Chapter 27
After the fight, they met up with Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. They changed back into their normal clothes. The six of them took Katsuki to meet the police. The whole way there, he was silent. It was strange. He even let Eva pick at him for injuries. Then they finally went home.
Upon entering the home, she was greeted by a large hug from her dad.
"Daddy!" Eva cried burying her face into his shoulder.
"I'm so happy you are home," Her dad said as he hugged her tighter. "I should have been here before you left." The hug got tighter, and Eva could tell it was her brothers.
"I've missed you all," Eva said softly.
"Get some sleep," Her dad said as he pulled back. "It looks like you've been up all night, did Izuku keep you up all night again?"
"Something like that," Eva answered. She felt her pants being pulled on, she looked down to see three baby raccoons. She looked over to see two more baby raccoons climbing on their mom. "How did you--"
"Found them," Dad answered. "These awful humans kept them in an abandoned house, barely feeding them, neglect, horrible treatment."
"Good thing you brought them to a haven," Eva said as she bent down picking up one, the momma raccoon looked up. "You are safe now." She scratched behind the ear, the baby raccoon cooed so cutely. The other two made sounds, putting their hands in the air, wanting to be picked up as well.
"I saw the news about All Might," Kozu said as they went over to the other raccoons. "He's going to have a rough couple of days...but he's tough."
"Yeah," Eva nodded. After taking care of the raccoons for a bit, Eva got some sleep. She got woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call from Katsuki.
"Come over," Katsuki said once she answered the phone. "Just come in through the window." He hung up the phone before she could say anything. Eva got up, then silently slipped out the window, going over to Katsuki's house. When she arrived, Eva saw that Katuski's window was opened.
"Katsuki, "Eva breathed as she entered the room. He turned around before he could respond, Eva was pulling him into a tight hug. "I am so sorry. I'm so sorry for letting them get you."
"You idiot," Katsuki grunted as he gently pushed her off of him. "You complete idiot, Eva." He was looking down as he had a hold of her shoulders. "There was a time and place to come to my need, you should have left this to the pros."
"I was so worried about you," Eva said. "It was my fault they got a hold of you. You were in their grasp for days, did they hurt you?"
"I'm fine," Katsuki grunted. "Shigaraki wouldn't let them touch me until the end." He looked up with tears in his eyes, Eva rarely saw Katsuki like this. He normally never let others see him cry, he said it made him seem weak. "You should've left it the pros dammit...You almost died, why would you go putting yourself back in danger?"
"You're my best friend, I'd do anything for you," Eva said as she gently touched his face. "I love you greatly."
"Dammit," Katsuki cried as he fell to his knees, he pulled her down with him. "You damn idiot." This time he pulled her into a hug. "You know that I love you as well?"
"Yes," Eva breathed as she hugged him more. It wasn't romantic love, but they had a strong bond.
"If it wasn't for the damn silver, I doubt they would have gotten me," Katsuki said. "Those damn bastards knew your weaknesses."
"All that matters is that you are okay," Eva said as they pulled away from each other. She wiped the tears from his eyes. "Even though you were screwed, you held your own pretty well against those six. You are going to be one amazing hero people can rely on, as they relied on All Might."
"I was abducted," Katsuki said. "What kind of future hero gets abducted?"
"They abducted you for them to join their league, right?" Eva asked, he nodded. "Villains are known for targeting the stronger heroes. That means everyone is well aware of your strengths, you are strong, and you always have been. Everyone is aware that you are only going to get stronger as well. Not only are you going to be a top hero, but you will be a good one as well."
"Eva," Katsuki said smiling a little. "Thank you." He pulled her into another hug, Eva happily hugged him back putting her face on his shoulder.
For the next few days, Eva spent taking care of the raccoons, she even got to see them inside the home her dad got. As for their new home in the Otherworld, she got to help clean it up and decorate it. She was surprised to see a letter from UA about the dorms. Her dad and brothers weren't too on board with the idea. They were currently setting up a plaything for the raccoons.
"Daddy, you have not gone into detail about the council meeting," said Eva, he looked at her. "What else did they say?"
"You are going through vital changes, it is best you are in the Otherworld where people can guide you," Dad said. "I admire that you have grown to like humans, but you still do not have any of the markings." He pointed to one on his arm. It was true, Eva had not gotten any of the markings; she should have gotten one when she turned 11, for when her third set of wings came in. There was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" shouted Dios going over, though Eva and their dad followed with raccoons in their arms, they were shocked to see All Might outside the door.
"All Might?" they all asked.
"Are those raccoons?" All Might asked as he looked down.
"Yes," Eva answered.
"May I come in?" All Might asked. "About the dorms?"
"Come in," Her dad said. "I'll make you a cup of tea. Kozu! Gino! We have a guest!"
"Thank you," All Might said as he took off his shoes upon entering the house. They led All Might to the dining, Eva's teacher could see Eva's room door was open. He saw a bird fly up to the window, landing on a feeder, along with an adult raccoon sleeping on her bed. He could see a photo on her desk from when she was younger, it was of her and Izuku. Eva was dressed as Snow Bug and Izuku was dressed as All Might. The teacher smiled and then proceeded to the dining area. He was careful not to knock over the structure the Yuki's were working on, he looked over to see Kozu and Gino entering the room.
"You are here to convince me to let my daughter live at UA in the dorms?" her dad asked as he poured them some tea. Eva had to put the raccoons on the ground, so she could get food ready together for them.
"That is correct," All Might said. "I understand if you are worried about sending her away."
"Yes," her dad sighed. "Will sending Eva to live on campus be safe? How can I be so sure there won't be another silver incident? I support her dream of becoming a hero, but if she keeps getting into this sort of danger, I'm not sure if I want her at UA anymore."
"We know her main motive is our people's safety," said Dios. "But there has gotta be other ways then the hero path."
"UA is doing everything they can to heighten security," All Might said. "Having the students closer to us will help guarantee their safety."
"I'm not comfortable with my baby sister living among only humans and so many at once," said Kozu. "I'm worried she will be in more danger there than here."
"And she's been abducted 7 times," added Gino, Eva stayed focused on her task not daring to look at All Might. "Not once had a hero come to her rescue. So, we are a bit weary on who we trust her with."
"You heroes preach deafting villains and rescue, why does that stop when it comes our people?" asked Dios. "Even hetermorphs turn against us, and they are discriminated against as well."
"I just want what's best for my daughter," her dad said as Eva looked over. "I've been fearing, that UA has been forgetting that my daughter isn't human and she'll never be one. For her to go live in the dorms, I need to be guaranteed that precautions will be taken for her safety."
"I owe you an apology," All Might said as he stood up. "I deeper one from the past."
"Huh?" Eva and her dad asked, even the baby raccoons were looking over. All Might took off his shoes, he went to his bigger form, turned around, he got on his hands and knees." What's going on?"
"All the heroes are aware of the day your home was attacked by villains disguised as heroes, and not a single one showed up to bring hope to any of you. We are aware of our negligence to all of you," All Might said as he put his head on the ground. "It puts shame on the name hero, and we continue to neglect it today. I owe all of you a great apology. From this day forward UA staff will strive to be a guide to her, as well as protect her and the rest of the fae. I will make sure this urgency gets passed on to the other heroes as well." He went back to his weaker form. "Please forgive our past weakness and negligence, but that's what makes UA the right to school to help Young Yuki become the hero she wants to be. A hero to humans, as well as to the ones we neglect."
"All Might," Dad breathed as he helped the man to his feet. "You are the first human and hero to ever apologize for what happened in the past. I will allow my daughter to go live in the dorms...but please watch over her, she is our world."
"I promise," All Might said. "That being said...there is much I need to learn about fairies. All of us at UA." He looked down to see a baby raccoon beginning to climb up his leg. Eva's dad went over to the cupboard. He pulled out a sheet of paper from the top shelf.
"Start with this," her dad said as he flew back over, handing All Might a piece of paper.
"You have my gratitude," All Might said.
"Another thing," said Kozu. "The council and Great Pa Go want Eva to spend time in the Otherworld more; it is her home after all."
"We at UA will be happy to not stand in the way of that," said All Might. "Being here all the time must cause a lot of homesickness for the both of you." They both nodded. After some tea getting the baby raccoons off of him, Eva guided him out.
"I hope these little guys didn't cause you too much trouble," Eva said as she held the furballs in her arms.
"Not all," All Might said as he stepped out of the house as Eva glanced back.
"I hope my brothers didn't cause you trouble either," said Eva looking at her teacher. "They can be...protective."
All Might smiled. "I was glad to have met them. I must thank you as well. They put a lot into prospective for me."
"Huh?" Eva tilted her head.
"With everything that's choose a path of heroism, instead of villainy," All Might said. "That there ensures me you are going to make a great hero." Eva smiled a bit as her teacher looked down at the Midoriya's home.
"Good luck," Eva said. "His mom is going to be a bit harder to convince." All Might nodded before making his way down. Eva went back inside to help. She had Koda come over at some point, to help with the raccoons. Koda was overwhelmed with joy.
After getting permission, Eva and Izuku left home to start a new life at UA. She had to admit getting to school was going to be way easier since the dorms were a five-minute walk from the main school. Heights Alliance was constructed in just three days. This was their new home. Eva stood in front of the building along with her classmates. In front of them stood their teacher.
"Given everything that has happened, I'm glad we were able to bring Class A back together," Aizawa said.
"So, we all got the go-ahead to move on campus," Sero smiled at everyone.
"It took a lot of convincing for my parents," Hagakure admitted.
"I was pretty concerned about mine," Jiro admitted.
"It makes sense," Ojiro said looking at her. "You got the worst of the gas attack."
"We're glad to see the teachers got to come back, too," Tsu said. "I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed. The people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys."
"Yeah," Urakaka nodded.
"I was surprised, as well," Aizawa admitted. "But circumstances had changed. Now then, I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly." He clapped his hands. "First, however...We haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp."
"Oh, yeah!" Sato recalled. "That's what we were there for."
"So much has happened, it totally slipped my mind," Ashido said.
"This is important. Listen well," Aizawa ordered. "Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Yuki. Todoroki. Midoriya. Iida. You six are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Bakugo that night."
"Ribbit," Tsu breathed as some of the other classmates whimpered.
"Based on your reactions, I assume the rest of you were at least aware of their plan," Aizawa gathered. "I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this. If it weren't for All Might's retirement from the Hero scene, I would expel everyone here except Bakugo, Jiro, and Hagakure. The six of you who went, of course. But also the remaining 12 who didn't stop them. You betrayed our trust. Even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble. In order to regain our confidence, you'll need to obey every rule to the letter and live as model students. That's all." He turned to the building. "Now. Look alive. Enjoy your new home."
"We're supposed to be excited after that speech?" all the students asked as Aizawa walked towards the doors.
"Come here," Katsuki ordered as he grabbed Kaminari.
"Uh-huh?" Kaminari asked as he was dragged around a bush. "Wait. For what?" They all trembled as they heard Kamianri yell along with electricity. "Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay." He appeared with evidence he went over. Jiro turned away laughing.
"Dude. What'd Bakugo do to you?" Sero asked.
"Kirishima!" Katsuki grunted walking up to the guy. Kirishima looked over to see Katsuki holding out money.
"Whoa, did you shake him down for cash?!" Kirishima exploded.
"No! This is my money, you idiot," Katsuki said. "To replace what you spent."
"Uh. How'd you know about the night vision goggles?" Kirishima asked.
Katsuki shoved the money into Kirishima and then walked past him. "Don't say I never gave you anything. Now I'm not in your debt. Kaminari, show 'em your dumb side."
"Oh, man," Jiro laughed more. "What a moron. You're so hopeless." The other students started laughing.
"It isn't that funny, guys!" Sero shouted.
"Thanks, man," Kirishima said softly.
"Sometimes blowing off steam is the best thing to do, I guess," Aizawa said as he looked back at his students.
"Sorry, everyone! I know this won't make up for it! But let's all go eat Yakiniku tonight on me!" Kirishima announced. The students cheered. "Not to worry, I know you don't eat meat, Eva!" After they entered the dorm, the place was huge.
"Each student dormitory holds one class," Aizawa explained. "Girls are on the right and boys are on the left. The entire first floor is a common area. That's where you'll find your kitchen, baths, and laundry rooms. "
"Ah!" Hagakure breathed as they looked around the common area.
"It's so high up," Eva noticed as she looked out the window. "I like it."
"There's even a courtyard," Sero pointed out.
"So spacious and new!" Ashido laughed.
"I'm living in a mansion," Urakaka said before falling over.
"Urakaka!" Iida exclaimed.
"Doth mine ears deceive me?" Mineta asked. "Our baths are located in the common space?" He gulped. "Is this heaven?"
"They are separated by gender," Aizawa said as he raged red. "And you'll behave yourself."
"Yes, sir," Mineta froze.
"Living quarters start on the next floor. Each level will have four boys and four girls," Aizawa explained. "Everyone gets their own room. You should be comfortable. You've got your own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets." They were in one of the rooms, Eva was looking over the edge with Izuku and Kaminari.
"We have balconies?!" Izuku exclaimed. "Wow! Eva, think of that balcony garden you always dreamed of!"
"I hope we can have bird feeders outside our windows," Eva said.
"This room is about the same size of my closest at home, but I'll manage," Yaoyorozu said.
"It's the size of my house!" Urakaka exclaimed as she fell over again.
"Urakaka!" Iida exclaimed.
"These are your dorm assignments," Aizawa said as he showed them a chart. "The belongings you sent ahead have already been placed in your new rooms, so spend the day unpacking and getting settled." Eva was extremely happy to see that she was on the top floor, she was on the corner furthest from the elevator. "I'll tell you more about your next few lessons tomorrow. For now, get to work."
"Yes, Mr. Aizawa!" the students responded.
"Yuki," Mr. Aizawa said as they all began to part ways.
"Yes, sir?" Eva asked as she looked back.
"Please don't fly through the halls at max speed," Mr. Aizawa advised.
"Yes, sir," Eva said as she scratched the back of her head. She watched him walk away before catching up to him. "Mr. Aizawa, sir."
"If this is about the summer camp, you don't get an expection," said Aizawa as he stopped walking.
"No," denied Eva. "My brothers told me someone used magic, but I thought humans had stiopped using it due to the birth of quirks, that is what I have been told at least. So, who used it to contact my village?"
"You want to know who it was," quickly gathered Aizawa.
Eva nodded. "It'd make me feel less alone on that sense."
Aizawa nodded. "All I can do is give your their first name, Sana."
"Much apprecautred," said Eva, she joined her classmates in working on their individual rooms. It didn't take Eva that long to set up her room, no shame in terms of using magic for most of it. She had a round bed, that was as close to the wall as she could get it. Her bed cover was forest green, with two flower-shaped pillows, and the mushroom pillows that she likes to hug.
On the wall her bed was against, she had a huge tapestry, the picture was one of the forests from home. With a little bit of magic worked into it; she was able to get to the Otherworld through the tapestry. It was part of the deal of spending more time in the Otherworld. On the other wall was her study desk, it was right near the window. On her study desk, she had pictures she took with her dad, Kozu, Dios, and some other family members, Katsuki Izuku, along with one of her mom. Next to the desk was a dresser. One half of it had four drawers, and the other half were shelves, where she kept books. She had a few plants on top of the drawers, she kept her classroom school items, the first-aid drawer, hobby materials, and items for her plants. On the wall above the door, Eva had a poster of a circle of mushrooms. She had a hammock hanging from the ceiling, and a large grassy rug on the floor. She had a basket she made at the foot of her bed.
On that wall is where she put a long body mirror. Outside on the balcony, she had a few more plants, a hanging chair, and two bird feeders; one on each side.
Eva had all her clothes in the closet. In the middle, she had cubbies where she kept undergarments, and socks, towels. She hung up her uniforms on one side, and casual/formal on the other. Shoes at the bottom on the left floor.
The girls all got together, they talked about something, then went down to the common room.
"Hiya, boys," Ashido greeted. "All done with your rooms?"
"Yup, we're just unwinding now," Kaminari answered.
"Well, the girls and I have been talking and..." Ashido began.
"We have a great idea!" Hagakure cheered.
"Let's go around and see who has the coolest room!" Ashido suggested. All the boys froze.
"No, wait, you can't go in there!" Izuku screamed. "Please, it's not fit for--" They opened the door, it was exactly how it was at home. So much All Might.
"It's All Might everywhere!" Urakaka exclaimed as some of the girls squealed. "You're such a fanboy!"
"Hm, you don't seem impressed, Eva," Ojiro said looking over at her.
"It's just like his room at home," Eva answered. "Nothing I haven't seen."
"Well, I admire him..."Izuku said as he stood at his desk, and he grew extremely red. "This is embarrassing."
"Does this mean...they're judging our rooms, too?" Kaminari sweated.
"Probably, could end up a good time," Sero sweated. Next, they went to Tokoyami's room.
"No way," Tokoyami denied standing in front of his door. Hagakure and Ashido began to try to push him, they were struggling.
"A little help fairy princess!" Hagakure squeaked, Eva flew over, picked up Tokoyami, and went to the side letting the girls in. He was trembling when they saw how dark his room was with purple lighting.
"So dark and scary!" Hagakure and Ashido squeaked as Eva smiled in delight.
"You fiends," Tokoyami growled.
"Oh, man, I had a keychain like this when I was in middle school," Kirishima exclaimed as he held the item up.
"So this is how boys like to decorate," Ashido noted.
"Please leave," Tokoyami pleaded.
"A sword?!" Izuku gasped as he pulled Eva over to him. "So cool!"
"Get out!" Tokoyami roared.
"It sort of reminds me of home," Eva said as the others left. "It's exactly how a friend of mine decorates her potion room."
"It reminds you of what?" Tokoyami said in alarm as he looked over at her.
"You consider yourself a creature of the dark," Eva brought up. "I'm one of the supernatural." They then went on to Aoyama's room.
"Aren't you dazzled?" Aoyama asked as they looked around. It reminded Eva of a room a prince would have, there was a disco ball in the middle. A knight, numerous mirrors; she kept observing herself in them. In one of the mirrors; she caught Todoroki looking at her with a smile; he quickly looked away when he got caught; dropping his smile.
"Shiny," the students said.
"Non, non, it's not shiny, it'," Aoyama corrected.
"Exactly what I pictured," Hagakure said as some left the room.
"Honestly, I expected more," Ashido admitted.
"This is turning out to be really fun!" Urakaka cheered. "The last person on this floor is."
Mineta was standing at his door, panting, purple was coming off of him. "Hey. Come on in, girls. I've got so much to show you."
"Third floor?" Eva asked as they walked away.
"Where are you going?" Mineta asked. "Come back!"
Next, they went to see Ojiro's room.
"Ooh, it's so bare," Urakaka said. Eva saw his tail was starting to lower.
"Did you move anything in at all?" Hagakure asked.
"Please tell me you just haven't unpacked," Ashido pleaded.
"Um, if we're done here, then let's go," Ojiro pleaded.
"I like it," Eva said. "You should add a plant."
"And for what?" Ojiro asked as his tail went a bit lower.
"Don't mind Eva," Izuku said as he waved his arms. "She's always doing that with me."
Next, they went to Iida's room, the place was filled with books and numerous glasses.
"Whoa! It looks like a library in here!" Urakaka said.
"That's the class rep for you," Ashido said.
"Just as I expected," Eva said as she put on a pair of glasses.
"You'll find nothing odd in here," Iida assured.
"You have so many glasses," Urakaka laughed.
"Of course I do!" Iida exclaimed. "I expect them all to be destroyed during training!"
Next, they went to Kaminari's room.
"Really?" Ashido, Hagakure, Urakaka, and Jiro asked.
"This is the store in the mall I'd avoid," Jiro said.
"What?" Kaminari sweated. "It's perfect!"
"I like it," Eva said.
"Are you just trying to make them feel better?" Hagakure asked as she patted her. "You don't have to."
"No, really," Eva assured. "It's so...human. I'm getting to observe more how humans live, one that isn't Katuksi and Izuku."
"Then just wait till you see my room!" Ashido squealed grabbing onto Eva. "You are going to love it!" Next, they went to Koda's room. It had an animal theme to it.
"He has a rabbit! So cute!" Urakaka and Ashido squeaked as Eva petted the rabbit. The other two joined her.
"Hey, no fair, we don't get pets," Kaminari grumbled. "You're trying to buy the judges' love!"
"It'll buy Eva's for sure," Izuku smiled. "She told me, you were really good with raccoons the other day." Koda nodded super fast.
"Man, this sucks," Kaminari complained as they stepped out of the room. "I feel so judged right now."
"Hey, what a coincidence," Ojiro grumbled. "I was told to add a plant. I don't feel great. At all."
"Same here," Tokoyami said.
"Et moi," Aoyama said.
"That's because the boys are the only ones who are getting picked on," Mineta said as he made his way to the group. "They said it was a contest to see who had the coolest dorm room. Well, what about them?! We have to see the girls, to tell which one's the best. Their interior design skills should be held to the same standard as ours. Maybe even higher. Show us those dorms!" Lightning struck, no one could deny that the perv made a good point.
"I'm into it!" Ashido chimed.
"Same!" Eva chimed. "It'll be fun!" Izuku was surprised to see Eva wanting to participate.
"Huh?" Jiro asked.
"Okay, so, like what're the rules?" Ashido asked. "Are we figuring out who has the best taste in the class, or just the overall coolest?"
"We're going this?" Jiro asked.
"Uh, this have to be a contest?" Ojiro asked.
"I'm over it," Todoroki said as he thought about it. They went to the fourth floor.
"Let's see, who else is on the fourth floor?" Urakaka asked.
"It's Katsuki, Kirishima, and Shoji," Eva answered.
"Where is Bakugo?" Iida asked.
"Uh, he thought this was lame, so he went back to his room to sleep," Kirishima answered. "I could use some z's too."
"Then we'll do your room next," Hagakure stated as she ran forward.
"You can sleep all you want after," Ashido added as she ran.
"Not that I care," Kirishima said as they stood at his door. "But you might not get what I'm goin' for." He opened the door. He had a punching bag in the middle of the room, the room clock had arms on it. Fire curtains. A lot of fighting-related.
"Manly," Eva commented.
"A den of manliness!" Kirishima corrected.
"If I found out my boyfriend had a room that looked like this, I'd dump him," Hagakure said.
"So bold!" Urakaka shouted. "It makes me want to work out!"
"You get it!" Kirishima smiled with a thumbs up. "You like that clock, Eva?" He looked over to see her staring at the clock.
"The curtains are cool as well," Eva said touching them. "So fiery."
"Next up, Shoji," Ashido said as they stepped out.
"You're not gonna find anything interesting here," Shoji said. Inside the room were a desk, pillow, and sheets piled for his bed.
"Uh...More like nothing at all, dude," Ashido said.
"So, you're a minimalist, huh?" Todoroki asked.
"I've just never understood why someone would wanna fill their room with junk," Shoji answered.
"You could use a plant as well," Eva said.
"Can you cut it out with the plants!" Ojiro shouted as he appeared behind her.
"Guys like this always have a super pervy side," Mineta said as he looked under a sheet.
"All done!" Hagakure shouted as they stood by the elevator. "Let's head up to the fifth floor."
"We'll start with Sero," Ashido said.
"Are we seriously doing everyone?" Sero asked. He smiled as he showed everyone his room.
"Wow!" the other girls sounded.
"You have a plant!" Eva smiled. Ojiro and Shoji glared at her.
"Exotic," Ashido commented.
"It's lovely!" Urakaka chimed.
"Sero, I didn't peg you for someone who'd like this stuff," Jiro said.
"He, he, he," Sero laughed. "Yup, that's me, always a wild card."
"Let's keep moving!" Hagakure encouraged.
"Next is Todoroki's room, right?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"Yeah," Eva answered as they went over to his room.
"Let's get this over with," Todoroki said as he opened his door. "It's late."
"So Japanese!" Ashido and Sero shouted.
"It's even built differently!" Kaminari noted.
"We've got these kinds of floor mats at my home," Todoroki said as he saw Eva checking out his plants. "They're much more comfortable than hardwood."
"This isn't your house!" Kaminari yelled at him.
"How did you remodel this entire room in just one day?" Mineta asked.
"With hard work," Todoroki answered.
"You are a beast," Kaminari commented.
"He'll make such a good pro," Hagakure said as they left the room.
"Let's go, Yuki," Ojiro said as his tail grabbed her leg. "We got other rooms to check out."
"Pretty boys have tricks up their sleeves," Sato cried.
"Okay, next! The last of the guys is..." Ashido began.
"Me," Sato grunted. In this room were tons of baking supplies and ingredients. "Anyway, it's a pretty boring room."
"All of them are after Todoroki's," Kirishima said.
"Something smells good though," Ojiro noticed. "What is it?"
"Oh, crap, I forgot about that!" Sato panicked. "I finished unpacking really early. So I started to make a chiffon cake. I thought we could all eat it together. It hasn't been iced yet, but, want some?"
"Yeah!" The girls cheered running over to him.
"The strong guy's an expert baker?" Kaminari and Mineta asked in surprise.
"It's delicious!" Urakaka smiled as they ate the cake. "So fluffy."
"I could eat it every day," Hagakura added.
"Forget Sero, this is unexpected," Ashido added.
"Mhm-mm," Jiro breathed.
"I think it's great that you have such a fun hobby, Sato," Yaoyorozyu complimented. "Would you bake something to go with my tea one day?"
"What's up with Eva?" Kirishima asked as he looked over, they looked over to see Eva was practically in heaven.
"Fairies like natural foods," Izuku answered. "They also love foods that are sweet and prepared with saffron. In other words, she's going to love Sato forever." He bit into his cake.
"All the fairies will," Eva smiled even more.
"Uh," Sato turned bright red. "I seriously did not expect this reaction. Mostly I bake as part of the training for my sugar Quirk. Store-bought sweets can get pricey."
"You are enjoying this human experience, aren't you?" Tokoyami asked as they left the room.
"Humans are so cute and fascinating," Eva admitted. "I now understand more of why Dad is so fond of them."
"That's it for the boys," Hagakure said. "Now, it's our turn, ladies."
"Aw, man, that's so many rooms," Jiro said as they went across the common room. "Shouldn't we turn in?"
"Come on, Jiro, live a little," Ashido urged.
"It's kind of embarrassing," Jiro said as she opened her room. The room had a checkerboard ceiling, a chessboard floor, and numerous instruments.
"Whoa, you've got so many instruments!" Kaminari exclaimed.
"It's because Jiro's totally punk rock," Hagakure said.
"Can you play all these?" Urakaka asked.
"Yeah, at least a little," Jiro blushed, she was clicking earphone jacks together.
"I like it," Eva said as she checked out the CDs.
"Your room's girlier than this," Kaminari said to Aoyama.
"Because I've got style," Aoyama responded as he struck a pose. Jiro attacked them with her ear jacks.
"We're done here," Jiro declared.
"Next is me!" Hagakure cheered. "Welcome in, guys! What ya think?" The room was super girly, and pink.
"A-Ah," Ojiro breathed.
"Now this is girl," Kaminari said. "So pink..."
"You could use a plant as well," Eva said.
"Can it be a pink flower?" Hagakure asked.
"Yeah," Eva smiled.
"Plus Ultra!" Mineta smiled as he stood by the cubbies.
"Get away from there, Mineta, you perv!" Hagakure yelled at him.
"We can do mine next!" Mina chimed as they stood in front of her dorm. "Ta-dah! Isn't it super cute?" It was pink and black. Striper curtains.
"Whoa," Everyone breathed.
"Your room is the girl version of Kaminari's room," Eva said.
"I think that cake is going to your brain," Ashido twitched as she looked at Eva.
"At least she didn't suggest a plant," A few of the others said. Next, they went to Urakaka's room.
"Yeah, I know, it's not very interesting, I know," Urakaka stated. It was simple, she had a fan going, some food, and tea.
"Wow," they said less enthusiastically.
"Is this okay?" Ojiro asked. "It feels dirty seeing so many girls' rooms up close. This is their private space."
"Forbidden gardens," Tokoyami said.
"Next is Asui," Izuku said.
"Wait, where is Tsu?" Sero asked. "Haven't seen her."
"Oh, she wasn't feeling too good," Urakaka answered. "So she's in her room."
"Well, we shouldn't bother her," Kaminari said. "She can show us later when she's feeling better."
Next was Yaoyorozu's room.
"The second to last one up is Yaoyorozu," Sero said.
"The thing is I...maybe miscalculated a few things," Momo admitted. "My room's a little more cramped than I intended. And maybe not as creative as some of yours." Her room was so fancy.
"That bed is huge!" Kaminari exclaimed. "You can't even walk in here."
"It's my furniture from home, so I thought it'd fit," Yaoyorozu admitted. "I had no idea how small these dorm rooms would end up being."
"I forget how rich she is," Izuku and Urakaka said.
"Let's go plant girl," Ojiro ordered as he grabbed her leg with his tail again. "Time to see yours."
'Up close to a fairy's life,' Urakaka thought to herself.
'A better understanding of why she likes plants,' Shoji thought to himself.
'Supernatural,' Tokoyami thought to himself. Eva opened the door to her room.
"Whoa," everyone breathed.
"It's so magical," Kirishima said.
"Why so many plants?" Ojiro asked as he looked at them.
"Fairies are close to nature," Eva answered.
"Why are the curtains open?" Ashido asked.
"Natural lighting," Eva answered.
"It's a circle," Todoroki noted as he sat on the edge of the bed.
"Where is this?" Kaminari asked pointing at the tapestry.
"The Otherworld," Eva answered. "It's home."
"A creature of the supernatural," Tokoyami said as he looked at the mushroom poster.
"Who is this pretty lady?" asked Sero picking up a picture, Eva looked over to it was a picture of a woman with light green hair and black eyes, she had a circle around her, and she had her markings like most fae.
"Oh, that's my grandma (Dad's side)," answered Eva.
"BUT SHE LOOKS MT LADY'S AGE!" the class erupted. They went back down to the common room to vote.
"Alright, everybody!" Ashido chimed. "Has everyone got their votes in? Remember, you can't pick yourself, guys." They counted the votes, "And now, without further ado, here are the best results of the first Best Room competition, minus Bakugo and Tsu. Drumroll, please!" Everyone was silent during the roll. "With a total of six votes, the overwhelming winner of this totally awesome contest is...Rikido Sato!"
"Uh?" Sato asked in surprise.
"By the way, all the girls voted for you," Ashido informed. "Because...the cake was delicious. I want some more."
"That's why?" Sato asked.
"You villain!" Mineta and Kaminari shouted as they playfully hit Sato. "Aspiring heroes shouldn't resort to bribery!"
"It wasn't on purpose!" Sato defended himself. "But what the heck!"
"Is it over?" Todoroki asked. "Can I sleep now?"
"Yes, and since you had cake, don't forget to brush your teeth!" Iida advised as he made the movements.
"Thanks for sticking it out," Izuku said.
"Hey! Todoroki, wait a minute," Urakaka called out. "Deku and Ida, you, too. Yuki, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, you have a sec? It's really important." They went outside to find Tsu waiting for them.
"So, uh. Where are we going?" Kirishima asked.
"Right here," Urakaka confirmed. "Tsu said she had something she wanted to tell everyone. "You guys know I'm pretty straightforward, and always speak my mind. But sometimes...I don't know. I'm at a loss. Remember what I said back at the hospital? When you were talking about the rescue..."
"Yeah, every word," Izuku nodded.
"My heart was hurting," Tsu said. "And the things I said must've upset you. Especially you, Yuki. People are good at making fairies the villains in those fairytales."
"It's okay, Tsu," Urakaka comforted her.
"Despite my warning, you still went and saved Bakugo," Tsu continued. "I didn't know that till this morning. I thought I'd stopped you. But it turns out I was worthless. A complete failure. And suddenly I had no idea what to say. I didn't think I deserved to joke around and have fun with everyone like usual." Tears were in her eyes. "But...It made sad to be without you. That's why I wanted to talk to you. Even if I'm still not sure how I'm supposed to be feeling. I wanted you to know so we can hang out and talk and have a good time again."
"It's not just you who thinks that," Urakaka said as Tsu cried. "Everyone...felt pretty bad and...wanted things back to the way they used to be before. That's why we did the room contest. To bring us closer together and make us feel like a class again. It's all we could come up with, so please don't think we were trying to trick you or anything. Look, what I'm saying is, let's all work hard at our training and be good friends again, okay?"
"Tsu!" Kirishima cried as he rushed forward. "I'm sorry! Thanks for telling us how you feel!"
"It's okay," Yaoyorozu said.
"I apologize," Iida said.
"Deeply sorry," Eva said.
"You shouldn't feel bad," Todoroki said.
"Asu-Tsu!" Izuku breathed.
"Listen, I won't make you sad again!" Kirishima declared.
"Me either," Yaoyorozu said as Tsu cried again.
"We promise!" Iida declared. After cheering Tsu up, everyone went back inside. They all got ready for bed when Eva came back to her room. She saw Todoroki in the hammock he had a book open.
"It's late," Eva said. "You were the one saying you were tired."
"We are all going to be living together," Todoroki said. "I want to know everything. Not just what I can find from notes you gave me or research."
"The UA staff promised to learn about fairies more," Eva said. "I'm sure you can get some information from them."
"Eva, please," Todoroki pleaded. "Just tell me."
"Alright," Eva sighed as she gave in. Eva got in the hammock, they sat across from each other. "What exactly do you want to know, Shoto?"
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