Chapter 30
Everyone was now waiting around for the next instructions. They were staring at the screen, it was showing them the arena.
"Oh, right," Mera said. "For the 101 of you who passed the first test, please turn your attention to the screen."
"It's the test arena," Izuku said.
"What happens next?" Urakaka asked. Suddenly, the buildings and terrain began to get destroyed.
"Why?" all the students asked.
"Wait. Does that mean?" Izuku asked.
"There's only one more round to the exam," Mera informed. "Your goal is simple: undertake rescue exercises and save the bystanders who are trapped in these disaster sites."
"Save the what?" Mineta asked Kaminari asked.
"Bystanders," Eva answered looking over at them.
"We learned about them in class, remember?" Hagakure asked. "They're people at a disaster scene.
"It can also simply refer to innocent citizens on the street," Yayorozu elaborated.
"Use this time to show us how you will carry out successful rescue and procedures once you receive your provisional licenses," Mera instructed. "Treat this as though it were the real thing." Eva thought back to the day she lost her mom.
"Rescuing," Izuku breathed
"On the screen," Shoji noticed.
"Little kids and old people?" Sato gasped.
"That's so dangerous. Why are they here?" Mineta asked.
"These specialists have been trained as professional persons in need of recuse," Mera answered. "They're very popular. Introducing the Help Us Company also known as HUC for short."
"So, they're basic actors, I guess?" Sero gathered.
"It's the kind of job you never think about," Tsu said.
"But a necessary one in our world, since they support our hero training," Ojiro said.
"The HUC bystanders have dressed up like injured victims and will be located throughout the disaster site," Mera explained. "We'll be judging how well you keep them safe as you go about your mission. Oh, by the way. We'll be scoring you on a point-based system. If you have more points than the benchmark at the time the exercise comes to an end, then you pass the exam. We'll start in ten minutes. Take care of any necessary preparations now."
"This looks familiar," Iida said.
"It's like Camino Ward," Izuku nodded. "I wonder if they based it off that."
"It's true that the situations are similar," Eva said.
"But our only goal then was to rescue Bakugo from the villains," Iida added. "We let the pros handle search and recovery." He looked at the other two. "And you'll recall, there were many casualties."
"Not this time," Izuku grunted. After the reveal, all the students took ten minutes to relax and prepare. Eva and Todoroki were talking to each other about how the first round went for them, along with a strategy for the next round.
"Oh, hey, it's Shiketsu," Kirishima said with a mouth full of bread. They looked over to see some students walking over to where Katsuki was standing.
"Bakugo," Mora said.
"What?" Katsuki asked.
"I think you met Shishikura in the test," Mora said. "My classmate with the flesh-molding power?"
"Yeah. I took him out," Katsuki confirmed.
"I thought so," Mora said, the UA students gasped. "I'm guessing he may have acted rudely, or perhaps offended you. He has a tendency to try and push his own values onto others. He probably couldn't help it in your case, since you're pretty famous. I apologize for him. I'd like to build a good relationship between our schools?"
"I-I guess he wants to be friends?" Mineta stuttered.
"So he says," Izuku sweated. "But the way they were fighting, it didn't seem that way."
"Anyway. That's it," Mora said. They walked away.
"Hey. You with the collar." Todoroki called out. He walked over to Inasa. "Did I offend you somehow?" Inasa looked back at Todoroki angrily.
"Oh, no, I'm sorry," Inasa growled. "Did I hurt your feelings? Well, the thing is, son of Endeavor...I just can't help but hate the both of you. You've changed a little bit since the first time our paths crossed. But you definitely still have your father's eyes." Todoroki gasped.
"Something wrong, Yoarashi?" Mora asked.
"Nope, not a thing, sir!" Inasa responded with passion.
"Todoroki," Izuku breathed walking up.
"See you out there," Camie said to Izuku.
"Ah! Yeah! Sure!" Izuku panicked looking over at her. Mineta and Kaminari appeared behind Izuku and then got in front of him.
"See you out there?" Kaminari repeated. "What is that supposed to mean."
"You're an insatiable deviant!" Mineta cried.
"I told them it's not what you think," Izuku urged in a panic. "That girl is actually super scary. "
"Please. You're acting disgracefully," Momo scolded them. "This test isn't over. You need to focus."
"Just look at her!" Mineta exclaimed.
"Have you even begun to strategize?" Momo asked.
"Shoto?" Eva asked, he looked over at her. "You alright?" He nodded walking over as he put his hand over his blue eye.
"My father's eyes," Shoto said. "Something I can never escape."
"That is true," Eva nodded as she put her hands on the sides of his face, he looked up at her. Eva removed the hand that laid over his eye."You may have inherited them through genes, but they are your eyes, not your old man's." The bell rang they all looked over at the screen. The arena was even more torn up.
"Villains have performed a large-scale terrorist attack spanning all of Insert City Name Here," Mera announced. "Since most buildings have collapsed, there are many injured."
"Guess that's the background story," Tsu said.
"So, then..." Jiro gasped.
"We're starting," Tsu confirmed. The building they were in, started to unfold.
"Due to heavily damaged roads, the first responders have unfortunately been delayed for the time being," Mera explained.
"What is with these rooms?" Kaminari demanded.
"Until emergency services arrive, the heroes in the area will lead rescue efforts," Mera explained. "Your task is to save as many people as you can and help the injured. And with that...Begin!" Everyone rushed to go perform the rescue.
"Saving lives is the greatest ambition a hero can have!" Iida exclaimed.
"Come on, come on, come on, let's do this!" Inasa shouted as he rose into the air.
"Let's start by heading to the closest urban area," Iida advised. "We'll work as a team as much as possible."
"Right!" The students responded.
"You're going on your own again?" Ashido asked Katsuki.
"Why are you damn extras always following me?" Katsuki growled.
"We just wanna!" Kirishima and Kaminari smiled.
"Right, so uh...Try to get this over quickly for me, yeah?" Mera requested.
"Even though this is just a test, it feels pretty real," Tsu said.
"Stay alert!" Ojiro ordered. "Be careful of falling debris and explosions." Eva heard the sounds of crying from a building they were passing. She flew over and immediately found two small kids. A boy with a baseball cap, and a girl with pigtails in her hair.
"Help us please!" the girl cried.
"Our grandpa!" the boy cried. "He's been crushed."
"Everything is going to be okay," Eva assured as knelt in front of the kids. "We will get you two to safety and find your grandpa." She started to check their injuries.
"But he's under all of that," the little girl cried.
"We will rescue your grandpa," Eva assured. "That is a promise. Help is here." They two looked at her with hope. "Can you two walk? If not I can carry you." She showed her wings a bit more.
"I'm too scared to," the little girl sniffed.
"You can trust me, Princess," Eva said as she picked up the little girl, she smiled a little.
"There they are!" Izuku shouted from behind. "Eva is already with them! That's good!" They got closer. "Oh, no. This looks bad."
"Hey, two of us need to get these kids to safety while the rest us free their grandpa," Eva instructed looking back at them.
"Where is he?" Izuku asked.
"This looks bad?" the little boy asked looking at Izuku. "That's points off your score!" Izuku yelped. "The first thing you should do is see how bad my injuries are and if I can walk. I'm breathing kinda weird, too, aren't I? And didn't you even notice that I'm bleeding from the head? People with hero licenses should be able to judge a victim's condition in an instant! Your gross lack of training is all too apparent right now. You better shape up and pay attention, newbies!"
"Follow her," the little girl said as she pointed to Eva. "She seems to know what she is doing."
"You are not here to just provide aid," the boy continued. "Until police firefighters show up, you need to exercise authority and make sure this goes off smoothly. Think of the victims here. They must be terrified. There are many aspects of being a hero. But take note. There is one thing to keep in mind above all else. Anyone who needs rescuing is having the worst day of their lives. And the first thing you said was This looks bad? Seriously?"
Izuku gasped. He then smacked his cheeks, as he growled angrily with himself.
"You need to know that in situations like this, people may be thinking help is never going to come," Eva said looking back at her classmates. "So, when you arrive, put hope into their hearts, but also let them know that they can trust you. Let's continue with the rescue. Two of us will take these two, while the rest find their loving grandpa." Everyone nodded.
Izuku nodded, then he put a smile on his face as he leaned over. "Hey! It's fine!"
"Over there!" the boy erupted in tears. "My grandpa!"
"Don't worry," Izuku assured. "We'll definitely save him. I can carry this boy to the first aid station myself. Just as Eva said, do on without us!"
"All right," Iida nodded.
"Let's do this!" Mineta declared.
"Yeah!" the other students responded as they all ran off.
"It'll be alright! It'll be alright," Izuku assured as they took the kids to the first aid station.
"Is that your only line?" the kid asked. "You're terrible at this."
"I'll save you! I promise I will!" Izuku assured.
"Shut up!" the kid cried, the little girl seemed to be crying less. She was distracted by Eva flying them, staying close to Izuku and the other kid.
"Can you kids tell me your names and ages?" Eva asked as they continued on. "Where you are from?" They responded Eva continued with a few simple questions.
"We're almost to safe space, don't you worry," Izuku assured as they approached the first aid site. "There are so many."
"You, two there," a girl said looking over at them. "Let me see those kids!"
"Yeah, of course," Izuku said as they gently placed the kids down. "His head got hurt somehow, and she has a broken arm. Both bleeding quite a bit, but their wounds don't look very deep." The girl knelt in front of the two kids. "They respond to questions clearly."
"Hm. They should be fine," the girl assured. "Take them to space over there on the right."
"Yes, ma'am!" Izuku nodded. Suddenly the wall near them exploded Eva and Izuku pulled the two kids they rescued close to them.
"What happened?" Izuku gasped.
"A villain has completed another large-scale attack," Mera announced.
"Everyone! This part of the exam!" Izuku announced.
"You think so?" Shindo asked.
"That means..." a girl said.
"Hey, look!" They looked over in surprise to see Gang Orca.
"Tell me, wannabe heroes," Gang Orca ordered. "Can you rescue and fight at the same time?"
"That's Gang Orca!" Izuku exclaimed. Gang Orca's men started to spread out, running towards the first aid station as well.
"Terrorists have appeared are beginning to sweep the area," Mera announced. "Hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing the newly-arrived villains."
"Now. How will you react?" Gang Orca asked as he began to move. "Will you fight or protect? Help or runaway? What would a hero do?"
"Get everyone to safety!" Shindo shouted as he rushed forward.
"Shindo, wait!" Izuku shouted.
"Do it!" Shindo ordered. "Get them as far away from the villains as possible!"
"Right!" Izuku shouted as Eva took out one of her rescue equipment. It turned out to be an inflatable boat structure thing that Hatsume and Power Loader made for her.
"I'll start hammering away at the henchmen at one-second intervals," Shindo said as he placed his hands on the ground.
"Get everyone inside," Eva ordered. "Quickly."
"Right!" Everyone responded as they did as they were told as Shindo broke up the ground.
"Weren't expecting that," Shindo smirked as Eva helped get people inside. Placing them down so it won't affect their injuries.
"Nice try," Gang Orca said as he got in front of Shindo. He let off sonic blasts.
"Shindo!" Izuku shouted as Shindo fell back.
"A single rearguard to hold us back?" Gang Orca said as everyone got situated. "You've underestimated me."
"Hang tight!" Eva urged as she began to lift the rescue boat in the air, there were other examinees inside to help assist the injured. She gently little amounts of her wind quirk out to help make the boat easier to carry. She didn't have Urakaka around to help make it weightless. As Gang Orca approached more, he stopped to block Todoroki's ice from hitting.
"Todoroki!" Izuku gasped.
"Midoriya, are you evacuating?" Ojiro asked. "We'll help!"
"Get everyone inside," Eva said as she gently landed the boat.
"Coming!" Ojiro exclaimed as he took an injured person from Izuku.
"Todoroki's fast," Ashido said.
"Hey," Izuku greeted. "Where have you guys been?"
"We found hurt people over by the river," Ojiro answered as he pointed with his tail. "Everybody else ran to the city first, so we were searching on the outskirts." Todoroki froze more of the men to the ground. "Yaoyorozu and Asui stayed to search for survivors. But we couldn't stand by and watch these villains do this."
"Your power is nothing," Gang Orca said as he continued to deflect Todoroki's ice. Suddenly there was a breeze in the air as Eva fluttered up to move the first aid station a bit further away.
"This wind," Todoroki breathed as he glanced up to see Inasa.
"I'm gonna blow you, evildoers, away!" Inasa declared as he flew down, Eva observed as the man used the wind to keep him in the air. Once he landed, he blew apart the ice as well as some of the henchmen. Inasa went back into the air. "A second villain attack! Man, they really pulled out all the stops for us, didn't they?" He and Todoroki gasped when they saw each other.
"Hey, it's him," Izuku said as he and a few others ran away from the fight taking the victims to safety.
"Good timing," Ojiro said as Eva landed the rescue boat, she was pretty far from the villains. "We can keep evacuating while the strong attackers hold them back."
"Yeah!" Ashido breathed. They started to go further into keeping the people safe, as Todoroki and Inasa kept the villain at bay.
"Of course, you're here, too," Inasa grunted.
"Why don't you go and help with the first station instead?" Todoroki asked. "Your Quirk would be good for that. I'll take care of him." Todoroki and Inasa threw down their attacks at the same time, Inasa's wind had Todoroki's fire redirected.
"Huh? Where are they aiming?" one of the henchmen asked.
"Why'd you use your flames?" Inasa demanded. "The heat makes the air rise up!"
"Because he didn't fall to my ice earlier," Todoroki answered, he was irritated. "You ruined my shot on purpose, didn't you? Using your wind to blow away my fire." Izuku gasped everyone was surprised to hear the two fighting with each other.
"You blocked me so you'd get all the glory!" Inasa argued.
"What? Why would I do something like that?" Todoroki asked.
"Why wouldn't you?" Inasa asked. "Hatred's in your blood. You are Endeavor's son."
"What the hell has been up with you this whole time?" Todoroki demanded. "My old man's got nothing to do--" He was suddenly shot in the arm by cement.
"Like my Cement Gun?" a henchman asked. "Good luck tryin' to move when that hardens up."
"This is outrageous," Gang Orca growled. "I can't believe you're arguing." Todorki used ice to block more of the cement guns. Inasa dodged around the attacks with his wind.
"This has everything to do...with your cold-blooded father," Inasa argued more. "To me, heroes should be full of passion. They bring hope and inspiration to people with the fire burning in their hearts. They care! It was a shock to meet your father. Because the only thing I could see in his eyes was insatiable anger aimed at the entire world. And then, at the entrance exam, I saw you, and I knew who you were immediately. Because when I said hello...Your eyes were the same as his."
"You think we're the same?" Todoroki asked. "Don't be ridiculous. You're a fool. I'm nothing like him."
"These should be the last from the old station," Izuku said as he placed people down.
"I'm guessing there are still others being rescued at this moment," Eva said as she looked up, she let out a small gasp. "Shindo is still down!
"We can take watch over here and protect the citizens," Tokoyami assured.
"With your speed, you should be able to get him and be back in no time," Ojiro said. "Go on ahead." Eva nodded as she began to flutter away from the first aid.
"I'm coming with you!" Izuku said as they started to head back over to the fight area. "I know where he is! If you throw me, I should be able to bounce right back up to you with him. "Eva nodded, she picked up Izuku, they looked forward to seeing that Todoroki was about to use his fire, and then let his flames go out.
"Hmph," Gang Orca shook his head. "A villain in front of you and you've done nothing."
"You and your father are the only heroes, I can't accept," Inasa growled. "You don't deserve the title. Understand?" He threw down the wind angrily. "Now move!" Todoroki threw out fire at the same time. The attacks once again ended up going in different directions Eva picked up the pace.
"Change of plans," Eva said, Izuku nodded. In times like this, Eva was extremely thankful for being so close to Izuku, they were thinking the same thing.
"Again? Are you kidding me?" Inasa demanded. Izuku dropped out of Eva's arms, and she dropped over him in an instant, getting in front of Shindo. She activated her quirk, large wind blasts, directing the fire away from Shindo as Izuku grabbed the guy and bounced away.
"Dammit," Izuku growled angrily. "What are you two doing?!"
"Personal matters need to be set aside, focus on the task in front of you," Eva instructed before she took off to Izuku and Shindo. She grabbed hold of both of them, before landing.
"You alright, Shindo?" Eva asked. "Any injuries?"
"No," Shindo denied. "Thank you."
Back over at the fight area.
"No more games," Orca ordered as he reached out to grab Todoroki. "First I'll stop the wind." He shot sonic waves at Inasa.
"No!" Inasa shouted, he then let out yells of pain.
"Got 'im!" a henchman shouted.
"That's our boss!" Another shouted. "A total powerhouse."
"Now it's time to trap these do-gooders in cement," another said.
"No good," Inasa said as he fell to the ground. "I can't control it."
"Hey!" Todoroki shouted.
"You reap what you sow," Gang Orca said as he grabbed Todoroki. He used his quirk on Todoroki.
"While the boss is at it, let's go destroy the evacuation shelter," henchmen said as they started to run over.
"Hell yeah!" a henchman agreed.
"Oh no!" Ashido panicked. "They are getting closer! Yuki! We need you!" Izuku took a step forward to attack the guys.
"I'll take care of this," Shindo said as he got in front of Izuku. He put his hands on the ground, breaking up the ground in front of them.
"Whoa! Shindo!" Izuku gasped. "I thought you couldn't move because of his blast."
"Well, my extremities are still pretty numb, but I'll bounce back," Shindo said. "Soundwaves aren't that bad. Not much different from my vibrations. So I've built up a pretty good tolerance to them. Might be the first time I've been thankful for that recoil. Anyway." He looked at the other two angrily. "I was trying to get a surprise attack in on that whale! And then those two first-years ruined it." He looked forward. "I've tripped the henchmen. Now you make sure they're out of the game. We'll split up to get the remaining injured to the shelter."
"Right!" Izuku shouted as he ran forward.
"Are you sure you can move?" Eva asked.
"Don't worry about me," Shindo assured. "I'll be fine." Eva nodded, she rose up, she went at top speed around the arena, looking for any more injured. From what she saw, the others were right on top of getting injured. She then flew down to join the fight.
"Nice moves," Izuku said as Ojiro took out a few guys.
"'Kay. The injured have all been evacuated," Ojiro revealed as Eva landed behind them, ready to fight. "And reinforcements should be here any minute now."
"There's a few more being rescued at this moment," Eva said. "I trust the other heroes that are with them at this moment. Just keep these villains from gaining any ground." She used her wind cannons to blast a couple of the guys far away.
"Hey, guys!" Ashido greeted as used her quirk. "You miss me?" Tokoyami joined the fight as well.
"We're here to help," Tokoyami stated.
"Mow them down!" henchmen shouted. "Don't let up!"
"Ribbit!" Tsu shouted as she took out a bunch with her tongue, then appeared.
"Asui---er, Tsu! When did you sneak over here?" Izuku asked.
"I've been training my frog skills, and I've finally reached a new level of control," Tsu answered. "Camouflage. That's my new special move."
"Wow. Asui," Ojiro complimented as she stood up. "Are you done with search and rescue already?"
"For the most part," Tsu answered. "Ribbit! Look out!" Mora immediately took out the enemy with his hair.
"Shiketsu High!" Ojiro exclaimed.
"I sent Inasa here to help. But he has disgraced on our school's name." Mora growled. "There should be no enemies left."
"So strong," Eva breathed as Mora used his quirk more.
"Yeah," Tsu agreed.
"We're not done yet," Tokoyami informed. They all continued to attack as Inasa and Todoroki had Gang Orca trapped in a fire tornado.
"A cyclone prison of wind and fire," Orca said. "Not bad. An ordinary villain would give up. Would weep and beg your mercy. But what would you do, if your desperate trap was not enough? You must always be planning your next move." Orca then used his sonic quirk to eliminate the fire cyclone he was trapped in and all around. "So what now?" Orca reached up to grab them.
"No, get away from those two!" Izuku ordered as he jumped forward slamming a kick into Gang Orca. As Izuku had Gang Orca distracted, Eva quickly picked up Todoroki and Inasa.
"Midoriya!" Gang Orca exclaimed. The buzzer went off.
"Um, yeah, so, at this time, all the Huc members who were deployed have been rescued from the disaster zone," Mera announced. "It may seem anticlimactic, but with this, the provisional license exam has officially been completed."
"It's over?" Izuku asked.
"After we tally the scores, we'll announce the results here in the arena," Mera announced. "Anyone injured should go to the infirmary. The rest of you are free to change clothes and wait wherever you like.
"Are you two okay to walk?" Eva asked as she fluttered over towards the exit.
"Yes," Todoroki answered.
"Thank you," Inasa said, they both seemed to be lost in their thoughts as Eva put them back on the ground. Once they changed, they were back on the field. In front of them was a large screen.
"Okay. Everyone. Thanks for your hard work in today's exam," Mera announced. "Now, before I announce the results. I should probably explain the way we evaluated you. Between HUC, and those of us at the Heroes Public Safety Commission we had a two-fold demerit system that we used to determine your total scores. In other words, we were evaluating you based on how few mistakes you made in a crisis situation. Anyway, the names of those who passed are listed here in alphabetical order. Keep my words in mind as you search the screen for your name." Names appeared on the board. Eva was shaking Iida back and forth as she scanned for her name.
"Where is it?" Katsuki demanded as he looked through Kirishima and Kaminari.
"I'm up there!" Mineta cheered. "Just call me hero!"
"I did it," Jiro smiled.
"There I am!" Iida exclaimed.
"Yay," Eva smiled as she shook Iida back and forth even more.
"All right," Shoji breathed.
"I'm on the board!" Urakaka cheered.
"Thank goodness," Sero sweated. Tokoyami nodded.
"What a relief," Ojiro sweated.
"Magnefique!" Aoyama gleamed.
"Heck yeah, I did it!" Sato cheered.
"Yeah!" Ashido cheered. Koda smiled in delight.
"Another small step toward being a pro," Yaoyorozu smiled
"Ribbit," Tsu smiled.
"I passed! I passed!" Hagakure cheered.
"Killed it!" Kaminari shouted.
"Right on!" Kirishima smiled. "But, uh..." He looked over at an angry Katsuki.
"No!" Katsuki breathed.
"Yo-Yoarashi?" Inasa asked as he looked at the board. "Yo--! It's not there." He lowered his hat. "I failed. It's over. Todoroki!" Eva looked over to see Todoroki was next to Izuku. "I'm sorry!" The other wind user slammed his head into the ground. "It's my fault that you didn't pass the licensing exam. My focus was too narrow-minded. Forgive me!"
"You're fine," Todoroki said. "I was the one who got us off to a bad start."
"But, still!" Inasa began.
"And thanks to the things you said to me. I have a lot to think about," Todoroki said.
"Holy crap," Ashido breathed. "Did he really fail?"
"How did our two top classmates not pass the exam?" Sero asked.
"Shoulda been more careful what you said," Kaminari said to Katsuki. "Words are important, ya' know." Katsuki went into a deep rage. "Uh--"
"Shut your mouth before I murder you," Katsuki growled.
"Those entitled people at the top think so highly of themselves, don't they?" Mineta asked. "Their own egos are their worst enemies." He put a hand on Todoroki's shoulders, pulling himself up. "Looks like our class hierarchy is collapsing!" Eva smacked him with her wing, making Mineta fall to the ground.
"I can't believe this," Izuku breathed.
"Poor Todoroki," Yaoyorozu breathed.
"So, we'll give you the printouts of your results," Mera announced. "They include a breakdown of your scores, so you'll know exactly what areas you need to improve going forward." Everyone was handed out their results.
"Kirishima," a man said handing it to him.
"Thank you, sir," Kirishima smiled.
"Hand it over, I wanna see," Katsuki ordered as he slowly turned.
"Uh, maybe you should focus on yours?" Kirishima suggested.
"Yuki," a man said handing her the results.
"Thank you, sir," Eva smiled. She looked down to see that she had a 96. Her rescue carrier needed to be a bit safer, and some points for standing around.
"Let me see," Katsuki groaned as he pulled so her feet touched the ground. Katsuki then looked over her shoulder. "I rescued everyone just fine, what the hell," Katsuki growled.
"It really is how you speak to them," Eva said looking back at him. "You need to make them feel safe and let them know they can trust you."
"I did that just fine," Katsuki growled.
"Well? Come on! How'd you do?" Hagakure asked as she nudged Kaminari.
"Gimmie a chance to look and I'll tell you," Kaminari answered.
"We lopped off points when you did something wrong. Fall below 50, and you were done," Mera explained. "These demerits are itemized on your result forms, as you'll see, so I'd look at them."
"Sixty-one points?" Ojiro read. "I barely made it."
"Whoa, I got 84!" Sero exclaimed. "Look at that, guys!" He showed his results. "It turns out I'm actually kind of great at this stuff."
"Wait, Yao-momo, you got 94 points?" Jiro asked.
"What about you, Iida?" Izuku asked as he walked over. "How'd it go?"
"I ended with 80," Iida answered. "Overall it seems my weak points were in practical application. What about you?"
"I got 71 points," Izuku answered. "It looks like they mostly docked me for some of the stupid things at the beginning, and for times when I was just kinda standing around.
"I'm thankful we've been given such empirical evidence about what we should improve upon!" Iida exclaimed as he moved his arm up and down. Katsuki was given his sheet he was angry as he read it.
"There, your tone," Eva said as she pointed at the mark. "On a day like this, their ability to think can be fractured."
"How did you get such a good score?" Kirishima asked as he looked at her paper.
"Not sure honestly," Eva answered softly. "There is still a lot to work on." She looked over at Kirishima. 'I'm just saying and doing all the things the fairies of Melpius forest would have liked to hear. Myself included.'
"Anyway, moving forward, those of you who passed can exercise the same authority as pro heroes, but only during emergency situations," Mera explained. "In other words, fighting villains, saving the victims of criminal acts or accidents. You may act using your just judgment, with no direct orders."
"Those are similar laws, for when it comes to fairies protecting fairies," Eva said.
"Keep in mind that your every action from now on carries with it a deep responsibility toward bettering our society and that the world is watching you," Mera advised. "I'm sure you're aware that All Might, our greatest hero, no longer has his incredible power. One of the reasons crime in this country has been so low is due to his presence. With that deterrent gone, criminals are sure to become bolder and more widespread Expect the balance we currently have in our world to be destroyed, and for things to change quickly. You young people will be the hope for our future. It's imperative that you become exemplary heroes. That your reputations grow to suppress crime as did his. Remember, the license you earned today is provisional, and you still have much to do. I would like for you to think of yourselves as fledglings, and be even more diligent in your studies. And as for those who fell short and did not pass. We don't have time for you to feel bitter about your loss. Instead, we offer you a chance to redeem yourselves. After you attend a three-month-long special course and pass an individual test, we plan to issue a provisional license to those of you who failed as well." The examinees gasped as smiles grew on the faces of those who failed. "In order for us to reach the idyllic future that I just spoke of, we're going to need as many good heroes on the streets as we can get. The first round was one to weed people out. But we would like to grow the 101 selected in that test as much as possible. That's why we watched you all until the end. So we could see for ourselves that you each have promise. That once your shortcomings are corrected, you have the potential to be as great as your fellow classmates. The special course will keep you busy, as it will concurrently with your normal studies. You're welcome to retake the exam in April if you prefer to wait."
"Oh, like hell!" Katuski exclaimed.
"Special course!" Inasa cheered.
"This is amazing!" Eva cheered as she shook Katsuki back and forth.
"Isn't this great, Todoroki?" Izuku asked.
"You don't have to!" Mineta spoke up. "Just...take it easy! Relax! The hierarchy is collapsing--" Iida placed his hands on Mineta's cheeks to get him to stop talking.
"We'll root for you," Iida smiled as he stood up, holding on to Mineta.
"Thank you," Todoroki said. "I'll work hard." Soon they were allowed to leave after getting the pictures taken for the license. They were now out waiting by the buses. Eva snapped a picture to her dad, he sent back a picture of him getting a thumbs up, the raccoons were in the background, hands in the air.
"How are they doing," Todoroki asked looking over her shoulder.
"Better," Eva answered. "A few more weeks and they should be able to be released back into the wild...though I don't think that will stop them from visiting."
"Hey! Hey!" Inasa shouted as he ran over.
"It's that Shiktesu guy," Tsu pointed out.
"Todoroki!" Inasa greeted as he ran by. "I'll see you at the special course, but here's the thing. Honestly, nothing's changed. I still don't like you. Sorry!" He ran back to his class. "That's all for now!"
"That was nice of him, I guess," Kirishima sweated.
"Very straightforward," Eva added.
"We'll just make the best of it," Tdooroki said.
"Interesting," Aoyama commented. "He is someone who is bold and sensitive. I admire such a joie de vivre."
Izuku gasped as he ran over to Mora. "Excuse me! Hello?" The guy turned around to see Izuku with a notebook and pencil. "I wanna know more about the training you do to erase your presence."
"We haven't learned anything like that," Mora answered.
"But, that girl...The one in the bodysuit did it," Izuku said. "I wanted to talk to her about it so that I can understand how it worked. Do you have any idea where she might be?"
"Bodysuit...Oh! You mean Camie," Mora said. "She said she wasn't feeling too well and took a cab to the station so she could go home."
"Oh, I see," Izuku breathed. "Too bad I didn't get the chance to ask."
"Actually, she's been acting kind of strangely for the past few days," More informed. " A little different from her usual self, I'd say." By the time, they got back to campus, it was dark. Everyone was in the common room.
"So, we're back to normal classes tomorrow right,?" Jiro asked.
"I suppose there's no rest for heroes," Yaoyorozu said.
"Man, I could use a vacation," Sato groaned.
"Me as well," Eva agreed.
"I'll not forget this summer for the rest of my life," Tokoyami said. Soon they all went to bed.
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