Chapter 38
The weekend came around Eva was now at the hospital with Aizawa, visiting little Eri.
"How is the festival coming along?" Eri asked as she sipped on juice.
"Very well!" Eva chimed. "You are going to love it for sure!" Eri stared at her. "Hm?"
"I was wondering, why don't you glow like the others?" Eri asked. "I know it's a silly question."
"Not at all," Aizawa denied. "You are just being curious." Eri looked at him then looked at Eva.
"Did bad men take away your glowing?" Eri asked.
"Not at all," Eva denied as she tapped on her ring. "It just can be a bit distracting towards others, I want everyone in the class to be able to do well." She pulled her ring, and Eva's whole body glowed naturally. Eri stared at her in amazement. "Would you like an apple?"
"Yes, please," Eri nodded.
"I can cut that up," Aizawa as he pulled up his chair to the bed.
"Thank you," Eri said as she put her drink down, she stared at Eva even more. "Your wings were like hers."
"Hm?" Eva asked as she tilted her head.
"I remember a very kind group of good people," Eri answered. "One had wings like you, and red eyes like you as well."
"Tilly?" Eva asked, Eri nodded. "She was my aunt."
"I'm sorry," Eri apologized as tears formed in her eyes. "She died because of me."
"That's not true," Eva denied. "It's as Lemillion said, we all fought to see you smile, even Aunt Tilly." Eri looked up at her. "Knowing my aunt...she loved you deeply. She does not regret anything." Eva wiped the tears from the little girl's eyes.
"Love?" Eri asked.
"It's deeper feelings," Eva answered. "It comes in many forms."
"Eva," Eri breathed. "Do you think I can ever have wings?"
"Possibly," Eva nodded. "They take time to grow, and when they do, you will be flying over the moon."
"The moon," Eri repeatedly softly. Eva pulled out a flower that was wilting as Aizawa finished cutting the apples, he looked over as Eva used her magic to make the flower healthier.
"For you, princess," Eva said as she put it in the little girl's hair.
On the ride home, Eva was silent for a bit. Her ring was back on, so she wouldn't glow around the other strangers.
"Yuki," Aizawa began. "Your family, how involved were they with that group?"
"Some members from my mom's side, some from my dad," Eva answered. "The ones that remained after the forest incident."
"Who taught you that magic?" Aizawa asked.
"It was always within me," Eva answered. "I was just taught how to use it to the best of my abilities," Aizawa grunted as he looked out the window.
"I just didn't expect someone close to you would also end up being close to Eri," Aizawa said. "If she remembers how nice Aunt Tilly was, then it's more likely Eri will open up to you. Which is what we want. How sure are you that you know that your aunt loved Eri?"
"She died for Eri the same way my mom died for me," Eva answered. "She died for a human was a deep love." Aizawa looked at Eva, this time Eva was looking out the window. He realized that Eva was not freed from the harm the humans had placed on her, the same way Eri wasn't completely free from the hold Chisaki had on her. These two were going to need each other.
"Yuki, do you have a picture of your aunt?" Aizawa answered. "Perhaps we can give a copy to Eri, they are people who showed her love and kindness. All of the fair kind was a light to her in the darkness, till they got killed."
"I can probably send something to my dad," Eva answered.
That week flew by, it was now Saturday again. Due to Eri being brought on campus, she didn't have to go to the hospital that day. Eva sat at a table with the effects team, they had to pull up an extra chair. She sat on the end by Sero and Kirishima.
"Perfect," Sero smiled. "That's gonna look super cool! Let's go see what the dance team says!"
"I'm not sure we've got enough people to pull something like this off," Kirishima admitted.
"Let's see what Mina has to say," Eva suggested as she stood up.
"I'll come with you!" Kirishima exclaimed as he got up as well. They went over to the doors. "Dance team! New idea!" They both saw Mirio, Aizawa, and Eri." Uh? It's Eri!" Eva picked up Kirishima and flew them over to the group. "Oh, wait, we were never actually introduced, were we?"
"That dress looks so cute!" Eva complimented.
"Thank you for picking it out," Eri said softly. "Everyone keeps saying it is cute."
"Wonderful," Eva smiled as she put her hands together. It was this or something that Aizawa picked out, which was basically a look-at-me outfit.
"Okay, crew, why don't we grab a little break?" Ashido suggested. "It's teatime!" Soon Eva was taking Eri around campus with Mirio and Izuku.
"It may be a weekend day, but since the students live here in the dorms, there are still a ton of people running around campus helping to prepare for the festival," Mirio explained.
"Hey. It's Togata!" one of the third-year business students greeted.
"Whoa!" Another gasped. "Who's that?" Eri clung to Mirio, then grabbed onto Eva's hand as well. "Don't tell me your temporary leave from school was because you have a kid now!" Mirio smiled with his eyes closed, tilting his head to the side. "Dude, you gotta say something. Now I feel like it's for real!"
"All jokes aside, here," the other guy as he held out a flyer, with the words special lecture on it. "Class 1 is putting on an awesome lecture, so make sure you check it out! You, too, man, and girl!"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Mirio said as Izuku and Eva were handed one.
"This is a really nice flyer!" Izuku complimented. Soon they were outside, all the students were working hard.
"Can you toss me a nail?"
"Hey, whoa, whoa, wait! Don't cover that with a poster!"
"Everyone's super busy even though it's still a month away," Izuku said.
"Oh, def, you gotta try and outdo last year," Mirio said. "And it takes a lot of work to pull off something plus ultra." Suddenly a dragon appeared in front of them Izuku let out a yelp. He and Eri jumped back.
"Sorry," Tetsutetsu apologized as he pulled the dragon back. "Hey. It's Midoriya from Class A! Yuki, too!"
"What you think of the dragon, Eva?" Awase asked. "We are doing our best to go by your drawing of Master Astro."
"It's good," Eva complimented. "You really got the right shade for the eyes."
"All right!" Tetsutetsu cheered.
"Why am I not surprised, huh?" Monoma asked as he peeked out from the back. "You both walkin' around like you've got nothing to do while we're all hustling."
"Eri, are you okay?" Izuku asked looking at the small girl.
"I thought it was that dragon from before," Eri answered. "But listening to Eva, it seems to be a different one."
"You saw a dragon?" Izuku asked.
"Oh. You're talking about Ryukyu," Eva said.
"So you're just gonna ignore me? "Monoma asked. "Talk about rude much. I heard Class A is doing a concert or something for us. That's cute. But to put it bluntly, Class B's stellar performance is gonna make you wish you hadn't even shown up. We're doing Romeo and Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The Return of the King. It's a completely original play written by us. A super spectacular fantasy epic!" Everyone stared at him. Eva put her wing in front of Eri's eyes, as Izuku turned her around."You should make sure you come prepared. Bring a hankie to wipe the tears from your eyes when you realize how superior we are!" He started cackling, and then Awase knocked him unconscious with a bat.
"He's even nastier than usual today," Izuku said.
"Yeah, sorry about that, guys," Awase apologized. "Kendo isn't around, so there's no one to keep him in line."
"Where is Kendo?" Eva asked as Izuku looked around.
"That's weird, the two of them usually show up as a set," Izuku added as Awase picked up Monoma.
"Well, she's off prepping for the beauty pageant right now, so," Awase answered.
"Beauty what?" Izuku asked.
"It's kind of funny, she didn't even mean to enter," Awase said. "I'm surprised you didn't, Eva."
"Mr. Aizawa didn't tell us about it," Eva informed. "I think there was a factor he was considering." Eva thought back to Mineta. "Maybe next year."
"I was really looking forward," Awase said. "I heard Class A talking about your Otherworld clothes. Heard that you look extremely pretty in them. I'm looking forward to next year." This made Eva blush.
"Monoma was still right, though," Tetsutestsu said. "We're pullin' out all the stops, we even went to your very own magical bean in your class." They then walked away.
"Eva?" Izuku asked looking at her.
"I got excited," Eva said as she touched the back of her head. "Rarely anyone asks me about it." She then looked down. "You all right, Eri?"
"He so sorts of scary," Eri answered as she grabbed onto Eva's hand again.
"Sorry 'bout that Eri," Mirio apologized. "UA's great, but every place has its downside, I guess."
"Mr. Aizawa didn't say anything about there being some kinda beauty pageant," Izuku went back to that subject.
"It's as Eva said, it's too late to enter," Mirio said. "But you know who's gunning hard to win it this time?"
"No idea," Izuku answered. They then went to the equipment room where Hado was trying on dresses.
"Last year's runner-up! The Big Three's best girl, Nejire Hado," Mirio answered. Eri looked at her in amazement as Hado used her quirk to float in the air.
Nejire gasped when she saw them. "Hey, hey! What's Eri doing here?" She flew over. "Hey, girl! Why ya here? For funsies?"
"We should put Nejire in skews cute instead of sexy," Yuyu suggested.
"Yeah, that cost her last year," a guy said.
"You've got a flashy Quirk and you're so nice!" Izuku complimented as he looked away. And your body's so bou...bou..."
"He means balanced," Eva said.
"But even with all that you were still only a runner-up?" Izuku asked as he covered his eyes,
"Yeah, listen to this!" Nejire said as she got closer. "Are you listening? Every year, I lose to the same girl! She's just too amazing. The beauty pageant queen, Bibimi Kenranzaki, from support course Class 3-G!"
"She sounds incredible," Izuku said.
"This year's pageant is stacked," Amajiki said as he walked over. "Kendo gained some underground fans thanks to that commercial, so she's a real contender, and of course, Hado won't be holding back. Just thinking about performing in front of all those people...It sounds like a nightmare." He was on the ground, holding his stomach. "Imagining it makes me nauseous." Nejire went over to Yuyu.
"At first, the only reason I entered was because Yuyu told me to, but turns out, it's lots of fun! I wanna crush it. That's why, this year, I'll definitely come in first! It's my last chance."
"You can do it!" Mirio assured. After that, they went to the development studio. "Moving on! Next we'll show you...The support course! All the grades are working together to put on an extra awesome exhibition of the work!"
"I can't wait to see!" Izuku lit up. "I hear it's a highlight every year."
"Yes," Hatsume smiled as she appeared behind him. "The school festival is the support course's time to shine!"
"Hatsume!" Izuku gasped as he turned around. "Wait. Whoa!" They looked up at a robot she built.
"That's my super-cute baby number 2020," Hatsume informed as she put her arms back.
"Think you might have some grease on you," Izuku pointed out.
"Ha!" Hatsume laughed as she put a hand behind her head. "I'm filthy, but I can't waste time bathing."
"What?" Eva asked.
"That's dedication," Mirio said.
"Even though we showed off some items at the sports festival, we took a backseat to the heroes," Hatsume explained. She looked at her invention. "But...this time the contraptions we've come up with will be given the spotlight they deserve!" She petted the knee of the robot. "Which means lots of big companies and buyers can get up close and personal with my work. I need to make sure they're perfect, so they don't embarrass me! How did the iron soles work out for you, by the way? And the rescue carrier?"
"They worked out well," Eva answered. "Thank you." Hatsume then looked at the little girl and then at Eva.
"Let me guess, you little sister?" Hatsume asked as she lit up. "No, she doesn't have wings. Then is she your kid!? Your secret love child with that icy hot guy!? Your eyes and his hair, it's the perfect explanation!"
"What?" Eva asked as her face grew red. "Oh, no!" She and Izuku waved their hands. "This is Eri, she's a human child, and she is 6. We are just showing her around campus, she will be here for the festival as well."
"Then you will get the chance to meet more of my babies!" Hatsume lit up. "They are going to blow your mind!"
"Blow my mind?" Eri asked.
"She means she going to wow you, just like the candy apples will!" Mirio answered as he pumped his fists.
"If there's anything else you need, please let me know," Hatsume offered.
"I will," Izuku smiled. "Thank--" He got cut off by a rattling sound.
"BABY!" Hatsume cried in horror as her invention blew up.
"Not again, Hatsume!" a classmate yelped.
"Where's the extinguisher!"
"Sorry," Izuku apologized. "We should run. Don't worry, Eri."
"Kay," Eri said as they got out of the room. They walked around the campus, they saw all the students hard at work. The general studies were delighted to see Eva as they walked by. Shinso was surprised to see a little girl, then quickly gathered it was one of the reasons training with Eva had been cut short a couple of times. They were now in the cafeteria.
"Welp, that's pretty much all of UA," Mirio said as they sat down. They got Eri some juice.
"That's right," Eva smiled.
"So, what do you think about our school, Eri?" Izuku asked.
"I, uh. I'm not sure," Eri answered. The three of them laughed nervously. "But...I can see how hard everyone is working on the festival, and I do wanna know how it all turns out." The three smiled at each other.
"It sounds like our special visitor is getting excited," Principal Nezu said. They looked down to see him sitting with Midnight. They saw him devouring a lot of cheese.
"Principal Nezu! Ms. Midnight! Hello!" Eva greeted.
Their principal finished his cheese. "It seems like we made the right choice." He wiped his mouth, then looked over at them. "Know what? I'm excited for everything, too. I love seeing so many students joining together and having fun, all in hopes that their peers will have a good time."
"Now, if we could just get the police to understand that," Midnight sighed.
"Now, now, Kayama," Nezu said patting her. He got off, walking towards them. "Anyway, I hope your hearts burst with happiness when the day rolls around."
"I'll spare you all the gory details, but the principal fought hard for you," Midnight informed as she stood up. "As a result, security will be heavier than in past years. Just know. If an alarm sounds, even if it's a false one, we'll have to shut down and evacuate. Those were the terms the police agreed upon."
"That's strict," Izuku said.
"Of course, to keep that from happening, we're also beefing up our defensive measure," Midnight added. We even let Hound Dog off his leash to patrol."
"You did?" Eva asked.
"Oh, yes," Midnight smiled. "Did you know Class A's performance is causing quite a stir in the faculty lounge? You'd better make it pleasurable." She walked away.
"Right!" Izuku confirmed.
"Eva? What performance?" Eri asked.
"We're doing a big live concert!" Eva answered. "I'm on the effects and dance team and Deku is on the dance team as well!"
"And we're gonna do our best to make it fun for you and everybody else," Izuku said. "So be sure you come watch!" They both then got up. "Sorry, you two. Our break is almost over. We're off."
"Okay!" Mirio chimed. "Just so you know. "I'm looking forward to seeing you both get down, too!"
Another week passed by, with another weekend trip to the hospital. The special effects team had Eva work on her quirk in a special way. So when she did any training, she worked even more on it then.
One of the nights, Eva was outside working with Shinso.
"I'm sorry," Eva said as she had the wind coming out. "Just tell me when you feel a difference!"
"This is perfect!" Shinso assured. "Wind makes a difference in capturing anyway!" He tried to capture her in the process. He then started to skid back. "Too much!"
Eva was sitting in the common room with the special effects team one day.
"We've got to come up with something better, you guys," Sero said. "When Aoyama turns into a disco ball, it'll only be interesting to watch for a minute or two. Right? I don't think anyone will really care after the initial shock?"
"Wait, I know! What if he flies around?" Koda suggested. "We can swing him over the audience's heads!"
"That's brilliant!" Eva lit up.
"Yeah, that's it!" Kirishima agreed.
"Great idea, Koda!" Sero added.
They were now in class.
"Midoriya," Ashido began, she was in a suit and sunglasses. "I've got bad news." Everyone on the dance team had grave faces. She put a hand on his shoulder. "You're fired from the dance team!" Izuku let out a yelp of horror. "Oops, maybe that sounded a little harsh."She threw off her outfit, revealing normal school clothes. "You've been scouted by another team. You'll be on special effects now."
"It has to be me?" Izuku asked. " I already told Eri that I'd be dancing."
"They wanna make it Aoyama swung around enough that the whole room's lit up!" Ashido informed. "And Eva already has her hands full!"
"I'm pretty sure everyone's gonna be able to see him," Izuku said.
"But we don't have a fly system in the gym, and I already said that Eva had her hands full. So they want someone with a power Quirk to move him by hand," Mina explained.
"Sorry, Izuku," Eva apologized. "I tried to volunteer, but I got overruled."
"At the beginning of the performance, I shall transform from a dancer into a disco ball," Aoyama smiled. "It's the perfect job for moi." He sparkled. "Say you'll help us!"
"So, I'll be behind the scenes where people can't see me," Izuku said as he looked down.
"Sorry!" Kirishima apologized as he put his hands together. "It'll waste the dance practice you put in. But can you please help us out with this? We don't want people to lose interest."
"If I can dance while doing it, I won't have to lie to Eri," Izuku said as he scratched his head. "Even if it was an accident. It's my duty to help as I can. I'll do it!"
"Nice!" Kirishima cheered as he put an arm around Izuku. "I knew you wouldn't let us down, man!"
"Merci, beaucoup!" Aoyama added.
There was one negative factor, Eva could no longer ignore...her wings were at the limit and they needed to be shed. During this time, Eva had lost her appetite, and even more, her mood had changed widely. She was irritated at some points or sad, but she only made sure Eri saw the happy side. Plus, the special effects team said it would be perfect for the show.
One night, Eva skipped dinner. She told Iida she wasn't feeling all the well and was going to get some rest, so she could be all better for the festival. He couldn't exactly argue with her, so he let her go. Eva was now in her room, she had any sort of top piece off, her ring was off, and she had her back in the mirror. Her fingers still haven't healed completely; making it a bit difficult to get the skin off. She wanted to get it off in one go, so she could break pieces apart and use them to make wings for Eri. Then crush the rest to be used as special effects for the concert. She was having a bit of a difficult time since she didn't have Ms. Midoriya to help with the spots she normally has trouble with. As she was getting the skin off, Eva had soft music playing, the same kind she would hear back home. Suddenly, she heard a plate crash onto the ground. Eva slowly looked over to see Todoroki in the doorway, blood was running from his nose from both nostrils, and there were soba noodles spilled on the ground.
"Get out!" Eva ordered as she covered her chest with her arms, and lifted a wing.
"I am sorry," Todoroki apologized as he looked away. "Iida was worried about you, so he sent me up with food, Ashido, and Sero wanted to know how it was going."
"So knock," Eva said angrily. She fluttered over to Todoroki, and then began to shove him out the door with her wing; she was careful to avoid the food.
"At least let me clean this up," Todoroki said as stepped around her and back into the room closing the door. "Is this why you have been off for the past few weeks?" Eva sighed and then explained everything, as she did, he cleaned up the dropped Soba. "If you are having trouble, I can help." Color rose to his cheeks.
"Invasion of privacy is more what you want," Eva grunted.
"No," Todoroki denied looking at her. "I want to help, no other reason behind it. You have to believe me." Eva stared at him. "You want to make this little girl smile, right?" Eva nodded. "Trust me."
"Fine," Eva said as she sat on the ground with her back facing him. "Just make sure your hands are clean, especially after touching soba." She heard the bathroom door open and the running of water. She looked in the mirror, to see Todoroki behind her, he had taken off his shirt, and undershirt; he was in the middle of folding them. "What are you doing?"
"Just want to make you feel more comfortable," Todoroki answered as he gently put his hand on the middle of her back. "How do I do this now?"
"Just be gentle," Eva answered. "Try aiming for it to come off whole, it's okay if it breaks. Put it gently in the bucket." Eva sighed. "This is embarrassing, I should've just stopped home for a minute."
"I think it is good you choose to stay here," Todoroki said. "You'd probably prefer it if one of the girls helped you."
"You're right, I should've just gone to them for help," Eva nodded. "We can pro--"
"No," Todoroki cut her off. "You can trust me with this." Eva then gave him instructions on how to do it properly. Todoroki gently broke apart some of the skin on the bottom of a wing. Then he gently cracks the skin along the edges a large chunk fell off, then put it in the bucket. As he did this, the two of them took the time to completely open up to each other about their past. Todoroki was quick to not judge her, or think even less of her. Eva did the same to him. They then talk about the school festival. As the skin came off, Todoroki noticed how much shinner her wing became, along with brighter. His heart had begun to speed up, it was only getting faster. Eva's heart picked up as well, but she wasn't entirely sure what she was feeling, it was completely new to her. In fact, neither of them knew what they were feeling.
"Are you done?" Eva asked looking back. He hadn't touched her wing in a while, instead, he was gently brushing over the area Silver went through back at the training camp.
"Can I see it?" Todoroki asked. "The silver burn."
"No, way," Eva denied pushing him back. "My back is one thing, but this a very private section. Just look at my arms if you want to see another version." Todoroki scooted closer, took one arm, and saw exactly what she was talking about. He turned her arm, it was a clear path of the silver bullet.
"Can I feel it?" Todoroki asked. He put his hand on the burn scar he gave her from the sports festival.
"Only with my guidance," Eva answered as she took his other hand. Todoroki changed the way he was sitting, he was pressed against her back, legs wrapped around her. Eva moved his finger so it would just hover over the spot. "There." She moved his finger back up. She felt his head lean forward, his hair touching her shoulder. Eva looked back just as Todoroki looked back up, their eyes locked. None of them realized their movements, Eva had turned to lay on her back, still covering her burn, and Todoroki's hands remained in place.
Love makes people glow, what the two failed to notice was that Eva was glowing even brighter before, not from the dead skin being removed, but from a feeling neither could comprehend. It shined past the lines of the closed door. It was making people of Class B, stare out their windows in the wonder of what was causing the light. They also failed to acknowledge the way flowers popped up around them due to Eva. Todoroki moved the hand over the burn up to Eva's face. His face was getting closer, lowered his body till he straddled her lower body, Eva found it strange that she wanted to see where this was going instead of fighting it.
"Shoto," Eva breathed softly.
"Eva...I'm not sure what you are to me," Todoroki admitted. "But I do like having you around more than I thought I would. I don't wanna lose you." Eva moved her one hand, till it was touching the side of Todoroki's face that was burned. She could feel the coldness of his breath, he could feel the rhythm of her heart, it was the same pace as his. Todoroki placed his lips gently on her forehead, and Eva closed her eyes. He slowly moved down, till his forehead was touching her forehead. Eva slowly opened her eyes to see Todoroki staring directly into them, he looked down, and their lips slowly began to connect.
"Eva?" a voice asked as there was a knock on the door. The voice belonged to Urakaka. The two quickly pulled away before they could make full contact.
There was more knocking. "Is everything alright?" Iida asked from the other side of the door. "You never have your lights on, it's so bright!" There was arguing outside the door. Suddenly, Eva's light dimmed greatly, in a second, Eva was in her hammock, she wrapped a blanket around her body that blocked any sort of light from coming through, shoving Todoroki down and putting many pillows around the edges. She put a blanket over Todoroki; then grabbed one more blanket. Just as she put the last blanket over her, the door opened. "Yuki!" Eva looked to see Izuku was with them, along with Katsuki. Her eyes went wide, they were staring back at her intensely.
"Eva!" Izuku exclaimed as he and Urakaka ran over. "How are you feeling?"
"Better," Eva nodded as Izuku put a hand on her head.
"I didn't know you could glow!" Urakaka exclaimed as they walked into the room. Iida flipped the switch, but nothing came on; he played with it more.
"Uh, so you were shedding," Katsuki said as he looked at the bucket, he noticed flowers all over the floor. "That explains why you weren't eating."
"So it did shed in time!" Urakaka cheered as she clapped her hands together. "Our performance is going to be killer!" She then made a serious look. "Why are you glowing?"
"It's just part of who I am," Eva said as she used her elbows to prompt herself up, the blankets fell a little. More light lit up the room. "I normally wear a ring to hide it."
"It's wonderful!" Iida exclaimed. "You really are not human!"
"She knows that four-eyes!" Katsuki raged at him, he regained his composure and then looked at Eva. "Does this mean you will be better and ready to kill UA?"
"Yes," Eva nodded as she sat up; pulling the blanket up with her.
"Good," Katsuki smiled evilly.
"Eva," Iida asked as he pushed his glasses up. "What is up with your light?" He flicked again.
"Oh, with special help, I had them removed in a way," Eva answered. "I'm not the biggest fan of artificial lighting."
"Let's go," Katsuki ordered as he turned around. "I'm sure she's tired and it's late."
"Thank you for coming up," Eva smiled.
"Hey, Sato made a mini cake," Mineta said as he walked over to the door with Sato. "Honey-Saffron." Mineta looked at Eva, and a huge pervy look came into his eyes. "Do eyes deceive me? Are you naked under there?" Katsuki's hand sparked a bit as he grabbed onto Mineta's head. "Ow! Ow!" Katsuki dragged Mineta out of the room.
"Quit complaining!" Katsuki raged. "Just be lucky I'm not throwing you off the top floor, you damn grape!"
"Here," Urakaka as she shoved a piece of the cake in Eva's mouth, she started to glow brighter again.
"That must mean you are feeling better," Izuku smiled. "See you tomorrow."
"Thank you for the cake Sato," Eva said as he opened the fridge.
"Anything for our favorite fae," Sato said as he put the food in, closing the door. Soon they all left, after three minutes passed, Eva lifted the blanket; Shoto's eyes locked on to her; the two smiled lightly at each other. Todoroki pulled Eva down more; grabbing hold of the blanket so it dropped over both of them; then put his hands on her face and kissed her. If he hadn't closed his eyes; Shoto would have been blinded by the immediate increase of Eva's glow when she kissed back.
They both were keen on keeping the kiss a secret from everyone else. Both agreed to not be boyfriend and girlfriend. Todoroki ended up staying the night. The thoughts of confusion about what Eva was feeling kept her up for a bit. Everything was confusing and strange, did she really glow that bright? That's dangerous.
Morning came around, the special effects team sat on the floor in the middle of the common room. They were carefully grinding up some of the wings, while Sero and Eva were carefully putting pieces together on an outline thing that Yaoyorozu made of them.
"My quirk is perfect for this!" Kirishima exclaimed as he ground up the pieces with his hand. "If you need help grinding them ever, just call for me!"
"I'll keep that in mind," Eva smiled at him.
"Why are you making wings?" Koda asked.
"It's for little Eri," Eva answered. "I know it's not going to be exact--"
"She's going to love that!" Urakaka chimed, they looked over to see her and Izuku looking over.
"Do you think we can add some of the ground-up pieces to the wings?" Izuku asked.
"Well, we need to make sure there's enough for the performance," Eva said.
"There's going be more than enough," Todoroki assured. " The pieces you are putting together are from the skin shredded, right?"
"That means there should be more than enough," Aizawa said. They looked over at him. "I made a point to stop by your house, your dad and family members were happy to lend some of their grounded-up wings as well." He held up a few bags.
"All right!" Kirishima cheered. "This is going to be amazing!"
"Is that a cat?" Todoroki asked as he looked at Aizawa's shoulder, they looked over to see a kitten in his scarf.
"Her dad insisted I take one," Aizawa said. "As a cat person, I was not one to decline."
"That's right," Eva lit up. "Dad was just telling me a few weeks ago about a few stray cats he had taken in, kittens as well."
"So cute!" Ashido gleamed as she danced over.
That night, everyone was in the common room, the festival was almost here, and it was making them work even harder. Eva was sitting at a table with the effects team. She was sipping on some mango juice.
"You're rushing bastard!" Katsuki growled as Kaminari followed. They were going past their table. "Follow my tempo."
"But you keep throwing in new breakdowns--" Kaminari tried to argue. "It's so confusing."
"Jiro, it's almost like you were born to teach," Yaoyorozu said as Jiro walked over to the sink. "For a beginner like Kaminari to be able to learn chord progressions in just a week is impressive."
"It's okay, I guess," Jiro said. "Anyway, today's tea smells really good!"
"I'm glad you noticed!" Yaoyorozu lit up. "Mother sent me this rare type that can be impossible to find. It's a tea called Gold Tips Imperial. Oh! Everyone, please enjoy a cup if you'd like."
"No idea what that is, but thanks!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"No idea what that is, but it sounds boujie!" Ashido exclaimed.
The next day, Eva was taking a break, with Aoyama, Midoriya, Ojiro, Iida, and Todoroki. They were playing a game.
"All right, the next clue for this round is white," Aoyama said.
"Aoyama's...probably thinking rice!" Izuku guessed.
"Wrong," Aoyama denied.
"Snow?" Eva asked.
"Close," Aoyama winked. "It is my sin, that glistens like freshly fallen snow."
"Glistening white skin, Aoyama?" Izuku asked. "Only you could come up with an answer like that!"
"Midoriya, if you truly thought my answer would be rice you were sorely mistaken. Besides which pain is my carbohydrate of choice," replied Aoyama.
"Midoriya hasn't been able to guess a single one of your answers," Ojiro laughed awkwardly.
"How about a more specific topic?" Iida suggested.
"What do you have in mind?" Eva asked.
"Favorite heroes?" Iida suggested.
"Too easy," Everyone blurted out.
"All Might," Izuku blurted out at the same time.
"If the goal is to get Midoriya and Aoyama in sync, shouldn't they just rehearse?" Todoroki asked.
"Be sure to spin my gorgeous self all bout so that my sparkles can fill the entire hall," said Aoyama.
"I'll do my best!" Izuku promised.
Iida got to his feet. "I too have been working on my dance steps! Observe, everyone!" His movements were clunky.
"Wow, those are some not-too-smooth moves, Iida! Good going!" said Izuku.
"Definitely has a touch of Iida to it," Eva added
"Thank you," Iida beamed. "But I still need to brush up on my routine before the main event."
"Hey, why don't you check out the Support Course's robots, for reference?" offered Ojiro. "You're already kind of friends with Mei Hatsume from the Sports Festival, right?"
"No thank you!" shot Iida. "Unnecessary! I shall find the robot within me without that external sort of aid!"
"Eva's been avoiding the course as well," Izuku said. "Hatsume keeps bothering her about Eri, she truly believes it's her secret kid with Todoroki." Shoto looked over at Eva in surprise; she didn't even bother making eye contact, and neither had spoken about the kiss since that night.
Ojiro started laughing. "It's funny how the two festivals couldn't be any more different."
"They call it a sports festival, but it's really just a battle showcase," mused Izuku.
"The obstacle race, the cavalry battle, and then the orthodox tournament..." Iida recalled. Eva thought back to that festival. "Ah, come to think of it, everyone here made it to the final seventeen, yes?"
"Yes, though I decided to drop out," Ojiro grimaced.
"Oh, right. Because of Shinso..." Izuku recalled.
"Whereas I decided to move on all the same," Aoyama winked.
"And then--even though I tried to warn you, Midoriya, you let him get you right at the start of your match with that Brainwashing of his," Ojiro gave a frustrated laugh.
"Yeah, I couldn't help myself," Izuku smiled. "I guess I just panicked since well, the brainwashing was so powerful and...intense. And you don't see mind-control Quirks too often, you know? Imagine being able to stop a villain in their tracks, just like that. But it'd also be super useful for saving people! No matter who you are, it takes time to stop panicking and think clearly--especially when you're in danger and you gotta act fast--so imagine how handy Brainwashing would be for managing a distressed crowd and guiding them to safety...Yeah, I think it's an amazing Quirk!"
"It's also handy for smaller situations as well," Eva said. "If it wasn't for him that day in the hall, my wing would have gotten ripped out. It's a very heroic Quirk."
"Can't fairies brainwash people?" Ojiro asked.
"It's sort of difference, it's called mesmerization. We do it to make humans do our bidding," Eva answered. We only have to make an eye to seize your mind with a simple phase or change in tone of voice. My dad can do it, but I can't. To see a human with a similar ability is amazing." Everyone stared at her. "Going back to the sports festival, what did you think of the obstacle course?" They dove right back into that conversation.
"Midoriya versus Todoroki was a battle for the ages, though," Ojiro said.
"Yeah, I really gave it all I had but still came up short!" said Izuku with frustration.
"Your battle was pretty painful to watch," Eva admitted. "You broke an already broken finger."
"That was gross," Ojiro agreed as he put a hand over his mouth.
"I might have technically won, but that's now how it felt. Next time, I'm winning for real," Todoroki declared. They all stared at him.
"Hmph! I wouldn't be so sure! The next victory's gonna be mine!" Izuku declared with fists clenched.
"You two had better not count me out just yet!" Iida said. "I for one would like to do a one-on-one battle with Yuki!"
"That might break the sound barrier," Eva said looking at him.
"Even more of a reason to fight!" Iida declared.
"Don't forget about the rest of us, okay? I'm pretty confident in a one-on-one fight," Ojiro said.
"And I have been busy preparing my new moves!" added Aoyama. "Prepare to be blinded by their brilliance!"
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