Chapter 6
Claira's POV,
Before we knew it. It was Friday and I thought that I was going to be his date to this party but when Charlotte came bursting through the door he decided that she was going to be his date. And I felt like he just tossed me aside, because now he's forcing me to work at the party tonight.
"Pick between these two dresses sweetheart.."
"But, Bren, I wanted to be your date. You said that I could."
"I'm letting you be a waitress. Like you wanted. Now pick a damn dress before I do it for you!"
"Red one." I said as softly as I possibly could.
And he smirked at me. "Good choice baby." He said as he grabbed ahold of my hair and held my head so close to his and whispered in my ear. "Now put it on and here's your boots."
"Alright." I threw the night gown I was in on the floor and grabbed the red dress and put it on and then the boots and he grabbed ahold of my hair again and pulled me into the bathroom and forced me to sit down on a chair and let him do my make up.
"There you go. My masterpiece is done." He said as he picked me up and carried me out to his car and drove to the casino and said. "You are mine. You are going to be a waitress, for only tonight you hear me? If anyone bothers you come find daddy Bren, alright?"
I didn't say anything at all, all that I did was nod my head yes, but he wanted to hear me say yes. "Yes sir, Bren."
"Good girl." He pat my head like I was a pet. But, to him I am and will only be his pet.
Brendon POV,
Once we got there my Claira seemed deep in thought about something and I saw a man with long brown hair and a little red streak in his hair, walk up to her and asked her if he could have more champagne and she poured some and after that he walked to the other side of the casino and sat down on a chair.
And so I made my way upstairs to wait for Charlotte's entrance. I looked at Claira and she still looked sad about me forcing her to work the party.
Then out of nowhere she comes in looking like the beautiful Angel that she is. And then she catches a glimpse of her sister and she looked at me like she was mad. Then I walked towards her. And she softly whispered. "You fucking made my sister look like a slut!"
"Don't act like you care!" And almost as soon as Charlotte came in that man with the long hair was right next to Claira again, but I know that she is way too loyal to betray my trust and do anything with this man. But she kept talking to him. Was it just so I'd be jealous? I mean I don't LOVE her, I just love fucking her.
"I do care. She's my sister."
"You sh-" I started to tell her about Claire's horrible, horrible, horrible, little life before she had met me but then I saw a group of men surrounding Claira, so I ran as fast as I could to her. "Claira? Sweetheart? Are you alright?" She was frozen with fear, So I carried her upstairs to a chair and kissed her lips as softly as I possibly could and she snapped out of it and held on tightly to me and had tears in her eyes. "Sweetie, are you alright?"
"I am now." She looked at me and then her sister and she finally stopped and said. "Lottie? Am I still allowed to call you that?"
"Of course you are Claire, he's the only one that can't."
"Lottie? I missed you." She had tears running down her face and ran to Charlotte to give her a hug.
"I missed you too." Then she pulled away and said. "If that's true, then why didn't you come back to get me or at least visit me?"
"Father tried, they wouldn't give you back they said that you had to get a NEW family, that we couldn't get you back." All I saw was tears rolling down Claira's beautiful cheeks.
"I'm sorry for everything bad that I have ever said about you Lottie. I love you."
"I love you too." Charlotte was a bit surprised to hear the first part of what Claira had said.
Then I kissed Charlotte's sister again and tried to make her understand that she is not working the party anymore tonight, and that she's my other date then I made her smile.
"So what do you usually do at these parties?"
"Socialize. Decline business offers. Drink. Hopefully meet a very lucky girl that I take home with me." I winked at Charlotte and Claire was getting jealous...
"Hmm, do you see anyone you want?" Charlotte asked looking around the room acting clueless.
"Yes, actually I see two." I look down to Claire to see that she's blushing.
"Bren? Sir? May I go to the bathroom?"
"Sure Claire."
Then she left me alone with her sister and went to the bathroom.
Claira POV,
So I left them alone because Brendon sent me a look that he was going to talk to Charlotte and I know he didn't want me to be there listening so I excused myself to the bathroom and when I walked back out I stood in the corner watching everyone, I watched them for so long that I didn't even notice when a man with long Brown hair came to talk to me.
"H-hi." He said. He's probably a shy guy. He's pretty cute for a guy with long hair though.
"Hi." I said softly laughing a little bit at my thoughts.
"S-so I j-just w-wanted to tell you that you look nice tonight, and I'm sorry for those sick men that objectify young girls."
"It's fine. I think that I actually might be working for one." I slightly laughed and got him to smile.
"Yeah uh... I think Mr. Urie is a conceded jerk that objectives young women." I accidentally started to glare at him then when I noticed that I quickly stopped glaring. But I can't agree to it I basically belong to Brendon, and I can't do anything about it.
"Okay, uh... So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked him as I saw my sister running out of the casino. "Crap! What did he do? I just got my sister back and now she is running away." I said under my breath and apparently the man heard me.
"Your sister, was Brendon's date?"
"Yes. And I'm sorry but I don't think that you ever told me your name."
"Sorry, I just thought that you knew it."
"Why would I know it without you telling me it?"
He took out his phone and went to an app called YouTube and picked a song called Murder and said. "This is why."
"I've never been on YouTube ever." I said.
His eyes went wide and he said. "What?!?! No! That can't be true! Everyone has to of been on YouTube at least once!"
"I probably have when I was three."
"You mean to tell me you have no idea who I am? And that, that was the last time that you ever used YouTube?!?"
"Yes. Now, what is your name?"
"David Brown, but you can call me Dave."
"Nice name. Can I have your number?"
"Y-yes. Text or call me whenever you need to or want."
"Alright." Then I got his number and we were talking for a little bit more, and out of nowhere I see Brendon stomping his way over to me and he violently grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from Dave, and then we ended up outside walking towards his car. "Brendon, calm down. Please your hurting me."
"Shut up princess." I was too scared to say anything so I nodded so that he knew that I understood him. "Good girl. Now tell me something sweetheart."
I was still scared. "T-tell y-you w-what?"
"What were you and that man talking about?"
"He came over to apologize for the way those rich man were behaving like, and then we talked about you that he thinks that your just a conceded jerk that objectives young women. Then talked about YouTube and he showed me one of his videos. He's pretty funny."
"Why are you so afraid of me?"
Really? You ask me that? Do you not see what you did to my wrist?
"Princess! Fucking answer me!"
"S-sorry I zoned out and went into my mind. Can you tell me what you asked?"
He groaned like he didn't want to. "Sure sweetie but pay attention."
I nodded my head. "I asked. Why are you so afraid of me? Now please tell me."
I didn't say anything all I did was lift my arms up and show him the bruise that's already forming on my wrist, his eyes grew wide. "Babe, I'm sorry for that. I didn't know how hard I was holding you."
"I'm scared because, I just realised that if I'm not careful, you could easily beat me up or kill me..." I finally said as I started to cry and he looked at me, then kissed me. "Sweetheart, I can easily do that but, I won't. Because, I hate seeing you scared."
"Will you kiss me again Bren?"
"I'd be delighted to kiss you again."
Then we kissed as he reached over and grabbed my seatbelt and buckled me in. I looked into his eyes but, all I could think about was Dave and how blue and perfect his eyes looked...oh shit! Once Brendon finds out I'll be a goner. I have to run, no I already promised him that I wouldn't run from him. And once he finds out about this he'll either lock me up in my room and never let me leave or kill me or worse sell me to one of his friends and let them torture me.
"Claira? Hello?" I was already imagining all of the torture that they'd be allowed to do that I haven't noticed that I was flinching, crying, and screaming until Brendon snapped me out of it.
"Brendon! Please stop them!" I screamed out while crying and he said.
"Sweetheart, stop who?" I shook my head and noticed that we were in the car.
"N-nevermind Bren."
"No. Tell me what's wrong or we stay here all night."
"Good now tell me."
"I accidentally imagined that if I ever made you mad or broke one of the rules that you gave me that you'd either lock me up alone in my room forever, kill me, sell me to your friends, or make them torture me."
"Baby, don't think about shit like that." Then we got home and surprisingly he didn't make me sleep with him. So I was in my room alone so I decided to text Dave.
Me: Hey it's Claire. We kinda need to talk and this might be my last chance to talk to you.
Dave: Why what's up?
Me: Ugh... I'm just going to come right out and say this.
Dave: Tell me then.
Me: I think that I like you but, there is a problem there if I do.
Dave: What is it?
(Got interrupted by Brendon.)
"Sweetheart? Are you still up?" I quickly and quietly put my phone under the pillow.
I walked over to the door and opened it. "Yes, Brendon?"
"You don't mind if I make you stay here tomorrow, do you?"
Yes, but I can't tell him that. "No, not at all. So does this mean that I can sleep in tomorrow?" I asked him trying to get a smile, or even a laugh out of him. It worked a little too well, I got both. "Yes, just wake up long enough for me to kiss you when I leave."
"Yes sir." He watched me walk back to my bed, my hips swaying side to side so he wouldn't be suspicious of me liking that long haired man. "Brendon? Your still looking."
"Yeah and? In case you have forgotten I own you. I can look at that ass for as long as I want princess." I gulped once he said that.
"Brendon I can't sleep can I watch some YouTube? I haven't been on it since I was three.."
"Hey am I allowed to text John? I haven't talked to him since the day you took me." He laughed. It was true though. And I did miss him, but I learned real quick not to argue with Brendon, especially when he owns you.
"Sure why not. Oh wait. I know. He'll fucking try to take you away from me!" My eyes grew wide when I heard his voice get louder.
"Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry for asking." I said as I ran into the corner of the room and sat down on the ground and rocked back and forth trying to calm down. I was also breathing heavily and my chest was going to in and out. Then he walked inside the room and shut the door behind him, the way he shut the door reminded me of the first night they raped me, so I started crying out of nowhere.
"Honey, I'm sorry for screaming at you."
"I-I'm not c-crying because of that right now. P-please open the door?"
"What's wrong?"
"The first day they raped me they closed the door and locked it where I couldn't try to ecsape, or so no one would come in. After that I felt so violated, it was my fucking birthday, and they said that my present from them was, them rap-"
"I get it now, I'm sorry. Wait on your birthday?"
"Awe come here." I was too scared to say no or anything so just listened to him and got up and walked over to him and he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me down onto his lap and I just looked up to his eyes and they were a gorgeous chocolate brown with a hint of concern hidden behind them.
"Are you alright? And what happened between you and my sister?"
"I'm fine, just worried about you, and nothing that you need to worry your pretty little head about."
"Okay." I said not believing that nothing happened, something had to of happened. Because I don't think that she would have ran away from him if he didn't do anything. But, I decided to leave it alone and just cuddle up closer to his chest. I felt his chest move when he chuckled. Then he sat me in my bed and covered me up and kissed me on the lips and said. "Goodnight sweetheart."
"Goodnight sir."
"I might watch you sleep so text me when you get tired."
"Not creepy at all... But okay." He laughed and left the room.
(Texting again)
Dave: What is it?
Me: I'm not allowed to love you or anyone who is not Brendon, I believe that if I do love you and he finds out that he might kill me, beat me, or even sell me to his friends and make them torture me.
Dave: Wow. Wait, you like love me?
Me: I think.
Dave: I felt something when we were talking but, I thought that I was the only one that felt it... This shows that I wasn't.
Me: You completely missed the point in why I'm telling you this! If he finds out, I might die or worse be tortured! Please make me not love you! I don't- shit he's at my door talk to you later.
(Stops texting)
I heard him knock again.
"Hey Brendon. Come in." He opens the door and walks over to me and lays down next to me.
"Babe? Why do I feel like you are hiding something from me?" He says as he wraps his arms around me...oh god, he knows!
"W-what do you mean? I know better to hide something from you."
"Then why didn't you tell me that you got that mans number?"
"I was going to tell you."
"But you didn't. Now please tell me why."
"I was scared that you were going to yell at me, or hurt me in some way."
"Don't be scared, as long as you don't cheat on me it's fine."
"Cheat on you? But we aren't dating."
"Yes, we're not. But I own you so if you did anything with anyone it would still be counted as you cheating on me."
"So, if I ever had feelings for this person I'd be cheating?"
"Only if you acted on it."
"I have a hypothetical question." I said as I immediately sit up in the bed.
"Okay... Ask."
"So, say if I ever tried to leave you for him. What would happen to me?"
"I don't even want to think about that!"
"It was just a hypothetical question, gosh don't yell at me!"
"Don't give me that attitude!" He screamed at me and grabbed my arm and started pulling me to his room.
"W-wait what are you doing?"
"I'm about to punish you for giving me that attitude."
"Please don't. I'm so-" He cut me off.
"No! Sorry doesn't cut it! You will fucking listen to me and do as I fucking say! Now go get in bed!" Then I shook my head no and then he slapped me in the face and said. "You don't tell me no! Now go to the fucking bed!"
Before this situation got any worse I decided to listen to him and go to his bed. He pushed me down onto the bed and got on top of me and grabbed the front of my night gown and ripped it open and pulled it off and threw it onto the floor and impatiently started yanking my bra and panties off of me, then pushed me backwards, smirking at me as I fall backwards I start crying and he said. "Sweetheart why are you crying?"
"Me? What did I d- is this because I slapped you?"
I didn't want to answer I was scared to even answer his question. "Answer me!"
"Yes." I said as quickly as possible.
"I'm sorry. I was just mad at you for giving me an attitude, and then telling me no."
How fucking stupid am I? I somehow found this sick man hot and kind, but really all it is that he wants is to fuck me. Hell he probably likes Charlotte more then me! Oh my God! He's over here hurting me and I'm here being a little jealous of my sister???
I couldn't help but cry when I looked up into his "cold" dark brown eyes, his normal chocolate brown eyes had vinished into thin air. And I couldn't fight with Brendon especially when he is like this.
Before I knew it he grabbed my hands and pulled them towards his bed's headboard and tied me to the bed, he knew how much I really hated being defenseless like this, this was why he did it.
He smiled at me and said. "You need to learn. Until then I'll fuck you so hard that you won't know what to do."
"Please don't. I learned my lesson. I promise you that I will listen to you. And won't have an attitude."
"Have you? Have you really?"
"Yes, sir Mr. Urie."
"Or, your just afraid." He said as he put his hand on my boob. "N-no, I'm not scared."
He laughed. "Then why did you studder?" It wasn't a good lighthearted laugh like he always does, it was a full on cold hearted laugh.
"M-maybe I am a little bit scared. But I did learn my lesson. I'll never give you an attitude ever again. Okay? Just please don't do th-" He put his hand over my mouth before I could say any more.
"Stop talking, my scared little pet. This might only hurt for a little bit." I stopped talking and he looked at me like he was happy about how he makes me feel. I think that he likes being a creepy ass jackass. "Get ready to call me daddy. Babygirl."
"Your mean." I said in a hushed tone while I was trying to get out of the ropes that he used to tie me to the bed.
"What did you just say?!?!"
"Oh so now your going to lie to me?" He said with a sickening smirk on his face. "Let's just see how long you can stick to these new rebellious actons your doing." I could bearly breathe I was so scared.
"Please, j-just l-let me g-go? I promise you that I won't give you anymore problems."
"Damn right you won't! But, not because I let you go." He said as he was laying down on top of me and grabbed my chin and forced my head to stay still and look him straight in the eyes, I kept trying to move my head, he would threaten to choke me to death, so I stopped and just did as he wanted. He smiled at me. "But, because you are mine and no matter what your mine and only mine. I will hire people to kill the people that try to save you from me. So I suggest that you stop fighting with me and just get used to it. And stop texting people that isn't me or Kiku!"
"B-but don't y-you lov-" he slammed his lips against my lips and forcefully kissed me. Then he let's go and laughed. "Does that answer your question?"
"Sadly, yes." I said as I tried to look away from him but he kept making me look him in the eyes. "So you don't love me anymore?"
"How could I? Your mean to me now. You hit me, and make brusies on my body."
"I am sorry. I just want you to listen to me."
"Well this isn't the way to get someone to listen. This hurts people Bren, I know you don't think of me as a person, but a pet."
"I never once said that you wasn't a person!"
"S-sorry. I just thought that you thought that way considering you slap, hit, and squeeze my wrists so tight that you make brusies. And you called me your pet."
"Sweetheart, I'd shut up right now if I were you."
After that he got up and got undressed and laid back down on top of me and thrusted himself inside of me. "Bren, sto-"
"Shut up. Unless you call me daddy. There will be no more talking right now."
He went faster and harder and I cried louder and louder every time. He forced me to kiss him every now and then and every time we kiss his tounge always demands entry into my mouth and it's gross, it's like he coats my mouth with his silva.
"Please, are we done?"
"Are you going to tell that Dave guy that you are never going to message him again?"
"Then I believe that you have learned your lesson." He said patting me on my head, as he got up and started walking out of the room.
"Wait, don't leave me here like this!"
"Awe but, why not? You look so hot like that."
"Fine. You hate me."
"I don't hate you, but I don't love you."
"T-then why am I not allowed to love anyone?"
"I never said that you can't love anyone. All I said was.... That you can't do anything sexual with anyone but me."
"So... You can have sex with others but I fucking can't?!?! I don't fucking see how that's fair!"
"Don't fucking yell at me!" He screamed at me.
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