Chapter 12: United as one

Underneath the castle was a massive factory that is building Saku's new army of robots that are humanoid like robots with machine guns attached to their left arm and a faceless head with two red eyes glow when they are activated. They were being lined up at the underground bunker and ready to be deployed however there was a problem.

We cut to Saku looking at the problem now which was the islands dorm itself. How can he have his army to go through the dorm shield. It would be impossible for anyone to go through as he thinks of a plan.

Saku: The humans have a very advanced shield to rap anything inside. The question still stand, how can I get rid of it.

He thinks more and more and knows the satellite up in space is the one that is powering it up so he needed some way to get it turned off or destroyed. He then thought of a idea as he type into the controls and blue prints of a large laser cannon is shown.

Saku: I will create a weapon that can punch through the shield and destroy the satellite above. I needed enough power to make it happen and I must be hurry about it. I believe the remaining humans from the castle will come back to retake it. I will deal with them while my cannon is building.

He then pushes the button and the construction is on its way as Saku leaves the room and waits for his weapon to be complete and soon he will have his revenge apon humanity.


It was a cloudy afternoon as we see all the girls were in the war room and gathered around as Y/n, Torino, Charlotte and Kasumi were gathered around the table as they have a map to the castle.

Y/n: Okay we know his army will be at the front gate and be ready to be sent to humanity.

Charlotte: Well obviously, we know that.

Kasumi: However the only way we can enter is through the gate and that's blocked off.

Charlotte: Yeah and at this point, there is no way we can get through, unless you may have a plan here Y/n?

Y/n: Actually I have. Inside there is a control system to shut all of his army down right? So while you two along with the girls take on Saku's robot army, me and a small team of mine will sneak inside the castle, reach the control room and "boom" his army is shut down.

Kasumi: That is a good plan.

Charlotte: Are we seriously gonna risk out whole lives while having our trust towards Y/n?!

Torino: It's not like we have any other plans.

Y/n: That's right. I needed a small team to go with me and sneak inside the castle.

Meifon: (smirk) I'll go with you. After all, I know ways we can get inside the castle without being detected.

Mirei: Me too.

Mamori: Same to me!

Kasumi: Although your small team is good this isn't enough.

Y/n: (smirk) I know but that's why I call in some help.

Suddenly the twin doors open and they turn and then both Lady J and Rain came in as Rain called out.

Rain: (smirk) Long time no seek Y/n~.

Lady J: (smirk) Are we late~?

Y/n: (smirk) Not at all. You'll come with me to sneak inside the castle.

Rain: (smirk) Sounds good to me and after all of this is over, you'll pay us a visit.

Lady J: (smirk) Is that a deal?

Y/n: (little blush) Um sure. Anyways with that settled we should get ready for battle.

Kasumi: Understood. I'll inform our forces, come on Charlotte.

Charlotte just glares at Y/n and then turn and follows Kasumi as Y/n and out a sigh while Torino place her hand onto her shoulder.

Torino: (smile) Your doing a good job. I just hope we can work together well.

Y/n: Hope so. Otherwise we all are dead.

Everyone gathered their gears for a battle as we see Y/n making her way to the medical station where Akira is there laying in bed as she walked up to her and sat down next to her.

Y/n: Doing okay Akira?

Akira: Kinda. I fail my people and now the world is doomed.

Y/n: You haven't failed everyone Akira. None of this is not your fault.

Akira: Still, I bet no one will not trust me now they know I'm female. Even if we won, how will there be order on this island if what they believe in is a lie?

Y/n: (sigh) Look i know you one's lead your people with respect and happiness but you have to understand that being a leader isn't always about what gender you are. It's about bow you or I are willing to risk it all for the sake of others and guide them to a bright future. Even if they may not look at you the same way because you kept this secret, maybe one day they will see you as a person who lead them to happiness on this island.

Akira was slinet for a moment but then sat up qnd let out a small but cute giggle and said.

Akira: (giggle) It's funny how you said earlier your not too sure of being island of thid whole island qnd yet here you are taking up leadership to us.

Y/n: (little blush) W-Well I just.....Well....I was only.....I...

Then Akira kissed Y/n on the cheek and then lend back and tells Y/n with a smile.

Akira: (smile) You were destined to leaf others bit bit you choice to ignore it. Now it is your time to take up the leadership of this island and guide others like me accept to a new age. An age where we are all united into one rather being separated.

Y/n thinks about this and that Akira is right. This whole time she has been leading the girls to live better lives and helping them feel like home here. She then smirk, stood up and tells Akira.

Y/n: (smirk) Rest up Akira and don't you worry, we will win this battle and we're gonna win it for sure.

She then walk out with Akira smiling as she left.

Akira: (thought) Good luck and.......I love you.


We see Charlotte, Kasumi and the other girls as they arrived at the bridge of the castle as they were ready up for battle. Then the large twin doors open, revealing a massive army of humanoid robots as they begin the march through the bridge and making their way towards the girls.

The girls stared back at them as some where scared but stayed in fight as Kasumi stood up of a large rock and then called out to the girls.

Kasumi: Attack!

They all cheered and begin their attack as some of Charlotte and Kasumi female troopers open fire at them which shot a few robots as they return fire at them. A large battle began at the bridge as Kasumi and Charlotte get some cover including the other girls as bullets foy over head.

While the battle is going on we cut to Y/n and her team underground and driving up Meifon's boat to the doors entrance as they climb off and Meifon try to type in the code but it didn't work.

Meifon: Damn it! They changed the code.

Rain: (smirk) Then it looks like we have to do this our way then.

We then cut to the other side of the door as the foor was immediately blown open by Rain with Lady J turning into a massive rail gun as Y/n poke hee head inside.

Y/n: Okay looks like we're in the clear, let's move.

They agree and make their way through the hallway while being carful not to tripper any alarms. They kept on running and soon they reach a metal door which Rain try to blast open but it didn't work.

Rain: Looks like we need to get through somehow.

Y/n: Yeah but how.

Suddenly the alarm goes off and then Saku's robots appear behind them and then start to open fire at them. Y/n changed into her armor and deployed a shield to block the incoming bullets.

Mirei: Mamori, let's do this.

Mamori: Right.

The robots continue to fire at them while marching towards them but then Mirei leap over Y/n with Mamori as a sword and begins cutting them down while Rain fired her rail gun at the robots while Meifon open a panel of the controls.

Meifon: I'll so I get this door open for us.

Y/n: Make it quick!

She then pulled out twin boomerangs and throws them at the robots, taking them down as more and more keep on going as the trio battles them until Meifon gets the door open.

Meifon: That it! Everyone come on!

They all rushed inside and once everyone was in Meifon shuts the door behind them and she breaths a sigh of relief.

Meifon: Now that was a close call.

Y/n: Alright then. Let's keep moving until we get to the control room.

They agree and keep on running while we see a camera which Saku is seen looking through the monitor as he sees theie plan and heads to the control room.

After battling a few robots and turrets, they arrived at the control room and Meifon runs over and begins trying to shut the robots off.

Meifon: I'm not much of a hacker but I'll see what can shit these bucket of bolts off.

Y/n: Go for it Meifon!

Rain: We'll go and find Saku and put a stop to him for sure.

Saku: No need for that.

Suddenly wipes hit Rain back as Lady J changed back as the two fall onto while Saku enter the room with his wipes. Mirei leaps towards him only for her to get wrapped around and squeezed as she drop Mamori in her blade form only for Saku to catch it and stared at her.

Y/n: Let her go Saku.

Saku: How interesting. You each show care towards each other even though some are just use as weapons.

Y/n: We show care towards each other and they are not weapons!

Saku: Care? Nobody cares about me when I was turned into a weapon. They abandon me all these years qnd now.......all the ever wanted revenge.

He then slammed Mamori into the wall which changed her back to normal as she scream in pain and than falls onto thr floor unconscious as Mirei and Y/n were shocked.

Mirei: (angry) I will kill you!

Saku: No you won't. Because my master plan will finally start.

Suddenly there was a huge shake as the monitor open to reveal a massive cannon slowly revealing at the back of the castle as it is pointing up to where the satellite is and then begins to fire however the engery shield blocks the beams attack but not for long.

They all sees this only for Y/n to be wrapped out by the neck by Saku as she was pulled towards Saku as the two were inches to each other.

Saku: Face it human, this world will fall and you and all of your friends will die. Besides, you were abandon just like me so why do you fight for this pathetic planet?

Suddenly Y/n swings a kick at Saku, letting her go as he stumbled backwards while Y/n lands on her feet and slowly stood up straight and tells him.

Y/n: True we all maybe left here and abandon. However unlike you, we care for those who are still outside and we will never let them down, even if they may not know where we are now, we will be willing to protect them! I'll die for the people I love and that's what I'm gonna do! IF THAT'S NOT WHAT HUMANS ARE THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS! So let's do this Saku. It's me....vs you.

Saku stared at her as he wipped the floor with his twin wipes and says while getting into a battle stand.

Saku: Very well then. This will be your final fight Y/n L/n.

To be continued..........................................

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