Chapter 46
At the moment; everyone on campus was working hard on the winter cleaning. Eva always kept on keeping her room spotless; growing up with Katsuki; got drilled into her the importance of a spotless living space; she even has a specific order of doing things.
1. Declutter and pick up
2. Personal bathroom
3. Plants
4. Desk
5. Closet
6. Strip bed/Laundry
7. Bookshelf/dresser
8. Mini fridge
9. Balcony
10. Sweep and vacuum
After going through her list; Eva stepped out into the hallway to see Yaoyorozu and Tsu getting ready to take their trash down.
"Your cleaning going well?" Eva asked.
"I still have so much to do," Yaoyorozu admitted in slight embarrassment. "I'm taking a load down so it's not too much later."
"I can do it for you," Eva offered. "I just finished."
"Can you take mine too?" Tsu asked. "Ribbit."
"Of course," Eva nodded as she took the bags. "Good luck!" They nodded as Eva went to the elevator, it stopped at the fourth floor to let Shoji on. "Hello, Shoji."
"I can take those for you," Shoji offered as the elevator doors closed. He had numerous cardboard boxes in his hands; Eva was a bit confused by the sight. Shoji then explained how he cleaned his room, the communal bath for the boys, and the kitchen and offered to take the girl's trash out.
"I appreciate your help," Eva began. "I want to take this moment to stretch my wings more." Shoji nodded in an understatement; the two talked more as they made their way down to the dumpster.
"If I'm being honest," Shoji began. "I'm surprised you're not a minimalist like me." Eva looked at him. "I heard Fae aren't materialistic."
"Most of it is just to help with homesickness," Eva answered. "Being away from the Otherworld like this can be hard at times." She looked at him. "Sorry about making the plant suggestion to you on the first day of living at the dorms; it wasn't polite of me."
"Don't concern yourself with it," Shoji assured as they approached a group of people; it was their other classmates...Iida, Kirishima, Koda, and Tokoyami. "Garbage run?" He then explained the boxes to those boys. They asked them about the mini earthquake and strange noises.
"The mini earthquakes have been strange," Eva answered. "They aren't happening like normal earthquakes either."
"The noises are too faint to pinpoint, though," said Shoji, he looked at Eva, and she she shook her head.
"I can't claim to know what's going on, but we ought to inform Mr. Aizawa posthaste, once we're finished out here," said Iida. They had finally reached the backup transport near the woods; a small pile seemed to have already formed.
"What's this?" Eva asked as she picked up a magazine from a cardboard box.
"Batboy!?" Tokoyami exclaimed with excitement; he was next to her.
Kirishima had the same sparkle in his eyes. "Ooh, that brings me back?"
"What is Batboy?" Iida asked.
"A real popular American movie made way back when," said Kirishima. "Batboy! The kid superhero who controls bats! Kinda cool how he was more of a dark hero, y'know. You've never seen the flick?"
"Izuku might've mentioned him," Eva said as she scratched the back of her head. "But I don't know anything about it."
"Apologies, I've woefully ignorant when it comes to entertainment," admitted Iida.
"So lemme guess, Tokoyami--you're a Batboy fan?" asked Kirishima.
Passion filled Tokoyami's voice. "Indeed...The young loner who commands jet-black bats to carry out justice. A character I admire very much." His bag suddenly ripped a tapestry with a geometric pattern, a crystal ball about ten centimeters wide, and ripped black clothing. "Ah, my Dark Night Crystal!" Tokoyami rushed down the slope after the crystal ball.
"That looked to me like an ordinary transparent crystal ball, so what exactly was 'dark' or 'night-like' about it?" Iida asked.
Kirishima hooked his head. "Don't ask, man." Eva looked at him. "There's a time in a kid's life when he's just gotta give names like that to stuff."
"Maybe we should go after him?" Eva suggested as a flock of crows flew over them.
"You think he's okay?" Koda asked; glancing at the forest with worry.
"I guess he couldn't find it right away?" suggested Shoji. They all crossed the tree line to give Tokoyami a helping hand.
"Over here!"
They found him staring at a certain spit in the ground.
"What's the matter?" asked Iida asked as Eva placed her feet on the ground.
Tokoyami raised his head. "My Dark Night...erm, the crystal stopped rolling here, but...the ground seems soft."
"Soft?" Eva repeated as she took off her shoes; she placed her feet on the ground as Iida stepped forward "Woah---" The ground suddenly collapsed, swallowing the six students with an earth-shattering rumble.
"Hey...Hey! Wake, up!"
Eva opened her eyes to the sound of Dark Shadow's voice. She looked around to see everyone else was on the ground too, they were in a dimly lit cavern surrounded by walls of boulders.
Iida shot up. "Is everyone okay?" Eva crawled over to Koda and began to wake him with Dark Shadow's help.
Kirishima busted through a pile of rocks. "PHEW, I THOUGHT I WAS DEAD MAN!" Tokoyami and Shoji woke up; they let out grunts of pain like the others. Eva looked up to see the opening had been covered by rocks.
"Hey, hey! Check this out!" Dark Shadow urged; they fought past the pain; getting to their feet or in the air. Eva saw a string of red lights faintly burning; the passageway was about five meters across and three meters high.
"Eva, you have night vision right?" Kirishima asked.
"Yeah," Eva answered. "There are a number of offshoot tunnels, as wide as this one; the walls are coarse and rough-hewn."
Iida was stunned. "I never imagined such a cave structure existed beneath UA."
Kirishima gasped. "Maybe, it's a new school facility?"
"They could explain it," said Shoji, Koda nodded in agreement.
"If they've been constructing this facility," said Tokoyami. "That would also explain the unusual earthquakes and the sounds Shoji, Jiro, and Yuki have heard."
"Yes, in all likelihood," said Iida.
"Let's explore, then!" yelped Dark Shadow; he seemed to be the most excited.
"Might as well," Eva agreed. "We don't have a way out." She looked up at the rocks above them.
"No," Iida disagreed. "As of this moment, we're victims of an accident. We ought to escape as soon as possible...Ah, Tokoyami! Is your phone working?"
Tokoyami yanked his phone from his pocket; he became disappointed. "No, I have no signal." Eva had left her phone back in her dorm...if she had to was most likely dead, to begin with.
"Then we have no choice but to break free by our own power," stated Iida.
"Guess so," said Shoji, Koda nodded.
"Let's freaking do this!" shouted Kirishima.
"Indeed," added Tokoyami.
Dark Shadow was the only one not thrilled. "What's the harm in exploring?"
"If this is a new facility, then they'll probably schedule a visit for the class soon enough. Be patient," said Tokoyami.
"We could kill two objects with one," Eva said. "Exploring these paths is bound to lead us back above ground."
"Makes sense," Kirishima said. "If someone's building this place, they've gotta have a way in or out."
"Yes, but we are without a proper map, and there's no telling how expansive these caves really are," Tokoyami said.
"S'why we gotta explore!" pleaded Dark Shadow. "We got Yuki with us!"
"We can always try to remove the rocks above," Iida suggested.
Eva looked at the comic she had in her hand. 'What would Batboy do?' A brass clanging made everyone spin toward the noise.
"It's one of those clashing monkey things," Eva answered; the others looked at each other uneasily. Eva always had more of a fascination with things like Jacob's ladder, and the pirate game than things like the item in front of her.
"The heck?" Kirishima asked as he hardened one hand; grabbing the toy. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. "This little dude definitely wasn't chilling over here a minute ago, right?"
"Maybe it was too dark for even Yuki to notice," suggested Shoji,
"Why would such a contraption be here in the first place?" Iida wondered. The monkey sprang to life and began smashing its tiny cymbals together.
"WHOA!" yelped Kirshima as he dropped the toy. The others flinched, but then laughed a little; everyone went into shock when the monkey's head spun around. As soon its lights lit up, a powerful aimed at the students.
They all quickly got out of the way.
"What's up with this thing?" yelled Kirshima as the toy continued to attack.
"Obviously, I cannot explain!" shot back Iida.
"Get it, Dark Shadow!" shouted Tokoyami.
"Aye, aye!" He responded; Dark Shadow bared its fangs diving at the toy; to just get hit with a beam. "GAHH!"
"Dark Shadow!" cried Tokoyami and Eva in concern.
Kirishima hardened his body to withstand the beams, but as he and Shoji got into a striking distance; the toy scampered off. Shoji threw a boulder at it, and they all got closer to see the head was still intact after the assault.
"Nurse?" Iida guessed. "How brazen, to request medical assistance from us at this point!"
"I believe it's sayin' curse," corrected Tokoyami. "Like the sort involving voodoo dolls...or even Eva."
"I don't have my flute on me," Eva answered. "Or my lyre harp." They looked at her. "I promise I have not placed any curses on anything as of late."
"As of late?" Ida repeated in concern.
"Practice at home," answered Eva as it was obvious.
The toy opened its mouth again. "Curse...Curse." They all gulped. The monkey's jaw popped open. "Curse...Destroy!"
"GAHHHHH!" As they ran the toy floated into the air to pursue them.
"It can fly?" Eva asked.
"W-what now?!" shouted Kirishima.
"Don't ask me!" shot back Iida.
Eva turned on her back pointing her back wings together; she let out an air blast shooting the toy back a bit; they all continued to dodge the beams.
"Any thoughts yet, Iida?!" asked Kirishima.
"First, Yuki is to create a wind current strong enough to get from its range, then wait for an opening, and..." Iida began.
"Iida! Up ahead!" Shoji cried; Eva looked to see an entire swarm of toy monkey's coming at them; all with beam blasts.
Kirishima grabbed Eva by the back of her shirt as they went down one of the side tunnels; they saw it had one more branching path. They continued to run; dodging the beams from the toy monkeys. "Iida, they're not stopping!"
"Eva and Kirishima lure them ahead," Iida instructed. "Meanwhile, we shall conceal ourselves." They nodded in agreement with the plan. Shoji and Tokoyami went to the left and Iida went to the right.
"This is a wind smash, combo!" Kirishima shouted; as he pulled Eva down to the floor; behind him. She sent out a slicing wind as Kirshima hardened his body. "COME AND GET ME!" HE smashed incoming toy monkeys with his fists; as Eva's wind current sliced the heads off a couple of them. The other three soon joined in on the attack.
"Curse...Curse..curse curse curse."
Soon their fight with toy monkeys was over.
"Seriously, what was their deal?" Kirishima asked as Eva got back off the ground.
"I would very much like to know as well," scowled Iida.
"Is Dark Shadow, okay?" Shoji asked as Eva looked around.
"Yes," Tokoyami answered. "Any damage will be healed after a short rest."
"Wonderful to hear," said Iida.
"Where's Koda?" Eva asked. The others snapped their heads around, they began to shout for Koda. Shoji's ears couldn't even detect their classmate.
"Perhaps he became separated earlier as we fled?" suggested Iida. They traced their steps back to where they first fell, but no sign of Koda...strange thing was the rubble where they fell was gone.
"Huh?" Eva asked.
"It was definitely here, yeah?" asked Kirishima.
"No, I think it was that way," said Shoji.
"I believe that was the way we came from," said Tokoyami.
The three boys all pointed in opposite directions...bad omen.
"Please, don't tell me that we've lost our way as well!?" panicked Iida.
"Well, class rep," Eva began. "What's our course of action?"
"We search for Koda and the exit," answered Iida. They cautiously crept down passageways in search of their friend until they hit a dead end. The wall had a strange button on it.
Kirishima's finger hovered over the button. "Should we?"
Iida shook his head. "We haven't the faintest what pushing this button could do!"
"But it might alert the ones running the facility to the danger we're in. Pushing it could get us to rescue," suggested Tokoyami.
"Assuming this is really a UA facility," said Shoji.
"I've been having doubts as well," Eva admitted as she hugged the comic book closer to her. "This place is feeling like a labyrinth, with toy monkeys as the first monster encounter. I for one hope there are no forcefully trapped Minotaurs." She shook her head trying to get the thoughts out. "Then again if that is the case, we can rescue the Minotaur out of here."
"You'd want to rescue a monster?" asked Tokoyami.
Eva looked at him. "The Minotaur was not evil at birth as most humans believe, nonetheless, they do have families that care for them, and they have feelings just like humans and fae do." Shoji looked at her. "That being said, I am becoming unsure if this place is connected to UA."
"But if it's not connected to UA then..." murmured Tokoyami as he put a hand on Eva's shoulder.
"Villains," they said in unison.
Kirishima tried to keep the mood happy. "C'mon, though---how would villains create a huge place like this without anyone noticing?"
"I shudder to think villains could be behind this," said Iida. "Though, we'd be remiss not to consider this possibility."
"Oh, what's this?" a voice asked; they looked to see that Dark Shadow had reemerged; he had pressed the button.
"Dark Shadow! What have you done?!" shouted Tokoyami. Dark Shadow looked at the others in confusion.
"Please! Remain calm!!" ordered Iida.
"If villains really are to blame for all this, they might've set traps," explained Shoji as he scanned the area.
"Sure, like in the movies," said Kirishima. "Is this kinda stitch the first trap is usually a trapdoor..."
"Like what we fell through earlier," Eva gathered, Kirishima nodded as they glanced to the ground to see an imperceptible seam.
"Everyone to the wall!" shouted Iida; the others did as told; but the ground didn't budge, Eva looked up when she felt dirt fall on her. The ceiling was caving in. "Everyone! Run!"
"Huh? Ack!" The group had now begun to dodge a series of falling blocks.
"What nowwwww?" yelled Kirishima as Tokoyami cloaked himself with Dark Shadow; using Black Fallen Angel.
"Hang on!" Eva urged as she picked up Kirishima.
"Here we go!" Iida shouted as he grabbed Shoji's hands.
They blasted down the tunnel; far enough from the falling blocks; soon they stopped where it was deemed safe enough.
"I've never moved quite that fast before," panted Shoji,
"Felt like I turned into a gust of wind there," added Kirishima as Eva put him down.
"Shoji, you're hurt," Eva said as she hovered her hand over his leg; the creases in her hand glowed teal; she began to treat him.
"We seem safe for now," said Iida. "And clearly that button was indeed linked to a trap."
"Let's hope it's the last one we triggered," said Kirishima as he bent down to look at Eva's hand.
"Wanna do it again!" chirped Dark Shadow; he treated the experience like a game.
Tokoyami went to scold his companion. "What is that screen doing here?" They looked up to see the screen.
"What is it counting down, too?" asked Iida. All of them watched the countdown reach 0, all wishing they'd didn't when a trap door opened up beneath them.
All of them were sliding into darkness; moving around wasn't helping.
Eva had wrapped her arms and legs around Shoji, who was in front of everyone; her back was pressed to Kirishima who wrapped his arms around her.
"Iida, your exhaust pipe thing's taking a trip up my butt!" said Kirishima.
"Apologies," said Iida. "Allow me to...Ouch! What stabbed me into the back of my head?!"
"Dah much eek!" mumbled Tokoyami trying to explain through Iida's cries. Shoji was doing his best to pry peel the others off of him; only to get his arms tangled; Eva couldn't get her wings freed from Kirishima's hold on her. As they greased down the slide; going into a more vertical drop until...
A jarring sensation filled their stomachs; Eva saw they were falling into a giant iron bar-laced birdcage. The top opened ready to welcome its prey; before going into they felt themselves floating back up.
"I! HATE! BIRDCAGES!" grunted Dark Shadow; holding onto the five; they looked at him with joy.
"Well done, Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami shouted.
"Keep the praise coming!"
They landed a short distance away in a nearby tunnel; with the only way down. The group slumped into a circle on the ground.
"So many intricate traps," said Ida. "All designed to capture intruders such as ourselves. I'm hard-pressed to believe this is truly a UA facility."
"This labyrinthine trap hoard seems more like something constructed by villains," said Tokoyami.
"As long as this isn't an actual labyrinth," Eva said tilting her head. "I don't want to be trapped here forever, never see the stars again like Asterion." Shoji put a hand on her back.
"Y'think...the villains are in here with us?" suggested Kirishima.
"There's a good chance they're somehow watching us, at least," said Shoji.
"Regardless, our objectives remain the same. Find Koda, and find the exit. Then, we report back to Mr. Aizawa and inform him about our discovery!" concluded Iida.
"I do hope Koda is okay," Eva wished. "We've been separated from him for a while."
"We can only hope that the villains haven't caught him," said Tokoyami, assuming the worst.
Iida got to his feet. "Let's press forward." Suddenly, there was an enormous slam from behind; they looked to see a giant boulder heading straight for them.
"No way!" Kirishima cried. "Nuh-uh! We've gotta be on a movie set, right?"
"Sadly, Kirishima, I'm afraid this is reality!" said Iida as they ran from the boulder. Just like in the movies; they came to another dead end.
Kirishima spun around; planting his feet. "We'll see who breaks first!" He hardened up his whole body. The others braced from impact.
"We have your back, Kirishima!" Eva said.
Kirishima thrust his fists at the boulder; massive fissures tore away from the main boulder. Eva blasted one, Iida halved one with a kick and Shoji smashed the other part with his Ocotblow assault. Tokoyami was caught off guard resulting in Iida taking a direct hit in his shoulder.
"Oh no, Iida!" cried Tokoyami; the others ran over to their injured friend.
"That's blood, dude!" said Kirishima.
"Let's try to stop the bleeding," Eva said as she looked at the wound.
"Here," Shoji said; he ripped a strip of his own clothing, and Iida pulled out his handkerchief. "Please use this." The blood oozed through Iida's handkerchief.
"Apologies!" said Tokoyami with a clenched fist.
Iida forced a smile. "It's just a scratch, so don't let it trouble you. Besides we haven't the luxury to fritter out sitting time here..."
Tokoyami's hand accidentally grazed Iida's wound; he flinched pulling his hand away that now had blood on it. "I'm sorry...this is my fault!"
"Let me," Eva said as she crouched down to Iida; she focused her hands on his injury.
"You did this on Shoji, earlier," Kirshima recalled as he watched Eva's hands glow teal; both ignorant of Dark Shadow going into a rampage.
"Enough, Dark Shadow..." pleaded Tokoyami; they all looked at the angry shadow; it grew larger and more ferocious.
"Light...of course," murmured Iida as Eva pulled her hands away. "Lend me your cellular phone, Tokoyami!" He took the phone out of Tokoyami's pocket; Dark Shadow was quick to smack it away.
"DUN NEED LIGHT!" Dark Shadow roared.
"Hold this," Eva ordered as she tapped on her ring; she put it in Iida's palms letting her natural body light shine.
"Woah," Kirshima breathed as Eva went up to Dark Shadow; it cowered away from her; Iida himself was more amazed that she had stopped his bleeding.
Shoji gasped. "Something's coming!"
Ear-piercing screeches and flapping wings, a large swarm of bats entered the area.
The bats surrounded Dark Shadow.
"Yes, surround that dark, shadowy creature!"
"Koda!" Everyone cheered.
"Calm yourself, dark one," implored Koda as he used his Quirk.
"BatBoy!" said Tokoaymi his eyes sparkled as Dark Shadow shrank.
"But I'm way cooler than Batboy!" Dark Shadow shouted before Tokoyami shoved him inside his body. Koda thanked the bats before releasing them from his control. The others ran over to him.
"Big thanks to you and Eva!" said Kirishima.
"We've been searching for you!" said Iida as he gave back Eva her ring.
"Where were you?" Eva asked as she put it back on; eliminating her glow.
Koda explained how he'd fallen through a trap door and gotten horribly lost. With help from bugs and bats; it led him to this spot.
"Koda...Eva...I must thank you both for stopping Dark Shadow," said Tokoyami. "What wonderful abilities you two have."
Koda blushed. "Really? I dunno..."
"Perhaps you should leave the ring off for now," Shoji suggested to Eva. "Give us more light."
"Oh, okay," Eva nodded; she took her ring back off; she quickly slipped it on her necklace. A giant hose appeared near the tunnel entrance; water gushed out; within seconds they were all underwater. The dead-end wall rumbled, shook, and shifted open.
They flipped, flopped, spun, and plummeted down the impromptu waterslide; they tried to reach for each other; but the chaotic current was keeping it from happening. All they could do was keep their heads above water until Shoji grabbed them; pulling them onto his back.
"Grab ahold!"
"Thanks, Shoji!"
At last, the river deposited them into a giant tunnel. They all trembled from the coldness hitting their bodies; started to warm up as soon as they pressed forward.
"Anyone else suddenly feeling toastier?" asked Kirishima.
"It feels nice," Eva answered.
"I couldn't tell you why," said Iida. Tokoyami then pointed out puffs of steam coming from the other side of the area; they rushed over to see it was a large underground hot spring; Eva took the chance to put her ring back on.
Kirishima tested the water with his hand. "Yep, that's steamy." They poked around a bit more to find a furnished changing room with 6 tracks suits and 6 towels. Two tracksuits styled for Eva and Shoji's bodies.
"It's hard to imagine that any villain would be quite hospitable," said Iida.
"Right?" agreed Kirishima. Making sure someone kept watch at all times; they all stripped and slipped into the hot spring; They all had their backs to each other for the most part, though for the boys they all had become more aware that Eva was in fact not human.
'Katsuki is never going to find out about this,' Eva thought to herself.
"Eva," said Kirshima snapping her out of her thoughts; she looked at him. "Do you have multiple Quirks?"
"I was wondering too," Tokoyami.
"No," Eva answered with a small smile. "It's just my magic."
"So, what's the difference?" Kirishima asked.
"How iron is for you blood is how magic is for mine," Eva answered. "Hm...let's put it like this...Quirks are more of a biological thing while magic is more of a technology thing."
"I think I understand," Iida said. "Do humans still practice magic?"
Eva tilted her head. "Some do, that art was majorly lost a long time ago when Quirks were really taking over. I haven't met anyone that still practices. A majority of humans lost sight of it." She then looked at Tokoyami. "You ran after something you were discarding."
"I thought I was ready to let go of Dark Crystal," Tokoyami admitted. "It's my fault we are in this mess."
"No, it's not!" all of them quickly denied getting to their feet; and facing him.
"You are not to blame for this, Tokoyami," Eva said as she was in front of him; she put her hands on his shoulders. "Strange courteous villains are."
"YUKI!" Tokoyami exclaimed as he covered his eyes along with Koda.
"So, they aren't gold," Shoji commented; Eva quickly realized what happened and submerged more in the water; moving to the wall.
"Oh, would you look at that!" Kirishima exclaimed; they looked over to see that he was fully out of the water and facing them.
"I see what you mean!" Iida said as he got out as well; they both made a pose as they were looking at something.
"I wish to see this phenomenon!" Tokoyami exclaimed as he got out with Shoji and Koda, joining the other boys; Eva blushed more looking away. She appreciated what they were doing; trying to make her feel less embarrassed by showing their private areas to her. They all decided to use the towels; and tracksuits.
"This way!" Shoji announced as they had just finished changing; he had done some scouting. "Quickly!" They followed Shoji to a passageway lined with metal doors. "I hear people in there,"
"Huh?" blurted out Kirishima, Eva put her hand over his mouth. At Shoji's signal, they all placed their ears against the door.
"So when's this operation going down?'
"Ain't it obvious? Right freakin' now! We're gonna do some real damage, I tells ya!"
They all gasped; turning into each other...villains. With a nod; it was clear they all knew what each other was thinking; even Dark Shadow reemerged.
"Dark Shadow, bring this door down!" whispered Tokoyami.
"Aye, aye!"
Powerful blows from Kirishima and Dark Shadow brought the metal door; all ready to one in sight.
" My poor Suprah...We're gonna hit 'em back ten times as hard for keying my baby!"
"For sure. Let's send their precious Fairlady X to the boneyard!"
"Don'tcha mean the scrapyard ya numbskull?"
They were staring at a projection of a movie on the screen, a car covered in scratch marks and surrounded by ticked-off gang members.
"This is Ridge Racers: Righteous Car Crusade," Eva said.
"How do you know?" Iida asked.
"Bakugo's mom likes this movie," Eva answered. "In junior high, when school was over I'd go over to Katsuki's a lot, and this movie would be on sometimes."
"This is a small theatre," Iida gathered as they looked at the room. The place on thirty seats with amazing speakers.
Tokoyami spoke the question everyone had. "Why would villains build a movie theatre?"
"Sorry," Shoji apologized.
"An understandable error," assured Iida. "Though it would seem there would be no villains in our immediate environs after all."
"Should we check out some of the other doors?" asked Kirishima. It was a quick agreeance; this door wasn't locked.
"This one appears to be someone's room," assessed Iida. There was a leather sofa and a desk with a half-drunk mug of coffee and an instant ramen container.
"So someone was here recently," Eva gathered as Kirishima tilted his head. The next door was unlocked; shocked to see this chamber had a full-sized racetrack and several classic cars.
"This villain must be a car lover!" concluded Iida. "A gearhead if you will!" The next room had a workshop of half-built robots, weapon-like objects, and evade devices.
"They seem to be producing weapons in here," said Shoji.
"Maybe this entire underground lair is the villains' home base," added Tokoyami.
"This close to the school?" Eva asked.
"No freaking way!" said Kirishima who went on high alert, Koda also fidgeted.
Iida made another assessment. "If they truly possess the resources to construct a facility of this scale, unbeknownst to UA....then I'm afraid we're dealing with a band of well-prepared, terrifying brazen, low-down, and dirty villains!"
An unsteady pile collapsed creating a chain reaction of the weapons firing at them.
"Holy Cow!"
"We have to stop them!"
They all fought back; when the last device went off a small figure appeared behind them.
"Hello, boys, Ms. Yuki."
"Principal?" they all asked. They all rushed over to Principal Nezu.
"We have news!" Eva exclaimed.
"We seem to have stumbled upon a villain lair!" blurted Iida. He then explained everything that had happened until then. The others chimed into the story.
"Quite the day you've had, indeed. But rest assured, this is no villain hideout," said Nezu.
Nezu spread his hands wide. "The entire place is actually an old UA Facility!"
"We planned to create a survival training facility," Nezu explained. "But in the end, we deemed it too dangerous and sealed it off. The ground above must have weathered over time, leading to your unorthodox entry into the maze. I'm so very sorry you were exposed to these dangers."
"That's quite alright," Iida said with a robotic bow. "I'm only sorry we jumped to such a hasty and erroneous conclusion!"
Tokoyami still had questions. "What about the room with the sofa, though? There was evidence someone had been there in not long before we came by."
"Ah, that, said Nezu. "I've been down there recently, assessing whether or not the entire facility should be demolished and that has been y break room, so to speak. So much assessing to be done, you see. Now then, let's put this place behind us on the double, and I'll have your clothes sent back to the dorm later." They promised to not say anything to anyone and then followed Nezu's directions; down a few tunnels, they got to an elevator. They were surprised to see more half-built machines instead of sunlight and trees. They stepped onto a hallway of the main school building; Principal Nezu allowed them to go see Recovery Girl.
Eva was happy when they made their way back to the dorms; it was already evening; the sky was shades of orange and blue, and the cool breeze felt nice.
"I gotta say that was kinda fun, right," said Kirishima with a naughty smirk. Tokoyami, Koda, and Shoji nodded.
"Definitely an experience," Eva commented.
Ida spun his arms wildly. "One wrong step and our misadventure could have ended tragedy!"
"I'm sorry," apologized Tokoyami. "You were hurt on my account."
Iida seemed flustered. "Yes, but, that is to say...I did have a bit of fun as well. It was a grand adventure for the ages." Koda's stomach began to grumble; he gripped it in embarrassment. "Tonight, we shall feast on hamburgers and a veggie burger!" When they got back to the dorms; Izuku was the first to approach Eva; pulling her into a hug.
"I've been looking for you everywhere!" Izuku exclaimed as Eva hugged him back. "You left your phone! Though didn't help it was dead in the first place."
"Apologies!" Kirishima said as he appeared by the two. "We all ended off campus, Iida had some books to mail, and then we stopped at the movies, a double-feature."
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