Royalty and Poison
^^ Princess Ysol Romani /W/ Sam ^^
--- Wren's POV ---
I tapped my fingers slowly, leaning my chin on my palm, and simply stared at the man in front of me.
He was quickly getting more and more uncomfortable, trying extremely hard to focus on his paperwork and ignore me, but my patience was my one truly strong suit.
He eventually could take it anymore, and stood, walking out of the office. I laughed softly, and waited some more.
Almost five hours later, he came back, and gave an almost inaudible groan in annoyance when I was still here.
He sat down, and sighed. "The Council Hours have ended. I cannot help you any further. Have a nice day." His words were so wooden and rehearsed it made me wonder how many times he'd said it.
I nodded. "I see. I'll be back tomorrow, then. 08:00? Make an appointment."
He scribbled down a note in Spanish that read 'don't come in until 12:00', and I frowned.
"You truly think that I'm stupid, don't you? Or that I'll just 'go away'?" I laughed at his pale face, and stood, leaning on his desk. "I am not the kind of person that 'goes away'. I'm the kind of person that keeps coming back, harder and harder, until you do what the fuck I said, and all goes peachy. Defy me, and I destroy you." I smiled a kind smile and walked out with a last comment. "See you at 08:00."
He opened the door to his office, to find me already sitting in the chair in front of his desk. He groaned in annoyance under his breath, and sat down. "It seems, Sir, that you're under the impression you need something from me that I'm allowed to give. What is it?" He asked.
"My name is Lord Wren Niklaus Polisavich. I have recently gained the entirety of the property of the Ira Clan, through a Death Match with Lord Ira, witnessed by Lord Paladin Arthur Uruk and Grand Knight Shinzo Masa, among many others. I wish the paperwork that's currently in your desk, and I want it within the next few minutes. Patience is my strong suit, but I'm still a busy man." I said crisply, and crossed my knees, placing my hands on them primly.
He twitched. "I don't know what-"
I opened his desk and placed the papers in front of me before he even could have seen me move, and slowed down again.
I gasped falsely. "Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! Hmm..." I went through it all, and nodded. "Where's the rest?" I asked.
He gritted his teeth, but sighed. "Half of it is in my superiors office. I placed it there last night."
I nodded. "Good. I'll go retrieve that, then."
As I turned to leave, he snapped after me. "Why did you think we'd help you, Monster?"
I stopped. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me." He said, pale with fear but holding his ground.
"Why do you think I'm a monster?" I asked curiously.
"For killing Lord Garth like that! And then humiliating Lord Fallon, and then selling his wives and daughters into a whore-house? You're a monster, and there's no two ways about it." He snapped.
"I didn't attack or even harm Lord Garth at all, I never even touched him, actually. His injury was the fault of Lord Ira. Garth had the Sight, and he had a vision, but lord Ira didn't teach him how to breath when he was having a vision, so he suffocated. He's still alive. And I haven't sold his wives and daughters to anyone. So get off your high horse before I feed you your teeth." I hissed, and ripped his door open, stomping down the hall to his superiors office.
I calmed myself and knocked calmly, listening for heartbeats. There was only one. He was afraid... sweat, pheromones, and much worse filled the air. I opened his door without an invitation, and walked in. "Hullo, mister. I'm looking for the other half of this paperwork?" I asked politely.
He laced his fingers together. "I've no earthly idea what you speak of." He said simply.
I nodded and activated my Sikh Runes, searching the room and finding everything I needed and more in a matter of seconds.
I bowed my head sarcastically. "Pleasure doing business. I hope we never see each other again, mister. Pray I never know your name, hmm?" I walked out, sorting the papers easily, and signed them.
I hummed happily at the knowledge that, again, I'd gotten exactly what I wanted. Takeo walked next to me suddenly. "What are you grinning about?" He laughed.
"I think I'd be less of an asshole if the world stopped giving me what I want. Sure, I work for it... but honestly. Failure is rather rare in my experience, and I think that is a little unhealthy, don't you?" I chuckled.
He smiled. "Extremely. You could fail to beat me in a game of chess, if you like." He countered, holding the door open for me. "I'd be happy to humble you any time."
"Humility isn't my problem, Taki. You know that." I sighed, and sat down on the sidewalk, watching the bustling people pulling carts in the road in front of us.
He nodded and sat next to me. "True. So how is your cousin doing with her ship? Well?"
"Well? The woman is unstoppable." I waved a hand dismissively.
"How do you mean?" He hummed.
"She commands a fleet of 101 luxurious warships with the capacity for Noble and Mercantile Passengers, as well as trade goods, and does so extremely well." I stood, and we started walking towards the Tram to the 4th ring.
"Rice Cakes! Fresh out the Broth, Gents!" An elderly man was selling rice cakes. They smelled wonderful, so I bought some, and tipped him an extra 1,000 Yuan, chuckling as I walked away from his incredulous expression.
I bit into one in synch with Takeo, and grinned. "These are good! Mines got teriyaki inside. Yours?" He hummed.
"Same." I hummed, and continued. "Anyway. As I was saying. Because of Elena's Fleet, Traffic of goods and people between us and the equator has never been better. Add on that our Clan holds the cards for the 10th Industrial Revolution of the Southern Archipelago's, or, 'Revolution X'. Quite appropriate, I'd say." I chuckled.
He nodded. "True. Well, let's go, then."
"Lord Polisavich!" A delicate, authoritative voice sounded behind us, and I turned my head, surprised, to find a girl with pinkish-red hair and small, sharply pointed ears behind me.
I blinked, and knelt quickly, though I was still taller than her diminutive form, even kneeling. "Princess Romani... to what do I owe this honor?" I asked politely.
"How dare you show your face in my capital?!? After what you've done? What your family has done?!?" She yelled, standing in front of me, hands on her hips.
I blinked. "Excuse me? What, pray tell, do you mean?" I asked.
She scoffed. "As if you don't know." I blinked slowly, and she raised an eyebrow. "In all my research of you, it never said you were stupid. So don't play the part in front of me." She snapped.
I cleared my throat. "Your highness... I truly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. My family and I have always been loyal and faithful, especially to the crown, I cannot fathom what I've done to draw your ire, and I definitely don't know what my family has done to anger you." I said, standing so that I towered over her.
I stepped back, and she followed me, not allowing me to move so our eye-lines were synchronized. "Kneel. My neck is beginning to hurt." She huffed, crossing her arms.
I sighed and knelt once more. "Would you tell me what I've done to anger you?" I asked.
"Fine. I will lower myself to explain this to you. You harmed an innocent, and I won't stand for it. Proof or not, my spies tell me you did have a hand in Lord Garth's fate, and he was a dear friend of mine." She snapped.
I sighed again. "Garth was a friend of mine as well. And again, I had no part in his harm, and I have sworn an oath to do my best to heal him. And if I can't... well. You've heard the reports from the hospitals I've built, no? I'm one of the best healers in this Archipelago." I said.
She narrowed her eyes. "My spies tell me you ripped off his sigil, and this sent him into a state of near-death."
"They are either simply wrong or lying to you. He suffocated, because he entered a Vision without the proper training, and was unable to breath during the vision. Ask his grandfather, who was there when it happened. I was not physically present, though they did contact me mentally." I said.
She tsk'ed. "I don't care. Even if you're not lying, your family is still disgraced!"
"Oh? And how? Because Lord Marcus Gala spits his poison into your fathers ear, and tells him my father murdered his son? If my father wanted to kill your uncle, he would have in the Death Match, when he had every right and ability to do so. Instead, he spared him. Why, then, would he murder him at a later date?" I reasoned.
"Spite. Anger. Revenge for being forced to leave his Clan and Order." She crossed her arms again.
"There is no logic to that. My father left willingly. He hated being a Knight. And my father and mother were murdered in cold blood because of that faulty logic." I grinned a vicious smile, and she flinched. Confused, perhaps?
"So, next time? Perhaps you should actually do your research, instead of taking all the information and opinions someone feeds you, before besmirching someone else's family name about an event that happened ten years before you were a faint idea in your parents minds. It's insufferably rude. Now, if you'll excuse me? Good Day." I snapped, and stood, spinning on my heel and walking away.
She followed, nearly jogging to keep up with my longer strides, and finally barked out in an impressive voice from so small a girl. "YOU WILL HALT, LORD POLISAVICH!"
I halted, then turned to face her. "Yes?" I asked.
She drew herself to a grand total of perhaps 3 feet tall. "How dare you speak to me in such a rude tone! I am your princess- hey!"
I'd turned and begun walking away again. She jumped and grabbed my wrist, trying to halt me, but only succeeded in being carried along, as I didn't even register her featherlike weight.
I raised my hand to take a bite of my rice-cake, and blinked in shock at the angry princess hanging from my wrist. I hurriedly set her down, and apologized. "I'm so sorry, Princess, I didn't even notice, you're like a feather! Forgive me, but I do have business to attend to." I bowed my head, and spread my wings, picking up Takeo.
She gasped and stepped back, allowing me space to drop my wings, launching the both of us into the air.
I landed on the Strider, and smiled at Elena. "Let's get out of here, hmm? We have a few Islands to Haul, Cousin." I said.
She raised an eyebrow. "Who's the midget?"
I raised an identical eyebrow, and looked around, until she walked up and reached past my head, removing the girl from where she'd been holding my hair like reins.
I blinked. "Princess... how did you get... why? Oh dear... your guard will blame me for this, no doubt. DAMMIT!" I growled.
She blushed. "I didn't mean to, honestly... but once we were in the air... and who are you talking to like that?!?" She put her fists on her hips again.
I growled in her general direction. "They're going to charge me with kidnapping the princess! That's Treason! DAMMIT!" I leaned against the mast. "You've caused me nothing but trouble, and you're still acting like a spoiled brat!" I groaned.
She crossed her arms. "You didn't kidnap me, I grabbed you."
"Oh now you pay attention to logic." I spat.
She narrowed her eyes. "I don't like your tone."
"Go tell someone who cares, midget." I shooed her.
"You insufferably rude man! Show some respect-!"
"Earn it first." I leaned back, hoping she'd go away.
Elena sighed. "Are we sailing or waiting for the guards?"
"Take me to his residence." The princess commanded.
"You're not welcome. And my home is in the Maritime Area. You really don't want to be near me when I'm suddenly allowed to murder you." I raised an eyebrow.
She shrugged. "I can handle myself. And besides, I want to see Garth."
I sighed. "Alright, Elena... let's go."
She nodded to the First Mate, and he guided the ship down into the water perfectly, opening up the throttle as the wind started pushing the sails.
The princess shrieked in fear when the ground under her feet shifted, but Sene caught her, and set her down on the pile of ropes I kept on the deck for sentimental purposes, even though the ship used tensile fiber ropes.
I glared at her when she started complaining. "Oh I'm sorry, what was that? Someone should've stayed on their cushy island and left me alone? Too bad. You made the decision, now shut your trap and be quiet, or I'll silence you." I snapped, and started cleaning my wings, digging out a particularly stubborn rock that had gotten embedded between two feathers.
She blinked and waved a hand, her palm glowing. The rock ripped itself out, taking several feathers and a chuck of bone with it. I growled and snatched up the feathers and bone, letting them be absorbed into my sword.
She smiled. "Sorry about that. So how did you come by both wings and Roanokian Markings? Those can't be transferred, right?"
I narrowed my eyes. "You're not my friend. Or ally. You're an annoyance, and you're a rude little Brat who needs to go home. We will not 'chat'. Stop speaking."
She shrugged. "You're taking me to see Garth, so you're not evil. You're just angry, and snapping at me. You're not actually going to hurt me. You can stop with the threats and rude comments."
I huffed. "Stop speaking. Your voice offends my ears." I muttered.
Elena smiled. "I think you've met your match, cousin!"
"Shaddup." I growled.
We came into the Island's Territory almost half an hour later, which had felt like an eternity.
Within five minutes of leaving, the princess had decided I wasn't a viable threat, so she got to work braiding my hair, leaving me powerless to stop her. She did a good job, so it wasn't horrible, but I enjoyed the look of shock on her face when I simply hacked the hair off, burning it all in my hand.
She huffed. "You're mean!" She pouted.
"Oh now she gets it." I chuckled.
"Grow your hair back, Wren. She's a little girl, not your enemy, so be kinder." Elena commanded, gazing down at me with steel in her eyes.
I grumbled but complied, and when Takeo laughed, I grew his out too, and she forced him to sit next to me as she finished mine and started on his.
"And we're here! Hail the Harbormaster, First Mate." Elena laughed.
The princess jerked on his hair, using it successfully like reins to push him towards the Rail, so she could see from her spot on his shoulders.
I chuckled. "Why do my enemies have to be adorable?" I sighed, and stood. "Step back from the Rail, Princess, we're docking soon."
A giant woman with blue-white hair appeared from thin air, her black robes fluttering in an invisible wind, and snatched the princess, clutching her protectively as she drew a blade and pointed it at me.
The princess immediately growled at her. "Grrrrrrr! Sam! I was about to see the Monolith!!! Put your sword away!" She commanded, and clambered onto the woman's shoulders, turning to see the Monolith.
I raised an eyebrow. "An interesting ability... a Sigil, perhaps?" She nodded warily, and I laughed. "No need to be so tense. I may not like your ward, but Maritime zone or not, I'd never harm a child. She stowed away and commanded I take her to see Garth, so here we are." I shrugged easily.
Then I actually looked at her, and gasped. She was truly beautiful, in the day that James was. I tsk'ed at my bad luck, meeting another of the people I was attracted to in a situation like this.
'Wait... what's with this? What do they have in common? Why only these two?' I hummed, and then noticed, laughing loudly. "Blue hair! That's the common ground! HAHAHAHA!!" I wiped my tears of mirth away, and sighed. "Wow... interesting."
The guard looked at me oddly, sword still drawn. "Are you alright?" She asked.
"Mm? Ah. Yes. My apologies, I realized something hilarious. Please, ignore me. Aha! Doctor R'sad. How goes Lord Garth's recovery?" I asked the doctor who was boarding, his hands laced behind his back.
He hummed and fixed his spectacles. "Swimmingly... the method you recommended was rather successful... but he is still rather weak, and unable to walk or do any physical activity without assistance. Speaking is seemingly the limit for now. He's conscious, as well, if you wish to see him. But that's not why I'm here." He said simply.
"What is wrong?" I asked.
"A patient needs your attention. Our efforts have been... unsuccessful. One rather arrogant Healer attempted to copy your method, but only managed to kill himself..." He nodded.
I hummed. "I see... let's go, then. Elena, Lead the princess to Garth's chambers?" I asked.
She nodded, and touched the guard's shoulder, leading her and her princess charge away with a softly spoken word.
We walked quickly to the hospital, and I found myself besieged by the stench of burnt human flesh.
I created a barrier around my body, to fend off any infection, and followed the doctor in as he tied on a mask.
He opened a door, and nodded. "Patient Zero, Milord."
I hummed. "I'll do my best... who all is infected?" I asked, stepping in.
"Everyone in this building except you, me, and a few other doctors." He sighed.
I nodded and gripped the boy's wrist, reaching into him to find what was wrong. I quickly found a terrifying virus, ripping at his Mana Reservoir, chewing on it. "This... this isn't a normal Virus. This is an evolved strand, targeting magical energy!" I growled, and made a written report of the Virus's DNA, as well as collecting a simple ampule of the purely condensed Virus.
Then I stepped out, and sealed it all in a lead box, and walked outside, making sure to check myself for any infection. I looked at the doctor once we stood outside. "The doctors who aren't infected... you all have no magic, yes? You're purely human?" I asked.
He nodded. "Correct... I wasn't aware it could benefit me..." he hummed.
"Indeed. I want you to keep this contained. Take them all into the Pit, and study them. Thoroughly. There's nothing we can do to help them, so at least we can make sure their deaths weren't in vain." I said.
"They're not dying, milord." He said, blinking slowly.
"Come again?" I asked, an idea forming.
"One patient, after having all of his magic eaten, stood up and walked around, helping the doctors treat the others as best as possible. He is fine. All his vitals are normal. They're not dying, they're just losing their Magic reservoirs." He repeated.
I laughed, the plan becoming so much more diabolical. "I see... good. I don't want them to die, obviously... still, take them into the Pit. Study them. Study this Virus. Can it be cured before the infected loses their magical Reservoir? What are the after effects? Do Runes disappear? I want to know. Find out." I ordered him.
He nodded. "As you wish, Milord. Right away." He rushed back inside, and I laughed heartily, walking towards Garth's chambers.
I was still laughing softly when I stepped inside. Princess Romani looked at me. "You're in a good mood for someone who was just going to a Hospital."
I thought quickly. "Ahh? That? No, a Prank. No one is dying. Apparently, they started construction of the last hospital, so every single island had one, and they wanted to celebrate. Sentimental and all. I'll join them later, perhaps." I shrugged.
She smiled. "A party? I love parties!"
"That one is for adults, little one." Her guard said simply.
I hummed and looked at Garth. "Feeling any better? I wasn't sure my treatment would even work, My Friend."
"My father... is he alive?" He asked, staring at me intensely.
"Yes. I had to imprison him, to keep my promise to him, and his legs will never be quite the same... but he's alive." I nodded.
He relaxed. "That's good... yeah... thank you. You're a good friend. I looked down on you, you know. For a good long while. I thought 'What Harm Could He Do?', and look where it got me... I should've died. But I didn't. I think... that I know why." He fought to sit up, and I helped him.
"Why's that, then?" I asked.
"I want to serve on the Council as your Representative." He said seriously, staring into my eyes.
I smiled. "I thought you'd never ask. There's no one I'd rather have as my Councilman." I nodded. "But I'll need a favor from you... I need you to train someone for me, as your apprentice, and when you retire, your replacement. He's got a good head on his shoulders, and he's as smart as anyone I've ever known. Will you?" I asked.
He grinned and leaned against the headboard, resting for now. "Absolutely. And perhaps... after enough years have gone by... I can live with my father again?"
"Of course, my friend. You will live with him again, and the rest of your family will reside with you, all of you. I guarantee it." I smiled.
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