S2E19: The assault of the Star Harvester (Part 2)
Within the Decepticons base somewhere we wee a dark and empty room. That was until Y/n and the rest were teleported inside the room by Shuu.
They turn on their flash lights and shine around. Takao immediately yell over to cover her mouth quickly as they all stare at the lifeless Vechicon and there were more lined up against both walls facing each other.
Kazama approaches one and hits it on the feet and looks up but nothing happen.
Kazama: Yep they are asleep.
Kanade: Hey! We're trying to sneak our way inside the base! Not draw our attention!
Akane: So where should we go now?
Aoi: We need to find our father and then head to where the Star Harvester is at.
Teru: Okay let's do this!
Y/n: Alright but we need to be carful. We may not know other Vechicons are still active and somewhere.
They all agree and they make their way down the room. Soon they came up to a door so Y/n boost himself up and place his hand onto the door panel and hack into the system.
Then the door open and they exit out of the room and enter the hallway. The place was kinda creepy as they look around but they kept moving.
Y/n takes the lead while the rest follow behind. They can hear explosions and gunfire going on outside.
Tama: So do we have an escape plan?
Y/n: We can teleport our way out.
Shuu: Yeah there is a limit on how many I can take. If we take one more, someone has to be left behind.
Y/n: Right. Then we need to be carful.
They kept walking and everything seems fine when suddenly a Decepticon guardian blocks them and turns its head and spotted them.
Akane: I think we've been spotted!
Kazama: Please what's that skinny bot gonna do?
Then the Decepticon bot begins to tranform and their faces change to horror as they see the Decepticon Guardian becoming bigger and once complete aims it's two large cannons at them.
Kazama: SHUT UP AND RUN!!!
Y/n fires missiles at the Decepticon Guardian but it didn't do nothing. The Decepticon Guardian then begins to fire at him.
He tries to block it with his energy shield but the impact sent him flying. He lands onto the ground while everyone runs away so Y/n flies after them while the Decepticon Guardian chase after them.
Kazama: Anyone got any ideas!
Kanade: I think I have one!
She then focuses as best she can and then multiple devices was place onto the floor. They run pass and they turned on and shoot out a hologram of Optimus prime and the Autobots.
The Decepticon Guardian stops and opens fire at them but the blast goes through them. This gives them enough time to escape. Then they see a vent so Teru use his powers and rips the vent open and they all crawl in.
Once Y/n close the vent the Decepticon Guardian came around the corner and looks around before transforming back to its patrol form and walks away.
They all look back and they breath a sigh of relief. Then Shinsen couldn't take it and throw up.
Hikari: Ew!
Y/n: You okay?
Shinsen: Yeah I'm good. That was so close.
Hikari: (smile) But hey we made it out right?
Haruki: Yeah for now at least.
Then they follow the vent until they come to two paths. Haruki begins to use his powers and after a bit he points them to the right path.
They kept going and soon they come across another vent. They look through and they see the power of the star Harvester. Y/n and Teru open the vent and step out and sees the staff inside.
Haruki noticed a nearby control console so Akane helps him up and once on the console Haruki looks at it.
Y/n: Can you shut it down?
Haruki: This is alien tech. I would be useful if someone like Perceptor may help.
Roka: Unfortunately he's not here.
Hachi: I guess we need to find Souichirou.
Kazama: Yeah but he could be anywhere.
Megatronus: Or I'm holding him.
Then Megatronus appear behind them which they suddenly turn around and sees Souovhirou which Megatronus is holding.
Sakurada children: Dad!
Souichirou: Hey kids. Missed you all.
Megatronus: What a lovely reunion. It will be ashame if he would he killed right I front of you.
He slowly squeeze Souichirou to the point he begins to scream which concerned everyone.
Y/n: No stop! It's me you wanted! Souichirou's kingdom maybe the one you fail to destroy but it was my ancestor who defeated you! If anything, leave him alone and face me instead!
Megatronus stare at Y/n for a moment and then drops Souichirou. Akane flies over and catches him. She takes him back to the rest and she along with the sakurada children hugged him.
Y/n: You all need to go now. This is between me and Megatronus.
Takao: No way! Y/n you'll die if you stay here!
Kazama: Yeah screw that! We can take him on together!
Y/n: No. Megatronus wants me. I can't let any of you get involve. Shuu, teleport them out.
Shuu doesn't want to but comply and he soon teleported everyone out apart of Y/n. He then flies up to Megatronus hight and the two stare at each other.
Megatronus: Your like your ancestor. Heroic and willing to die for the weak.
Y/n: I can't let you destroy this planet. I will stop you!
Then he flies towards the Staff but he was stop mid air by Megatronus. He then move his hand and Y/n was pulled across the room and slammed into the wall.
Megatronus: Foolish human. Your all alone. No Autobots, humans, no one. Your all alone. Your nothing without your friends!
Then Y/n flies towards Megatronus and then he pulls out two energy blades and then gets onto Megatronus face. Megatronus tries to get him off but he dodges his swings and begins stabbing on his face. Then he stabbed him into the eye which cost Megatronus to scream in pain.
He then grabs Y/n and throws him across the room and he slammed into the wall. Megatronus fires a beam at Y/n but he dashes to dodge the attack as the beam goes through the wall and leaves a hole.
Then Y/n flies around the room as Megatronus lifted his hand and was about to blast him but the star Harvester was blocking him so he stopped himself.
Y/n: What's wrong? Can't shoot your Harvester!
He came out of the other side and fire twin machine guns St Megatronus. The bullets stop before it can make impact but Y/n flies fast and lands a punch at Megatronus in the face.
Megatronus slides back and then slammed against the wall. He let's out a growl and then fire shoots out of the ground which Y/n immediately dodges.
He kept dodging the coming flames coming out of the ground until he was surround by flames. He then flies over the flames and then charge up his rail gun and fire at Megatronus.
Megatronus stops the bolt and then return it back at Y/n. He immediately dodges the attack but then he was grabbed by an invisible force by Megatronus and then he begins slamming him everywhere around the room.
Then he slammed against the wall and he fell and hit the ground. Y/n slowly gets up but he was grabbed by Megatronus as he picked him up and hold him in eye level.
Megatronus: You have no chance against me human. I am a prime, you can never defeat a prime.
Y/n: Your no prime. Your a fallen prime.
Megatronus: For now but I will show me brothers and sisters that I am better than them.
The star Harvester was close to complete as Soundwave then contacts Megatronus.
Soundwave: (radio) Megatronus, Star Harvester close to fire.
Megatronus: Good. It is over human. I have won and you have lost. We will die here along with humanity.
Y/n: Not if I have to say about it!
Then he free his right arm and then fire a grapple towards the staff and he caught it. Before the star Harvester could be ready to fire, Y/n pulled the staff out and the entire Star Harvester shuts down.
Megatronus: No!
Megatronus then throws Y/n to the ground. Y/n grabs the staff and gets up and points the staff at Megatronus as he lifted his hand at him and was about to end him.
Megatronus: You shall pay!
Suddenly the ceiling exploded and they look up and a large robotic dragon came down and land between them. Megatronus is caught off guard as the large robotic dragon breaths fire at Megatronus, making him to dodge the flames.
Then the Dragon split apart to reveal the Knights of Cybertron.
Y/n: (surprised) You came to help!
Stormreign: Of course we did. As Knights of Cybertron, it is our duty to defend this planet no matter what!
Megatronus: You serve to me! I am a prime!
Stormreign: No! You are a fallen prime. Y/n is our true leader of the Knights of Cybertron.
Y/n smiles as he then turn to Megatronus, walks by the Knights of Cybertron and then tells Megatronus.
Y/n: My ancestor was a heroic Knight who will sacrifice everything to defend this planet from those like you and the Decepticons. I may not be a prime or a Cybertronian but I don't care what I am. My name is Y/n L/n! Leader od the gaming club! hero of my city! The first hero to be friends with the Autobots and the human who kicked Megatrons butt! (Rasied the staff) I will use my responsibility to defend this world and the people I care for! No matter what you say Megatronus, I will never back down without a fight
He then slammed the end of the staff which burst into electricity as Y/n stood heroic and determinant. Megatronus can even see the spirit of Seiya behind him staring back at him.
Megatronus squeezes his fist enrage as he begins to growl which his growl turns to rage as he glares at Y/n and the Knights of Cybertron and barks.
Megatronus: (angry) So be it! This is where the Knights of Cybertron, will fall!
Y/n: No.....this is where Megatronus, The fallen....will fall.....for good.
To be continued...........................................................
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