What if Zero possesed Meggy instead of Axol?
Requested by the one and only @inkling62
Hope you like it!
Today, for some odd reason, you, your girlfriend and your friends are in a bunker, hiding out, because the castle will blow up, Peach went mad...and if we go out there..it'll burn us to a crisp.
Bob: DaMn It, WhEn WiLl ThOsE BiTcHeS fIrE tHe BoMb?!
Simon: Soon Bob, soon.
Percy: Do we have any food left over? Or rations?
Mario: Hmmm...Nope, no food left.
Saiko: Great, we are gonna starve to death.
Beta: I say we eat the weakest one!
Boopkins: What?!
Tari: No!
Desti: We are not eating Boopkins.
Beta: Shit, you're right..there's a lot more meat on Mario.
Mario: Hey!
SMG4: No ones gonna eat anyone!
Beta: Then it's reserve to starvation then.
Beth: I wish I still had those gummy squids..
Beta: Great...what the fuck am I supposed to eat?
Percy glared at Beta, he knew what he was gonna say.
Beta: No.
Percy: Beta, we talked about this.
Beta: I'm not eating a fucking cockroach, Percy.
Percy: I lived in a jungle half of my life, bugs are good sources of protein.
Beta: Why don't you eat a cockroach.
Percy: Okay.
He grabs a cockroach trying to crawl away and eats it like it was nothing.
Beta: I- Uh...
Percy: See? Not bad.
Mario: Ooooh, Mario wants to eat one!
Percy: Dig in.
He finds one and inhales it.
Mario: Meh, could use sauce.
Bob: FuCk ThIs! Im OuTtA hErE!
Bob tired to leave but SMG4 stopped him.
SMG4: No one leaves!
Bob: TrY mE bItCh!
SMG4 and Bob fought, in the end, Bob got tied up.
Bob: LeT mE gO! nOw!
SMG4: No.
As the minutes pass, the hungrier everyone got.
Beta: I'm so fucking hungry...even my tail is starting to look good.
He tried to eat his own tail but spits it out.
Beta: Ugh, taste like shit.
Saiko: I wonder why.
He pulled out his scythe.
Beta: Don't fucking test me, I pass every time.
Simon: Calm down Beta-
Beta: Screw this, I'm leaving to get a decent meal.
SMG4: Oh no, you don't!
SMG4 tackled Beta down.
Tari got the ropes and handed them to SMG4.
SMG4: Thanks, now to tie this bitch up.
SMG4: A bitch.
Beta kicked him off and climbed through a vent.
SMG4: Damn it, he escaped!
Percy: Relax, I checked the vent system, he should be back in three, two on-
The top vent fell with Beta.
Beta: FREEDOMmmmm?....
He looked around.
Beta: Son of a fucking cockpit.
He laid back against the wall in defeat.
You were asleep through the whole thing.
Saiko: Glitchy? How much longer?
SMG4: There shouldn't be any delays at all, what's happening here?
Beta: We are being rigged.
Tari: Calm down Beta, everything will be okay.
Beta: We are all gonna die of starvation.
Boopkins grabbed out a candy bar.
Boopkins: Oooh, I forgot I had this-
Axol punched him off.
Axol: Sorry Boopkins, but I'm dying here!
Before he could eat it, Beta lunged at Axol.
Beta: If anything! This. is. Mine.
He was about to take a bite but Axol attacked him, Saiko had enough and snatched the bar of chocolate from them and placed them both in the corners.
Saiko: No talking in the corners.
Beta: But-
Beta: Fine.
While the both of them were sitting, Axol threw a paper ball at Beta's head, causing him to look over, he saw Axol made a drawing saying "you suck", he managed to get a jar of piss, he tossed it at Axol, shattering, causing Beta to chuckle.
Axol: Now you've done it..
Axol drew Goku and gets him to punch Beta.
He got back up and looked at Axol.
Beta: You just signed your own death warrant!
Beta grabbed Axol by the collar.
Axol: HELP!
Beta: SHUT UP!
Beta lunged and bit Saiko's hand that had the chocolate in it.
Tari: Beta! Calm down!
Percy: Ugh, I got this..
Percy grabbed a stick, trying to pry Beta's jaws off of Saiko's hand.
Meanwhile with Meggy, she was sitting in the bathroom, holding her knees.
Meggy: Everything is gonna be okay..just relax..its fine..calm down..I-I'm just hallucinating...right?..
Back over, Y/N woke up.
Y/N: What's going on over here?
Percy: Beta's gone savage.
Y/N: Christ.
Simon: Yeah.
Y/N took a look around seeing Desti and Leo are asleep, along with Melony, she also saw Bob tied up, Tari holding Boopkins, Percy and Simon prying Beta off Saiko's hand, and Axol shooken from being grabbed by the collar, he looked around some more, and asked one more question.
Y/N: Where's Meggy?
Beta: She's in the bathroom.
He said in a muffled voice, causing Saiko to squeak in pain.
Saiko: Don't move your mouth! Open up your mouth!
Beta: Your hand taste like bacon..
Percy: Dear god...he's lost it.
Y/N: I'll be back to help in a moment, stay calm.
Y/N went to go and check up on Meggy.
Y/N: Meggy?..are you okay?
No response, he knocked on the door again.
Y/N: Meggy?..
He opened the door to find that Meggy is not there.
Y/N: Where'd she go?
With Meggy....
Meggy: Huh?..Where am I?
???: Hello there..Meggy Spletzer..
Meggy turned around to see him..
Meggy: Who the hell are you?..
???: Oh I think you have the perfect idea on who I really am..
Meggy: SMG3?..or Shadow Meggy?
??? looked dumbfounded, then he revealed himself as the red spirit again.
Meggy: No...It can't be..not you again!!
???: Yes...I am Zero..
Meggy: I thought Beta toasted your ass!
Zero: Oh, he did toast me good, but only my first stage, that was just the beginning.....you see, with your powers, I can conquer any realm as I please, I just wanted to look you in the eyes before I take all of it back...yeah...it's a shame that you are the target..but for me, it'll be like taking candy from a baby..
Zero lunges at Meggy, only to be woken up by Y/N.
Meggy: ZERO!?
Meggy was hyperventilating, Y/N brought the poor girl into a hug to calm her down.
Y/N: Shhh..it's okay, it was only a nightmare..
Meggy: But that dream..it- it felt so real.
Y/N: What we're you dreaming about?
Meggy: Oh..well..it was about..Zero..
Beta overheard this and finally let go of Saiko's hand.
Beta: That crazy son of a bitch? What did he want?
Saiko: Thanks for breaking my hand.
Beta: Hush Saiko, what did he want?
Meggy: Well, he wanted my body to take over, saying something about conquering realms? I don't know.
Axol: Sounds creepy.
Beta: Sounds kinky.
Everyone looks at Beta.
Beta: What? Oh come on, don't tell me you all don't think the same thing.
Saiko: I wanna punch you so badly right now..
SMG4: Anyway, hopefully you won't have a dream like that again.
Leo: Sounds like one hell of a dream cuz, you don't think it could possibly be real, could it?
Percy: Well, all we can do now is hope for the best of it and dust it off as a bad dream, nothing too bad, just gotta relax more, put your mind onto something that makes you happy.
Meggy took Percy's word for it and smiled a little.
Meggy: Maybe I could train, that always makes me feel happy and confident..huh, yeah, that could actually work out.
Percy: There you go, whenever I'm down, I think of something that makes me happy, one of my favorite things is sports, I loved playing football, I got pretty good at it.
Simon: Is this because of your favorite team?
Percy: College team, Florida Gators.
Y/N: Makes sense.
Percy: Why's that?
Beta: He's saying that because you're a crocodile..and your favorite team happens to be related to crocodiles and alligators.
Percy: Oooh....right..
Mario: Mario thinks that-a foot-a ball is coo coo mad! People flooding in and kicking each others asses!
Tari: I have a game of football on the TV, Its a bit challenging but I managed to beat it.
Beta: We'll have to play it later.
Simon: Oh, I know what team you'd love Beta.
Beta: What?
Simon: Miami Dolphins.
Beta: Is this because I happen to be one?
Y/N: No, you look like a platypus.
Everyone couldn't help but laugh at your little comment.
Beta:......what was that?...
Y/N: A duck-beaver hybrid.
Beta:..eh, I deserve that.
Saiko was still holding her hand in pain.
Tari: How's your hand?
Saiko: It feels like I got my hand bitten by an unfriendly dolphin..
Beta turned away in shame.
Y/N: Here, want me to help?
Saiko: Uh..sure.
Saiko held her hand out to you, you examined it and saw it was just dislocated.
Y/N: Luckily no bones are broken, just dislocated..so if I'm correct, the hand should go..here.
You popped her hand back into place, she grunted in pain for a moment then looked at it, she could fully move it again.
Saiko: Thank you.
Y/N: No problem.
Beth: Was your dad a doctor?
Y/N: I learned it from Medic.
Beth: Oh, cool!
Meggy: Impressive!
Desti: How come the Medic can heal everyone, but Demoman's eye?
Leo: Logic.
Desti: Gotcha..
Beta was in the corner, thinking, then his mind popped.
Beta: Say...are we missing someone?
Beth: What do you mean?
Beta: Where's Luigi?
Then it hit them..
Desti: Oh shit..
Luigi brought a game of chess over.
Luigi: Hey guys! I brought over a game of chess, I was wondering you guys would like to play-
The castle exploded...Luigi stood there covered in rubble.
Luigi: Ow.....
(Strange Things)
Today, somehow the castle was built back to the way it was, Melony was sleeping on the couch, and it seemed like Axol had the same idea as he was sleeping next to her. Mario was fighting with SMG4 as always, Tari was playing some games with Belle on the upstairs TV, Simon was programming a new device, Leo went to go Target practice with Mark, Beta had a bag of ice on his groin...cause..you know..he sat down to watch a little TV. Bob and Boopkins were upstairs playing Whatever Anime card game they had in store. Saiko was drinking some tea she brewed, Beth and Desti were chatting about a special someone..
Beth: Wait, so what you're saying is that..you like Leo?
Desti: M-maybe..
Beth: Aw, that's sweet..did you tell him yet?
Desti: I didn't, but I don't want Meggy flipping out..
Beth: I'm sure she'll get used to it.
Desti: Hopefully.
After they had their little chat, they walk into the kitchen for something to eat, meanwhile, Y/N, Meggy and Percy were training.
Meggy: Ready or not, here I come!
She searches around the corners and walls to find you and Percy, you both nod and decide to ambush her, Percy tosses a splatbomb, Meggy reacts quickly and returns the bomb to sender, Percy manages to escape while Y/N snuck up on Meggy, she sweeps Y/N off his feet while Percy went to go sniper her, she somehow appears behind him.
Meggy: Hello!
Percy: WHAT THE?!
He fell off the tower and landed on his back.
Percy: Ow. My back..
Y/N: You good man?
Percy nods and cracks his back.
Meggy: That was pretty good, you almost caught me off guard there for a moment.
Y/N: You're improved!
Percy: Glad to be a helper.
A few hours later..
Meggy felt a little light headed and fell over, Percy and Y/N rushed over to help her.
Meggy: Ow...My head..
Y/N: What the hell happened to you?!
Meggy: I don't know..I feel really weird.....
Y/N: Are you sure it wasn't a stroke?!
Percy: If so, she wouldn't be talking.
Percy and Y/N help her up.
Y/N: Can we get you anything?
Meggy: Maybe some ramen, that's all.
Percy and Simon agreed and went to go get her some ramen at her apartment, they set her on the couch.
Y/N: So, what do you think is wrong with her?
Percy: Probably a stomach bug of some sort..
Y/N: Possibly.
Soon they heard a lamp fall, they saw the closed door and looked at eachother.
Y/N: Time to go yet?
Percy: Let's go.
The two rush out and saw Meggy twitching, and facing away from Percy and Y/N.
Percy: Axol?..
Y/N: We got your ramen on the stove..are you okay?
Percy: Meggy?
You put a hand on Meggy's shoulder, once you did that, Meggy slowly turned around, her face frightened both of you, her face was pale in purple all around her eyes and mouth, teeth grew sharp and she had horns on her head.
Meggy: Hello Boys..
Meggy grabbed both Y/N and Percy, throwing them at the couch, causing the couch to flip over.
Y/N: Ow....Meggy?..
Percy: W-what the fuck are you!?
Meggy: You don't remember me? That's a shame..
Y/N: This isn't you Meggy! Please we're just trying to help you!
Meggy: No..allow me to help you..
A bright light beam shined in Meggy's hands, she then threw the beams at Percy and you, you both scream in pain but soon they fade, Zero got their spirits.
Meggy: With your spirits..I can conquer the castle..and the castle will be run by the one and only...Zero.
Meggy has been feeling off lately for the past few days, the others are concerned for her.
-present day-
Mario was in some casing around him, out cold, Beta goes over to help him out but someone was in his path. He takes out his scythe and gets ready for a battle, Meggy twitched, hearing bone breaking sounds, she revealed herself as a corrupted figure.
Meggy: and just what do you think you're doing?
Beta: Meggy! Come on, you know this isn't right, why are you doing this?!
Meggy chuckled.
Meggy: Meggy is gone..for I am Zero...
Beta: Well, If this is how you wanna do this Zero, then fine..bring it.
He rushed at her, Zero though, she dodged his stab and hits him with his big Thor hammer, launching him into the rubble.
Zero: pathetic, weak, even your own friends didn't even stand a chance against me, now, if you'll pardon me, I have a kingdom to run, Percy, Y/N..Take him away to the others.
A Colorless version of Percy and Y/N appear with red glowing eyes.
Percy: Will do..Master Zero.
Zero walks away, leaving him in a painful mess, Percy and Y/N take him away, to the others.
A few days pass, the skies grew dark, for Zero was the ruler. Beta and his friends didn't even stand a chance against him, Even Y/N and Percy were corrupted, everyone is in separate cells, once everyone woke up, SMG4 hits his head against the brick wall.
SMG4: Ouch! Why?!
You then hear someone on the other side of the wall.
Saiko: Glitchy? Is that you?
SMG4: Saiko! It's me!
Saiko: Oh thank god, are you alright?
SMG4: This doesn't look good Saiko, we're all in cells..
Beth: SMG4? Saiko?
Saiko: Bethany!
SMG4: Are you alright? You're not hurt?
Beth: Y-yeah, I'm fine, Percy and Y/N aren't though..
Saiko: Where's everyone else?
Tari: H-here...
They see Tari across from Beth, in a cell shaking in fear, same with Luigi.
Luigi: Please let us out!!
Mark: That won't work, dumbass.
Leo: how do we get out of here.
They think, then SMG4 comes up with a solution.
SMG4: Let's find something loose. That should help.
Leo: Brilliant, then what?
Saiko: We fight that monster out there, and get Percy and Simon back.
Beth: We've already tried that and failed miserably.
Simon: This ti-
Beth: What if there isn't a this time?! Look, I hate to rain on your parade and all but this plan of yours is gonna wipe us all out!
Leo: That's nuts Beth, listen to yourself!
Beth: Oh I did, doing this will get us killed!
Desti: Beth, come on.
Saiko: It's okay, if Beth doesn't think it's a good idea, then it's her decision to not participate.
Then hear a familiar yawn was heard.
Beta: Ugh...sleeping knocks me the fuck out...
Mark: Beta!
Simon: Is that Beta?!
Tari: Are you okay?!
Beta: Hmm? Oh yeah..*Yawn* I often drift off while I'm getting a baker's permit.
Beth: This isn't the bakery Beta.
Beta: Police Station?
Saiko: No, it's the dungeon, remember? Zero got us in here.
Beta: That asshole? Thought he'd stay gone.
Mark: I guess he had other plans instead.
Beta: So, what's the plan out of here.
Simon: Did you find anything loose?
Beta: I have a loose brick in here..
Desti: Pull it out, see if it does anything.
Beta: On it.
They then hear a brick being moved around and it stopped.
Simon: Well?
Beta: It was worth a shot, there's just cement on the other side.
Desti: Damn it.
Mark: How about a loose bar?
Leo: Mine are solid shut.
Bob: HeRe LeMmE hAvE a TrY!
Bob takes a stance and puts both of his blade hands on the cell door.
Bob: OpEn SeSaMe!
Bob: WeLl ThAt DiDnT wOrK..
Simon: No shit Sherlock. My bars are bolted on tight, no way to pry them off.
Beta: Same here.
Melony: What if we used our weapons to get out of here?
Mark: They took our weapons.
Saiko: Damn, my hammer..
Mark: Even my hero blaster..
Beth:.....I have something...
Beta: What is it?
Beth: It's not much but here..
She slid something under Beta's door, he got a closer look and it was the Clovis point arrowhead that Percy crafted.
Beta: This might come in handy, thanks Beth.
Beth: Yeah..
He began to try and chip the locks off of the doors bars, soon it was a success and the door collapsed.
Beta: Freedom!
Desti: Yes! Come and unlock ours!
Beta: Right, let's do this!
He started to chip away at Desti's door, it eventually broke off its hinge, Desti was free, Soon he frees everyone else, As everyone got to the exit, Beth didn't leave.
Beta: Beth?
Beta: Beth, come on.
Beth: Why?
Beta: Why what?
Beth: Even if we do win..at what cost? A life being taken?
Beta rolls his eyes and walked closer to her.
Beta: You're talking a load of crap, and I'm sick of it.
Beth: Well I'm sorry but-
Beta then slapped her.
Beth: Ow! What was that for?!
Beta: A wake up call!
Beth held her cheek and she began to think, then she gave in.
Beth: Okay, fine.
Beta: So you'll help?
Beth stood up and placed an hand on his shoulder.
Beth: I'll help all of you, this time, that thing dies.
Beta: Hell yeah.
Beth: Just don't slap me again, please?
Beta: We'll see.
Beta and Beth run outside to meet up with the others.
Saiko: There you two are!
Beth: Sorry, not sure what came over me, so..wanna nice slice of Zero?
Beta: As long as it's topped with frosting and a can of whoop-ass!
Saiko: Let's do this!
Leo: We've breached their weaponry, luckily Desti took out the guards.
Desti: True, luckily we didn't get stabbed or shot.
Beth: Beta, heads up!
Beth tossed him his scythe, he caught it by the handle, Tari almost freaked out since it almost cut his hand.
Tari: Don't do that!
Beth: Sorry, he did catch it.
Tari: Still, better safe than sorry, I want Beta to have both hands.
Beta: Sounds kinky.
Beta: What?
Saiko: Just no.
Simon: So..who's gonna lead?
Beta then stood up.
Beta: I'll take care of this team, even if I need to give up my own life.
Bob: Oh ShIt!
Beth: So, What's the plan boss?
Everyone looks at him.
Beta: I'll tell you what the plan is. We take back what was rightfully ours, our lives, our castle, our freedom, our friends, and our children, even our baked goods!
Everyone chanted GO TEAM!
Beta: Are we gonna let Zero fuck us?!
Everyone: NO!
Beta: Then let's fuck him and destroy his army!
You all charged at the castles doors, getting the two guards out of the way, once you've breached the main room, you see Zero, Percy and Y/N looking back at all of you.
Zero: you know, you all have some real dedication, most people give up and rot away in their cells, but not you..so, you've come here to stop me? Hah! The last time you did, you all barley stood a chance!
Beta: That was different buddy, we were all separated.
Zero: so you've decided to add on to your mix? Fun for everyone! But as you wish, let's finish this, Shall We?
Just then, everyone got warped to an arena, Zero floats there.
Zero: you know, it was fun being the one who pulls strings, but that's not enough, time to put all of you broken fools in your places.
Beta: Fuck you and your strings!
Everyone charged at Zero, Beta delivered the first hit, he swings his scythe, it hit his cheek, he uses his powers to force push him to a wall, Saiko swung her hammer, Zero reacted quickly and grabbed her hammer, he lifted her and threw here at the other side of the wall.
Zero: don't you get it? You cannot win.
Beta: For you, yes, but for us, there's always daylight waiting for us, and maybe some muffins.
Beta slashed Percy with his scythe, a few more swipes and he grabbed his scythe, hitting Beta with a stone club Percy had, Beta was sent away from the fight, laying on the ground in pain.
Beta: J-Jesus..
Mark: Shit, this thing isn't playing..
Leo shoots Y/N with his dualies, it hit a few times, Y/N then warped to Leo and throws him off in the distance.
Desti: LEO!
Zero uses his red eye to shoot a laser beam at Tari's arm, frying it.
Tari: Oh no!
Desti: You okay Tari?!
Tari: My arm is not working!
Desti: Shit, hang on we'll fix it, you guys distract it!
Saiko: What do we do?!
Simon: Wait..I have an idea..Beta! Over here!
Beta saw Simon, he gestured him over to him.
Beta: What is it?
Simon: What if we get more strength?
Beta: How?
Simon: They have more cells around here, I saw them when I was escorted to mine. Beth saw them too.
Beta: So what you're saying is..
Simon: More fighters, more power to take down Zero, and his henchmen Percy and Y/N.
Beta: Great! How do we do that?
Simon: We could use Tari's bionic arm to hack into the system.
Beta: It's toasted.
Simon: I can revive the circuits.
Beta: How exactly?
Simon: I'm a mammal with a big brain.
Beta: Okay nerd, do what you have to, but make this shit quick!
Simon: Got it! Tari, I need your arm for a sec!
Tari nodded and rushed over, he begins to work on her arm, back over with Beta, he saw Zero charging up an attack, looks like a ram, he dodges his ramming attack Beth, Desti, Leo, Mark all shoot ink at Zero, he gets soaked, out of frustration he swiped and flung the four away.
Beth: Ow!
Leo: Damn it! How strong is this thing?!
Mark: Too strong.
Back over with the others, Beta got a throwing knife and threw it at Zero, impaling his arm.
Zero: Damn dolphin, I'll turn your skin into some nice boots!
Beta: Bleh! That's sick!
Zero slams his hand down, Beta rolled out of the way and ran up his arm, getting knife and throwing it in his red eye, Zero shrieks in pain, he yanked the knife out and broke it, Zero morphed bigger and had no legs, so he was basically floating.
Beta: Well shit.
Zero swung again, he almost hit Beta, just barley. Luckily Beta jumped over his claws and and got out a dynamite cupcake, tossing it, it hit his mouth, once it blew up, Zero grunts in pain and coughed out smoke and sprinkles. When Beta got his scythe ready, he swung but it was blocked, Zero then took the throwing knife and in a flash.
Beta felt stinging coming from his stomach, he looks down and sees that his emerald spear went straight through his body, he collapsed and held his wound.
Tari: BETA!
Mark: Shit!
Beta: Oh come on...again?!
Zero: well, that was fun while it lasted, time to finish you off.
Beta was leaking blood from his mouth, he looked around and saw his friends, saddened at the sight. He then looked back at Zero.
Beta: I'll see you in hell.
Zero: gladly.
Beta closed his eyes. Zero zapped Beta with his Thor hammer, blowing him into smithereens.
Zero: grow up, nobody cared for that scoundrel anyway.
Beth: I cared.
Tari: I cared about him too.
Everyone else agreed.
Zero: so what? That won't bring him back.
Axol: You know what? You're right, Melony!
Melony was still asleep.
Mark: I've got this.
Mark pulls out an apple, he crushed it with a rock he found, causing to Melony wake up.
Melony: What happened to Mr. Apple?!
Mark: You're not gonna believe this! Zero the fruit killer is here! Look behind you!
Melony looked behind her, she was shocked to see Axol.
Melony: Meggy?!
Mark: That's not Meggy. That's Zero..We need to save Meggy.
Melony agreed with that plan and grabbed her sword.
Melony: Meggy, please! Wake up!
Zero: Meggy is gone.
Melony: No she isn't! She's in there!
Zero: you want her?
Zero pulls out a sword.
Zero: Then come and get her.
Melony and Zero get into a sword fight.
Axol: Get him Melony! Or her?..I don't know.
Simon finally got into the system and hacked the cell locks, now they are unlocked.
Simon: I did it!
Saiko: What do you mean?!
Simon: I unlocked all of the cells!
Saiko: Who were in there?
Simon: My guess is characters from different universes.
Simon was right, everyone is here!
E. Gadd: We are here to kick some butt.
Donkey Kong: OKIE!
Yoshi: Let's do this!
Homer Squidson: One Squidwich please.
Belle: Any reason why I'm here?
Baldi: This place is massive!
Sonic: Well, this is a charm.
Papyrus: Welcome to the underground.
Sans: How are your balls?
Papyrus: I-if you wanna look around-
Sonic smacked Sans.
Sonic: No, that's bad!
Sans: Right heh.
Zero: What's this? More fools?!
Beth: Come on! Give him hell!
Soldier: You heard the lady! Give this bastard hell boys!
Scout: Lets go!
Everyone charges at Zero, Demoman launches a bomb at Zero, he caught it and threw it back at Demoman, blowing him up.
Soldier: Return to sender!
Sonic: Lets do this Sonic style!
Sonic absorbed the chaos emeralds and smacked Zero around, but on the last go, he was caught and throw into the wall.
Tails: Sonic!!
Zero: My powers are unbeatable! and You'll never get them..
Zero threw a beam of light at Knuckles, he caught it.
Knuckles: Do I look like I need your powers?..
Knuckles returns fire, hitting Zero.
Zero: I'll have you exterminated!
Mark: Eat this bitch!
Mark got his hero blaster out and shot a huge blob of ink at Zero, soaking him, Zero growled and grabbed his hero blaster, he deformed it down into dust.
Mark: Hey! You know how long it took me to achieve that!?
Zero: Then you should've kept it from me little squid boy.
Saiko: Look out! Big dinos are coming!
Blue, Rexy, Spinosaurus, Indominus Rex, Indoraptor and Scorpius Rex all appeared and roared at Zero, Godzilla and Kong join in and brawl Zero, Rexy bites down on Zero's shoulder, crushing it, Zero punches Rexy off and gets his sword out, Blue leaps on Zero's face and began mauling, Zero proceeded to grab Blue and throw her off.
Zero: I'll make you extinct again-
He was cut off by the Indominus Rex biting his other shoulder, grunting, he slashed the Indominus with his sword and pushed it away.
Axol: Whats the matter Zero? Having trouble keeping up?
Zero glared at him, and tried to get Axol, but the Spinosaurus pinned Zero down, Zero fights back up and swings his sword, decapitating the Spino.
Scorpius Rex attacked, making the quils on its tail fly and stab Zero, he took a look at the injury and plucked the quils off.
Baldi: Take this!
Baldi got out his ruler launcher, he fueled it up and blasted Zero with it, out of frustration, Zero grabbed Baldi and threw him at one of the stone walls, breaking the walls and Baldi's spine.
Playtime: Oops!
Zero grabbed Playtime and crushed her.
Zero: Who's next?!
Godzilla fired a plasma breath attack, Zero saw this and activated his force field, once Godzilla was out of breath, Zero rushed and delivered a swift punch to Godzilla launching him backwards, Kong punches Zero, He threw another punch but was knocked down by Zero's sword.
Medic: This is very bad!
Scout: I'm not even winded!
Scout runs up and bonked Zero on the head with his bat.
Sniper: Sniper's a good job mate!
Sniper goes and sniped Zero's eye, this causes Zero to yelp and throw a big rock at Sniper.
Sniper Ah, piss-
It hit and splatted him.
Soldier: Sniper Down!
Spy: That was idiotic.
Leo: Alright, try and dodge this!
Leo threw a splatbomb at Zero, it blew up and distracted Zero, the Indoraptor uses this to jump and maul Zero's neck.
Desti: Good shot!
Leo: Thanks! Let's not celebrate just yet.
Zero: I've had enough of this!
Zero summoned a gauntlet.
Simon: NOOO-
Zero snapped his fingers, erasing half of the fighters.
Mark: Oh god! Help, I'm fading!
Mark turned into speckles of dust.
Lanky Kong: I feel light headed..
Lanky Kong was erased with Mark.
Enderman: *Static noises*
The enderman got erased from the arena.
Leo: People are falling left and right!
Luigi: What do we do?!
Melony: I've gotta stop him!
You see Tails fade into dust.
Knuckles: NOO!
Sonic: TAILS!
Megatron: This is bad..
Optimus Prime: Yeah..
Megatron looks at himself and saw he was getting erased too.
Megatron: Well this is even worse.
Optimus Prime: Megatron! NOOOO!
He was erased, along with Bomb.
Red: Damn it! Chuck! We lost Bomb!
Chuck: WHY HIM!?
Axol: Come on, we either kill off Zero, or we all get erased!
Leo: Right!
Desti: Lets get this over with!
Everyone hears a ship crashing through the walls and see your old island friends.
Auri: Are we late?
Boyfriend: Sorry, we had to make a couple of quick stops.
Girlfriend: But we are here now!
Whisk: And it looks like we hit the ass kicking part!
Luigi: Uh? Who are you?
Auri: You guys must be Y/N and Meggy's friends! Good to see you!
Aziz: Where's Meggy?
Saiko: Over there!
Beth was stuck under some wood, you all rush over and lift the wood off of her, she crawled out and saw the island characters.
Beth: Who are they?
Luigi: We'll explain later!
Daisy: I don't feel so great-
Daisy was dustified.
Peach: Aw man..how am I supposed to cope without my friend?
Rosalina: You still have me.
Peach: Oh right.
Simon: We need to reach Zero!
Auri: Hop on!
Simon hops on Auri's Unicycle, he was a fast racer and managed to catch up to him.
You see Twisted Freddy collapse as he faded away.
Springtrap: That felt pre-planned.
Sans: This Zero guy sure wants to have a bad time.
Papyrus: Or maybe spaghetti.
They all reached the barrier of Zero's force field, luckily Melony broke it with her sword, everyone managed to get to Zero's mind.
Bowser: Good luck..
Bowser sheds a tear before fading away.
Desti: So this is Axol's cage?
Leo: Looks like it..
Desti: Lets get to him befo-
Desti collapsed from feeling light headed.
Melony: Desti?
Leo: What happened?!
Desti looked at herself, she was fading away.
Saiko: Fuck..
Leo: N-no...Desti..
Desti: I-I'm sorry...please..go..save Meggy..save everyone else.
Leo held onto Desti's hand, Desti pulls Leo into a gentle kiss.
Leo: I-I Can't..
Desti: Please..I love you..
Leo tears up, and agreed to saving his friends.
Leo: Okay..
Desti smiled one last time before fading away from existence.
Melony: Desti...
Simon puts a hand on his shoulder, he hugged him.
Simon: I'm so sorry Leo, she was nice..
Melony: Poor Leo..the two of them were in love..
Simon: Yeah..
Leo gets back up and wipes a tear from his eye.
Leo: Lets find Meggy..before this motherfucker erases another one of us.
Simon: Okay, right behind ya buddy.
Simon, Melony, Leo and Saiko keep going.
Back with the others, Tari, Beth and Belle were all chatting about where SMG4 is.
Beth: So where is SMG4?
Tari: I Don't know.
Sans: Is it getting lighter in here? Or is it just me?
Sans: Huh, here I have one for ya.
Papyrus: What?...
Sans: There was a Mexican magician that said he was gonna do a disappearing act. He said uno, dos and he disappeared without a tres.
Papyrus: Of course...
Sans: Sorry. just wanted to light up your empty head.
Papyrus: Sans..please don't go..
Sans: I'll be fine bro..I'll be fine..
Sans then turns to dust.
Papyrus: I have one question for god....
Papyrus fell to his knees while holding San's dust.
Papyrus: WHYYYY!?
Beth: We lost Sans.
Belle: Shit..
They look up and saw the corrupted Percy and Y/N appear.
Y/N: Well Well Well...look what we have here..broken souls..
Percy: Let's finish them off!
Tari: N-no..please snap out of it! This isn't like any of you..
Belle: They are gone..we need to kill them before they kill us!
Belle ran at them, she tries punching them but her fist gets caught and she got thrown back.
Percy: Pathetic..just give up, you are no match for our powers.
Tari: N-no..
Soon the SMGs finally make it.
SMG4: We have to get Mario down!
Beth: When did you guys get here?
SMG3: Just now.
SMG1 and 2: Flashdrive ready!
SMG2 started to vanish.
SMG2: Don't worry about me! Focus on getting the flashdrive in his system!
SMG3: How the hell do we do that?
SMG2: Take the chip out of the flashdrive and make Zero swallow it.
SMG4: That sounds weird..
SMG3: Yeah.
SMG1: It'll work, It's like a peanut allergy, if he touches a peanut, he might get a rash, but if you swallow that peanut, well you know the math.
Henry Stickmin: Huh!?
He fades away.
SMG2: Go, save the world!
SMG2 vanishes.
Back over with Simon, they all finally make it to Meggy, she was chained up by weird gross fleshy things.
Leo: Meggy!
Meggy woke up and saw her friends.
Meggy: Guys?...
Melony: Don't worry, we'll get you out of there.
Melony slashed at Meggy's fleshy things, sadly, it didn't budge.
Simon: What?! Why isn't it working?!
Back with the others, SMG4 chipped out the chip and rushed at Zero, he didn't make it far as he collapsed from his legs turning to dust.
SMG4: Shit!
Y/N: What's the matter....Out of time?
SMG4 and SMG3 see Y/N, he lunges at them, SMG4 managed to get him off and tossed him away.
SMG3: What do we do!?
SMG4: Get that chip inside Zero!
SMG3: Right, I'll get it done for you!
SMG4: Thank you..
He faded away SMG1 and 3 ran towards Zero, only to see Percy blocking their path.
Percy: Going somewhere?
SMG1: You stand in our way..
SMG1 and 3 both use their power to force push Percy into the wall.
SMG1: You get the forced push!
Percy: D-Damn SMGs...I'll turn you all into spirits!
Back over with Simon, the four of you tried to find a way to get Meggy free, but nothing was happening.
Leo: Shit, how we-
Leo felt dizzy and fell.
Simon: LEO!
Leo: What the..
Leo looks at his hand, he too was fading.
Melony: Leo, please don't go!
Leo: I'm not controlling it! Come on, I still got some time left, lets continue our search.
You all agreed but there was no other way...Leo slowly vanished.
Simon: No..
Back over with the SMGs, they run past Agent Three who was sobbing over Agent Four's dust pile, Dry Bowser vanished too.
SMG1: This truly is a nightmare..
SMG3: But this time, I don't like it.
SMG1: Yeah, I can tell..we are almost there!
They finally arrived at Zero, who was currently sleeping in his force field, SMG1 finds a way inside and saw he had awoken.
Zero: And just what do you think you're doing?!
Zero swiped at both of them, causing the force field to break, Beth saw this and felt rage in her.
Beth: That's it..
Beth grabbed her splattershot and fires at Y/N, Y/N then swiped his sword at her, she moved out of the way before being sliced up.
SMG1: Beth! Catch!
SMG1 tosses the chip towards Beth, she dashed and caught it, dodging another attack Y/N blew.
Zero: You don't understand, do you?...To me...
He grew annoyed.
Zero: You're all ants!
SMG1 distracted Y/N by tackling him to the ground, Percy went to help but SMG3 pinned him down.
Percy: What the?!
Beth: You're fucking insane!
Beth threw towards his face, Tari, Agent Three, Beth and Luigi got a random rope and wrapped it around Zero's head while he wasn't looking, they pull back and make him open his mouth, then, the chip went in and he swallowed once the four let go, Zero's pupils shrink in fear and he looked at himself, he was cracking.
Zero: Nooo! How could this happen?!
Beth: You never learn do you? You should've known what always happens to the bad guy..
Zero: But, I thought I was...the herooooo-
Zero exploded, sending Simon, Saiko, Meggy and Melony out of the dust storm.
Simon: What the hell was that?!
Meggy: I think it was the curse wearing off.
Saiko: I hope so.
SMG1: Well done! We defeated him!
Simon: Yeah..but at what cost?
Saiko: We lost so many people..Leo..Desti..Beta..
SMG3: SMG4..
Simon: Even Mark.
Beth: There you guys are..what happened in there?
Meggy: We'll explain later.
Beth: Okay.
Auri, BF, GF, Aziz and Whisk make their way over to the group.
Auri: Glad to see you're all here in one piece.
Beth: Who's he? I asked before but never got the answer.
Auri: Oh. I'm Auri! The cat one is Whisk, the blue headed one is BF and the one in the red dress is GF, and that grumpy old fart is Aziz.
Aziz: Hey!
Beth: Hey, good to meet you and everyone else.
Boyfriend: Good to meet you too.
Whisk: I haven't seen an inkling in so long..
Beth leaned to whisper to Simon.
Beth: My guess is that these people were with Y/N and Meggy on their vacation?
Simon: Seems that way.
Papyrus: Sans...
Donkey Kong: Lankey Kong...
Luigi: Bowser and Daisy are gone..
They heard rubble moving and saw Percy and Y/N with red zero's in their eyes, Percy spotted Desti and started at her in pure hatred.
Percy: You..you- YOU! IM GONNA DELETE YOU!
Percy charged at Desti, luckily she moved out of the way and dodged his attack, but Simon grabbed her by the arms and held her in a lock.
Y/N: Do it Percy...KILL HER!
Meggy looked over and warned the others, they rush over. SMG1 and 2 charged up a beam of light.
SMG1: Let her go!
Percy: Look who's talking, the pipsqueak.
SMG2: You asked for it!
They blast their energy and make Percy get flung into the wall, they rush over to him, but Y/N held Leo hostage.
Y/N: Stop! Take another step and he gets it!
Y/N held a knife to Leo throat.
Leo: Y/N! NO!
SMG1: You know..without your master here, your powers will drain.
SMG2: You might as well give up your bodies..they don't belong to you, not anymore.
Y/N felt weak, so Saiko elbowed him and knock him back to his knees, Y/N weakly looked up and smiled.
Y/N: I..will...come back...to haunt you...
Y/N fell over, his skin started turning back into his original color, he grunts and woke up.
Saiko: Y/N? Is that the real you?
Y/N looked up and they see his eyes are normal.
Y/N: Yeah, what happened?
Simon: Zero happened.
Y/N: Is he-
Simon: Dead? Yes.
Y/N: Good riddance.
Growling came from the rubble, Percy busted out and rushed at Y/N, tackling him down.
Y/N: Percy?! What the fuck are you doing?!?
Percy: You're all fucking toast..
He then threw Y/N into the ground.
Y/N: Ow..
Soldier had rockets, Meggy asks him if she could use his rocket launcher real quick, he let her and she aims.
Percy: Zero may be gone..but I am remaining alive..
She fired, the rocket blasted towards Percy, he saw this and couldn't react fast enough.
Percy: NO!-
The smoke cleared and you see Percy, green again.
Percy: What on earth just happened?..
Y/N: I wanna know too.
Simon: We'll ask questions later.
Beth: Its good to have you two back!
Percy: Good to be back.
You look around to find something, you see a spirit orb.
Y/N: Who is this?
Percy: Very well.
Percy pulls out his spear.
Y/N: Wait, before you do that, Meggy?..
Meggy got up close to the orb.
Meggy: Regenerate everybody.
Soon the orb vanished.
SMG3: Well that was shit..now what?
Soon Mario fell out of the gem which shattered.
Wario: There goes Mario.
Luigi caught him before he fell.
Mario: Ooh...Mario feels light headed..
Luigi: Of course you do..
Axol: He's not fading away..so that must mean..
You look around and see everyone getting regenerated, SMG4, SMG2, Leo, Desti, Mark, Enderman, Tails, Lanky Kong, Twisted Freddy, the Spinosaurus, Bomb, Sans, Agent Four, Baldi, Playtime, Demoman, Sniper, Bowser, Henry Stickmin, Megatron, Dry Bowser and Daisy were all regenerated.
Leo: I LIVE!
Desti: So do I.
Leo turns and saw a healthy Desti, he gave her the biggest hug he ever gave.
Desti: You thought you'd lose me?
Leo: Yeah! When I saw you turning to dust I didn't know what to do..
Desti: Don't worry about that anymore, I don't plan on going anywhere.
Leo: Neither do I.
They both see Meggy approach.
Desti: What did we miss?
Meggy: DESTI, LEO!
Meggy runs up to them and gave them both a hug, soon you followed.
Y/N: Holy shit, you're both alive!
Leo: Still kicking.
Bowser: I'm back baby!
Dry Bowser: Same here!
Beta: So that's what death feels like..huh, I'll keep that noted.
Tari: BETA!
Tari ran up and hugged Beta.
Beta: Whoa! Hello there!
Tari: That's all you can say!?
Beta: Okay hows this, ahem..Oh my god, I can't believe we are all alive!
Tari: Much better.
Beta: Oh, I bet.
Daisy: Yay! I'm alive!
Toadsworth: Brilliant.
E. Gadd: That was intense.
Beta: No shit Sherlock.
Agent Four: Yes, I live to see another day!
Agent Three: Glad to finally get you back.
Three gives Four a vice like grip, so does Eight, Callie, Marie, Pearl and Marina.
Mark: I thought I was a pile of dust?..
Meggy: For a few hours yes, but the orb listened to me for some reason.
Mark: What orb?
Meggy: Long story.
Mark: Gotcha..so, now what? Now that we are all alive again.
Percy: Now we head home..it's been a rough day.
Springtrap: It sure has been, it's past 6 AM.
Fall Guy: Woo!
Beth: Let's head back.
That same orb flies down again.
Meggy: Take us all home..
The Orb listened to his command and opened some portals, Rexy, Blue, Indominus Rex, Indorator, Scorpius Rex, Spinosaurus all went back to Isla Nublar. Soldier, Demoman, Spy, Sniper, Heavy, Engineer, Pyro, Scout and Medic all went back to their TF2 world. Megatron and Optimus Prime went back to their world of Transformers. Springtrap and The other animatronics went back to their Pizzerias. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles went back to the green hill zone. Sans was still being hugged by Papyrus, so Sans had to drag Papyrus to Snowdin. Steve, Alex, Zombie and Enderman went to their world of Minecraft. Once everyone was back to their own worlds, it was your turn. A portal opened up, leading to the mushroom kingdom.
Y/N: Well, this is it.
Meggy: Home.
Beta: Just the way we left it.
The castle was reconstructed by the orb, the bricks were fixed up, the dark thunderclouds rolled away and turned the sky into a nice blue color.
Peach: My lovely kingdom.
Mario: Oooh.
Saiko: Finally. Relaxation..
Belle: Yeah.
SMG3: Well I should go now, you never know when to babysit dead memes.
SMG4: Stay safe out there!
SMG3: Always. See ya.
SMG3 waved at you all, you all waved back, as he left into the woods, SMG2 and 1 said they needed to go to.
SMG2: We are thankful for you all helping to defeat Zero, now that he's dead, peace can finally take its toll.
SMG1: Yeah, We couldn't have done it without any of you.
Simon: It wasn't a problem at all.
SMG2: We'll see you all some other time, Bye!
You all waved goodbye to SMG1 and 2, once they left, you felt beat after taking a beating, and flopped down on your bed. Seems like everyone had the same idea. Soon, Meggy joined you and cuddled close.
Meggy: One hell of a day. But we won! And I got my body back.
Y/N: That's right, we won everything back, even your body..not to sound weird.
Meggy: As always my cutie.
For the rest of the evening, the two of you cuddled close, and slept peacefully.
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