phone rang.

"Deku! Break's over!" a sidekick asked. "Is Bakugo and Yuki with you?"

Izuku's feet started moving. "Y-yes! I've got Kacchan, Eva, and Todoroki with me right here! We're on our way!" Eva took the clothes from Bakugo and flew up into the trees. "Come on, guys! They want us back!" In seconds; Eva was back in her hero suit and was joining the others back on patrol.

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