Chapter 2

Eva looked back to see Katsuki joined by two of the guys in their class. She sighed and continued her way through the city. She then started to hear someone screaming, it sounded like Izuku, she flew up and saw him on the roof with some random man. 

"Izuku?" Eva asked as she flew over to him. " Is everything alright? Who is this man?"

"I think All Might's imposter," Izuku trembled as she sat on the top of the latter.

" I'm not an imposter," the man sighed. " You know how the guys at the pool are always suckin' in and flexin' and tryin' to look buff?"

" Not really, I don't really go to the pool," Eva denied as she pointed at her wings.

"Well, I'm like that," All Might said.

"This can't be real!" Izuku exclaimed. " No. I'm dreaming. All Might's a giant of a man who saves everyone. He defeats all obstacles and wins the day with a fearless smile."

" There's plenty of fear behind that smile," All Might sighed as he took a seat against the railing. 

"So what happened to you, Mister?" Eva asked. " You look like you've been hit by a train."

"Something like that," All Might smiled. " I'm counting on you two to keep your mouth shut. Don't go talking about this online or telling your friends." Despite being in the human world for ten years at this point, Eva still struggled with technology a bit.

"Huh?" Izuku breathed as All Might lifted his shirt. He revealed a big hole in his body. It was bruised badly. Both of the kids gasped. " Pretty gross, right? I got this in a big fight five years back. My respiratory system was basically destroyed. I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have pretty much worn me out. And it can't be fixed. Right now, I can only do hero work for about three hours a day. The rest of the time, this is what I look like."

" No way," Eva breathed. " Five years ago?"

" So does that mean it was the fight with Toxic Chainsaw?" Izuku asked.

" Wow, you know your stuff," All Might complimented. " But no. The punk may've landed some hits but he couldn't bring me down."

" So what fight was it?" Eva asked.

"Most of the world has never heard of this fight," All Might answered." I did everything I could to keep it under wraps. I'm supposed to be the guy who's smiling, right? I'm the Symbol of Peace. People everywhere have to think I'm never afraid." He looked at his head. " But honestly, I smile to hide the fear inside." He clenched his fist. " It's just a brave face I put on when the pressure is high. This job isn't easy. Proheroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without powers. So, can you be a hero? Not without a quirk." The two both gasped, it must have been hard for Izuku to hear. He was All Might's biggest fan.

" I see..." Izuku trembled. All Might stood up. " If you wanna help people there are plenty of other ways to do it. You could become a police officer. They get crap because the heroes capture most of the villains. But it's a fine profession." He opened the door to go downstairs. " It's not bad to have a dream, young man. Just, make sure your dreams are attainable. Realistic. Understand?" He then closed the door and headed down. The two remained silent, nothing Eva could say would make anything better. They then heard a loud rumbling. In the distance, they saw a huge dark smoke cloud rise.

" A villain!" Izuku gasped. " I wonder which hero will show." He started running and then stopped.

" I can fly us over there," Eva offered.

"No," Izuku said. "Walking will be fine." The two then started their way over. She was over that way earlier, nothing seemed too bad. She then froze for a second; grabbed Izuku and took off flying towards that direction in a hurry." I said walking was fine!"

"That's not it!" Eva shook her head. " I was over that way earlier with Katsuki!" Izuku's eyes widen. " He could still be over there! Don't listen to All Might, you can be quirkless and still be a hero. People were considered heroes, before quirks came around, right?"

" Can you speed up?" Izuku asked as he looked down.

"I'm already going pretty fast," Eva said.

"All Might's right, a hero needs a quirk," Izuku said. "If Kacchan is in trouble, I may not be able to save him, but you can." She looked down at him. "Your wings produce wind, right?" She nodded.

"Just hang on tight," Eva warned. " Can you see where it's coming from exactly?"

" The shopping mall," Izuku answered. Eva pulled him closer to her and he gripped her tighter. 

"Wind blasts!" Eva shouted a high wind shot out of two of them from the back, the two shot forward at incredible speed. Soon enough the two reached the crime scene, they dropped down onto the ground. The heroes that were there already seemed to be having trouble against some sludge guy.

" That guy attacked me earlier!" Izuku exclaimed. 

"You got attacked!" Eva exclaimed.

" Yeah, but All Might captured him," Izuku recalled.

" Doesn't look like it," Eva said.

"The monster was in a bottle...If he dropped it...that was my fault," Izuku gathered.

" Don't blame yourself," Eva scolded putting a hand on his shoulder.

" Why aren't the heroes doing anything?" a bystander asked.

" It looks like they've met their match," the guy next to him said. "Plus, the villain captured a kid. Things aren't looking good for him." The two kids gasped and tried to look at the monster closer.

"Wait, isn't that the villain, All Might captured earlier?" a guy asked.

" Wait, seriously, he lost to that guy?" another asked. " Where is he?"

" Can't someone call him?" a woman asked.

" Why hasn't he shown up to help the heroes?" another asked. Izuku began to tremble. Eva then gasped. " What is it?"

"Katsuki," Eva breathed, he was the kid the slime monster had captured. Izuku gasped, he looked forward in horror. He started to look even more scared.

"Listen, carefully," Izuku began in a trembling voice. " If you send a powerful enough wind blast, it can put out the flames. Blow them out like flames on birthday candles"

"Or make it worse," Eva said.

"Eva," Izuku said as he trembled more. "Do you want to save Kacchan or not?" She nodded. " On my count...One...two...Three!" Eva shot up and sent a wind blast, but this time from the front of her wings, things blew forward, people's hair went all over the place and Izuku rushed forward into the scene as the fires went out. 

"No, you idiot! Stop!" Death Arms shouted as Izuku raced forward. " The fires may be out, but you're gonna get yourself killed!"

"Not this brat again," Sludge guy growled.

" Deku?" Katsuki gasped.

"You're toast, kid!" the sludge guy confirmed as he lurched sludge forward. Izuku took off his backpack.

"Take this!" Izuku yelled as he launched his backpack at the villain. It hit him in the mouth, and the sludge man groaned and let Bakugo lose. The boy gasped for air and immediately began coughing.

" Kacchan!" Izuku yelled as he started to claw his way at the slime.

"What the hell?  Why are you here?" Katsuki demanded.

" I dunno. I had Eva blow at the fire....then my legs...they just started...moving!" Izuku tried to explain. " Kacchan! We couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"

"Get the hell off me!" Katsuki yelled as the sludge monster tried to take over again.

" Just a little bit longer kid and I'm done playing with you!" the sludge monster yelled as he went to strike at Izuku.

" Save the boy!" Death Arms shouted as all the heroes raced forward. " This thing will kill him!" 

"Izuku! Katsuki!" Eva yelled as she flew forward. There was an explosion, and Eva found herself flying through it. Smoke was everywhere, she dropped to the ground coughing. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. 

" I really am pathetic," All Might said as the smoke cleared. He was holding back the sludge monster with a single arm. 

" All Might," Izuku gasped. Eva opened her eyes to see that she was right behind Izuku and All Might was in front of the two of them. 

" But...I told you the traits that make a great champion." He raised his fist which was wrapped in slime. " But I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideal." He broke free. And then grabbed the sludge that held Kacchan. Blood was spewing out of his mouth. " Pros are always risking their lives! That's the true test of a hero!"

"Damn you, All Might!" Sludge villain roared.

" Detroit...Smash!" All Might yelled as he punched the villain. Sludge blew backward with a ton of force. All Might grabbed all three kids with one hand as huge amounts of wind from the aftermath of the attack blasted everywhere. When the wind died out, everyone looked at All Might as he was steaming. The sun quickly disappeared, being replaced with clouds and rainfall. Eva lay on the ground beside Katsuki and Izuku.

"It's raining," a bystander noted.

" Don't tell me all that wind just now was..." a woman began.

" Look at the clouds," another said. "They're moving!"

" Holy crap," Death Arms breathed. " He changed the weather." All Might wiped the blood off his face before standing up to his full height. " Did this really just happen?" Everyone started cheering.

" He changed the weather with a single punch like it was nothing!" a guy noted. " All Might saved the day again. he's amazing!" He helped up a fist, it made the crowd cheer louder. He looked back at three kids that lay on the ground. Soon afterward, it stopped raining. All the heroes collected all the scattered mounds of sludge. And the villain went into police custody where he belonged. All the reporters surrounded All Might while some of the heroes scolded the children, mainly Izuku.

"You moron," Kamui scolded. " Do you have a death wish?"

" There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourself in danger like that!" Death Arms scolded.

"And you!" Kamui exclaimed as they looked at Eva. "There was no reason to provide him assistance so he can put himself in danger like that!"

"There was no reason for you to fly into danger either!" Death Arms scolded. As those two got chewed out, Katsuki was praised for his bravery.

" Man, you're tough kid," a hero complimented. "And that Qurik is somethin' else! When you wanna go pro, head over to my agency first! I'd love for you to be my sidekick while you're training!" Not too long afterward, they were allowed to go home. As they passed the television store, they were already talking about the incident on the news. All Might and Katsuki's faces were everywhere. 

" I wanted to apologize to All Might," Izuku said as the two walked home as the sun was in the middle of the setting. " But it was going to be impossible to get through all those interviewers."

" I supposed it would have been rude to interrupt," Eva agreed. " You can always try sending a message through the website when you get home."

"Yeah," Izuku breathed.

"You were amazing today," Eva complimented.

"Thanks," Izuku smiled at her lightly.

"Deku! Eva!" a voice shouted.

" Kacchan?" Izuku asked as they both turned to see him running towards them. He stopped a few feet away from them, panting heavily.

" Listen, I would never ask for weaklings like you to help me," Katuski began. " Don't think you can look down on me. Huh? Got that? I was fine by myself? You're just a Quirkless failure! Who won't even cut it as a rent-a-cop? And you're too scared to go home by yourself! You didn't help me. You did nothing. Don't forget it." He turned around. " I don't owe you two anything."

" What was that?" Izuku asked.

" Katsuki!" Eva gasped as she started to fly over to him. She looked back. "I'll see you at home." She looked back forward. "Wait, up!"

"Go away," Katsuki growled as he stormed away more.

"But-" Eva said. " We aren't ever going to look down at you." He glared at her. "Ever."

"Go away," Katsuki growled as he looked back forward.

"We won't ever look down at you," Eva said as she tried to flutter next to him. " We always look up to you...I mean All Might be the number one hero...But you became my number one hero all those years ago." He gasped and looked at her fully.

"Your what?" Katsuki asked.

"My number one hero," Eva repeated. "Ever since you and Izuku..mainly you saved me from those older boys." He stopped walking.

"Do you really mean it?" Katsuki asked.

" 100%," Eva confirmed. "If I'm being honest, I don't want to be brave like All Might, I want to be brave like you."

Katsuki put a hand on her head. "You got a lot to work on."

Eva smiled. " So do you think I have what it takes to get UA now?"

"You could work on a few things," Katsuki mumbled as he glared forward. " Your wind could have made the fires even worse... your speed could use some work...but yes."

"Really?" Eva smiled.

"The entrance exam is ten months away," Katsuki brought up. " You need to train more and harder to guarantee a spot in that school."

" Thanks, Katsuki," Eva smiled more. " I should head back home now."

" Eva." She stopped and looked back at him. "I'll walk you home."

"But---" Eva began.

"I'm walking you home, damn it," Katsuki said grabbing her hand. "Speaking of training more we should train together."

" Alright," Eva agreed; the two began their path toward the apartments. 


The two trained together between school and everyday life. Eva started to notice that even Izuku was getting stronger, though he was acting stranger than usual. They now sat in class.

" So you see, with the appearance of Quirks, the Building Standards Act in place had to be," their teacher explained. Eva glanced over to Izuku ready to pass out. She saw that he had bandages around his fingers. He then started his muttering, and everyone but Bakugo looked back at him.

"That gives me about 98 days of actual training, even at my most efficient" Izuku mumbled. " I can get in around five hours every morning and night, so that's 490 hours. Also, I'll need to make sure I'm hitting every muscle group, which means I need to pay attention to the type of work I'm doing on the beach every day. I could start sneaking in extra workouts and lifting weights on my own, I suppose. Yeah, yeah. That would help me focus my workouts and isolate specific muscles. But it'll cost me time. Lots of it. I'll have to cut back on the hours of sleep. All Might scheduled for me, but independent training could help me catch up a bit more. Excellent."

" Hey! Midoriya!" the teacher called out his hand stretched forward across everyone. He smacked him on the head, and Izuku returned to the present situation. " I know you had a run-in with a villain. But pull yourself together, kid!" Most of the students were giggling. "If you really wanna get into UA, you might actually have to know something."

"You hear him? Nuts!" a girl laughed.

" Idiot," another breathed. Eva glanced over to see Katsuki glaring out the window in anger and annoyance. After school, Eva would do physical training with Bakugo, and some studying of course. One night, she woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her window. She got up and looked to see Izuku.

"Izuku?" Eva asked as she opened her window. " What are you doing?" 

"Can you do morning running with me?" Izuku asked he shouted some of it. " Please!?"

"Yeah, sure," Eva answered as she rubbed her eyes.

"Evalina?" her dad's voice asked. " What are you doing up so early?"

"Going on a morning run before school," Eva answered. Izuku's face melted with happiness.

"Really?" her dad asked as he opened the door. They both looked to see her dad. He had purple hair like her and purple eyes like her oldest brother Kozu, he had pale wings. He wasn't a hero, he had no desire to be. He worked as a park ranger to blend in. In Eva's eyes, he is a hero. " Izuku!"

"Is it alright, if I have Eva go running with me, Mr. Yuki?" Izuku asked as he pulled himself into the room. Izuku's dad wasn't around, so growing up, Eva's dad and Izuku's mom, Inko sometimes co-parented Kozu, Dios, Gino, Eva, and Izuku. Two Worlds. One Family. 

"I don't see the problem," Dad smiled. "Eva...don't go running in your PJs."

Eva spent the next few months training even harder, now that Izuku started to take up her mornings. Time flew by faster than she thought. And the morning of the entrance exams has finally arrived.

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