Chapter 22

The day came for the students to be heading off to the summer camp. Classes A and B were outside the school doors receiving instructions before getting on the bus. 

"Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin," Aizawa announced. "However...Don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become Plus Ultra."

"Yes, sir!" Everyone responded. 

"Are your wings ready?" Iida asked flapping his arms.

"Uh, yes," Eva answered. "As for your engines?"

"They are ready to take a beat down," Iida answered. "Perhaps then we can see who is the fastest!"

"When it comes to land, it's you," Eva answered, Iida, looked at her questionably. "Plain walking can be quite difficult." She touched the back of her head, she closed her eyes. 

"Fear not!" Iida exclaimed as he chopped the air. "This camp will have you strutting in no time!"

"Let's not forget about that swimming regimen I have for you!" Yaoyorozu gleamed clapping her hands. 

"Joy," Eva gave an uneasy thumbs up and a scared smile. 

"I heard some of Class A is taking extra courses," Monoma said, they all looked over at him. "Does that mean they actually failed the final exams? That must be so embarrassing! Especially since you are supposed to be so much better than my class. All of you must be wallowing in shame!"

He stopped the moment Kendo hit him on the head. "Don't mind him."

"Monoma's scary," Yanagi said. 

"Oh," Eva smiled as she looked at the other class. "The rest of Class B!"

"It's nice to see you outside of the sports festival," Tokage said. "I guess now we're not technically rivals."

"Time to get on the bus," Kendo announced as she looked at her class. 

"Okay!" Tsunotori and Yanagi responded. 

"The girls of Class A and Class B," Mineta said with excitement. "It's like a buffet of bombshells!"

"Dude, get yourself together," Kirishima ordered. "For real."

"Attention, Class A, our bus is here!" Iida announced as he waved around his arms. Eva backed up to avoid getting hit. "Everyone line up in seating order!" Soon they were on the bus heading to camp. Katsuki slipped motion sickness pills into Eva's hand before going further back. Eva sat on the end of a three-person row, of Jiro and Yaoyorozu, who happily grabbed onto her wing, Todoroki did the same on the other side of the walkway. 

"Here's the deal," Aizawa began. "We'll be on this bus about an hour before our stop. Make sure you stay focused." He looked back at them.

"Why aren't we blastin' some music?" Kaminari asked. 

"No one should be standing!" Iida yelled at Aoyama. "That is a safety hazard! Please stay seated! Keep your wings in the aisle!" Jiro and Yaoyorozu began to show Eva swimming videos, some music started to play. Izuku sat in front of her and Bakugo sat diagonally back from Eva, he couldn't help but notice how much she's changed since joining UA. She used to never let people touch her wings, but now she's letting more than one person hold on to them. She was making friends, people were accepting her, things that did not happen before. "Don't open that window!" It was thirty minutes into the car ride when Eva felt a large pain on the top of her head, she gently touched her head.

"Something the matter?" Jiro asked.

"It's just my head," Eva assured.

"I'm sure if you asked nicely Todoroki can make some ice for you," Yaoyorozu said putting her hands together. " I will get a cloth ready."

"Huh?" Eva asked.

"Hey, Todoroki," Jiro said leaning over Eva, they all looked over. "Can you make some ice cubes?"

"Hm?" Todoroki asked, he opened his eyes and looked over.

"It's for Yuki," Jiro said as she put her hands on the side of Eva's head. "Take a look." She tilted Eva's head down, Todoroki leaned over to get a look, and Katsuki tensed up he sat up more. 

"I don't see any injuries," Todoroki said. 

"Direct to the spot," Yaoyoroz instructed as she held out the cloth, she was leaning over as well. Eva gently touched the top of her head she immediately found the spot, right across from her antenna.

"Oh no," Eva breathed lightly. "Forget about it." She lifted her head as Jiro placed her hand where Eva's hands were located.

"I see," Jiro said as she smiled a little. "I don't know much about fairies, but I'm pretty sure it's about to pop." Jiro moved her hands away the minute she felt blood. "Just make the ice." She tilted Eva's head again. Todoroki grunted he slowly reached his hand out and leaned over to get a look, his hovered right over her head, suddenly the antenna finally popped out, hitting Todoroki in the forehead, and Katsuki started laughing. Jiro and Yaoyorozu tried to contain their laughter.

"I am so sorry!" Eva apologized quickly as she pulled back, putting a hand overhead. Todoroki was surprised at first, but then he just gave a light smile. 


Soon they came to their first stop, which was on the edge of a cliff. 

"Eva," Izuku said as he stretched. "Your other antenna popped through." He tilted her head towards him, she had bandages around her antenna. "That's amazing!"

"More like embarrassing," Eva corrected. "I've been very careful to not get blood on anyone, for the most part. It's been about fifteen minutes, I hope it stopped."

"Maybe you should change it," Izuku suggested as he wiped the blood on the bus behind him.

"That is so unsanitary!" Iida shouted, chopping at the air. Eva had Izuku hold a small hand mirror for her as she changed the bandages. 

"Finally, I needed off that bus," Kaminari said as everyone stretched more. 

"Let me get through, I gotta pee!" Mineta shouted as he ran around. 

"Huh. This isn't much of a rest area," Kirishima noted. 

"No. And where's Class B?" Jiro asked. 

"You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do you?" Aizawa asked. They gasped looking over at him.

"Please, sir, the toilet," Mineta begged. The doors on the car at the cliff opened on both sides.

"Heya, Eraser!" a voice greeted. 

"Long time no see," Aizawa bowed a little. 

" Your feline fantasies are here," a woman announced as she and another stepped out with a little kid. "Say meow."

"Purrfectly cute and catlike girls!" the other announced. 

"You can call us the Wild, Wild, Pussycats!" Pixie-Bob and Mandalay announced at the same time. 

"These are the pro heroes you'll be working with at the summer training camp," Aizawa informed, Izuku suddenly dropped the mirror as he rushed over to the front of their class, he was wigging out. Todoroki picked it up, so she could continue. 

"They're a four-person hero team who specializes in mountain rescue!" Izuku exclaimed, his cheeks going red. "The Pussycats were founded when we were kids, like forever ago!" Both the cats gasped. "This marks their 12th year working as a--"

He got cut off by Pixi-Bob putting her gloves over his face. "I'm pretty sure your math must be off. I'm 18 at heart." Eva finished changing her bandages, she put them in a paper bag. 

"Understood," Izuku whimpered. 

"Everyone, say hello," Aizawa ordered. 

"Hello! Nice to meet you!" the students greeted. 

"We own this whole stretch of land out here," Mandalay informed. "Everything you can see." Eva leaned over the side, it was beautiful. "The summer camp you're staying at is there, the base of the mountain."

"That's far!" Everyone said. 

"Uh, then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" Urakaka asked. 

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that," Tsu answered. 

"That can't be right," Sato shook his head.

"I will throw that out for you," Aizawa said as he took the bag from Eva. 

"Um. Back on the bus," Sero laughed nervously. "Quick. Let's go."

"Good idea," Kaminari agreed as he looked back. "Load up." He grabbed Koda's shoulder. Everyone nodded.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning," Mandalay said. "If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon."

"No way. Guys!" Kirishima gulped. 

"Holy crap!" Ashido panicked.

"Save yourselves!" Kirishima ordered. 

"Kitties who don't make it there by 12:30 won't get any lunch," Mandalay said as everyone rushed to the bus besides Eva.

"You should have guessed, students," Aizawa said. "The training camp..." Pixie-Bob cut them off from getting on the bus. "Has already begun." Pixie-Bob activated her quirk Eva flew up and out as she watched large amounts of mud push her classmates over the cliff.

"What the heck?" Urakaka asked.

"She must be controlling the ground!" Izuku shouted. Eva looked down at her classmates.

"No fair! You have wings!" they all shouted up at her.

"Good news!" Mandalay shouted looking over the edge. "Since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to. You've got three full hours. You should be able to make it to the facility in that time. That is if you can get through The Beast's Forest." The students gasped looking at the forest behind them. 

"The Beast Forest?" Izuku repeated. 

"That sounds like a name right out of a fantasy game," Kaminari said.

"So a forest," Eva said as she tilted her head. 

"Why do we keep falling for Aizawa's little tricks?" Jiro asked as Urakaka whimpered. 

"I guess there's no use complaining," Kirishima stated as he dusted himself off. "Might as well get going."

"Yuki," Aizawa said. "You can get to the base in seconds, right?" She looked back and nodded. "Use this as a chance to challenge yourself with tight maneuvers and help your classmates." 

"Make sure to dispose of those properly," Eva requested before descending to join her classmates. As her attention was on the forest in front of her, Kaminari looked up, he began to giggle. Hagakure, Tsu, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Mina, Todoroki, and Sero glanced to see what he was giggling at, they turned red and looked forward immediately. 

"Eyes forward, Sparky!" Katsuki shouted punching him. They all heard a beast growl, Mineta was speeding toward it with a need to pee. 

"We're all gonna die!" Sero and Kaminari cried. 

"Please calm yourself, my giant friend!" Koda shouted running forward as it got ready to hit Mineta. "You don't wanna hurt them." Izuku saved Mineta. Todoroki froze the creature as Iida used Recpro burst to destroy the mud creature. 

"I'll kill you!" Katsuki raged as he blasted the other side of the creature. Eva used a wind slice to take out of its legs. 

"Smash!" Izuku shouted as he slammed head-on into the creature. 

"You guys took that beast down in seconds!" Sato exclaimed as they made their way into the forest. 

"It was awesome!" Sero complimented. 

"They're relieved," Mineta cried against a tree. "And I relieved all over myself."

"You showed that thing who's boss," Kirishima said.

"We're not done," Katsuki grunted. Up ahead they heard another beast growling, it went into the air.

"Hey, come on!" Kaminari groaned. "Don't you think this is a little unfair?"

"What now?" Mina asked. "Do we run?"

"Not good," Sato said. "If we don't make it to the camp fast enough, then we won't get anything to eat."

"He's right," Yaoyorozu said. "We have no choice but to cut through the woods using the shortest possible route."

"Ribbit," Tsu nodded.

"All right," Iida said. "Let's go Class 1-A!"

"Yeah!" The students cheered. They started to go through the forest, taking down the creatures. 

"I spot three ahead," Shoji informed. "And two flanking each side."

"So seven total," Jiro confirmed as she put her earphone in a tree. "They're coming!"

"Alright, I've got this one!" Sero shouted as he went to the dragon-looking one. He used his tape, taking it down. "Sato! Kirishima!"

Sato yelled after eating some sugar cubes, ripping his shirt. Kirishima yelled as well as he hardened himself. They both took down one.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami exclaimed. 

"Got it!" Dark shouted taking on a beast. 

"Aoyama. You're up!" Jiro shouted after hitting one with his tail. 

"Bonjour!" Aoyama winked as he activated his nasel laser. 

"Damn it!" Mineta cried as he threw multiple balls. "If it weren't for you monsters, my pants wouldn't be wet right now!"

"Mineta, get outta here," Kaminari ordered as he ran up a mud creature. He landed on its head. "One pint three million volts!" He was laughing about electrocuting it.

"Lovely birds of the forest!" Koda shouted. "Remove this evil beast and restore peace to this wood!"

"Take that!" Ashido shouted as she threw her acid on one. 

"Oh, no! I'm completely helpless!" Hagakure shouted as she pretended to be a damsel in distress. "It's gonna eat me!"

"Good, Hagakure. Perfect distraction," Yaoyorozu complimented. 

"And you!" Ashido shouted, after high-fiving Hagakure, she threw more acid on the mud creatures. 

"Everyone, quick. Take cover now!" Yaoyorozu ordered. She shot a couple with a cannon.

"That was amazing, Momo!" Ashido complimented. 

"Tsu. He's all yours!" Urakaka shouted after making one weightless.

"Leave it to me," Tsu said as she wrapped her tongue around it. She threw it into the air. "Ribbit."

"And now, release!" Urakaka exclaimed it slammed into the ground. 

"I've spotted more of them closing in," Shoji informed. Todorki froze one as Katsuki shot forward, blasting one. 

"You're in my way there, icy hot!" Katsuki raged. 

"Then pick another route," Todoroki ordered. Eva flew right past them as they took on more creatures.

"Midoriya, Yuki! Now!" Iida ordered. 

"Right!" Izuku shouted as he shot towards one, Eva shot up towards the dragon-looking one in the sky. She flew up above it, then used her wind scythe again, cutting it in half. It took them longer than expected. It was now a bit after 5 pm, the sun was starting to set. Eva was now carrying Kaminari, Aoyama, and Urakaka. Kaminari held up Mineta, Aoyama held up Jiro, and Urakaka held onto Tsu. Sero used his tape to hang off of her, he was holding Ojiro. Altogether she was carrying eight of her classmates. She flew them out of the forest, along with her other classmates who were now exiting the forest. All the students were panting and worn out. 

"You said it would only be, like, three hours!" Sero said as Sato fell to his knees. 

"I guess we timed it based on how long it'd take us. Sorry!" Mandalay apologized. 

"Now you're braggin' about how much better you are?" Sato asked. "That's so mean!" Eva gently put the people she was carrying on the ground. Just as she lost flight, Ojiro caught her with his tail. Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to put her on Katuski's back. 

"I'm starving," Kirishima groaned. "This is hell."

"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!" Pixie-Bob giggled. "I thought it would take you, kids, even longer. But, you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would! Especially the five of you!" She pointed at Iida, Izuku, Todoroki, Katuski, and Eva. "It seems like you've had quite a bit of experience." She licked her lips, suddenly she was all over the five of them. "I call dibs on these kittens. I'll groom them myself!" 

"Mandalay. Has she always been like this?" Aizawa asked. 

"It's gotten worse lately," Mandalay answered. "She's at the age to take a mate." She glanced over at Eva.

"Uh. Speaking of people's ages--" Izuku began. He got cut off by Pixie-Bob's glove again. 

"Choose your words carefully, boy," Pixie-Bob advised darkly. 

"I've just been wondering since we got here earlier," Izuku said. He pointed towards the little kid. "Who is that kid? What's he doing here?"

"Oh, this little guy?" Mandalay asked looking at the kid. "He's my cousin's son. He lives with us now. Don't be shy, Kota. Say hi to everyone. You're gonna be around them for the next week. "

"Hey there," Izuku greeted walking up to the. "My name's Midoriya. I'm from the UA High School Hero course. It's nice to meet you!" He stuck out his hand. 

Kota took a stance before punching Izuku directly into that area. 

"What a low blow!" Iida shouted as he rushed to a yelping Izuku. He grabbed Izuku. "You fiend of a child! A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!"

"The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes," Kota growled looking back at them. 

"Wannabe?" Iida repeated. "How old are you, kid?"

"That brat's got spunk," Katsuki smiled. 

"He's like a mini version of you," Todoroki commented. 

"What are you talking about?" Katsuki shouted looking at him. "You need to shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell."

"Yeah, sure," Todoroki grunted. 

"Enough playing around," Aizawa ordered. "Get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you can bathe and sleep. Tomorrow your training starts in earnest. You'd better get a move on." After gaining back some energy, Eva was able to help get items off the bus they unpacked. The rooms were a decent size for how many people would be in them. She was placed next to Yaoyorozu. Soon they were all in the cafeteria eating. 

"It looks so good!" Izuku lit up. 

"So, you girls got stuck in a tiny little bunk room, didn't ya?" Sero asked. 

"Why? Is the guys' room really big?" Jiro asked. 

"Oh, yeah? So, like can I come check it out later or what?" Ashido asked.

"Sure!" Sero agreed. "Whenever you want."

"You carried a total of eight people, Eva," Izuku said looking at her. "That is a new record for you."

"One day when you are strong enough, maybe you'll be able to carry all of us," Urakaka lit.

"We probably could've done that today," Eva admitted. "With Yaoyorozu's quirk, Iida's, yours's, and mine."

"Mine too!" Katsuki grunted as he waved his arm. 

"I know it was a bit rough, but I did enjoy getting through the forest with everyone," Eva said. 

"It's so good. I can't get enough!" Kirishima cried as he put rice down his throat. 

"My stomach is so happy right now," Kaminari said. "It's as good as Lunch Rush's food! I think I might eat until I burst!" He suddenly gasped. "I smell beef."

"Hey, wait, you got meat over there?" Kirishima asked. 

"Yeah," Pixie-Bob said. "Jeez, it's like you guys haven't eaten anything in a week or something. Anyway, today's the only time we'll be doing this for you. So make sure, you kids enjoy it. 

"Thank you!" the two cried.

"Hey, Kota!" Mandalay called out. "Can you bring me those vegetables?"


After dinner, they went to the baths, it was a hot spring it felt really nice. Especially since she was getting a lot of pain from her wings coming in, along with the fact her other antenna came out this morning. 

"This feels amazing!" Ashido gushed, she was sitting on the edge. 

"I'm so glad they've got a hot spring here!" Jiro admitted. 

"I'm surprised to see you enjoying the water, Yuki," Yaoyorozu giggled.

"I can touch the bottom," Eva responded. Yaoyorozu giggled more, she put an arm around Eva, pulling her close. Suddenly they heard Iida yelling at Mineta as he rushed up the wall to look at the girls, a couple of the girls used Eva's wings as a shield as she covered her chest with her arms. Mineta ended up getting stopped by Kota, staring down at him. 

"Before you become a hero, you should learn how to be a good human," Kota scolded, he smacked Mineta off the wall. 

"I'll get you for this!" Mineta shouted as he fell back down. 

"Mineta really is the worst, isn't he?" Tsu asked. 

"Thanks so much, Kota, babe!" Ashido chimed. Kota looked over at them. "We owe you one!" Kota yelped as his face grew red, he fell over. Izuku ended up catching him and taking him to Mandalay and Pixie-Bob. 


Later that night, Eva was outside the bunk, she was waving her wings around as fast as she could to get them dry.

"Hey, Eva," Izuku said walking up to her. 

"How's Kota?" Eva asked. 

"He's going to be okay," Izuku assured. "He'll wake up."

"That's good," Eva smiled. "What are you doing over here?"

"Because of Kota," Izuku answered. Inside the bunker, all the girls were listening, while Todoroki stayed a distance, he wanted to talk to Eva as well. "His hatred for heroes, you come from a similar standpoint when you were about his age?"

"Izuku," Eva breathed.

"I recall when we were younger, you had absolute hatred for humans, except for a few," Izuku said. "Do you think you'd be able to talk to him?"

"I can try," Eva sighed. "But I am not so sure it would work, my hatred for humans still comes and goes." Izuku gasped looking up at her. "Since joining UA, I've learned that humans can indeed be worthy of trust, I trust our classmates and the other students...for Kota to like heroes, it is going to take time." Izuku sat on the steps. "If anyone is going to be able to convince the kid that heroes are pretty cool, it will be you."

"What makes you think that?" Izuku asked as Eva sat next to him. 

"You have a way with words," Eva said. "You prove your words with actions as well. You were the one to convince me that humans weren't all bad, if you can do that, then you can help Kota."

"Did you hate heroes as well?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, actually," Eva answered, he gasped more. "Started when I was 7, during the forest incident."

"You lost your mom as well?" Izuku asked. "Other fairies." Eva nodded.

"No hero showed up to stop any of the villains," Eva informed. " I thought Dad was crazy for wanting to come back to the human realm. Humans are horrible...monsters, then we moved next to you, then soon enough I met Kacchan."

"You never told me about the heroes never showing up," Izuku said, "Why?"

"You and Katsuki loved heroes so much," Eva said. "I didn't want to ruin it for either of you. In time I've realized not all humans are bad, just the same way not all fairies are good."

"Are any of us monsters, your classmates?" Izuku asked.

"No," Eva denied. "Mineta may be a huge perv, but he's not a monster...well not yet." Izuku sat closer to her, he put his head on her shoulder. 

"Does Katsuki know about what happened in the past?" Izuku asked. 

"I think it's one of the reasons he's so protective," Eva said. "He's the one who convinced me to become a hero. If I became a hero, I could protect those that don't think help is ever going to come, while he is busy being number one." Izuku smiled.

"What exactly do you remember from that day?" Izuku asked. "If you don't mind."

"Flames, smoke, blood," Eva answered. "I remember the feeling of helplessness, that it was never going to end and so did my brothers." She looked over to see he was starting to fall asleep. "Hey, you should get going, we got training in the morning." She stood up, helping him to his feet.

"Right," Izuku nodded. He started to go, then looked back at her. "Eva...thank you for telling me." She smiled he then took off towards the guy's bunker as Eva went inside, she saw all the girls huddled up together in tears.

"Were you listening?" Eva asked.

"I'm sorry!" Ashido cried. 

"We will strive to be better heroes," Hagakure said. "No one will ever have to wait on the hope that's not coming, ever again!"

"You don't hate us do you?" Urakaka asked with tears in her eyes.

"Not at all," Eva denied. "All of you have helped me like humans more, our class in general. I love you all." The girls tackled her in a hug, crying even more. 

"We love you too!" They responded back. 

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