Chapter Eighteen

Lou hummed as he washed his hands in the nearby sink. He heard the ding of the bell indicating that a customer had entered the cafe.

A smile immediately graced his face when he noticed the familiar face.

He giggled as the Alpha who had walked into the shop made a happy face playfully waving at the Omega. Louis rolled his eyes, skipping towards the counter when the man made his way to the order-bench.

"Hey Lou. Long time no see aye."

The Omega smiled, "Mikey! I thought you were at Singapore still?"

The Alpha chuckled as he leant against the bench, "Came back just the other day. Business trip finished early."

Louis nodded as the man, Michael Clifford, one of his long time best friends spoke.

"How was it? Cold? Hot?"

The Alpha laughed, "really pleasant actually. Oh my god we have to go together sometime! You would love the spa I went to."

The Omega giggled at his excited friend, it was in that second that another employee walked out of the staff area. Louis bit his lip before asking, "do you want to sit and have coffee? I'm due a thirty minute break anyway."

Michael smiled, before nodding, quickly placing his order with Louis. The Omega wasted no time in making himself and his friend their drinks and moving to sit on the couch in the corner next to the Alpha.

Michael sighed as he placed his arm around Louis' shoulder platonically, "So Lou babe. Tell me I hear you got yourself some boyfriends." 

Louis can't help but giggle as the Alpha wiggles his eyebrows up and down suggestively. He hits the man in the arm as he laughs, sipping on his frappe.

"I don't know how I got so lucky really.... like it's sort of.... I don't know like sort of greedy. Four handsome Alpha's all to myself."

Michael shakes his head, "love is strange... aye perhaps you are just a four Alpha kinda man."

Louis giggles adorably, just that second the doorbell dings again and four Alpha's welcome themselves into the shop. Four very familiar Alpha's.

"Oh... hello hotties." Michael wiggles his eyebrows once more, Louis giggles again slapping him as he playfully whines, "Mikkkkey!"

Meanwhile, Niall and Liam enter first, Harry and Zayn following immediately their eyes snap towards the scent of their Omega, who happens to be sitting very close and personal to an Alpha who is a) not them, and b) is completely unknown.

The Alpha's squint their eyes as they stare in Louis' direction before locking eyes with each other.

"Who is he?" Zayn whispers towards nobody particular.

"Never seem him." Harry whispers, eyes clouding with jealousy. Within a second he is marching towards the boy and his seemingly close 'friend'.

"Louis." Harry announces, the small boy looks up, with a bright smile.

"Hazzy! Hi. Zayn, Li, Ni why are you guys here." Louis giggled unaware of the fuming Alpha's in front of him.

"Well we were coming to check on you, obviously we made the right decision. What is this? You getting lovey dovey with another Alpha. Four isn't enough for you?" Liam steps forward, as he glares at the Omega.

Louis gasps, eyes dropping and face filling with distraught as he sits its straighter, Mikey immediately removes his arms from Louis' shoulder.

"What? Alpha's no... no... this is just Mikey, Michael - one of my besties.... he used to work here."

Liam rolls his eyes, "sure Lou sure..."

Michael finally frowns, standing up as he steps in front of Louis protectively, "whoa dude you need to take a step back. Louis has told me so many good things about you and now all I can think is that he is dating four dickheads, Lou and I are friends. Nothing more."

Michael pauses before turning directly to Liam, "I don't care how much money you have - or how famous you are. But what you just said to Louis was downright disrespectful. How dare you treat an Omega like that, you call yourself an Alpha."

Louis whimpers as he too stands, and tugs on Michaels hand, "Mikey just stop it's fine..."

"No it's not Lou, you're just going to let him talk to you like that?"

Louis whimpers as he stares down at the floor, Michael sighs as he rolls his eyes, "Lou..."

The Omega bites his lip, "please just leave Mikey... I will call you tonight, we can catch up. I'll fix things here."

The Alpha, although reluctant nods and collects his belongings leaving the store, he males sure to shove Liam on his way out. 

Within a second Louis is flopping back onto the couch and staring at his Alphas who immediately look guilty. 

Liam rubs the back of his neck as he chuckles awkwardly, "ummm he really is just a friend yeah?"

Louis rolls his eyes as he pulls his knees to his chest, "yes Liam. He is just a friend, an old friend who I'm really close with and it's so embarrassing you acting like that.... and it's mean."

Niall sighs as he sits next to the tiny Omega, "we are sorry buttercup. We are just so protective of you."

Louis sighs, as he lays his head against Niall's shoulder, "Ni, the thing is that you don't 100% trust me."

Zayn frowns as he sits on the opposite couch, "of course we trust you babes."

Louis shakes his head as he stares at the raven haired man, "no you obviously don't trust me. Because if you did trust me, you wouldn't assume I was whoring myself out."

Louis stands up finally upset, "Lou... we didn't mean it like tha-"

The Omega growled softly speaking up, "no you did Liam. My break is over. Bye."

Within a second the tiny Omega is stomping back into the staff room leaving four guilty Alphas behind. 


ahhhhhhh haha how is everyone

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