Chapter 5

Yoongi did have fun that night, but not so much the next morning. He held his head as he groaned and sat down at Namjoon's kitchen table.

"So," Namjoon said, setting a bowl of haejang-guk in front of Yoongi. "Did you get Hana's number?"

Yoongi looked up, startled. "What?"

"She seems awfully fond of you. I just figured maybe she'd give it to you."

Yoongi shook his head. "Even if she had, I wouldn't have accepted. She's a nice girl, but I'm not interested like that."

"Why not?"

"I'm not ready for anything like that right now. Don't you think it's too soon?"

Namjoon shrugged. "You don't have to be in a relationship with every girl you have an interaction with," he said. "Maybe she could just provide another type of distraction."

Yoongi observed Namjoon incredulously. "You think I'm like that?"

"No," Namjoon confirmed. "But maybe you should give it a try."

"Don't be crude."

Namjoon chuckled and simply shrugged.

"I'll probably never see her again anyway," Yoongi said.

"I suppose not. It certainly would be a crazy coincidence if you did. So," Namjoon said, suddenly changing the subject. "What's on the agenda for today?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Figured I'd look at some apartments."

Namjoon nodded. "That's a good idea. But you know you're welcome here for a long as you need."

"I know, but I don't want to be a burden."

Namjoon waved his hand. "Shut up, you know you're not. It might be fun to be roommates again for a while." He smiled and Yoongi returned it.

"Sure, but still. Hey, maybe there's something available here in your building. We could be neighbors."

"That would be awesome. Eat up, and then we can look around."

Surprisingly, there was one apartment in Namjoon's building available in Yoongi's price range. He immediately signed the lease, then set about recruiting some of his friends to help him move his furniture in the next day. Yoongi couldn't believe his luck. Things were finally starting to indeed look up for him.

Namjoon had to go to work that evening, and so Yoongi was left alone to begin moving his boxes into the apartment. They were only one floor apart, however, so he didn't have much of a struggle doing so. Eventually, he began to tire out and decided to head to a nearby coffee shop to grab some caffeine.

He entered the small shop and was happy to see that it wasn't very crowded. He hadn't decided yet if he would be staying or taking his coffee to go, but was pleased he'd be able to get a table if he eventually decided to stay. He quickly got in line and waited his turn to order.

He had finally reached the front of the line, but found the cashier to have her back turned to him. He waited patiently until she was ready to take his order.

"Hi!" a familiar and bright voice greeted him as its owner began to turn around. "Sorry about the wait. What can I get – oh!"

Yoongi blinked in surprise.

"Hi!" Hana said excitedly. "Oh my gosh, how crazy!"

"You work here?"

"Yeah! Just started the other day before I moved into my apartment. Needed a job closer to my place since I don't have a car."

"But your building isn't really near here."

Hana shrugged. "Just one bus ride away. It's preferable to taking multiple ones."

"I..." Yoongi paused. He wasn't sure what to say now. He was still trying to get over the shock of seeing Hana again.

"So, what can I get for you?" she asked politely.

"Oh, um, iced Americano, please."

"Sure thing," she said, grabbing a cup and writing his name on it. "Need a little pick me up after last night?" she smiled cheekily.

Yoongi chuckled. "I certainly did this morning. Namjoon made me some hangover soup, though, so I managed."

"He's a good friend, huh?"


"So, what brings you here this evening, then?"

"Needed the pick me up now. I've spent all day moving into my new apartment."

"You found a new place?! That's awesome! Congrats!"

"Thanks," Yoongi replied, not being able to help the small smile that found its way to his lips.

"So, where is it?" Hana asked as she moved down the counter to begin making Yoongi's drink.

"In Namjoon's building actually."

"Oh fun! Neighbors!"

Yoongi nodded.

"Are you hanging out here for a bit or taking your drink to go?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I hadn't decided yet."

"Well, if you wanna stay, I'm going on break soon."

Yoongi suddenly felt inexplicably nervous. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to stay or not. He'd meant what he'd told Namjoon that morning; he wasn't ready to consider any sort of romantic interactions with anyone for at least awhile. But he didn't feel that way toward Hana. So, it wouldn't hurt to hang out with her as a friend, right?

"Um, sure, I'll stay," he finally said, and Hana smiled.

"Great! I'll be out in a few minutes," she said, handing him his drink.


She began helping the customer behind him as he turned to find a table. He got settled in and began looking at his phone as he waited.

And he was surprised to see a text from Misun.

Misun Did you have to take all of the furniture?

Yoongi's heart began beating faster. He really didn't want to reply, but felt some sort of strange obligation to explain.

Yoongi It was all my stuff.

Misun But really, Yoongi? The bed? Couldn't you have waited until I got one to replace it?

Yoongi suddenly felt a small flare of anger in the pit of his stomach.

Yoongi And why should I have?

Misun Because it's something a decent person would have done.

Yoongi scowled.

Yoongi A decent person would just break up with their partner instead of cheating on them.

He then remembered Hoseok's words from the day before, and felt brave enough to throw them in Misun's face.

Yoongi If you need somewhere to sleep, just go stay at his place.

He quickly put his phone in his pocket, not wishing to see her response for the time being.

"Everything okay?"

Yoongi looked up to see Hana's concerned face. He softened his expression so he wouldn't seem so angry. He sighed.

"I got a text from Misun," he explained as Hana sat down across from him.

"Oh," she replied. "I'm sorry."

Yoongi shrugged. "I guess it was inevitable. I took all the furniture when I left. I'm not shocked that she's unhappy about it."

To his surprise, Hana chuckled. "Seems like she probably deserved it, though, huh?"

Yoongi observed her, knowing if he agreed that he'd seem petty. Finally, he just went with honesty, however.

"Yeah," he said. "She did."

Hana giggled again. "I met her, by the way."

"Oh yeah?"

She nodded. "This afternoon. I saw her coming out of her apartment as I was headed out to come to work. I tried to avoid her, but she stopped me."

Yoongi sighed. "You don't have to avoid her."

"But I wanted to," Hana said with a shrug. "She does seem nice," she admitted. "But I know the truth."

Yoongi shook his head. "You're awfully stubborn, aren't you?"

Hana grinned. "I have been told that before."

In spite of himself, Yoongi returned her smile.

"So, Yoongi, would it seem too forward of me if I asked you to tell me about yourself?"

Yoongi blinked. Forward? He wasn't sure what she meant by that.

"I guess not," he said. "But there's not much to tell. I'm 25, from Daegu. Moved here to Seoul to go to university and just stayed afterward."

"That's it?"

"Well, you know about the most recent aspects of my life, unfortunately. What else do you want to know?"

Hana shrugged. "I, any siblings?"

"An older brother."

"Ah, I have two," Hana replied. "I moved here to be closer to them. We're really close. Does your brother live here?"

Yoongi shook his head. "He lives in Busan with my sister-in-law and niece. We're close, too, just not physically."

"You have a niece? How fun!"

Yoongi couldn't help but nod and smile at the thought of his three year-old niece. "She's awesome," he agreed. "I'm sad I don't get to see her much."

"Do you not travel often?"

Yoongi again shook his head. "Don't really often have the money for it. My brother is coming here next month, though. I talked to him about Misun last night, and he decided he wants to pay me a visit. Probably just to check on me. He worries."

Hana nodded. "Good brothers do."

Yoongi smiled. "So, where are you from?"


"That's where Namjoon is originally from," Yoongi told her. "He moved to Daegu when he was 10, though. That's when we met."

"Small world, huh?" Hana asked with a smile.

"Apparently. So, what else about you, then? How old are you?"

"23," Hanna replied. "What else do you want to know?" she added cheekily, repeating his earlier words back to him.

"Any pets?"

Hana chuckled. "Nope. I'd like a dog, but not sure I can afford it. What about you?"

Yoongi shook his head. "Can't decide if I want the responsibility."

"Fair enough."

They stared at each other, neither one knowing what else to say.

"Uh, well, I guess I better get back to work," Hana said. "My break will be over in a few minutes, and I still need to eat dinner."

Yoongi frowned. "I kept you from dinner?"

"Oh no, don't worry about it," Hana said quickly. "I asked you to stay."

"Still," Yoongi said. "I'm sorry."

Hana shook her head. "You're too nice, Yoongi."

Yoongi smiled shyly. "I have been told that before."

Hana giggled. "Well, if I ever see you again in here, I'll treat you to a cup of coffee."

"Shouldn't I treat you to dinner?" Yoongi blurted before he even realized what he was saying.

Hana blinked. "Um – "

"I-I mean...because you're missing dinner tonight," Yoongi quickly recovered, though he felt his cheeks flush.

Hana waved her hand. "Nah, like I said, don't worry about it."

Yoongi desperately tried to calm the blush that was threatening to deepen, but if she noticed it, Hana didn't acknowledge it.

"Well, I'll see you around, Yoongi," she said as she stood. "Seems we're destined to run into each other often."

"Apparently," Yoongi replied, still feeling flushed.

"Bye!" Hana said cheerily, as she turned and headed back to the counter.

"Bye," Yoongi replied quietly. He then quickly grabbed his coffee and headed out the door. As he walked the couple of blocks back to his new apartment building, he couldn't stop himself from facepalming. He felt like an idiot.

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