Part Eleven
The next morning Louis wakes to gentle kisses on his back. He opens his eyes to Scott swiping his hand through his hair gently and Harry kissing over his shoulder.
"Morning" Harry's deep voice drones
"Morning" Louis says, gasping as Harry nips his ear
"You feeling okay?" Scott asks as he cups Louis face and moves closer
"A little sore but good" Louis says with a smile, his body aches in the best way
He gets a knowing smirk in response
"Maybe we'll just suck you off then" Harry says
Louis moans
They are all still naked and Harry and Scott take turns licking and sucking Louis hard pink cock. They both swallow his come down when he releases and his body is so sated.
Louis then returns the favour and Harry and Scott can not get enough of Louis mouth.
By the time they are dressed and Scott and Harry have had breakfast, Louis not really hungry, they are ready to head to work.
"We will drop you off at uni if you like Lou?" Scott says
"Oh, I just need to go home first, I need to grab my stuff. I can walk though" Louis says
"No, it's not a problem at all, we will wait for you and take you" Scott says.
"Thanks" Louis smiles
"What time do you finish classes today?" Harry asks as they leave Louis place after he's gotten his books
"2:30" Louis says
"Do you want to meet us at the station, if you don't mind? We actually would love your help with a few things on the case" Scott says
"Yeah, of course. I can help" Louis says
The boys smile at Louis, when Louis is about to get out of the car when they pull up at uni, Harry and Scott turn in their seats to face him.
"Have a good day" Scott tells him
"You too" Louis blushes
"Come here" Harry says and Louis moves closer. Harry cups Louis face and kisses him tenderly goodbye. Scott then has his turn and they don't want to pull back.
"Be safe" Scott tells him
"You too" Louis says smiling as he gets out of the car, ready to start his day.
The day goes by fast and Louis finishes his classes and begins his walk to the station.
He's lost in his thoughts, he doesn't realise when he bumps into a body, he stumbles backwards. The man is in all black but he stares at Louis as he passes, Louis looks at him and his eyes bore into his.
"S.....sorry" Louis says but the man ignores him and turns around to continue walking off.
"Jerk" Louis whiskers under his breath as he too continues walking in the opposite direction
When he turns up at the station he walks straight to Harry and Scott's office, he's about to walk in when he hears them taking with Dan behind the door.
"This confirms him as a target now" Dan says in angst.
"It's absolutely a different tone to his other packages, he's angry" Harry says
"Why that word though?" Dan asks
It's quiet for a minute before Scott speaks up.
"Louis has spent the night at our motel room the last two nights" Scott says
It's met with silence before Dan finally speaks
"Shit, so...." Dan asks
"Yeah, we're not official yet, but we hope to be" Harry says
Louis feels his body relax at the statement, he feels butterfly's in his stomach.
"You hurt that kid and I'll kill you both" Dan says seriously
"We would let you, we're serious about him Dan" Scott says
He doesn't hear a reply, he waits a beat and knocks on the door.
"Come in" he hears
Louis opens the door and is met with Scott, Harry and Dan leaning against various items of furniture looking at the whiteboard
"Hey kiddo, how was your day?" Dan asks as he comes over and ruffles Louis hair
"It was okay" Louis smiles back
Dan smiles at him in response
He then looks towards Harry and Scott
Harry is closest and holds his arms out for Louis, he smiles shyly and comes over before he's engulfed in Harry's strong arms. Harry kisses his head. Scott then cuddles him hello and the look of fond on their faces amazes Dan. He doesn't know Harry and Scott that well, he does know enough to know that the look they are giving Louis is real and if Louis is happy then so is he, Louis deserves all the happiness in the world and to be treated like a prince.
"What are you talking about?" Louis asks as he puts his bag down and sits on the chair behind Scott's desk.
"Just the case" Dan says
"Anything I should know?" Louis asks as he sees a box on Scott's desk and opens it before anyone can stop him.
Louis breath hitches, as he looks at the photos, they are of him again, but this time, every single picture has the word 'Whore' written all over them in red pen
"Wha??" Louis asks as he looks up to see the three of them staring back in sympathy.
"It was delivered to the station this morning" Harry says
"These...this picture is from last night" Louis says as he turns it around. It's of Louis getting out of Scott and Harry's car.
"We know" Scott says
"So he knows we were together?" Louis asks
"Somehow yes, he does....we think he's angry about it" Scott tells him.
"He was watching us?" Louis asks upset
"No darling not like that, but he's obviously been watching you coming and going from our place the last few nights" Harry says
It's silent for a little while before Dan's radio goes off and he has to leave to attend to a call. He hugs Lou's goodbye and reluctantly leaves the conversation, shutting the door behind him.
"It's okay darling" Scott says as he kneels down on Louis left side, Harry coming to kneel down on his right.
"Is he mad that we're together or that....he knows that...." Louis starts but stops as a tear slips
"Knows what baby?" Scott asks as he wipes his tear away.
" took my virginity" Louis says quietly
Harry and Scott look at Louis, mouths agape
"What?" Harry asks
Louis sighs and rubs his hands down his face
"I....." Louis says
"Louis, why didn't you tell us that" Harry asks sternly
"Because I didn't think you'd want me anymore" Louis says
"How could you think that sweetheart, no, we just...we would have made it special" Scott tells him
"It was special Scott, so special and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way" Louis says seriously
Both boys sigh
"Are you mad? Please don't hate me" Louis says
"We could never and we aren't mad, we just wish you'd told us" Harry says seriously.
Louis nods "I'm sorry" he says sincerely
Scott and Harry kiss him, letting him know it's okay.
"This could be a reason for the word choice though. How many people knew you were a virgin Lou" Harry asks
"Um.....just Noah and Jake, Drew and Edward, that's it....I mean other people probably new but we didn't talk about it" Louis says
The boys nod.
"Lou, we managed to get a few of these photos from the orphanage, there was usually one taken yearly, can you have a really good look at these and let us know if anything or anyone at all stands out?" Scott asks as he then gets up, grabs a few photos and hands them to Louis.
"Some are from before you were there, just in case okay" Harry says
Louis nods
Harry and Scott get up and head back to finish off what they were doing
"Take your time okay" They say and Louis nods
He makes his way over to the couch on the corner and sits down. He really needs to figure out what the hell is going on.
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