I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman
Rowan's POV
I was chilling in the living room, Raph, Donnie and Blue were lying on the floor. A big wooden ramp was next to them, Mikey standing on the top. He wanted to do a trick; jump above his brothers without harming them. He asked me to join too but, I refused, gently.
Mikey can be so predictable sometimes...
"And now the kid goes for the record! He will attempt to jump three mutant turtles!" he said and I made an eyeroll. This trick will fail no matter what. I'm sure about that. "I can't believe he talked this into us." Raph said, making me to frown. "I can't believe you accepted to do it!" I retorted without giving him a single glare.
Mikey started to skate down by the time Splinter walked in. I jumped off from my seat and my hands started to move fast, trying to warn the turtles. When sensei came to our side, every movement stopped and my hands folded on my chest.
"What is going on in here?" sensei asked angrily, making Leo, D and Raph to stand up. "Sensei!" Leo exclaimed. Mikey crashed on his brothers and all four turtles fell down, groaning.
"How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?" Splinter asked angrily his sons. "None, Sensei." Mikey replied and I slapped my forehead. He never told us but... he meant it!
"I shouldn't have to tell you!" Splinter replied. "You're right, Sensei. We definitely should have known better, and we deserve to be punished." Blue said, glaring his brothers. I couldn't keep my mouth shut. "Well, duh Blue!"
He raised an eyebrow.
And I ignored his look, obviously.
I was sure that Splinter would think that I was involved in that, so... I started to walk away, yet silently.
But I wasn't quiet enough.
For Splinter.
"And were are you supposed to go Rowan?" his voice called behind me and I stopped walking. Turning to his side, I said, "To... my bedroom... To-to get ready for... uh... to hang out with April?" I replied asking. Raph and Donnie slapped their foreheads, Leo glared downwards and Mikey was the only one who gave me a thumbs up.
"Since you are not involved, I believe that you can choose a suitable punishment for my sons." he told me. I didn't knew where to start.
"Uh... with all respect sensei... I think that the best punishment for the boys is... uh... to clean up the mess and... be good students from now on." I said in the end.
I gained four green thumbs up this time.
But that didn't pleased sensei at all. "What about being grounded for a week?" he asked, turning his gaze back to the guys. What? Why?
"Oh I'm sure that's not-"
"I'm cool with the thinking."
"Really, that's not necessary."
"Maybe next time."
That didn't pleased Splinter too."You four are grounded for a week!"he said, making his decision. The ramp behind the turtles collapsed behind them.
Oh, for the love of... Make things standing for once D!
"Gah! This bites! I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!" Raph complained. "Oh, come on Raph! You were down here for 15 years and you complaining for one week? Jesus!" I replied and he growled in response.
"This is your fault Red!" he yelled secs later. I ignored him, knowing that I tried. Splinter wanted to give them that kind of punishment, not me!
"Guys, guys! You wanna see what I made?" Donnie exclaimed, walking in the living room, holding something on his left hand. "This is how bored I am. Yes, Donnie. I do." Raph replied, standing up.
But that didn't bothered him much."Ok, ok, ok. Remember the other day I was scrounging in that military junkyard?"he asked.
"Surely not."
And that didn't bothered him much as he kept saying about a thing he found there and designed a new high tech pod. He showed it to us.
It was grey with cyan blue buttoms(play, pause, forward and back) which really looked like a pod. And a very expensive one. "So who wants to try it?" he asked. "Pass" I replied and Mikey was the only one who volunteered to try. "Pass me the T-Pod!" he said happily. I ignored him, turning back to my book.
"Ahhh!" I heard him yelling some secs later and I lifted my head, seeing my fool friend, kneeling down, eyes dropping tears as he kept yelling."What? What's wrong?" Donnie asked, running to his side. "It's polka! Make it stop! Make it stop!" Mikey kept yelling before D pressed a button, changing the song. Mikey's eyes went wide then and moved his head to the rhythm of the music.
And as I guessed it, he started to dance.
"That's it! I gotta get out of here!" Raph said annoyed, and took his skateboard. "Where are you going? We're grounded, remember?" Blue asked him, crossing his arms on his chest."I don't care. I gotta do something or I'm going to go nuts! Let's find a skate spot!"he replied and started to walk away.
"Skate spot? I'm totally in!"Mikey yelled happily and danced. Donnie followed too. Skate huh? "I'm in too!" I announced and stood up. Although I didn't had a board, I could follow them, flying.
"What about Splinter? What's he going to say if he finds out about this?" Blue asked. "I don't know what's going on, because they snuck out while I was asleep!" Raph said in Splinter's like voice. I grinded.
"Real mature. But I'm your leader. And as your leader, I say nobody's going." Blue said and I rolled my eyes. " You think that'll work?" I asked, glaring him into his beautiful eyes... I couldn't stop! "Well, as your followers, we're going anyway." Raph retorted and the others hopped on their skateboards. " You're going too?" Blue asked surprisingly.
I nodded.
And my blush rosed up to my cheeks.
"Well, as your leader, I'm going with you. To lead you away...from bad stuff." Blue announced and took his skateboard. He gestured me to ride the skateboard with me. "Nah... I'm fine with flying..." I replied.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Check that out." Raph said, head titling to a skate rink down us. "Cool" I replied, landing next to him.
Then, my eye caught a black man with afro, short hair. His pink sweater made him looked like a girl and his blue jeans was the only proof that he was a man. His eyes were covered by round, grey glasses.
Hold for a hot pinkie sec...
Is he wearing a battle armor?!
"What the hell?" I asked out loud. "Who's that guy?" Mikey asked after me and I picked up my shoulders. "I don't know. But he needs a beat-down." Raph retorted behind me. " Why? You're in the mood again?" I asked, turning my head to his side. "Hold on, Raph. We don't know that he's going to do anything wrong. He could be on his way to...church." Blue said and I grinded again. "To the church? At that time? Wearing that outfit? Are you serious Blue?" I asked, after I slapped my forehead. "Wearing powered battle armor? What kind of church is that?"Raph added.
"A really awesome one!"Mikey said out of blue and I rolled my eyes. He really needs a doctor... "Look, it's my call. I decide who gets a beat-down" Blue ordered by the time the Afro-guy tried to enter in a building. "What about now?" I asked, giving a side glance at him, my cheeks burned again. You're in love... the voice sang in my head.
I ignored it for one more fucking time.
"That guy needs a beat-down."
With a roll of my eyes, I hopped down to the Afro's side, who was showing us his pink back. "Are you kidding me? Aww, come on! Stupid shutter!" he exclaimed still trying to open the door. I wonder why he decided to be a villain... Probably, he doesn't have anything else to do with his life.
I felt bad for him.
"It's just kind of sad." Donnie said. "Being a villain?" I asked, gaining no response. "Yeah, I don't know if we should pound him or buy him an ice cream cone." Mikey replied. "Buy an ice cream cone? To a villain?! You seriously need a doctor Mikes!" I said angrily at my friend, my hand raising upwards, ready to slap him.
"Halt, villain!" Blue ordered to the Afro-guy. "Huh? Halt, villain? When did we start talking like that?" Raph asked sarcastically. So what? Blue likes doing heroic poses and things. That also fits him... "We're heroes. That's how heroes talk." Blue replied and he winked at me, making my blush grew.
He winked at me! Oh my Goodness!
"You will feel the fury of my powered battle- Holy cow! You guys are turtles!" the Afro-guy exclaimed seeing the turtles. "I'm a human..." I replied raising a hand in the air.
"That's right. We're the turtles of justice!" Blue said, making a heroic pose with his katanas. I giggled. "Enough show we showed him. Let's dance! And by dance... I mean this!" I retorted, usheathing my tanto.
We were about to fight the Afro-guy (How come Mikey didn't thought of that awesome nickname?)... 'till Mikey yells, "Wait!"
We all stopped and glared him.
My silly friend wore his earphones, pushed the play button on the T-Pod, placed it back to his belt and grabbed his nunchuck.
I slapped my forehead. "Remind me to slap him when we turn back home." I said to the others before I forced to fight the Afro-guy.
Some hours later...
When I landed in the lair, the turtles were coming out from the pool. "Alright! We made it home!" Mikey said loudly. I shushed him by covering his mouth with my hands. "It's 2:00 am" Blue whispered behind me and I saved a yawn.
I never thought that I would be so tired!
Anyway, I mumbled a goodnight to the boys and flew to my bedroom. Quickly changing into a pink top with a pair of boxers, I lied on my bed were sleep took me to it's own ways.
Honestly, I didn't cared for the next morning.
Leo's POV
The next morning, we had training session with Splinter. Unfortunately for us, tiredness surrounded us four and we couldn't do Sensei's exercises correctly. And as a matter of fact, he didn't stopped yelling at us...
"Knees higher, Leonardo! Extend, Michelangelo! Raphael, you call that a Kono Tenkai? Because I do not!" he ordered. I couldn't stand still anymore and fall, saving a huge yawn which was about to come out. Oh my God... I'm so tired!
Why did I went with them?
And right on time, Rowan came in, rubbing her eyes. " 'Morning. What did I missed?" she asked, walking to our side. Despite all this tiredness, my cheeks couldn't stop turning red nor my heart dancing in my chest like crazy.
Ugh, who am I kidding?! Rowan's beautiful! Wearing a blue jeans shorts which revealed her slender, naked legs and feet along with a black sports bra, showing her fit belly and her abs too, she looked... gorgeous! Her messy, with that unique deep red color, hair were falling on her beautiful pale white skin, shining like crystal does and her icy blue eyes, like winter icy sky, had a tired glint as she sat between me and Raph.
"Why are you late, Rowan?" Splinter asked, landing me back to earth. "I'm sorry Sensei..." her lips let a yawn to leave, " I went out with April last night and... we got back late... I shouldn't done that..." She gave me a side glance, making my current blush to grow stronger on my cheeks.
"Hmm...is there something you want to tell me?" He asked. "Something we wanna tell you? Nope," Mikey replied. "You all seem tired," Sensei said.
"We're not."
"Wide awake."
"Fresh as daises."
Only two of us didn't said absolutely nothing. Rowan and Mikey yawned loudly enough and fell on the mat. Uh-Oh...
"So you would object to a little Randori?" he asked, a wooden stick was in his hands and hit each of us, hard. We all lied down, groaning from pain. "Well, I hope you all have learned,that truth isn't the only thing that hurts," Sensei said.
We walked out from the Dojo. We were still tired but since we were up, we should continue our day, right? Expect Rowan who ran to the couch, sat, placed her head on the floor and slept.
I sat next to her.
Wow... even if she sleeps, she seemed so cute and pretty! I came even closer to her and moved her head to my legs.
She smiled.
I did it too...
No One's POV
"You betrayed us."
"You only care for yourself."
Rowan was surrounded only by darkness and boys' voices. Familiar voices.
"Betrayed us..."
"You didn't trust us."
Her hands covered both her ears, eyes shut painfully. She didn't wanted to hear them. No.
Her knees faced the floor which she didn't know that it existed. Tears started to fall. Small and fast. "Stop! Stop!" she yelled, her voice harassed
But the voices didn't stopped yelling at her.
"We don't trust you!"
Tears kept falling on her cheeks, stronger every second and her hands pressed even more harder on her ears. "I only did this to save you..." she whispered.
"And look what you've done."
She lifted her head.
The voices stopped in a flash.
Opposite her, a light had turned on. There, there were some bodies covered from head to toe in blood.
Rowan stood up and ran to their side, tears blurring her vision. She knew that bodies. She knows them.
It's her friends
Her family.
"Guys! NO!" she yelled, her voice broken. Then, she busted out crying. "No, no, no! You can't be dead. You can't!" yelled again, hands hit the floor. She touched one of them. A blue mask slipped from it's three fingered hand.
She held it.
"Leo..." her lips pronounced and she pressed the mask on her face, tears washing of the dirt and blood.
The dream could stop here.
But, no.
There was more.
The theme changed and Rowan found herself into a forest. Its only light was the moonlight. The turtles disappeared, so as Leonardo's mask from her hands.
A cry.
A high pitched like a dog's, cry spread in the forest.
Scary too.
What didn't Rowan realized was that whatever creature was behind that cry was coming closer to her.
And closer...
And closer...
Rowan's lips let a scream full in fear to come out...
Rowan's POV
I shuddered from my sleep, cold sweat falling on my body. Blinking, I realized that I was still in the living room. But my heart kept beating fast from fear in my chest.
Easy now, Rowan. You're safe. The guys are safe.
As for the guys... they didn't noticed that I was awake. Fortunately for me.
What a dream.
"I'm not Baxter Stockman. I'm the Baxman!"
We were hiding in Stockman's lair and that moment, he was thinking some lame nicknames. Please... Mikey and me are the best in naming stuff. Although, I get bored of doing this, you can say that I do my job well.
"No, no I am I am the Suitinator! Aw, that's terrible! Captain Punch-you-hard? Why is this so difficult?" he said again and Blue gave us the signal to come out, weapons at hands. "I really think you should keep the Afro-guy" I said, pointing at his hair. "You guys again?" he asked surprisingly.
Blue took a step forward. "All right, Stockman. Nobody wants to hurt you,"he said calmly."We're don't? Did I miss a meeting?" Raph retorted annoyed. "Yeah, the one in which we all decided to tell you to SHUT UP!" I hissed and all he did was glare me angrily. "We just want the T-Pod," Blue added. "Give up my source of power?" Stockman asked, "Why? So you can laugh at me again? Throw me in a dumpster?"
For the record, when we first fought Baxter, Raph decided to throw him in a dumpster and leave him there.
Guess that now, he wants to take revenge.
"Sounds good to me," Raph replied and charged Baxter. Unfortunately for my friend, a robotic arm of Stockman's armor hit Raph hard and send him on a wall. Ouch... that's a shell crack. Next are D, Mikes and a Blue who were too send on the wall
I cracked my neck, the way Raph does sometimes and narrowed my eyes into venomous slits. "Time to show who's the queen of the battle here." I mumbled and turned in my ghost form. Baxter seemed to ignore me since we was now playing with his robotic something. It was on Blue's head who was running, trying to get it off. It also shoot lazer to the other three.
"Hey! Afro!" I yelled at Baxter and he snapped at my side. "My name is not Afro!" he replied angrily. Whatever... I threw an ectoplasm ball and immediately flew away, avoiding a hit of his. "Ooops, ya missed!" I yelled again and he tried to hit me again.
No result.
Oh, this gonna be nice...
Let me say it with my own words;
And we all were covered from head to toe from purple bruises.
And Splinter got us off guard, again
Isn't that a great day?
I was inside my room, changing my clothing. Yeah, not to mention that my old one was ripped, it had also spots from the trash and it stinked like an gone off food. I glanced on my desk, where the later was laying there. My name wrote in red was showed clearly. I hadn't opened it ever since I first recieved it, four days ago. Unfortunately for me, my mind had record the whole letter so now, I still remember what it writes.
But anyway, in what kind of danger are we involved? And why that guy hunted me down for ages? Most of all, why am I so special for him? What special do I own except my ghost powers? Is there something more?
Let me catch you
Why? For what reason?
"Rowan? You in there?" Blue's voice broke the silence in my room. It heard from outside but, who cares? "Uh... Yeah! But I'm still with my panties so you don't want to see it." I replied, a bad flush rosed on my cheeks again. Yeah, I was with a bra and an underwear. "I wasn't going to get in anyway... I just want to inform you that we're leaving in five minutes!" he said and I nodded."Okay, I'll be ready by then!"
Few hours later...
"NOOO!"Baxter yelled while Raph threw him into a dumpster. He closed the door and smirked, turning to our side. "Now it's a tie." he said proudly. "And stay there!' I said at the dumpster, my arms crossed on my chest.
We succcesfully beat up Bxter and Raph wanted to take a small revenge from him from what he did to us. I like it a lot and I sure wanted to see it.
"Yeah, boy!"
We all celebrated our win as we turned back home. We all sat in the living room and tuned on the TV, seeing something. Although I had fun, I couldn't forget or delete the morning dream from my thoughts nor the letter. And that made me feel akward and very sad.
I just need to tell it to somebody.
But none will care for it.
"Rowan? What's going on? You seem... sad." Blue asked from my left and I turned my head. My stomach turned over hard and my heart flatter in my chest as I fell deeply in his shapphire eyes. I smiled.
I have to tell him.
"Well, actualy, I wanted to go for a walk. Wanna join?" I asked, my voice tone was full of hope. I really hopped to answer positively...
And he did it.
"Sure, why not?"
Now, we were up to the roofs. My legs were hanging from the edge, hitting gently the wall under them. Blue was sitting next to me, his own legs crossed. I decided to come to a roof which had the best view in whole city.
I just liked it.
"So... why we're up here?" Blue asked breaking for one more time the silence between us. I glared him. "I just wanted to have a break and... tell you something." I replied, coming closer to his side.
My mother's words were on repeat in my head.
When you're in love my little Rowan, you can't be brave enough to say your feelings at the boy you like. Love changes you. Both in mind and character. It always does that. Even if you're a child or an adult. Remember that my love.
I sighed.
Time to tell him my love for him.
"Ever since we met, I had some weird feelings whenever you were around. And... some months ago, all these made sense. I figured out what they meant." I moved even closer to him. "Leo... I... I love you"
I saw his ocean blue eyes widen and then soften. That moment, I found the chance to kiss him without being afraid of anything. He replied to my pleasure by kissing me deeply. Our tongues touched..
Cause with your million eyes you're watching me
You talk behind my back
You spy on me
So I scream and shout to make you leave
But you're still here, you keep judging me
That kiss last some minutes and after that, my forehead placed on his, eyes looking each other's orbs. Icy blue and Ocean blue.
The perfect mixture.
"I love you too, Rowan." Blue whispered and a smile crossed on his lips. So as mine.
We kissed again.
'Cause with your million eyes you're watching me
It was something that I expected a lot time.
You talk behind my back
You spy on me
So I scream and shout to make you leave
But you're still here, you keep judging me
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