Chapter 3

"Was that Lydia?" I asked my brother.

"Lydia? No, no. Just uh, dad needs me to run something over to the station for him"

I rolled my eyes. "Stiles you're a terrible lier"

"Fine. It was Lydia"

"Is she okay?"

"No. Yes. Kind of. Look I've got to go and meet her. Stay here" he grabbed the keys to his jeep from the side.

"Great. I'll come with you" I reached over to get my leather jacket.

"No. You're staying here" he said firmly.


"I'll be back soon" he quickly slammed the door shut behind him and I heard it lock.

I looked over to the side to see that both his and my house keys had gone.


That means I'm locked in.

"You asshole!" I banged my fists on the door. "What if there's a fire?" I yelled.

I heard him shout "You'll be fine" and then the sound of his old piece of crap jeep driving off.

I bit my lip and pulled out my iPhone, scrolling down the contacts list until I'd reached Allison's name.

I paused, my finger hovering over the screen.

Yes, I'm defying Stiles', Scott's and my dad's rules.

But they can't treat me like I'm incapable of doing anything.

I pressed the call button and listened to the rings until I heard Allison's voice.


"Hey, Ally. Uh, I was wondering if you could do me a favour?"


I looked around nervously as I trudged through the woods, using only my phone's torchlight to guide me.

I'd managed to escape the house by climbing out of the window.

I'm so not doing that again.

It was so eerily quiet that I could even hear the blood pounding in my ears.

I knew my way around the woods.

The endless night walks with Scott and Stiles had helped me memorise it.

But being alone was different.

I had just glanced down at my phone, hoping to see a text from Allison, when the tree appeared.

I smacked right into it, the impact causing me to fall and drop my phone.


I sat up and pressed my hands down on the muddy ground, trying to find my phone, that had of course landed on the torch side, leaving me in complete darkness.

I stopped searching and looked into the distance. A yellow/orange glow had appeared between the bushes.

If that's Boyd I'm so screwed.

Slowly and apprehensively, I started to stand up.

Why the hell didn't I listen to Stiles?

The glow suddenly moved and came closer.

I sighed in relief when I realised it was a firefly.

Wait our fireflies don't glow, do they?

I watched as it started to fly closer towards me, the glow giving me the ability to actually see the floor and find my phone.

I picked it up and turned it over to get the flashlight again.

I looked up at the firefly. "Thanks dude"

Shaking my head at myself, I continued on my muddy journey. I'd just paused by a tree to get my bearings when I heard a low growl behind me.

I froze, paralysed in fear.

The growling got louder and closer.

Slowly, I turned around in the direction of the noise.

"You're not a firefly, are you" I said quietly, noticing the beta yellow eyes.

The werewolf stepped forwards and I identified it as Boyd.

"Hey there Boyd" I said, walking backwards. "You won't hurt me right?"

He growled.

"Boyd, it's me, Alex. Stiles' sister"

He started to walk closer and closer.

My back hit a tree and I gulped.

Boyd let out a roar and I screamed and sprinted through the trees.

There is no way in hell i'm going to out run a werewolf.

I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die.

I won't ever see Scott again. Stiles. Dad. Lydia. Allison.

Wait. Scott? Why the hell did I think of his name first?

Before I could answer my own question, my foot caught on something and I started to fall forwards.

This is the end.

I'm going to be eaten by a werewolf.

Wow, what a way to go.

I suddenly felt my body crash into someone else's and I freaked when I saw the yellow eyes.

"Please don't eat me" I squeezed my eyes closed.


Wait. I recognise that voice.

I slowly opened my eyes. "Scott?"

"Alex? What are you doing here"

I threw my arms around him in relief.

"Oh thank god. I accidentally ran into Boyd and-" I cut off hearing snarls from behind me.

Scott and I pulled away from the hug and he stood in front of me, holding his arm out protectively.


"What? No way, I'm not leaving you"

"Alex. Get out of here now"


"Go!" I stepped backwards, turning to run. I paused, looking back at Scott.

What do I do?

"Alex go now!" He yelled.

Hesitating slightly, I sprinted deeper into the woods, trying desperately not to look back.

I'd been running for ages until I found the place that Allison and I were supposed to be meeting at.

Of course, I'd only recognised where I was after I'd crashed into her.

"Holy shit, Alex! You scared the hell out of me!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled, trying to get my breath back. "I ran into Boyd and then-"


"Yeah. Why?"

"I've been tracking him for ages. Which direction was he going in?"

I looked behind me and pointed up towards the left.

"Great. Take this-" she handed me a bow. "You remember how to use it, right?"

"Allison I did practice while you were in France, you know. And I'm getting pretty good" I grinned.

She smiled. "Okay. We're good to go"


"Hey, isn't that one of your dad's emitters?" I asked Allison, pointing at the emitter in the ground.

She bent down next to it and frowned.

"There's tracks, leading left" she said.

I looked left, over into the distance.

All I could see was the school.

"Wait hang on you said left, right?" I double checked.

"Yeah, why?"

"That's the direction of the school"

Allison stood up and started to walk quickly, following the tracks on the ground.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket for about the hundredth time.

I pulled it out and sighed, seeing it was Scott calling again.

Maybe if I answer and he knows I'm okay he might leave me alone.

"Hey" I said, slowing down a little but making sure I could still see Allison.

"Thank god. I've been calling for ages. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?" I replied.

"Yeah. I've been worried about you. Are you home now?"

I bit my lip. "Uh, yeah I got back a while ago"

"Okay, look I won't tell Stiles you were-"

I cut him off. "Scott, where abouts are you?"


"Right now. Are you still in the woods?"

"Wh- why do you want to know?"

I was so focused on talking to Scott that I didn't realise Allison had stopped.

I crashed into her.

"Shit" I cursed.

"Are you okay?" I heard Scott ask.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. I just walked into-" Allison gave me a warning look. "A door. Uh, look I'll call you back"

I quickly hung up the phone and put it back in my jacket pocket.

"Was that Scott?"

"Yeah. Hey, are you sure that they're using the school?" I questioned.

"Incredibly sure"

"But like how sure?"

"Very, very sure"

"How are you so sure though?" I challenged.

She sighed. "Look"

I turned my head to the side to see Scott, Isaac, Derek and Chris by the entrance of the school.

"Oh" I said. "So what now?"

She looked back over at the school and then turned back to face me.

"Follow me"


"Allison how the hell do you expect me to walk on a bus, shooting arrows at two werewolves with the urge to kill everything and anything they see, whilst trying to balance and not fall to my death" I said.

"You want to help, right?"

"Yes but-"

"You can do it, Alex"

She stepped onto the fence and then onto the bus.

Okay, that's easy.

I can do that.

Easy peasy.

I attempted to climb the wall but I slipped.

"Aw I liked those jeans" I muttered, noticing the tear in them.

"Come on Alex!" Allison hissed.

I groaned and swung the bow over my shoulder.

I scaled the wall with ease, this time, and jumped onto the bus.

Holy shit it's high.

Allison looked over at me and nodded.

I placed the special arrows in and aimed, waiting.

I heard the sound of the doors opening and then I spotted Isaac.

I glanced at Allison and she nodded once more.

Simultaneously, the two of us walked forwards, shooting the arrows at Cora and Boyd.

I watched as the sparks flew and the two werewolves started to run away into the school.

I paused, turning towards Allison with a satisfied smile on my face.

She mirrored my grin and then we both looked down again at Isaac, who was staring up at us in shock.

And then he turned away and followed the two werewolves into the school.

I took a deep breath, my heart beating at a million miles per hour.

That was such a rush.


Clearly, what I didn't think about earlier was how the hell i'm supposed to climb back through the window and into my room.

Stiles' jeep wasn't in sight so that meant that he wasn't back yet, thank god.

I sighed and looked up at my window again.

Well I've already climbed one wall today.

I lifted my foot up and grabbed onto the pipe, trying to push myself up.

I was halfway up when my foot slipped.

So I just accepted I was going to die and kinda let myself fall down.

I waited for the impact of the hard, cold ground but it never came.

Instead I landed gently in someone's arms.

The person set me on the ground and I wasn't entirely surprised to see Scott.

"Thanks for saving my ass. Again" I said with a shy grin.

"You lied to me"

I groaned. "I'm sorry, I panicked"

"You could have been seriously hurt"

"I know. I'm sorry" I looked down at my muddy converse. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I wanted to check you were okay"

I looked up and smiled at Scott.

"Really? That's so sweet"

He chuckled. "So why were you climbing the wall to get into your own house?"

"Stiles took all the keys so that I couldn't get out. But I didn't realise that climbing out of the window required me having to climb up the wall and back through my window again later" I explained.

Scott fished his hand into his pocket and then pulled out a set of keys.

"Good job I have spares then"

I frowned. "Since when did you have keys to my house?"


After Scott had informed me about his trip to the school and Cora and Boyd almost ripping Derek to shreds after he'd heroically saved a teacher, he then informed me about Stiles' discoveries.

I was devastated when I found out that Heather had been found dead.

But I tried to ignore it.

I could cry later.

So instead, we sat at my desk for almost an hour, trying to figure everything out.

Two people with exactly the same injuries.

Non-werewolf injuries.

"I just don't understand. What's the pattern?" I frowned.

Scott sighed and sat back in his chair. "Shouldn't we just let Stiles figure this out"

"Stiles is trying. And failing"

Scott ran a hand through his hair as I started to move the pieces of paper, with the two victims names on, around and into a different order.

He then placed his hand on mine, which was hovered mid air.

I looked up at him and he started to guide my hand back to a piece of paper.

"What? Have you figured something out?" I asked.

He didn't say anything but he let go of my hand. Then he moved the names into a pile. He then ripped out another sheet and wrote down the name of the girl Emily, who's currently missing and presumed to have the same injuries as the other two.

"There's three of them" he said. "Could that mean anything? Like the number?"

We sat in silence for a moment as I stared at the names.

"Scott!" I yelled, standing up from my chair in excitement. "You're a genius!" I exclaimed.

"I am?"

"There's three victims, right. You've put them all together in a pile. What if they're supposed to be in that pile"


I sighed and sat back down.

"These three-" I picked up the pieces of paper. "What if they have something in common"

He stared at me blankly.

I sighed. "Okay, the three people here. They could all have a common factor. For example, they could all like cheese"

"Cheese? You're saying they were murdered because they like cheese?"

I groaned. "Scott, I'm trying my best here, okay?"

He nodded.

"Right, so these three people all have something in common" I repeated.

He frowned again and I could practically see his mind churning things over.

"Scott, I'm talking about patterns of three. The two victims all had three different injuries, right. And Emily could potentially be found with the same injuries. So say Emily is found, that adds up to three people with the exact same injuries. It's the number" I said, opening up my laptop. "The number three. It's something to do with that"

I clicked onto google and typed in:

Three murders with three injuries.

I clicked on the first link, opening it up and skim reading the information.

"The threefold death?" I asked out loud.

Scott leant in closer to the computer.

I turned to face him, eyes wide.

"I've got it" I almost shouted. "It's sacrifices. It must be an old ancient ritual"

"So that means there's going to be more sacrifices, right? And they're all going to have something in common" He said.

"Yeah, which means we have to figure out what category these three came from-" I indicated to the pile on the table. "And what the next category is"

Scott looked at the laptop before looking back at me.

"I can't believe you just figured that out"

I grinned, trying to lighten the mood. I mean we did just figure out that there's basically some psychopath doing a crazy ass ritual.

"What can I say" I joked.

He laughed. "We make a good team"

"Yeah, yeah we do" I smiled.

Scott's eyes met mine and we both held the gaze for a while.

It was almost as if we were both in a trance.

I had this sudden urge to just lean forwards and press my lips to his.

But then my phone rang, causing us both look away from each other.

Okay, that was weird. That was very weird. Oh my god.

I looked over at my phone on the table and noticed the caller I.D



"Stiles we've figured something out" I said as I burst through the hospital doors.

"You have. Well, so have I" he said. "The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually they're gonna find her. She's one of them.
Emily, Heather, that guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins. And they're all gonna have the same three injuries strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in"

I nodded. "It's called the threefold death"

"Wait, you figured it out too?"

"Sacrifices" Scott and I said in unison.

My brother nodded.

"Human sacrifices"



I'm so sorry.

I literally have no excuse for not updating in ages other than I've been watching the walking dead over the past week and have become incredibly obsessed with it. And so I kinda forgot to write.

I'm sorryyyyy

But on another note, this was a really fun chapter to write because 1) scalex scenes omggggg and 2) I usually follow the episode script but I hardly did this chapter and I actually seriously loved writing it so 😂

The wait for the next update won't be as long I promise ❤️😁

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