Enter the Shadowbolts

A few days later, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey are all at a Cafe because the Mane 7 invited them because they have some big new to tell them. They all went inside the cafe and then they all have started to wait for the Mane 7.

"Oh man, I'm really excited right now, say what do you think that the girls wanted to tell us?" Asked Mikey as he look at his siblings and friends.

"I don't know Mikey, but they say it's really important, I wonder what it is?" Asked Leo as he wanted to know as well.

"Well, all I heard from Rarity, is that their principal have some some interesting news, and that they wanted to make sure that they be prepared for it." Said April as she explains.

Then as soon as April have said that, it got the others to get really curious about what the principal said to the girls and the other students from Starswirl Academy. Then after a minute, the girls have enter the room, but they are wearing different outfits that Rarity made for her and her friends.

Twilight has her hair tied into a ponytail, wears a blue shirt with purple strips, pink bow tie, purple skirt with many pinkish-purple stars all over it and has two pockets, ankle blue socks, and purple heels on.

Sunset Shimmer wears a orange shoulder-less shirt with a red and yellow sun on it, black vest with spikes on the collar, a magenta wrap skirt on, and black ankle boots with rhinestones.

Rarity wears a blue shirt with ruffles at the bottom sparkles with a yellow collar strip at the top with diamonds on it and some purple diamonds on the ruffles, purple belt around the waist with blue diamonds on the middle, purple skirt on, two gold bracelets on her wrists, and purple and purple and ankle boots with diamonds on.

Pinkie Pie has her short hair down with curls at the bottom, a white shirt with three balloons on it, a pink triple layered skirt on,has a blue hand band with a bow on with a heart on the middle, white long legging, and blue strap wedge heels with pink hearts on the side.

Applejack wears a white and green shirt with three apples on it, blue jean skirt with frills at the bottom, a cowgirl hat on, and brown cowgirl boots with three apples on the sides.

Fluttershy wears a bluish-green shoulder-less dress that goes to her knees and has three pink butterflies on the bottom, pink straps at the shoulders, a dark green butterfly hairpin, and pink knee high strap heels.

And Rainbow Dash wears a white shirt with a rainbow lighting bolt on it, a blue and yellow short sleeve jacket, dark blue leggings with neon rainbow colored lighting bolts on the sides, rainbow colored wristbands, and blue, red, and white sneakers with yellow lighting bolts on the sides.

"Hey guys, sorry we are late, Rarity made us these new outfits and we wanted to try them on." Said Twilight as she smiles.

"Wow, you look so pretty in that outfit Twilight, and I like how your hair is tied into a ponytail." Said Leo as he blush at Twilight.

"Gee thanks Leo, that's really sweet of you to say." Said Twilight as she smiles at Leo.

"Wow Sunset Shimmer, you look so beautiful, that really make you like a cool rockstar girl." Said Raph as he smirk at Sunset.

"Thanks Raph, I really like the leather jacket." Said Sunset as she smiles at Raph.

"Wow Rarity, you look so beautiful in that outfit you are wearing." Said Donnie as he blush really red.

"Aw why thank you darling, I made it all by myself." Said Rarity as she smiles.

"Wow Rarity, you look really pretty in that outfit you have on, do you think you could make me an outfit?" Asked April as she looks at her childhood friend.

"Sure April." Said Rarity as she smiles at April.

"Wow Pinkie Pie, you look so cute, that outfit you are wearing really sets your eyes." Said Mikey as hearts appeared in his eyes.

"Aw thanks Mikey, I really like the color pink, it's one of my favorite colors." Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.

"Wow Applejack, you look so cute in that outfit you have on today, it makes you look like a really wicked cowgirl." Said Casey as he smiles at Applejack.

"Aw thank you Casey, that's really sweet of you to say." Said Applejack as she blush a bit.

"Wow Fluttershy, you look really cute in that dress you have on." Said Slash as smiles at Fluttershy.

"Aw thanks Slash." Said Fluttershy as she smiles and blushes.

"Man, no matter what kind of outfits you girls wear, you still rock them and you can make yourselves really awesome and cool." Said Karai as she smirks at the girls.

"Yeah, it makes you girls look like 20% cooler." Said Carrie as she smiles.

"I know huh, this outfit that Rarity made me makes me so awesome." Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks.

"I really like your style Rainbow Dash." Said Ophelia as she smirks.

"So girls, you said that you have some news that your principal have said something important to you and your school that got you shock." Said Oliver as he looks at the girls.

"Yeah, we actually wanted to know as well, because whatever it is must be really shocking." Said Leatherhead.

So after that, the girls have started to sit down at the table and then they started to tell the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey the surprising news.

"Well, this morning when we were about to go to our classes, Principal Celestia announce that Starswirl Academy has been signed to a big event." Said Twilight as she explains." And she said that the event that we have been signed up for is called: The Friendship Games."

But as soon as Twilight have said that, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have all started to groan when they heard the words "The Friendship Girls" which got the girls a bit shock.

"You guys okay, you seem to know what are the Friendship Games." Said Sunset as she looks at the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey.

"Yeah, we know what the Friendship Games are." Said Miwa as she rolled her eyes." The Friendship Games is an academic and sporting competition regularly held between two schools."

"Woah we see, but you guys are not going to believe what else happen today." Said Pinkie Pie as she looks serious." When we were about to come here, we saw two people trying do something to our statue."

"Yeah, we were about to ask them what they were doing, but they just ran off to their bus and went off to the other side of the city." Said Rarity." We don't even know who they are."

"Well, you don't have to know about it." Said Donnie as he looks at the girls." Because we all know who it was!"

"Ooh, ooh! A nighttime statue cleaner, a magical portal maintenance maintainer, a gardener?!" Asked Pinkie Pie in excitement.

"Seeing as how they got off a bus from the other side of the city and got back on a bus headed to the other side of the city, I'll bet they go to. . ." Said Donnie as he was about to finish.

"Crystal Prep Academy!" Said the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey with a bit of annoyance.

"Yep. With the Friendship Games starting next week, they'd totally try to prank you guys by defacing the Wondercolts statue." Said Slash as he explains.

"Okay now I'm really confused here." Said Rainbow Dash as she looks at her friends." Why would anyone take a bus all the way from the other side of the city for that?"

"Because the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts are one of the biggest rivals at every school." Said Marcus as he explains.

"Because that's just what the students at Crystal Prep would do." Said Thomas.

"Because they have defeated every school even us, and our friend Sonic's school." Said Leatherhead as he also explains.

"Yeah, they have beaten us at everything: soccer, tennis, golf, basketball, football, volleyball, baseball, hockey, and even motorcycle race." Said Raph as he explains.

"Wow, seems like you guys don't like it." Said Twilight.

"We don't, apparently Crystal Prep Academy is one of the most undefeated school ever." Said Mikey." The Shadowbolts also defrayed every school here, even ours."

"Yeah, and they also beat our best friends Sonic's school: Blue Jewel Academy." Said Leo." Apparently Crystal Prep Academy has this reputation and they want to make that they win."

"We just don't understand why there's this big rivalry." Said Fluttershy as she look confused." Aren't the "Friendship Games" supposed to be about two schools getting along?

"Well the thing is Fluttershy is that, it's kinda hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything." Said April.

"Man, I'm guessing we have to be more careful then." Said Rainbow Dash.

So after that, the Hamato siblings, the Mane 7, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have all started to talk about how they have been doing. Then after 5 minutes, the girls were beginning to feel thirsty.

"Hey guys, we are going to buy some drinks." Said Applejack as she smiles.

"Okay." Said Casey as he smiles.

So the girls have all gotten up from the table and they started to go buy their drinks. But then as soon as the girls went to buy their drinks, all of a sudden, a group of teenagers came inside the cafe and they all seem to wear the same school uniforms.

The male students are wearing reddish-purple blazers or vests, dark-blue ties, wear dark-blue slacks, and black shoes while the female students are wearing reddish-purple blazers or vests, bow ties, wear reddish-purple tartan skirts, and black shoes. Those teenagers are none other than, The Shadowbolts, from Crystal Prep Academy.

Then 5 girls and a boy have began to appear from the group. The first girl has pink and green mint hair tied into a ponytail, lavender colored eyes, she wears a light blue shirt on, reddish-purple vests, bow tie, wears a reddish-purple tartan skirts, dark purple knee socks and black heels with bows at the front. Her name is Sour Sweet.

The second girl has purple and pink short hair and maroon colored eyes, she wears a reddish-purple blazers, a bow tie, wears reddish-purple tartan skirts, dark purple socks, and black shoes. Her name is Sunny Flare.

The third girl has yellowish green hair with pink headphones on her head, lime green eyes, she wears reddish-purple short sleeve blazers, bow tie, wears a reddish-purple tartan skirts, dark purple knee socks and black shoes. Her name is Lemon Zest.

The fourth girl has white hair tied into two pigtails, plum colored eyes has orange glasses on, she wears a reddish-purple blazers, a bow tie, wears a reddish-purple tartan mini skirts, dark purple leggings on, dark purple socks, and black shoes. Her name is Sugarcoat.

And the last girl has blue hair with goggles on her head, golden yellow eyes, she wears reddish-purple short sleeve blazers, bow tie, wears a reddish-purple tartan skirts, dark purple socks and black sneakers. Her name is Indigo Zap.

The boy with them has blue spiky hair, blue eyes like Leo's, he wears a reddish-purple blazers, a dark-blue tie, wears dark-blue slacks, and black shoes. His name is Flash Sentry.

"Oh no, look who just come in now you guys." Said Oliver as the others look to see the Shadowbolts approaching to them.

"Well well well, what do we all have here?" Said Sour Sweet as she smirks.

"If it isn't the losers from Roosevelt High School." Said Flash Sentry as he smirks." And the lamest gang: the Purple Dragons."

"It's the Purple Vipers now!" Said Slash as he glared at Flash Sentry.

"Oh please, I know that before that Marcus, Thomas, Ophelia, Carrie, and Jack use to be a bad street gang." Said Indigo Zap as she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, we'll have you know that we never wanted to be bad people." Said Jack as he glared at Indigo Zap.

"Yeah right, and as for you Leatherhead, you look like a wanted criminal, I'm surprised that you still have friends when you look like a bully." Said Sunny Flare as she glared at Leatherhead which made him feel bad.

"Hey, don't you dare insult Leatherhead like that!" Said Mikey as he glared at Sunny Flare.

"Oh come on, how can you be friends with this freak?" Asked Lemon Zest as she rolled her eyes." Oh wait I know why, because you are a freak also."

"Hey, if you ever insult my baby brother, I will punch you right in the face." Said Miwa as she glared at Lemon Zest.' Nobody ever insults my baby brother and gets away with it.'

"Oh please, you can't actually punch any of us because we never lose a fight and we know that you are weak." Said Sugarcoat which made Miwa felt awful.

"Oh Sugarcoat, please don't say to sweet Miwa Hamato." Said Sour Sweet as she smiles then frowns." You should say that she is just a weak pathetic girl."

"Hey don't you dare say that to my sister!" Said Leo as he glared.

"Oh please Lameanardo, we don't give order to the likes of you people anyway." Said Flash Sentry as he glared at him.

"What are you Shadowbolts doing here anyways?" Asked Donnie.

"We all came here to get some pre-victory drinks." Said Trenderhoof as he smirk." We heard that we are being enter to the Friendship Games to another school called Starswirl Academy."

"Yeah, and we all cane here to some victory drinks because the games are not that competitive since we have never lost." Said Suri Polomare as she smirks.

"That's not a really nice thing to say." Said April as she glared at her.

"Sorry dearie, but these games aren't about being nice to anyone." Said Upper Crust as she smiles.

"You know you could be a bit nicer you know." Said Casey.

"Oh please Casey Jones, all we know that the last time during the Friendship Games, we beat at hockey." Said Jet Set as he smirks at Casey.

"I'm going to get myself a drink." Said Flash Sentry as he started to buy himself a drink.

"You know, I bet we can beat that new school just like you guys, your other friends from Blue Jewel Academy, and the other schools we beat." Said Royal Pin as he smirks.

That got the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey started to glare at them. Then Twilight got her drink, but as she was about to go back to the table, she suddenly bump into someone and spill her drink on that person and that person is Flash Sentry.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you. . ." Said Twilight as she looks at Flash Sentry." Flash Sentry?"

"Why hello Twilight, I never expected to see you again." Said Flash as he smiles at her." And I always says we got to stop bumping into each other like this."

Twilight wasn't really happy to see Flash Sentry at all. Then as the Mane 6 buy their drinks, the girls saw Flash Sentry, and they were really shock and not happy to see him.

"Hey Twilight do you think we could. . ." Pinkie Pie was about to continue till she saw Flash Sentry." Flash Sentry?!"

"What the. . . Flash Sentry, what are you doing here?" Said Rainbow Dash as she felt upset.

"Ugh, hello Flash Sentry." Said Sunset as she glare at him.

"Well well well, hello there girls, I haven't seen you girls for a while since middle school." Said Flash Sentry as he smirks.

"What are you doing here anyway Flash Sentry?" Said Rarity as she glared at Flash.

"Well, I go to Crystal Prep Academy and my school is competing a school called Starswirl Academy and we will beat that loser school." Said Flash as he smirk.

"Um, we go to Starswirl Academy and we are also competing the Friendship Games also." Said Applejack as she glared at Flash Sentry.

"Oh." Said Flash Sentry.

The the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey started to go to the Mane 7 but Slash has to hold onto Raph because the Shadowbolts were also going to Flash Sentry and they also insulted Raph which made him angry.

"Hey Flash guess what we said to Raphael?" Said Sour Sweet as she smirk evilly.

"Oh you are going to be sorry that you said that!" Said Raph in anger.

"Wow Flash Sentry, you are still a big jerk since middle school." Said Twilight as she glared at Flash Sentry.

"Oh come Twily, I'm happy to see you again, aren't you happy to se me too?" Asked Flash Sentry as he smile at Twilight.

"No I'm not happy, I feel like I want to throw up." Said Twilight as she glared at Flash.

"And quite frankly, we are not happy to see you either Flash Sentry." Said Sunset Shimmer as she frowns.

"Yeah, I can tell from your looks." Said Flash Sentry as he frowns

That got the Shadowbolts, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey to get really shock that it seems that the girls know Flash Sentry and that Flash Sentry knows the Mane 7.

"Wait a minute, Flash Sentry do you know these girls?" Asked Indigo Zap in shock.

"Yes I do know them during middle school, and I know Twilight Sparkle because. . . She is my ex girlfriend." Said Flash Sentry as he explains.

That got the Shadowbolts, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey to get really shock but mostly Leo because Flash Sentry is Twilight's ex boyfriend.

"Wait a minute, you use to date this girl?" Asked Jet Set in shock.

"I use to date this girl back then, but apparently she dump me in front of the whole student body since middle school and broke my heart." Said Flash Sentry.

"You were a big jerk back then and you bully my friends." Said Twilight as she glared at Flash." And I'm just so glad I dumped you."

"Oh come on Twilight, we were a cute couple back then." Said Flash Sentry as he puts his arms around Twilight.

Then Twilight has started to elbowed him at his chest really hard that it cause him to hold on his chest and fell to the ground groaning. That got the Shadowbolts to gasp in shock and so did the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey but the girls snicker a bit.

"Yeah I regret dating you in the first place." Said Twilight as she frowns.

"Yeah, I'm really glad that our best friend isn't dating a big jerk like you anymore because I would like to punch you in the face." Said Sunset Shimmer as she glared at Flash.

"How dare you insult our captain?!" Said Sunny Flare in anger and Flash Sentry got up.

"No Lemon Zest, maybe we should go somewhere else now." Said Flash Sentry as he glared at Lemon Zest.

That got the Shadowbolts to get really shock about what Flash Sentry Said bit they listen to him and they started to leave and then Flash looks at Twilight and smile.

"I'll see you later Twilight." Said Flash Sentry as he smiles.

Then Flash Sentry starts to kiss Twilight at the cheek much to Twilight's disgusts and it causes Leo to get jealous. Then after Flash Sentry left, Twilight wipe of her cheek where Flash kissed and started to feel a bit scared.

"Girls do you actually know Flash Sentry?" Asked April in shock.

"Yeah, we use to know him at middle school and he is also Twilights ex boyfriend." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"Wait Twilight, you use to date that guy?" Asked Miwa in shock.

"I use to, I though be a good guy, but he turn out to be a jerk and a bully." Said Twilight in sadness." And he once did something terrible."

"What do you mean Twilight?" Asked Carrie as she felt curious.

"Well, she doesn't really want to talk about it, let's just say that it was too painful for her to remember." Said Rarity as she put her hands on Twilight's shoulder.

"Oh we see." Said Leo as he looks at Twilight.' Wow, Twilight seems to be really upset but maybe I should push her.'

"I just don't understand how you girls actually know Flash Sentry." Said Miwa in shock.

"The truth is that we know him since middle school and he is a real pain in the butt." Said Rainbow Dash as she rolled her eyes." Ever since when we were at middle school, he's been a bully to everyone and he never cares about who he hurts."

"Why not?" Asked Slash.

"Flash is just to focus on being popular." Said Pinkie Pie as she frowns a bit.

"And just great, now only did we see him again, but we have to compete against him during the Friendship Games." Said Applejack as she doesn't look happy.

"Don't worry girls, we are here for you if you need any help." Said Casey as he smiles.

"Thanks guys." Said Twilight as smiles then picks up her cup." Oh man, there goes my drink."

"I could buy you another drink Twilight." Said Leo as he smiles at Twilight.

"Thank you Leo." Said Twilight as she smiles at Leo.

So the Hamato siblings, the girls, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey all started to go to their table while Leo goes with Twilight to buy her drink. But what the girls didn't know is that they might be the first ever girls that will beat Crystal Prep Academy at the Friendship Games.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

Jack, Oliver, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, and Ophelia all belong to me

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