Chapter 11

After hearing the conversation between Todoroki and Izuku, they went to lunch. She was informed all the girls had to wear a cheerleader uniform. So Yaoyorozu made them for all in Class 1-A. They headed back onto the field. 

"Get those foam fingers in the air!" Present Mic shouted. "It's almost time for the last round! But before that! Good news for everyone who didn't make the finals. Since this is a sports festival, we've prepared some super-fun side games that everyone can participate in! We even brought in cheerleaders from America to get your blood pumping!"

"Ah--" Aizawa gasped.

"Hold up," Present Mic said. 

"What are they doing?" Aizawa asked. Eva glanced around to see the girls in her class were the only ones in cheer uniforms for UA. They all began to feel super embarrassed. 

"Looks like Class 1-A is going' full-on fan service!" Present Mic announced Kaminari and Mineta cackled. 

What?! You tricked us?" Yaoyorozu shouted angrily at the two. "You're gonna regret this!" She fell to her knees in defeat. "Why is it that I always end up falling for that little pervert's stupid schemes?" Urakaka and Eva kneeled beside her. "I even used my Quirk to make these outfits."

"I appreciate you making holes for my wings," Eva said as Urakaka patted Yaoyorozu's back. "Thank you."

"Ugh, I hate those guys!" Jiro growled, throwing her pompoms to the ground. 

"Well, we do have a little time before the finals start, and I kinda like these uniforms, so..." Haragkure said as she waved her pompoms around. "How 'bout we just roll with it!" She danced around a bit.

"Are you crazy!" Jiro yelled.

"Wow, Toru. You've got skills," Tsu complimented. 

"Have fun competing in these little side games, everyone!" Present Mic encouraged the cheers of the fans. The screen turned to brackets. "After they're over, the 18 students from the top four teams will be duking out one-on-one in a tournament-style fighting competition! I promise you're not going to want to miss these epic matchups!"

"Aw, yeah," Kirishima breathed. "Finally getting the chance to show what we're made of. I watched these finals every year and now I'm actually in them!"

"So wait. Is it always a tournament?" Mina asked. 

"The final's always a one-on-one competition, but they switch it up every time."

"Last year it was a foam sword-fighting match," Eva recalled.

"Come closer and draw lots to see who you're up against," Midnight ordered. "Then enjoy the recreational games before we start. The 18 finalists have the option of participating in those activities or sitting out to prepare for battle. I'm sure you all want to conserve your stamina. I'll start with the first-place team."

"Um. Excuse me," Ojiro interrupted raising his hand. "Sorry, but I'm withdrawing. " Everyone gasped.

"Ojiro, no way!" Izuku gasped.

"Ojiro?" Eva asked. "Are you sure?"

"But this is a rare chance for you to get scouted," Iida reminded him. 

"It just won't be right," Ojiro said, lowering his hand. "I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until the very end of it." Izuku gasped. "I...think it was that guy's Quirk. I know this a great opportunity. I wish I could take advantage of it, but my conscience won't let me. 

"Just think about this," Iida advised. 

"I have, okay?" Ojiro grunted. "Everyone gave their all in round two, but I was just someone's puppet. No way. I don't wanna advance if I don't even know how I got here. It wouldn't be fair."

"You're making way too much of this!" Hagakure exclaimed. "Just kill it in the finals and prove you should be here."

"Yeah, what she said," Mina agreed. "I didn't do much in battle, either."

"You did a lot," Eva said.

"That's not it," Ojiro said as he put a hand over his head. "I'm talking about my pride here. I refuse to give that up." There was a small gasp. "Also, why are all the girls dressed like cheerleaders?" All the girls groaned. 

"Niengeki Shoda from Class 1-B," a small boy greeted, stepping up. "I think I should withdraw for the exact same reason. Regardless of how strong I am, this isn't how I wanted to get here. It would go against the values of the festival; to advance without earning my spot."

"I am withdrawing as well for the same reasons," a girl said. "Shiemi from the support class."

"Listen to these guys!" Kirishima teared up. "They're so manly!"

"Well, now," Present Mic said. "Here's another weird turn of events."

"We'll have to see what Midnight has to say about all this she's the only one in charge," Aizawa said. 

"This sort of talk is incredibly naive, my kids," Midnight said. "That turns me on! Shoda! Ojiro! Shiemi! You're withdrawn!"

"Did she say it turns her on?" all the students asked.

"Don't worry," Aoyama assured, grabbing Ojiro's shoulder. "I'll win it for you."

"Now, let's see," Midnight began. "We'll have to move up three students from the fifth-place cavalry team so we have enough contestants."

"We were frozen most of the time," Kendo said. "Honestly, we barely did anything in the cavalry battle. Isn't that right?"

"Uh-huh," a girl nodded.

"Girls?" Kendo asked the other members of her team. They nodded as well. "You choose from the group that kept fighting the whole time. Team Tetsutesu."

"Kendo!" Tetsutesu exclaimed. 

"I'm not doing this as a favor. It's just fair."

"Seriously, you guys! Thank you!" Tetsutesu cried out. 

After some discussion, the people were chosen. "And so, Tetsutessu, Shiozaki, and Awase had advanced to the final! Take a look at the brackets my dears! These are your opponents!" The crowd cheered as everyone observed the screen. Match-ups were Eva Yuki and Yosetsu Awase. 

"You're the hot head's good friend," Awase said. "I'll happily take you down fairy wings." Eva just looked at him. There was Tetsutetsu and Kirshima.

"Seriously!" They both demanded. "How does this keep happening?" Then Tokoyamni and Yaoyorozu.

"I'll give it my all," Tokoyami said. 

"Good," Yaoyorozu grunted. "That's all that I ask of you." Then Aoyama and Mina.

"Ma Cheri, I'm afraid it's the end of the road for you," Aoyama stated with a wink.

"I can't wait to melt your butt!" Mina cheered. It was Izuku vs Shinso, Todoroki vs Sero. Bakugo vs Urakaka. Kaminari vs Ibara. Iida vs Hatsume.

"You were trying to buy the liking of the management course weren't you?" Awase asked approaching Eva. "That's why you gave them the duffle bag?"

"I just wanted them to get selling skill practice, and this is the perfect place to do it," Eva said. "They are trying to get scouted as well." 

"That's awfully kind for someone from Class 1-A," Awase said. "A bit too kind."

"It was just grounded fairy wings, mine in particular. Fairy wings are good for fertilizer and making medicine," Eva answered. "People can use it anyway they please."

"Huh?" Awase asked. "You sell your own fairy wings?"

Eva nodded. "It's a thing Dad, my brothers, and I do, we donate most of the money to nature and wildlife organizations...please put up a good fight."

"You got it fairy wings!" Awase said as he gave a thumbs up. The screen changed to recreation.

"Okay. Let's press pause for a momentary interlude!" Present Mic announced. "Before the battles begin, it's time for some pulse-pounding side games!"

"Woo-hoo!" Hagakure cheered.

"First, how about a scavenger hunt?" Present Mic asked. 

"Hey, anyone up there got a bag that can give me?" Sero asked. 

"A cat?" Sato asked. "Anyone sneak a cat..."

"Anyone got..." Kaminari began.

"Anyone got a rock?" Eva asked fluttering over to a section of the stadium.

"What in the heck?" Mineta trembled at his card.

"What a joke," Monoma grunted as he leaned against the wall. "They're actually taking these dumb games seriously? As usual, those Class 1-A idiots really need to get their priorities in check."

"Monoma!" Kendo shouted running up to him. "If you're not playing come with me."

"Okay," Monoma agreed, she held up a Perverse Person card. She trapped him in enlarged hands and carried him off. "I think you may have the wrong impression of me, Kendo."

"Trust me, this fits," Kendo grunted. As the festivities went on, Eva was pretty nervous about her battle with Awase and who she could possibly face afterward. She cheered some of it and played in the games all while trying to come up with strategies. She was to be going up after Todoroki and Sero's fight. Soon the finals were beginning. Cementoss was creating the fighting ring. 

"That's it, I'm pretty much done here," Cementoss confirmed. 

"Thank you, Cementoss!" Present Mic exclaimed. "Hey, sports fans. Are ya ready?" The fans cheered even more. "After all the action you've witnessed, it's time for the real battles to begin! Can ya feel the excitement? Our competitors are on their own now! Sometimes, heroes have only themselves to rely on! Heart. Skill. Strength. Wisdom. Courage. They'll have to use all these things to rise to the top!" Eva was waiting at the top, she could get down in an instant, and she sat in the stands in her sports uniform. Eva was going to go down at the end of the second match. She in between Urakaka and Yaoyorozu. Her wings were stretched out. She trusted that section of her classmates, they simply held on to her wings, and none of them were reluctant about it. All four corners of the fighting ring light up with fire.

"All right audience! Let's cut to the good stuff and not delay these finals any longer!" Present Mic exclaimed. "Welcome our first fighters." The screen showed Shinso and Izuku. "Whoa, he looks kinda scared in that picture, doesn't he? It's Izuku Midoriya from the hero course versus...Hitoshi Shinso from general studies, who really hasn't done anything to stand out yet." They both entered the field. "The rules are simple! Immobilize your opponent or force them outta the ring. You can also win by getting the other person to cry, uncle! Bring on the injuries, 'cause we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! So put your morals aside and don't be afraid to play dirty! But of course, no life-threatening crap, folks. It's not allowed! Real heroes use their power to throw villains in jail, not kill them!"

"I'll stop anyone who tries to get too rough," Cementoss said as he took a seat from the chair he made. 

"So, you can just give up huh?" Shinso asked. Izuku gasped. "In a way, this is a test of how strong your spirit is. If you know what you want your future to hold for you, you can't worry about what other people think."

"Ready?" Present Mic asked.

"That monkey earlier was going on about his pride earlier," Shinso brought up. 

"Begin!" Present Mic announced.

"But I just think he's an idiot for throwing away his chance like that," Shinso said. 

Izuku gasped, he started to growl, and he started to go forward. "Don't talk about Ojiro that way! You hear me?" He suddenly came to a stop and Shinso smiled. 

"That's it, I win," Shinso confirmed. 

"I warned him not to say anything!" Ojiro groaned, getting to his feet. 

"Huh?! Hey, hey, what the dealio?" Present Mic asked. Iida and Urakaka got to their feet. "This is the first match! It should start out with a bang! The fight has just begun and Izuku Midoriya is...completely frozen?"

"Come on Deku," Urakaka urged.

"Why in the world would isn't he moving?" Iida asked. 

"He's not moving a muscle!" Present Mic continued. "And what's with that look on his face? Could this be a Quirk at work? Hitoshi Shinso seems to have Izuku Midoriya completely stunned. He didn't stand out the first rounds at all, but it's possible Shinso's crazy powerful! Who could've imagined this turn of events? That's the Festival for ya!" He laughed. 

"This a perfect example that the entrance exam isn't rational," Aizawa said. 

"Huh? Why's that?" Present Mic asked. 

"Since we're on to the individual matches, I had some information complied about final competitors," Aizawa explained. "Shinso failed the practical exam to get into the hero course. Since he also applied for general studies, he probably figured that would happen. His quirk is incredibly strong, but that entrance test consisted of fighting faux villains. Robots. It gave a huge advantage to those who had physical superpowers they could show off. Despite his abilities, Shinso never stood a chance at passing."

"So here we are," Shinso said. "You're lucky to have been so blessed, Izuku Midoriya. Now turn around and walk out of bounds like a good little hero." Izuku slowly turned around, making his way to the line. 

"Uh--What?! Ah! Midoriya's obeying him!" Present Mic exclaimed. 

"Oh, no, Deku, what are you doing?" Urakaka worried. 

"He can't walk out of the ring!" Iida exclaimed as he chopped at the air. "He'll lose the match if he does!"

"Hitoshi Shinso!" Present Mic exclaimed. His Quirk: Brainwashing! When an opponent answers his question, it flips a switch in their minds, forcing them to do whatever he says. Not every question does it, though. He only brainwashes when he wants to. Not very flashy--"

"That explains how Shinso got that one guy off my wing that day," Eva said. 

"Huh?" Iida asked. "What are you talking about?"

"The day the villains broke in and there was that mob in the cafeteria," Eva began. "A fellow student kept grabbing onto my wing, they only stopped when Shinso requested them to was very kind of him to do so. He didn't accept my gratitude though."

"Probably just in case you two versed today," Ojiro said touching her shoulder. 

"What are you doing, kid?" All Might demanded. "Get back in there and show him what you're made of!"

Everyone intensely watched Izuku walk over to the line.

"Even with a Quirk like this, I have my own dreams of becoming a great hero," Shinso said. "So lose for me."  then at the last minute used his power to break his fingers, snapping him out of the trance. There was a strong shock from it, the people holding Eva's wings, used her wings as a shield. 

"What's this?" Present Mic asked. "Midoriya stopped just in time!"

"That's the way to do it!" Iida shouted as the crowd cheered. 

"Whoa. I was about to freak out!" Urakaka admitted. 

"Whew, that just about killed me," Ojiro said as he put a hand over his heart, Izuku looked back at Shinso.

"No. Impossible," Shinso grunted. "You're not supposed to be able to fight back! What did you do?" Izuku put a hand over his mouth. "How'd you do that?" Izuku turned his body fully towards his opponent. "Come on, say something. I didn't know you had so much power in your fingers. I'm kind of jealous." Izuku started to move forward. "Thanks to the way my Quirk works. I've always been at a big disadvantage. But someone as blessed as you wouldn't understand that. You're lucky enough to have a heroic Quirk! It'll be easy for you to reach your goal!" Izuku put his hands on Shinso, pushing him back. "Say somethin' dammit!" He punched Izuku, and the green-haired boy continued to push Shinso. "He's pushing me out." He punched Izuku's broken fingers, cried out, and then ran back a bit. Izuku's nose was bleeding. "You've gotta be kidding me! Get out of this ring, you lucky brat!" Shinso pushed Izuku towards the line, Izuku stopped right before, let out a yell of pain, grabbed Shinso's arm, and flipped him out. Everyone was in complete shock.

"Shinso is out of bounds!" Midnight announced. "Midoriya advances to the next match!" The crowd cheered happily.  

"And with that expertly performed throw, we have our first victor of the finals! Class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya!" The crowd cheered wildly; Izuku looked into the stands where his classmates sat; Eva gave him a thumbs up and a smile.

"Ugh!" Urakaka sighed as she sat back down. "That was so nerve-wracking!"

"Turning the tables at the last moment--" Iida added. "A classic Midoriya maneuver!" 

"He's pulled that shoulder thrown on you before, huh?" Kaminari asked. 

"Shut your damn face, Sparky," Bakugo ordered. 

"Oh, yeah!" Present Mic exclaimed as the screen changed to his face. "That was actually kind of a boring first match, kids. But both of you fought bravely. Let's show them some love, everyone!" People clapped.

"Why do you wanna be a hero? What's driving you?" Izuku asked looking at Shinso.

"You can't help the things your heart longs for," Shinso answered as he walked away. 

"You were awesome out there, Shinso!" a student from the general studies shouted. He gasped looking up at his class and the other general studies students. 

"We're proud of you!"

"You didn't tell us you were that good!"

"Yeah, you're the star of our program!"

"I can't believe you put up such a good fight against the dude that was in first place earlier!"

"Listen to them!" They parted for Shinso to listen to some of the heroes talking.

"With a quirk like that, it would be very simple to capture dangerous villains. Wish I had it."

"I can't believe they stuck him in General Studies. Those idiots."

"Well, there are a ton of applicants each year. Guess sometimes people slip through the cracks. 

"If only he had more combat experience."

"Yeah, I bet he would've dominated."

"What a waste."

"Shinso, you hear that?" a guy from the general studies asked. "It's great! They think you're incredible!"

"Depending on the results, they might transfer people into the hero course," Shinso said.  "Remember that. Even if it didn't work out this time, I'm not giving up. I'll get onto the hero track, get certified, and then, I'll become a better pro than any of you." Izuku grunted in response, he got brainwashed again. "You know, usually people tense up, whenever they talk to me. If you're not on your guard, someone's going to defeat you. So be careful." Izuku gasped. "You better not lose and make me look bad."

"I won't!" Izuku promised, but he got brainwashed again. Izuku went to Recovery Girl.

"Are you going to go down?" Urakaka asked Eva. "Your match is up after this one."

"Yuki can just fly down," Mina giggled. "I'm sure it'll be quicker than walking!"

"I wanna see how this match turns out," Eva admitted. "Depending on how Todoroki uses his ice, it could take a couple of minutes to melt it. So no rush."

"Sero's tape could take a while to clean up, though I suspect there's another reason for staying here," Iida said leaning over to her. "Most likely the same as mine and a couple of others."

"Ah! There you are, Deku!" Urakaka exclaimed.

"You did well," Eva complimented. 

"Come on down here," Iida insisted, he pointed to an empty spot next to him. "We saved a seat for you!"

"Ha! Thanks, guys!" Izuku smiled at them. Ojiro gave him a cheerful air fist bump. The flames on the fighting ground rose again.

"Enough standing around!" Present Mic shouted. "Now welcome to the ring, our next players." The screen showed Todoroki and Sero. 

"He's got skills, but at expense of some really creepy-looking elbows," Present Mic said. "From the hero course, it's Hanto Sero!"

"That was uncalled for," Sero said as the crowd cheered. 

"Versus an early front-runner in the competition who's way too strong for his own good. Someone who rightfully got into the hero course based on recommendations. It's Shoto Todoroki!" The crowd cheered. "And now, for the second match of the finals. Ready?"

"Well, I don't really feel I can win this fight," Sero admitted.

"Begin!" Present Mic shouted. 

"But man--" Sero smirked as he tied Todoroki to his tape. "I don't feel like losing, either!" He swung Todoroki around, going to swing him out of bounds.

"That attack could throw his opponent out of bounds!" Present Mic shouted. "A brilliant, surprise opening from the underdog! Way to start off strong, Sero!"

"Apologies," Todoroki said angrily. He stopped suddenly, spreading ice everywhere on his foot. He gave out so much ice that the building began to shake, he basically created an iceberg. It went out of the arena. Izuku, Iida, Urakaka, and Eva all gasped loudly as they backed away from the ice that almost hit them. Todoroki broke from his ice.

"Um..." Sero breathed, he was frozen to the iceberg. "Don't you think you went overboard?"

"Tell the truth, Sero," Midnight said as she trembled from being so cold, and half covered in ice. "Can you move at all?"

"Are you kidding? Obviously not," Sero answered. "My body is freezing!"

"Sero has been immobilized!" Midnight announced. "Todoroki advances to the second round!"

"Um. Well, nice try?" a guy said. 

"Nice try!" the girl next to him shouted.

"Nice try!" People in the stands shouted. 

"Sorry, it was a bit much," Todoroki apologized as he began to melt the ice. "I was angry is all."

"I'm going to take a long way," Eva said as she squeezed her way through the classmates and ice.

"You got his Eva!" Izuku said. 

"Kick his ass," Bakugo grunted. "Make him die."

"That is not very sportsmanship-like!" Iida shouted as he chopped at the air. Eva made her way down the hall, when she reached the doors, Todoroki was just stepping off the field.

"Congratulations," Eva said as he passed her.

"Good luck," Todoroki said without looking at her. With a big breath, Eva went onto the field, Awase seemed determined as he approached the stage.

"She's got the wings! She's got the flight! It's Eva Yuki from the Hero course!" Present Mic shouted as the two stepped into the fighting square. "Versus from a strong fighter from Class 1-B! Yosetsu Awase!" The crowd was cheering. "We haven't been able to see much of what he can do, hopefully, we will get a glimpse from this match!" Eva landed on the ground letting her wings drop. "Ready!"

"I'm going weld you," Awase said as he got into a fighting position.

"Begin!" Present Mic shouted. Awase started running towards her, Eva fluttered up in a flash she was on the other side, she slammed her foot into Awase, and he flew off the fighting ring. Eva spun around before landing gracefully in the middle, the ground was silent. "What the heck was that!? Amazing! What speed!" 

"Awase is out of bounds!" Midnight shouted. "Yuki advances!" The crowd cheered. Eva looked up at the section her class was sitting in, she could see Bakugo smiling evilly, as Iida and the people around tried to calm him down. Izuku was giving a thumbs up and a big smile, Eva looked forward she fluttered over to Awase.

"Are you alright?" Eva asked as she held out a hand.

"Let's work together in the future," Awase suggested as he took her hand. Eva fluttered up, helping him to his feet.

"I'm game," Eva nodded as they landed. 

"Oh!" Midnight cooed. "Despite being opponents, a friendship is forming! My heart is touched!"

"She did help her the other opponents in the first round," Iida said. 

"Though why didn't she show that speed off in the preliminaries?" Kirishima asked. 

"Cause icy hot was hanging on to her from the beginning, dumb hair," Bakugo said. "If she picked up speed, he would have gotten first."

"Speaking of Todoroki," Mineta began. "That jerk hasn't said anything about what it's like to kiss fairy, I bet it's hot. I bet it was that jerk that helped with her wings...boobs. " Tsu smacked him with her tongue. 

"Actually, it was my mom," Izuku said turning back, he looked ready to kill Mineta, and Bakugo was being held back in his seat by Kirishima. 

"Wreck him, Deku!" Bakugo raged as he was kicking in the air. 

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