The Room of Requirement

"Grab onto my arm."

The hogs head, i thought, the hogs head.


"Where are we?"

"The hogs head." I replied "Mr. Dumbledore?"

"Who is it?"

A tall man with the looks of Albus Dumbledore came walking around the corner with a tray of cookies.

"How'd you get in?" He asked


"Why are you here?"

"Dumbledore- your brother- assigned me a mission." Harry said

"The mission. Easy? Fast and quick to do? Dangerous?" Aberforth asked

"Well, no. But it has to be done." Harry argued

"Chances are my brother gave you something impossible to accomplish without getting killed. I suggest you go into hiding, live a peaceful life."

"I cam't just drop what i'm doing. It has to be done. I don't care what you think. I dont care that you've given up."

I sort of tuned out their conversation for a while, not even meaning to. I was looking around the hogs head. It was a bit less damper than back in fifth year, but the goats am giant boar's head still resided here.

"You know what to do." Aberforth said to a painting of a young girl in a blue dress.

Most people in paintings walk put of the frame, but the girl turned around and started walking down a dirt road.

"Where's she going?" Ron asked

"You'll see."

After about ten mineuts, a small dot appeared at the end of the dirt road, and gradually grew bigger. Only there wasn't only one dot, there were two.

"Why's there two-" Hermione stopped in mid-sentence as the portrait swung open, and there stood Neville Longbottom, bloody, scarred, and bruised.

"Harry! Guys! I knew you'd come back! Come on! Let's go see the others."

We climbed up the wall and into the portrait.

"Thank's Araina!" I said before the portrait swung closed.

"Neville! What happened to your face?" Hermione asked him

"They're teaching the crucuatus curse. We've had to practice on first-years. I refused. After i refused, they used the curse on me, got me pretty scratched up. This is nothing compared to some people, though."

"What's been going on?"

"The Carrows are hurting kids real bad. They're not suppost to, but Snape does nothing to stop it. Hogwarts isn't the same as it used to be." Neville shook his head sadly

"Neither are we, Neville." I said quietly "Neither are we."

"Here, stand behind me." Neville said as we reached the end of the long tunnel.

"Guys!" He yelled as he opened the door, his tall frame sheilding us "i have a surprise!"

"I it's more of Aberforth's cookin', no thanks!" An irish accent yelled back

Neville stepped aside, and the room gasped and gave us a standin/applaud ceremony.

Me being first from the portrait, then Harry, Ron, and last Hermione.


"Harry! Wooo!"

"Hermione! Ron!"

I ran forward and tackled Seamus in a hug before anything else.

"Thank you so much for the Rosebuds!" I said to him

"You heard the PotterWatch?"

"Hell yes, Piro." I said

"Okay, okay, let em breathe!" Neville yelled, backing people away from us "back off!"

"Send a message to Remus, tell em' Harry and Rose are back." Neville said to a small kid, who dashed off to a radio set.

"So." Neville said turning to us "What's going on?"

"We need your help." I announced, stepping beside Harry

"There's something in the castle. Something that will help is defeat You-Know-Who." Harry said

"What is it?" Neville asked

"A tiara of some sort." I said

"Where is it?"

"We dont know the exact location." Harry said "i realize that's not much to go on-"

"That's nothing." Seamus inturrupted him.

"Any ideas?" Harry asked

"Is there a house it corresponds to?" Someone asked from the back


"What about the common room?" Cho asked

"That would be too obvious for him to place it there." I shook my head

The crowd broke up and went into hushed talking, leaving a few of us at the front.

"You know where it is? Dont you." Seamus turned to me curiously

"Not it's exact location." I covered

"Yes you do."

"Come here."

I grabbed his arm and dragged him to a lone corner in the room, turning so my back was to the wall, and he stood infront of me.

"How do you know?" I asked him seirously "Only a few people are suppost to know."

He reached for his sleeve and i immideatly tried to back up, thinkin the worse.

"See this?" He pointed to a long, and large, scar all up his arm "I was snooping in Snape's office. The Carrow's caught me. I got this, and about an hour's worth of the Cruciatus Curse."

"Oh my god...i'm so sorry." I replied

"That's how i know. I was listening i on one of Snape's conversations."

"Okay then. Yes, i do know it's exact location. But i couldn't tell everyone that, they'd suspect something, rumors would float around, and we'd get caught." I explained

"That's why i didn't say anything either." He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down "Rose...i've always-"

"Rose! We have a plan- was i inturrupting something?" Harry asked as he walked over

"No. I dont think so. What's the plan?"


I stood beside Seamus in the large crowd of lined up students walking down the corridors. Harry was somewhere with Ginny, procedding the same way i was.

"Are you nervous?" Seamus whispered

"A little." I whispered back

"Don't be." He grabbed my hand as we turned the corridor and were directed into the Great Hall.

Soon, all the students were gathered, standing, in the Great Hall, Snape standing in the front where Dumbledore gave speeches.

"Many of you are surely wondering why i have summoned you at this hour." Snape drawled on "It's come to my attention, that eairlier this evening, Harry Potter was reported near Hogwarts."

He paused and the room murmured

"Now! Should anyone, student or staff, Attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manor consistant with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty."

He paused again

"Now then, if anyone here, ha any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening, i invite them to step forward."


The hall was silent for a few seconds, and Seamus squeezed my hand before i walked out the same time as Harry.

Harry spoke first. "It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies,"

"You seem to have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." I finished.

The door to the Great Hall opened, amd in stepped the remaining Order members along with a few friends.

"I'm afraid it's quite extensive." I said

"How dare you stand where he stood." Harry said to Snape furiously "Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!" Harry yelled

Before McGonnagal could step forward i pushed Harry aside as Snape drew his wand, and i drew my own.

Snape lowered his for a second, debating, before raising it again.

I shot a large screen of fire at him, whic he blocked. And another, and another, him backing up.

Professor McGonnigal aimed the last one at him and watched him fly out of the great hall.

"COWARD!" She yelled after him. With a wave of her wand, the lights in the Great Hall sparked a magnificent red/orange glow.

"I hope you have a good reason for coming back, Mr. And Mrs. Potter." McGonnigal spoke to us as we took our robes off and flung them to the side.

"We need time. As much as you can get us."

The lights flickered, and a girl screamed

"Give me Harry Potter and you shall live....Give me Harry and Rose Potter and you shall have glory...I will kill every man, woman, and child that tries to conceal you. Every drop of magical blood will be spilled...A waste...Give me Harry and Rose Potter..."

The voice and screaming ceased, and the lights were back to normal.

"What are you waiting for! Someone grab them!" Pansy Parkinson yelled, pointing at Harry and i.

Ginny came from the crowd and stood infront of us, then Seamus, then almost the entire room.

"Students! Students out of bed!" Filch yelled, running in the room.

"They are suppost to be out of bed, you blithering idiot." McGonnigal said to him.

"Oh." He grunted

"Your timing is quite good, Argus. Will you please escort Mrs. Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house away?"

"Where to?"

"The dungeons will do."

The room erupted in cheers as the Slytherins were taken away.

"I will do the best in my power, Mr. Potter. Go and do what you must."

"Thank you Professor."

We walked to the back of the Hall, and met up with the Order.

"It's great to see you all." I said to them "And thanks for the PotterWatch."

"But now we need help. Professor Mcgonnigal will tell you what to do." Harry said

"Fred." I walked over to Fred "Whatever you do, do not go to the fifth floor corridor. Don't even go near it! Dont think about it! I don't want you getting killed while i'm gone." I told him


"I swear to Godrick, Fred, if you don't listen to me you will regret it from all ends! Percy, Ron, make sure he doesn't go near the area."

"Yes ma'am." Percy said

"I am no ma'am, sir. My name is Rose, not ma'am."

"Yes ma- Rose."

"Good. Harry, come on."

"We'll high-tail it to the Room of Requiremet."

That's what we did. Wand's in hand, we ran to the Room of Requirement.

"Think about it."

We need to save people's lives...Keep him from killin more people!

"It's open."

"Look for that cabinet you saw in sixth year, there wa a diadem on top of the marble bust on top of the cabinet!" I said to him, taking off in one direction, him in the other.

I couldn't find it.

"You have something of mine. I'd like it back."

Oh Hippogriff Snot.

"You didn't sell us out. Why not?"


"Harry, come on. Give it to me."

He reluctantly handed me Draco's wand, wich i took and walked across the room with.

"Here. Take it. We don't need it."


I gasped as the spell hit me.

"Goyle! You idiot! Stop it!" Blaise and Draco said to him

"No! No! Let her suffer!"

Fight it! Fight it! Come on, Rose, fight!

"Don't....." I gasped again "You...vile, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" I yelled, standing up.

"You broke my concentration!" Goyle yelled, running off and yelling some spell.

"Get those brooms, now." I said to Harry, pocketing the diadem.


"Go! The fire! He's set the place on fire!"


We zoomed into the air, Harry following me.

"We have to get them!"

"If we die for them, i'll kill you!" Harry yelled as we turned around.

He had glasses to protect his eyes, i had nothing. Well, crap.

"To the door! To the door!" Draco yelled when Harry slung him on his broom

"Sorry about Goyle!" Blaise apoligized

"I'm glad there's one nice Slytherin!" I said back.


We all landed in seperate places, plummeting face forward onto the concrete of the castle.


Hermiome came up behind us and threw a fang, wich Harry caught and stabbed the diadem with. It screamed and Rom punt-kicked it into the fire, wich made the door dissapear.

"There's only two Horcruxes left, guys."

"Harry...the sword is gone."

"It's not. Don't worry about it, okay? We need to go."

"Where to?"

"See if you can find the snake. Be careful." I said

"Where are you going?" Ron asked me

"To save some people. And if i die, i'm taking as many Death Eaters as i can with me." I replied before taking off in a run towards the enterance courtyard, where Tonks and Remus would be.

I would save Snape, too, before the final battle between Harry and Voldemort.

"Have you seen Luna?" Neville asked as i slowed down to catch my breath

"Last time i saw her was when we first arrived. Why?"

"I'm gonna tell her i'm mad about her since i'll probably die before tonight's over!"

He then legged it out of where i was.

Strange. Cute, but strange. I hope he finds Luna.

"So your actually giving up permission to do this?"

"Yes, i am."

"To blow it up? Boom!"

"Boom!" McGonnigal said

"I don't know if i could do that..."

"Ask Mr. Finnegan, as i recall he seems to have a knack for pyrotechnics." She replied

"I can blow it up!"

"That's the spirit!"


"He's going to try and kill you either way, Professor Flitwick, and his name is Voldemort!" Mcgonnigal said to him, before turning around.

"Step aside Mrs. Weasley. Pierototum Locomotor!"

"Hogwarts is threatened! Do your duty! Protect your school!" She paused "I've always wanted to use that spell."

I giggled before running to catch ip with Seamus and Dean before the battle starts.

"Hey Rose!"

"Nice to see you again, Dean." I replied "Getting ready to blow some things up?"

"Yeah. Seamus rigged something up."

"This is awesome!" Seamus fist-pumped


"A bit, yeah."

"Oh no...look."

The sheild was already beginning to break above us, ashes were floating down from it.

"Go on Dean, i'l be there in a second."

"Alright, Seamus. Bye, Rose!"

"Bye Dean."

"Okay, i was going to tell you in the common room before, but you had to go, so i didn' have a chance to tell you, but i really wanted to, and-"

"Your rambling, Seamus." I laughed a bit

"Oh. Sorry. I'll say it like i was going to eairlier. I've always-"


We bothe turned around in time to see the bridge explode, and hundreds of people go down with it. The courtyard flooded with huge spiders, mountain trolls, Death Eaters, alot of things.

"Since i'm probably going to die tonight, i want you to know..."

"Expecto Patronum!"

A fox bursted from the tip of my wand and ran everywhere, making dementors flee. Hundreds must have been driven off at my spell.

"Your patronus is a fox?" Seamus asked


"Mine is a fox."

No way.


"Yeah. I'll show you later." He paused

"I'm so sorry, i have to go. Be safe!"

I ran off towards the back where Remus amd Tonks should be.

"Oh hell no!" I yelled firing at the Death Eaters from behind. They dropped to the ground, bleeding.

"Remus! Tonks! Your okay!"

"You got here just in time, Rose. Thank you." Tonks said

"Stay in the castle, it's safer! I couldn't let you get killed. I love you guys!"

I wonder what Seamus had to say...?


Yes, his patronus really is a fox, look it up.

Sorry if it's short,but we're nearing the epic finale!

Never fear, the rosebuds are here!

Next chapter hopefully tomorrow.

Keep calm and punt a Horcrux


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