S2E14: A new threat
(Middle of the ocean)
Within Broadside we see Rhinox within a private lab with two Omega keys as he study them in silence as he look at the keys and then pull out his data pad to look at them when Y/n enters the room and approaches Rhinox.
Y/n: How are things Rhinox?
Rhinox: Going well so far. The Omega keys are shown to be active once together.
Y/n: Yeah I noticed. Too bad we lost the third one to Starscream.
Rhinox: We'll get it somehow. Anyways if we stay focused on our mission and keep on track, we should be fine.
Y/n: Let's hope so.
Then Hot Rod enter the room and tells the two.
Hot Rod: Hey we're coming up to an island.
Y/n: Right, let's check it out.
Soon Broadside make dock at shore and once there Whirl, Y/n, Impactor, Hot Rod and Rhinox exit out of Broadside with their human and pokemon companies with them as Rhinox pulled out a device to detect a Omega key as they stood there for a bit.
Whirl: Well anything Horn head?
Rhinox: No. This island is clear.
Y/n: Well let's look around and see what we can find.
Alex: (noticed something) Hey look!
Alex pointed over and they see a crowd of archaeologists including a reporter.
Rhinox: Never suspected humans to be on this island?
Y/n: Well let's check it out.
They walk over as the female reporter was telling the audience watching this when she stop talking and looking behind the camera man as everyone turn and they are shocked to see Autobots.
Whirl: Hello there. Is there a problem?
???: (surprised) Well what a surprise to see Autobots here.
Then Nurse joy wearing the same uniform as the archaeologists came out of the crowd as Sorrel ask.
Sorrel: So what's going on?
Nurse Joy: (smile) Well we are here to find fossilised kabuto's.
Alex: Kabuto's?
Ben: [ You mean the pokemons that were extinct a long time ago?]
Nurse Joy: (smile) Correct. We believe there is a lot of them on this island and we are here to uncover them.
Whirl: Sounds boring? Does it even involve around me blowing up stuff?
Nurse Joy:.....Well......maybe?
Whirl: Well sign me up! I love explosion!
Rhinox: Now hold on, are you sure it is wise to disturb their resting spots? Surely they must have gone through great pain, I don't feel comfortable disturbing them.
Whirl: Oh relax horn head, they are dead? What's the worse it can happen.
Impactor: Besides it might be a good idea to tag along in case of a Decepticon attack.
Y/n: Good idea.
Ash: (smile) I wanna join as well?
Tracey: (smile) Me too! I'll be excellent with this job.
Nurse Joy: (smile) Sure. Please follow me.
And so they head off as Nurse Joy leaf the group however unknowing to them, there is a mysterious large figure watching them go before disappearing from sight.
(Short while later)
We see the group walking up a hill and everything seems okay at first. They keep walking up a hill when Impactor discover something up a hill that look like a large border.
Then he noticed it moved and soon it rolled down the hill and heading towards them.
Impactor: Watch out!
Impactor ready his drill as he charge towards the rolling border and shattered it with his drill. The archaeologists are shocked how a singal bot shattered a border without any damage as Y/n and Hot Rod came up to him.
Hot Rod: What was that?
Impactor: No idea but I have a feeling someone or something doesn't want us here.
Y/n: Decepticons?
Impactor: Not likely. Why would Decepticons use borders instead of blasting us?
Hot Rod: Maybe they run out of ammo here?
Y/n: Still let's keep moving.
They keep going as Y/n stand aside as he look around when he quickly spotted someone running through the forest. He find it kinda creepy but keep on going and soon they reach the area where there is a cave as they begin to dig up any fossilised Kabuto's.
Alex and Ash use pickaxes while the rest settle as the Autobots search around. Rhinox sees all of this and feels uncomfortable with this which Y/n noticed and walked up to him.
Y/n: You okay?
Rhinox: I know these humans wanted knowledge but disrespecting the pokemons rest seems wrong. This could have been their last moments together before they are all gone.
Y/n: I understand. It seems wrong but that's what humans are and we should respect that.
Rhinox: Agree. Thanks.
Y/n smiled as we cut to Whirl wanted to blow something up and gets a bit boring. He turn to see Ash, Pikachu, Alex and Ben doing the work and it made him bored even more.
Then he noticed something above and suddenly more borders started to fall down which cost some to scream.
Whirl: Finally some action!
Whirl transform inro his helicopter and fire his machine guns, destroying the borders and saving the humans. He then noticed someone running away so he flies after him.
Impactor: Whirl!
Whirl disappeared from sight as they waited for him to return. Soon Whirl did as he arrive back in his bot form as he jump down the cliff and drop a old man onto thr ground.
Whirl: Seems like this human is behind of those borders. Your welcome by away.
Verity: So all of those borders was cost by him?!
Sorrel: How awful.
Nurse joy: You there! Who are you and why are you trying to kill us?
Umberto: I wasn't trying to kill you all! (Sigh) My ma,e is Umberto and I'm trying to get you all leave the island.
Y/n: Tell us why?
Whirl: Yeah or else.
Umberto: This island.....is cursed.
Alex: Cursed?
Umberto: According to legend, whenever the moon is up, it will turn red and that's when the Kabuto's come to life and attack those who dares try to harm this island.
Nurse Joy: That's ridiculous! We would never harm anything on this island.
Umberto: So your cyclops bot didn't blow up those borders?
Whirl: First of: You drop those rocks on them. Second of all:......What's a cyclops? Is that a insulat?
Umberto: I'm trying to save your lives so you all must leave now!
Rhinox: What should we do?
Y/n: Not sure. If this curse is real then we may have a problem but if not.
Impactor: We can handle just a few ancient pokemons. As long they are not big, we should be fine.
Umberto: No! You must not disturb this island and must leave now!
They stood there as they think of what to do when suddenly a voice called out.
???: Oh so we're not welcome here?
Suddenly a blast nearly hits Umberto but Y/n picked him up and save his life as everyone all turn to see a figure that looked like Bumblebee.
Y/n: Bumblebee?
Hot Rod: Hey what was that for?!
???: Bumblebee? Nah. I'm not Bumblebee.
Then the figure gets close and they can clearly see he is not Bumblebee even though he looks like Bumblebee but he's all white and not yellow.
Big Bite: (smirk) Call me, Bug Bite.
Whirl: Bug Bite? What a stupid name.
Y/n check his logo and it shows something he thought he never get to see.
Y/n: Your a mercenary.
Bug Bite: (smirk) Bingo. You see, we heard some stories about this planet and we figured.....this place will do for our hunt.
Whirl: Yeah? Who and what army?
Hot Rod: Really Whirl?
Whirl: What?
Then two Mercenaries came out of the shadows and stood with Big Bite.
Whirl: Oh please, we can handle them!
Suddenly more mercenary soldiers appear around Bug Bite and his team as there is a lot of them which surprised them to see.
Whirl: Ooooooohhhhhh.....Well....we can still deal with that.
Hot Rod: We should have left you behind.
Whirl: I would have come either way.
Bug Bite: (smirk) Looks like we got ourselves some Autobots boys! LET'S GET THEM!
They begin to open fire at them which the Autobots get inro cover as the archaeologists, Ash and the rest get behind cover as the Autobots return fire.
The Mercenaries keep firing at them as some get shot as they keep fighting. Impactor leap out of cover and charge towards Bug Bite only for a large mercenary to punch him in the face.
Making him stumble back as the mercenary introduced himself.
Double dealer: (smirk) Hello there. Allow me to introduce myself. The names Double Dealer. Care to make a deal with me?
Impactor: Yeah here's the deal with you!
He goes for a blow but the female mercenary quickly gets in front of him and kicked him back.
Double Dealer: Nightbird, don't be rough with my customer. He could have something to trade.
Suddenly bolts fly by as Double Dealer turn his arm to a cannon and fire several blast at them. Their cover gets blown up as Rhinox sees this and give Y/n and Hot Rod firing cover as he blasted Double Dealer but his armor is too strong.
Then Nightbird rushes towards Rhinox and goes for a slash but Whirl blocks her attack.
Whirl: Hello there. Let's see what skills you cam do.
Nightbird doesn't say anything but respond by kicking Whirl back so they have a brawl while Double Dealer approaches Y/n and Hot Rod as they get up.
Y/n: Rhinox, Impactor get the humans out of here! We'll cover you.
Rhinox: On it!
Impactor agree as he transform and race over to the humans and pokemons as they get inside. But Umberto poke his head out only to see the sun is setting down and soon night came.
Umberto: We must leave the island now!
Everyone races inside and once they are all in Impactor drives off along side Rhinox. Y/n and Hot Rod continues to battle the Mercenaries as Double Dealer gets closer ans closer to them. Hot Rod aims his arm cannon at him when suddenly they heard something. The ground rumble as they stop firing as Y/n turn to the cave as if something is coming out.
Y/n: Think we should leave.
Hot Rod: Right.
The two transform into their vehicle forms and drive out of here, leaving the Mercenaries as they stare at the cave ans suddenly a sworm of Kabuto's came rushing out of the cave as a group of them latch onto Double Dealer as he try to kick them off.
Double dealer: Get off of me insect!
Nightbird get to higher ground while the Mercenaries swap their fire weapons to nets as they begin to capture them along with Bug Bite. Some where captured while others escape and go after the Autobots.
Y/n and Hot Rod arrived back to Broadside where Arcee and Turbospike is waiting on top of the ramp as they arrive back and land onto Broadside.
Y/n: Get us out of here!
Broadside pulled up the ramp and once that begins to sail away just as the Sworm of Kabuto's appear and stop as they watch them sail away. Nurse joy and the archaeologists are shocked to see them alive as the bots also sees this as they are glad they made it out there alive.
Nurse Joy: So the curse was true. We came to this island and disturb their resting place.
Rhinox: Looks like it.
Alex: Who were those Cybertronians?
Misty: Yeah, I never seen those logos.
Y/n: Those are Mercenaries. Basically they don't side with either Decepticons or Autobots. They do their own thing.
Tracey: But why are they here?
Y/n: They said they heard stories about this planet and Well.....guess they found this planet interesting as their hunting ground. Still they're far more bigger then I saw.
Hot Rod: Not to mention powerful.
Y/n: Agree.
(Earth's orbit)
We see a unknown ship hovering over earth's orbit as we cut to a glass cage filled with Kabuto's that Bug Bite and his group have captured as a hook tapped on the glass and they all turn to face the Cybertronian mercenary who is Bug Bites boss/Guild master.
???: And you said there were a lot of them?
Bug Bite: (smirk) Yeah like a thousand of them. We couldn't capture all of them so yeah.
???: Interesting. The humans say they were extinct but yet here they are. You did a good job Bug Bite.
Bug Bite: (smirk) Always make you proud boss. So is that it? If so, that's not fun.
???: No. This is only the begin.
Then he leaves the room and walks over to a table where a hologram open to reveal four element pokemon birds. Articuno, Zapsos, Moltres and the grand prize, Lugia as we can only see the Cybertronian Mercenaries eyes glow red with interests as he tells Big Bite behind him.
???: How next target is these birds. They will be the greatest hunt that our guild will ever take. This will be the hunt that will change our lives, forever.
To be continued.............................................
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