The young pillar rested and dozed off. She dreamed of the past and her brothers. She dreamed of the battle between. The events played out just as they did before, this time, she heard her brothers speak. She had just been impaled by Dio as she took the attack to protect Jonathan. She was thrown off his hand. Dio got even more angry at Jonathan, 'It is your fault! I struck her because of you!'
(Y/n)'s eyes shot open after that, she felt something watching her. Something different to what was usually watching her. She felt sick and weak. She needed to eat something. She had gone too long without food. The child looked to her adopted father and nephew. Both seemed to be on high alert. They seemed to be listening for something. Was another one of Dio's minions on board the plane? The plane was filled with the scents of different humans, it was hard to pinpoint just one.
"Jotaro.," the girl whispered, "Is there an enemy on board?" Joseph and Jotaro both looked to the child and then to each other. "So it is a stand, she can't hear or see it.," Joseph spoke. The girl knew it had to be an enemy with how their expressions were. She felt some sort of energy flying around the plane and pointed towards it, "There. I sense something there."
"So that beetle is a stand.," Avdol said, "(y/n) can't see or hear it, but she can sense its energy. Dio sent someone to kill us before we could even get to Egypt." The group watched the bug before it disappeared from their view. (Y/n) felt through her horn an energy getting closer, "It's coming closer. Jotaro, beside you." The dark haired Japanese teen looked beside him. "It is huge, too big to be a regular rhinoceros beetle.," Avdol said. The pillar child looked at the passengers. Everyone seemed to be asleep. Their breathing and heartbeats were regular and slow. She needed to find a way to find the stand user before he killed them. Avdol knew his stand, the Tower of Grey. It was a stand used by a mass murderer. Someone who would kill many and make it look like it was a vehicle accident. "So he is working with my brother now.," (y/n) spoke, "Much like my brother to search for the most vile to be his followers."
The girl quietly moved between the seats and avoided the stand by feeling where its energy was. She ducked out of the way when she felt it near her. The girl heard the group talking to the stand. She was looking for the stand's master. The child felt something zoom past her head and a row of sleeping humans in front of her head their heads torn through, killing them. A mass of tongues from the killed humans floated in the air. It was like Avdol said before, this sick bastard liked to tear out tongues. The plum haired pillar child stuck her head up from between the seats to show the group she was okay.
Joseph motioned for her to stay down and out of the way. The girl ducked down again and searched for the stand's user. She could sense Kakyoin's stand slithering about the plane. She wondered what he was going to do with it. She continued to crawl towards the front of the plane. Her nose was hit with the smell of blood. She got up and went towards the cockpit. A pair of stewardesses stopped her, "I'm sorry sweetie, but you can't go up there. The pilots need to do their work. You're not allowed up here."
(Y/n)'s red eyes stared up at the two women, "I smelled blood and came to investigate. But now I can smell that the pilots are dead." The two stewardesses tried to stop her but were surprised that their hands seemed to move right through the little girl as she kept walking forward. The child uncovered her horns and opened the door. The stench hit her first, followed by the sight. The three men in the cockpit were dead. Holes through their torsos and their tongues ripped out. "Just as I thought. He killed the pilots during the flight."
The stewardesses gasped when they saw the girl standing in the room with the bodies. The child looked back at them, "There is a man among the passengers named Joseph Joestar. I need him to come to the cockpit, he'll make an emergency landing. Prepare the rest of the passengers for the event." The stewardesses did not move. (Y/n) looked back with a harsher look and heavied her aura to intimidate them. The women went to look for Joseph as the girl placed the bodies somewhere out if the way so her adopted father could pilot the plane.
Joseph came up to the cockpit and looked down at the girl who was waiting there, "Fly the plane for an emergency landing, Jojo." The old man looked at her then back to Kakyoin who questioned him about his ability to fly planes. "He has crashed two planes.," the little girl, "you can at least do a water landing, right?" Joseph sighed and got onto the pilot's chair as the others came to the cockpit. The older man looked at the controls, "I've only had experience with prop planes." "You figured out how to fly a German bomber into an active volcano as an attempt to kill my father. This should be nothing.," (y/n) said to the older man.
The disgusting laughter behind them made them turn to see the old man from the back of the plane. His tongue and head were split open. His cackling made the girl feel angered and sick all at once. "You will never reach Egypt! My stand, the tower, represents the end of a journey! Even if you survive this crash, you are still ten thousand kilometers from Egypt!," the old man cackled, "Dio is the master of all! A god! His stand cannot be defeated!"
The old man's head was met with a tiny fist, red eyes glared as he began to be drank dry. "There has only been one man who has even been close to reaching godhood, and that is my father, Kars!," (y/n) growled as she gripped his brain and crushed it in her hand, "If you think Dio is even close to where my father was, you are wrong!" With a final screech, the old man died. He was drained of his blood. He was but a husk. The plum haired child pulled her hand from the corpse and kicked it.
"Disgusting human.," the girl scoffed, "No respect for life." She looked back at the males who looked horrified at what they saw, all except Jotaro and Joseph. Joseph already knew the type of power the child had. Her red eyes had a inhuman spark in them. Joseph sighed and turned back to flying the plane, the stewardesses came to tell them that everyone had been prepared for the emergency landing.
Joseph was able to safely land the plane and a rescue was called. (Y/n) sat comfortably on Jotaro's shoulder. She looked up to the helicopters that came to rescue the passengers. One of the helicopters was a new copter. "Media has no respect.," the little girl hissed. She remembered how hard it was to have a nice talk with Caesar during her visits to him as they would be swarmed with reporters. She held onto Jotaro as they were rescued. The child did not leave her nephew's side the entire time. "Hey, (y/n). You killed that man. What did you do exactly?," Jotaro asked. The girl looked up at him then to the surrounding area, "I ate him. Absorbed all the parts I like. My abilities as a pillar allow me to invade flesh and do what I please with it. I have the capacity it mend small wounds with this ability, yet I have never tried that. Wamuu was able link a whole squadron of German soldiers together by their hands."
The girl's chuckles after recounting that was a bit creepy. Jotaro let the girl stay on his shoulder as they walked around Hong Kong. (Y/n) looked around the area, her horns were searching for potential enemies. She watched as her adopted father went to a payphone to get a boat charter. Jotaro, (y/n), Kakyoin and Avdol were left to stand next to a vendor to wait for him to finish. The plum haired child looked to the vendor's food he had in the stand he was running. The man looked a little enthusiastic to see that the girl was looking at the food he had for sale.
The vendor offered her and Jotaro some rice pudding to buy. Kakyoin mentioned that rice pudding was a specialty in Hong Kong as it was a staple food. He looked at the selection that the vendor was offering. The red haired male asked the vendor for the popular rice pudding combination. Avdol got the idea that it would be a good time to eat after that and was going to order when Joseph walked over, telling them to stop ordering. He had already booked a spot for them at a friend's restaurant. (Y/n) hopped down from her nephew's shoulder and held Kakyoin's hand as Joseph ranted after the vendor tried to sell him a hot cola drink. The plum haired girl knew that he preferred his sodas cold.
Joseph turned to the group and told them that they were going to plan put their next step at the restaurant. They needed a plan to get to Egypt. "I agree mister Joestar.," Avdol spoke, "We cannot allow civilians to be hurt. The quickest way to Egypt would be by plane but that is out of the question now." "Civilians will always be in the crossfire.," the voice of the child spoke up, "Be it any encounters we have or in wars that will be in the future. Civilians are always going to be present, they will always be in danger if fighting is in populated areas."
Joseph led the group to a high class restaurant. It seemed nice enough. (Y/n) could do with more calories as she was a growing pillar. She sat between Joseph and Avdol, the child had to have some cushions placed on the chair for her to even reach the table with how small she was. Their conversations were on how they were going to get to Egypt. The girl knew that once they hit mainland, she could get to Egypt fairly quickly by her own power. She might even be able to kill and eat Dio if she did. But, she would have to worry about the stand that Dio had and his followers if she did run off on her own. She could call Caesar for help, but that would put Caesar in more trouble than he needed at his age.
The child sighed and took another sip of her tea as she read the menu. It took a little bit of time, but she was ale to learn to read the characters on the paper quickly. She saw thar Joseph had pulled out a map and was showing the others of a safe route he thought of. The child sighed and drank more tea, her cup was empty and she put it on the table.
"I could get there really quick if you let me go at night.," (y/n) spoke, "You know how we are, Jojo. We move best at night, father was able to travel from Switzerland to Italy and back in just an hour."
"You're not at the same level your father was. I don't doubt that you can make it to Egypt in a night or two, I just worry about how you are going to protect yourself.," Joseph said as he looked at the map again and explained a course to the others while the little girl looked around. She was disinterested in the conversation. She saw a man on the table near them. He was big and muscular with a head of long silvery hair that was stacked up into a cylinder. His blue eyes met right with the girl's red ones. She had her cloak on to cover her horns. The girl watched him get up and walk over. He gave her a smile, "Bonjour. I'm a tourist from France and am having a hard time reading what is on the menu. Could one of you help me?"
(Y/n) could feel strong stand energy from him. He was a stand user. He had a black tube top on that barely covered his pectorals, a strap held it up. His earrings looked like broken hearts. His energy did not feel violent. Yet there was something definitely wrong about him.
Jotaro told the French man to get lost and that he was annoying. Joseph was a lot more hospitable and offered to help him choose what to order. The Frenchman was sat next to (y/n). She was able to smell a sweet scent on him. It was sickeningly sweet and very familiar. The sweetness made her feel oddly at ease. Her mind still had that stupid conditioning on it after being raised with the man that had turned monster. This Frenchman. This man who had a good stand. This man who had a gentle soul. He was being controlled by Dio.
(Y/n) looked to Jotaro, she motioned to her horns then to the man beside her before pointing to her scalp. She hoped that Jotaro would get the message. Joseph had ordered food as this went down. While the food was being prepared, Joseph talked to the Frenchman about different topics. The girl felt the Frenchman pat her head once. She could have taken his hand off.... but she decided not to.
The food was finally brought to the table and it was not what anyone expected. It was completely different than what they ordered. But they all dug in anyway. It was a delicious meal. Very well prepared too.
The silver haired man picked up a carrot that was shaped like a star and held it up to his neck.
"This is the same shape of birthmark that my friend has."
Within the shadows of a manor in Egypt, a blond man sat in splendor with a book in his hand. Although his eyes were on the pages, his mind was in the past. Set on a day that happened one hundred years ago. And many days that happened prior to then. His eyes shifted to the photographs he had on the table beside him. Most of the photos contained pictures of a pair of men. An older and a younger. However, one held the image of a child too beautiful to be human. A plum haired child that had markings on her eye lids and below her eyes. Three horns sprouted from her head and from the mass of hair.
"I was too hasty in believing that you died. You are much greater than a human, of course you would survive that.," the man said with a voice that flowed like silk yet stung like a serpant, "But now you are making your way back to me, like you always do." A small string of chuckles left the man's throat as he picked up the picture.
"This will be amusing, Little sister."
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