(Vol. 6) Chapter 52: Discover The Forgotten Past
-Narrator's P.O.V.-
(Let's see here...
So that's why...
...Heh heh...Now i get it...
Very well, dear author.
It would seem to appear that i am no longer needed from this day onward.
If i may, i thank you readers to support the author, even due to his inconsistency of littering, he still appreciate your loving to this story so far...
Although, it saddens me to leave after having a long journey with you all...
But fear not, Dear Readers...
I will never stop my dedication on narrating books like this one.
I bid farewell to you all...
This is your dearest Narrator, signing out.)
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Snowy Forest-
-Late Noon-
Yang: Salem can't be killed... you all heard her too, right?
Qrow: So he was telling the truth back at Mistral about her...
Ruby: Professor...
(Ozpin looks up at her)
Ruby: ...What is your plan to defeat Salem?
Ozpin: From what Mister L/N told us, if i have no power to defeat Salem, then somebody must do that job and try to seal her...
Weiss: *crosses her arms* Does that mean we either make something like the Vault from Mistral...
Y/N: *off screen* Or throwing an ultimatum to get Ozpin free from the curse as well.
(Everyone looks to Y/N)
Y/N: Jinn showed us four relics, Right. *counts his four fingers* Creation, Knowledge, Choice and Destruction.
Qrow: From what we saw they were a staff, a lamp, a sword and a crown.
Yang: What are you getting at, Strikes?
Y/N: If we get the staff, we can ask the spirit to create something that can help us sealing Salem. It doesn't have to be like the Vault from Mistral...
Blake: *surprised* That's...not a bad idea...
Ruby: It is absolutely genius!!!
Weiss: But we heard that Ozpin can't stop her.
Y/N: It doesn't have to be him.
Qrow: ...Kid, what you're saying is.
(Y/N nods)
Y/N: One of us can think what kind of seal we can trap Salem inside and be the only one who can release her.
(Everyone is sharing a collective shocked expressions from the massive secret getting solved...
Ozpin was in disbelief to not think outside of his job sent by the God of Light, he kept staring at Y/N as if his idea was a blessing sent by Oum himself...
Neo simply grins proudly at Y/N as she knows how smart Y/N can be from time to time.)
Yang: You know what, that's an amazing idea!
Qrow: ...To think no one wanted me from the start, my semblance was a curse because of that...But after meeting Ozpin...
(Qrow gives a genuine smile)
Qrow: ...It might be the best luck i've ever got...
(Ruby quickly tackles Y/N into the snow as she was hugging her boyfriend with pure happiness and joy from his idea...
Weiss shortly follow after and hugs them both, making the group laugh at the scene.)
Ruby: You're such a genius, N/N!
Weiss: I honestly didn't expect that!
(Y/N just smiled and hugged them both before he gets up from the snow.)
Maria: Alright, alright! As much as we love to see that adorable moment, but. We need to get move on. It'll be dark before we know it! *points at the trail with her cane* There's a trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere.
Yang: Lady, I don't know who you think you are but--
Maria: *slamming her cane* No buts! I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanity's second time around. But, if we don't move, we die. And I'll be damned if I've lived this long just to die out here in the cold!
Ruby: She's right. Come on.
(Everyone grabs their belongings and whatever Dust they can carry with them. Maria sits on Bumblebee as Yang walks her bike...
Y/N recalls his summon and copies Weiss's semblance to summon a pack of 6 Beowolves.)
Qrow: *impressed* Are those for us?
Y/N: Pick one and let's follow the trail.
Maria: Did you go through 3rd grade? There are 6 of those dogs and we're 9 in total!
(Y/N activates his semblance and begins to form into an Alpha Beowulf with his mask is also formed into a Beowulf mask...
Ruby immediately hops onto his back while squealing in pure joy while Weiss holds onto her team leader, obviously nervous of the chance to fall off...
Blake and Neo also hops on one of the beowolves, to her surprise she was quite comfortable...
Qrow and Oscar hop on one single beowolf with the huntsman in the front while the former farmer boy behind...
The rest of the beowolves circle around Yang and Maria to provide support and protection from possible Grimm.)
Yang: You know, Y/N? *smirking at him* You are so overpowered with your semblance.
Y/N: I heard that so many times...
(After laughing for a brief moment, the group begin to follow the trail, hoping to lead them somewhere to crash for the night.)
-Scene Change-
-Grimm World-
(In the Land of Darkness, five Nevermores are perched on a rocky outcropping with large purple crystals. They fly away when an airship flies by them heading towards a large purple structure in the distance...
The airship lowers down to an outcropping that serves as a dock, and Hazel Rainart, Mercury Black, and Emerald Sustrai hop out. As they proceed forward, they notice Doctor Watts standing at the bottom of the stairs.)
Watts: Welcome back, you three.
(Watts takes a good look at the trio.)
Watts: Cinder?
Hazel: ...Let's go.
(The three proceed forward past Watts and proceed to walk up the stairs, shortly Watts follows behind...
In the meeting room, Salem opens her eyes and glares at her subordinates. Watts is seen walking toward his seat, fearfully sitting at the table while Hazel, Emerald and Mercury are kneeling at the other end of the room.)
Salem: I would like you to explain to me... how it is you failed so spectacularly?
Hazel: The Faunus Militia split our forces--
Salem: Stop.
(Hazel remains silent with a fearful expression on his face.)
Salem: Let me rephrase the question - who is responsible for your defeat?
(Emerald and Mercury stay kneeling as Hazel stands up to give his answer. Salem listens intently.)
Hazel: I take full responsibility.
(Suddenly, Salem flips the table over, making Watts hastily stands up from his seat as he backs away.)
Salem: *angered* But that wouldn't be fair now, would it?! We all know who's truly to blame...
(Salem walks forward and menacingly holds her hand out in front of her.)
Hazel: I don't--
(Salem motions her hand, and a glyph with her symbol appears underneath Hazel. Multiple Grimm arms come out from it and grab Hazel, forcing him down on all fours and suffocating him.)
Salem: Emerald...
(Salem looks over to Emerald, who is still staring down with a fearful expression.)
Salem: I want you to tell me whose fault this was.
(Salem slowly walks over to Emerald as she breathes heavily.)
Salem: Now.
Emerald: *closing her eyes in fear* Cinder! We failed because of Cinder...
Salem: That's right. *placing a hand on Emerald's shoulder, causing her to flinch* I want you to understand that failure. I want you to understand why Cinder must be left to toil in her isolation until she redeems herself.
Mercury: You mean--
Emerald: She's alive?
Watts: You're joking, how could you know that?
(Salem looks over to Watts and glares at him.)
Watts: *reels back* I... *chuckles nervously* F-Forgive me for doubting you, your highness...
(Salem proceeds to address her subordinates.)
Salem: It's important not to lose sight of what drives us: Love, justice, reverence... *she meets Emerald's eyes briefly* ...But, the moment you put your desires before my own... they will be lost to you.
(Salem releases Hazel from her grasp and walks back to the other side of the room. Hazel catches his breath.)
Salem: This isn't a threat. This is simply the truth. The path to your desires is only found... through me. *turns her head to glare back at them*
(Hazel stands back up and Watts straightens his coat. Salem glances outside, where several Nevermores are flying, before looking down and closing her eyes.
Salem: And so we must... press on. *turns around to face her subjects* The Sword under Vacuo's academy, Shade--
Hazel: Ma'am. *everyone looks at him* I have... more to report.
(Salem's eyes narrow, and she spreads her hands, causing the Grimm arms to appear around Hazel's feet again. Hazel looks down at them nervously before explaining himself.)
Hazel: Qrow and the children are taking the Lamp to Atlas...And they're being led... By Ozpin...
Mercury: *shocked* So soon?!
Watts: Besides Leonardo redeeming himself back at Haven, he's the only man with a chance of getting through to Ironwood. If that happens...
(Watts suddenly stops as he and everyone else notice the windows cracking. They then look at Salem, and dark smoke emanates from her.)
Salem: *furious* Leave...
(Emerald looks on in fear before Hazel puts a hand on her shoulder.)
Hazel: Come on.
(Everyone quickly proceeds to exit the room as the windows start to crack even more. Emerald takes one last look behind her as the doors close...
Salem, left alone, seethes with anger before calming herself down. Everything is seemingly quiet, but then all of a sudden, Salem yells out in rage and the windows shatter violently.)
-Scene Change-
-Snowy Forest-
(Back in the snow, Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar and Maria proceed on the trail. The snow starts to pick up even more.)
Qrow: *sighs* Doesn't look like this is gonna let up.
Blake: Just wanna find a place to warm from this damn cold...
Weiss: Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there.
Yang: *to Maria, sarcastically* I thought trails led somewhere.
Maria: Do you have nothing better to do than to harass a defenseless old lady?
Y/N: Keep being sassy and i'll shove my boot up in your--
Ruby: Everyone, quiet. Do you hear that?
(Everyone stops in their tracks. A metallic squeaking can be heard. A large farm can be seen, one of the front gates swings back and forth with the wind...
A large sign above the entrance reads "BRUNSWICK FARMS". Everyone arrives at the gate.)
Blake: Well, another one good thing happened today.
Y/N: *feels the air getting colder* Storm inbound.
(A snow storm appears at Brunswick Farms, making visibility nigh difficult. A wind howling is heard.)
Ruby: *sighs* I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks... fine.
(Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar, Y/N, Neo, and Maria arrive at the porch of a residence. Weiss is shivering as she wraps her arms around her to keep herself warm.)
Weiss: Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?
(Qrow tries to open the door, only to notice it was locked.)
Qrow: Tsk...Locked.
Y/N: I got it.
(Qrow steps aside and Y/N kicks the door open, everyone proceeds forward with their weapons drawn. They cautiously look around the place.)
Maria: Close the door already! It's cold enough in here as it is.
(Maria walks into the house. Afterwards, Blake and Oscar push a nearby drawer to block the door.)
Blake: I saw a chimney from the outside. Maybe we could get a fire going?
Weiss: Please. I'll look for some blankets.
Qrow: Yang, go with her.
(Ruby lingers by the entrance hall for the bit while the others look around. Oscar can be heard opening a door.)
Oscar: Looks like a study. Or, a library?
Ozpin: *mentally* It seems to be like a corner where you read books.
(Ruby walks forward to notice a group of pictures on the wall of the family that owns Brunswick Farms. Blake walks up next to her.)
Blake: What do you think?
Ruby: Something doesn't feel right.
Blake: Let's look for some--
(Suddenly, a high-pitched scream is heard.)
Ruby: Weiss!
(Ruby and Blake head up the stairs and run into the room Yang and Weiss were in. Qrow, Neo and Y/N also arrives. They look on the bed to see a pair of decomposing corpses...)
-Scene Change-
Cinder: Do you have my information?
(Cinder meets with Lil' Miss Malachite at her tavern.)
Lil' Miss: Of course I do, darling. Lil' Miss always delivers. Although, I can't promise you'll be pleased.
(Cinder glares at her.)
Lil' Miss: Word is they were seen boarding the Argus Limited a few weeks back. While that isn't exactly far from here, Argus is rarely a destination for folks. Chances are they'll be going straight to--
Cinder: Atlas.
(Cinder walks away while Lil' Miss smiles at her intuitiveness.)
Lil' Miss: You know, you turned out to be quite the interesting customer... Cinder.
(Cinder stops in her tracks upon hearing her name. She turns around to face Lil' Miss again.)
Lil' Miss: It's not often a single client brings me double the business. *taps her cigarette holder into an ashtray*
(Footsteps can be heard behind Cinder, she turns around to see who it is.)
Cinder: Wait...
(Cinder quickly dodges a sword-chainsaw bladed weapon before standing back up to see who just attacked...
The former White Fang Lieutenant was the one who tried to kill Cinder just now...
He then hangs his shield on his back and points his chainsaw-sword weapon toward the Fall Maiden.)
Lil' Miss: *smirks* Nothing personal, darling.
(Cinder growls at the two.)
Cinder: Sienna hired you, didn't she?
W.F.S.: Thanks to our loss, i've got demoted and lost everything! Adam was foolish to trust you...Now i'll make sure to redeem myself!
Lil' Miss: Uh-uh. Not so fast, big boy. *He looks at Lil' Miss* If you two want to fight, do it outside the tavern! I do love a dinner, a show and all. But i still have standards here.
(Taking the gangster's advice, Cinder and the now White Fang Sergeant went out of the tavern before the latter closes the door...
They then take immediate distance as they both take their defense stance.)
Cinder: ...tsk, you think you can take me down?
W.F.S.: I'm aware of your power...If i have to die trying to stop you. *raises his chainsaw-sword* Then it'll be perfect for my redemption.
(The two of them have a stand-off before the fight begins to take place right outside the tavern.)
A/N: Blonde-W.F.S. Ikki-Cinder
Ignore the dialogue. And yes, the chainsaw-sword has the whip function.
(After the intense fight, the Sergeant falls on the ground with a slash wound on his chest, bleeding from it as he drops his sword on the floor...
Cinder, being overconfident about her "kill" with her Maiden's power, dissolves her sword and starts walking away to find a way to get to Atlas.)
-Scene Change-
-Brunswick Farm-
(A fire is burning in the fireplace. Weiss watches it, still shaken from what she saw earlier...
Blake wraps a blanket around Weiss before sitting on the couch Yang is on...
The group hears the door open and close, Y/N and Qrow walk back in brushing snow off themselves.)
Y/N: It's the same in every house.
Yang: What?
Qrow: Bodies. Every bed in every home. It's like the whole estate just went to sleep and never woke up.
Weiss: Then we're not staying here, right?
Qrow: *walks over to the fireplace to warm up* We don't have a choice. Storm outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it anywhere.
Maria: Well, might as well get comfortable. *walks over to a bookshelf*
Yang: Yeah, fat chance.
Ruby: Okay, then, let's do something. If this place wasn't abanodoned it might still have supplies we could use.
Oscar: Hey, yeah. Maybe even a car.
Qrow: I'll do another sweep of the grounds. No one else goes anywhere alone.
Y/N: Neo!
(Neo peeks her head out from the kitchen doorframe.)
Y/N: Go with Qrow.
Qrow: Kid, i can handle my-
Y/N: Last thing we want is dying out here due to the blizzard, Qrow.
(Qrow is surprised by his quick counter response, he quickly recovers it and nods his head.)
Qrow: Yeah...Good thinking as always.
Blake: Yang and I can search the other buildings for vehicles.
Yang: *annoyed* Fine, whatever gets me out of this house.
(Yang and Blake leave, with Ruby moving the drawer to let them exit. Afterwards, Ruby looks over to see Weiss at the doorway to the living room with a melancholic look on her face.)
Ruby: Food always makes me feel better. *chuckles nervously* Just saying.
Weiss: Right...
(Ruby and Weiss leave the room, leaving Oscar and Maria alone together.)
Maria: I'll tell you what. You keep that fire fed... *finds a book with an "I" on the cover* ... and I'll find us a story to read before bed.
(Maria sits back down on the couch and begins reading while Oscar sighs.)
Oscar: This is going to be a long night...
Ozpin: *mentally* Indeed, Oscar...
(Outside, Blake and Yang walk through the snowstorm toward a nearby shed. They enter it and find rows of shelves full of supplies on it and a tractor.)
Blake: *looking at the tractor* Something tells me that's not street legal.
(The two of them continue walking through the shed.)
Yang: What do you think happened here?
Blake: There's that well in the square. Maybe water contamination?
Yang: Yeah, maybe.
(Yang stops and puts a hand on her forehead.)
Blake: Hey, are you okay?
Yang: Yeah... I mean, no. But, I don't know. I'm just tired.
Blake: Yeah.
(Yang continues walking forward.)
Yang: Hey, I found something.
(Yang sees a flatbed trailer next to a window. Through the window, Yang sees a figure of Adam Taurus unsheathing his sword. Yang gasps and reels back. Blake runs up to her.)
Blake: What is it?
Yang: I...
(Yang looks back outside and sees a tree in the place where Adam stood.)
Yang: *sighs* I was just seeing things. I'm sorry. I still get flashes from that night.
(Blake sees Yang's flesh hand shaking uncontrollably before she composes herself.)
Yang: Do you think Adam's still out there?
Blake: I don't know. If he went back to the Red Claw there would have been serious consequences. But, he never really liked people telling him what to do. Adam's strong, but his real power comes from control. He used to get in my head, make me feel small. But now I see he just wanted to pull me down to his size.
(The both of them look at Yang's prosthetic hand.)
Blake: *grasping Yang's hand* Hey, I'm not leaving. And if we ever see him again, I promise I'll be there.
(The two share a smile.)
Blake: And I'll protect you.
Y/N: Cheesy move, Blake.
(Yang and Blake turn their head and see Y/N standing with his arms crossed over his chest...
What surprise them the most is that he's now without his mask, revealing his face and his new white colored eyes and hair.)
Y/N: Any luck?
Yang: *quickly recovers and points at the flatbed behind her* Just that flatbed. Nothing much.
Blake: We can hook that up to your bike so no one has to walk through this cold again.
Yang: *nods at her* Good call, Blake.
Y/N: We'll leave once the sun goes up. Once we hop on the flatbed, we go to Argus.
(Once the plan was settled down, Y/N hears something from the forest as Blake also notices the sound.)
Yang: What's wrong guys?
Blake: *sternly* Grimm...
(Y/N walks through the gap in-between the two and pulls his sword off from his back before turning into its rifle form...
An Ursa appears from the forest as it lets out a roar to try scaring them off...
Before anyone could do anything, Y/N switches the round from ice dust to fire dust and pulls the trigger...
The flaming projectile hits straight to the Ursa's face, making its head burning from the impact but it slowly begins to freeze due to the cold...
After a few seconds, the Grimm falls on the ground as its head shatters into multiple ice pieces on the snow.)
Yang: *whistles impressively* Good one, Strikes.
Blake: I guess we don't have to worry about anything, as long as we have Y/N. *to Yang* Right?
Yang: *smiles* Yup.
(The two of them smile at each other and continue their walk toward the flatbed...
Y/N copies and combines Weiss and Blake's semblances to summon two golem, one being white and red while the other is blackish red...
Both were tanked and carry the two handed axe on their hands...
Y/N's Aura begins to flicker from one color to another as he also copies Jaune's semblance to loop his Aura's regeneration.)
Y/N: Defend this place. Any grimm on sight, kill them.
(His summons nod their heads and begin to walk around the farm to protect the place from any grimm...
Back inside, Ruby uses her scroll's flashlight to look around. She finds alcholic bottles on the shelves...
Weiss uses Myrtenaster to send small flames to light up the candles in the room.)
Weiss: There.
(The two look around the room. Shelves are full of alcoholic bottles and a bar is seen as well.)
Ruby: On second thought, maybe we should keep this room closed.
Weiss: Huh?
Ruby: Uhm...My uncle is a bit of alcoholic, so...
Weiss: Oh.
Ruby: Yeah...But hey! We'll never get to Atlas with empty stomach!
(Ruby walks forward, though Weiss lingers and sadly looks down. Ruby then opens up another door.)
Weiss: Ruby? Are we really still going to Atlas?
Ruby: Why wouldn't we be?
Weiss: I mean... you heard what Jinn said. If there's no way to kill Salem, then what's the point in all of this?
Ruby: Weiss, you can't be serious.
Weiss: *sighs* Sorry, I- I don't know what I'm saying, I'm just really tired and I really, really hate this place...
(She walks up to enter the room with Ruby)
Weiss: Anything in there?
Ruby: *annoyed* More alcohol... At least we'll never have problems starting a fire.
Weiss: What's that?
(The two notice a large, metal cellar door in the ground. Its handles are chained together.)
Weiss: A wine cellar? Great.
(Ruby then looks up to her left and lets out a yelp before zooming over.)
Weiss: What? What is it?
Ruby: Food!
(Ruby holds out a can that says "THREE BROS. BEANS: SHRIMP FLAVORED, EXTRA SODIUM".)
Weiss: *incredulous* Canned food?
Ruby: Oh trust me, you put enough salt on anything, and it will taste juuust fine.
Weiss: Well, i guess it's better than nothing.
(The two share a smile. Weiss walks over and helps Ruby grab a few cans of food.)
Weiss: But I still seriously hate this place...
Ozpin: Miss Rose, Miss Schnee.
(They turn their heads and see Ozpin.)
Ruby: *smiles* Hi Professor! Look! *shows her canned food* We found food!
Ozpin: *smiles at them* Good job, girls. I'm sure those canned food are enough for the night.
Weiss: There are plenty of those, so...i'd say we can survive-- *realizes what he said* Wait. Only for tonight?
Ozpin: Mister L/N, Miss Belladonna and Xiao Long just came back and told me about the flatbed being usable to hook it up to the motorcycle.
(Ruby and Weiss smile at the news)
Ruby: Woohoo!!! Our luck sure is on our side!
Weiss: That's true. I guess that's what happens when we trust each other, right?
Ozpin: *smiles genuinely* Indeed, Miss Schnee...
(Ozpin then frowns before looking out of the window...
The two notice his change of expression.)
Ruby: Professor? Are you alright?
Ozpin: *sighs sadly* ...I'm fine, Miss Rose...I was just thinking if we can really believe that Salem can be stopped...
(The both of them become shock by his sudden change.)
Weiss: P-Professor?
Ozpin: For years of reincarnation...i've been doing everything i could to find a way to stop her...but nothing seem to work and i've thought i lost hope...
Ruby: ...What brought you back hope?
(Ozpin looks back at Ruby and gives her a faint smile.)
Ozpin: Let's say...A certain knight brought me hope.
(Ruby and Weiss immediately knew what he meant and they also smile at this.)
Weiss: Y/N sure knows what he's doing.
Ruby: *giggles* True! Now, let's make dinner!
Ozpin: I leave you all to handle everything for the meantime.
(Ozpin's eyes begins to glow as Oscar takes his own body back.)
Oscar: I'll make the table!
(The three then walk out of the room. Unbeknownst to them, the metal cellar door opens slightly, before shutting again with a startling bang...
Some time later, everyone were at the dining room to eat dinner, which it was surprisingly good despite being canned food...
Shortly after, Y/N suddenly makes an unexpected move and calls for the Spirit of Knowledge, Jinn, to summon her.)
Y/N: ...Jinn.
(Suddenly, the time stops itself once more as Jinn was seen coming out of the Lamp...
As she lands her eyes on the summoner, Jinn smiles at The Fallen Knight.)
Jinn: What knowledge do you seek, Fallen Knight?
Qrow: *shocked* Kid! What are you doing?!
Ozpin: Mister L/N. Be careful what you asking. Whatever your question will be, do not waste it.
Ruby: *worried* N/N?
(Y/N remains quiet.)
Blake: ...Is there something you want to show us?
Y/N: ...
Yang: Y/N?
Y/N: *to Jinn* Show them my past, how my adventure began.
(He then looks up at her with a serious expression, showing his half-lidded eyes to Jinn.)
Y/N: That way, i didn't ask for knowledge. *smirks at Jinn* I demanded you to show them my childhood.
(Jinn smiles at Y/N and out of nowhere, everyone find themselves in the white space...
He then stays still before he hears Jinn describing Y/N's past by showing multiple scenarios:
One scene shows Y/N and Weiss making a promise before the latter hugs him tightly, crying onto his shoulder.
Another scene appears where Y/N got left in the alley by his parents before it fast forwards when Qrow appears.
And final scenario shows Y/N standing at the top of a tower, looking down at Vale's street with pure menace as his eyes were dull.
Rewatching some of his past events with Team RWBY and Qrow make Maria, Oscar and Neo look in shock.)
Jinn: Y/N, also known as The Forgotten Knight, is a skilled and determined young man who was born in Atlas, one of the four kingdoms of Remnant. He was abandoned by his parents at the tender age of six, leaving him to fend for himself in a harsh and unforgiving world...
(A blue magical smoke begins to replicate the image, showing Y/N defending multiple faunus from discriminators with his old weapon: Musketeer.)
Jinn: Y/N's main motivation and goal in life is to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who have been wronged. His own experiences of being abandoned and left to survive on his own have made him determined to never let anyone else suffer the same fate...
(The blue magical smoke phases through the scene, changing another scenario where Y/N and Qrow were on adventure.)
Jinn: The most significant event in Y/N's life was when he was found by Qrow Branwen, a professional huntsman, at the age of six. Qrow took him under his wing and trained him in the ways of combat and survival. They traveled together for six years, facing dangerous missions and challenges...
(Next scene shows Y/N and Qrow saving Amber from Cinder and her goons, Emerald and Mercury.)
Jinn: Their last mission together was to save the Fall Maiden, Amber, from being killed by her assassins, Cinder, Emerald Sustrai, and Mercury Black. This mission proved to be the most difficult and dangerous one yet, but with Qrow's guidance and Y/N's determination, they were able to successfully save Amber and bring her to safety...
(Another scenario was shown after the blue smoke changes the background, revealing Qrow and Y/N walking side by side.)
Jinn: Y/N's closest relationship is with Qrow, who became a mentor and father figure to him during their time together. Despite their significant age difference, they formed a strong bond and became a formidable team...
(And then, the scene changes once again, this time it displays Y/N wearing a special designed Atlas Military uniform as he was working with 5 individuals.)
A/N: Yes. This is how Y/N looks (Except for the left.)
Jinn: He also formed friendships with other members of the Ace Ops, the Atlas Special Team, during his time there...
(Once again, the scene now changes where Y/N was in Vale saving faunus, destroying White Fang warehouses and helping the police to catch any small thieves and criminals.)
Jinn: Y/N's journey with Qrow and the Ace Ops helped him grow and mature into a skilled and capable warrior. He learned to trust his instincts and to never give up, no matter how difficult the situation may be...
(The scene changes once more as Y/N was flying down to Vale, wearing his white and red knight armor as General Ironwood and the Ace Ops watching him with a sad smile on their faces.)
Jinn: However, after serving as a member of the Ace Ops for five years, Y/N began to question the methods and motives of the organization and decided to leave...
(And finally, the last scenario shows Y/N attending at Beacon Academy, walking besides Team RWBY, JNPR, CVFY and his teammates: Neo, Melanie and Miltia Malachite)
Jinn: Becoming a vigilante known as The Forgotten Knight allowed Y/N to use his skills and training for a greater purpose. He no longer had to follow strict rules and could focus on helping those in need. This change also allowed him to reflect on his past and come to terms with his abandonment, using it as a driving force to protect and defend the innocent...
(After the description of Y/N's past, the whole group look around and notice they were back at the farm, still in the dining room where they've left...
Soon everyone looks to Y/N, whose simply takes his mask off and tosses it on the table.)
Y/N: Now you know...
Ruby: *shocked* N/N...
Oscar: You...got abandoned?
Ozpin: *mentally* His childhood was taken away...Such innocent soul must be protected from Salem's schemes...I am glad that i've found him before her.
Qrow: *touched* ...Damn, kid...You sure know how to keep surprising us, huh.
Blake: ...You were doing all of that ever since you were six?
(Weiss was tearing up after seeing how Y/N's childhood was, it was even worst than she ever thought...
Maria simply looks at Y/N with pity and empathy towards him, feeling bad for the knight to be alone such at young age...
As everyone kept looking to Y/N with different expressions, the screen slowly fades into pitch black, only sobbing sound was heard in the darkness.)
Had to use a generator cuz my lazy ass brain didn't want to cooperate.
Bye y'all!!!
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