"Big Brother is a Prince!" Pt. 1


I won't let them ruin this life.
Even if it means I have to give mine up.

<End of Recap>

Max's POV

A little girl with blond hair and blue eyes carefully walked into Music Room 3 where she was greated by the Host Club. "Welcome~", they all said. Tamaki was dressed as a prince while everyone else was dressed in one of three different police uniforms.

"Oh, my. What an unusually young guest", Tamaki said. He smiled and held his hand out to the girl as he smiled. I walked up to the girl and stood beside Tamaki and looked down at her. "Well, glad you're here, my little lost kitty cat." The little girl looked up at Tamaki and I with wide eyes. "Little kitty cat, why have you come to see us today?" A light blush tinted her cheeks as she looked up at Tamaki and I. Then she pointed at Tamaki.

"It's a reverse harem!", she said. The hosts all looked at the little girl with wide eyes. Personally, I looked blank faced at the kid, trying to compute what the kid just said. "This is a reverse harem!" Tamaki chuckled to himself a little as he hit his head a little.

"That can't be right. I must've heard wrong. Maybe there's still some water in my ears from when I went swimming", he said. Hikaru checked his ears as well while he laughed.

"Water in the ear. That's gotta be it", he said as Kaoru did the same.

"I'm sure we just heard her wrong. There's no way this cute little girl said the words 'reverse harem'", he said. "Something's going on with our ears."

"There's debauchery here", the little girl said. The hosts all looked at the little girl in shock again. She smiled happily and jumped up and down in celebration. "YAY!! THERE'S DEBAUCHERY HERE, ISN'T THERE!?" She pointed to Kyoya. "You're the glasses character." She pointed to Honey and Mori. "You're the boy-lolita and the stoic type." She pointed to the Twins next. "Twincest." She pointed to Haruhi. "And the book worm." She then pointed at me. "The scary one but nice one." Then she looked at Tamaki and he froze. The girl's eyes widened and tears formed in her eyes. "Big brother...?" She jumped into his arms. "My brother's blond, you must be him!!"

"You never told us about this!!", Hikaru said.

"Since when do you have a little sister?!", Kaoru asked.

"I don't! I'm definitely an only child! At least, as far as I know", Tamaki said. I smacked Tamaki in the head.

"You don't even know if she's your sister or not?!" I scold.

"The more I look at you, the two of you do look a lot alike", Honey commented as Tamaki tried to pry the girl from his neck unsuccessfully. "You are both blond, after all."

"I want to know if 'glasses character' is superior to 'big brother'", Kyoya said.

"The kid called me scary. Scary of all things, I prefer the term intimidating." I say looking at her. She does look like Tamaki though....

"But does it really matter?", Haruhi asked. "I can't believe she called me a book worm." Tamaki looked down at the girl he had failed to pry away.

"Excuse me. You want to tell me your name, little one?", he asked.

"Kirimi", she said. He finally sat her down and knelt down to close to her eye level.

"Kirimi-chan, I'm afraid you've made a mistake. I'm really sorry, but I don't have a younger sister", Tamaki said. She looked up at him with teary eyes.

"Are you sure? You're blond just like me", she said. It was obvious in her voice she was about to cry.

"Great job. You made her cry." I hit Tamaki again in the head, and then kicked his shin.

After rubbing his head, he looked down at her as his eyes teared up as well. "Well, that is true", he said before he picked her up and spun around with her. "I give in! As of this moment, I am your new big brother!! You're so cute!" The two of them laughed as they spun.

"I know you get carried away by emotion, but don't you think it's irresponsible to make such empty promises?", Haruhi asked.

"That's even worse than making the kid cry!" I say, obviously annoyed.

"Don't you listen to that mean Haruhi and evil Max! I'm not irresponsible! Come home with me and I'll look after you!", he said as he flung Kirimi around. Haruhi turned to Kyoya.

"That's kidnapping......" I mumble looking at the two.

"What do you think we should do, Kyoya-senpai?", she asked.

"We should probably try to figure out if she actually has a brother at this school", he said. Tamaki and Kirimi stopped spinning and huddled together as the room darkened.

"Kirimi... Kirimi...", a creepy voice called as the lights came back on. Everyone looked at the dark door that had suddenly appeared. A good looking guy with blond hair and blue eyes that resembled Kirimi peeked out. He looked kind of princely. I recognized him immediately. Isn't that Nekozawa....?

"Hey, uh... who the hell are you?", the Twins asked.

"He looks like a foreigner!", Honey exclaimed.

"What's up with that? How come the door looks different all of a sudden?", Haruhi asked. The guy came further out of the door and was wearing an Ouran uniform.

"Oh, Kirimi", he said as he smiled at her. However, Kirimi just looked at him. She almost looked scared.

"Master", a man called.

"You forgot your cloak", a woman said as they threw the cloak on him to reveal that the person was Nekozawa. He sighed in relief.

"Nekozawa-senpai?!", Haruhi, Tamaki, and the Twins exclaimed.

"Master Umehito is terribly vulnerable to any kind of bright light", the woman who appeared to be a maid said sadly. "For that reason, if he doesn't shroud himself in black, he will fall victim to the brightness of the outside world and will undoubtedly collapse! And, just to be comfortable, he has to cover his beautiful blond hair with a dark wig!" She did many dramatic hand gestures just like Tamaki would've. I facepalmed and just let out a sigh of annoyance.

"On the other hand, his sister Mistress Kirimi is frightened of dark, dimly lit places", the bald man with a scar on the side of his face said. He must've been a servant too.

"So this little girl is Nekozawa-senpai's younger sister?", Haruhi asked. The man turned away and held a tissue to one of his eyes.

"You are quite insightful", he said. "Yes, that would be correct, sir." Tamaki sat Kirimi down and Nekozawa approached her with Belzenef.

"Kirimi. So this is where you've been hiding", he said and laughed creepily. Kirimi's eyes filled with tears and she jumped into Tamaki's arms again while crying.

"Brother, save me from the monster!!", she said.

"Please, don't be scared. I'd like to introduce you to someone. This is Belzenef. The Nekozawa family has worshipped cats for generations", Nekozawa said as he slowly inched closer.

"You know, I get the feeling she's not scared of the puppet. Call me crazy, but I think it's you", Haruhi said. Nekozawa stopped and gasped.

"Haruhi! That's rude!" I say and smack her lightly on the head.

"It's probably your clothes. We'll help you change, 'kay?", the Twins said and tried to pull Nekozawa's cloak off.

"Don't do that! It's far too bright! I may die!", he said.

"I know!", Honey said as he pulled the curtains in the room closed. "Why don't we just darken the room!" Honey froze when Kirimi started to cry.

"Don't do that! I'm afraid of the dark!", she cried.

"Don't cry, little one!", Tamaki said as he tried to comfort her.

"Either way, someone's unhappy", Kyoya pointed out.

"Dealing with all of you all the time, I'm always unhappy.....but no one cares." I mumble looking at the ground before looking back at Tamaki and the little girl.

"It's a tragedy that these two siblings are such polar opposites", the maid said. "As a result, they've come to be known as the Nekozawa family's Romeo and Juliet."

"But Romeo and Juliet weren't brother and sister", Haruhi said. "I think they're situation was a little more different."

"Oh, I'm well aware of that. To be honest, it's something I just came up with on the fly. Pretty impressive, huh?", the maid asked. "I thought it might make the story more dramatic."

"Oh. I see", Haruhi said.

"We were sent by the master's family to get our beloved Mistress Kirimi back home safely", the bald guy said as he bowed.

"Is the rest of the family--", Hikaru started.

"--this out of touch as the three of you are?", Kaoru asked. The maid glared at them.

"How dare you say such a terrible thing!! The Nekozawas are a distinguished family! And are descendants of the the (something I couldn't quite catch)!", she said.

"(Something), huh?", Kyoya asked.

"Wait. You mean (something else), right?", Tamaki asked.

"I'm so confused." I mumble.
(A/N: I'm lazy.)
"There's a legend that once every few hundred years a Nekozawa child is born. A child who is destined to be possessed by the darkness exactly like our master Umehito", she explained. "That legend may or may not be true."

"What do you mean it may or may not be true?", Honey asked.

"Is it or isn't it?", the Twins asked.

"Mistress Kirimi fell in love with the handsome fairytale prince of an older brother she had seen in portraits", the maid continued. "However, as a result of his condition, the master is unable to go near his sister without being shrouded with black. Once she learned that her older brother was enrolled in a high school here, she decided to go looking for him. That's what brought her to your Host Club. We've tried to keep her comforted by reading her bedtime stories about princely characters like her brother, but we ran out of stories. So, recently, we decided to start reading her shojo manga that had princely characters in them! And I'm afraid she's become completely addicted!"

"Shojo manga?", Haruhi asked.

"I see. So that's where that came from", the Twins said as they remembered the earlier words Kirimi had spoken.

"Is there really debauchery in shojo manga? But, Soshimi-chan is so young", Haruhi said.

"Not Soshimi!", Kaoru said.

"It's Kirimi", Nekozawa said.

"So, Kirimi-chan doesn't know that you're her real older brother Nekozawa-senpai?", Haruhi asked. At this reminder, Nekosawa sulked and cried on the floor.

I feel bad for Nekozawa.....

"Yes. We've talked to her, but she refuses to believe us", the maid said.

"That's so sad. No wonder Neko-chan is so upset", Honey said.

"It's painful", Nekozawa said. "That's why, every night, I offer prayers in hope that one day Kirimi would embrace the darkness."

"I think you've got it backwards, buddy", the Twins said.

"You should try to get accustomed to the light", Hikaru said.

"What are you trying to do to your sister?", Kaoru said.

"Come along, Mistress Kirimi", the bald guy said.

"It's time to go home", the maid said. Kirimi began crying again.

"I'M NOT GOING WITH YOU!! I DON'T WANNA GO HOME!! I WANNA STAY WITH MY BIG BROTHER!!", she cried. It was obvious that Nekozawa was hurt by that statement.

"Kirimi, he isn't your big brother...." I say quietly to her but she refuses to listen.

"Nekozawa-senpai", Tamaki called.

"Don't worry about me, Suoh", he said. "All I want is for my sister to be happy. Make sure...she gets the love she deserves!" He ran out of the room crying.

"But, wait a minute! Senpai!", Tamaki called.

"Sibling relations are a source of problems in any family", Kyoya said.

"Even so, I'm kind of jealous", Haruhi said, drawing the attention to her. "I grew up an only child, so I can't really relate. But I can't imagine how tough it must be to have a sibling so different from you that you can't even spend time together." Tamaki knelt down and put Kirimi back on her feet.

"Is something wrong? Tell me, big brother", she said. Tamaki smiled down at her.

"I'm sorry, Kirimi-chan, but I'm not the big brother that you've been looking for", he said. "Don't worry. He's still out there. Believe it or not, you have a big brother that's even more handsome than I am and I promise you he's a real prince."

"But, Senpai...", Haruhi said.

"Once she stepped foot in this room, Kirimi-chan became a guest of the Host Club", Tamaki said as white rose petals flew around him. "And it's our job to make all our guests happy. It's an absolute tragedy to see a brother and sister at odds this way. We have to do something to help them." He flung his hand down. "Starting now, operation 'Change Nekozawa-senpai into the Princely Character of Kirimi-chan's Dreams' is underway!"

"Are you serious?", the Twins asked.

"Are you stupid?" I asked.

"But, sir...", the bald man said in shock.

"You want to change Umehito from a prince of darkness to a prince of light?", the maid asked. "I don't know if that's even possible."

"Senpai! Quit getting carried away by your emotions! Don't make promises you can't keep!", Haruhi said. Tamaki smirked a little.

"Oh, ye of little faith. Have you forgotten that we have an expert on our side? Someone who knows the importance of changing characters", he said. The Twins gasp and look at each other with sweat drops.

"You don't think--", Hikaru started.

"--that he's talking about--", Kaoru started to finish, but was interrupted by a laugh and a powerful motor starting up. Tamaki smirked proudly as Renge rose up on a spinning rising platform. I hid behind Mori, hoping she wouldn't see me.

"Yep, sure enough", the Twins said.

What has Tamaki gotten us into this time?
Can't we just have 1 normal day??

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