Ninja roll

At the palace, Chen announced the competitors for the next match.

Chen: Skylor, Master of Amber, versus Jacob, Master of Sound. Fight! Fight!

Skylor: Eenie, meenie, minie, moe. Catch a Jadeblade by its toe!

She destroyed a vase and took a weapon. The two started fighting.

Garmadon: Master of Sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him.

Kai: He's going for his strength force. But Skylor goes for brain. If she keep using stealth, then she can win easly.

Jay: Bet you 10 bucks. She lose.

Kai: Let's say 20.

Jay: Deal.

Skylor was able to confuse Jacob by making holes in the wall letting the wind in. She grabbed the Jadeblade. Everyone cheered for her.

Kai held hid hand towards Jay and he gave him 20 bucks.

Chen: Winner! And loser.

Jacob fell into a trap door.

Chen: I hope the Tournament of Elements has entertained you as much as it has me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things.

He pulled out a box of jewels. Many of the masters smiled at it.

Chen: But then in yesterday's battle, Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset. For their insubordination, all of your fancy quarters will be taken away, and tonight everyone must sleep together in the chow house. That is all. Thank you, you can go.

The elemental masters glared at the ninja as they left.

Jay: Man. Now they're more against us.

Kai: Hey, don't blame yourself. It's Chen who's trying to give us more enemies.

Lloyd: He's right. Don't worry about them. We aren't here to make friends, just to save ours.

Garmadon: Yes, but your exclusion of others has only made enemies. Beware how you treat those around you, for they will treat you the same.

Cole was locked up in a dungeon.

Cole: You can take my clothes and my power, but you'll never take my super strength.

He tried to break the bars, but it didn't budge.

Cole: All right, so you got that too.

Clouse opened the door.

Cole: You're letting me go?

Clouse: Of course, not. Your presence is required in the factory.

Cole: The factory!? Lock me up for all I care. I'm never gonna lift a finger for you, you despicable-Aah!

Clouse and Zugu dragged him to the factory. His eyes sparkled when he saw it.

Cole: A noodle factory? Ha! Why didn't you say so? Hahaha! This is my kind of place. Look, that's how they make the noodles. Oh, and that's the dumpling machine. And is that how you make fortune cookies? Haha!

He grabbed one and turned to a worker.

Cole: You know there's a fortune in those, right?

Clouse: There's only one rule. No eating the merchandise.

He left and Cole frowned.

Cole: No eating the merchandise? How cruel can this place be!?

He ran to Zugu.

Cole: You're evil!

He tried to eat a fortune cookie but Zugu stole it.

Zugu: Mm, yummy.

Karlof: Don't worry. After while, not so bad. Since you new, I show you how to chop noodles.

Cole pulled on the wrong lever, dropping flour on another worker.

Karlof: Not that one.

Cole pulled the right lever.

Karlof: See? Chop. Now don't make trouble.

Jacob: Well, I for one don't like following rules. The minute you tell me the coast is clear, I'm busting out of here.

Karlof: Even if you get past the guards, Mr. Blind Guy, there's still the labyrinth guarded by big snake.

Jacob: My name's not Mr. Blind Guy. It's Jacob. And you may have already lost hope, but not me and not my buddy Cole here. Am I right?

He looked to his right.

Cole: Actually, I'm on your left.

Jacob: Oh, heh. Hey, you moved on me. Heh. Sneaky ninja.

Nya parked her D.B. Express in an alleyway. Talking to Wu.

Wu: And you say the noodle trucks disappear at night? But where do they go?

Nya: That's what I'm trying to figure out. Perhaps if I follow them, they can lead me to more answers. I'll report more when I uncover more.

She hung up.

Nya: Initiate replicate software.

She made it so that the D.B. Express looked like the noodle trucks.

Nya: You're not the only one who can disappear.

Dareth was at the Noodle House, complaining about the puffy potstickers.

Dareth: What do you mean you discontinued the puffy potstickers? They were my favorite. Do you even know who you're dealing with?

Restaurant Owner: Yes, Master Dareth. If you have a problem, take it up with them.

He pointed to the noodle trucks.

Dareth chased the trucks.

Dareth: Wait! Come back! I need my puffy potsticker!

The ninja woke up in the middle of the night.

Jay: Couldn't sleep either?

Kai: Not when we still have to get Zane and Cole back.

Lloyd: Speaking of backs, these new beds are the worst. All right, let's do-

An Anacondrai Cultist banged on a gong and the lights turned on.

Kai: Quick, back in bed.

Clouse: Good morning, fighters. Oh, that's right, it's the middle of the night.

The Cultists put skates on the Masters.

Lloyd: Hey, what are you doing?

Jay: Do you know what time it is?

Kai: Roller skates? Whoa, aah!

He fell but Skylor helped him up.

Kai: Thanks. Never used these things before.

(A/N. Just wanna say. Even if Kai learned self defense and riding a motor cycle, doesn't that mean he choose to learn using roller skates.)

Skylor: Don't worry. I'll help you.

They smiled at eachother.

Lloyd: Let me guess, another one of Chen's impromptu battles?

Jay: Oh, roller skates. I love roller skates!

Lloyd: We should be getting used to this by now.

Jay: Did I ever mention I once placed first in the Mother-Son Skate-Off? Hehe. I should have never admitted that.

Mr. Pale: Weirdo.

Clouse: Master Chen wants everyone in the Royal Arena. I wouldn't be late if I were you.

Skylor: If most of us have already fought, why are we all in skates?

Clouse: Only two of you will be fighting, but the rest of you will have a chance to affect the outcome.

Griffin: Who's fighting? Tell us now.

Clouse: The Green Ninja versus the Master of Form.

He left.

Lloyd: Master of Form? Who's that?

"Kai": You haven't heard? I hear she can look like anyone. She'd be right under your nose, and by the time you figure it out, she's discovered all your weaknesses, then it's game over. But you're the Green Ninja, what weakness could you have?

Lloyd: Ugh. Aside from the sore back, not many.

"Kai": Thanks.

"Kai" skated away without any problem.

Jay: Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Suddenly Kai skated up next to Lloyd.

Kai: Skates.

Lloyd: Kai?

Kai: Why did it have to be skates?

He fell.

Suddenly they saw "Kai" who talked in a different voice.

"Kai": Watch your back, Green Ninja.

"Kai" reveals "himself" to be Chamille using Form.

When Zugu left the factory, Jacob took his chance to escape. Cole was about to follow him, but Karlof stopped him.

Karlof: Eh, make noodles, not trouble.

Jacob opened the door to reveal Clouse about to come in.

Cole: Ah-

He tried to warn him, but Karlof stopped him. Clouse saw Jacob and handed him to the guards.

Jacob: Hey! Not one of you could've warned me?

Clouse: Make an example of him. Take him to feed my serpent.

Jacob: Hey, hey!

He was pulled out of the factory.

Cole: Feed his Serpent? He doesn't mean-

Karlof: Karlof not make trouble. Karlof make noodle.

He pulled on a lever that dumped flour on Cole.

Cole: I'm so not into this dumpling dump after all.

The Elemental Masters skated toward the arena.

Lloyd: I don't like the look of this.

Kai: Don't worry, we got your back. Aah! Ugh.

He fell again.

Jay: Haven't you and Cole ever went skating together.

Kai: No. Should have though.

Chen appered.

Chen: Welcome to my favorite event. Thunderblade!

Griffin: Hey, I know this game. It's just like-

Chen: No, it's not like that! This is my game. I made it up! Fully original! A Jadeblade for you, Lloyd, Master of Power.

He tossed him a Jadeblade and a green helmet.

Chen: And another for Chamille, Master of Form. Where-Where are you?

Chamille reveald herself.

Chen: Oh, there you are.

He tossed her a blade and orange helmet.

Chen: Haha. Rules are simple. Each lap you complete with your blade in possession, a point. Most points before time expires, you win.

Griffin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about us? Are we supposed to just stand here?

Chen: You get to help anyone you wish, or hurt for that matter. You're free to choose sides. I'm not a dictator.

Many of the masters choose to side with Chamille. Ofcourse Jay and Kai choose Lloyd. And too everyone's surprise, Skylor.

(Changed that too. Why? Because if Skylor was gonna be a spy and get close to the ninja. Then she should pretend to be on their team.)

Jay: Why are you siding with us?

Skylor: Because you need help. Plus I would never leave a friend.

Kai smiled her. Lloyd did too. But soon saw how many the others were.

Lloyd: What was that you sad about us having targets on our backs?

Kai: Don't worry, we're still a team-

He fell again, but Skylor caught him.

Kai: Thanks.

Skylor: I'm gonna stick by your side.

Jay: I gotta be honest. This doesn't look good.

Everyone took their position.

Chen: Lloyd, Master of Power, versus Chamille, master of Form. Most laps with their Jadeblade when time runs out wins. Loser is out. Thunderbladers on your mark, get set, good luck to everyone, but mostly Chamille because we all want the Green Ninja out. Now go!

The two got a head start.

Chen: Oh, how about some spectator ambiance?

He pressed a button to make the speakers cheer. The others took off.

Jay: It's us against the world, Kai and Skylor. If Lloyd has any chance of moving forward in the tournament, it's up to you and me.

Skylor helped Kai keep balance.

Skylor: Lloyd should do good if we keep the others away from him. Hopefully Chamille didn't find out his weakness.

Kai: She sadly did.

Skylor: Then we might have a problem.

They both managed to get speed.

Jay saw everyone pushing Lloyd.

Jay: We have to give him room.

Kai: And just how are we supposed to do that?

Jay: I got an idea. Skylor, can you help me.

He reached his hand towards Skylor and she touched it. They both shocked the competitors.

Lloyd: Thanks.

Kai: Use your powers!

Lloyd: On roller skates? You crazy?

They all skated together, doing their best to keep the others away from Lloyd.

Meanwhile the noodle trucks were being loaded onto Chen's ferry.

Nya: Nothing unusual to see here. Just a technologically advanced mobile base camouflaged as a noodle truck.

She screamed when Dareth tapped on her window.

Dareth: I beg of you, you gotta tell Master Chen not to give up on the puffy potstickers.

She sighted and rolled down the window.

Dareth: Huh? Nya? When did you start slinging noodles?

Nya: Quiet, you're gonna blow my cover.

Dareth: Cover? Oh my gosh, you're on a mission. And why is your truck tripping me out?

Nya pulled him inside. And he gasped.

Dareth: Far out. But wait a minute. I don't see any noodles.

Nya: It's not a noodle truck. It's my only hope of finding the ninja.

Dareth: The ninja have gone missing? Sounds like a job for-

Nya: No, it's not. You're not coming with me.

Dareth saw a guard coming up to them.

Dareth: Looks like you don't have a choice.

Nya: Somehow I know I'm gonna regret this.

They got on the boat and Dareth looked around.

Dareth: This is a really nice place.

Suddenly he stepped on something and something cried in pain.

Nya: Pyther?

Pyther turned visible and had a nervous look on his face.

Pyther: Hey aunt Nya.

Dareth: Wow. That's so cool. Can you teach me to do that?

Nya: What are you doing here!?

Pyther: I wanned to help you help the ninja. I don't wanna leave my dads.

Nya sighed. She couldn't do anything about it.

Nya: Okay. You can come too.

Pyther: Yes.

Nya: But I have to tell your dads about you doing this.

Pyther gulped a little with a nervous smile.

The ninja continued their race.

Chen: Thunderblade never fails to deliver. Did you know I hold the record with a hundred points? Clouse can attest. Tell him, Clouse.

Clouse: You were born with skates on, Master.

Chen: True story.

Garmadon: True story, hmph. Just like all of his far-fetched endeavors.

Clouse: There was once a time when you were quite comfortable with lying. It worked on Misako, didn't it?

Garmadon looked away.

Chen: Button, button, I love buttons. Aha, let's even the playing field, shall we?

He activated a ramp, which Kai and Skylor almost fell on. Jay saw "Lloyd".

Jay: Grab my hand! I'll whip ya!

He did so, but it was Chamille impersonating Lloyd. Jay growled as she looked at Lloyd.

Chamille: Aw, his back is hurting him. Shadow, strike his back.

Shade grinned and disappeared.

Jay: Wait, where'd the Master of Shadow go?

Shade hit Lloyd's back and Mr. Pale grabbed his Jadeblade. Luckily Jay got it back.

Lloyd: You didn't learn that in your Mother-Son Skate-Off, did you?

Jay: It's a fierce competition, Lloyd, and this isn't the time to judge. It's the time to skate faster.

He jumped over Griffin, who fell. Tox used her powers at them.

Jay: Haha! Watch out for the Poison cloud!

He and Jay skated around it. Kai and Skylor went to the side.

Kai: Thanks for the warning.

Chen: Release the buggy!

The buggys was out.

Jay: Look out, Lloyd!

Jay pushed him out of the path of the Jungle Raider.

Lloyd saw Chamille holding on to the buggy.

Lloyd: She has the lead and she gets a lift? I know Chen wants me out, but this is getting ridiculous.

Jay: Sorry, Tox.

He pushed her.

Jay: Must be my allergies kicking in.

Griffin and Neuro grabbed Jay.

Griffin: Check this out.

Neuro: Gotcha.

Griffin used his Speed and pushed Jay into Lloyd.

Jay: We are so not loved.

Lloyd stood, feeling better in his back.

Skylor and Kai looked at eachother.

Skylor: Let's fight fire with fire.

Kai: Let's do it.

They used fire to propel themselves into Chamille so she dropped her Jadeblade. Jay grabbed it.

Jay: Haha! Nice, Kai and Skylor! Now you're cooking with Fire!

Chamille chased him.

Jay: I got it, you want it! Come and get it! Come and get it!

Skylor: We're gaining on them. But they're tough.

Jay: Lloyd's closing the gap, but the clock's against us.

Kai: So is everyone else. Garmadon's right. The more we exclude everyone, the more they gang up on us.

Jay: What are you saying?

Kai: I'm saying why don't we tell them about Chen? If others knew what this tournament was really about, maybe they'd help us.

Skylor: Sounds good.

Jay: Uh, worth a try, but time's running out and Lloyd's got a lot of ground to make up.

Chamille: Gimme!

She pushed Jay and stole back her blade.

Chamille: I've got a job to finish.

Kai and Skylor skated up to some of the masters.

Kai: We don't need to fight, Chen's the real enemy. He doesn't care about who wins. He only wants to steal our powers so that he can perform some sort of spell.

Mr. Pale: A spell? What kind of spell?

Skylor: We don't know, but we have to stay in the tournament to find out.

Jay: This isn't about Lloyd winning. It's about all of us stopping Chen.

Griffin: And why are you telling me this now?

Lloyd: Because it's never too late to do the right thing.

Neuro: He's telling the truth. I know.

Jay: Then why have you now decided to help?

Neuro: I'd rather be on the winning team.

Lloyd: Then let's win this thing!

He and Chamille continued the race. Kai and Skylor then drove up to Lloyd on the buggy.

Kai: Need a lift?

Lloyd: Ugh. You took the buggy.

Kai: Take the wheel!

Lloyd jumped on as Kai and Skylor distracted the others. Tox tried to use her powers.

Griffin: Cut the green guy some slack.

He pushed Tox. Chen got mad.

Chen: Buttons, buttons, buttons!

He tried to stop Lloyd, but couldn't. Lloyd came up to Chamille.

Lloyd: We don't have to keep fighting each other. We can all win.

Chamille: All of us?

Lloyd: United.

Chamille pulled him out of the buggy.

Lloyd: Whoa!

Chamille: Only one can remain.

Chen: Lloyd might win. Do something!

Garmadon tackled Clouse before he could use his Magic. Clouse nodded to the scorekeeper to change the score.

Kai: Ugh, he's rigging the match. I'll stop him.

Skylor held out her arm.

Skylor: Let me.

She used Gravity to levitate the scorekeeper. The two fighters fought and fell. They got up and crossed the finish line, but only Lloyd had the Jadeblade.

Jay: She doesn't have her blade!

Chamille looked back to see that she dropped her Jadeblade.

Kai: Lloyd won!

Skylor: Oops, I almost forgot.

She dropped the scorekeeper, changing Lloyd's score to 106 points.

Garmadon: Look at that, he broke your record.

Chen: No, no, no! He cheated! Lloyd loses!

Griffin: No way, Lloyd won fair and square. You were the one who cheated.

Chen: My tournament, my rules.

Mr. Pale: And just what rules are those? If Lloyd's out, then so am I.

Kai: Me too.

Jay: And me three.

Skylor: If you kick us all out, what kind of tournament will you have then?

Chen looked at Clouse who nodded.

Chen: Fine, have it your way. Form loses.

He opened a trapdoor under Chamille. Everyone cheered.

Jay: All right! We won! Yeah!

Skylor turned to Kai.

Skylor: If what you say is true, you are playing a dangerous game. Chen will find other ways to get you out of the tournament.

Kai: Which is why we'll need all the friends we can get. There's always hope.

They both fist bumped.

Meanwhile Zugu was leading the prisoners somewhere. Cole suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Zane: I don't know, Pixal But I sense these chains are unbreakable.

Cole went toward the door.

Karlof: What are you doing? Don't make trouble.

Cole: Zane, is that you?

Zugu noticed how everyone stopped.

Zugu: What's the holdup?

Karlof: One second. Karlof tie shoe.

Zane showed his face through the bars.

Cole: You're alive! And you're silver?

Zane: Titanium. Cole, you look white.

Cole: Boy, it's great to see you! Look at that, you look brand new.

Zugu: Tie shoe? What shoe?

Cole: Hold tight, lug nut. I'm getting you out of here. I'm getting us both out of here. That's a promise.

Zugu went to Karlof.

Zugu: Where is Cole?

He pushed Karlof out of the way. He then saw Cole standing there.

Cole: Right here. Keep it real, big guy. Looks like you've seen a ghost.

(Who's gonna tell him?)

They started to walk again.

Cole: From here on out, Karlof, I'm making more than noodles. I'm making trouble. Chen can try his best to split up our team, but he's about to find out what happens when we put ourselves back together.

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